Action Research in Numeracy
Action Research in Numeracy
Action Research in Numeracy
The action research aims to develop more the performance of
Grade III- Armstrong Pupils in Mathematics in Malagasang III
Elementary School computational skills and multiplication card drill.
Specifically, the action research focus to: 1) use computational
skills to enhance the mastery level of Grade III-Armstrong in
Mathematics, 2) enhance comprehension skills of Grade 3 on
Mathematics concepts using multiplication drill card 3)to motivate
and sustain pupils’ interest in Mathematics and 4) improve the
teaching strategy in Mathematics using computational skills and
multiplication card drill. The study was conducted for two quarters
from June-October 2015(1st and 2nd Grading) with 35 pupils as the
target subjects. The study used experimental design to look into the
effectiveness of computational skills and multiplication caerd drill
in improving pupils’ performance in Mathematics. The findings showed
that the use of Arts In Math (AIM) enhanced the performance of Grade
III-Armstrong Pupils in Mathematics. For the first quarter, there was
an increase of 34.13 in the MPS and 29.79 for the second quarter.
Using the t-test of the difference between means of correlated data,
the t- test computed value of 23.71 for the first quarter and 32.37
for the second quarter is more than the critical value of 1.676 at
0.05 level of significance with 45 degrees of freedom.