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Action Research in Numeracy

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13th National Convention on Statistics (NCS) EDSA Shangri-La Hotel,

Mandaluyong City October 3-4, 2016

by Juanito P. Vicera

The action research aims to develop more the performance of
Grade III- Armstrong Pupils in Mathematics in Malagasang III
Elementary School computational skills and multiplication card drill.
Specifically, the action research focus to: 1) use computational
skills to enhance the mastery level of Grade III-Armstrong in
Mathematics, 2) enhance comprehension skills of Grade 3 on
Mathematics concepts using multiplication drill card 3)to motivate
and sustain pupils’ interest in Mathematics and 4) improve the
teaching strategy in Mathematics using computational skills and
multiplication card drill. The study was conducted for two quarters
from June-October 2015(1st and 2nd Grading) with 35 pupils as the
target subjects. The study used experimental design to look into the
effectiveness of computational skills and multiplication caerd drill
in improving pupils’ performance in Mathematics. The findings showed
that the use of Arts In Math (AIM) enhanced the performance of Grade
III-Armstrong Pupils in Mathematics. For the first quarter, there was
an increase of 34.13 in the MPS and 29.79 for the second quarter.
Using the t-test of the difference between means of correlated data,
the t- test computed value of 23.71 for the first quarter and 32.37
for the second quarter is more than the critical value of 1.676 at
0.05 level of significance with 45 degrees of freedom.

In conclusion, Arts In Math (AIM) enhanced mastery learning

and comprehension of Grade 6-C pupils based from the pretest and
posttest. There was a significant difference between the means of
pretest and posttest using t-test as the statistical treatment. In
addition, Arts in Math (AIM) stimulated, motivated and sustained
pupils’ interest. Furthermore, Arts In Math (AIM) improved the
teaching strategy in Mathematics. As to the recommendations, teachers
should be encouraged and motivated to use Arts In Math so as to
enhance pupils’ performance in Math. Moreover, integration of arts
should not only be used in teaching Mathematics but also with other
subjects. The school head should encourage and support the generation
and use of the Arts In Math (AIM). I.
INTRODUCTION The world today is undergoing a tremendous change
which causes a chain of problems and challenges to mankind. Man is
endowed with intelligence and is making use of his ingenuity to
wrestle with these brain-pain problems not only to cope with and be
attuned with the changing times but most especially to survive.
Mathematics is one of those disciplines greatly influenced by the
process of change in our world today. In the words of Adler,
Mathematics is the handmaiden of science, is also the art which
expresses beauty through a system of definitions, axioms and
theorems. It is one of the most important tools man has forged in his
quest to understand and control his environment. Since Mathematics is
an indispensable tool for technological age, it is the role of
mathematics teachers to provide opportunities to pupils to learn
materials which may be considered new or modern. Page 3 of 9 Most
failure in Mathematics is due to the sole memorization with devoid
understanding. Pupils lack the application of skills and techniques
which help the pupils develop their critical thinking, reasoning
power and creative minds which they use in working independently in
any kind of Mathematics activities. It was observed that pupils
easily get bored in solving pure numbers during their Math period.
They enjoy more in their ARTS subject which has something to do with
drawing and coloring pictures. They are more behaved in doing their
arts activities independently. In Buyagan Elementary School,
Mathematics had been noted as one of the most difficult subject since
it consists of a collection of facts and skills to be memorized or
mastered by a relatively heterogeneous group of pupils. The result of
the National Achievement Test (NAT) in Mathematics in the year 2013
is 66 .32 % and in the year 2014 is 68.82%. Though it shows that it
is increasing, it did not yet reach the 75% standard level. The
researcher in her role as a Mathematics teacher concerned herself on
how to help the pupils perform better in the field of Mathematics.
This concern made the researcher planned to find possible solutions
that could assist the Grade Six Section C pupils of Buyagan
Elementary School in enhancing their level of performance in
Mathematics. II. METHODOLOGY The researcher used ARTS IN MATH (AIM)
as a strategy that would enhance the performance of Grade VI Section
C pupils of Buyagan Elementary School in Mathematics during the
school year 2015-2016. Arts in Math (AIM) is an excellent strategy.
This makes use of instructional approaches which attempts to make the
process of learning mathematics more enjoyable, more exciting and
more meaningful. It significantly improves mastery of key concepts
and vocabulary. It helps the pupils relax and reduce the stress which
many of the pupil’s experience as a result of Math anxiety.
According to John Malkevitch (2012) in his Mathematics and Art
feature Column from the AMS, all students are gifted and using arts
in math gives artistically gifted children a chance to shine. For
right-brained children (who are often left-handed), art engages the
right brain which is a critical part of their ability to learn math
concepts and vocabulary. In addition to this benefit- art activities
are fun for everybody, and since authentic learning is linked to
emotion, it makes sense to incorporate art whenever possible in
teaching Math. Arts In Math (AIM) calls for simple and direct
instruction that aims to help pupils memorize fundamental
mathematical concepts while having arts. The pupils can use colors
and shapes to enhance their understanding of Math. The materials are
in the form of activity sheets that will be used inside the classroom
and are used in selected topics. The pupils will answer or solve
mathematics sentences before they are going to perform art activities
like coloring or painting. Here are the activities and lesson ideas
using Arts in Math:  Color My Petals : Make the petals of the
flower colorful by applying different colors but the pupils will have
to add and subtract decimal numbers first. Page 4 of 9  My Cutie
Puppy : This activity focuses on multiplying decimals by 0.1,0.01 and
0.001. The pupils will find the product and color the parts of the
puppy according to the given codes.  Answer, Find and Color: This
activity is about multiplication of decimals. The pupils are going to
answer the given numbers, find the product and color the picture
according to the given codes.  Solve, Find and Shade: These
activities cover division of decimals. The pupils are going to solve,
find the quotient and shade the parts of each drawing according to
the given codes.  Funny Tweety: This activity is an enjoyable and
interesting way to identify prime and composite numbers.  My Chubby
Pooh : This activity is on identifying equivalent fractions. The
pupils are task to find the fractions equivalent to the given set of
fractions before applying colors on Pooh’s clothes.  Treasure
Hunting: It focuses on determining and matching the GCF of 2 numbers
placed below the miners’ carts and the gold bars.  Food Delivery
Maze: It requires the pupils to change the fractions to decimals
until they will reach grandma’s house and delivers the food. III.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION Arts in Math (AIM) was used in the teaching-
learning process for the first and second quarters of the school year
2015-2016 to enhance the performance in Mathematics of the Grade 6
section C pupils of Buyagan Elementary School. Different activities
using Arts in Math were used in the development of lessons as well as
during the preparatory activities and evaluation activities. The
researcher used Arts in Math (AIM) in almost all the least learned
competencies in Mathematics. The result of the teaching-learning
process is presented basing on each objective. They are as follows:
A. Effectiveness of Arts in Math (AIM) in enhancing the mastery
learning of Grade 6-C pupils in Mathematics Arts in Math (AIM)
particularly the use of drawing, coloring, painting, and etching
activities in teaching the competencies enhanced the learning of the
Grade 6-C pupils in Mathematics. During the teaching of Mathematics,
different individual and group activities were used to add, subtract,
multiply, divide decimals, identify prime and composite numbers, find
equivalent fractions, determine GCF and LCM, change fractions to
lowest terms, reduced fractions, add, subtract, multiply and divide
similar and dissimilar fractions. Table 1 shows the pretest and
posttest results for the two quarters- first quarter and second
quarter. Results show that there was an increase of 34.13 in the MPS
for the first quarter and 29.79 for the second quarter. The increase
in the mean score which indicated great difference between the
pretest and posttest evidently validated the claim that pupils
exposed to creative, exciting and varied activities had better
retention and had mastered the lessons. Table 1 also presents the
results of the t-test statistics between the pretest and posttest for
the first quarter and second quarter. Page 5 of 9 Using the t-test of
the difference between means of correlated data, the t- test computed
value of 23.71 for the first quarter and 32.37 for the second quarter
is more than the critical value of 1.676 at 0.05 level of
significance with 45 degrees of freedom. The result shows that Arts
In Math (AIM) is an effective tool in improving learning in
Mathematics. Table 1: Mean Difference of the Pre-test and Post Test
score in AIM Quarter Test Mean Standard Deviation Computed t df
Tabulated value of t at 0.05 level of significance 1 st Pre-test
14.57 4.86 23.71 45 1.676 Post test 31.63 2 nd Pre-test 16.02 3.15
32.37 45 1.676 Post-test 30.91 B. Improved comprehension skills of
Grade 6 on Mathematics concepts through the use of Arts In Math (AIM)
Using Arts In Math (AIM) in teaching Mathematics showed that there
was an improvement on the comprehension skills of the pupils on
Mathematics concept. Individual and group arts activities in the
development of the lessons, lesson proper and during the evaluation
of learning outcomes were used. Table 2 presents the mastery indices
of the different competencies for the first grading examination. It
could be seen that most of the competencies are under Closely
Approximating Mastery (CAM) and Mastered (M). Of the 15 competencies,
six (6) were under Mastered (M) and nine (9) were under Closely
Approximating Mastery. This could be attributed from the effect of
the Arts in Math (AIM) used in classroom instruction. Table 2:
Mastery Index per Competency in Math 6 First Grading Examination
COMPETENCIES Average Number. of Correct Responses Percentage of
Correct Responses Mastery Level 1. Translate word phrase to numerical
expressions. 43 93% CAM 2. Write correct equation for a
problem/situation. 40 87% CAM 3. Evaluate an expression with/without
exponents. 40 87% CAM 4. Identify the value/place value of a digit in
a given decimal. 41 89% CAM 5. Compare and order decimals through ten
thousandths. 43 93% CAM 6. Estimate sums and differences of whole
numbers and decimals. 40 87% CAM 7. Add and subtract whole numbers
and decimals. 46 100% M 8. Solve 2 to 3 step word problems involving
addition and subtraction of decimals. 44 96% M 9. Multiply whole
numbers and decimals. 44 96% M Page 6 of 9 10. Multiply decimals by
10,100, 1000. 46 100% M 11. Multiply decimals by 0.1,0.01,0.001. 46
100% M 12. Solve 1- to 3- digit by 1- to 2-digit factors of decimals
and numbers with zero difficulty. 44 96% M 13. Solve word problems
involving whole numbers and decimals including money. 43 93% CAM 14.
Estimate quotients of whole numbers and decimals. 38 83% CAM 15.
Divide 2- to 5- digit whole numbers by 1- to 2- digit decimals. 38
83% CAM  M- Mastery  CAM- Closely Approximating Mastery Table 3
presents the mastery indices of the different competencies for the
second grading examination. Of the 19 competencies, four (4) were
under Mastered (M), fourteen (14) were under Closely Approximating
Mastery (CAM) and one (1) was under Moving Towards Mastery (MTM).
Table 3: Mastery Index per Competency in Math 6 Second Grading
Examination Competencies Ave. No. of Correct Responses Percentage of
Correct Responses Mastery Level 1 .Divide whole numbers by 1-to 2-
digit decimals. 39 85% CAM 2. Divide a whole number by decimal and
mixed decimal 38 83% CAM 3. Divide mixed decimals by mixed decimals.
36 78% MTM 4. Divide decimals by 10, 100, 1000,0.1,0.01.and0.001 43
93% CAM 5. Solve word problem involving division of decimals
including money 38 83% CAM 6. Identify prime and composite numbers 46
100% M 7. Determine the greatest common factor(GCF)of 2 or more
numbers 40 87% CAM 8. Determine the least common multiple(LCM)of 2 or
more numbers. 40 87% CAM 9. Rename fractions as decimals and vice
versa 39 85% CAM 10.Reduce fractions to lowest term. 42 91% CAM
11.Change mixed numbers to improper fraction or vice versa. 44 96% M
12.Estimate fractions close to 0,1/2, or 1 38 83% CAM 13.Find the
least common denominator(LCD) of a set of numbers. 43 93% CAM
14.Order fractions in simple or mixed forms in ascending or
descending order. 46 100% M 15.Add similar fractions in simple or
mixed form with regrouping. Competencies 44 96% M 16. Subtract
similar fractions in simple and mixed forms with or without
regrouping. 41 89% CAM 17. Add dissimilar fractions with or without
regrouping. 40 87% CAM 18. Subtract dissimilar fractions with or
without regrouping. 40 87% CAM Page 7 of 9 19. Analyze and solve 1-to
2- step word problems involving addition or subtraction of fractions
in simple or mixed forms with or without regrouping. 38 83% CAM  M-
Mastery  CAM-Closely Approximating Mastery  MTM-Moving Towards
Mastery C. Used Arts In Math (AIM) to stimulate, motivate and sustain
pupils’ interest The study used different arts activities in
teaching Mathematics 6. Coloring activities for individual work and
group work were used. Aside from coloring activities, painting,
colored paper tearing, sprinkling, cutting and crayon etching were
also done. According to Larrick (1953) as cited by Agnasi (2013),
there is no substitute for the study of the interest of the
individual; we must make the most of the children’s interest because
it is the starting point for the improvement, a barometer of
proficiency and as a criterion of the success of school instruction.
It was observed that whenever the lessons were presented using Arts
In Math (AIM), the pupils became more interested and active in all
the activities. Pupils’ interest throughout the teaching-learning
process was very evident. Table 4 presents the attendance of the
pupils for the first and second quarters. Results show that there
were 100% of attendance from the beginning of classes up to the end
of the first semester (June-October) and no pupils were tardy or late
in their Mathematics subject. Table 4: Attendance of Pupils for the
1st and 2nd Quarters 1 st Quarter 2 nd Quarter Male Female Total Male
Female Total No. of Pupils 22 24 46 22 24 46 Average Attendance 22 24
46 22 24 46 Percentage of Attendance 100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 100%
Number of pupils tardy/late 0 0 0 0 0 0 D. Improved the teaching
strategy in Mathematics According to Rivera and Sambrano (1982), as
cited by Ducayso (2004), the slow learners have short span of
interest; hence, they exactly get bored. Because of this, the teacher
should set more interesting environment through discussions, games,
puzzles, arts and other exciting activities. It is then the role of a
teacher to make the teaching-learning process effective and
successful by improving his teaching strategy instead of typical
intermediate papers or chalk boards. The use of Arts In Math (AIM)
was a very effective strategy in teaching Mathematics subject. The
pupils were provided with different art activities which they enjoyed
doing while computing and analyzing mathematical sentences and
mathematics word problems. Page 8 of 9 IV. CONCLUSION From the
findings, the researcher came up with the following conclusions: 1.
Arts In Math (AIM) enhanced mastery learning and comprehension of
Grade 6-C pupils based from the pretest and posttest. There was a
significant difference between the means of pretest and posttest
using t-test as the statistical treatment. 2. Arts in Math (AIM)
stimulated, motivated and sustained pupils’ interest. 3. Arts In
Math (AIM) improved the teaching strategy in Mathematics. V.
RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings and the conclusions drawn from
the study, the following recommendations are given: 1. Teachers
should be encouraged and motivated to use Arts In Math so as to
enhance pupils’ performance in Math. 2. Integration of Arts should
not only be used in teaching Mathematics but also with other
subjects. 3. The school head should encourage and support the
generation and use of the Arts In Math (AIM). VI. REFLECTION Every
teacher wants their pupils to learn, to shine and to excel in their
classes. Every teacher believes that the success of the learners
reflects the success of his way of imparting knowledge to them.
Different strategies are being used to ensure that every learner will
be able to learn. In this study, Arts In Math (AIM) was used to make
teaching-learning process in Mathematics fun, enjoyable and
interesting. At first, it was a tough job for me since I didn’t have
the skills in arts, but I really wanted to present and teach math
concepts in a way that pupils will develop the attitude of “I LOVE
MATH.” With the saying-“If there’s a will, there’s a way,” I was
able to produce different art activities for my pupils even it
entailed a lot of hard work and consumed most of my time.
Nevertheless, I find contentment when I saw my pupils humming and
smiling while doing their individual or group work activites. With
this research, I realized that a teacher should be ARTISTIC. A
teacher should possess the following characteristics: A= Artistic and
Approachable R= Resourceful T= Thoughtful I= Innovative S= Systematic
T= Tender to his/her pupils I= Ingenious C= Creative Page 9 of

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