Daniel - Levy Publication 5464
Daniel - Levy Publication 5464
Daniel - Levy Publication 5464
Keywords: Consolidation of newly formed memories is readily disrupted, but can it be enhanced? Given the prominent role
Memory of hippocampal theta oscillations in memory formation and retrieval, we hypothesized that upregulating theta
Consolidation power during early stages of consolidation might benefit memory stability and persistence. We used EEG neu-
EEG rofeedback to enable participants to selectively increase theta power in their EEG spectra following episodic
memory encoding, while other participants engaged in low beta-focused neurofeedback or passively viewed a
neutral nature movie. Free recall assessments immediately following the interventions, 24 h later and 7 d later
all indicated benefit to memory of theta neurofeedback, relative to low beta neurofeedback or passive movie-
viewing control conditions. The degree of benefit to memory was correlated with the extent of theta power
modulation, but not with other spectral changes. Theta enhancement may provide optimal conditions for sta-
bilization of new hippocampus-dependent memories.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: daniel.levy@idc.ac.il (D.A. Levy).
Received 30 July 2017; Received in revised form 4 October 2017; Accepted 7 October 2017
Available online 10 October 2017
1074-7427/ © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
R. Rozengurt et al. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 145 (2017) 165–171
dependent memory. interest: theta (4–8 Hz), low beta (15–18 Hz) and high beta (18–22 Hz).
For the recording of resting stage baseline, all participants sat quietly
2. Materials and methods with their eyes open for 4 min. The Fz electrode was employed to
provide real-time NFB, as in our previous studies (Reiner et al., 2014;
2.1. Participants Rozengurt et al., 2016), and in accordance with additional studies
(Egner & Gruzelier, 2003, 2004). Notably, as frontal midline theta has
75 volunteers (45 females; mean age 29.6 y, SD 7.1 y) took part in been implicated in episodic memory encoding and retrieval processes
the study in return for payment and/or academic requirement credit. (Hsieh & Ranganath, 2014), this was seemingly the optimal location for
They reported no history of psychiatric or neurological disorders, nor both conditions in this task. The NFB program was set to provide real-
chronic use of medication. All participants reported having a minimum time positive feedback using a visual signal displayed on the computer
of 6 h of nocturnal sleep in the night before and during the week of the screen. This took the form of a bar display, in which the height of a
experiment, and no physiological sleep disruptions. Informed consent vertical green bar was determined by EEG target-band power ratio (i.e.,
was obtained from all participants for a protocol approved by the theta/low beta or low beta/theta). A horizontal criterion line was
Institutional Review Board of the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. The presented overlying the bar, representing the goal band power ratio
75 participants were randomly assigned to Theta group (17 F, 8 M, level. Participants were instructed to keep the bar above the criterion
mean age 30.9 y, SD 7.7 y), (low) Beta active control group (14 F, 11 M, line as much as possible. It was explained to them that bar height is
mean age 28.6 y, SD 7.0 y), or Movie passive control group (14 F, 11 M, determined by the character of their EEG, and that they must learn to
mean age 28.8 y, SD 6.5 y). control it by maintaining whatever mental state provides them with
positive feedback.
2.2. Experimental design To directly contrast the two active NFB conditions, we provided
participants with real-time feedback based on their theta/low beta
After random assignment to one of the three experimental groups, ratio, as is common in clinical application of NFB in putative treatment
participants were prepared for EEG recording. Resting baseline EEG of attention deficits (e.g., Bluschke, Broschwitz, Kohl,
was recorded for 4 min. Participants were given task instructions and Roessner, & Beste, 2016; Van Doren et al., 2017). Theta group partici-
viewed 30 object pictures (e.g., spoon, door, leaf, hammer, bus) each pants received positive feedback for increasing theta/low beta ratio;
presented for 3 s, followed by a free recall test which took approxi- Beta group participants received positive feedback for increasing their
mately 5 min. Next, participants viewed the 30 objects again in a dif- low beta/theta ratio. Positive bar rise feedback was only provided if in
ferent random order, followed by a second recall test, which was fol- addition to increasing their target band-power ratio (theta/low beta or
lowed by a third study-test cycle. Participants then engaged in NFB for a low beta/theta), participants did not increase high beta power (to
period of 30 min (three 10-min sessions with short rest breaks) in the minimize motion artifacts). Initially, the WINEEG software auto-
two NFB groups, or 30 min of neutral nature movie viewing in the matically adjusted the threshold to be 90% of the participant’s mean
passive control group. Following the NFB/movie viewing session, par- target band-power ratio during the first 2 min of the NFB session.
ticipants took the fourth recall test. 24 h after the initial session, par- Participants generally improve in their ability to increase target band
ticipants took the fifth recall text, via a phone call (∼50% of the par- power ratio, so this adjustment continued dynamically until the end of
ticipants) or by returning to the lab. This follow-up recall test was the NFB session (Ros et al., 2013). Band power measures for the elec-
intended to determine the interaction of NFB training and sleep on trophysiological and psychophysiological analyses were averaged
consolidation of episodic memory. One week after the initial session, across the entire 30 min NFB session for the Fz electrode. For offline
participants took the sixth and final recall test (via phone call or in lab, analysis, independent component analysis instantiated in WINEEG
as before), intended to assess the stability of episodic memory con- software was used for removing blink artifacts. In order to remove other
solidation effects engendered by NFB. Six participants did not complete artifacts from the EEG recording, a comparison between the signal
the post-1-week free recall test (3 participants from the Beta experi- parameters and the threshold values was used, based on several criteria:
mental group, and 3 participants from the Theta experimental group). deviation of the potentials from the isoline exceeding 75 μV, deviation
Participants were unaware of the goals of the experiment. of the low frequency (0–1 Hz) signal component exceeding 50 μV, and
deviation of the high frequency (20–35 Hz) signal component ex-
2.3. Neurofeedback protocol ceeding 35 μV. Following artifact removal, mean EEG band power for
each relevant frequency for each participant was derived from the
NFB was performed and recorded using Mitsar-202 EEG system WINEEG software (using fast Fourier analysis), to be subjected to
(Mitsar, St. Petersburg, Russia). Nineteen silver-chloride electrodes analyses of variance (ANOVA) to characterize group differences as well
were placed on the scalp using an elastic cap, according the standard as relationships between frequency change and episodic memory per-
10–20 system, at the following sites: Fp1, Fp2, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, T3, formance. The non-NFB control group (“Movie group”) had their EEG
C3, Cz, C4, T4, T5, P3, Pz, P4, T6, O1, and O2. The input signals were recorded passively at baseline and during movie viewing using a Bio-
recorded in a monopolar montage, with linked earlobe reference elec- Semi Active Two system (BioSemi, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) from
trodes. The ground electrode was placed on the forehead. Impedance 64 electrodes mounted in an elastic cap according to the extended
was kept below 5 kΩ. EEG was amplified, band-pass filtered at 10–20 system. The on-line filter settings of the EEG amplifiers were
0.5–30 Hz, and sampled at the rate of 250 Hz. During online NFB, a 0.16–100 Hz. EEG was continuously sampled at 2048 Hz. The BioSemi
100 μV artifact-rejection threshold was used to interrupt NFB during system enables very high precision EEG recording, and was used in this
eye and body movements that produced gross EEG fluctuations. The group since the proprietary interface with NFB software was not re-
spectral distribution of the ongoing oscillatory brain activity was de- quired. For offline analysis, 19 electrodes corresponding to those
rived from EEG in real-time, using WINEEG software (Mitsar), and comprising the Mitsar montage were selected, and the data was
stored for further offline analysis. This program, running on a portable downsampled to 256 Hz and converted to the WinEEG format, which
computer, received digitized EEG data from all channels. Mean absolute was used for all further offline pre-processing and analysis as described
and relative EEG spectral power for each bandwidth was calculated above.
using fast Fourier analysis, with the following parameters: epoch
duration of 4096 ms, epoch overlapping of 50%, time smoothing with 2.4. Statistical analysis
the Hann window. The spectral characteristics were computed for fre-
quencies ranging from 1–22 Hz, and analyzed for frequency bands of NFB effects were examined by repeated measures ANOVA (Figs. 1,
R. Rozengurt et al. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 145 (2017) 165–171
Fig. 1. NFB modulation of (A) EEG theta/low beta ratio, (B) theta power, and (C) low beta power. P-values are provided for group differences in these metrics between baseline and NFB/
movie means. Error bars indicate ± SEM; *, P < .05; ***, P < .001; NS, non-significant.
Fig. 3. Percent performance immediately improvement following NFB compared to immediate pre-NFB training measures, as a function of the degree of change in (A) theta power during
NFB compared to baseline, for n = 25 participants of the Theta group; and in (B) low beta power during NFB compared to baseline, for n = 25 participants of the Beta group.
R. Rozengurt et al. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 145 (2017) 165–171
in the passive control condition. For theta/low beta ratio (Fig. 1a), Movie group: −14.7%); these group differences were significant,
repeated measures ANOVAs, with factors of group (Theta, Beta, Movie) F(2,72) = 47.15, p < .001, with the Theta group differing from both
and stage (resting baseline, NFB/movie), indicated no main effect of other groups, p < .001, and the Beta group differing from the Movie
stage, F(1,72) = 1.57, p = .21, no main effect of group, F(2,72) = 1.43, group, p < .01. Similarly, at post-1 w test, the Theta group exhibited
p = .25, but a significant group X stage interaction, F(2,72) = 10.86, further improvement (to +14.0%), while the other groups exhibited
p < .001. We examined the interaction by conducting separate re- further performance decline (Beta group: to −8.9%, Movie group: to
peated measures ANOVAs for each group, with theta/low beta ratio −24.1%), these group differences were significant, F(2,66) = 73.83,
change as the dependent variable. This revealed that theta/low beta p < .001, with the Theta group differing from both other groups,
ratio increased (+27.9%) significantly in the Theta group, p < .001, and the Beta group differing from the Movie group,
F(1,24) = 18.83, p < .001, but decreased (−4.3%) non-significantly in p < .001. Thus, theta-upregulating NFB had a noticeable impact on
the Beta group, F(1,24) = 2.59, p = 0.12, and in the Movie group episodic memory performance, both immediately and in follow-up
(−5.7%), F(1,24) = 0.67. These group differences were not a function of testing.
initial variance in EEG band power, as baseline theta/low beta ratio did Another perspective on the impact of theta upregulation by NFB on
not significantly differ between groups, F(2,72) = 0.07. episodic memory is provided by calculating the correlation between the
We further examined the effects of the intervention on each band percent target-band power change during NFB and immediate post-NFB
separately in the three experimental groups. For theta power (Fig. 1b), memory performance improvement. For the Theta group (Fig. 3a),
group differences in baseline power were not significant, F(2,72) < 1.0. there was a significant correlation between percent theta change during
Regarding the changes during NFB, repeated-measures ANOVA with NFB and the improvement in immediate post-NFB successful recall,
factors of stage (repeated) and group (between-Ss) yielded a significant Pearson’s r(25) = 0.609, p = .001 (2-tailed), while for the Beta group
main effect of stage, F(1, 72) = 10.64, p < 0.01, no main effect of the relationship was not significant, r(25) = 0.240, p = .249 (2-tailed),
group, F(2, 72) < 1.0, and a significant group X stage interaction, F(2, nor was it for the Movie group r(25) = −0.279, p = .177 (2-tailed). In
72) = 4.47, p < 0.02. We examined the interaction by conducting re- contrast, the correlation between percent low beta change during NFB
peated measures ANOVA for each group separately, which revealed and the improvement in immediate post-NFB successful recall for the
that the difference between baseline and NFB theta power was sig- Beta group (Fig. 3b) was not significant, r(25) = 0.116, p = .581 (2-
nificant for the Theta group (+16.2%), F(1, 24) = 19.64, p < 0.001, tailed); nor was it for the Theta group, r(25) = −0.052, p = .805 (2-
but not for the Beta group (−1.8%), F < 1.0, nor for the Movie group tailed), nor for the Movie group r(25) = −0.344, p = .092 (2-tailed).
(+9.5%), F(1, 24) = 3.58, p = 0.07. This indication of specificity of theta upregulation on off-line im-
For low beta power (Fig. 1c), group differences in baseline power provement in recall success may also be seen in examination of the
were similarly not significant, F(2,72) < 1.0. Regarding the changes correlation between theta/low beta ratio change and improvement in
during NFB, repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that the main effect immediate post-NFB successful recall, which for the Theta group was
of stage was not significant, F(1, 72) = 1.63, p = .20, nor was the main significant, r(25) = 0.439, p = .028 (2-tailed), while not for the Beta
effect of group, F(2, 72) < 1.0, but there was a significant group X stage group, r(25) = 0.130, p = .434 (2-tailed), or the Movie control group
interaction, F(2, 72) = 4.07, p < .05. We examined the interaction by r(25) = 0.064, p = .761 (2-tailed). This relationship is portrayed sy-
conducting repeated measures ANOVA for each group separately, noptically in Fig. 4 for the Theta and Beta active intervention groups.
which revealed that for the Theta group, the difference between base- Taken together, these correlations clarify that this effect was driven
line and NFB low beta power (−8.0%) was not significant, F(1, solely by theta upregulation in the Theta group, and that it cannot be
24) = 1.93, p = .18, nor was it significant for the Beta group (+4.3%), attributed to task success or to the experience of positive feedback.
F(1, 24) < 1.0. In contrast, in the Movie group low beta power increase
(+13.7%) was significant, F(1, 24) = 6.50, p < .02. The Beta group 3.3. Analysis of NFB-effective participants’ performance
might have experienced difficulty in upregulating low beta power since,
as noted above, we implemented control of movement-related activity While Theta group participants showed significant NFB modulation
by withholding positive feedback for target low beta when high beta of their relative theta band activity and theta/low beta ratio, Beta group
was increased along with it. In contrast, the movie group was un- participants’ low beta band power and theta/low beta ratio during NFB
constrained, and attention paid to the movie could yield increased low were not significantly different than baseline. This raises the possibility
beta as observed. We addressed the Beta group’s modulation difficulties that it was band power regulation success, with the concomitant more
in additional analyses reported below. positive feedback enjoyed by successful regulators, rather than speci-
fically theta band power that was responsible for the Theta group’s
3.2. NFB effects on episodic memory improvement superiority in post-intervention free recall. To rule out that possibility,
we selected from each NFB group only those participants who increased
NFB/movie effects on free recall performance for the three experi- target band power ratio by at least 5% relative to baseline (n = 19 for
mental groups are presented in Fig. 2. We first determined by one-way the Theta group and n = 13 for the Beta group; Fig. 5). These Theta
ANOVAs that performance (expressed as number of correctly recalled group participants exhibited a 29.4% mean increase in target theta
items) in each of the initial, pre-NFB/movie study-test trials did not power between baseline and NFB, F(1,18) = 38.95, p < .001, and these
differ significantly between groups, all Fs < 1.0. This indicates that Beta group participants exhibited a 14.7% increase in target low beta
later effects of NFB cannot be attributed to prior group differences in power, F(1,12) = 20.69, p = .001. Furthermore, these effects were ex-
baseline memory ability or initial learning. pressed in NFB changes relative to baseline in theta/low beta ratio, with
We then examined the impact of NFB/movie intervention on sub- the Theta group exhibiting an increase of 29.3%, F(1,18) = 10.49,
sequent free recall trials. For the immediate post-NFB/movie test, the p < .01, and the Beta group exhibiting a decrease of −14.5% (i.e., a
Theta group exhibited improved free recall (+8.8%), while decline was relatively greater increase in low beta than in theta), F(1,12) = 5.85, p
observed in the Beta group (−2.9%) and Movie group (−4.2%); these = .05.
group differences were significant, F(2,72) = 19.51, p < .001, with We then conducted the same analyses of free recall performance
Bonferroni-corrected comparisons indicating that the Theta group dif- comparing these groups as was done for the entire sample (Fig. 6).
fered from both other groups, p < .001, but that they did not differ These analyses revealed that the two groups did not differ in any of the
from each other, p = .59. For the post-24 h test, the Theta group pre-NFB study-test free recall trials, all Fs < 1.0. However, these
showed further improvement (to +11.2%), in contrast to the other groups differed in percent post-NFB free recall performance change
groups that exhibited further performance decline (Beta group: −4.5%, relative to final pre-NFB score at all three test points, all Fs > 49.5, all
R. Rozengurt et al. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 145 (2017) 165–171
Fig. 5. Group differences in mean theta power, low beta power, and theta/low beta power ratio changes between baseline and NFB, for the sub-group of participants effective in
modulating their target band power (n = 19 participants in Theta group, n = 13 participants in Beta group). Error bars indicate ± SEM; **, P < .01; ***, P < .001; NS, non-significant.
4. Discussion
R. Rozengurt et al. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 145 (2017) 165–171
Fig. 7. Pearson’s R correlations between NFB theta/beta ratio change at Fz and NFB change at other recording electrodes, for n = 44 participants. , P < .01.
indication of what would happen to the memory traces formed in the competition filtering has been associated with sleep consolidation
initial learning trials during a controlled period of ongoing cognitive- (Albouy et al., 2013), NFB theta potentiation during waking could also
perceptual activity, modelling ecological conditions of ongoing ex- enhance such consolidation processes. It is noteworthy that, as in our
perience. The data regarding the Movie group indicates that under the prior studies of NFB effects on motor sequence learning (Reiner et al.,
particular conditions of the experiment, without the benefits to memory 2014; Rozengurt et al., 2016), theta NFB led not only to preservation
afforded by theta NFB, recall performance declines over time. While the but to off-line improvement in recall, which this mechanism might have
Beta group did not differ from the Movie group in recall success in the effected.
immediate post-intervention test, it is the case that they showed better It should also be noted that an alternative interpretation of these
memory at 24 h and 1 w delay, which is likely attributable to the lesser findings is that rather than reflecting consolidation processes, the
amount of specific retroactive interference for both NFB groups relative benefit exhibited by the Theta group resulted from theta oscillatory
to the movie viewers, which seemingly impacted on later stability of the activity and/or the mental states engendering it having facilitated re-
initial learning. There does not seem to be evidence from these data that trieval in the immediately following test. That initial boost to retrieval
low beta NFB provides any specific memory benefits. might then in turn have facilitated the subsequent free recall tests. The
We have considered several mechanisms by which theta upregula- present data do not allow adjudicating between these interpretations,
tion might benefit synaptic consolidation (Rozengurt et al., 2016). One which might be assessed in future studies in which the initial post-NFB
possibility is that theta rhythms differentially favor waking replay of recall test is conducted following a delay of several hours, during which
firing patterns in neuronal ensembles activated in encoding (Carr, time the acute effects of theta activity state might dissipate.
Jadhav, & Frank, 2011; Miller et al., 2013). Relevant to scalp-based NFB Relatedly, we have framed these findings in terms of consolidation
as implemented in the current study, cortico-hippocampal theta co- processes, on the most basic level since the intervention occurs after
herence has been linked to replay strength and subsequent consolida- encoding but before retrieval. The consolidation period in a broad sense
tion (Benchenane et al., 2010). Another candidate process in which is the locus of many memory-related processes: decay, non-specific
theta might be facilitatory is the resetting of synapses that have not interference, and forgetting, as well as stabilization and sharpening of
crossed a threshold for Hebbian plasticity back to baseline activity le- representations. Future research should examine to which of these
vels, thus sharpening memory traces by increasing the representational processes theta rhythm modulation might be relevant. For example,
signal-to-noise ratio. Norman and colleagues have proposed a biased combining EEG NFB with real-time fMRI could allow using re-
competition model, in which cycling between high and low inhibition presentational similarity analysis to examine whether the representa-
states associated with different theta phases leads to the strengthening tional patterns of the stimuli at encoding are more strongly represented
of effective memories by long-term potentiation, and weakening of the during neurofeedback in the theta than in the low beta condition.
competitors by long-term depression (Norman, Newman, & Detre, A number of limitations of this study should be mentioned. NFB
2007). The net effect would be reduction of a memory signal-to-noise success was seemingly challenging for some Beta group participants, as
ratio and better overall memory for target items. Although such biased we implemented control of movement-related activity by withholding
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