Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan
Data Management Plan
In order to acquire the survey in an ethical manner, the researchers wrote to the
proprietors of the created survey to incorporate and use in the current investigation. Once given
authorization to utilize the questionnaire, the researchers attested to the rigorous adherence of
the research instrument to the terms and circumstances as stated by the writers. Additionally,
the writers approved and granted written authorization to combine Casey-Fink Readiness and
the Student Satisfaction Survey Form (SSSF) Practice Survey Questionnaire (CFRPS).
For the purpose of preventing any ethical issues, the researchers made sure that the
subjects took part in the survey willingly and without coercion to guarantee that the respondent's
dignity was revered and given credit. By providing each respondent with an informed consent
form, the responders gave the researchers their free will and consent. total understanding of the
study had to be approved before any data could be collected. The consent was given to the
respondents and sent with the survey questionnaire to ensure adequate information associated
with the research. The participation in the study and their informed decision on whether or not to
participate was obtained. Also, the aims, method, and associated risks and benefits that come
along with the study was also stated. Hence the participants were fully aware of participating in
the study without being deceived.Respondents were granted self-governance, including the
respondents are not forced to divulge their names or any other private information against their
will. Every participant obtained an informed consent form with a confidentiality guarantee
indicating that the data contributed won't be utilized to identify them or be made publicly
available in a way that does them supplied to other people. The data was collected and kept
confidential; nobody else but the survey data is accessible to academics. It is achieved by
protecting and guaranteeing the confidential information of respondents. It was also ensured
that the researchers did not link the data provided by the research participants to their
The researchers followed the Nuremberg Code's ethical considerations. Such as: (1) The
respondents were obliged to sign the consent form; respondents have adequate information
regarding the study and are capable of comprehending all the given information; (2) The
researchers made sure that all respondents were selected and treated relatively; (3)
Respondent's rights were respected which included right to refuse or to withdraw from the study
at any time without any consequences and participants' prevention from any discomfort and
harm; (4) Anonymity and confidentiality were strictly followed and observed; (5) The researchers
utilized all available and legitimate resources to ensure quality content that gave adequate
Alternative in Participation
Research participation is entirely optional, and informed consent was requested from
respondents as per the ethics of research. But researchers also took into account the
requirements and conditions of possible participants and provided options for not participating.
For instance, respondents were particularly busy with academic or clinical commitments, and
had limited time or availability to participate in research studies. Respondents also have moral
or professional obligations, which they could disclose Possibly private or sensitive information
that relates to some of the subjects. Consequently, researchers took into account more flexible
and convenient alternatives to involvement, like participants can finish asynchronous surveys at
their own speed. Thus, it was clarified in the informed consent form, for which the respondents
were not obliged to provide any information or take part in the poll if they felt that answering the
questions would be too uncomfortable or too personal. The respondents have the freedom or
option to decline to answer the questionnaire, won't be subjected to any forms of coercion, and
Moreover, it is the responsibility of researchers to ensure that participants are not subjected
to physical harm, distress, or psychological anxiety during the research process. Researchers
took appropriate steps to minimize any potential harm that may arise from the research, such as
by ensuring that the survey questions are sensitive and non-offensive. In addition, if participants
do experience any harm or discomfort during the research process, researchers provide
appropriate support and care. It is also important for researchers to ensure that participants'
personal and confidential information is kept confidential and secure, and that data is
anonymized wherever possible. Overall, researchers prioritize the safety, wellbeing, and
autonomy of participants throughout the research process, and ensure that participants are fully
The research project was finished by ??????, at the latest. The investigator made touch
with participants once again to exchange and supply the research findings. Openness and
consideration for the individuals involved are essential to ethical research. Sharing the findings
of their research is one of the researchers' ethical duties, research involving the participants.
Disseminating research findings to participanParticipants had the right to be informed about the
the results of the research study in which they took part and the ways in which their data aided
the study conclusions. As a result, researchers give participants feedback in a language that
they can comprehend promptly. The comments encompassed an overview of the study results,
the consequences of the investigation and application of the results.ts is helpful and respectful
The researchers wrote a letter of authorization addressed to the College of Nursing Dean at
the organization that the responders were chosen from. The content asked the dean for
permission to address moral dilemmas and help the researchers find possible subjects. The
request for clearance was accepted, the researchers got to work choosing responders. These
particular licenses for preparation must be obtained prior to the study's data collection methods
being implemented.
The process of deliberately collecting samples was used to find possible responders. Those
that responded were given a consent form along with agreements regarding data confidentiality
for the collected data and research overview. Following their signature on the consent form, the
participants received information regarding the specifics of the process used to gather data. In
this brief meeting, affirmations of the study's main goal to make sure everyone was on the same
page, the goals and fundamental methodological principles were reviewed. One hundred (100)
nursing students in their first through third year made up the study's sample group from
Valenzuela City's higher education school, all of whom were to be selected based on the
standards given by the researchers. The technique to collect primary data from the intended
The researchers would put in time and effort to create a questionnaire form to help the
intended audience. The survey was developed by integrating key inquiries from an earlier
similar study with independently developed research questions. Additionally, with the approval
SSSF and CFRPS were used to collect data from the participants on behalf of the authorized
staff. Information was gathered via personal email and sent via Google Forms, the data is only
A questionnaire was given to the participants, who answered it as honestly as they could.
The poll was divided into sections, each focusing on the participants' assessments of the
influence of hybrid studies on their level of clinical preparedness. Participants chose one of four
number alternatives for each question from one to four, where four represents a strong
agreement. The replies from the respondent were transformed into text, then put through
Following the data collection process, the collected findings were kept in a password-
information participants provide was securely stored in a file that prevents unauthorized access
during the investigation. The list of linked items and the names of study participants were
deleted and destroyed once the researchers looked through and examined the information.
Strategies for data disposal and destruction were set in stone and unchangeable. replacing data
two possibilities are to reformat the disk (erasing everything) or enter a string of characters. If
circumstances permit, grinding up data on a hard drive is the last resort for data deletion. written
documents were either permanently lost or destroyed in a way that makes data recovery