Bali Mardan Das - Journey To The Pacific Rim
Bali Mardan Das - Journey To The Pacific Rim
Bali Mardan Das - Journey To The Pacific Rim
Introduction ----------------------------------------------------- ,■
Why Me?---------------------------------------------- — j
Los Angeles and Beyond... ---------------------- y
Land of the Rising Sun ------------------------------ 11
Down Under --------------------------------------------- 2-1
QBC, Fiji and New Vrindaban -------------------- yy
To Hong Kong------------------------------------------- yy
Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand ------------- y-i
Preparation for Prabhupada ----------------------- yy
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust-------------------------- yy
Prabhupada Arrives in Malaysia ---------------- y I
Prabhupada in Sydney------------------------------ yy
His Secretary in Calcutta------------------------ sy
“No Vaishnava thinks himself *1 am
very big man. ’ No! He is not Vaish
nava. Vaishnava means ‘trnadapi
sunicena taror api sahi$nuna\
This is Vaishnava. Even if he is
exalted more than anyone in this
world, still he thinks himself as
—Prabhupada lecture 2/18/76
Srila Prabhupada’s Disappearance Day
WHY m€?
and so, in the fall of 1969, I found myself boarding a
plane to Los Angeles to make final plans for this great
The cabin lights in the plane had been dimmed and the
drone of the engines was lulling me to sleep. Tomorrow
we would be arriving in a strange country, unable to
speak the language, and with very little money. Some-
how, we would try to serve our Spiritual Master and be
of some use in his mission to spread the mercy of Lord
LAND ©f1 TH£
in my mission. 2/22/70
For the service of Krishna you are already in the jail for a
few hours, so if possible try to put this movement as cul
tural instead of religion. Actually we are presenting the
culture of Bhagavad-Gita...So even though the local law is
prohibitive for chanting on the street, you can take
advantage of the educational institutions. We are not
concerned with any particular place or situation, but we
take the opportunity of chanting and speaking wherever it
is possible. 4/19/70
I am very glad to know where you are and how you are
proceeding on your program for opening new
centers...There is no question of new or strange places, as
you have written to say. This Hare Krishna Mantra is
understood in any parr of the world. Therefore rhe begin
ning should be chancing in any place and then people will
gather and a center will develop by the grace of Lord
Krishna.. .1 am very pleased with your sincere service atti
tude in pushing on our preaching work in these parts of the
world and, yes, Krishna will give you strength because He
is sitting in your heart and the more you try to serve Him,
He will give you more intelligence. 10/26/70
...I’m glad that you and Bali Mardan Prabhu have had a
chance to be together and have planned jointly one cen
ter in Hong Kong. That is what I wish to see from the
GBC members; that they work combinedly to open as
many centers as possible all over the world. 11/4/70
63 vest-
The plane stopped and the door was opened with passen
gers starting to descend the mobile stairway. Suddenly
there was a swirl of saffron cloth and His Divine Grace
was coming down the stairs. I offered my prosrated obeis-
sances on the hot black asphalt. When I arose and my
eyes met his, the joy of meeting melted my stone heart.
When I had last seen Srila Prabhupada in Los Angeles, I
had been overwhelmed with awe and reverence.
Through service, an intimacy with tinges of friendship
had developed. I did not deserve any of it and only want
ed to be his menial servant again, to be chastised for my
arrogance and ignorance. After accepting garlands, Srila
wives H z* ysf/* 7$
Our next adventure was to stop the car and have a tran
scendental picnic. We found a nice grassy spot shaded by
trees near a small stream. I spread a large cloth for Srila
Prabhupada to sit on and I proceeded to serve him from
the tiffen that we had brought along. He seemed to like
this arrangement very much. After washing up from the
stream, we carried on and reached our destination.
A nice apartment had been rented and for the few days
we would be there we followed a more normal schedule.
In the morning, walks along the cliffs near Bondi Beach,
then Bhagavatam class at the temple, and darshan and
interviews in the afternoon. In the evening, Srila Prabhu
pada was working on his books—the preface to Bhagavad-
Gita As It Is was completed on May 12,1971 in Sydney.