Chapter One
Chapter One
Chapter One
A financial transaction is an economic event that affects the assets and equities of the
organization, is reflected in its accounts, and is measured in monetary terms.
Nonfinancial transactions are events that do not meet the narrow definition of a
The elements of the general model are:
financial transaction.
1. End users fall into two general groups: external and internal. External users
Financial transactions and nonfinancial transactions are closely related and are often
include creditors, stockholders, potential investors, regulatory agencies, tax
processed by the same physical system.
authorities, suppliers, and customers. Internal users include management at
every level of the organization, as well as operations personnel.
• DATA ATTRIBUTE. The data attribute is the most elemental piece of
potentially useful data in the database.
• RECORD. A record is a complete set of attributes for a single occurrence
within an entity class.
• FILES. A file is a complete set of records of an identical class.
Marketing. The marketplace needs to know about, and have access to, a firm’s products.
The marketing function deals with the strategic problems of product promotion,
advertising, and market research.
Distribution. Distribution is the activity of getting the product to the customer after the
Personnel. Competent and reliable employees are a valuable resource to a business. The
objective of the personnel function is to effectively manage this resource.
Finance. The finance function manages the financial resources of the firm through
banking and treasury activities, portfolio management, credit evaluation, cash
Materials Management. The objective of materials management is to plan and control disbursements, and cash receipts.
the materials inventory of the company. A manufacturing firm must have sufficient
inventories on hand to meet its production needs and yet avoid excessive inventory levels. THE ACCOUNTING FUNCTION
• Purchasing is responsible for ordering inventory from vendors when inventory The accounting function manages the financial information resource of the firm. In this
levels fall to their reorder points. regard, it plays two important roles in transaction processing.
• Receiving is the task of accepting the inventory previously ordered by 1. Accounting captures and records the financial effects of the firm’s transactions.
purchasing. 2. The accounting function distributes transaction information to operations
• Stores takes physical custody of the inventory received and releases these personnel to coordinate many of their key tasks.
resources into the production process as needed.
The Value of Information. The value of information to a user is determined by its
Production. Production activities occur in the conversion cycle in which raw materials, reliability. For this to happen, information must possess certain attributes—relevance,
labor, and plant assets are used to create finished products. The specific activities are accuracy, completeness, summarization, and timeliness.
determined by the nature of the products being manufactured. In general, they fall into
two broad classes: Accounting Independence. Information reliability rests heavily on the concept of
accounting independence. Simply stated, accounting activities must be separate and
1. Primary manufacturing activities. Primary manufacturing activities shape and independent of the functional areas that maintain custody of physical resources.
assemble raw materials into finished products.
The IT function is associated with the information resource. The information technology
function has four key functions:
1. Data processing. The data processing group manages the computer resources
used to perform the day-to-day processing of transactions.
• Centralized Data Processing. Under the centralized data processing
model, all data processing is performed by one or more large
computers housed at a central site that serve users throughout the
The design of the conceptual system involves specifying the criteria for identifying
delinquent customers and the information that needs to be reported. The accountant
determines the nature of the information required, its sources, its destination, and the
accounting rules that need to be applied.
The physical system is the medium and method for capturing and presenting the
information. The computer professionals determine the most economical and effective
technology for accomplishing the task. Hence, systems design should be a collaborative
effort. Because of the uniqueness of each system and the susceptibility of systems to
serious error and even fraud, the accountant’s involvement in systems design should be
External Auditing