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1m f1 - Solas Jan'24 v2

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1M FG Function-1 related SOLAS Regulations

1. This document was prepared Jan 2024. While referring
note that any amendments made further need to be
referred as well.
2. One will find summary of selective regulations of SOLAS
that are usually asked by Surveyors to Chief Mates.
3. Parts in ITALICS means optional information.
4. Most answer is made in sort of a Mnemonic.
Red alphabet highlights it doesn’t stand for a point.
5. If any correction or updates, please advise on
E-mail : dassanimayank@gmail.com
Whatsapp : +91 8287 01234 6
So it can be uploaded for other people as well.
6. Alternatively, upload the document on seatracker.ru
7. Legends –
Acc - Accomodation Ht - height Platf - Platform
Adj - Adjacent Info - Information Prsnl - Personnel
Appr - Appropriate Ident - Identical Reg – Regulation
Arr - Arrangement Int - International Resp - responsible
Assc - Associated Inst – Instruments Req - Required
b/w - between Ldg - Loading Rx - Reception
CG - Contracting Govt Met - Meteorological SOLAS - Safety of Life at Sea
Comm - Communication Min - Minimum SRS - Ships Roueting System
Cond - Condition Mstr - Master SRepS - Ship Reporting System
Disemb - Disembarkation MT - More than TC - Tropical Cyclones
Emb - Embarkation NLT - not less than Tx - Transmission
Emcy - Emergency NMT - not more than Voy - Voyage
Envrt - Environment Nat - National VTS - Vessel Traffic Services
Equip - Equipment Pax - Passenger W/keeping – watch-keeping
Govt - Goverment PL - Pilot Ladder Wx - Weather

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(Construction - Structure, subdivision & stability, machinery and electrical installations)

Part A-1 Structure of ships

Reg 3-4 - Emergency towing arrangements and procedures
ETA – 20 REPS A 20k Rapid-Easy Pre-rigged Strength Approved
ETP – PEDIatriCS Provided(emcy,existing,equip) Drawing Inventory Communication Sample
1 Emergency towing arrangements on tankers
1.1 ETA shall be fitted at both ends on every tanker NLT 20,000 tonnes DWT.
1.2 For tankers constructed on or after Jul’2002:
.1 the arrangements shall, at all times, be capable of –
- rapid deployment - absence of main power on ship to be towed & easy connection to towing ship.
- At least one of the ETA shall be pre-rigged ready for rapid deployment; and
.2 ETA at both ends - adequate strength TIA size & DWT of ship & expected forces in bad Wx cond.
The design, construction & prototype testing of ETA shall be approved by the Administration.
1.3 Tankers const. before 1 July 2002, the design & construction of ETA approved by Administration.
2 Emergency towing procedures on ships
2.2 All Ships shall be provided & carry aboard a ship-specific ETP for use in emergency situations and shall be based
on existing arrangements & equipment available on board the ship.
2.3 The procedure† shall include:
.1 drawings of F/A deck showing possible ETA;
.2 inventory of equipment on board that can be used for ET;
.3 means & methods of communication; and
.4 Sample procedures for preparation & conducting ET operations

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1 Application, 2 Definitions, 3 Exemption & equivalent 19-1 Long-range identification and tracking of ships
4 Navigational warnings 20 Voyage data recorders
5 Meteorological services and warnings 21 International Code of Signals and IAMSAR Manual
6 Ice Patrol Service 22 Navigation bridge visibility
7 Search and rescue services 23 Pilot transfer arrangements
8 Life-saving signals 24 Use of heading and/or track control systems
9 Hydrographic services 25 Operation of main source of electrical power and
10 Ships’ routeing steering gear
11 Ship reporting systems 26 Steering gear: testing and drills
12 Vessel traffic services 27 Nautical charts and nautical publications
13 Establishment and operation of aids to navigation 28 Records of navigational activities and daily
14 Ships’ manning reporting
15 Principles relating to bridge design, design andd 29 Life-saving signals to be used by ships, aircraft or
arrangement of navigational systems and equipment persons in distress
and bridge procedures 30 Operational limitations
16 Maintenance of equipment 31 Danger messages
17 Electromagnetic compatibility 32 Information required in danger messages
18 Approval, surveys and performance standards of 33 Distress situations: obligations and procedures
navigational systems and equipment and voyage data 34 Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous
recorder situations
19 Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational 34-1 Master’s discretion
systems and equipment 35 Misuse of distress signals

Reg 4 - Navigational warnings (Refer Resolution A.706(17))

C.G. take all steps necessary to ensure that when intelligence of any dangers is received from reliable source, it shall
be promptly brought to the knowledge of those concerned and communicated to other interested Governments.

Reg 5 - Meteorological Services & Warning

C I C I DINS Collection Inst. Co-op Info Data (issue, nat., serve)
Co-op - A2F SWEEEP U Arrange 2 Free Select Warn Encourage Publication Uniform
1. CG encourage collection of met data (ships); arrange - examination, dissemination & exchange to aid navigation
2. administration encourage – met instruments of high accuracy; facilitate checking upon request
3. Contracting govt in co-operation shall -
i. Arrange Rx & Tx of Wx msgs from & to ships by shore based facilities for terrestrial & space radio comm.
ii. Issue atleast twice daily – wx info for ship – text & (if practicable) graphic form
iii. Tx of Wx msgs- Free of charge – for ships concerned.
iv. Select ships - equip - tested met. Inst. - take, record & Tx obs. - standard times (min.4 - surface synoptic obs)
v. Warn ships of (GST) gales, storms & tropical cyclones – text & (if practicable) graphic form
vi. Encourage masters to informs ships in vicinity & shore stations when wind force >=10
vii. Encourage ships - Near or suspected T.C., - transmit obs at more frequent intervals
viii. Encourage other ships & companies (to involve their ships) take, record & transmit Wx obs.
ix. Prepare & issue publications – met work at sea, make available daily weather charts
x. To obtain - Uniform procedure
4. Info provided – furnished in a form, Tx in order of priority as per radio regulations
5. Met DATA for ships - issued & disseminated by appr. Nat Met Service - serve various coastal & high seas area

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Reg 10 & 11 – Ships’ Routeing & Ships Reporting Systems
Reg 10 – Ships’ Routeing Reg 11 – Ships Reporting Systems
4 3
Contr. Recomm. Recog. Refer Review Initiatn. Co-ord SAME Free Comply Capability (interaction
Steps Prejudice Action/Adopted Not Monitor Except ability assist)
1. SRS contribute to safety of life at sea, safety & efficiency of Same
navigation and protection of marine environment.
2. It may be recommended or mandatory for all ships, certain Same
types of ships or ships carrying certain cargoes.
3. IMO is only recognized body for developing guidelines, Same
criteria & regulations on an international level for SRS.
4. C.G shall refer proposals for the adoption of SRS to the IMO. Same
5. SRS shall be reviewed by Government(s) concerned. Same
6. The initiation of action for establishing a SRS is the Same
responsibility of the Government(s) concerned.
7. Where ≥2 Govts have a common interest in a particular Same & shall have uniform procedures &
area, they should request for co-ordinated routeing system. operations.
8. Governments shall take all steps necessary to spread all Same
information necessary for safe & effective use of SRS.
9. Nothing in this regulation or associated guidelines & criteria Same
shall prejudice the rights & duties of Govt. under intrnat. law
10 All actions taken to enforce adopted SRS shall compy Same
consistently with international law, incl. rel. prov. of UNCLOS
11 SRS not adopted by IMO are still encouraged to take into Same
account these guidelines & criteria
12 Government(s) concerned may monitor traffic in these The participation of ships in SRepS shall be free
systems & take steps for appropriate use of SRS. of charge.
13 Except for compelling reasons, a ship shall use mandatory Master - comply with req. & report all info.
SRS. Any such reason to be recorded in the ships' log. required to the appropriate authority.
14 ---- SRepS shall have the capability of interaction &
the ability to assist ships with info. when reqd.

Reg 12 - Vessel Traffic Services

CAP PiMP Contr. Arr. Participation Plann./Impl. Mand. Prejudice
1. VTS contribute - SOLAS, safety & efficiency of nav. & protection of marine envrt, adj. shore areas, work sites &
offshore installations from possible adverse effects of maritime traffic.
2. C.G. shall arrange for the establishment of VTS.
3. C.G. shall ensure participation & compliance of provisions of VTS by ships flying their flag.
4. Planning & implementing VTS shall follow the guidelines developed by IMO.
5. The use of VTS - only made mandatory in sea areas within the territorial seas of a coastal State.
6. Nothing in this reg. or assc. guidelines shall prejudice the rights & duties of Govt. under intrnat. law

Reg - 14 Ships' manning

SALE Sufficiently Administration (establish & issue) Language English
1. C.G. ensure - all ships - sufficiently & efficiently manned for SOLAS
2. The Administration shall establish appr. MSM (minimum safe manning ) & issue an appr. MSM doc. or
equivalent as evidence of compliance with the provisions
3. On all ships, (company/mstr) establish - working language & record - ship' log-book. If it is not an official
language of the Flag State, all plans & lists req. to be posted shall include a translation.
4. English shall be the working lang. on the bridge (bridge-to-bridge, bridge-to-shore safety comm, b/w pilot &
bridge w/keeping personnel) unless those directly involved in comm. speak a common language.
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Reg 19 - Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems & equipment
19.2 Shipborne navigational equipment and systems –
2.1 All ships irrespective of size (int nat voy) to carry the following: MPHC NEGRoS (07)
1. (.1, .2, .3) adjusted magnetic compass, pelorus ring, and means of correcting the heading
2. (.9) means of communication to the emergency steering position
3. (.4) nautical charts & publications sufficient for the intended voyage
4. (.4, .5) in lieu of charts - ECDIS with suitable backup arrangements
(2.10 – mandatory - Pax≥500GT, Tanker≥3000GT, Cargo(except tanker) ≥10000GT; Cargo≥3000GT on/after Jul’14)
5. (.6) GNSS receiver
6. (.7) If <150GT, a radar reflector
7. (.8) sound reception devices for totally enclosed bridge
2.2 All ships ≥150GT & all Pax ships irrespective of size will carry additionally to above: B D SM (10)
1. (.3) BNWAS
2. (.2) daylight signalling light
3. (.1) spare magnetic compass

2.3 All ships ≥ 300GT & all Pax ships irrespective of size will carry additionally to above: SEARECH (15)
1. (.4) SDME (Speed and distance measuring device) indicating speed & distance through water.
2. (.1) echo sounding device
3. (2.4) AIS (also by cargo ships ≥500GT not engaged on international voyages)
4. (.3, .2) 9Ghz radar and electronic plotting aid (EPA)
5. (.5) Adjusted heading transmitting device (to point 2 & 3)

2.5 All ships ≥ 500gt will carry additionally to above, except EPA & adj. hdg Tx device: GHBARPTPO (18)
1. (.1, .2, .3) gyro-compass, heading repeater at emcy strg posn and bearing repeater
2. automatic tracking aid
3. rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch and operational mode indicators

2.7 All ships ≥ 3,000gt will carry additionally to above: RA (19)

1. (.1, .2) 3Gz radar and second automatic tracking aid
2.8 All ships ≥10,000gt will carry additionally to above, except ATA: A TH (21)
1. ARPA to plot at least 20 targets & simulate a trial manoeuvre
2. heading or track control system
2.9 All ships ≥ 50,000gt will additionally to above: RS (23)
2. SDME indicating speed & distance over ground in fwd & athwartships direction

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Reg 22 - Navigation Bridge Visibility
A V3BW (vertical beam width) Apply>55 View<2L/500m Vision<225/120 Visible Blind-Sector Windows
Windows - LUPIF2 Lower Upper Polarised Inclined Framing 2CVS
1. Applies to Ships > 55 metres in length.
2. Under all conditions of draught, trim & deck cargo - view of sea surface - fwd of bow 10° on either side from
conning position - not obscured by more than 2 ship lengths or 500m, whichever less.
3. The horizontal field of vision extend over an arc of –
• NLT 225° from conning posn (i.e. from right ahead to NLT 22.5° abaft the beam on either side)
• NLT 225° from each bridge wing (i.e. from 45° on opp. Bow through right ahead to right astern on same side)
• NLT 120° from the main steering position (i.e. from right ahead to 60° on each side)
4. Ship side shall be visible from bridge wing.
5. Blind sectors forward of the beam –
• Blind Sector in view of 10° either side of bow - NMT 5°
• Single blind sector - NMT 10°.
• Total blind sectors - NMT 20°.
• Clear sector b/w blind sectors - at least 5°
6. Navigation Bridge Front Windows –
• lower edge above bridge deck – as low as possible & not an obstruction to the fwd view
• upper edge - allow fwd view at ht of 1.8m above bridge deck at conning posn, when pitching in heavy seas.
• Polarised and tinted windows shall not be fitted.
• Inclined from the vertical plane top out, at an angle of 10° to 25°.
• Framing b/w windows – kept to minimum and not installed immediately fwd of any work station.
• At least 2 clear view screen shall be provided.

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Reg 23 - Pilot Transfer Arrangements
UKC MILE PAREADA Use/kept Certf. Mechnl. Ident. Lighting Each PL Acc.ladder Rigging/escort Assc.equip Door Access
S AMaR Steps (Made, LxBxH, Replace) Spreader Side-Rope Acc.Ladd. Marking Retrieval
PL - DeLaSS - disch/each length single secrng; Assc. Equip - MSHL – Manrope Stanchion Heaving L/buoy;
Acc. Ladder - DeLAST - disch/end length aft secure trapdoor; Access - GB – Gateway Bulwarks
1. PTA used solely for emb. & disemb. of prsnl. PTA kept clean, properly maintd & stowed & regularly inspected
2. A pilot ladder should be certified by the manufacturer
3. Mechanical pilot hoists shall not be used.
4. All PL’s clearly ident. with tags or other permnt marking & rec. kept - date put into service & repairs if any.
5. Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate the transfer arrangements overside
6. PTA shall be provided on each side, unless equip. is capable of being transferred on either side of ship.
7. If using, PL (requires a climb of 1.5m - 9m above the surface of the water) so positioned & secured that:
- it is clear of all discharges & each step rests firmly against the ship's side;
- it is within the parallel body length of ship & as far as practicable, within the mid-ship half length;
- single length of PL capable - reaching water & allowance made - all cond. - ldg & trim & adverse list of 15°;
- The securing strong point, shackles & securing ropes shall be at least as strong as the side ropes
8. If using, An accommodation ladder or other means in conjunction with PL (whenever climb > 9 m) –
- it is clear of all discharges & Lower end of the acc. ladder shall rest firmly against the ship's side
- it is within the parallel body length of ship & as far as practicable, within the mid-ship half length;
- The accommodation ladder shall be sited leading aft.
- Means provided to secure PL & manropes to ship's side, nominally 1.5 m above bottom platf. of acc. ladder.
- If trapdoor arr., rig PL & manropes - through trapdoor extending to the handrail ht.
9. PT equip. tested prior use; rigging PTA & pilot emb. supervised - resp.off. Also arrange pilot escort by safe route
10. The following assc. equip. kept ready for immediate use when persons are being transferred;
- 2 manropes of DIA 28 mm - 32 mm properly secured to the ship if required by the pilot;
- manropes end shall be fixed to the ring plate on deck and shall be ready for use
- manropes shall reach Ht of stanchions or bulwarks before terminating at ring plate on deck
- Stanchions & bulwark ladders as required
- lifebuoy with self-igniting light;
- heaving line. (add. assc. Equip. - l/jackets, harness, l/lines)
11. Shipside doors used for pilot transfer shall not open outwards
12. Where access to ships deck is by means of:
- gateway in the rails or bulwark – provided with adequate handholds; OR
- bulwark ladder securely attchd – fitted - 2 handhold stanchions secured at/near their bases & at higher pts
As per res. A.1045(27) S5AMaR
1. Steps made of hardwood in one piece; free of knots; be non-slippery & Lowest 4 steps may be of rubber;
2. Steps NLT 115mm wide, 25mm depth, 400mm b/w side ropes, equally spaced 310-350mm apart
3. No PL have MT 2 replacement steps secured in posn by a method different from the original const. of ladder.
4. Spreader NLT 180cm long; Lowest spreader on the 5th step & interval b/w spreaders NMT 9 steps
5. Side Ropes – made - manila; be continuous, no joints; Dia NLT 18mm; BS ≥ 24 KN & consist 2 ropes
6. Where Acc. ladder is used in conjunction with pilot ladders (ships with freeboard > 9 m).
- Length sufficient to ensure that its angle of slope not exceed 45°
- Width at least 600 mm.
- The lower platform should be min. 5m above SL.
- PL be rigged imm. Adj. to lower platform & upper end extend at least 2 m above the lower platform.
- Horizontal Dist. b/w the PL & lower platform b/w 0.1 and 0.2 m.
7. A permanent marking provided at regular interval (e.g. 1 m) throughout the length of the ladder
8. If retrieval line is used, be fastened at or above the last spreader step and should lead forward.

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Reg 27 - Nautical charts & N. publications – necessary for intended voy. - be adequate & up to date

Reg 31 - Danger Messages

DF I F S 6Danger (form) Intelligence Free Safety
1. Every master which meets with dangerous ice, dangerous derelict, or any other direct danger to nav., or T.S., or
encounters sub-freezing air temp. assc. with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on superstructures, or
wind force ≥ 10 on BF for which no storm wrng rcvd, is bound to comm. the info. by all means to ships in vicinity
& competent authorities. The info. form is not obligatory & Tx - in plain lang. or by means of Int. Code Signal.
2. C.G. take all steps necessary to ensure that when intelligence of any dangers specified is rcvd, it is promptly
brought to the knowledge of those concerned and comm. to other interested Govt.
3. The Tx of messages for the dangers specified is free of cost to the ships concerned.
4. All radio messages issued for dangers specified shall be preceded by the safety signal as per Radio Regs.

Reg 32 - Information Required in Danger Messages

IDO – K PTD Kind Posn/Date/Time
TS – SPTD PTW CSSS Stat. Posn/Date/Time Press. Wind Co Sea Swell Subsequent
Wind ≥10 - PWC Pressure Wind Co
Sub Freezing Air Temp TTASW Time/Date Temp(Air/Sea) Wind
1. (IDO) Ice, Derelicts & Other danger to nav. - kind of IDO observed; posn, time (in UTC) & date when last obs.
2. T.S. – statement - TS encountered & info Tx when Master believes TS is developing or exists nearby
- posn, time (in UTC) & date when observation taken
- Add. - bar. press. & tendncy, wind force & true dirtn, T/Co & spd, state of sea, swell (dirtn, period/length)
3. Subsequent observations if practicable, Tx hourly but NMT 3 hrs, as long as ship is under influence of storm.
4. Winds of force ≥10, no storm wrng rcvd - barometric press. & tendency, wind force & true dirtn, T/Co & spd
5. Sub-freezing air temp. assc. w/gale force winds – time (in UTC) & date; air & (if) sea temp; wind force & dirtn

Reg 33 - Distress situations: Obligations and procedures

RAO US2P Receiving Answered Obligation Unable Survivorsx2 Prejudice
1. Every master on receiving distress signal or info. is bound to proceed with all speed to their assistance, if
possible informing them or the SAR services that the ship is doing so.
2. If the master of a ship which answered the distress alert is requisitioned, then he is obligated to proceed with
all speed to their assistance.
3. Masters of requisitioned ships shall be released from this obligation if informed by persons in distress or by SAR
services or by master of another ship on site that their assistance is not required
4. If ship is unable or considers it unreasonable in the given circumstances to proceed for their assistance, a
statement made in the log-book stating the reason for not doing so.
5. If survivors embarked they shall be treated with humanity, within the capabilities & limitations of ship.
6. CG resp. to ensure - survivors are disembarked & delivered to a place of safety from the assisting ship with min.
further deviation from their intended voy., provided that it does not further endanger the SOLAS.
7. Nothing in this reg. prejudice the Brussels Convention on Assistance & Salvage at Sea, particularly the obligation
to render assistance imposed by article 11 of that Convention.

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Reg 34 Safe navigation and avoidance of dangerous situations
Prior proceeding plan SRouS Sea Room Nav Haz Wx Marine actions activities
1. Prior proceeding to sea, the master shall ensure - intended voy. - planned using appr. Nautical charts & publ.
taking into account the guidelines & recomm. developed by IMO.
2. The voyage plan shall:
i. Consider relevant SRS (ships' routeing systems)
ii. Ensure sufficient sea room for the safe passage of the ship throughout the voyage
iii. Anticipate all known navg. hazards & adverse Wx cond. and
iv. Apply marine environmental protection measures - avoid actions & activities that may damage environment

Reg 34-1 - Master’s discretion

Owner, charterer, company or any other person - not prevent or restrict master - taking or executing any decision
which, in the master’s professional judgement, is necessary for SOLAS and protection of the marine environment.

Reg 35 - Misuse of distress signals

Except for indicating distress, use of Int.nat. distress signal or signal which may be confused with IDS are prohibited

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