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Research Final

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This chapter presents the research design, role of the researcher,

research participants, data collection, data analysis, trustworthiness and

credibility, and ethical consideration.

Research Locale

The Public Market in Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental, was the site of

the present study. To guarantee a one-on-one, in-person interview, the

respondents are interviewed in the comfort of their own mobile stall. The

study highlighted the unseen struggles and victories of street food

vendors and demonstrated how they overcame these obstacles in the

course of their regular business operations. It probably intends to inform

and inspire those who are considering to work as a street food vendors.

Research Design

This study will be conducted using phenomenological research in order to

achieve the purpose of this study which is to determine the live

experiences and the hidden challenges and triumphs of street food

vendors in the Public Market of Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental. It is

descriptive in a sense that the data obtained was analyzed and described.

Specifically use the phenomenological type that describes the actual

experiences of the street vendors. According to Creswell (2015), a

descriptive-qualitative design seeks to describe the status of a variable or

phenomenon. The researcher does not begin with a hypothesis, but

typically develops one after the data is collected. Data collection is mostly

observational in nature.

Sampling Design and Techniques

The study employed convenience sampling strategy because the said 10

street food vendors participants were the only respondents who are willing

and available to share their experiences.As stated by Frost(2018) that

convenience sampling is also known as non-probability sampling method

where researchers use subjects who are easy to contact and obtain their

participation. Researcher find participants in the most accessible places

which in the area of Poblacion, Malita and they impose no inclusion

requirements. Convenience sampling is also known as opportunity or

availability sampling.

Participants of the Study

The respondents of the study comprised of ten (10) street food

vendors in Public Market of Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental.The

sampling design that the researcher utilized was convenience sampling

where the respondents who participated in the study were street food

vendors and the said respondents selected are the only respondents who

are willing and available to share their experiences. The study also

conducted an in-depth interview( IDI) where the researcher interviewed 10

participants in one on one. The research conducted method to gather the

information and to process and produce and validate research results.At

each informant’s own mobile stall, the 30-40 minute interview process

was completed.
Data Collection

The researchers formulated a formal letter, duly noted by their

adviser, asking permission to the senior high school principal, to conduct

the study through personal interviews to the selected respondents. And

another letter, also noted by their research adviser, and it will be sent to

the prospective respondents which are the street food vendors of Public

Market of Poblacion Malita Davao Occidental, to ask permission and to

hold the interview in their own mobile stalls in order to guarantee a one-

on-one, private discussion. Subsequently, the researcher initiated an in-

depth interview with the participants. A suitable settlement will be

selected for the way the interview was conducted. The goal will be

thoroughly explained, and the Interviewees will be guaranteed the privacy

of their answers. The an informal, conversational interview will be

conducted with the guiding questions as a foundation for observing the

level of flexibility and adaptability in obtaining data from the person being

interviewed. Every discussion or the For encoding purposes, the interview

procedure will be documented and verified. Appropriate information about

the interview will be documented.

Data Analysis
A detailed concept analysis technique can produce beneficial

findings when reviewing data from participant data that has been

collected. In order to establish and comprehend the phenomenon as

experienced by the study participants, the researcher started with a

familiarization phase in which she immersed herself in the information

gained by reading and rereading the transcripts. After reading and

rereading the data transcription, the researcher proceeds on to finding the

significant statements. Here, the researcher seeks out declarations that

directly address the study’s research questions. Page and line numbers

must be relevant to provide simple access to the original transcript, and

the data given ought to be highlighted to quickly assess the significance

of the statement and transcript label. The following phase is to formulate

the meaning of the significant statements that were found from the

transcripts. Every significant statement will be given a code or meaning

that takes into account the study’s context. The researcher has to set

aside her personal opinions and prejudices during the procedure and

interpret the important claims only in light of the available information.

The next step in the formulation process is to generate the essential

descriptions of the phenomena. At this point, the descriptions of the

phenomenon are simply clarified and cleaned up from any corrections or

committee evaluations. The study must include any recommendations

made by the steering committee in order to get rid of any overused,

inaccurate, or inflated descriptions that could seriously undermine or

confound the committee’s general explanations of the issue.

Consequently, the study’s narrative will be condensed to only highlight

the essential and significant aspects of the phenomena. Finally, ask study

participants to verify the developed most fundamental structure of the

phenomena. This extensive research reveals the subtle insights required

to advise street food vendors in addition to providing a detailed

knowledge of the data.

Utilization of Data

Information collected will serve as the backbone of the study and it

will be stored, and processed to produce and validate original research

results. The data will be used to prove or disprove a theory, and to further

the study of the unseen challenges and triumphs of street food vendors.


The researcher uses techniques to gather data in order to assure

that they have the study’s the results. These were taken account of,

particularly the validity guidelines, which include credibility,

trustworthiness, the concept of transfer ability and verification.

Ethical Consideration

Researchers must always adhere to a certain code of conduct when

collecting data from people. These principles make sure that participation

in studies is voluntary, informed, and safe for research subjects.(Haynes,

2019) You’ll balance pursuing important research objectives with using

ethical research methods and procedures. The goals of human research

often include understanding real-life phenomena, studying effective

treatments, investigating behaviors, and improving lives in other ways.

Ethical Consideration matters for scientific integrity, human rights and

dignity, and collaboration between science and society. It’s always

necessary to prevent permanent or excessive harm to participants,

whether inadvertent or not. Defying research ethics will also lower the

credibility of the study because it’s hard for others to trust your data if

your methods are morally questionable.


It is an essential component of research studies that the researcher be

aware of the identity of the research subject but take precautions to keep

that identification concealed from other parties. And the so-called

confidentiality principle.(David, 2018) . Keeping personal information

gathered by this study will be concealed because it is required that

keeping privacy is a top priority. Since most studies containing human

subjects must get participants’ written consent agreements in addition to

other personally identifiable information, researchers are aware of the

identities of their subjects. In these situations, keeping information

gathered by this study will be concealed because it is required that

keeping privacy is a top priority. And because subjects may not be

identified by names alone, but by other identifiers or by combinations of

information about subjects, researchers will often only report aggregate

findings, not individual-level data, to the public.


Providing anonymity of information collected from research participants

such as name, address, email address, etc. should not be identifiable in

any way. A study should not collect identifying information of research

participants unless it is essential to the study protocol. Because most

human subjects research requires signed documentation of consent,

subject anonymity is not as common in human subjects research. Federal

law does allow an IRB to waive the requirement for signed consent

documents in cases where the collection of that document is the only

identifying information linking the subject to the project. (David, 2018)


In conducting research, the study is obliged to treat participants that are

involved in this study fairly and equitably. In terms of justice, it includes

the consideration around avoiding bias when sampling from a larger

population and not exposing participants to a research protocol that could

disadvantage them in some way.It is also under this principle that

potential participants cannot suffer negative or unfair consequences if

they opt out of the study. And this is all stated by (Horn,2014).

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