Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable Fashion
- Today, mother nature has responded through natural disasters beyond human
imagination. As a manufacturer, designer, distributor or consumer. Did you know the
fashion industry is a burden on the environment?
- According to statistics from the United Nations Environment Program, the fashion
industry is:
Water consumption is the 2nd highest among industries.
Accounts for 8 – 10% of carbon emissions (greenhouse gas emissions) globally.
Hot-trend products are left behind amd released into the environment, further
exacerbating current environmental pollution problems, but the consequences may
last for several million years to come.
The sustainable fashion model was born in the urgent need to join hands to protect
the environment, save resources. And this fashion trend is being supported
I. What is sustainable fashion?
Sustainable fashion is a development direction in fashion that helps minimize
environmental impact. Specifically, reducing loss of natural resources, reducing waste
and environmental pollution, and reducing stress on people involved in producing and
using products.
II. Benefits of sustainable fashion
- Helps reduce the rate of environmental pollution caused by the fashion industry. By
improving the quality and durability of fashion products. By implementing recycling and
reuse activities, the life cycle of these products is extended.
- Increases transparency in this industry. Consumers have information about the origin of
raw materials and production conditions, helping them make informed choices.
- Creates better working conditions and remuneration policies for workers, ensuring their
protection and rights.
- The importance of sustainable fashion is also promoted in propaganda and consumer
education. This contributes to building a sustainable economy, a green ecosystem and a
prosperous community.
III. Materials
1. Hemp fabric
a) What is hemp fabric?
- Hemp fabric is a sustainable textile made of fibres of a very high-yielding crop in
the cannabis sativa plant family. Historically used for industrial purposes, like rope
and sails, hemp is known as one of the most versatile amd durable natural fibers.
- Hemp is known as a carbon-negative raw material. They emit very little carbon but
on the contrary absorb more. And on the other hand, growing hemp does not require
the use of any pesticides or herbicides. This is a great advantage when the land where
hemp is grown is not exposed to toxic chemicals.
- Hemp fabric is biodegradable without causing the environment to bear a large
amount of waste from the material.
b) Benefits of hemp fabric
Skin-friendly, even sensitive skin: Hemp fabric is woven from many fibers on
the hemp stem, which is of plant origin, so this fabric is very popular with all
skin types, including the most sensitive skin.
Durable and long lasting: Products made from hemp fabric are highly durable,
the fabric does not wrinkle, sag or fade. Therefore, you can use it for a long
time without needing to replace it. These are considered suitable fabrics for
people who do not have much time or money to choose to buy new clothes.
Do not pollute the environment: Because it is woven entirely from hemp, hemp
fabric has the ability to self-decompose. Futhermore, hemp plants do not use
any growth drugs and can grow and develop very well.
High breathability: With breathable properties, users when wearing clothes
made from hemp fabric are very comfortable, bringing a pleasant and
extremely cool feeling.
Easy to dye: Thanks to the ability to easily absorb dye, clolthes made from
hemp fabric are very diverse and rich in color.
Good resistance to mold and bacteria: This advantage of hemp fabric will help
make garments highly durable, long-lasting without fading, and safe for users’
c) How is hemp fabric made?
- Step 1: After being harvested, hemp plants need to be dried.
- Step 2: After drying, it will be ground to help the fabric fibers have softer and smoother
- Step 3: Separate the hemp fibers. Traditionally, these crushed fibers will be pounded
with sticks.
- Step 4: Use the carding machine to untangle and weave into yarn, creating many smooth
fabric fibers.
- Step 5: The hemp fibers will be wrapped together and then taken to spinning, the fibers
are woven or twisted by hand to create rough fabric.
- Step 6: The fabric is dyed and the product is finished.
d) How is hemp fabric used?
- Used as jackets, T-shirts, hoodies and clothing for children.
2. Organic cotton
a) What is organic cotton?
Organic cotton fabric is one of the cleanest and most premium cotton fabrics today. The
fabric is produced entirely with natural organic cotton materials, without using pesticides
or chemical fertilizers, only using composted microbial fertilizer from plants or animal
manure. Organic cotton fabric is safe for users’ health and protects the natural
b) Benefits of organic cotton
Environmentally friendly: cotton is a naturally biodegradable material. Besides,
organic cotton fabric has a safe production process, minimizing the amount of
toxic chemicals released into the environment.
Skin-friendly: organic fabric uses friendly chemicals during fabric processing, so it
is very suitable for sensitive skin, especially commonly used in products for
children and infants.
Breathable: organic cotton is a natural material that absorbs well, is breathable and
does not stick to the body, making it comfortable to wear.
Durability: cotton material is durable in both dry and wet environments, resistant
to dilute alkali, so it can be washed with soap many times without damage, so the
product has a long service life.
c) How is organic cotton made?
- Step 1: Planting and caring
Choosing land to grow organic cotton is an extremely important step, determining
the “success or failure” of entire field. Only selected non-genetically modified
cotton seeds are planted. Periodically, farmers need to visit fields and have
appropriate fertilization policies. Ensure that the cotton process from sowing to
harvest does not use pesticides.
During the care process, if unfortunately there are insects, it is necessary to use
additional harmless solutions specified in the GOTs category and need to catch the
insects by hand. Fertilizers used must also be organic, limiting the use of
defoliating chemicals or genetically modified chemicals.
- Step 2: Harvest
Instead of harvesting by machinery, many cotton growing areas still prefer manual
harvesting in the fields. This can minimize the amount of trash or leaves stuck in
the cotton. However, in many areas where cotton is grown on a large scale, it is
harvested by machine to save on labor costs.
- Step 3: Refine cotton fiber
After being harvested, organic cotton will be dried and torn to clean to help
remove as much impurities, leaves, and dust as possibe during harvesting and
- Step 4: Spinning
Cleaned cotton is put into a carding machine and spun into cotton yarn. This is
also the final step to get quality, soft organic cotton fiber and use it to create
clothes and products for daily life.
d) How is organic used?
- Used as T-shirts and clothing for children.