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Nursena Sevim


1) The changes were the re-establishment of the Bourbon monarchy with the coronation of Louis
XVIII as king. However, the new regime was more of a constitutional monarchy, not a return to the
pre-revolutionary absolute monarchy. The king was no longer an absolute monarch, but instead one
who shared power with a parliament and an elected government

2)Political liberalism emphasizes individual liberty, equal rights and limited government intervention.
It originated in the 18th century as a response to the absolutist monarchies that dominated Europe.
Political liberalism has a profound impact on the current system. It’s challenged traditional notions of
hierarchy and privilege and championed the idea of individual rights and freedoms. This has led to
the development of legal frameworks that protect the rights of individuals, such as the Bill of Rights
in the United States and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Political liberalism, has been associated with the development of democratic systems of government
where the people have the power to elect their leaders and shape public policy. This has led to the
establishment of representative democracies in many parts of the world, in which political power
derives from the consent of the governed. Political liberalism has contributed to the growth of a
market economy where individuals are free to engage in economic activities and pursue their own
interests. This has led to the development of capitalist systems of economic organization associated
with greater economic growth and prosperity.

In summary, political liberalism has had a profound effect on the existing system, challenging
traditional hierarchies and promoting individual freedom, democratic governance, and market-based
economies. While associated with substantial social and economic benefits, it has also been criticized
for its emphasis on individualism and its potential to perpetuate inequality and social exclusion.

3) The first phase of the Industrial Revolution, which took place from the mid-18th century to the
early 19th century, was a period of significant change and innovation in the way goods were
produced. It was characterized by the mechanization of textile production, the introduction of steam
power, and the growth of the factory system. One of the most important developments in this period
was the invention of the spinning machine, which enables the mass production of textile products.
Other notable inventions included the steam engine and the electric loom. These innovations greatly
increased productivity and allowed the creation of larger, more complex machines. The first phase of
the Industrial Revolution also saw significant changes in the way goods were produced. Previously,
most goods were produced by skilled artisans in small workshops. However, the introduction of the
factory system meant that goods could be produced on a much larger scale and at lower cost. While
the first phase of the Industrial Revolution brought many benefits for some, such as increased
productivity and improved living standards, it also had negative consequences. Many workers
worked long hours and under harsh conditions for low wages. The growth of factories also led to the
displacement of skilled artisans and a shift towards a more centralized, hierarchical mode of
production. In summary, the first phase of the Industrial Revolution was a time of significant change,
innovation and social upheaval. It has both positive and negative effects on society.

4) The Congress of Vienna was important for several reasons. First, it established a balance of power
in Europe that lasted almost a century. Congress tried to prevent any nation from becoming too
powerful, and as a result, a system of alliances and counterbalances was established in Europe that
helped prevent major wars for almost 100 years. Second, the Congress of Vienna helped to establish
a new political order in Europe. He also established the principle of legitimacy of rulers, meaning the
restoration of monarchs deposed by Napoleon.

Third, the Congress of Vienna established a system of congresses or conferences that became a
regular feature of European diplomacy. Fourth, the Congress of Vienna contributed to the spread of
conservative political ideas in Europe. The Congress sought to restore Europe's old order, and as a
result, conservative political ideas that emphasized the importance of tradition, religion and stability
became dominant. In summary, the Congress of Vienna was important because it established a new
balance of power, a new political order, a system of congresses and contributed to the spread of
conservative political ideas in Europe. Its legacy can still be seen in the diplomatic practices and
political structures of Europe today.

5) Nationalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of a nation and its people. It has
been a powerful force in shaping world events and has both positive and negative consequences. The
rise of nationalism refers to an increased emphasis on national identity, often at the expense of other
groups or nations. The rise of nationalism occurred in the late 18th century as a response to the
Enlightenment and the French Revolution. Nationalism gained momentum as people began to
identify with their nation rather than their religious or feudal affiliation. The formation of nation-
states such as Germany and Italy also contributed to the growth of nationalism. One of the
consequences of the rise of nationalism was the outbreak of conflicts and wars. Nationalism can lead
to conflicts between nations, especially when two or more national groups claim the same territory.
It has led to wars and armed conflicts such as the World Wars. Another consequence of the rise of
nationalism was the emergence of xenophobia and intolerance. Nationalism can create an us versus
them mentality that leads to xenophobia and intolerance towards other groups or nations. This can
lead to discrimination, hate speech and even violence against minority groups, immigrants or
foreigners. Nationalism can also lead to the exclusion of certain groups from political, economic or
social life by depriving them of the rights and opportunities enjoyed by the dominant group. The rise
of nationalism also contributed to the disintegration of empires and the emergence of new nation-
states. Nationalism can lead to demands for secession or autonomy from a larger state, especially
when a national group feels that its identity and interests are not adequately represented or
respected. This can lead to the disintegration of states and the creation of new ones, often with
unforeseen consequences for stability and security.

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