Spe 7660 Pa
Spe 7660 Pa
Spe 7660 Pa
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to Enhanced Oil Recovery
Gary A. Pope, SPE, U. of Texas
Classical fractional flow theory is generalized, and has negative curvature, (7) dispersion is
starting with the Buckley-Leverett theory for negligible, (8) gravity and capillarity are negligible,
waterflooding. The mathematics are based on the (9) no fingering occurs, (10) Darcy's law applies, (11)
method of characteristics. The physics and how the .the initial distribution of fluids is uniform, and (12) a
problems are treated are analogous to the continuous injection of constant composition is
multicomponent adsorption problem of injected, starting at time zero.
chromatography; thus, the methods of Helfferich Several of these assumptions are relaxed easily.
apply. Enhanced oil-recovery (EOR) cases con- One of the most useful to relax is Assumption 12,
sidered are polymer flooding, carbonated water- continuous Injection. The principles of
flooding, hot waterflooding, hydrocarbon miscible chromatography can be applied to analyze the more
flooding, low-tension flooding, and interesting case of injecting one or more slugs. Most
micellar/polymer flooding. The alcohol flooding, of these processes require slug injection of chemical
enriched gas, and carbon dioxide cases are analogous or solvent to be economical. In fact, a lower bound
in many respects to the micellar/polymer case. on the slug size necessary to prevent slug breakdown
Finally, three-phase flow problems are treated. can be obtained from a simple extension of fractional
Three-phase flow occurs in a variety of EOR flow theory. In this and other extensions the common
processes. new feature is the need to evaluate more than one
characteristic velocity. A second example of this is
Introduction the extension of fractional flow theory from
Fractional flow theory has been applied by various simultaneous immiscible two-phase flow (the
authors to waterflooding, 1-3 polymer floodin~, 4 classical Buckley-Leverett water flood problem) to
carbonated waterflooding,5,6 alcohol flooding, ,8 simultaneous immiscible three-phase flow (the
miscible flooding, 9 steamflooding) 10 and various classical oil/water/gas flow problem). A third
types of surfactant flooding. 11 - fb Many of the example is the extension to nonisothermal cases.
assumptions made by these authors are the same and Here we need to consider the energy balance, mass
are necessary for obtaining simple analytical or balance, and velocity of a front of constant tem-
graphical solutions to the continuity equations. perature. A fourth example is when one or more
Typically, the major assumptions, which are components are partitioning between phases. In all
sometimes not stated explicitly, are: (1) one cases, mathematically, the extension is analogous to
dimensional flow in a homogeneous, isotropic, the generalization from the one-component ad-
isothermal porous medium, (2) at most, two phases sorption problems (or two-component ion exchange
are flowing, (3) at most, three components are problems with a stoichiometric constraint) to
flowing, (4) local equilibrium exists, (5) the fluids are multicomponent sorption problems. 17 The latter
incompressible, (6) for sorbing components, the theory has been worked out in a very general way for
adsorption isotherm depends only on one component many com9onent systems using the concept of
coherence. 1 Pope et al. 18 recently have applied this
theory to reservoir engineering involving sorption
Copyright 1980 Society of Petroleum Engineers problems.
JUNE 1980 191
Considering the classical Buckley-Leverett q fW2 - fwl
problem, I the continuity equation for water can be ................ (2)
v LlSw = A(j> Sw2 - Swl
At the contact between the shock and the continuous
as w + -.!L dfw as w =0. ............. (la) saturation distribution, these velocities must be equal
at . A(j> dS w ax and given by
It follows directly that the velocity of a front of
constant saturation, the characteristic velocity, is
fW2 - fwl
= dfw
dS w
I _s .............. (3)
SW- w2
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equation would solve this problem [give known initial, uniform, irreducible water saturation,
Sw =Sw (X,t)], except that, as is well-known, a SWP and f wi' therefore, is zero. Thus, Eq. 3 yields
"shock front" may form. This happens if saturation the value for Sw2, or Sw2 Ofln be obtained graphically
velocities, Vsw , upstream are greater than those (Fig. 1) by constructing a tangent line to the frac-
downstream. This is true for most oil/water frac- tional flow curve originating at Swr since Eq., 3 is a
tional flow curves between certain limits of straight line with slope dfwldSw and intercept
saturation, depending on the curvature of f W. (SwpO). Until breakthrough of the shock front 100070
Between such limits, an overall material balance gives oil is produced. The breakthrough (BT) time ex-
the velocity of the shock, or saturation discontinuity. pressed in pore volumes is just the reciprocal of Eq.
3. After BT, the Welge integration 2 gives the oil
recovery implicity as
1- Sorw
tD=( dS '
)-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
In the above case the initial water saturation, SWi'
was taken to be SWP but Eq. 5 holds for any value of
Swi up to 1 - Sorw. N can be expressed explicitly as
a function of tD for lhe case of straight-line relative
Swr permeabiIities, since for this case the f w curve does
(a) Fractional Flow Diagram not have an inflection point so that no shock front
forms and since Eq. 5 is simply a quadratic that can
be inverted to give Sw=SW(tD)~D=1 and used in
Eq. 4. The velocity of the injected water is given by
the slope of the tangent from the origin. This line
1- Sorw intersects withfw at (s w3,fw3) in Fig. 1.
Polymer Flood
The next step up in complexity is polymer flooding,
where a very small amount by weight of water-
soluble polymer is added to the water to increase its
o viscosity and increase efficient displacement of oil.
Xo Polymers also are used in micellar/polymer flooding,
(b) Satu ration Profi Ie Before Water BT a more complicated process involving surfactants
and typically applied as a tertiary process - i.e., one
intended to mobilize capillary-trapped or residual oil.
Polymer flooding is used to enhance the water-
flooding process and is essential for an economic
water flood when the oil viscosity exceeds a certain
Np value. Polymer flooding greatly improves areal and
vertical sweep efficiencies and displacement (or
I-Sorw - 5 wr microscopic) efficiency. The improvement in all three
is important and must be considered to evaluate
properly the merit of a given polymer flood.
o However, displacement is the only efficiency con-
to sidered here, since it is evaluated from fractional
flow theory.
(c) Oil Production Curve The polymer transports only in the aqueous phase
Fig. 1- Waterflooding. (no partitioning to oil). Thus, the continuity equation
for it or any other component of a similar nature can where f W2 is evaluated from the polymer fractional
be written flow curve (the one on the right in Fig. 2), which
differs from the water/oil curve only in that the
a(ct>iswCi) a [ ] q aqueous phase viscosity is greater than that of water
. at + at (l - ct» PsA i + A
due to the polymer.
The principle that velocities must be equal at the
. =0 ............... (6) contact between a pair of miscible fluids recurs in
ax subsequent examples. In this case, solution of Eq. 12
Defining an adsorption Ci in units of amount for SW.2 and SWJ gives the values of the water
adsorbed per unit pore volume, saturatIOn for the upstream side of the first and
second saturation shocks, respectively. The solution
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C.I = (l- ct»PSAi
ct> , ..................... (7) can be obtained graphically by drawing a straight line
from the point (- D p' 0) tangent to the polymer
and fractional flow curve (Fig. 2). The oil production is
100070 until BT of the first shock, then at constant cut
a(SwCi) ct> aC i q a(cJw)
--"--'-- + - - +- = o. . .. (8) f W2 in the connate water/oil bank until BT of Shock
at ct>i at Act>i ax 2, and finally sweepout at decreasing oil cut as per
The continuity equation for water is Eqs. 4 and 5 applied to the polymer fractional flow
a(swCw) q a(cwfw) curve, since the saturation velocities are given by
---"------'-'--- + - =0. . . . . . . . . . . (9) q dfw
at Act> ax vsw = Act> dS ....................... (13)
Making the excellent approximation that the w
volume fraction of the polymer is negligible com- for Sw > Sw3. For cases where the initial water
pared with the water (setting C w = l) and expanding
Eq. 8 leads to this important simplification:
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incentives to apply such a process as soon after an oil "tail," but now the final oil saturation ends at
primary as possible, but this generally is not done. By Sore' not Sorw. The graphical construction is shown
definition, for the purpose at hand, we will give the in Fig. 3. The secondary case is shown on the left,
low-tension process the following characteristics. and the tertiary case is on the right. The only dif-
First, it is an aqueous process involving no transfer ference between the two cases is that the water
of chemical (the chemical is surfactant in practice) to saturation jumps from Swr to Sw2 in the secondary
the oil. Second, it is a low-concentration process case and from 1- Sorw to Sw2 in the tertiary case.
involving negligible volume fraction of chemical in This results in much more recovery in the secondary
the aqueous phase. Third, the chemical lowers the case even though the final oil saturation is the same
interfacial tension enough to make the capillary (Sore) in both cases. The production curves (Fig. 3)
number high enough to detrap oil, although not have been normalized by the initial oil saturation
necessarily all of it. Fourth, from a practical point of (Soi)' If the viscosity of the injected chemical
view, polymer must be added to the chemical solution is increased, the low-tension fractional flow
solution for mobility control. (When we consider curve shifts to the right (Fig. 4). Comparing Figs. 3
slug processes, we will assume also that polymer has and 4 shows that the oil recovery efficiency continues
to improve as the viscosity of the chemical solution is
increased even beyond the point of theoretical
SECON DARY TERTIARY hydrodynamic stability (no fingering). This sur-
prising result becomes very important when con-
sidering the practical slug case, especially in the
tertiary application of the process. Stated another
way, we have an incentive to increase viscosity,
depending on shape of the relative permeability
curves, to higher values than required for unit
mobility ratio, the classical mobility control design
criterion. At some sufficiently high viscosity the
-os 0 Swr o Swr tangent line will intersect the low-tension curve at or
Sw Sw
very close to Sw = 1- Sore' and no additional im-
(a) Fractional Flow Diagram
provement will result for still greater viscosities.
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Carbonated Waterflood
This is the last of the isothermal processes involving
only a single characteristic velocity that we will
consider. Although CO 2 flooding commonly is
considered a miscible process, it does not meet the -Os 0
above criteria due to the appreciable solubility of Sw
CO 2 in both oil and water under reservoir con-
ditions. In fact, its conditional miscibility with crude (a) Fractional Flow Diagram
oil, if obtainable at all, depends mainly on suf-
ficiently high pressure. In the carbonated water-
flooding process, the water is saturated with CO 2
and injected. The CO 2 partitions into the crude oil,
reducing its viscosity, swelling it, and increasing
- I-S orw
The continuity equation for the CO 2 (letting
and C? be the CO 2 concentrations in water and oil,
respectively) is Sw Sw2
ax vwCi +foCi -0 .
at SwCi +SoCi
w 0) + Act>
q a( w 0)_
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14)
Given the equilibrium relationship between the CO 2
dissolved in the water/oil phase, C?= C?< Cr)' and
again (this time less justifiably) neglecting the volume o
the CO 2 occupies in the water, Xo
dCC! acl'V q (b) Saturation Profile
[sw + (1- Sw) dcr] a/
+ Act> [rw +(1- fw)
=0; ............... (15)
dX ) q [ f w + (1 - f w ) (dC? I dCr ) ] Np
dt Cj= Act> Sw+(1-Sw)(dC?ldCn· Soi
.......................... (16)
For the self-sharpening CO 2 concentration case, the
result is similar. A jump increase in CO 2 from zero
to its injected value, q~, occurs and has velocity.
v t.Cj'
q [ f w +(1-fw )K ]
= Act> S w + (1 - S w ) K ,......... (17)
a 1.0
K =C?o/q~ . ......................... (18)
(c) Oil Production Curve
In either case the velocity of a front of CO 2 - Fig. 4 - Low-tension flooding at high viscosity.
saturated water and the aqueous saturation velocity
must be equal where the carbonated water and initial
water contact. Taking the simpler, self-sharpening
case first, this means
JUNE 1980 195
fw+ (1-fw )K]
[ S (1- S )K = ~S
dfw I _ . . .... (19)
w+ w w ~-S~
This is the equation of a straight line of slope
dfw/dSw passing through the point (-K/I-K,
-K!1-K), as in Fig. 6. Starting at Sw;=SwP first
Swr 100070 oil is produced until the first shock BT, then an
oil/water bank free of CO 2 is produced at constant
oil cut f02 until CO 2 BT at the second shock, and
finally oil production at decreasing cuts along the
SOLVENT AND carbonated water/oil curve until Sorw is reached.
WATER This result is qualitatively just like that for polymer
flooding, but because the CO 2 generally will be
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--r---~ OIL AND WATER retarded more due to its absorption into the oil than
polymer will due to its adsorption on the rock,
polymer generally will be more efficient.
Hot Waterflood
Fractional Flow Diagram
Coupling the energy and material balances, assuming
Fig. 5 - Hydrocarbon miscible flood. heat convection is the dominant form of energy
transport, and going through an analysis similar to
the above (see Appendix A) gives the velocity of a
temperature front for a hot waterflood:
dX) T= Act>
(dt q [A A A ]
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fractional flow diagram has zero slope at SwP the
required slug size is infinite. However, for practical
purposes, the slope at a slightly greater water
saturation than Swr can be used to size the solvent
slug. Of course, a small amount of oil will be to
trapped. Depending on the shape of the Fig. 7 - Time-distance diagram.
solvent/water fractional flow curve, very small to
very large solvent slugs may be indicated. In the latter
case, fingering and dispersion actually will be the
limiting factors on economical slug size. The frac- same approach. The conservation equations for
tional flow result always will be a lower bound. water, gas, and oil are, in turn,
The same tD -xD diagram can be used to as w q a/w
represent the low-tension slug size requirement at + AI/> ax =0, ................... (26)
qualitatively if Band C are relabelled chemical slug
and polymer drive and the transition zone is
simultaneous flow of the two phases oil and chemical
................... (27)
solution. However, we can influence the result by
increasing the viscosity of the chemical slug and and
polymer drive by increasing their polymer con-
centrations. This shifts the low-tension (surfactant aso q a/
- + - -o =0 .................... (28)
and polymer in water plus oil) fractional flow at AI/> ax
diagram to the right on a (Sw' / w) plot. As Since we have
previously discussed, at some suffici~ntly high
viscosity the displacement will be piston-like. Then in Sw +So +Sg = 1, ...................... (29)
the absence of dispersion and adsorption (there will only two of these are independent. Neglecting gravity
be no fingering since the slug mobility will be less and capillarity, the fractional flows are
than that of the oil bank and the drive mobility equal
to or less than that of the slug), the slug size can = krw/Jlw
/ w , •••••••••• (30)
approach zero. Without dispersion, the actual slug krw/Jlw +ko/Jlo +kg/Jlg
size required will be Ds. With dispersion, the results
will depend on how the tension varies with surfactant
concentration but always will be greater. Never- ......... (31)
theless, a smaller slug size can be bought at the ex-
pense of more polymer. Since the slug cost per barrel
generally will be much greater than the polymer drive
cost per barrel, this will be an attractive tradeoff up
to a certain point.
Three-Phase Flow Using the method of characteristics, 20,21 Appendix B
shows that the two characteristic velocities for this
Several circumstances involve three phases in
reservoir flooding processes. The classical one in- problem are given by
volves oil, water, and free gas that has evolved from
solution with the crude oil as the pressure declines u± = (dt
dX) ± = M"2
q 1 [
/11 +h2
below the crude oil bubble point. At some point
water may invade from an aquifer by edge-water
. drive or be injected as a water flood or polymer flood. ±.J(fll +h2)2 - 4(fl tf22 - /IV21 )] . . .. (33)
In other cases, inert gas may be injected or natural
gas reinjected. Among the EOR processes, surfactant The characteristics in saturation space are given by
and carbon-dioxide flooding are two examples that dS w -/12
= ............... ,. .. . (34)
sometimes involve three or more phases. dSg u± -h2 .
The case of oil/water/gas immiscible flow in
porous media appears below, and Appendix B shows Since the/ij are functions of saturation only, Eq. 34
how other three-phase cases can be treated with the can be integrated independently to give saturation
JUNE 1980 197
paths (Fig. 8). The procedure is very similar to that
for either two-component competitive adsorption or
three-com~onent ion exchange with stoichiometry.
Helfferich 2 has shown the equivalence for any
number of invarient phases of arbitrary composition.
One special feature of multiphase flow is the
existence of residual trapped quantities of each phase
at low saturations of the phase trapped. These are
designated SWr> Sgr and Sor and shown in Fig. 8 as
dashed lines parallel to the phase trapped. This
results in a small triangle within the saturation
triangle. Inside the smaller triangle all three phases
flow; outside only one or two phases flow.
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In general, once Eq. 34 has been integrated for
Fig. 8 - Schematic saturation paths of three immiscible particular fractional flow curves, the saturations can
fluids. be mapped in distance-time space (Fig. 9). Two
saturation waves develop separated by a plateau of
constant saturation. One or both of the saturation
waves may be self-sharpening, in which case, for step
changes in input, a single discontinuity or shock
front forms and the wave collapses into a single line
SoO on the t D - x D plot. A discontinuity from the plateau
SwO followed by a diffuse zone is also possible. The latter
SgO case is illustrated by the polymer flooding case
(second or upstream wave of Fig. 2b). Now
saturation profiles can be obtained by crossplotting
at fixed time (Fig. 10) and saturation histories ob-
o tained by plotting at fixed distance, usually at xD = 1.
to ...... Actually, we usually are interested in production
Fig. 9 - Schematic time·distance diagram for three·phase curves rather than saturation histories. To calculate
flow. production, we need the fractional flow of each
fluid. These are calculated using Eqs. 30 through 32
and the known saturations.
Suppose the initial water saturation is at its
residual value and both oil and gas are mobile. Only
z r-----j water is injected. This problem was solved
o numerically by Gottfried et al. 23 The solution takes
I 5 . on particularly simple form for this case of three-
a::: L_o.!...
5 . phase immiscible flow. The two possible saturation
~ Sor
______ - _ - -,-_ _5...;w;;.;r-j'.....
__ lIL.-I routes are shown in Fig. 11. We must decide which is
-------------._._._._---------_ .. .: physical based on the first wave traveling faster than
the second. Ordinarily, the gas will be much less
o x viscous than the oil and water, so the first wave will
be an oil/gas wave at residual water. This is followed
Fig. 10 - Saturation profiles for oil/water/gas. by an oil bank at residual gas, a shock to some lower
oil saturation, then slowly decreasing oil saturation
until sweepout to Sw = 1 - Sor - Sgr (see Fig. 10).
This is just what Gottfried et al. found numerically.
Since only gas and oil flow downstream of the first
wave and only water and oil flow upstream of the
first wave, this case can be analyzed by the usual
fractional flow diagrams. These are shown along
with the appropriate graphical construction in Fig.
ROUTE "I INITIAL 12; the oil production curve is in Fig. 13.
Three-Component, Two·Phase
This case can be applied to several processes.
Sw So Examples are alcohol flooding and surfactant
flooding involving only two phases. Also,
FI NAL SATU RATION displacements with hydrocarbon gas or carbon
Fig. 11 - Saturation paths for water displacing oil and gas dioxide can be approximated provided the crude and
at Swr. gas can be modeled by three pseudocomponents and
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tension case previously discussed will not apply. 5w 5g
The differential material balance for any com-
ponent, i, in two-phase flow is Fig. 12 - Fractional flow curves.
-at c-,S, ~) +q - -
+C·,S2+C· a
I I I Act> ax
I- e:(
z: en
fw e:(
U a
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::::> Sore ~
r l
Fig. 16 - Surfactant concentration and oil saturation Fig. 17 - Completely miscible displacement.
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such as Point D (Fig. 15), a second shock front exists C~ tD' These equations reduce to the previous
upstream of the first surfactant shock. At this shock, water flood, polymer flood, and low-tension flood
So goes to zero since only a single phase exists. This cases when Ci'l = 1 and Ci'z = 0 (no mass transfer of
can be thought of as a solubilization front. The oil into water and vice versa).
velocity of this shock is given by making a material Consider the slug size required for these surfactant
balance between the injected composition, say Point flood cases that involve significant partitioning at
D, and a point in the two-phase region, say Point C. high surfactant concentration. For the miscible case,
The result is the required slug size is affected only by dispersion
q fa c +R and adsorption. Thus the adsorption in pore
U LlC2 = Act> So c + R ' ................. (43a) volumes, D s ' is a lower bound on the slug size. With
dispersion, a somewhat larger slug size will be
where required. The slug size for the nonmiscible case will
depend on whether we fix as our criterion the
ClI-~ displacement of all oil in the swept volume or the
R= , .................... (43b)
C lZ -ClI displacement down to Sorc only. Several con-
where the phase concentrations at Point C are just siderations enter here. First, if the capillary number
is high enough Sorc will be zero and the required slug
C lZ and C lI ' and C~ is the injected oil composition.
The oleic phase saturation at Point C, sg, is given by size will be the same for both criteria. However, if
the requirement that the velocity of this saturation Sorc is not zero" the decision will depend primarily on
also must be the same as given by Eq. 40. Thus, the velocity of the solubilization shock, which often
will be very slow, and on the oil content of the
, .fbc +R =--
dfo I . .............. (43c)
residual oleic phase. If the slug size is to be large
enough to recover all the oil, then the velocity, us' of'
So +R dS o so=s~
its back side will be given by Eq. 42a and the required
In summary, the composition route starts with the slug size is
given initial overall composition, A, and going
upstream, develops as follows. 1
Vps= - -1. ........................ (45)
1. A jump to Point B, the oil bank at C 3 = O. Use Us
Eq.42a. If the slug size is to be large enough to reduce So to
2. A jump to Point C' on the tieline passing Sorc' then the velocity of its back side will be
through Point D. Use Eq. 41.
3. A continuous decrease in So from sg' to sg
occurs at fixed phase compositions, Cij, until Point
Us = -.!Ldfo I
Act> dS o So = sore
, ................ (46)
C is reached. Use Eq. 40 for continuous change and and the required slug size is
Eq. 43c to get Point C.
4. A jump from Point C to Point D, the injected dfo -1
Vps=(-dS) +Sorc-1, ............ (47)
composition, which is a given known. o sore
The- oil recovery is given as follows. Before oil- provided Us is greater than ULlc from Eq. 43a. Just as
bankBT, in the low-tension case, if Uie injected viscosity is
high, a step decrease from SoB to Sorc will occur. Us
Np =foitD; ......................... (44a) will be given by
for t Dl :5, t D :5, t DZ (during oil-bank production), l+b
Us = , ..................... (48)
Np =foitDl + foBt D ; .................. (44b) I- S orc+ a
and the required slug size is
for tD3 <tD <tDZ (after surfactant BT),
I-Sorc +a
Np= (Ci'l -Ci'z)(Sw+tWo) +Ci'z -Swi' . (44c) Vps = 1+ b +Sorc -1. . ........... (49)
_ ( dfl
tD - dS
)-1 , .•••••••...•••••..•• (44d)
Here, as before, we have assumed that the adsorption
of surfactant is irreversible and the same as that of
I polymer if both are expressed in pore volumes. The
where physical significance of Eq. 49 is emphasized by
defining a partition coefficient, K, and an adsorption dispersion is significant. This may be true for lar~e
is pore volumes at concentration C 31 ' Ds: permeability contrasts, thin layers, and small slugs. 5
C" Capillary pressure plays an analogous role for the
K =~
C ' ......................... . (50) immiscible case. Non-Newtonian rheology is another
31 factor that may be significant in three-dimensional
and flow. For example, polymer injectivities are
C" significantly higher in radial flow than in linear flow
Ds = C
_3 ......................... . (51) if the polymer solution is shear thinning. These and
31 similar limitations are best removed by going to a
Simplifying Eq. 49 gives fully numerical simulator. Even in one space
dimension these can be quite complex. An example
Vps=Ds+KSorc . ..................... (52)
for the surfactant process is the compositional
This result implies the slug must be sized to account simulator of Pope and Nelson. 24 See Pope et al. 25
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for both adsorption on the rock and absorption into for additional applications of this simulator.
the residual oleic phase. The latter greatly increases Even the numerical simulators have major
Vps for large K. However, this is an unduly limitations. One of these is the inadequate
pessimistic result since K can be reduced by representation of fingering. This is particularly
decreasing the electrolyte concentration in the serious for the CO 2 process, which is inherently
polymer drive to K values as low as 0.01 to 0.1, unstable from the onset. Fingering is perhaps the
depending on numerous other factors. Then most serious limitation to describing qualitatively the
dispersion and ion exchange will play an important unstable processes with either fractional flow theory
role since an electrolyte gradient will be set up which or numerical simulation. The best approach we have
depends on these phenomena. These con- to the problem is that of Claridge. 19
siderations 24 ,25 are beyond the scope of this paper. Particular limitations in addition to the above also
apply to each particular process discussed. A good
Discussion discussion of these for the surfactant process is
Among numerous limitations to the fractional flow presented by Larson. 15 The restriction to self-
theory presented, the most basic is the uncertainty in sharpening systems is an example. The complete
the relative permeabilities upon which the entire neglect of electrolyte changes and effects is another
theory of multiphase flow in porous media is based. example. Even so, the theory sheds a lot of light upon
This limitation also applies to more general models how the process works qualitatively, which is its
of flow in porous media such as the three- primary purpose in all cases. An extension to include
dimensional, three-phase, compressible reservoir the three-phase surfactant problem should be useful
simulators used by reservoir engineers.. This is in this regard.
because the basic differential equations, which they In many circumstances CO 2 is only partially
solve numerically by finite difference or finite miscible with crude oil, and if mobile water is
element, also have the relative permeabilities in them. present, three-phases will flow. This process is
The concept of relative permeability has proved complicated also by the need to consider the crude oil
useful for the simultaneous flow of oil and water at as more than one component, the pressure depen-
low Reynolds number. 26 This is amply documented dence of the phase behavior and fluid properties, and
by various laboratory experiments and by the fingering. Thus, an extension to the tertiary CO 2
analysis of field-scale waterfloods. But for more process is both one of the most important and dif-
complicated circumstances the basis for its use is ficult extensions of fractional flow theory yet to be
more tenuous. For example, only a few three-phase made. Particularly important are the issues of
experiments have been done, except those where one retrapping of CO 2 -mobilized oil by water drive, the
of the phases was immobile (trapped). Dietrich et required amount of CO 2 , and the efficacy of
al. 27 recently reviewed these experiments and the alternate water and CO 2 injection.
attempts to describe three-phase relative per- A novel extension of fractional flow theory to the
meabilities analytically. determination of the fractional flow function itself
Gravity has been accounted for by several using multiple partitioning tracers was recently
authors. 1,28-31 In some cases gravity is the most presented by Deans. 36 It seems safe to assume still
important factor in the entire process. The criteria other applications will be discovered.
for gravity stabilization are well-known and widely
applied. Nomenclature
Another major limitation of the theory is its A area
restriction to one dimension. However, its extension Ai = adsorption of Component per
to two dimensions through streamline models 32 ,33 unit mass of rock
can and has been done by numerous workers. Patton
et al. 4 did this for polymer flooding, for example. defined by Eqs. 42b and 42c
Additional permeability layers also are added easily, concentration of Component i in
provided there is no cross flow .34 As the mobility fluid per unit pore volume
ratio deviates significantly from one this becomes a concentration of Component i on
poor approximation, however. It may even be a poor stationary phase (rock) per unit
approximation at unit mobility ratio if transverse pore volume of rock
concentration of Component i in component number
Phasej j phase number
specific heats of oil, rock, and 0 oil
water oB oil bank
D; general retardation factor for ore oil residual to chemical or sur-
Component i, adsorption of factant
Component i in pore volumes orw oil residual to water
per pore volume injected eval- p polymer
uated at injected concentration r relative value or residual value
for self-sharpening cases s surfactant
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f = fractional flow, the flux of a given w water
phase divided by the total flux wr water residual
f ij the derivatives off with saturation
as defined in Appendix B
k permeability
kr relative permeability References
K = partition coefficient defined by 1. Buckley, S.E. and Leverett, M.C.: "Mechanism of Fluid
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kT = thermal conductivity 2. Welge, Henry J.: "A Simplified Method for Computing Oil
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_L = length of porous medium 91-98.
M = mobility ratio 3. Craig, F.F. Jr.: "The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of
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Engineers, Dallas (1971) 3.
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Sg gas saturation of Polymer Flood Performance," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (March
So oil saturation 1971) 72-84; Trans., AIME, 251.
5. de Nevers, Noel: "A Calculation Method for Carbonated
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t time 1974) 609-618; Trans., AIME, 257.
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T= temperature 8. Wachmann, C.: "A Mathematical Theory for the
u= normalized frontal velocity, v Displacement of Oil and Water by Alcohol," Soc. Pet. Eng. J.
(Sept. 1964) 250-266; Trans., AIME, 231.
divided by qlAe/> 9. Welge, H.J., Johnson, E.F., Erving, S.P., and Brinkman,
v frontal velocity, qlAe/> for single F.H.: "The Linear Displacement of Oil From Porous Media
phase flow in porous media by Enriched Gas," J. Pet. Tech. (Aug. 1961) 787-796; Trans.,
pore volume of porous media, AIME,222.
10. Shutler, N.D. and Boberg, T.C.: "A One-Dimensional
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Vps = slug size, pore volume Steamflooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1972) 489-498.
11. Fayers, F.J. and Perrine, R.L.: "Mathematical Description of
X= distance or space dimension Detergent Flooding in Oil Reservoirs," Trans., AIME (1959)
XD nondimensional distance, XI L 216,277-283.
~ difference operator 12. Davis, J.A. and Jones, S.C.: "Displacement Mechanisms of
Micellar Solutions," J. Pet. Tech. (Dec. 1968) 1415-1428;
P. viscosity Trans., AIME, 243.
P density 13. Larson, R.G. and Hirasaki, G.J.: "Analysis of the Physical
gain density Of rock (or matrix) Mechanisms in Surfactant Flooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Feb.
Ps 1978) 42-58.
(1± characteristic directions 14. Larson, R.G.: "The Influence of Phase Behavior on Sur-
e/> porosity factant Flooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1979) 411-422;
effective porosity accessible to Trans., AIME, 267.
e/>; 15. Foster, W.R.: "A Low Tension Waterflooding Process
Componenti Employing a Petroleum Sulfonate, Inorganic Salts, and a
Biopolymer," J. Pet. Tech. (Feb. 1973) 205-210; Trans.,
Subscripts and Superscripts 16. Hales, H.B. and Odeh, A.S.: "An Improved Method for
BT breakthrough time of injected Simulating Ideal Low Tension Flooding Processes," Soc. Pet.
Eng. J. (April 1976) 53-56.
fluid 17. Helfferich, F.G. and Klein, G.: "Multicomponent
e = chemical or carbon dioxide Chromatography," Marcel Dekker Inc., New York City
D nondimensional (1970).
18. Pope, G.A., Lake, L.W. and Helfferich, F.G.: "Cation
g gas Exchange in Chemical Flooding - Basic Theory Without
gr gas residual Dispersion," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1978) 418-434.
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"Numerical Solutions of the Equations for One-Dimensional
Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media," Soc. Pet. Eng. J.
(March 1966) 62-72; Trans., AIME, 237. [PoCo + (PwCw -PoCo )Sw +Ps (1- ct» CRIef>]
24. Pope, G.A. and Nelson, R.C.: "A Chemical Flooding
Compositional Simulator," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Oct. 1978) 339-
354. aT q [~ ~ ~ ]
25. Pope, G.A., Wang, Ben, and Tsaur, K.: "A Sensitivity Study . at + Act> PoCo + (PwCw -PoCo )fw
of Micellar/Polymer Flooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1979)
357-368. aT a aT
26. Jones, S.c. and Roszelle, W.O.: "Graphical Techniques for . - +-(kT- ) =0 ........ (A-3)
Determining Relative Permeability from Displacement Ex- ax ax ax
periments," J. Pet. Tech. (May 1978) 807-817; Trans., AIME,
265. At high flow rate we can neglect conduction (k T = 0),
27. Dietrick, J.K. and Bondor, P.L.: "Three-Phase Oil Relative so from Eq. A-3 the velocity of a front of constant
Permeability Models," paper SPE 6044 presented at the SPE temperature is
51st Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition, New
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28. Claridge, E.L.: "Prediction of Recovery in Unstable Miscible dX)
Flooding," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (April 1972) 143-155. (
29. Hirasaki, G.J.: "Sensitivity Coefficients for History Match- dt T=- ( : ; )
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1975) 39-49.
30. Hawthorne, R.G.: "Two-Phase Flow in Two Dimensional -poCo )fw ]/[PoCo + (pwCw -poCo )Sw
Systems - Effects of Rate, Viscosity, and Density on Fluid
Displacement in Porous Media," Trans., AIME (1960) 219, ,ps(1-ct»CR Ief>]. .............. (A-4)
31. Hagoort, J.: "Oil Recovery by Gravity Drainage," Soc. Pet.
Eng. J. (June 1980) 139-150. From this we can calculate the position of the hot
32. Caudle, Ben H.: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, SPE water front, after which the fractional flow and,
videotape course textbooks (1967, 1968) 1,2. hence, oil recovery are given by the hot-water/oil
33. Le Blanc, J.L.: "A Streamline Simulation Model for fractional flow curve. The construction is analogous
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34. Jewett, R.L. and Schurz, G.F.: "Polymer Flooding-A inaccessible pore volume.
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35. Koonce, K.T. and Blackwell, B.J.: "Idealized Behavior of APPENDIXB
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(Dec. 1965) 318-328; Trans., AIME, 234. Derivation of Characteristic Directions
36. Deans, H.A.: "Using Chemical Tracers to Measure Fractional Eqs. 26 and 27 can be expanded to give space and
Flow and Saturation In-Situ," paper SPE 7076 presented at
the SPE Fifth Symposium on Improved Methods for Oil time derivatives of saturation only, since
Recovery, Tulsa, April 16-19, 1978. fw =fw (Sw' Sg) andfg=fg(Sw, Sg). The result is
37. Lake, L.W. and Helfferich, F.G.: "The Effect of Dispersion,
Cation Exchange, and Polymer/Surfactant Adsorption on
Chemical Flood Environment," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Dec. 1978)
asw -.!L [af w asw afw ~] _ _
at + Act> as
ax + aSg ax - 0, ... (B 1)
0 (C ll -C13 ) ( -
aSI + - - + (C 12 -C l3 )
fll f12
atD aXD
hI h2 0
=0. ... (B-5) + ah ) =0, ............... (B-9)
dXD 0 dt D 0 ( aS2
atD aXD
0 dXD 0 dt D and
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The solution for dXDldtD is given by Eq. 33. (C21 - C23 ) ( -
aSI + -afl)
- + (C 22 -C23 )
Next we show how the above solution method for atD aXD
three-component immiscible flow in porous media
can be used to solve the general three-component
problem. There are three cases to consider: single-, ( aS2 + ah ) =0, .............. (B-lO)
atD aXD
two-, and three-phase flow. The single-phase case is
trivial unless adsorption and/ or dispersion are Noting that
considered; this case is treated elsewhere. 17,18,35,37 afj = Y.J... aS I + Y.J... aS2 , ........ (B-ll)
For two-phase flow Eq. 35a can be written aXD aS I aXD aS 2 aXD
ac· a we get
__ I + __ (Citfl + C i2h) =0, ....... (B-6)
atD aXD aS afl aS I aft aS2
where i= 1, 2, or 3. Noting that the term - I+ - - + --=0 , ...... (B-12)
atD aS I aXD aS2 aXD
Cilft + C i2h can be expressed as a function of any
two of the total component concentrations, say C 1 and
and C 2 , and expanding the space derivative, aS2 + ah aS I + ah aS 2 =0. . ..... (B-13)
atD aS I aXD aS 2 aXD
aCi a aC I a
- +-(C·tfl +C"2h)- + - Eqs. B-12 and B-13 are identical to Eqs. B-3 and B-4
atD aC I 1 1 aXD aC2
if Phase 1 is equivalenced with Phase wand Phase 2
ac, equivalenced with Phase g. Thus, the previously
. (Cilfl +Ci2h)-'" =0, ......... (B-7) discussed three-phase solution applies directly to any
aX D
three-phase case regardless of the nature and
Formally, this equation is the same as either Eq. B-3 composition of the three phases. Relative per-
or B-4 if the appropriate substitutions are made, or meabilities and all phase properties, of course, will
the characteristics can be written down directly. vary among different systems.
For three-phase flow the equation of continuity is SPEJ
ac· a Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers office· May
-a1 + - - (Citfl + C i2h + C i3h) = 0, ... (B-8) 1978. Paper (SPE 7660) accepted for publication April 6, 1979. Revised
tD aX D manuscript received Jan. 29,1980.