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By Product Type: Part L - Discussion of Analyses

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Part l--Discussion of Analyses

by Product Type
Analysis of Cs and Lighter 1
by Neil G. Johansen

INTRODUCTION ble among these are ASTM Standard Practices D5287, Auto-
matic Sampling of Gaseous Fuels,1 D5503, Natural Gas Sam-
THE LIGHTHYDROCARBONS--methane (C~), ethane (C2), pro- ple-Handling and Conditioning Systems for Pipeline
pane (Ca), and the butanes (C4), either in the gas phase or Instrumentation, I D1265, Sampling Liquefied Petroleum
liquefied, are primarily used for heating, motor fuels, and as (LP) Gases (Manual Method), l and D3700, Containing Hy-
feedstocks for chemical processing. The pentanes/pentenes drocarbon Fluid Samples Using a Floating Piston Cylinder?
(C5) are products of natural gas or petroleum fractionation or Sampling of low-pressure materials is described in ASTM
refinery operations (i.e., reforming and cracking) that are Standard Practices D4057, Manual Sampling of Petroleum
removed for use as chemical feedstocks. The olefins--ethene and Petroleum Products/ D4177, Automatic Sampling of
(ethylene), propene (propylene), butenes (butene-1, isobutyl- Petroleum and Petroleum Products, ~ and D5842, Sampling
ene, cis- and trans-butene-2, and the butadienes), pentenes, and Handling of Fuels for Volatility Measurement. 1
and pentadienes are materials produced by various refining The preparation of gaseous and liquid blends is described
processes involving the use of the saturated hydrocarbons as in ASTM Standard Practices D4051, Preparation of Low-
feedstocks. Pressure Gas Blends, 2 and D4307, Preparation of Liquid
Mixtures of these hydrocarbons are commonly encoun- Blends for Use as Analytical Standards. 1
tered in material testing, and the composition varies depend- While sampling of C1 and C2 hydrocarbons is typically per-
ing upon the source and intended use of the material. Other formed using stainless steel cylinders, either lined or unlined,
non-hydrocarbon constituents of these mixtures are impor- other containers are employed dependent upon particular
tant analytes since they may be useful products or may be situations; for example, glass cylinder containers or PVF sam-
undesirable as a source of processing problems. Some of pling bags. The preferred method for sampling C a and C4
these components are helium, hydrogen, argon, oxygen, ni- hydrocarbons is by the use of piston cylinders, ASTM Stan-
trogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitro- dard Practice D3700, although sampling these materials as
gen containing compounds, as well as heavier hydrocarbons. gases is also acceptable in many cases. The sampling of C5
Desired testing of these hydrocarbon mixtures usually in- and higher hydrocarbons is dependent upon the vapor pres-
volves the determination of bulk physical or chemical proper- sure of the sample. Piston cylinders or pressurized steel cylin-
ties and component speciation and quantitation. ders are advisable for high-vapor pressure samples (contain-
ASTM addresses the characterization and specification of ing significant amounts of light gases), while atmospheric
the C~ to C5 hydrocarbon materials and products through sampling may be used for low-vapor pressure samples.
several venues. Committee D03 is responsible for gaseous
fuels; Committee D02, Subcommittee H is responsible for
liquefied petroleum gas; Committee D02, Subcommittee D is Analysis
responsible for hydrocarbons for chemical and special uses,
while Committee D02, Subcommittee 4 has responsibility for ASTM test methods for gaseous fuels and petroleum prod-
test methods involving hydrocarbons in general. Committees ucts have been developed over many years, extending back
D19 (Water) and D22 (Sampling and Analysis of Atmo- into the 1930s. Bulk physical property tests, such as density
spheres) address environmental concerns involving light and heating value, as well as some compositional tests, such
hydrocarbons. as the Orsat analysis and the mercuric nitrate method for the
determination of unsaturation, were widely used. Mass spec-
trometry became the method of choice for compositional
analysis of light hydrocarbons, and ASTM Test Method
CURRENT PRACTICES D2650, Chemical Composition of Gases by Mass Spectrome-
try/ was standardized in 1967 to replace several older meth-
Sampling ods. Currently the mass spectrometry method has been re-
One of the more critical aspects for the analysis of light placed, in practice, by gas chromatography as the technique
hydrocarbons is the question of sampling. Sampling of gas- of choice for fixed gas and hydrocarbon speciation.
eous and liquefied materials is addressed in a variety of
specific sampling methods, and many of the test methods 1Appears in this publication.
themselves contain additional sampling requirements. Nota- 2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 05.02.

Natural and Reformed Gas Light Olefins (C2, C3, C. and C5)
ASTM Test Method D1945, Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas Characteristics and corresponding test methods for these
Chromatography, ~and ASTM Practice D 1946, Analysis of Re- materials have been outlined in three ASTM standard guides:
formed Gas by Gas Chromatography, 1 describe procedures D5234, Analysis of Ethylene Product, ~ D5273, Analysis of
for the determination of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, nitrogen, Propylene Concentrates, 1 and D5274, Analysis of 1,3-
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ethene, ethane, Butadiene Product. 1 A proposed Guide for the Analysis of
propane, butanes, pentanes, and hexanes-plus in natural and Isoprene is being developed. These guides list properties to be
reformed gases by packed column gas chromatography. measured and the range of values expected, as well as appro-
These compositional analyses are used to calculate many priate test methods where available.
other properties of gases, such as density, heating value, and Hydrocarbon analysis of ethene is accomplished using
compressibility. The first five components listed are deter- ASTM Test Methods D2505, Ethylene, Other Hydrocarbons,
mined using a molecular sieve 13X column (argon carrier and Carbon Dioxide in High-Purity Ethylene by Gas Chroma-
gas), while the remaining components are determined using tography, l and ASTM Test Method D6159, Hydrocarbon Im-
polydimethylsiloxane partition or porous polymer columns. purities in Ethylene by Gas Chromatography.l D6159 is a new
The hexanes-plus analysis is accomplished by backflushing test method using wide-bore (0.53-mm) capillary columns,
including a A1203/KCI PLOT column. Currently, ASTM Test
the column after the elution of pentane or by the use of a
Method D2504 is recommended for determination of non-
bacldlushed precolumn.
condensable gases, and ASTM Test Method D2505 is used for
Important constituents of natural gas not accounted for in
the determination of carbon dioxide; however, a new method
these analyses are moisture (water) and hydrogen sulfide, as
is under development in ASTM to address these analyses.
well as other sulfur compounds. Water content is determined
ASTM Test Methods D2712, Hydrocarbon Traces in Pro-
by ASTM Test Methods D 1142, Water Vapor Content of Gas-
pylene Concentrates by Gas Chromatography, 1 and D2163,
eous Fuels by Measurement of Dew-Point Temperature, ~
also a gas chromatographic method, are currently recom-
D5454, Water Vapor Content of Gaseous Fuels Using Elec- mended for the determination of hydrocarbon impurities in
tronic Moisture Analyzers, ~ or D4888, Water Vapor in Natu- propene. ASTM Test Method D4864, Determination of Traces
ral Gas Using Length-of-Stain Detector Tubes) ASTM Test of Methanol in Propylene Concentrates by Gas Chromatogra-
Method D5504, Sulfur Compounds in Natural Gas and phy, l is used for methanol determination. ASTM Test Method
Gaseous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and Chem- D5303, Trace Carbonyl Sulfide in Propylene by Gas Chroma-
iluminescence, I best accomplishes sulfur compound deter- tography, 1 is used for carbonyl sulfide determination with a
mination, although ASTM Test Methods D 1988, Mercaptans flame photometric detector. ASTM Test Method D3246, Sul-
in Natural Gas Using Length-of-Stain Detector Tubes, ~ and fur in Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry, 1 is cur-
D4810, Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas Using Length-of- rently recommended for the determination of total sulfur,
Stain Detector Tubes, ~ can also be used with some loss in and the method is being revised to be more generally applica-
accuracy. ble to light hydrocarbon analysis.
Commercial butylenes, high-purity butylenes, and butane-
Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases butylene mixtures are analyzed for hydrocarbon constituents
by ASTM Test Method D4424, Butylene Analysis by Gas
Propane, iso-butane, and butane generally constitute this Chromatography) Hydrocarbon impurities in 1,3-butadiene
sample type and are used for heating, motor fuels, and as are determined by ASTM Test Method D2593, Butadiene Pu-
chemical feedstocks. ASTM Test Methods D2597, Analysis of rity and Hydrocarbon Impurities by Gas Chromatography)
Demethanized Hydrocarbon Liquid Mixtures Containing Ni- Butadiene dimer and styrene are determined in butadiene
trogen and Carbon Dioxide by Gas Chromatography,l D2163, using ASTM Test Method D2426, Butadiene Dimer and Sty-
Analysis of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases and Propene Con- rene in Butadiene Concentrates by Gas Chromatography)
centrates by Gas Chromatography, l and D2504, Noncondens- Carbonyls in C4 hydrocarbons are determined by a titrimetric
able Gases in C2 and Lighter Hydrocarbon Products by Gas technique using ASTM Test Method D4423, Determination of
Chromatography, ~ are methods for determining light hydro- Carbonyls in C4 Hydrocarbons. ~ ASTM Test Method D5799,
carbons and some fixed gases in LP gases. Total sulfur is Determination of Peroxides in Butadiene, t is used for perox-
determined by ASTM Test Method D2784, Sulfur in Liquefied ide determination.
Petroleum Gases (Oxy-Hydrogen Burner or Lamp). ) Sulfur
compound determination is made using ASTM Test Method
D5623, Sulfur Compounds in Light Petroleum Liquids by Gas FUTURE TRENDS
Chromatography and Sulfur Selective Detection. ~Trace total
organic and bound nitrogen is determined using ASTM In general, gas chromatography will undoubtedly continue
Test Method D4629, Trace Nitrogen in Liquid Petroleum to be the method of choice for characterization of light hydro-
Hydrocarbons by Syringe/Inlet Oxidative Combustion and carbon materials. New developments in higher-speed tech-
Chemiluminescence Detection.~ The current test method for niques for gas chromatographic instrumentation and data
heavy residues in LP gases is ASTM Test Method D2158, processing will lead to new and revised test methods. New
Residues in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases, t which involves and improved detection devices and techniques, such as
evaporation of an LP Gas sample, measuring the volume of chemiluminescence, atomic emission, and mass spectros-
residue and observing the residue for oil stain on a piece of copy, will enhance selectivity, detection limits, and analytical
filter paper. productivity. Laboratory automation through autosampling,

computer control, and data handling will provide improved as well as in another test method under development for
precision and productivity, as well as simplified method high-purity propene.
operation. A continuing problem for LP gas characterization is the
Development of test methods for process (on-line) analysis accurate determination of heavy residues (i.e., oils) in LP gas.
and validation of these analyses are continuing under the New test methods have been proposed using procedures simi-
direction of ASTM Committee D02.0D, Section l and D02.25. lar to those employed in gas chromatographic simulated dis-
A proposed gas chromatographic/selective detection method tillation, and this development work is continuing. The devel-
is under development for the trace analysis of sulfur com-
opment of test methods for C5 hydrocarbons (olefins) has
pounds in ethene and propene.
begun recently and should result in ASTM standards in the
ASTM Test Method D2163 is quite old. It utilizes lower
resolution packed columns, a less sensitive detector, and near future. Various petroleum refinery process streams, of-
manual peak area measurement. Thus, it is technically out of ten containing olefinic compounds, are generically referred
date, and Committee D02.0D is currently in the process of to as "refinery gas." Although no ASTM test method is avail-
developing a revision for the determination of hydrocarbons able for this determination, several instrumentation and
in LP gases and lower-purity mixtures of C3 and C4 hydrocar- technology suppliers market automated gas chromato-
bons. The revision will still be performance based, but the graphic systems as "refinery gas analyzers." ASTM standard-
recommended column will be the A1203/KC1 PLOT column, as ization of this technology would be beneficial to users of these
used in the recently standardized ASTM Test Method D6159, analyzers.

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