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RRL e Cigarettes

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Vaporized nicotine products Levy, D. T., Cummings, K. M., https://doi.org/10.1111/add.13

(VNPs), including e-cigarettes Villanti, A. C., Niaura, R., Abrams, 394

and pressurized aerosols, are D. B., Fong, G. T., & Borland, R.

increasingly used as alternatives (2016). A framework for evaluating

to cigarettes. A framework the public health impact of e-

assessing toxic exposure effects cigarettes and other vaporized

on population health considers nicotine products. Addiction,

VNP use patterns, policy 112(1), 8–17.

effects, and industry influence https://doi.org/10.1111/add.13394

(Levy et al., 2016).

This study examines the impact Yong, H., Hitchman, S. C., https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntx

of regulatory environments on Cummings, K. M., Borland, R., 056

the effectiveness of electronic Gravely, S., McNeill, A., & Fong,

cigarettes (ECs) as a smoking G. T. (2017). Does the regulatory

cessation aid. Results show that environment for E-Cigarettes

in less restrictive EC influence the effectiveness of E-

environments, ECs facilitate Cigarettes for smoking cessation?:

short-term sustained abstinence Longitudinal findings from the ITC

during a quit attempt, while in Four Country survey. Nicotine &

more restrictive environments, Tobacco Research, 19(11), 1268–

it inhibits it. The findings 1276.

highlight the need for careful https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntx056

regulation to maximize EC

benefits and minimize public

health risks (Yong et al., 2017).

E-cigarette use is increasing Campus, B., Fafard, P., St Pierre, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socsc

globally, but governments face J., & Hoffman, S. J. (2021). imed.2021.114187

challenges in regulating and Comparing the regulation and

incentivizing them. Current incentivization of e-cigarettes

approaches range from health across 97 countries. Social Science

protection to harm reduction. & Medicine, 291, 114187.

Comparative public policy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.

analysis reveals 97 countries' 2021.114187

approaches, aiming to inform

future decisions (Campus et al.,


The vaping epidemic in the Sese, L. V. C., & Guillermo, M. C. https://doi.org/10.1177/11791

Philippines highlights the L. (2023). E-Smoking out the 73x231172259

impact of commercial Facts: The Philippines’ Vaping

influences and government Dilemma. Tobacco Use Insights,

policies on public health. 16, 1179173X2311722.

Addressing the issue requires https://doi.org/10.1177/1179173x23

tailoring national policies, 1172259

funding research, and

improving health education for

youth (Sese & Guillermo,


This study examines the Hitchman, S. C., Brose, L. S., https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntv

predictors of using e-cigarettes, Brown, J., Robson, D., & McNeill, 078

the association between type A. (2015). Associations between E-

used, frequency of use, and Cigarette type, frequency of use,

quitting. Results show that daily and quitting smoking: findings

tank users are more likely to from a longitudinal online panel

quit, while non-daily cigalike survey in Great Britain. Nicotine &

users are less likely. Tanks are Tobacco Research, 17(10), 1187–

more common among older and 1194.

lower-educated respondents https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntv078

(Hitchman et al., 2015).

This paper presents data on e- Gravely, S., Fong, G. T., https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph1

cigarette awareness, trial, and Cummings, K. M., Yan, M., Quah, 11111691

current use in 10 countries A. C. K., Borland, R., Yong, H.,

surveyed between 2009 and Hitchman, S. C., McNeill, A.,

2013. The study found Hammond, D., Thrasher, J. F.,

significant cross-country Willemsen, M. C., Seo, H. G.,

variation in awareness, trial, and Jiang, Y., Cavalcante, T. M., Perez,

use, likely due to country- C. M., Omar, M., & Hummel, K.

specific market factors, tobacco (2014). Awareness, Trial, and

control policies, and survey Current Use of Electronic

timing. The results provide an Cigarettes in 10 Countries:

early snapshot of global e- Findings from the ITC Project.

cigarette use progression International Journal of

(Gravely et al., 2014). Environmental Research and Public

Health, 11(11), 11691–11704.



A systematic review and meta- Soneji, S., Barrington‐Trimis, J. L., https://doi.org/10.1001/jamape

analysis of longitudinal studies Wills, T. A., Leventhal, A. M., diatrics.2017.1488

found that e-cigarette use is Unger, J. B., Gibson, L., Yang, J.

associated with greater risk for W., Primack, B. A., Andrews, J. A.,

subsequent cigarette smoking Miech, R. A., Spindle, T. R., Dick,

initiation and past 30-day D. M., Eissenberg, T., Hornik, R.,

cigarette smoking. The study Dang, R., & Sargent, J. D. (2017).

found that e-cigarette use was Association between initial use of

associated with greater risk for e-Cigarettes and subsequent

ever vs never e-cigarette users cigarette smoking among

and past 30-day vs non-past 30- adolescents and young adults.

day e-cigarette users at baseline. JAMA Pediatrics, 171(8), 788.

Strong e-cigarette regulation https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapediatri

could potentially curb use cs.2017.1488

among youth and limit future

population-level burden of

cigarette smoking (Soneji et al.,


The prevalence of e-cigarette Cullen, K. A., Gentzke, A. S., https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2

use among US youth increased Sawdey, M. D., Chang, J., Anic, G. 019.18387

from 2011 to 2018, and M., Wang, T. W., Creamer, M. R.,

monitoring this is crucial for Jamal, A., Ambrose, B. K., & King,

public health policy and B. A. (2019). E-Cigarette use

planning. A survey of 19,018 among youth in the United States,

students in grades 6 to 12 found 2019. JAMA, 322(21), 2095.

that 27.5% of high school https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.1

students and 10.5% of middle 8387

school students reported current

e-cigarette use, 34.2% reported

frequent use, and 63.6%

reported exclusive use. Most

exclusive users used flavored e-

cigarettes, with fruit, menthol,

mint, and candy being the most

commonly reported flavors

(Cullen et al., 2019).

The study found that 40.2% of Pearson, J., Richardson, A., Niaura, https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.2

US adults are aware of e- R., Vallone, D., & Abrams, D. B. 011.300526

cigarettes, with usage being (2012). E-Cigarette awareness, use,

higher among current smokers. and harm perceptions in US adults.

Non-Hispanic Whites, current American Journal of Public Health,

smokers, young adults, and 102(9), 1758–1766.

those with high school diplomas https://doi.org/10.2105/ajph.2011.3

perceive e-cigarettes as less 00526

harmful than regular cigarettes

(Pearson et al., 2012).

The Children's Health Study in Barrington‐Trimis, J. L., Urman, https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2

Southern California found that R., Berhane, K., Unger, J. B., Cruz, 016-0379

e-cigarette use among never- T. B., Pentz, M. A., Samet, J. M.,

smoking youth may increase the Leventhal, A. M., & McConnell, R.

risk of cigarette initiation during (2016). E-Cigarettes and future

the transition to adulthood when cigarette use. Pediatrics, 138(1).

tobacco products become legal. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2016-

E-cigarette users were more 0379

likely to initiate use of hookah,

cigars, or pipes, suggesting e-

cigarette use is not a marker for

smoking (Barrington‐Trimis et

al., 2016).

This study explores the Dockrell, M., Morrison, R., Bauld, https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntt

prevalence and attitudes L., & McNeill, A. (2013). E- 057

towards e-cigarettes in Britain, Cigarettes: prevalence and attitudes

revealing an increase in in Great Britain. Nicotine &

awareness, trial, and current use Tobacco Research, 15(10), 1737–

between 2010 and 2012. 1744.

However, there is limited https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntt057

evidence of e-cigarette use

among non-smokers.

Information on their

effectiveness, risks, and benefits

could improve public health

(Dockrell et al., 2013).

E-cigarettes, introduced in the Glantz, S. A., & Bareham, D. https://doi.org/10.1146/annure

mid-2000s, are seen as a safer (2018). E-Cigarettes: use, effects on v-publhealth-040617-013757

alternative to conventional smoking, risks, and policy

cigarettes, but still pose risks to implications. Annual Review of

cardiovascular and lung Public Health, 39(1), 215–235.

diseases, despite lower https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-

carcinogen levels (Glantz & publhealth-040617-013757

Bareham, 2018).

A 2013 survey of 1941 high Wills, T. A., Knight, R., Williams, https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2

school students in Hawaii found R., Pagano, I., & Sargent, J. D. 014-0760

that e-cigarette use among (2015). Risk factors for exclusive

adolescents is high, with dual E-Cigarette use and dual E-

use and cigarette-only users Cigarette use and tobacco use in

having the highest risk status. adolescents. Pediatrics, 135(1),

E-cigarette only users and dual e43–e51.

users perceived e-cigarettes as https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2014-

healthier, suggesting medium- 0760

risk adolescents may be more

susceptible to tobacco use

(Wills et al., 2015).

E-cigarettes, non-combustible Gotts, J. E., Jordt, S., McConnell, https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l5

tobacco products, have been R., & Tarran, R. (2019). What are 275

widely marketed as a smoking the respiratory effects of e-

cessation intervention. cigarettes? BMJ, l5275.

However, their impact on https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l5275

respiratory health remains

controversial, with studies

showing similar and different

effects. Current knowledge is

insufficient to determine their

potential health benefits (Gotts

et al., 2019).

The study examines the impact Harton, M. R., Seo, D., Evans- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addb

of cigarette and e-cigarette use Polce, R. J., Nguyen, I., & Parke, eh.2023.107818

trajectories on prescription drug M. (2023). Cigarette and e-cigarette

misuse among 10-24-year-olds. use trajectories and prospective

Five trajectory groups emerged: prescription psychotherapeutic drug

non-use, early-onset cigarette misuse among adolescents and

use, ever-increasing e-cigarette young adults. Addictive Behaviors,

use, stable dual use, and 147, 107818.

accelerating dual use. Results https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.20

suggest cigarette and e-cigarette 23.107818

use patterns may indicate drug

misuse (Harton et al., 2023).

The study investigates the link Wang, Y., Sung, H., Watkins, S. L., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmed
between e-cigarette use and dual Lightwood, J., Yao, T., & Max, W. r.2023.102425

use among U.S. adults, (2023). The association of current

comparing daily and non-daily exclusive e-cigarette use and dual

use. Results show that exclusive use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes

e-cigarette use and dual use are with psychological distress among

associated with higher U.S. adults. Preventive Medicine

psychological distress severity, Reports, 36, 102425.

with the relationship varying by https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.202

smoking frequency (Wang et 3.102425

al., 2023).

This study examines the sales Majmundar, A., Xue, Z., Asare, S., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmed

trends of concept flavor e- Bandi, P., Patel, M., & Nargis, N. r.2023.102506

cigarettes in the U.S., focusing (2023). Concept flavor e-cigarette

on volume, nicotine unit sales in the U.S.: 2019-2022.

concentration levels, flavor, and Preventive Medicine Reports, 36,

device type. Results show a 102506.

33.63% increase in unit sales https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.202

between 2019 and 2022, with 3.102506

tobacco flavor, pods, and non-

tobacco flavor dominated

(Majmundar et al., 2023).

The study analyzed the Rutherford, B. N., Lim, C. C. W., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addb

association between exposure to Cheng, B., Sun, T., Vu, G. T., eh.2023.107828

e-cigarette and tobacco-related Johnson, B., Ashley, D. P., Chung,

content on social media and J., Huang, S. H., Leung, J.,

youth behaviors and attitudes. Stjepanović, D., Connor, J. P., &

Results showed significant Chan, G. (2023). Viral Vaping: A

associations between systematic review and meta

engagement with tobacco analysis of e-cigarette and

content and use, lower risk Tobacco-Related social media

perceptions, and exposure to e- content and its influence on youth

cigarette content and use. behaviours and attitudes. Addictive

However, no relationship was Behaviors, 147, 107828.

found between exposure to ever https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.20

users' risk perceptions 23.107828

(Rutherford et al., 2023).

The study reveals that e- Schöber, W., Szendrei, K., Matzen, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.

cigarettes are not emission-free W., Osiander-Fuchs, H., Heitmann, 2013.11.003

and their pollutants could pose D., Schettgen, T., Jörres, R. A., &

health risks to users and Fromme, H. (2014). Use of

secondhand smokers. The electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes)

pollutants include particulate impairs indoor air quality and

matter, PNC, VOC, PAH, increases FeNO levels of e-

carbonyls, and metals. The cigarette consumers. International

study recommends regulating e- Journal of Hygiene and

cigarettes and nicotine liquids Environmental Health, 217(6),

with proper warnings for 628–637.

potential health effects, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2013

especially in children (Schöber .11.003

et al., 2014).

Electronic cigarettes offer a Giroud, C., De Cesare, M., Berthet, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph1

safer method for cannabis A., Varlet, V., Concha-Lozano, N., 20809988

smokers to inhale cannabinoids, & Favrat, B. (2015). E-Cigarettes:

but drawbacks include lack of A review of new trends in cannabis

quality control, expiry date, and use. International Journal of

regulatory issues. Health Environmental Research and Public

consequences are speculative, Health, 12(8), 9988–10008.

particularly for children and https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph12080

teenagers, and e-cigarettes could 9988

lead to environmental and

passive contamination (Giroud

et al., 2015).

This review summarizes studies Short, M., & Cole, A. G. (2021). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph1

on escalating e-cigarette use Factors Associated with E- 81910067

among adolescents, focusing on Cigarette Escalation among High

factors such as age, gender, School Students: A Review of the

cost, and nicotine concentration. Literature. International Journal of

The lack of information on this Environmental Research and Public

issue highlights the need for Health, 18(19), 10067.

updated evidence (Short & https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18191

Cole, 2021). 0067

The study found that e-cigarette Mirbolouk, M., Charkhchi, P., https://doi.org/10.7326/m17-

use is prevalent among U.S. Kianoush, S., Uddin, S. I., 3440

adults, particularly among Orimoloye, O. A., Jaber, R.,

younger adults, LGBT Bhatnagar, A., Benjamin, E. J.,

individuals, current smokers, Hall, M. E., DeFilippis, A. P.,

and those with comorbid Maziak, W., Nasir, K., & Blaha, M.

conditions. The prevalence J. (2018). Prevalence and

varied across states, with the distribution of E-Cigarette use

highest rate among those aged among U.S. adults: Behavioral Risk

18-24. The findings could Factor Surveillance System, 2016.

inform health policymakers and Annals of Internal Medicine,

regulators about demographic 169(7), 429–438.

and geographic distributions of https://doi.org/10.7326/m17-3440

e-cigarette use (Mirbolouk et

al., 2018).

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