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Bar App Guide

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Instructions for Uploading the Documentary Requirements

Step 1:
Scan each document in a single file with at least 300 DPI resolution. All scanned documents must be
in colored PDF format and must be legible. The scanned documents must approximate the
dimensions of the physical documents and must be in the same color as the original paper
document. The maximum file size per PDF is 10 MB.

Please do not use special characters in naming your files (examples: ñ, ö, æ).
Step 2:
Click the "UPLOAD" button found in the uploading tab then select the file to be uploaded. Make
sure the uploaded file corresponds to the correct documnet.

For those with pending/decided case/s, you must upload the scanned copy of the required
documents. If the scanned copy/copies of the required documents exceed the allowable file size, just
upload the first five pages and the last five pages of the scanned documents.

For multiple or additional uploads, just click the "ADD" button.

Note: The system will automatically display a Pending for Upload notification if you
have successfully attached the selected files. If you want to remove uploaded files, click
the “DELETE” button.
Step 3:

Once all the required documents have been uploaded, click the “SAVE” button. To review your
information and uploaded documents, click the “NEXT” button.

If you need to make corrections on your information or uploaded documents, click

the “BACK” button and make the necessary changes.

After completing these steps, click the “PROCEED” button to be directed to the payment process.


A notification email acknowledging the documents you have uploaded will be sent to your registered
email address. Please remember to check your junk or spam folder.

Once your application has been approved, you may download your Application Form. After
downloading, please print your Application Form on separate sheets of 8.5” x 13” paper (not back-to-
back). Affix your wet signature on the designated spaces on each page of the Application Form.
Except for the Testimonials of Good Moral Character and the Law Degree Transcript of Records, the
printed and signed Application Form, and the physical copies of the uploaded documents must be
securely placed in a long brown envelope, labeled according to the details provided in the FAQs,
and submitted to the OFFICE OF THE BAR CONFIDANT (OBC) not later than ten (10) working days
after the approval of the online application.
You may monitor your application status through your dashboard.

Required Documents
(1) A legible original copy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

If the PSA copy is not legible, the applicant must submit, in addition to the PSA-issued Birth
Certificate, a legible original copy of the Birth
Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR).

If the applicant has no record of birth with the PSA, the applicant must submit a legible original copy
of the Birth Certificate issued by the LCR.

If the applicant has no record of birth with the PSA and the LCR, the applicant must instead submit:

a. a Negative Results Certification issued by the PSA; and

b. an Affidavit for Delayed Registration executed by the applicant's father, mother, or guardian,
explaining the reason(s) therefor.

In cases where there are erroneous entries in the Birth Certificate, the applicant must first have the
Birth Certificate corrected accordingly and
submit the corrected original certificate issued by the PSA.

For applicants born abroad, the applicant must submit the original or certified true copies of the
a. Foreign Birth Certificate (if not written in English, the applicant must submit an official English
translation duly notarized and authenticated in the
country of birth); and
b. Report of Birth issued by the PSA.

For applicants who acquired Philippine Citizenship through Naturalization or other means, the
applicant must submit the original or certified true copies
of the following:
a. Birth Certificate issued by the PSA or Foreign Birth Certificate, whichever is applicable; and
b. Other pertinent documents relating to the applicant's acquisition of Philippine citizenship.

(2) For married female applicants, the original Marriage Contract issued by the PSA must also be
submitted. If married within the last six (6) months, the
original Marriage Contract issued by the LCR must be submitted.

(3) Certificate of completion of all the requirements of the law degree, to be issued by the Law
School or University where the applicant graduated. Prior to
taking the Lawyer's Oath and after passing the Bar Examinations, the applicant must also submit the
official Law Degree Transcript of Records (TOR).

For Foreign Law Graduates, the applicant must submit the following documents, per Bar Matter
No. 1153 (Re: Letter of Atty. Estelito P. Mendoza
Proposing Reforms in the Bar Examinations through Amendments to Rule 138 of the Rules of
a. Proof of completion of all courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws or its equivalent
b. Recognition or accreditation of the Law School or University by the proper authority; and
c. Completion of all fourth year subjects in the Bachelor of Laws academic program in a Law School
or University duly recognized by the Philippine

(4) Certificate of No Derogatory Record (CNDR) duly signed by the Law Dean. For foreign
graduates, the CNDR must be issued by the Law Dean of the
Law School where they took their fourth year subjects.

(5) Government or latest Law School-issued ID bearing the photo and signature of the applicant.

(6) Unretouched photo (1 1/2 x 1 1/2) of the applicant, with white background, taken not more than
six (6) months prior to the submission of the Application
Form, with the handwritten name and signature of the applicant appearing at the bottom of the

The name must follow this format: Surname, Given Name, Middle Initial, Suffix.
(7) Testimonial of Good Moral Character executed by two (2) different members of the Philippine Bar
who are not related to the applicant by consanguinity
or affinity within the fourth (4th) civil degree, to be submitted by the applicant before taking the
Lawyer's Oath, should the applicant pass the Bar



(8) For applicants with PENDING CASES of whatever nature before any jurisdiction, they must
submit a LIST of all the pending cases, together with:
a. Complaint/Information (Original or Certified True Copy of the Court, Prosecutor's Office or Agency
concerned); and
b. Certification as to the pendency and status of the case.

For applicants with DECIDED CASES of whatever nature that were filed against them before any
jurisdiction, they must submit a LIST of all the decided
cases, together with:
a. Judgment/Decision/Order/Resolution, whichever is applicable (Original or Certified True Copy of
the Court, Prosecutor's Office or Agency
b. Entry of Judgment/Certificate of Finality, whichever is applicable;
c. Clearance from the Court, Prosecutor's Office or Agency concerned, which attests that the
applicant has no pending case as of the time of

The list of pending and/or decided cases must follow this format: Case Number, Title, Nature of the
Case, Status (whether pending or decided) .
(9) For refreshers, or those who did not pass the Bar Examinations for three (3) or more times, the
applicant must submit all of the following as proof of
completion of the refresher course:
a. Notarized Certification issued by the University or Law School that the applicant passed the
following subjects, with the applicant's corresponding
grades indicated therein:
- Political / Constitutional Law Review
- Labor Law Review
- Civil Law Review I
- Civil Law Review II
- Taxation Law Review
- Commercial Law Review
- Criminal Law Review
- Remedial Law Review I
- Remedial Law Review II
In cases where the above subjects were completed in different Universities or Law Schools, the
applicant shall submit the Notarized Certification issued by
the individual professors of each of the subjects, with the corresponding grades of the applicant.

b. Notarized Certification issued by the School Registrar and duly noted by the Law Dean stating
that the professors mentioned are bona fide
professors of the Law School or University where the refresher courses were taken and completed;

c. Notarized Certification issued by the School Registrar that the applicant completed the Pre-
BarReview Course (to be submitted after completion
of the course). The refresher courses may be taken and completed online.

Other Reminders:
(1) The Application Form will NOT be accepted under any of the following instances:
a. if any of the blank spaces therein is not properly filled;
b. if not accompanied by the required documents or papers, including payment of the Bar
Examinations and other fees;
c. if the applicant fails to present or attach copies of either a government or latest law school-issued
ID clearly showing his or her face, name and
d. if it does not strictly conform with the above form; and
e. if it is filed beyond the deadline set by the Court.

(2) The Application Form must be submitted in the form prescribed by the Supreme Court. Any
alteration, revision, or deletion of any of its provisions is
strictly prohibited and may be a ground for disqualification in taking the Bar Examinations.

(3) The "Date" on page 1 beside the applicant's signature and the "Date Accomplished" on page 2
below the applicant's signature refer to the date when
applicants affix their wet signature on the Application form.

(4) Please print each page of the Application Form on separate sheets of 8.5" x 13" paper (not back-
to-back). Except for the Testimonials of Good Moral
Character and the Law Degree TOR, the printed Application form and the physical copies of the
documentary requirements stated herein must be
submitted to the OBC no later than ten (10) working days after the approval of the online
After passing the Bar Examinations, the applicant must submit the physical copies of the
Testimonials of Good Moral Character and the Law Degree
TOR prior to taking the Lawyer's Oath.

(5) All applicants who have submitted their Application Forms and supporting documents, and paid
the bar application fees by July 15, 2022 shall be
deemed to have filed their applications within the deadline. Those whose bar application fee
payments are pending confirmation as of July 15, 2022
are also deemed to have filed their applications on time.

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