Research Final
Research Final
Research Final
Research Locale
The Public Market in Poblacion, Malita, Davao Occidental, was the site of
respondents are interviewed in the comfort of their own mobile stall. The
and inspire those who are considering to work as a street food vendors.
Research Design
descriptive in a sense that the data obtained was analyzed and described.
observational in nature.
street food vendors participants were the only respondents who are willing
where researchers use subjects who are easy to contact and obtain their
availability sampling.
where the respondents who participated in the study were street food
vendors and the said respondents selected are the only respondents who
are willing and available to share their experiences. The study also
each informant’s own mobile stall, the 30-40 minute interview process
was completed.
Data Collection
another letter, also noted by their research adviser, and it will be sent to
the prospective respondents which are the street food vendors of Public
hold the interview in their own mobile stalls in order to guarantee a one-
selected for the way the interview was conducted. The goal will be
level of flexibility and adaptability in obtaining data from the person being
Data Analysis
A detailed concept analysis technique can produce beneficial
findings when reviewing data from participant data that has been
directly address the study’s research questions. Page and line numbers
the meaning of the significant statements that were found from the
that takes into account the study’s context. The researcher has to set
aside her personal opinions and prejudices during the procedure and
Utilization of Data
results. The data will be used to prove or disprove a theory, and to further
the study of the unseen challenges and triumphs of street food vendors.
that they have the study’s the results. These were taken account of,
Ethical Consideration
collecting data from people. These principles make sure that participation
whether inadvertent or not. Defying research ethics will also lower the
credibility of the study because it’s hard for others to trust your data if
aware of the identity of the research subject but take precautions to keep
law does allow an IRB to waive the requirement for signed consent
they opt out of the study. And this is all stated by (Horn,2014).