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Integral Form of Equations

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Basic flow equations in

Integral form

3/8 B.E(Aero)
Continuity Equation
Elemental mass flow across the area
dS is

The net mass f low out of the entire

control surface S is the summation
over S of the elemental mass

In the limit, this becomes a surface

Physical principle : integral,
Mass can be neither created nor destroyed.
The time rate of increase of mass
Net mass flow out of control inside V is then
volume through surface S
time rate of decrease of
mass inside control volume V
Time rate of decrease of mass inside V is the negative of the above, i.e


Substituting Equations (2) and (3) into (1), we have


The above equation is the f inal result of applying the physical principle of
the conservation of mass to a f inite control volume f ixed in space. Equation
(4) is called the continuity equation. It is one of the most fundamental
equations of fluid dynamics.
Control volume used to obtain Equation (4) is f ix ed in space, the limits of
integration are also f ixed. Hence, the time derivative can be placed inside the
volume integral and Equation (4) can be written as


Applying the divergence theorem, RHS of the above equation


Substituting Equation (6) into (5), we


For steady flow

Momentum Equation
Let f represent the net body force per unit
mass exerted on the fluid inside V.
The body force on the elemental volume dV

Total body force exerted on the fluid in

Physical principle : the control volume
time rate of change of momentum (2)

Or (1) The elemental surface force due to

Force comes from two sources: pressure acting on the element of area dS
−p dS
 Body forces: gravity, electromagnetic
forces, or any other forces which “act at
where the negative sign indicates
a distance” on the fluid inside V.
that the force is in the direction
opposite of dS
 Surface forces: pressure and shear (3)
stress acting on the control surface S.
Momentum Equation…
The net f low of momentum out of the
The total force experienced by the control volume across the surface S is
f lu id as it is sweeping through the simply this outf low minus the inf low
fixed control volume is of mome ntum across the control
(4) Hence, the flow of momentum per
second across dS is
The time rate of change of momentum
of the f lu id as it sweeps through the
f ixed control volume is the sum of two The net flow of momentum out of the
terms: control volum e through S is the
summation of the above elemental
Net flow of momentum out of control contributions
volume across surface S
& (5)
Time rate of change of momentum due
unsteady fluctuations of flow properties
inside V
Momentum Equation…
In partial differential form,
The momentum of the f lu id in the Applying the gradient theorem, to
elemental volume dV the first term on the right side of
Equation (8):

The momentum contained at any

instant inside the control volume Equation (8) can be written as

and its time rate of change due to

unsteady flow fluctuations is
Total time rate of change of
momentum of the fluid The above equation is a vector
equation. It is convenient to write this
equation as three scalar equations.
Using cartesian coordinates, where
Momentum Equation…
the x component of Equation (9) is

Apply the divergence theorem,


Substituting Equation (11) into Equation (10), we have

Momentum Equation…


is the x component of the momentum equation in differential form.


Momentum Equation…
For a steady (∂/∂t ≡ 0), inviscid
(Fviscous = 0) flow with no body
forces (f = 0), these equations
The momentum equations for
an inviscid f lo w are called the
Euler equations.

The momentum equations for a

viscous f lo w are called the
Navier-Stokes equations.
Energy Equation
Let us apply the f irst law to the f luid
f lo wing through the f ix ed control
To find δq:
Let volumetric rate of heat addition
per unit mass be denoted by q. and
the rate of heat addition to this
Physical principle:
mass is q(ρ dV).
Energy can be neither created nor
destroyed; it can only change in form.
L e t us de note the ra te of he a t
Let an incremental amount of heat δq be addition to the control volume due
added to the system from the surroundings. to viscous effects simply by
Also, let δw be the w ork done on the
system by the surroundings. Both will Total rate of heat addition is given by
Change of internal energy de of the system
as per physical law,
δq + δw = de δq

which is a ‘first law of thermodynamics’

Energy Equation…
To find δe:
To find δw:
Rate of doing work on moving body
if the f low is unsteady, there is a time rate
of change of total energy inside the control
volume due to the transient f luctuations of
the flow-field variables.

Total rate of work done on the f luid inside

the control volume
In turn,

Energy Equation…
According to law of conservation of Energy,

To obtain a partial differential equation, Applying the divergence


If the flow is steady ,inviscid ,adiabatic and without body forces,


which involve four dependent variables ρ, p, V, and e. e = cvT & p = ρRT

Bernoulli’s Equation
Consider the x component of the momentum equation given by Equation. For an
inviscid flow with no body forces, this equation becomes


For steady flow, ∂u/∂t = 0. the above equation rewritten as


Multiply by dx (3)
Bernoulli’s Equation…
Consider the flow along a streamline in three dimensional space. The equation
of a streamline is

Substituting into equation (3), we have


Since u = u(x, y, z), the differential of u is

Bernoulli’s Equation…


In a similar fashion, starting from the y and z component of the momentum

given by Equation


Bernoulli’s Equation…
Adding equations (6), (7) & (8)



Substituting the equations (10) & (11) into


(12) Euler’s equation

It applies to an inviscid f low with no body forces, and it relates the change in
velocity along a streamline dV to the change in pressure dp along the same
Bernoulli’s Equation…
Integrating the equation (12)between any two points 1 and 2 along a streamline
and assuming ρ = constant, we have


The Equation is Bernoulli’s equation, which relates p1 and V1 at point 1 on a streamline

to p2 and V2 at another point 2 on the same streamline. Equation (13) can also be
written as

For an irrotational flow, (15)

Consider an airfoil in a f low at standard sea level
conditions with a free stream velocity of 50 m/s.
At a given point on the airfoil, the pressure is 0.9 ×
105 N/m2. Calculate the
velocity at this point.

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