Pedia Concept 1 PDF
Pedia Concept 1 PDF
Pedia Concept 1 PDF
- Speaks in short sentences - Hold a cup
- Pulling up to a standing position - Sit with back straight
- Lift head and shoulders
10. To check the palmar grasp reflex in the - Stand with assistance
newborn, the nurse would implement which of the
following actions? 15. The following conditions are caused by cold
- Exert pressure on the palm at the base of the stress EXCEPT:
digits. - Cerebral palsy
- Lightly touch either corner of the baby’s - Hypoglycemia
mouth - Metabolic acidosis
- Stroke the lateral aspect of the sole upward - Increased ICP
across the ball of the foot.
- Rotate the head to one side and then the 16. Adrian Narciso, 16 y/o child is hospitalized.
other. What is an appropriate intervention concurring with
11. Nurse Adrian is contemplating that the - Call the priest to intervene
developmental stage which is most unstable and - Encourage patient to help child learn lessons
challenging regarding personal identity is which of missed
the following? - Tell the friends to visit the child
- Adolescence - Tell the child’s girlfriend to visit the child
- Toddlerhood
- Childhood 17. During middle childhood, children engage in
- Infancy these common antisocial behavior EXCEPT:
- Gossiping
12. Which of the following age groups will - Lying
permanent teeth begin to erupt in school age - Cheating
children? - Stealing
- 9-10 years
- 14 - 15 years 18. Dimensions of physical growth are regular and
- 6 - 7 years predictable:
- 12 - 13 years - But not always uniform
- From the center to distal
13. Evelyn has a 2 year old toddler. She informed - Consistently uniform
you that her daughter has negativistic attitude. Her - Cephalocaudal
request always has definite “no” response from her
daughter. As a pediatric nurse you explained to her 19. You are having a group study with fellow 2nd
that being a negativistic of toddlers: year IN students. The topic is about the gross motor
- Is an indication that toddlers are learning development of a 3 year old child. You all agreed to
that they are separate individuals with expect to find which of the following activities to be
separate needs. the child?
- Skipping on alternate foot
14. After finishing your MCN Pedia lecture class, - Riding a tricycle
you have learned in growth and development topic - Hopping on one foot
and that you would expect a 4 month old infant to - Catching a ball
be able to:
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20. While the nurse is conducting a health teaching abuse. The following are the recommended action
to a mother of a 12 year old child, the mother shared how to deal with bullies, EXCEPT:
that she wants to bring her child for evaluation of a - Do not intervene during bullying.
suspected eating disorder. To best assess the role
and relationship patterns on the nutritional intake of 27. The preschooler may be especially fearful of
her child, the nurse should ask: surgical procedures because of:
- “Do you have any allergies to foods?” - Interest in and concern with their body.
- “What activities do you engage in during the
day?” 28. An applicable toy for Adrian Narciso, a 4 year
- “What kind of food do you like to eat?” old child which of the following?
- “Do you like yourself physically?” - Doctor and nurse kits
21. Which of the following assessments would 29. Which of the following statements of the mother
Nurse Ana anticipate to find if she will be taking would indicate her correct understanding of infant
care of a 4 month old infant? feeding?
- Hold a rattle - I give the baby any new foods before he
takes his bottle.
22. When preschoolers tell stories they often times
exaggerate or stretch them to make it more 30. When delivering nursing care to a hospitalized
interesting. What will the health education of the adolescent, Nurse Adrian should be cognizant that
nurse to parents who will verbalize about their the major hazard felt by the hospitalized adolescent
children manifesting this behavior? is:
- Caution the parents by not encouraging this - Altered body image
kind of storytelling by separating the real
from fantasy. 31. Peter is 11 months old, what developmental task
can he perform by this age?
23. Santos approached and asked you how to deal - “Cruising” or move about the crib or room
with the temper tantrums of her child? by holding onto objects.
- Ignore the child.
32. When caring for a 4 year old hospitalized, the
24. When toilet training the toddler the following nurse notes that while encouraging the child to take
will be taught to the parents EXCEPT: part in his care, the mother constantly gives in to the
- Allow the child to remain on the potty chair child, allowing him to have his own way. What
for as much as the child wants. anticipatory guidance can the nurse give to promote
normalization in this relationship?
25. Ms. Plapla said her son. Doy, 2 years old, - Explain that when parents establish
throws tantrum whenever she does things for him reasonable limits, children are likely to
like buttoning his shirt and brushing his teeth. What develop independence that is appropriate for
do these behavior signify? their age and achievement equal to their
- It asserts his autonomy. limitations.
26. A frequent reason that school-agers cite for 33. Raphael, a 6 years old prep pupil is seen at the
feelings so violent is that they were ridiculed or school clinic for growth and development
bullied to the point that could no longer take the monitoring. Which of the following is characterized
the rate of growth during this period?
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- A decline in growth rate statements about sleep are true: (SELECT ALL
34. When the mother of a five year old boy - REM sleep protect brain from injury
expresses concern over her son’s stuttering, which - Sleep is the first cycle of sleep
response by the nurse is least appropriate? - REM sleep is responsible for dreams
- It may help if you stop your son and - Both cycles are needed for sufficient sleep
encourage him to begin the word over.
41. A school nurse’s evaluation during an annual
35. Which of the following suggestions should the physical examination of Edward, a 14 year old
nurse offer the parents of a 4 year old boy who reveals a BMI in the 90th percentile. He also has a
resists going to bed at night? lifestyle that includes spending 4 hours a day,
- “Read him a story and allow him to play playing video games and eating supper while
quietly in his bed until he falls asleep.” watching television. What is the priority nursing
diagnosis for Edward?
36. Carlo Moreno, 2 year old hospitalized client - Imbalanced Nutrition: More than Body
screams and shouts that he wants a bottle. His Requirements related to excessive intake
parents are puzzled and state that he has drank from and sedentary lifestyle.
a cup for the past year. The nurse explanation
statement is which of the following? 42. A mother brings her 4 month old infant to the
- “Regression to an earlier behavior often clinic. The mother asks the nurse when should wean
helps the child cope with stress and anxiety.” the infant from breast-feeding and begin using a
cup. The nurse should explain that the infant will
37. A 2 year old child is brought to the clinic by her show readiness to weaned by
mother because she constantly pulls her ears. The - Shortening the nursing time
toddler is uncooperative when the nurse tries to look
at her ears. Which of the following would be best 43. Nurse Joseph observes that Adrian Narciso, 4
for the nurse to try FIRST? year old is having struggles relating with some of
- Allow the parent to assist. the children in the playroom. Which of the
following will Nurse Joseph identify as the reason
38. A guardian is complaining to the school nurse that this problem is not unexpected with
that her 16 year old nephew who plays varsity preschoolers?
football has been eating too much junk. Which - Exaggerating and boasting to impress others
comment by the school nurse is appropriate? are typical behaviors.
- “Because your son is active, he might need
three thousand or more calories daily.” 44. What toy should Nurse Mario NOT offer to two
6 year old children in the playroom? Select all that
39. The nurse observes that the 4 year old is having apply.
difficulty relating with the other children in the - Clay
playroom. The nurse understands that it is normal - Checkers
for this age child to:
- Exaggerate and boost to impress others. 45. Nurse Joseph in the child life center inspires
preschool children to engage in role playing. Nurse
40. The school nurse is conducting health teaching Joseph considers this is an important part of
regarding sleep patterns in school age children socialization because it:
regarding growth and development. The following - Encourages expression of concerns
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46. One of the most difficult when rearing toddlers - Organizing peer support groups
is their persistent “no” response to every request.
What is the best way to deal with this? 55. A mother voices frustration that her 2 ½ - year -
- Explain to the child. old daughter takes her favorite blanket to day care
everyday. The best response for the nurse is:
47. For a 6 month old infant, which of the following - This is normal behavior and helps to prevent
indicates that the infant is in normal weight? fear and loneliness
- Doubling their weight
56. Vanessa Narciso is concerned about her child, 3
48. Infants usually begin to creep between the ages years old, is still insisting on a bottle at nap time
of: and at bedtime. Which of the following is the most
- 6 to 9 months appropriate suggestions by Nurse Martin to Mrs.
49. While conducting a group study for your - Allows the bottle if it contains water
upcoming Midterm exam in Pedia lecture, your
other classmate also shared that psychosocial needs 57. Which of the following statements would the
should also be considered in developing plan of care Nurse Martin expects Adrian Narciso, a 5 y/o boy to
for adolescents. As nursing students, you are all say whose pet dog just died?
aware that during adolescents, psychosocial - He is just a bit dead
development focuses on:
- Establishing Identity 58. To promote health teeth among 2-year-old
children the nurse should:
50. The senses of the newborns are already - Encourage parents to provide teeth cleaning
developed at birth. With the sense of sight, the
newborn demonstrates it by blinking At what 59. Toilet training becomes possible during
distance can the newborn focus: toddlerhood because:
- 9 to 12 inches - When muscular control develops sufficiently
to control elimination
51. The entire first year of life of the baby is one of
extreme rapid growth, so a high-protein, 60. By age 1 year, an infant’s birth weight should
high-calorie intake in needed. However, complex be:
starches is not recommended until what month: - Tripled
- 6-9 months
61. The developmental tasks for the preschool-age
52. Toddlers use words purposely and… child is to achieve a sense of initiative. The nurse
- Incessantly ask question observed that the child asserts to feed herself
instead by her mother. What action of the mother
53. Elizabeth is 3 years old. Which of the following should the nurse correct?
skills would you expect her to be able to - Mother insist that she feeds the child
demonstrate proficiently? because it spill the food into the bed.
- Able to add 3 parts to a stick figure
62. The uncharacteristic finding in an evaluation of
54. Adolescents are very present oriented, teaching growth and development for a 6 month old infant
health education is more effective to them through would be:
the following ways: - Head lag present
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63. At what age can an infant turn over from supine
to prone position? 71. A mother of 14 year old senior high school
- 3 months female calls the health center and asks the nurse
what age a pelvic exam should be done. The girl is
64. Editha Marasigan, a nurse educator is teaching a menstruating regularly. What other data might
group of nursing students. Which of the following is suggest to the nurse that the girl should have the
true about Mangolian spots? exam now rather than wait until she is 18 years of
- Disappears in about a year age?
- The girl discusses that she has many
65. Ramos asked you regarding her 4-year-old boyfriends
daughter who is curious about “where do babies
come from”/ She asking you can she answer her. 72. During the start of the school year, the school
Which of the following principles will you teach nurse is evaluating school aged children for signs
her? and symptoms of depression. Which of the
- Find out what she knows and think and be following children may be most at risk for
honest with her. depression?
- 9 y/o girl who visits the nurse on a daily
66. When toilet training the toddler the following basis for vague complaints
will be taught to the parents EXCEPT: - 11 y/o girl who has been involved in
- Allow the child to remain on the potty chair fighting during the past month
for as much as the child wants - 10 y/o boy who no longer wants to play on
the school’s soccer team
67. While having your clinical duty in the delivery
room, you are aware that after the baby is delivered, 73. Maria, is a mother of an adolescent boy
and cord was properly clamped, he will be placed complains that her son has had some recent
into: behavioral changes. He comes home from school
- Mother’s breast every day, closes his door and refrains from
interaction with his family. The nurse’s best
68. Which of the following age groups will response to maria is:
permanent teeth begin to erupt in school age - You should speak with your son and ask him
children: directly what is wrong with him?
- 6-7 years
74. Nurse Joseph Santos is evaluating Mario
69. Self-manipulation of the genitals in infants and Evangelista a 3–year-old on his developmental
your children should be: progress. The inability to perform which task
- Accepted calmly indicates to nurse joseph that there is a
developmental delay?
70. A school adviser called a school nurse regarding - Using a spoon effectively
a 6-year-old boy with school refusal. The boy is
always crying after parental leaving and refuses to 75. Nurse Joseph in the Pediatric Clinic is assessing
stay in the class room. The school adviser informed a 15-month-old toddler’s capacity to accomplish
the school health nurse that she tried her best during physical tasks. What activities indicated to nurse
the last 4 weeks; and she met with the parents joseph that the child’s development is age
frequently. Of the following, the BEST action is to appropriate? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
- Refer the child to a pediatrics psychologist - Drinks from a cup
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- Walks with a wide-based gait
- Rows toys around the room
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