Report Sem 1 2023
Report Sem 1 2023
Report Sem 1 2023
All students receive an A to E grade for each course that acts as a summary of the standard of achievement demonstrated this semester. This grade
should not be viewed in isolation but be considered along with the learning outcomes
The student demonstrates extensive knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies highly developed
skills and processes in a wide variety of contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using
perceptive analysis and evaluation. The student effectively communicates complex ideas and information.
The student demonstrates thorough knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies well-developed
skills and processes in a variety of contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using
analysis and evaluation. The student clearly communicates complex ideas and information.
The student demonstrates sound knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies skills and processes in
a range of familiar contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates skills in selecting and integrating information and communicates
relevant ideas in an appropriate manner.
The student demonstrates a basic knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies skills and processes
in some familiar contexts. In addition, the student demonstrates skills in selecting and using information and communicates ideas
in a descriptive manner.
The student demonstrates an elementary knowledge of content and understanding of course concepts, and applies some skills
and processes with guidance. In addition, the student demonstrates elementary skills in recounting information and communicating
This table indicates the number of students who have achieved each standard of achievement grade.
Students who have successfully attempted assessment at ‘above level’ for their stage will have access to this achievement.
The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and in addition, has achieved a very high level of
Above Level competence in the processes and skills and can apply these to tasks with additional layers of complexity, depth and abstractness.
Achieved In addition, the student demonstrates creative and critical thinking skills using perceptive analysis and evaluation. The student
effectively communicates complex ideas and information.
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The Learning Profile is in relation to classroom behaviour, application to learning and assigned work is not connected to the Overall Grade. A student
who struggles academically can still receive all 'always' for the Learning Profile.
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Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Mrs Louise Smyth
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
In 2023, the Growth Matters program is focused on shining the light on positive wellbeing. Positive wellbeing begins with understanding who I am as
a friend and how adolescents can solve tensions in friendships. There are strong connections between well-being and learning. Year 8 students
have looked at the causes of stress and how it impacts the body and their learning. This has tied in well with exploring the common thinking traps of
adolescents and positive responses to these especially in the lead up to assessments and exam periods.
Pastoral Profile
Conduct: Co-operative and polite towards Homeroom teacher and peers. Always
Responsibility: Brings and completes required documentation and demonstrates initiative. Always
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Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Miss Bridget Malloy
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
In Semester One, Year 8 students explored the Teachings of Jesus. This provided the opportunity to learn about the loving relationship between
God and humanity through the particular lens of Jesus’ teaching and lived example. Through the examination of Jesus’ use of parables, students
explored how Christ communicates an understanding of the Kingdom of God which is relatable to their own lives. Following this, students examined
early Christian communities, which began when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at the first Pentecost. Students come to an understanding
of the key events and people whose influence shaped Christianity, including Paul's role as the 'Apostle to the Gentiles, and they will examine the
men and women who were martyred and persecuted as witnesses to the faith. Assessment in these units consisted of an interpretation of parables
and how it influences our understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven as well as researching and investigating the role of the Spirit in their lives and the
enduring challenges for all Christians
21 40 60 7 5
Areas of Assessment
Knowledge Extensive
Skills Extensive
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Usually
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8 English
Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Ms Alyssa Intili
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester, students explored the explicit process of reading in order to develop skills in reading comprehension moving from lower to higher
order thinking. They examined the representation of human stories of tragedy and struggle in the novel Mahtab’s story and non-fiction texts, arriving
at the understanding that personal experiences can lead individuals to a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them. Students
were assessed through an in-class exam that required them to explore the ways composers represent ideas about struggle and journey.
18 61 43 11 0
Areas of Assessment
Uses Language to Shape and Make Meaning for Different Purposes, Audiences and Contexts Extensive
Thinks in Ways that are Imaginative, Creative, Interpretive and Critical Extensive
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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8 History
Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Mr Gregory Sciortino
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester in Year 8 History, students have explored expanding contacts, the key features of the Medieval European and Asia-Pacific worlds
such as Shogunate Japan, and the emergence of new ideas with a focus on the Renaissance. Students assessed Medieval living conditions,
impacts of trade such as the Black Death and significant individuals that have left a lasting legacy. Students have learnt to apply the skills of
investigating history, including analysing sources and evidence and sequencing major historical events to show an understanding of historical
concepts including change and continuity, causation and significance.
27 57 46 2 1
Areas of Assessment
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Usually
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8 Italian
Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teachers: Mr Brian Doughan, Mrs Serita Vari
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
In Semester One, students studied the following topics: ‘Nice To Meet You’ and ‘My Family Is Cool’. Within each topic, students learnt how to use
language for communicative purposes by interacting, accessing and responding and composing. Students also analysed language and culture by
learning about systems of language and the role of language and culture.
20 23 39 12 0
Areas of Assessment
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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8 Music
Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Mr Glenn Magson
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester, students have learned about Rock and Popular Music. They have developed basic skills on guitar, drums, keyboard, voice and bass
guitar. Students then collaborated and rehearsed with others to perform a piece on an instrument of their choosing within a rock band setting.
24 34 43 31 1
Areas of Assessment
Performance Extensive
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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8 Technology
Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teachers: Mrs Danielle Coffey, Ms Michelle Wagner
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester, students in Technology Mandatory have engaged with a range of activities to learn the value of planning and refining design ideas to
produce quality design products in Material Technologies. Students have generated creative design sketches and evaluated the effectiveness and
suitability of choices made during the development and production of a design solution. They developed new skills in using Timber Technologies to
produce a wooden box or using Textile Technologies to produce a decorative cushion cover or using Digital Technologies to produce an urban
installation prototype that aims to fix a potential existing problem in cities.
Students also engaged in research where they completed a research report on the meaning of Country, an Asian Culture or on the existing
problems faced in urban cities.
19 53 56 5 0
Areas of Assessment
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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8 Visual Arts
Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Ms Olivia Daidone
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester, students explored the world of animals as a source of ideas for their artmaking. They considered the Structural Frame as a means to
explore the elements of line, colour, texture and composition and created a ceramic vessel which explored the material practice of clay to celebrate
an animal. Students continued their investigation of the frames, conceptual framework and practice through their investigation of Egyptian burial
urns, Hermansberg potters and completed a critical review of contemporary artist Lucienne Rickard.
54 60 19 0 0
Areas of Assessment
Artmaking Extensive
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Mrs Kavita Kshatriya
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester, students developed their skills in the Number and Algebra strand by furthering their ability to operate with fractions, decimals, and
percentages, including problems with financial applications. They also extended their skills in the Measurement and Geometry strand, including
using formulas to calculate perimeters, areas, and volumes. Students were introduced to Pythagoras’ Theorem and used this to calculate side
lengths in right-angled triangles. Finally, they further developed their skills in operating with algebraic expressions.
26 36 48 18 5
Areas of Assessment
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Miss Rina Angilletta
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
This semester, students learnt about the impact that drugs may have on an individual, their family and their community, as well as ways in which to
minimise potential harms. In practical lessons, they explored a range of physical activities that led them to develop an understanding and
appreciation of the importance of life-long fitness.
6 72 52 3 0
Areas of Assessment
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Always
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Seoha Lee - Nagle 1
Teacher: Mr George Lavidis
Domremy College - Five Dock - 2023 - Semester 1 Reports
In Term 1 of this semester, students participated in problem-based learning about Australian native bees. By learning about the ecology of native
bees, they developed an appreciation of their importance for the health of the environment and the vital role they play in ecosystems. In Term 2,
students have been learning about the elements of the periodic table, how elements bond to make compounds and about how understanding the
properties of elements and compounds can be used to separate mixtures.
21 29 73 7 3
Areas of Assessment
Learning Profile
Demonstrates a growth mindset by embracing challenge and persisting with her learning Usually
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