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BFM學生規章 中英文版 2020

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Fu Jen Catholic University

MA Program in Brand and Fashion Management

Academic Regulations

109 級入學生適用(含以後)
For students admitted in the 2020 academic year


壹、學程設立及發展 Establishment and Organization ...................................... 3

一、成立 Establishment .................................................................................................. 3

二、碩士學位之授予 Degree Conferral ......................................................................... 3

三、組織 Organization .................................................................................................... 4

四、教師 Faculty ............................................................................................................. 4

貳、修業及規範 Academic Regulations ............................................................. 5

一、修業年限 Time Limit for Degree Completion ........................................................ 5

二、學生義務 Student Duties ......................................................................................... 5

三、課程 Curriculum ...................................................................................................... 6

四、修課規定 Course Regulations ................................................................................. 6

五、學分抵免 Credit Transfers ....................................................................................... 8

叁、畢業論文及學位 Thesis and Degree ............................................................ 9

一、畢業論文指導委員會 Thesis Advisory Committee ................................................ 9

二、學位論文(研究計畫)提審申請 Thesis Proposal ............................................. 11

三、畢業門檻 Graduation Requirements ...................................................................... 13

四、學位論文口試委員會 Oral Defense Committee ................................................... 13

五、學位論文考試 Thesis Defense .............................................................................. 14

六、學位論文考試結果 Exam Results ......................................................................... 16

七、離校程序 Graduation Procedure ............................................................................ 18

八、智慧財產權 Intellectual Property Rights ............................................................... 18

肆、其他 Additional Matters ............................................................................. 19

MA Program in Brand and Fashion Management Academic Regulations

壹、學程設立及發展 Establishment and Organization

一、成立 Establishment

品牌與時尚 經營管 理碩士學位 學程( MA Program in Brand and Fashion

Management,英文簡稱 BFM)正式成立於民國 101 年 8 月 1 日,隸屬輔仁大


The MA Program in Brand and Fashion Management was officially established on

August 1, 2012 within the College of Human Ecology. It was the very first

master’s program in the field of fashion management in Taiwan to offer courses

taught exclusively in English.

二、碩士學位之授予 Degree Conferral



碩士學位(Master of Arts,MA)。

Students in the program must earn the necessary credits and take all required

courses within the time limit for degree completion. They must also submit a

thesis related to the field of fashion management and pass the oral defense in order

to receive their degree.








The program is led by a Director who has been appointed by the President. The

Director is responsible for the administrative, educational, and research aspects of

the program’s overall planning and development. There is one Secretary who is

responsible for matters related to the activities of all classes. The Secretary’s duties

include to:

(1) Host student activities such as Orientation for New Students;

(2) Assign and delegate student duties;

(3) Guide students during course registration and help review their graduation


(4) Provide guidance for employment and internships.

四、教師 Faculty




Faculty is composed of full and part-time instructors at the level of assistant

professor or higher. Faculty members are drawn from many different programs at

the University and also include industry professionals and academics from other

institutions. The Director will invite an instructor to serve on the faculty after the

Curriculum Committee has approved the selection. Faculty members who are

full-time instructors at the University have the duty to teach courses and supervise

graduate students conducting research.

貳、修業及規範 Academic Regulations

一、修業年限 Time Limit for Degree Completion


The program must be completed between two to four years. A student must
make a written application to the Program if they would like to transfer, take a
leave of absence, delay completing their degree, or suspend their research plan.

二、學生義務 Student Duties


1 本學程各項招生推廣事宜,如研究所博覽會、招生說明會等。

2. 本學程主辦之各類學術會議,如研討會、個案研習營等。

3. 學生主辦之各類活動,如迎新、送舊、學程慶祝活動等。

Students must help to prepare and participate in the following activities:

(1) Activities related to student recruitment such as expos and information sessions

for prospective students;

(2) Academic activities hosted by the Program such as seminars and training


(3) Student-led activities like welcoming new students, sending off old students,

and anniversary celebrations of the Program.

三、課程 Curriculum

學生須修滿 28 學分始得畢業,包含論文必修 4 學分及專業選修課程至少 24


Students must earn 28 credits in order to graduate (4 credits for the thesis and 24

credits from discipline-specific electives). Students may not take required courses

that are hosted for another class. Under certain circumstances and after approval of

the Director, this restriction does not apply.

四、修課規定 Course Regulations

1. 必修:論文 4 學分。

2. 選修:由學程規劃選修課程。

3. 應修:論文指導教授依學生背景、專長、及其論文研究內容、方向,得要



4. 各科成績 100 分為滿分,70 分為及格。

5. 學生必須優先選擇本學程開設之課程,選修外所其他課程時應依規定填寫

跨修申請單,經學程主任同意後,始得列入畢業學分,並以 3 學分為上限,


6. 本學程學生必須於修滿一年級所開之必修課程後,始得申請研究計畫提審。

7. 修業期間之前兩個學期,每位學生至少需修習 9 學分;特殊狀況者,經學


8. 本學程課程不開放旁聽。

9. 學生因特殊事故,如重病或當兵,得申請休學、延長休學或退學;申請當



(1) Required: thesis (4 credits)

(2) Electives: selected in accordance with the program’s curriculum

(3) Courses designated by adviser: An adviser may request a student to take

courses at the undergraduate or graduate level from the University or another

institution based on the student’s background, expertise, and the subject or

direction of their research. Students must take the courses, but credits earned

will not count towards graduation requirements.

(4) The highest possible grade in a course is one hundred percent. Seventy percent

is considered a pass.

(5) Students must give priority to registering in courses offered by the Program

during course registration. Students must submit the Cross-Registration Form

before taking a course offered by another program. Credits earned for such

courses will only count towards graduation requirements if approved by the

Director. No more than three credits may be earned from another program.

These restrictions do not apply to courses co-hosted by the Program and

another program. Required courses must not be taken at another program.

(6) Students must take all required courses for first-year students before submitting

their thesis proposal.

(7) Students must take at least 9 credits per semester during their first two

semesters in the program. Under certain circumstances and after approval of

the Director, these restrictions do not apply.

(8) Courses are not open to guest students.

(9) A student may apply for a leave of absence, extended leave of absence, or to

withdraw from the Program for legitimate reasons such as a serious illness or

for military service. Students making such an application in the middle of a

semester must do so by the deadline announced by the University. Late

applications will not be accepted.

(10) Students must comply with attendance regulations.

五、學分抵免 Credit Transfers



於本學程課程,科目經學程主任核可,且成績需達 80 分,始可抵免。抵免學

分以 9 學分為上限,必修學分不得抵免。於入學後首次註冊選課時,檢附學



Students may transfer credit that was earned from a master’s program or master’s

credit certificate program at the University or another institution within three years

before their admission to the Program. Credits must have been earned in a course

taught exclusively in English. Credits must be approved by the Director and be

equal to or exceed the credits for the same course in the Program. A student must

have earned a grade of at least eighty percent in order to transfer credits. A

maximum of nine credits may be transferred. No credits for a required course may

be transferred. Students must submit the credit certificate and the Credit Transfer

Application Form when registering for courses for the first time after enrolling in

the Program. The documents will be submitted to the Registrar to complete the

credit transfer after signed by the Director. However, students may not use

transferred credit to skip to a higher year of study.

叁、畢業論文及學位 Thesis and Degree

一、畢業論文指導委員會 Thesis Advisory Committee

1. 碩士學位學程研究生得選擇曾於本學程任教之專任與兼任教授、副教授或



Students may select a full-time instructor, part-time instructor, associate

professor, or assistant professor who has previously taught in the Program to

serve as their supervisor (this includes Ph.D. holders and those who have been

promoted to the position of assistant professor). A part-time instructor may not

serve as a sole supervisor to a student; a full-time instructor must serve as


2. 於學程授課之本校專任教師每年指導學程學生數上限 3 人,共同指導者學

生數以 1/2 計算,外所學生數不列入計算。

A full-time instructor may serve as supervisor to no more than 3 students in a

single academic year. A student will be counted as 0.5 toward the 3-student

limit if they are co-supervised. This limit does not apply to students the

instructor supervises outside the Program.

3. 於學程授課之兼任教師每年指導學程學生數上限為 3 人,共同指導者學生

數視同 1 人,非以 1/2 計算。

A part-time instructor may serve as supervisor to no more than 3 students in a

single academic year. A student will be counted as 1 student, not 0.5.

4. 指導教授就該生之論文需求,選擇校內外老師或專家組成學位論文指導委


The supervisor will establish a Thesis Advisory Committee composed of

instructors at the University, instructors from another institution, or an outside

expert based on the needs of the thesis.

5. 學生選擇指導教授後,不得無故更換,若有不可預見之困難,可能影響研



Students may not change their thesis supervisor except for a valid reason. If a

student meets with unforeseen difficulties which could impact the quality or

progress of research, they may make an application to change their supervisor

six months before their degree exam. The application form must be signed by

both the original and new supervisor and then submitted to the office of the


6. 學 位 論 文 指 導 委 員 會 含 指 導 教 授 ( Supervisor )、 共 同 指 導 教 授

( Co-supervisor)和指導顧問(Advisors),其角色與職務說明如下:

The Thesis Advisory Committee is composed of the Supervisor, Co-supervisor,

and advisors. Their duties are as follows:

(1)指導教授及共同指導教授(Supervisor and Co-supervisor)的職責如下:

A. 督導論文的內容和品質。

B. 每個月應訂定固定時間與學生討論。

C. 在指導初期,如果發現研究生基礎課程,專業知識或經驗背景不足,


D. 如已核准之論文研究在進行中遭遇困難或發生違規情事應先告知學


E. 需於畢業論文認可頁中簽名。

(1) Supervisor and co-supervisor:

A. Monitor the content and quality of the thesis.

B. Establish a set time to talk about the thesis with the student once a


C. Make recommendations to the student and Director at the outset of

research if the student lacks a foundational course, professional

knowledge, or experience.

D. Inform the Director if there are any problems or violations of

regulations during the course of research.

E. Sign the approval page of the thesis.


A. 提供論文研究專業知識、經驗和資訊。

B. 得列席口試審查會,但毋須於畢業論文認可頁中簽名。

(2) Advisor:

A. Provide professional knowledge, experience, and information related to

the thesis.

B. May attend the oral defense, but does not need to sign the approval

page of the thesis.

二、學位論文(研究計畫)提審申請 Thesis Proposal

1. 學生之研究內容為團隊研究計畫之部份者,得作為學位論文,唯該研究生


2. 學位論文(研究計畫)提審前已發表之相關研究,不得作為論文題目,但


3. 申請時必須填研究計畫提審申請表。

4. 本所審查小組依下列要求考量申請資格:




5. 研究生須通過「學位論文(研究計畫)提審」審核後,始可正式進行學位


6. 畢業論文若基於保密理由,需於研究計畫提審時向學程提出申請,核准的


7. 研究生於研究計畫提審通過後欲更改研究方向或更換指導教授時,必須由


8. 研究生於研究計畫提審通過後欲更改研究方向及更換指導教授時,必須重


9. 辦理研究計畫提審的時間以每學期的期中考週為原則。

(1) If a student’s research is part of a group research project, the student may

use it as a thesis. However, their individual portion must be stand alone

and clearly show the scope of research.

(2) Any research that has already been published may not be used for the

topic of the thesis. However, this restriction does not apply to research

that is an extension of previously published works.

(3) Students must complete the Thesis Proposal Form

(4) The Review Committee will consider thesis proposals based on the

following criteria:

1. The applicant has proposed a feasible research idea.

2. The applicant has an adviser with the requisite professional

knowledge and abilities.

3. The applicant has sufficient resources and access to suitable facilities

to conduct the research

(5) Students must pass the review process before officially starting their


(6) If the student would like the thesis to be kept confidential, they must

specify their request on the thesis proposal. Theses may generally be kept

confidential for up to two years.

(7) If a graduate student wishes to change supervisors or the direction of

research after their thesis proposal has been approved, it must be decided

by the Review Committee. The new and old supervisors must recuse

themselves from the meeting.

(8) If a graduate student wishes to change their supervisor or the direction of

research, they must submit a new thesis proposal.

(9) Research proposals are typically made during the week of mid-term


三、畢業門檻Graduation Requirements

1. 需通過畢業論文口試。

Students must pass the oral defense.

四、學位論文口試委員會Oral Defense Committee

1. 本學程接受研究生學位論文考試申請後,由學程主任向校方推薦聘請校內




2. 參與學位論文口試之每位口試委員需完成學位論文評分表。

3. 第一次學位論文口試委員之費用由校方支付之,若未通過,第二次口試費


(1) After the Program accepts a student’s application for the degree examination,

the Director will request that the University hire academic specialists in the

topic of the thesis from the University or an outside institution to serve as

examiners on the Thesis Review Committee (this includes Ph.D. holders and

those who have been promoted to the position of assistant professor). The

Committee must include three to five examiners for the oral defense. At least

one-third of examiners must be from another institution (i.e. at least two

members). All supervisors are ex officio members.

(2) All oral examiners must complete the Thesis Review Form.

(3) The payment of Committee members for the first oral defense will be paid by

the University. If a student does not pass the oral defense the first time, they

are responsible for Committee member pay during the second defense.

五、學位論文考試Thesis Defense

1. 學生原則上於12月中辦理學位論文口試,並於預定口試日期前二個月提送


2. 學位論文考試分兩個部分:



3. 本學程應通知研究生、所有指導教授及口試委員口試日期並公佈之。

4. 經指導教授與共同指導教授修改完之最後完整版論文,應於口試日 14 天前


5. 論文需裝訂繳交審核,必須確保無法增加或減少頁數。

6. 在學位授與之前,本學程必須確定該論文已修正並經指導教授和共同指導


7. 本規則未盡事宜,依輔仁大學學則及相關規定辦理。

(1) Students will typically undergo an oral defense during mid-December. They

must submit the Oral Defense Application Form two months in advance.

(2) There are two stages to the defense:

(1)Submission of copies of the thesis for Committee members to review.

(2)Oral defense

(3) The program will notify the student, all supervisors, and all Committee

members of the date of the oral exam as well as make a general


(4) After reviewed by the supervisor(s), the final copy of the thesis must be

provided to all Committee members 14 days before the oral defense, or else

the defense may be delayed or cancelled.

(5) The thesis must be bound in order to ensure that no pages can be removed or


(6) Before the degree is conferred, the Program must ensure that the supervisor

and co-supervisor have made the necessary amendments. The thesis may only

be permanently bound after amended.

Any matters not covered in these regulations will be handled in accordance with

Fu Jen Catholic University Academic Policies and related regulations

六、學位論文考試結果Exam Results

1. 口試後每位口試委員應對該研究生提出一份綜合成績報告及建議。

2. 口試後,學位論文口試委員會決議:




3. 若有 1/2 以上口試委員評定不及格者,以不及格論。

4. 學位論文口試委員會做成決議後,若發現該論文有作弊抄襲或其它任何違


5. 學位論文考試不及格者,需依口試委員會建議,將論文不足之處修正,於



6. 學位論文考試通過後,全體口試委員應在論文認可頁上簽名,該認可頁由



7. 若依學位論文口試委員會之決議,本學程決定不授予該研究生碩士學位且



(1) After the oral defense, all Committee members must provide the student

with suggestions and a comprehensive report breaking down their grade.

(2) After the oral defense, Committee members will make one of the following


(1) The thesis passes

(2) The thesis passes, but requires revisions

(3) The thesis fails, but the student may face re-examination once

(3) If more than one-half of Committee members give a failing grade, the thesis


(4) If cheating or plagiarism is discovered after a decision on the thesis has

been made, the Program may discuss it with Committee members and take

necessary measures in accordance with regulations.

(5) If the thesis fails, the student must make the necessary revisions in

accordance with the recommendations of the Committee members and then

reapply for an exam within three months (re-examination must take place

within the limit for degree completion). Re-examination is limited to one

time. The student must assume expenses for the second defense.

(6) After a thesis receives a passing grade, all Committee members must sign

the approval page of the thesis, which will be kept at the Program office.

After the thesis has been revised, inspected for errors, and the supervisor

and Director have approved, it will be passed to the administrative division

that handles the leave-taking procedure at the University. It will be given to

the student after it has been bound.

(7) If the Program decides neither to confer a degree nor allow a

re-examination after the Committee’s decision, the Committee must write

an explanation stating the flaws in the thesis and the Committee’s reasons

for its decision. The Program will submit the written explanation to the


七、離校程序Graduation Procedure

1. 研究生於論文口試通過後,自行上網下載離所程序單,並辦理相關事宜。

2. 須辦妥各項應屆畢業生注意事項之手續,方可辦理離校。

(1) After a student has passed the oral defense, they must download the Graduation

Application Form and complete all necessary procedures.

(2) A student must complete all necessary procedures before graduating from the


八、智慧財產權Intellectual Property Rights

1. 自畢業論文撰寫出之文章,於研討會、期刊、書籍等學術性場合發表時,



2. 學生在學期間研究成果,如專利、版權、發明、電腦軟體及其他智慧財產,



(1) Any portions of the thesis that are presented at a seminar or academic event or

published in a periodical or book must carry the names of both the student and

supervisor. Two reprinted copies of the article must be submitted to the

Program for record-keeping.

(2) The right to use and ownership of research results such as patents, copyrights,

inventions, computer software, and other intellectual property will be handled

in accordance with University regulations, regardless of whether it is the work

of an individual student or in concert with an instructor. This regulation does

not apply to theses and publications in periodicals.

肆、其他Additional Matters

1. 其它未盡事宜,請詳細參閱輔仁大學學生手冊中之相關規定。

2. 本規章視實際需要檢討修正,以最新規定為遵循標準。

3. 本規章自 106 學年度起入學新生正式實施。

1. Please see the Fu Jen Catholic University Student Handbook for any matters

not covered in these Regulations.

2. These Regulations will be discussed and revised based on practical needs.

Please refer to the most recent edition as accurate.

3. These Regulations apply to students who were admitted for the 2017-2018

academic year.


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