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Mark* VIe Control

30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
System Guide

August 2016

GE Internal
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications,
and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected
herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to
the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced
GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this
document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.
GE Internal – This document is proprietary. It contains information that belongs to the General Electric Company and is
furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation, and/or maintenance of the
equipment described. This document or the information it contains shall not be reproduced in whole or in part or disclosed to
any third party without the express written consent of GE.
GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for
particular purpose.
For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales

Revised: August 2016

Issued: August 2011

© 2011 - 2016 General Electric Company.

* Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

We would appreciate your feedback about our documentation.

Please send comments or suggestions to controls.doc@ge.com

GE Internal
Document Updates
Revision Location Description
D Miscellaneous updates to fix format, style, trademarks, spelling and other minor
Throughout the document
Aug 2016 changes

Updated the quantity of 12 V batteries for the 30 Nm Pitch 1.6 MW ESS to 6 or

Chapter 1, Overview
C 8 in the table, Feature Comparison Between 20 Nm and 30 Nm PCS
Jul 2014 Updated the quantity of 12 V batteries for the 30 Nm Pitch 1.6 MW ESS to 6 or
Chapter 6, Battery Box
The section, Gear Ratio
Parameter and Axis Added the gear ratio limit value range, 800–5000, to step 3.
B Position Calibration
Aug 2011 The procedure, To enter a
gear ratio from the Added a Note indicating the correct gear ratio permissible value.
handheld HMI

Related Documents
Title Doc #
ESS Electrical wiring diagram 104W4611
ToolboxST* User Guide for Mark* Controls Platform GEH-6700
Mark VIe Controllers UCCx and UCSx Instruction Guide GEI-100665
3701/60 GE Wind Condition Top Box Monitor (WCBM) Instruction Guide GEI-100729
Mark VIe Control Wind Energy Pitch Axis (WEPA) Module Description GEI-100731
Wind Energy Converter Assembly (WECA) Instruction Guide GEI-100732
Mark VIe Control Wind Energy Top Box Interface (WETA) Module Description GEI-100733
Mark VIe Control Wind / Solar Energy Main Converter (WEMA) Module Description GEI-100734

GEH-6736D System Guide 3

GE Internal
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AEPC Alternate Energy Pitch Center Board
DDR Dynamic Data Recorder
DTA Down Tower Assembly
ESS Electrical Simplified System
E-Stop Emergency stop
HDC Heavy-duty Connectors
HMI Human-machine Interface
LED Light Emitting Diode
LOTO Lockout/tagout
PCS Pitch Control System
PMPC Pitch Motor Power Converter
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
UCSA Universal Controller Stand Alone Controller
WEPA Wind Energy Pitch Axis Module

4 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Safety Symbol Legend

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in

personal injury or death.

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage
to or destruction of equipment.


Indicates a procedure or condition that should be strictly followed to improve these



GEH-6736D System Guide 5

GE Internal
Control System Warnings

To prevent personal injury or damage to equipment, follow all equipment safety

procedures, Lockout Tagout (LOTO), and site safety procedures as indicated by
Employee Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines.

This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock, burn, or death. Only
personnel who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment
and the instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.

Isolation of test equipment from the equipment under test presents potential electrical
hazards. If the test equipment cannot be grounded to the equipment under test, the
test equipment’s case must be shielded to prevent contact by personnel.

To minimize hazard of electrical shock or burn, approved grounding practices and

Warning procedures must be strictly followed.

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused by equipment malfunction,

only adequately trained personnel should modify any programmable machine.

Always ensure that applicable standards and regulations are followed and only
properly certified equipment is used as a critical component of a safety system. Never
assume that the Human-machine Interface (HMI) or the operator will close a safety
critical control loop.

6 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2 ESS Pitch Control System............................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Power Flow .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Network............................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Operational Network ....................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Specifications ....................................................................................................................................... 16
3 Handheld HMI .................................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 Jog the Pitch Control Using Generator Power.............................................................................................. 18
3.2 Jog the Pitch Control Using AC Power ...................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Gear Ratio Parameter and Axis Position Calibration ..................................................................................... 20
4 Axis Box 1 (Power Distribution) ................................................................................................. 25
4.1 AEPC Module....................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Startup and Heater Control ...................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Top Box Assembly Inputs ....................................................................................................................... 27
5 Axis Box............................................................................................................................................ 29
5.1 WEPA Module ...................................................................................................................................... 30
5.2 Pitch Motor Power Converter................................................................................................................... 31
6 Battery Box ...................................................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Battery Charger ..................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1.1 Battery Charger Automatic Self-test ................................................................................................... 37
7 Pitch Motor ....................................................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Pitch Motor Brake ................................................................................................................................. 41
8 Working with the ToolboxST Application................................................................................. 43
8.1 Diagnostic Display................................................................................................................................. 43
8.2 Watch Window...................................................................................................................................... 46
8.2.1 Monitor the Battery ......................................................................................................................... 46
8.3 Signal Trending..................................................................................................................................... 49
8.3.1 Operations Trends ........................................................................................................................... 49
8.4 Dynamic Data Recorder .......................................................................................................................... 51
9 Maintenance..................................................................................................................................... 55
9.1 Recommended Annual Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 55
9.1.1 Fuse Replacement ........................................................................................................................... 56
9.2 DC Motor Brush Replacement ................................................................................................................. 57
10 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................... 65
10.1 Handheld HMI ...................................................................................................................................... 66
10.2 Jog Operation........................................................................................................................................ 68
10.3 Batteries and Battery Charger................................................................................................................... 70
11 Replacement and Ordering ........................................................................................................ 71
11.1 Replacement ......................................................................................................................................... 71
11.1.1 Replacement Procedures................................................................................................................... 72
11.2 Ordering .............................................................................................................................................. 78

GEH-6736D System Guide 7

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8 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
1 Overview
The 1.6 MW active 30 Nm Pitch Control System (PCS) for Electrical Simplified System
(ESS) Wind Turbines is installed in the wind turbine hub and regulates turbine speed and
Refer to the ToolboxST User The PCS is based on the Mark* VIe control system platform. It uses a high-speed
Guide for Mark Controls networked Ethernet input/output (I/O) connection for control, maintenance, and
Platform (GEH-6700). diagnostics. Diagnostic alarm messages and predetermined feedback signals are available
to the communications networks for control, trending, and diagnostics. The ToolboxST*
application is used for programming, configuring I/O, trending, and analyzing
diagnostics. Power and hardwired interlocks are wired from the Top box, through the slip
rings, to the Pitch Center box controller.
The Universal Controller Stand Alone (UCSA) controller sets the blade angle reference,
enables the Pitch to position command, and controls the Pitch brake in the software. The
UCSA controller also controls rotor speed, torque, and output power. The PCS regulates
axis motor speed and torque using the commands and reference from the UCSA
controller. For the turbine to be operational, all three blades must be actively controlled.
Emergency feathering protects The PCS also provides emergency feathering from a battery supply. A hard-wired control
the turbine during high winds. signal sent over the slip rings from the Top box activates the emergency feather system. If
at least two of the three blades feather to the 90° position, the turbine slows to a safe
The turbine has a rotor brake speed.
that can hold a stopped rotor.

Feature Comparison Between 20 Nm and 30 Nm PCS

Feature 20 Nm Pitch 1.5 MW ESS 30 Nm Pitch 1.6 MW ESS
Main input power 690 V ac 400 V ac
Heater and auxiliary power feed 400 V ac + neutral 400 V ac + neutral
Control power 24 V dc from Top box assembly Internal to WEPA modules
Pitch control board IS215AEPCH1B IS215AEPCH1C
Axis control module IS215AEPAH1A IS215WEPAH1B
Emergency pitch supply 12 V batteries with individual 12 V batteries with individual chargers and
chargers and diagnostics (Qty 4) diagnostics (Qty 6 or 8)
Low voltage ride through (LVRT) Emergency pitch Feather pitch (K24 contactor)
Mains on command Hardwired enable Software enable from control code
Installation/maintenance mode Hardware - move harting power Software plus remove E-Stop bypass plug from
connector position Exor UniOP® ePalm harting connector
Motor 20 Nm dc series motor 30 Nm dc compound motor

Overview GEH-6736D System Guide 9

GE Internal

10 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
2 ESS Pitch Control System
The PCS changes the blade angle, which either increases or decreases the force of the
wind on the blade. The force on the blade creates torque at the hub center, causing the hub
to rotate. The total power generated by the turbine is proportional to the rotor speed
multiplied by torque.
The PCS includes three Axis or Battery boxes and three Pitch motors (each with an
integral brake and incremental encoder). The Axis box 1 contains power distribution,
control interlocks, and Ethernet distribution to each Axis box. Each Axis box contains the
motor control and protection, including individual position and speed regulators per Axis.
Each Battery box supplies power to the motor for emergency feathering, regardless of
power grid conditions.
During normal operation, the PCS operates in two modes:

• In Auto mode, the PCS operates from ac or dc power during grid loss. Pitch
start/stop commands (motor brake control and set points) are given by the UCSA
controller. Pressing the emergency stop (E-Stop) button in Auto mode causes the
blades to pitch to the 89° limit switch, bringing the turbine to a safe speed.
• Manual mode is used for calibration and manually jogging the blade position. The
PCS operates from either ac or dc power. The handheld Human-machine Interface
(HMI) plugs into the Axis box 1 to gain an Ethernet connection to the UCSA
controller. The UCSA controller sends the pitch jog forward, jog reverse, and
calibrate commands to the Pitch system from the HMI.
• Installation mode is used for blade installation on the ground. Power to the PCS is
supplied by batteries. Pressing the E-Stop button in Installation mode causes blade
motion to stop. Because the control will operate even in cold weather and the heaters
and battery charger power have not been wired, the installers should be careful to
conserve operation to avoid draining the batteries.

Blade Positions

ESS Pitch Control System GEH-6736D System Guide 11

GE Internal
2.1 Power Flow
In each Axis box, the main 400 V ac power is stepped down to 83.6 V ac and rectified to
dc voltage. Control power, 24 V dc, is generated from the dc link input voltage. The 400
V ac 3-phase power in Axis box 1 distributed to Axis 2 and 3 is tapped to neutral 230 V ac
for battery-charging voltage, heaters, and fans. Lighting and outlets are 230 or 120 V ac
1-phase from the slip rings. The Top box provides all power inside the hub through the
slip ring.

12 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Power Flow One-line Diagram

ESS Pitch Control System GEH-6736D System Guide 13

GE Internal
2.2 Network
The PCS network is wired differently after mounting the hub to the nacelle than during
initial blade installation. The UCSA controller is located in the ESS Down Tower
Assembly (DTA) and is not available for blade angle control and sequencing before the
hub is lifted and installed.
Refer to the Mark VIe Control During installation, the Axis manual control is provided with the Alternate Energy Pitch
Wind Energy Pitch Axis Center (IS215AEPC) modules’ processor board located in Axis box 1 (with the pitch).
(WEPA) Module Description The required Top box hard-wired I/O contains jumpers installed at the factory to allow
(GEI-100731). jog operation from the handheld HMI, which is networked through the N-Tron® switch to
the AEPC’s processor board IONet. The processor board distributes the control signals to
each Wind Energy Pitch Axis (WEPA) module through the IONet.

Down Tower Blade Installation PCS Network One-line

14 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
2.2.1 Operational Network
The UCSA controller is mounted in the ESS DTA. This controller has a configurable
network IP address and communicates to users and Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA). All other boards and devices on the IONet have fixed and preset
IP addresses.
The AEPC module distributes hard-wired signals from the Top box to each Axis. Control
signals from the turbine controller flow through an IONet connection to each Axis box
WEPA. Status and feedbacks are read directly by the UCSA controller through the IONet.
For diagnostics and trending, a computer with the ToolboxST application is connected
through the Ethernet Down Tower by connecting a CAT5 cable to the DTA door mounted
RJ-45 jack.

Note J3 and J4 Ethernet connections to the AEPC processor board are removed for
normal network operation.

Ethernet Network One-line Turbine Network Diagram

ESS Pitch Control System GEH-6736D System Guide 15

GE Internal
2.3 Specifications
Item Specification
Main input power 400 V ac ±10% 50/60 Hz
Input control power Provided by the WEPA
Accessory power input 120/230 V ac nominal, ±10% 1500 W maximum (receptacles and
lights are 60 Hz-capable only)
Rated operating temperature (ambient inside hub) -30 to 50°C (-22 to 122 °F)
Survival temperature -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140 °F)
Agency approvals CSA NRTL/C UL508C CSA C22.2#14
Pitch motor output voltage 80 V dc maximum
Pitch-rated torque output per axis 30 Nm, continuous
Pitch overload output per axis 300% for 30 seconds following full-load operation

16 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
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3 Handheld HMI
For handheld HMI and The Exor UniOP ePalm is a handheld HMI with a graphic display and a keypad. It plugs
jogging issues, refer to the into the Axis box 1 for manual control of each Axis controller.
section, Troubleshooting.
Note When cycling system power, unplug the handheld HMI. When the PCS has been
restarted and is operational, plug in the handheld HMI.

The handheld HMI powers on faster than the controller does. If it is plugged in when
power is applied, the handheld HMI tries to communicate with the controller. If the
controller has not finished powering on, the handheld HMI displays a misleading error
message that the URL does not work. Follow the instructions on the ePalm screen to
restore communication with the Pitch system.

Handheld HMI Part Numbers

Item Part Number
GEWE PN 104W1536P0010
T56870000111 (Europe)
Cable type/length Ethernet/2m
Vendor model ePALM10-DA071
Reference drawing numbers 151X1225HS01PC01P3

This section provides the following procedures:

• Jog the Pitch Control Using Generator Power

• Jog the Pitch Control Using AC Power
• Gear Ratio Parameter and Axis Position Calibration

Handheld HMI GEH-6736D System Guide 17

GE Internal
3.1 Jog the Pitch Control Using Generator Power
➢ To perform jogging
1. Plug the handheld HMI into the Axis box 1 plug. Keep the Auto/Manual switch in
the Manual position and select the Axis by positioning the selector switch in the
1/2/3 position to jog Axis 1/2/3.
2. The HMI searches for the start.htm file. If the .htm file cannot be found, unplug the
device, wait a minute, and then plug it back in. The screen displays the following:

• F1 IP Address View
• F2 Jog View
• F3 Cal View
• F4 Status View
• F5 Rotor Assembly
3. If the hub is on the ground (not connected over IONet to a UCSA controller), press
F5 Rotor Assembly. The screen displays the following:

• Assembly Request Set

• F8 Return
4. Press F8 Return to get back to the top-level menu. This mode is only available
when the Pitch system is disconnected from the system and drops out when IONet
Healthy is True.
5. Press F2 to navigate to the Jog View. The screen displays the following:

• Jog View
• F8 Home
• F7 Cal View
• F1 Axis 1 Jog View
• F2 Axis 2 Jog View
• F3 Axis 3 Jog View
• F4 Jog All View
6. Press F1, F2, or F3 to navigate to the view where the blade can be jogged. The
screen displays the following:

• Axis 1 Jog
• F8 Home
• F7 Cal View
• F1 Fwd F2 Rev
• F3 Stop
• F4 Fwd F5 Rev
7. Verify that the E-Stop push-buttons on the handheld HMI and the Axis box are
8. Press the deadman switch so that it clicks once, and is not positioned all the way in
or out.
9. Press F1 to go toward the 89° limit switch, or press F2 to go toward the 0° limit
switch. To move faster, press F4 to go toward the 89° limit switch, or press F5 to go
toward the 0° limit switch. Press F3 to stop or release the deadman switch.

18 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
3.2 Jog the Pitch Control Using AC Power
➢ To perform jogging
1. Hold down the E-Stop bypass button while plugging the handheld HMI into the
Axis box 1 plug.
2. The HMI searches for the start .htm file. If the .htm file cannot be found, unplug the
handheld HMI. Wait a minute and then repeat step 1.
3. Verify that the E-Stop bypass button is pulled out.
4. Set the Auto/Manual switch to Manual position and select the Axis by positioning
the selector switch in the 1/2/3 position to jog Axis 1/2/3. The handheld HMI
searches for the start.htm file.

Note If the handheld HMI is removed with the Axis select switch positioned all the way
in, the turbine safety chain opens and the blades Emergency Pitch to 89°.

The handheld HMI screen displays the following:

• F1 IP Address View
• F2 Jog View
• F3 Cal View
• F4 Status View
• F5 Rotor Assembly
5. Press F2 to navigate to the Jog View. The screen displays the following:

• Jog View
• F8 Home
• F7 Cal View
• F1 Axis 1 Jog View
• F2 Axis 2 Jog View
• F3 Axis 3 Jog View
6. Press F1, F2, or F3 to navigate to the view for the blade to be jogged. The screen
displays the following:

• Axis Jog
• F8 Home
• F7 Cal View
• F1 Fwd F2 Rev
• F3 Stop
• F4 Fwd F5 Rev
7. Verify that the E-Stop push-buttons on the handheld HMI and Axis 1 box are
released, and the jumpers have been removed from the AEPC module.
8. Press the deadman switch so that it clicks once, and is not positioned all the way in
or out.
9. Press F1 to go toward the 89° limit switch, or F2 to go toward the 0° limit switch. To
move faster, press F4 to go toward the 89° limit switch, or F5 to go toward the 0°
limit switch.

Handheld HMI GEH-6736D System Guide 19

GE Internal
3.3 Gear Ratio Parameter and Axis Position Calibration
A gear ratio entry is required from the handheld HMI for the following reasons:

• Factory setting is found incorrect on first-time commissioning

• Pitch motor gear box is exchanged with another gear box that has a different gear
• WEPA module is replaced or exchanged with another wind turbine generator Axis
Blade type and size, bearing torque, and other manufacturing considerations vary
according to gear box types and sizes. When a motor gear box is replaced, the gear ratio
value may need to be modified. If the gear ratio is changed, the Axis must be recalibrated.

Gear Ratio Parameter Settings

Gear Box Type (Vendor) Gear Box Ratio Pitch Parameter (Gear Ratio) Value
Bosch Rexroth™ 132.89 1799.12615
SMEI® 177.0133.22 1803.5938
Liebherr® 138.75 1878.4615

➢ To enter a gear ratio from the handheld HMI

1. From the main menu, press F3 Cal View or, from the jog menu for a particular Axis,
press F7. If the navigation occurred from the main menu, the screen displays the
following (otherwise refer to step 2):

• Axis Calibrate
• F8 Home F7 Jog View
• F1 Axis 1 Cal View
• F2 Axis 1 Cal View
• F3 Axis 1 Cal View
2. Depending upon which Axis needs to be calibrated, press F1, F2, or F3. For Axis 1,
the screen displays the following:

• Axis 1 Gear Ratio

• F8 Home F7 Jog View
• Current: 981.09
• New: [999.9]
• F3 Change
• F4 Continue
3. Enter a gear ratio value between 800 and 5000 and press F3. The screen displays the
following confirmation:

• Saving Gear Ratio

• Axis 1 Value: 999.9
• F2 Confirm
• F3 Cancel
4. To confirm, press F2. This sets a bit on the IONet Ethernet Global Data (EGD) and
the GearRatioNew output to the WEPA. The bit saves the gear ratio value to the
calsave.dat file. The screen displays the following confirmation:

• Axis 1
• Gear Ratio Changed
• F2 Continue

20 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
If the gear ratio is out of range, the screen displays the following:

• Axis 1
• Gear Ratio Rejected
• F2 Continue

Note The gear ratio value is limited to between 800.0 and 5000.0. If the gear ratio is
outside this range, the gear ratio change is rejected.

5. Press F2 to continue. In either the Changed or Rejected case, the gear ratio screen
displays the following:

• Axis 1 Gear Ratio

• F8 Home F7 Jog View
• Current: 981.09
• New: [ ]
• F3 Change
• F4 Continue
6. Press F4 to continue and calibrate the axis position.

➢ To calibrate the Axis position

1. Plug the handheld HMI keypad into the Axis box 1 plug.
2. Verify that the E-Stop bypass button is pulled out.
3. Switch the Auto/Manual switch to the Manual position and select the Axis by
positioning the selector switch in the 1/2/3 position to calibrate Axis 1/2/3. The HMI
automatically searches for the correct calibration screen.

Note If the handheld HMI is removed with the switch in Manual position, the turbine
safety chain opens, and the blades Emergency Pitch to 89°.

4. Navigate to the Jog View screen for the blade to be calibrated.

Handheld HMI GEH-6736D System Guide 21

GE Internal
Refer to the section, Jog the 5. From the handheld HMI, jog the blade to the 0° position.
Pitch Control Using AC Power.

6. Navigate to the Calibrate View screen. The screen displays the following:

• F8 Home
• F7 Jog View
• F1 Axis 1 Cal View
• F2 Axis 2 Cal View
• F3 Axis 3 Cal View
7. Press F1, F2, or F3 to navigate to the Cal View for the blade to be calibrated. The
screen displays the following:

• Axis 1 Gear Ratio

• F8 Home
• F7 Jog View
• Current: 981.09
• New: [ ]
• F3 Change
• F4 Continue

22 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
8. To calibrate (and not enter a gear ratio), press F4 Continue. The screen displays the

• Axis 1 Calibrate
• F8 Home
• F7 Jog View
• F3 Change
• F2 Calibrate Abort
9. Press the deadman switch on the handheld HMI, and hold it during calibration.
When the limit drops out, the 10. Press F1 to initiate calibration. The blade moves by following the calibration logic
calibration logic observes the until it reaches the 89° limit switch. It changes directions and moves until the limit
number of encoder counts. The switch drops out.
calibration logic calculates
and records the precise angle
at which it drops out, and
saves it to permanent memory
in the WEPA.

11. When calibration is complete, press F3. If the 89° limit switch dropout is between
87° and 95°, Calibrate OK displays as 1. The screen displays the following:

• Axis 1 Calibrate
• F8 Home
• F7 Jog View
• Calibrate OK: 1
• 1=OK, 0=Needs redone

Note If Calibrate OK does not display (for example, when a calibration setting of 120.1
is not between 87° and 95°), a recalibrate diagnostic alarm occurs. The Calibrate OK
run permissive is set to False and displays as 2. This permissive is an Auto run
permissive that only resets when a successful calibration has occurred.

Handheld HMI GEH-6736D System Guide 23

GE Internal

24 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
4 Axis Box 1 (Power Distribution)
Axis box 1 channels power, control, and speed references to each Axis box. It includes
the main ac disconnect, surge protection and the AEPC module. It also contains the
E-Stop button, E-Stop bypass switch, Auto/Manual selector switch, 3-position Manual
switch and 120/230 V ac power outlet(s). The Auto/Manual selector switch toggles
between Auto mode and Manual mode. The 3-position manual switch selects the
particular Axis for manual operation. The E-Stop bypass button bypasses the handheld
operator panel E-Stop contacts for removing the handheld HMI bypass plug and inserting
the handheld connector without interrupting the safety chain. In Auto mode, speed
commands are sent from the turbine controller. In Manual mode, speed commands are
sent from the handheld HMI.

Axis Box 1 Inside Hub

Axis Box 1 (Power Distribution) GEH-6736D System Guide 25

GE Internal
4.1 AEPC Module
The AEPC is replaced as a The AEPC module is located in Axis box 1. The 24 V dc power for the AEPC comes
single module (AEPC and from Axis 1 WEPA. The system will not power on until the control system boxes are at an
processor board). Refer to the appropriate temperature. The AEPC provides the following:
section, Replacing an AEPC.
• Fan-out and optical isolation of the discrete input to the three Axis boxes, including
signals from the turbine controller across the slip rings, the Auto/Manual selector
switch, and the handheld HMI
• Fan-out of IONet from the turbine controller to the three Axis boxes

4.2 Startup and Heater Control

The startup and heater control is active when the PCS and hub are installed up tower with
400 V power applied. To avoid frost or condensation on the electronics, the heater system
activates and regulates the internal box temperatures between 5 to 10°C (41 to 50 °F).
Once the PCS is warm enough to start, it will not shut down if the temperature falls below
5°C (41 °F). The heater control will continue to cycle.

26 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
4.3 Top Box Assembly Inputs
The Safety loop supply is a hardwired input from the Top box containing safety-related
interlocks throughout the tower. Dropping out the safety loop input causes the blades to
Emergency Pitch to 89º on controlled feather or battery power. These inputs can be seen
in the diagnostic software, labeled as SafetyLoop_A1, SafetyLoop_A2, and

J1/2/3 Connectors (to Axis 1/2/3 J1)

Pin # Description
1 Spare1
2 Spare2
3 ID Bit 0
4 ID Bit 1
5 E-Stop 1 In
6 E-Stop 2 In
7 E-Stop 1 Out
8 E-Stop 2 Out
9 Safety Loop (SE)
10 Spare In
11 Shield
12 Deadman SW (+)
13 Spare3
14 Auto Mode SW (+)
15 Manual SEL (+)
16 Surge AUX (+) only for Axis 1, spare 4 for Axis 2 and 3
17 Switched P24 V dc
18 Switched P24 V dc common

J4 (Ethernet connection from N-TRON® switch) and J5

(Ethernet connection to AEPC BPPx Processor Board J4) Connectors
Pin # RJ-45 Ethernet Port
1 Positive side of Ethernet differential transmit pair
2 Negative side of Ethernet differential transmit pair
3 Positive side of Ethernet differential receive pair
4,5,7,8 Not used
6 Negative side of Ethernet differential receive pair

Axis Box 1 (Power Distribution) GEH-6736D System Guide 27

GE Internal
J6 Connectors (to ePalm P2)
Pin # Description
1 P24 V dc Supply
2 E-Stop 1 In
3 E-Stop 2 In
4 E-Stop 1 Out
5 E-Stop 2 Out
6 P24 V dc common
7 Deadman SW 1 (+)
8 Deadman SW 1 (-)
9 Deadman SW 2 (+)
10 Deadman SW 2 (-)
11 Shield

J7 Connectors (to N-TRON switch)

Pin # Description
1 P24 V dc SW
2 P24 V dc SW common

28 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
5 Axis Box
The Axis box contains a WEPA module, 3-phase rectifier, power converter, dc contactors,
dc disconnect switch and E-Stop button. The WEPA accepts speed references from the
turbine controller over IONet. It converts the speed reference to a current reference that is
sent to the power converter. The 87 V ac from the Battery box is rectified to supply the
power converter with 120 V dc. The power converter controls the dc motor.

Axis Box Control Section

Axis Box Power Section

Axis Box GEH-6736D System Guide 29

GE Internal
5.1 WEPA Module
The WEPA is a special-purpose I/O module used to control a compound-wound dc Pitch
motor assembly in conjunction with the Pitch power converter. The ToolboxST
application includes a WEPA HTML help file. Refer to Mark VIe Control Renewable
Energy Distributed I/O Modules (GEH-6779), the section, Wind Energy Pitch Axis
(WEPA) Module.

IS200WEPAH1# Module WPCI CANbus Interface Board Processor Board

Part Number Label
WEPA Module

30 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
5.2 Pitch Motor Power Converter
The Pitch Motor Power Converter supplies the power to the motor by pulse-width
modulating (PWM) the dc link voltage to regulate dc motor current. The WEPA supplies
a hard-wired output Enable signal and a 4-20 mA current reference to the motor
controller. The RS-485 link sends converter feedbacks and diagnostics from the converter
to the WEPA. The Pitch Motor Power Converter provides the WEPA with a hard-wired
Enable Acknowledge signal. The converter is fan cooled to maintain rated output.

Do not service the Pitch Motor Power Converter. If

a problem occurs, replace the entire component.


Axis Box GEH-6736D System Guide 31

GE Internal
400 V ac

400 V ac to axis 2 & 3

30 A F4
10 A

84 V ac

80 A

F1 F1
80 A 200 A

I/O to WEPA axis 1 J1

72 V dc
I/O to WEPA axis 2 J1

I/O to WEPA axis 3 J1

Control Power One-line Diagram

32 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
400 V ac from slip rings
WEPA – Axis 1

X3.1 supplies

400 V dc to axis 2 & 3

F4 10 A # J12 - 4 K11 K23
F1 $ J7 - 1
30 A
J6 - 1 To pitch motor
F3 10 A #
84 V dc J12 - 1 power supply
† input J5 - 1
K23 DC Link voltage
80 A 3-phase full Variable: DCLinkVolts_A1
wave rectifier
K23 - 2
F2 Pitch motor
Q1 # 200 A Blocking converter
 $ diode
F1 80 A K24 Legend
† in Battery box
$ in axis box power section
72 V dc
# in axis box control section
DC Link One-Line Diagram

Axis Box GEH-6736D System Guide 33

GE Internal

34 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
6 Battery Box
The Battery box is paired with an Axis box. It contains six or eight 12 V dc lead-acid
batteries, supplying 72 V dc power during Emergency Pitch and Low Voltage Ride
Through (LVRT) to the converter. The batteries provide 48 V dc for the Pitch motor brake
control and the Pitch motor shunt field.
The 72 V dc battery power is The 72 V dc battery power is used to pitch the blade under emergency feathering
connected to the DC link conditions. Hardware logic on the WEPA is used to switch motor control from the power
during LVRT. converter to the batteries during emergency feathering, giving the system the ability to
pitch the blades to a safe position regardless of grid condition.
The 48 V dc battery power is fed to the shunt field winding and brake for battery drive
mode. The transformer and dynamic brake resistors are located in Battery box.

Battery Box Interior

Battery Box GEH-6736D System Guide 35

GE Internal
6.1 Battery Charger
The ToolboxST Watch Window A dedicated battery charger module monitors the current and voltage for each 12 V
feature can be used to view battery. Each charger module charges at approximately 12.5 to 15 V dc during normal
diagnostics on the battery operation, but with a current limited to 2 A dc. When in a current limited charging mode,
charger. Refer to the section, the charger output voltage is automatically reduced. Each battery charger communicates
Watch Window. diagnostics through an RS-485 serial network to the WEPA. Connector PL2 has
hard-wired jumpers that define each charger’s unique drop (node) number.

Note The battery charger will not charge if the battery voltage is < 8.5 V dc or > 15.5 V
dc. It is designed to recharge the batteries in one hour after three battery-powered
Emergency Pitches occur in a 30 to 40 minute window.

Battery Charger Module

Battery Charger Module LEDs

Color Indicates
Green Power on
Yellow Battery is charged above 80% capacity
Red Fault
Unlit No power to charger, or a broken module

36 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
6.1.1 Battery Charger Automatic Self-test
The load resistor is mounted The WEPA commands the battery charger to conduct a self-test every 30 minutes. This
on the charger module. test connects a load resistor briefly across the battery and measures the battery discharge
response. The typical cycle time for this test is 35 to 40 sec. The ToolboxST application is
used to view diagnostics on the battery charger.
†In these tables, C1 refers to
charger 1 and A1 refers to Axis
1. Code Description
1 Battery charger is regulating charging current
2 Battery charger is regulating charging voltage
3 Float mode, trickle charges battery
4 The charger is doing a load test on the battery
5 The charger is faulted. Read the status code C1Status_A1 in the
diagnostic tab of the ToolboxST application.

Code Description
Varies Refer to Axis faults, items 85-98, 107-110

Status Code Description
0 No load test commanded since processor reset
1 Load test in progress
2 Load test passed
3 Load test failed: open cell
4 Load test failed: current capability/voltage drop
5 Load test ignored: test requested but not performed (check Status
6 Load test failed due to internal circuit problems

Battery Box GEH-6736D System Guide 37

GE Internal
switch F1
F2 80 A
200 A K24
charger 6

To +
K 23 contactor
DC link power - PL 1 PL3

during LVRT WEPA J 12

and pin 6 charger 5
To K22 +
Analog input :
emergency pitch BattStringVolts _A1 PL 1 PL3
motor power -
10 A
WEPA J 12 pin 3 charger 4

Digital input: +
BatteryDiscoSW PL 1 PL3
V ariable :
for l ess than 40 V alarm
brake power feeder charger 3
shunt field power
PL 1 PL3

charger 2

PL 1 PL3
P25 100 A =
A nalog input: 100 mV
charger 1
BattCurrFbk_A1 +
PL 1 PL3

X4. 1
P 1 in
point 9 F 6 3A line plug
battery box
400 V ac L1
230 V ac
400 V ac neutral
X4.1 Axis Box
point 6
Battery One-line Diagram

38 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
7 Pitch Motor
The hub contains three series-wound dc Pitch motors, one for each blade. A pinion gear is
mounted to the output end of the drive gear. The pinion gear meshes with the
blade-bearing slew gear. Proper programming of the gear ratio (used with the Pitch
controller) is critical.
The motors are driven by the Pitch power converters located in the Axis boxes. An
incremental encoder mounted inside the Pitch motor is wired to the WEPA to determine
motor speed and blade position.
The motor leads are labeled A1 and A2 for the armature circuit. Series field leads are
labeled S1 and S2. The incremental encoder has its own connector, with leads wired
according to the encoder instruction sheet.


DC Compound Motor Internal Diagram

Pitch Motor GEH-6736D System Guide 39

GE Internal
Motor Connector Pinout
PIN Plating Connection
1 Gold† Motor RTD +
2 N/A N/A
3 N/A N/A
4 N/A N/A
5 Silver†† Motor BRK +
6 Silver Motor Shunt FLD -
7 Silver Motor Heater 230 V
8 Silver Motor Fan 230 V
9 Gold Motor RTD -
10 N/A N/A
11 N/A N/A
12 N/A N/A
13 Silver Motor BRK -
14 Silver Motor Shunt FLD +
15 Silver Motor Heater 230 V N
16 Silver Motor Fan N
† Gold PIN Part Number: 093300061117

†† Silver PIN Part Number: 09330006105

Encoder Connector Pinout

PIN Plating Connection
1 Silver† Encoder Isolated Common
2 Silver Encoder A
3 Silver Encoder B
4 Silver Encoder Z
5 N/A N/A
6 Silver Encoder Isolated P15+
7 Silver Encoder A/
8 Silver Encoder B/
9 Silver Encoder Z/
10 N/A N/A
† Silver PIN Part Number: 09330006105

40 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
7.1 Pitch Motor Brake
Each Pitch motor is equipped with an electric dc solenoid brake that is released when
voltage is applied. During normal operation, the brake release command is sent by the
turbine controller. The brake voltage is driven by the WEPA, which applies 60 V dc for
150 ms to quickly force magnetization of the coil. It then regulates to 40 V dc for 5
seconds to ensure pickup before reducing to a holding voltage of 20 V dc. When the
motor operates under battery power during emergency feathering, the brake is picked up
directly off the batteries and released when the 90° limit switch is reached.

400 V ac
from slip rings

Q 2 WEPA - Axis 1
F 4 10 A # J 12 - 4 Pwr
X3.1 Supplies Pitch Motor
Shunt Field
400 V ac to axis 2 & 3 5. 8 ohm
F 1$ 10 A max
30 A DC Link Voltage
Variable DC Link Volts A1 MCB
Pins 6 & 14

F 3 10 A # J 12- 1 K9
P 13- 8
84V ac
3- phase SUP & P 13- 9
F 3* 9 ohm
Full-wave K 23
80 A 56 W
Rectifier P8-2

K 23-2 P8-1
F2 Pitch Motor
Q1 Blocking Converter
200 A
F 1 80 A * # K24 $ PWM

K9 P 13- 3
72 V dc
F 2 10 A
J 12 - 3 Pitch Motor Brake

48 V dc 17 ohms 2.5 A
48 V dc 48 V OK Detection
* in battery box
Pins 5 & 13
$ in axis box power section
# in axis box control section

Pitch Brake and Shunt Field One-line Diagram

Pitch Motor GEH-6736D System Guide 41

GE Internal

42 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
8 Working with the ToolboxST
The ToolboxST application The ToolboxST* application is used to configure the Wind Pitch control system and
provides a single source of provides diagnostic tools. No license key is required to install this product, but, to run the
quality, time-coherent data at ToolboxST application after installation, a valid hardware key plugged into any Universal
the controller and plant level Serial Bus (USB) port is required. Refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls
for effectively managing Platform (GEH-6700) the section, Licensing.
equipment assets.

8.1 Diagnostic Display

➢ To display diagnostic information
1. From the System Editor File menu, select Open System to display the Open
dialog box.
2. Select the system *.tcw file and click Open. The system displays in the System

From the Tree View,

double-click the Mark
VIe component to
display the
Component Editor .

Or double-click the
component from the
Summary View.

Working with the ToolboxST Application GEH-6736D System Guide 43

GE Internal
The Summary View displays a graphical overview
for organizing the details of each axis controller .

From the Tree View,

select the Hardware
tab and click a
WEPA module .


The Summary View  (green values).







44 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Select the Status tab to display the I/ O pack
version and network communication status.

The Status tab displays the Revision Type names and Module symbols as displayed the
following table.

Item Description
Prod ID EGD producer ID of this exchange
Exch ID EGD exchange ID
Health EGD health status
Period The cyclic period (ms) in which this exchange is transmitted
Size The size of the exchange in bytes
Port Port connectivity (IONet connection)
Recv Cnt The number of times the exchange was received
Missed Cnt The number of times the exchange was not received
Late Cnt The number of times the exchange was later than expected
I/O pack version equal

I/O pack version unequal

Working with the ToolboxST Application GEH-6736D System Guide 45

GE Internal
8.2 Watch Window
Refer to the ToolboxST User A Watch Window displays a collection of variables, their attributes, and live values, in a
Guide for Mark Controls stand-alone window. The Watch Window feature can also be accessed from the
Platform (GEH-6700), Chapter ToolboxST System Editor, as well as from the individual Component Editors. Once a
6, the section, Watch Window. Watch Window is created, it can be exported to .xml and .csv files.

8.2.1 Monitor the Battery

➢ To add a Watch Window for battery monitoring
1. From the View menu, select Watch Windows.
2. From the Watch Windows dialog box File menu, select Add New.

From the Edit menu , select

Add Variable, then select
From [component name].

46 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Select all related variables , such as in this example those containing
Bat, Battery, and Charger in the description , and click OK.
The new Watch Window displays the selected variables .

Working with the ToolboxST Application GEH-6736D System Guide 47

GE Internal
Click a variable name in the list to display and organize values .

48 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
8.3 Signal Trending
Refer to the Trender for the The Trender contains diagnostic features. When an event is intermittent, or requires
ToolboxST Application specific environmental conditions to reproduce the event, a live trend can capture data to
Instruction Guide explain the event.
(GEI-100795), the section,
Data Sources.

8.3.1 Operations Trends

The Trender window displays normal operation of the control. The Graph View displays
traces for the selected values. The Auxiliary View displays variable information. The
Pitch speed reference is received from the IONet, with the feedback following the
reference. The torque reference is generated with the WEPA speed regulator, and this
value's analog output to the Pitch motor controller. The trend displays that the converter
dc contactor is closed while the battery dc contactor is open as the motor converter is
controlling the motor. The motor brake is directed to pick up and drop out by the IONet.
The WEPA controls the actual brake current. The brake applies 1.8 A dc for 5 sec to
ensure pickup before reducing to a holding current of 1 A dc for steady state operation.

Normal Operation of Pitch Control Trend

Working with the ToolboxST Application GEH-6736D System Guide 49

GE Internal
From the View
menu, select
Stacked Traces
to group or
ungroup signals.

Stacked Trend Example

Note If a PCS trips, begin troubleshooting by trending the Axis angle feedbacks, Axis
torques, and the signals. Refer to Mark VIe Control Renewable Energy Distributed I/O
Modules (GEH-6779), the section, Diagnostic Alarms.

50 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
8.4 Dynamic Data Recorder
The DDR continuously A Dynamic Data Recorder (DDR) records fast changing signals and diagnostics that are
captures data in a register clearly triggered by a known event. The trigger stops data flow and stores it to memory.
buffer. The next trigger event overwrites the last stored data. The DDR is best used with a
WorkstationST* device, which stores each DDR file to the hard drive for retrieval later.

➢ To display the existing DDR configuration

From the Component Editor, select the Dynamic Data

Recorders tab.

Right click on a variable in the data table and select Add, Remove, or Copy the DDR signals.

Working with the ToolboxST Application GEH-6736D System Guide 51

GE Internal
➢ To download a captured DDR while online

From the Component Editor, click the

Trender icon to display the Trender for
Pitch controller window .

Click Add to display the

New Trender window .

Enter a name for the Trender and click OK to

display the Trender window .

From the Trender

window, select Edit
and Add Traces.

52 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Working with the ToolboxST Application GEH-6736D System Guide 53
GE Internal
When the Trender window displays , click
Upload to upload data and display the trend .

Captured DDR

54 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
9 Maintenance
This section provides the following maintenance procedures:

• Recommended Annual Maintenance

• DC Motor Brush Replacement

9.1 Recommended Annual Maintenance

Perform the following recommended maintenance annually:

• Conduct a visual inspection of general condition. Check carbon brushes for wear, and
clean or replace if the brush spring is below the specified minimum distance. The
actual dimension must be recorded in the Maintenance and Inspection Proof.
• Conduct a function test of the auxiliary fans.
Replacement fuses are listed in • Conduct a visual inspection if the Axis cabinets, their attachments, fuses, and their
the table, Fuse Replacement. bolted connections. Re-tighten bolted connections with specified tightening torque.
• Conduct a visual inspection of tightness, attachment of all components, terminal
grease, bolts of the battery contacts, and cable clamping. Check terminals for secure
attachment and for spark marks.

• Conduct a function test for doors closing properly.

• Conduct a visual inspection of the condition of the battery cabinet. Check for loose or
missing parts, spark marks, and damage.
• Conduct a function test of the comparator OP95.
• Conduct a function test of the battery system.

Maintenance GEH-6736D System Guide 55

GE Internal
9.1.1 Fuse Replacement
PCS Replacement Fuses

Part Number Quantity Description Nomenclature

Axis 1 Box (151X1233CA02SA01 Rxx xx=revision #)
151X1233DC03PC03 1 10 A, 600 V ac, fast-acting fuse F3 Mersen™ ATM10
151X1225DG05PC02 1 5 A, 600 V ac, fast-acting fuse F4 Mersen ATM5
151X1233DB10PC02 3 30 A, 600 V ac, Class J time-delay fuse F1 Mersen AJT30
151X1233DB12PC02 1 200 A, 150 V ac, semi-conductor fuse F2 Mersen A15QS200-4
Axis 2/3 Box (151X1233CA02SA03Rxx xx=revision #)
151X1233DC03PC03 1 10 A, 600 V ac, fast-acting fuse F3 Mersen ATM10
151X1225DG05PC02 1 5 A, 600 V ac, fast-acting fuse F4 Mersen ATM5
151X1233DB10PC02 3 30 A, 600 V ac, Class J time-delay fuse F1 Mersen AJT30
151X1233DB12PC02 1 200 A, 150 V ac, semi-conductor fuse F2 Mersen A15QS200-4
Battery Box (151X1233CB02SA01Rxx xx=revision #)
151X1233DC03PC03 1 10 A, 600 V ac, fast-acting fuse F2 Mersen ATM10
151X1233DD03PC04 1 80 A, 250 V ac, time-delay fuse F1 Mersen TR80R
64G5006-001 6 0.315 A, 250 V ac, long-time-delay fuse Battery Charger FU3 Shurter 0034.5038

56 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
9.2 DC Motor Brush Replacement
➢ To replace the brushes on a 30 Nm Pitch motor

To prevent personal injury or damage to equipment,

follow all GE safety procedures, LOTO, and site
safety procedures as indicated by EHS.
1. Verify that the power to the motor is turned off and disconnected, and that the motor
is cool to the touch. Unplug the fan power electrical cord on the motor.
2. Remove the six screws holding the fan shroud assembly to the motor using a 7/32
Allen® wrench.

Fan Shroud Assembly

3. Remove the fan shroud assembly from the motor.

Maintenance GEH-6736D System Guide 57

GE Internal
4. Remove the bolt holding the cover band to the motor. If a clip holds the cover band to
the motor instead of a bolt, remove the clip.

Cover Band Bolt

5. Completely remove the cover band from the motor.

Removing Cover Band

58 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
6. Using a 1/4 Hex wrench, loosen the bolt that fastens the brush lead to the brush

DO NOT fully remove this bolt; just loosen it

enough to slide the brush lead from under the bolt.

7. Using a pair of needle-nose pliers, slide the brush lead from under the bolt.

Brush Lead

Maintenance GEH-6736D System Guide 59

GE Internal
8. Using the needle-nose pliers, pull the brush spring back.

Brush Spring
9. Pull the brush straight out by gently pulling on the brush lead. Gently let the spring
move back to its position.

To prevent damage to the spring, do not allow the

brush spring to snap back into place.


Bush Removed

60 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
10. Using the needle-nose pliers, pull the brush spring back again and put the new brush
in with the lead facing the rear of the motor. Push on it by hand to verify that it is
fully seated on the commutator. Gently let the spring rest on the back of the brush.
11. Place the brush lead back under the bolt. While holding it in place, tighten the bolt to
the specified torque (2.5 to 3.2 Nm, 22 to 28 in-lbs). Verify that the brush lead is in
the correct position.

It is very important that the brush lead is not

kinked, and is completely out of reach of the brush

Note Perform steps 6 through 11 for all eight brushes.

DC Motor Brush

Maintenance GEH-6736D System Guide 61

GE Internal
12. Replace the cover band by lining up the cutouts with the terminals. Verify that it is
seated firmly against the end shield.

Positioning Cover Band

62 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Firmly Seated
13. While holding the cover band in place, replace the bolt and tighten it to the specified
torque. If a clip holds the cover band in place instead of a bolt, fasten the clip.

Tightening Cover Band Bolt

Maintenance GEH-6736D System Guide 63

GE Internal
14. Replace the fan shroud assembly and tighten the six screws that were removed in step

Fan Shroud Assembly

15. Plug the fan power cord back in.

Fan Power Cord

64 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
10 Troubleshooting
This chapter provides troubleshooting information and procedures related to the

• Handheld HMI
• Jog operation
• Batteries and battery chargers
Diagnostic alarms are not provided in this document.

• For WEPA Specific Alarms: Refer to Mark VIe Control Renewable Energy
Distributed I/O Modules (GEH-6779), the section, WEPA Specific Alarms.
• For Common Module Alarms: Refer to Mark VIe Control Renewable Energy
Distributed I/O Modules (GEH-6779), the section, Common Module Alarms.

Troubleshooting GEH-6736D System Guide 65

GE Internal
10.1 Handheld HMI

Note When cycling system power, unplug the handheld HMI. When the system has been
powered on and is operational, plug the handheld HMI back in.

➢ To troubleshoot the handheld HMI when plugged into the Axis box 1
1. Unplug the handheld HMI and plug it back in.

Note The handheld HMI power-on cycle is faster than the controller. If it is plugged in
when power is applied, the handheld HMI tries to communicate with the control
immediately. If the control has not finished powering on, the handheld HMI displays a
misleading error message that the URL does not work.

2. Verify that the turbine generator network and components are completely wired and
powered up.
3. Check the handheld HMI on a different system, or a different handheld HMI on the
same system, to determine if the system or the handheld HMI is the problem.
4. Verify power to the system from the Top box or the proper setting of the maintenance
position plug, and disconnect switches on the Battery boxes.

➢ To troubleshoot the handheld HMI if it displays the message Cannot link

to the file /start.htm
1. Press zero and try to change the URL. The IP address of the AEPC web server is
2. If the handheld HMI still does not operate, check the following:

• Determine if the hub Down Tower handheld HMI is not configured.

• Check for Axis box 1 N-TRON problems, loose Ethernet connections, or an
AEPC problem.
• Check for an IONet wiring problem from the Top box through the slip ring to
the Axis box 1.
• Verify that the Axis box 1 is powered on.
• Verify that the new handheld HMI is configured properly.

66 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
➢ To configure the handheld HMI
1. Enter the configuration mode on the handheld HMI and press and hold the Return
key for 2 to 3 seconds until the screen displays the following:


2. Using the left cursor key, navigate to PGS ALM EVT PSW CFG, and select Enter.
The screen displays the following:

• UniOP 5.20P
• IP:
• ETH: 0030D80108CF
• SN:
• GW:

Note If the screen does not display this text, change the IP, SN, and GW to match the
information in this step.

➢ To change the IP, SN, and GW: press the up and down cursor arrows
simultaneously to move from line to line to update the IP, SN, and GW addresses to
the correct settings. Refer to the previous procedure, To configure the handheld HMI.

Troubleshooting GEH-6736D System Guide 67

GE Internal
10.2 Jog Operation
Potential jogging problems to troubleshoot while the hub is on the ground, or mounted on
the turbine, include the following:

• Deadman switch
• Safety loop
• Auto/Manual switch not in Manual position
• Brake loss
• Tach loss
• Axis select switch
• Rotor assembly mode

➢ To troubleshoot if jogging does not work: from the ToolboxST Component

Editor, select the Hardware tab.

From the Tree View, select

an Axis box, then select
the Diagrams tab. Select
General Sequencing to
display the diagram.
To operate in Automatic
mode, click and view
To perform a job, 
 ManualRunMode .

68 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
Troubleshooting GEH-6736D System Guide 69
GE Internal
10.3 Batteries and Battery Charger
When the red LED is lit, the charger has a latched alarm. The 230 V power input must be
cycled to reset and clear the charger alarm. An excessively discharged battery can cause
the charger to alarm, especially during first commissioning. The low cutoff voltage for
battery charging is 8.5 V, so the charger will not recharge the battery. In this case, remove
the battery and recharge on an external charger.
Refer to the section, Battery While in the latched alarm condition on a severely depleted battery, the feedbacks may
Monitoring. display zero battery volts and current. Before replacing the charger, ensure the battery
voltage is within proper range, and cycle battery charger power.

Note If a charger is non-operational and no LEDs are lit, check for 230 V ac power to
PL3, and check the condition of fuse FU1 on the charger module. Inspect the battery
surrounding area for loose hardware and signs of arcing to case ground. Refer to the
section, Replacing a Battery Charger Module.

70 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal
11 Replacement and Ordering
11.1 Replacement
Replacement parts may contain static-sensitive components. Therefore, GE ships
replacement parts in anti-static bags. When handling electronics, make sure to store them
in anti-static bags or boxes and use a grounding strap (per the following Caution criteria).

To prevent component damage caused by static

electricity, treat all boards with static-sensitive
handling techniques. Wear a wrist grounding strap
when handling boards or components, but only after
boards or components have been removed from
Caution potentially energized equipment and are at a
normally grounded workstation.

To prevent personal injury or damage to equipment,

follow all GE safety procedures, Lockout Tagout
(LOTO), and site safety procedures as indicated by
Employee Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines.

This equipment contains a potential hazard of

electric shock, burn, or death. Only personnel who
are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with
the equipment and the instructions should install,
Warning operate, or maintain this equipment.

Replacement and Ordering GEH-6736D System Guide 71

GE Internal
11.1.1 Replacement Procedures
Troubleshooting should be done at the system component level. The failed system
component (least replaceable part) should be removed, returned to GE, and replaced with
a known good spare. Do not attempt to repair system components.

To prevent electric shock, turn off power to the

equipment, then test to verify that no power exists in
the board before touching it or any connected

To prevent equipment damage, do not remove,

insert, or adjust board connections while power is
applied to the equipment.
Replacement of the terminal board requires full
reconfiguration of the changed component using the
ToolboxST application. For this reason, it is
generally preferable to replace only the I/O pack
unless the terminal board is known to be the point of
Attention failure.

72 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal Replacing an AEPC
➢ To replace the AEPC

Do not upload the AEPC configuration to the

ToolboxST .tcw file. Always use the default settings
found in the system file to download.

Note The AEPC is replaced as a single module (AEPC and BPPx processor board).

1. Verify that the replacement AEPC module is compatible with the one being replaced
by comparing the model numbers on the module labels.
2. If replacing an , the ControlST software suite must be version 4.06 or later. Verify the
version and upgrade if needed. Refer to the ControlST Upgrade Instruction Guide
3. If replacing an , upgrade the firmware before physically replacing the hardware.
Refer to the BPPC I/O Upgrade V05.01.05 Instruction Guide (GEI-100847).
4. Perform the lockout tagout (LOTO) procedure for all power sources, including 400 V
ac input, 24 V dc UPS power, and accessory power.
5. Unplug all connectors.
6. Remove the four AEPC mounting screws.
7. Remove the AEPC and install the new module.
8. Re-install all connectors and verify that all connector and cable terminations are
plugged back into the same location.
9. Reapply power to the 24 V dc control power.
10. From the handheld HMI, set the correct IP address. Refer to the procedure, To set the
AEPC IP address.
11. Turn off the 24 V dc control power and turn power back on to reset the AEPC.
12. If replacing an , change the hardware form and download the application code.
13. From the ToolboxST application, download the configuration files into the AEPC.
a. From the System Editor, create a new or open an existing system file.

Replacement and Ordering GEH-6736D System Guide 73

GE Internal
Specify a subnet mask of for the
UDH network.

b. From the Tree View, insert a Mark VIe Controller.

Select the platform type of the

AEPC controller.
If the platform type is unknown,
enter the IP address of the
controller in the available field
and click Detect. The
ToolboxST application
communicates with the AEPC
controller to determine the
platform type.

c. From the Application drop-down menu, select the appropriate Pitch System
Application and Version. Click Next, then click Finish.
d. From the Summary View, double-click the component to open the device.
e. Perform a Build and Download the configuration to the device.
14. Turn off the 24 V dc power, then restart the system.

74 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal Replacing a WEPA
➢ To replace the WEPA
1. Verify that the replacement WEPA module is compatible with the one being replaced
by comparing the model numbers on the module labels.
2. If replacing a WEPAH1A with a functionally compatible WEPAH1B (or H2A with
H2B), perform the following:
a. Verify the ControlST* software suite version is compatible with the new I/O
module. Check the version and upgrade if needed. Refer to the ControlST
Upgrade Instruction Guide (GEI-100694).
b. Upgrade the firmware before physically replacing the hardware.
3. If replacing a WEPAH1A with a WEPAH1B (or H2A with H2B), upgrade the
firmware before physically replacing the hardware. Refer to the BPPC I/O Upgrade
V05.01.05 Instruction Guide (GEI-100847).
4. Lockout-tagout (LOTO) the field equipment and isolate the power source.
5. Turn off the dc disconnect.
6. Disconnect the 400 V ac to the pitch system across the slip ring to remove the control
7. Remove the two screws in the middle of the board and keep them on hand for later
use in this procedure.
8. Unplug the Ethernet cables and mark the positions of the cables to remove.
9. Unplug the various connections around the perimeter of the module.
10. Remove the mounting bolts. Loosen two of the mounting nuts that hold the plastic
cardholder in place and slide the holder apart.
11. Carefully remove the WEPA from the holder and install the replacement WEPA.
12. Return power to the pitch system.
13. From the ToolboxST application, open the new Pitch system (.tcw) file.
14. If replacing a WEPAH1A with a functionally compatible WEPAH1B (or H2A with
H2B), change the hardware form and download the application code.
15. Click Download to open the Download Wizard and download the parameters for
the replacement WEPA.

If the configuration being downloaded contains

I/O packs with different module IDs than the
configuration currently running, the download
may install incorrect firmware to some I/O
packs. If this occurs, make sure the controller is
running the new configuration, restart the
Attention entire system, and then start the ToolboxST
Download Wizard again.

16. From the handheld HMI, set the gearbox ratio parameter and calibrate the blade.

Replacement and Ordering GEH-6736D System Guide 75

GE Internal
Mounting bolt
and card holder

Module label

Screws in
middle of board



WEPA Hardware

76 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
GE Internal Replacing a Battery Charger Module
➢ To replace a battery charger module
1. Turn off all power sources (400 V ac and 230 V ac).
2. Verify that the Battery box disconnect switch is in the OFF position.

Even with all power disconnects open and external

voltage sources removed, the batteries may be fully
charged, each with a potential of 12 V dc. Ensure
that nothing comes in contact with the battery
terminals, or shorts the battery terminals to ground
or the metal case. Place an insulating dielectric
Warning cover/blanket across the battery terminals and
follow all rules for personal protection equipment
(PPE) and LOTO.

3. Remove connectors PL1, PL2, and PL3 to the battery charger.

4. Replace the battery charger board and battery holder as a single unit.

Replacement and Ordering GEH-6736D System Guide 77

GE Internal
11.2 Ordering
Renewals and spares (or those not under warranty) should be ordered by contacting the
nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales Representative.
Prior to ordering a replacement part:

• Determine if the part is under warranty

• Identify the part
• Refer to Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control System Volume I: System Guide
(GEH-6721_Vol_I), the section Component Part Numbers.
Control system electronics are identified by a 12-character alphanumeric part number and
a single revision letter. When ordering, be sure to include the complete part number and
revision letter. All digits are important when ordering or replacing any device. The factory
may substitute newer versions based on availability and design enhancements, however,
GE ensures backward compatibility of replacements.

When ordering, be sure to include the following items:

• Complete part number and description

• Serial Number
The ML number is provided on • Material List (ML) number
the data nameplate.
When ordering, be sure to include the complete part number and revision letter. All digits
are important when ordering or replacing any device. The factory may substitute newer
versions based on availability and design enhancements, however, GE ensures backward
compatibility of replacements.

78 GEH-6736D Mark VIe Control 30 Nm Pitch Control for ESS Wind Turbines
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