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CS900 Lab - Day 03

July 2st, 2003

Instructor: Thomas Hofmann

New Topics Covered

Arithmetic expressions – Lecture: Day 2, King: Chapter 4

Logical expressions and conditional statements – Lecture: Day 3, King: Chapter 5


Copy the following files from the directory /course/cs900/day03: isbn.c, calculator.c and adder.c.
You can do the following:

• Login using your login name and password

• Create a subdirectory day03 in your home directory by typing in shell:

mkdir day03
cd day03

• Copy over the files

cp /course/cs900/day03/*.c .

Problem 1 – ISBN Numbers

In your isbn.c file, write a program that checks the validity of ISBN numbers. Every published
book has an ISBN number, normally right above the barcode. Take a look at the back of your
textbook. The ISBN number is 0-393-96945-2. To avoid bad scans of ISBN numbers, the 10 digits
have the following property:

(10d1 + 9d2 + 8d3 + ... + 2d9 + d10) mod 11 = 0

Where d1 through d10 are the 10 digits of the ISBN. (In reality, this is a bit more complicated, since
the last digit may also be a ‘X”, but we simplify this here for our purposes.) Your program should
take in a 10- digit ISBN and determine whether or not the number is valid. Two sample runs are
shown below (user input is in italics):

Example 1:
Please enter an ISBN number (no dashes or spaces):
> 0393969452

Example 2:

Please enter an ISBN number (no dashes or spaces):

> 0393969451

Hint: You can use a generalization of the following placeholder semantics for scanf to read in a
single digit (into an int variable dig):


Compile using gcc -Wall -o isbn isbn.c. and run by typing isbn. Remember to fill in
the header and to properly comment your program.


Extend the program in the following way. The user enters a 10 digit number and specifies a
position where the digit has been corrupted. Correct the corrupted digit so that the resulting number
is a valid ISBN number and output the number.

Problem 2 - Simple Calculator

Write a program that simulates a simple calculator that functions as follows: You will prompt the
user to enter 2 numbers, one at a time. You will then ask the user to enter a number corresponding
to an operation, with a menu of possible inputs. Make sure you are able to accommodate non-
integral decimal operands and invalid user input. Here are 2 sample runs of the program:

Example 1:

Enter first number: 4.2

Enter second number: 5

Enter a 1 for +
2 for -
3 for *
4 for /

Entry: 1

The answer is 9.2.

Example 2:
Enter first number: 1
Enter second number: 3

Enter a 1 for +
2 for -
3 for *
4 for /

Entry: 5

Invalid operator. Exiting.

Hint: You could use if/else statements to do the decision making for this program. However, you
will have a cleaner program if you use a switch statement.

Implement your program in the calc.c file. To compile, use gcc -Wall -o calc calc.c,
and to run, type calc. Be sure to fill in the header and to properly comment your program.


Implement additional functionality that you consider useful.

Problem 3 – Full ADD ahead!

In class we have discussed the implementation of half and full bit adders using logical circuits.
Here we would like to simulate such circuits using C. We want you to write a program that consists
of two functions and a user interaction part to read in the arguments. The two functions will
implement a full adder by computing the sum bit and the carry bit. The integers encode Boolean
values (false and true) as numbers (0 and 1)

int fullAdderSum (int A, int B, int C);

int fullAdderCarry (int A, int B, int C);

Finally read two 4 bit numbers from the keyboard and compute their sum using the implemented
functions. A user interaction might look like this

First number: 1001

Second number: 1011
Carry bits: 1011-
Result : 10100

Implement your program in a file adder.c.


Read the lecture slides about the NAND function. NAND gates can be used to implement AND,
OR, and NOT gates. Implement a function NAND in C
int nand (int A, int B);

and use this function to implement functions fullAdderSum and fullAdderCarry

without using any additional Boolean operators.

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