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Post Tensioned Beam Design

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Research and Development

Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

A. Beam on Frame and Slab on Column ACI 318-2008

1. Define the Grid When you import model from

ETABS, you have to combine
Define Properties meshed slabs into big slab panels
Define Slab Properties because SAFE will run auto meshing
Define Beam Properties that will be duplicated and mesh size
Define Column Properties will be too small You can use
Define Tendon Properties imported slab as guide
Define Wall Properties points and draw slab with difference
property in SAFE
2. Define Static Load Patterns
You have to add rigid slab (thk.
3. Define Load Cases >=100m) for rigid zone at column &
wall location for the rigid slab at
4. Draw Objects column & wall location.

5. Draw Design Strips When you import model from ETABS, you
have to combine meshed slabs into big slab
6. Add Tendons panels because SAFE will run auto meshing
that will be duplicated process. The
meshing size will be too small. Analysis time
will be longer than model with big slab

You can use imported slab as guide

points and draw slab with difference
property on top of imported slab
then select+delete imported slab.

7. Assign Loads

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Research and Development

Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

8. Surface Loads You can add design strip for

trapezoidal area by specifying
difference start and end dimension
in this dialogue

You can define one design strip

(with many segments) for difference
width by continue clicking (start +
end design strip)

Normally combination moment from

prestressed force and moment from
DL+SDL should be equal or close to
zero. You can check by using load
combination (DL+SDL+Prestress-
If you found large moment from
above load combination, that mean
prestressed force is not enough. To
increase prestressed force, you can
do from following methods.

9. Run Analysis

10. Graphically Review the Analysis Results

11. S11 option in the component area

12. Display Contours on Deformed Shape


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Research and Development

Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

13. Stress Diagram

14. Design Display

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Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

15. Layer B Long Term-Copmpressive Stresses

16. Run Detailing

17. Display Detailing Item Form

18. Display Tendon Layout Plan

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Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

19. Post Tensioned Design as per ACI 318-08

20. Design Load Combinations

For a structure subjected to Dead (DL), Live (LL), Pattern Live (PL) ACI 9.2.1
Wind (WL) and Earthquake (EL)

Initial Service Load Combination clause 18.4.1 of ACI 318-08

Load combination is used for checking the requirements at transfer
of prestress forces

1.0DL + 1.0PT

Service Load Combination clauses 18.3.3, 18.4.2(b) and

Load combinations are used for checking the requirements of prestress of ACI 318-08
for serviceability, it is assumed that all long-term losses have already
occurred at the service stage.

1.0DL + 1.0PT
1.0DL + 1.0LL + 1.0PT

Long-Term Service Load Combination chapters 9 and 18 of ACI 318-08

Load combinations are used for checking the requirements of prestress
for strength. The hyperstatic (secondary) forces are automatically
determined by SAFE by subtracting out the primary PT moment when the
flexural design is carried out.

1.40DL + 1.0PT ACI 9.2.1

1.20DL + 1.60LL + 1.0PT ACI 9.2.1
1.20DL + 1.60(0.75PL) + 1.0PT ACI 9.2.1,
0.90DL +- 1.60WL + 1.0PT
1.20DL + 1.0LL +- 1.60WL + 1.0PT ACI 9.2.1
0.90DL +- 1.0EL + 1.0PT
1.20DL + 1.0LL +- 1.0EL + 1.0PT ACI 9.2.1

note: replace PT by H for flexural design only

Limits on Material Strength

The concrete compressive strength should not be less than 2500psi ACI 5.1.1
The upper limit of the reinforcement yield strength is 80ksi ACI 9.4
The upper limit of the reinforcement shear strength is 60ksi ACI 11.5.2

21. Strength Reduction Factors

φ = 0.90 for flexure (tensioned controlled) ACI

φ = 0.65 for flexure (compression controlled) ACI
φ = 0.75 for shear and torsion ACI

Design Assumptions for Prestressed Concrete ACI 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.5, 10.2.7,
Strength design of prestressed members for flexure and axial loads ACI,, R18.3.3,
shall be based on assumptions given in ACI 10.2

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Research and Development

Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

22. Serviceability Requirements of Flexural Members

Serviceability Check at Initial Service Load

The stresses in the concrete immediately after prestress force transfer
(before tme dependent prestress losses) are checked against the following

Extreme fiber stress in compression: 0.60fci ACI 18.4.1a

Extreme fiber stress in tension: 3*sqrt(fci) ACI18.4.1b

Extreme fiber stress in tension at ends of

simply supported members: 0.60*sqrt(fci) ACI18.4.1c

note: the extreme fiber stress in tension at the ends of simply supported
members is currently NOT checked by SAFE.

23. Serviceability Checks at Service Load

Extreme fiber stress in compression due to

prestress plus total load 0.60*fc ACI 18.4.2b

Extreme fiber stress in tension in the

precompressed tensile zone at service loads ft<=7.5*sqrt(fc) ACI 18.3.3

Serviceability Checks at Long Term Service Load

Extreme fiber stress in compression due to

prestress plus total load 0.45*fc ACI 18.4.2a

Serviceability Checks of Prestressing Steel

Due to tendon jacking force min(0.94*fpy,0.80fpu) ACI 18.5.1a

Immediately after force transfer min(0.82*fpy, 0.74*fpu) ACI 18.5.1b

At anchors and couplers after force transfer 0.70*fpu ACI 18.5.1c

24. Beam Design

Design flexural reinforcement

In the design of flexural reinforcement of prestressed concrete beams, ACI 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.3.4
the factored moments for each load combination at a particular beam
station are obtained by factoring the corresponding moments for
different load cases, with the corresponding load factors.

Case 1 Post-Tensioning Steel is Adequate ACI,

Case 2 Post-Tensioning Steel Plus Tension Reinforcement

Case 3 Post-Tensioning Steel and Tension Reinforcement are

Not Adequate ACI 10.3.5

25. Ductility Requirements

φMn => 1.20Mcr ACI 18.8.2

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Research and Development

Post Tensioned Slab and Beam Checklist Using SAFE Reference Code

26. Minimum and maximum Reinforcement

As => 0.004Act ACI 18.9.2

Design for shear reinforcement

The shear force of concrete Vc and the shear reinforcement required to carry ACI 11.3.3
the balance. The beam shear reinforcement requirements considered by
the program are based pirely on shear strength considerations.

27. Design torsion reinforcement ACI 11.6.2

The torsion reinforcement is designed for each load combinatopn at
each station along the length of the beam.

28. Slab Design

Determine Factored Moments for the Strip

Determine Capacity of Post-tensioned Sections

Design Flexural Reinforcement of the Strip

Minimum and maximum Slab Reinforcement

Asmin = 0.0020bh for fy = 40ksi or 50ksi ACI

Asmin = 0.0018bh for fy = 60ksi ACI

Asmin = ((0.0018*60000)/fy)*b*h for fy>60ksi ACI

29. Check fo Punching Shear

For Interior Columns

For Edge Columns

For Corner Columns

30. Determine Reinforcement Arrangement

Punching shear reinforcement in the vicinity of rectangular columns should ACI R 11.3.3,
arranged on peripheral lines (the lines running parallel to and at constant
distance from the sides of the column. The distance between column face
and the first line os shear reinforcement shall not exceed d/2. The spacing
between shear reinforcement in the first line of shear reinforcement shall
not exceed 2d measured in a direction parallel to the column face.

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Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

A. Beam-Supported and Column-Supported Slabs ACI 318-2008

1. Generate the Structural Model Under Options in the main menu,

select American for the System of
Units. Here we can apply the
effective force method in design of
post-tensioned members. Also, the
optimization of design through
selection of different post-
tensioning forces in different

2. Edit Project Information

3. General Settings Select the structural system and

Selection of units include the option for beam
Structural system and material properties orientation say, Transverse Beam.
Geometry inputs and support boundary conditions Segmental input is used for
entering non-prismatic structures.
For instance, those where the
tributary width or the depth of the
section changes within a span.
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

4. Design Code In the design code screen, set the

ACI318-2011 code as ACI 318-2008/IBC 2012 or
1.1.2 Design Code any appropriate code preferred that
ACI318-2011 is found in the program list.

5. Design Settings In the Analysis Options, you can

Analysis options select various calculation settings.
Redistribute moments First select the execution mode as
Increase moment of inertia over support interactive. In this mode, you have
Generate moment capacity based on design values or user defined the opportunity to optimize the
design by adjusting the tendon
forces and tendon drapes in each
span in the Recycle window. We
can select the Reduce Moments to
Face-of-Support option. This option
indicates that the calculated
centerline moments, at each
support are, adjusted to face of
Redistribute Moments. Then, there
is an option to Increase Moment of
Inertia Over Support. This option
accounts for the increased stiffness
of a slab or beam over its support.

6. Enter Loading Information Any number of different loads and

Uniform, partial uniform, concentrated, line, triangular, variable load types may be entered for a
and trapezoidal span. Load types available in ADAPT
are: Uniform, Partial Uniform,
In any case, you can choose to specify
additional dead load as superimposed
dead load (SDL).
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

7. Enter Post-Tensioning System Parameters Select the Post-Tensioning System

Bonded and or unbonded and have the option to leave the
default values of the other
properties as they are. The program
allows also specifying a base
reinforcement that is taken into
consideration when designing the
structure. If you wanted to let the
rebar start mid-span of span 1, you
could enter 0.50 for X1/L.

8. Enter the Initial and Final Allowable Stresses Tension stresses are input as a
Tension stresses are inputs as a multiple of the square root of Fc' and multiple of the square root of fc’ and
compressive stresses are input as a multiple of Fc'. compressive stresses are input as a
multiple of fc’. The default values
given in this screen are according to
the appropriate code in accordance
with ACI 318-2011.
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

9. Enter the Recommended Post-Tensioning Values This screen is used to specify

These values are used by the program to determine the post-tensioning minimum and maximum values for
requirements and the status of the Pmin/Pmax and Wbal Min/Max average precompression (P/A: total
indicators on the cycle window. prestressing divided by gross cross-
The values given as default are according to the code and the experience sectional area) and percentage of
of economical design. dead load to balance (Wbal). These
values are used by the program to
determine the post-tensioning
requirements and the status of the
Pmin/Pmax and Wbal Min/Max
indicators on the recycle window.

10. Select the Post-Tensioning Design Option Select Force/Tendon selection

Force selection and force/tendon selection option, then the screen will prompt
Long term losses may either be entered as a lump sum value or the program for the information required to
can calculate them using the provided information. calculate the prestress losses.
Select YES to perform long-term loss calculation. Enter age of stressing Example for long-term losses may
as say 3 days and press enter. Then the strength and modulus of elasticity be either entered as a lump sum
at stressing will be calculated automatically by the program. value or the program can calculate
them using the provided information.
Select YES to Perform the expected
Long-Term Loss Calculation. Enter
Age of Stressing say 3 days and press
Enter. Then the Strength and
Modulus of Elasticity as Stressing will
be calculated automatically by the
program. However, if concrete
strength at stressing is established
through cylinder/cube test, enter the
test results. For most anchorage
devices, there is a specified
minimum concrete strength for
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

11. Specify the Tendon Profiles The program allows you to specify up
The program allows you to specify up to three tendon paths per span. to three tendon paths per span. You
You can define for each of the three tendons. can define one profile for each of the
three tendons. In the section Option
for Tendons you can define the
Default Extension of Terminated
Tendon as Fraction of Span. Also,
you can specify the Shape of Tendon
Extension from the Left End and the
Right End.

12. Specify Minimum Covers for Post-Tensioning Tendons and Mild Steel The concrete cover for the pre-
Reinforcement stressing steel is determined as a
The concrete cover for the pre-stressing steel is determined as a distance distance from the extreme fiber to
from the extreme fiber to the center of gravity of the strand (cgs). the center of gravity of the strand
(CGS). For ½ inch (13mm) strand,
13. Specify Minimum Bar Lenth and Bar Extension of Mild Steel CGS is minimum cover (example:
Reinforcement CGS = cover + ½ *13)
The default given are according to the appropriate code.
The development lenngth of reinforcement required for strength will
extend the reinforcement by the given value beyond the calculated length.
Please note that the program does not calculate this value automatically
per bar size used.

14. Input Load Combinations The attached figure shows the screen
The program allows you to specify four strength load combinations and four which is used to input the load
service load combinations. For ACI318-2011, two of the service load combination factors for service and
combinations are reserved for sustained load and twofor total load. strength (ultimate) load conditions. It
is also used to enter any applicable
strength reduction factors.
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

15. Save and Execute the Input Data Once the file is saved, the program
To save input data and execute the analysis, either select Execute Analysis will automatically execute the
from the Action menu of the menu bar or click on the Save & Execute analysis by reading the data files and
Analysis. performing a number data checks.
Once the execution completes the selection of post-tensioning, the "PT
Recycling" window. If an error is detected, the program will stop and
display a message box indicating the most likely source of the error.
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

Here you can optimize the design by changing the tendon force and tendon
heights. Turn off the "Typical Values Row" and select the Single Tendon Path
in the Force Selection Method so that you can specify a variable force along
a single tendon.
These values values can be directly entered and the graphical view will
update automatically or if the graphical view is updated, the tabular
locations are updated.
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

After the recalculation of the stresses and the required forces along the
member based on current values, the window, as shown below opens.

At each design section along a span, the program performs an analysis based
on the post-tensioning force at section.
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

The program continues with the calculations based on the most recent
tendon forces and profile selections.

Create reports
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

B. Beam Frame

Note that ALL features described in the Slab Procedures applies to beam
frame system model, unless noted here.

Use of bonded (grouted) post-tensioning

Automatic calculation of stress losses due to tendon friction and seating,
creep, shrinkage, elastic shortening and relaxation in prestressing.
Application of "effective width" in post-tensioned flanged beams.
Adjustment of tenon force and profile to optimize the design.
Design based on selection of number of strands, as opposed to "effective

1. Select the Post-Tensioning Design Option

2. Specify the Tendon Profiles

3. Specify Minimum Covers for Post-Tensioning Tendons and Mild Steel

Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

4. Specify Minimum Bar Length and Bar Extension of Mild Steel


5. Input Load Combinations

Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

6. Save and Execute the Input Data

Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

You can check the final stresses for the Total Load Condition either by
clicking the Extreme Fiber Stresses or by clicking Graphs at the top left of the
Research and Development

Post Tensioned Beam Checklist using ADAPT Reference Code

7. Post-Tensioning Diagrams

To open the "PT-Summary Report" either click the PT Sum buton on the tool
bar or select the PT Summary item on the View menu.
1. Generate the Structural Model

1.1 Edit Project Information

1.1.1 General Settings

Selection of units
Structural system and material properties
Geometry inputs and support boundary conditions

1.1.2 Design Code


1.1.3 Design Settings

Analysis options
Redistribute moments
Increase moment of inertia over support
Generate moment capacity based on design values or user defined

1.1.4 Enter Loading Information

Uniform, partial uniform, concentrated, line, triangular, variable
and trapezoidal

1.1.5 Enter Post-Tensioning System Parameters

Unbonded and bonbded

1.1.6 Enter the Initial and Final Allowable Stresses

1.1.7 Enter the Recommended Post-Tensioning Values

1.1.8 Select the Post-Tensioning Deign Option

Force selection and force/tendon selection
Long term losses may either be entered as a lump sum value or the program
can calculate them using the provided information.
Select YES to perform long-term loss calculation. Enter age of stressing
as say 3 days and press enter. Then the strength and modulus of elasticity
at stressing will be calculated automatically by the program.

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