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List of worked examples

9.9 Analysis of a column resisting an 10.3 Analysis of brick walls stiffened with
axial load and moment (EC 3) 411 piers (EC 6) 447
9.10 Analysis of a steel column in ‘simple’ 10.4 Design of a cavity wall (EC 6) 450
construction (EC 3) 415 10.5 Block wall subject to axial load
9.11 Analysis of a column baseplate and wind (EC 6) 453
(EC 3) 417 10.6 Analysis of a one-way spanning
9.12 Analysis of a tension splice connection wall panel (EC 6) 456
(EC 3) 422 10.7 Analysis of a two-way spanning
9.13 Shear resistance of a welded end plate panel wall (EC 6) 457
to beam connection (EC 3) 424
9.14 Bolted beam-to-column connection 11.1 Design of timber floor joists (EC 5) 469
using an end plate (EC 3) 426 11.2 Design of a notched floor joist
9.15 Bolted beam-to-column connection (EC 5) 475
using web cleats (EC 3) 429 11.3 Analysis of a solid timber beam
restrained at supports (EC 5) 476
10.1 Design of a loadbearing brick 11.4 Analysis of a column resisting an
wall (EC 6) 444 axial load (EC 5) 478
10.2 Design of a brick wall with ‘small’ 11.5 Analysis of an eccentrically loaded
plan area (EC 6) 446 column (EC 5) 479


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Example 3.4 Sizing a concrete beam (BS 8110)

A simply supported beam has an effective span of 8 m and supports characteristic dead (gk) and live (qk) loads of
15 kNm−1 and 10 kNm−1 respectively. Determine suitable dimensions for the effective depth and width of the beam.

q k = 10 kN m−1
g k = 15 kN m−1


From Table 3.17, span/effective depth ratio for a simply supported beam is 12. Hence effective depth, d, is
span 8000
d = = ≈ 670 mm
12 12
Total ultimate load = (1.4gk + 1.6qk)span = (1.4 × 15 + 1.6 × 10)8 = 296 kN
Design shear force (V ) = 296/2 = 148 kN and design shear force, υ, is
V 148 × 103
υ= =
bd 670b
Assuming υ is equal to 1.2 Nmm−2, this gives a beam width, b, of
V 148 × 103
b= = = 185 mm
dυ 670 × 1.2
Hence a beam of width 185 mm and effective depth 670 mm would be suitable to support the given design loads. Reinforcement details (clause 3.12, 0.24%bh ≤ As ≤ 4%bh when fy = 250 Nmm−2
BS 8110)
The previous sections have covered much of the 0.13%bh ≤ As ≤ 4%bh when fy = 500 Nmm−2
theory required to design singly reinforced con-
crete beams. However, there are a number of code 2. Spacing of reinforcement (clause,
provisions with regard to: BS 8110). BS 8110 specifies minimum and max-
imum distances between tension reinforcement.
1. maximum and minimum reinforcement areas
The actual limits vary, depending upon the grade
2. spacing of reinforcement of reinforcement. The minimum distance is based
3. curtailment and anchorage of reinforcement on the need to achieve good compaction of the con-
4. lapping of reinforcement.
crete around the reinforcement. The limits on the
These need to be taken into account since they maximum distance between bars arise from the need
may affect the final design. to ensure that the maximum crack width does not
exceed 0.3 mm in order to prevent corrosion of
1. Reinforcement areas (clause and embedded bars (section 3.8)., BS 8110). As pointed out in section 3.8, For singly reinforced simply supported beams
there is a need to control cracking of the concrete the clear horizontal distance between tension bars,
because of durability and aesthetics. This is usually sb, should lie within the following limits:
achieved by providing minimum areas of reinforce-
ment in the member. However, too large an area hagg + 5 mm or bar size ≤ sb ≤ 280 mm
of reinforcement should also be avoided since it when fy = 250 Nmm−2
will hinder proper placing and adequate compaction hagg + 5 mm or bar size ≤ sb ≤ 155 mm
of the concrete around the reinforcement. when fy = 500 Nmm−2
For rectangular beams with overall dimensions b
and h, the area of tension reinforcement, As, should where hagg is the maximum size of the coarse
lie within the following limits: aggregate.

9780415467193_C03a 59 9/3/09, 12:47 PM

Design in reinforced concrete to BS 8110
ω Cut-off 50% of bars

x = 0.146ᐉ
50% 100% 50%

A s /2 As A s /2

0.08ᐉ 0.08ᐉ

ωᐉ 2 ωᐉ 2
ωᐉ 2 16
1.6 (a)
Fig. 3.26 0.15ᐉ 100%
3. Curtailment and anchorage of bars (clause 30% 60% 30%
3.12.9, BS 8110). The design process for simply
supported beams, in particular the calculations re- 100%
lating to the design moment and area of bending
reinforcement, is concentrated at mid-span. How- 0.1ᐉ 0.15ᐉ

ever, the bending moment decreases either side of
the mid-span and it follows, therefore, that it should (b)
be possible to reduce the corresponding area of
bending reinforcement by curtailing bars. For the Fig. 3.27 Simplified rules for curtailment of bars in
beam shown in Fig. 3.26, theoretically 50 per cent beams: (a) simply supported ends; (b) continuous beam.
of the main steel can be curtailed at points A and
B. However, in order to develop the design stress
in the reinforcement (i.e. 0.87fy at mid-span), these d
+ 12Φ
12Φ 2
bars must be anchored into the concrete. Except at
end supports, this is normally achieved by extend- CL
ing the bars beyond the point at which they are
theoretically no longer required, by a distance equal
to the greater of (i) the effective depth of the mem-
ber and (ii) 12 times the bar size.
Where a bar is stopped off in the tension zone,
e.g. beam shown in Fig. 3.26, this distance should
be increased to the full anchorage bond length in (a) (b)
accordance with the values given in Table 3.18.
However, simplified rules for the curtailment of Fig. 3.28 Anchorage requirements at simple supports.
bars are given in clause of BS 8110. These
are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3.27 for simply
supported and continuous beams. not begin before the centre of the support for rule
The code also gives rules for the anchorage of (a) or before d/2 from the face of the support for
bars at supports. Thus, at a simply supported end rule (b).
each tension bar will be properly anchored provided
the bar extends a length equal to one of the fol- 4. Laps in reinforcement (clause 3.12.8, BS
lowing: (a) 12 times the bar size beyond the centre 8110). It is not possible nor, indeed, practicable
line of the support, or (b) 12 times the bar size to construct the reinforcement cage for an indi-
plus d/2 from the face of the support (Fig. 3.28). vidual element or structure without joining some
Sometimes it is not possible to use straight bars of the bars. This is normally achieved by lapping
due to limitations of space and, in this case, an- bars (Fig. 3.30). Bars which have been joined in
chorage must be provided by using hooks or bends this way must act as a single length of bar. This
in the reinforcement. The anchorage values of hooks means that the lap length should be sufficiently
and bends are shown in Fig. 3.29. Where hooks or long in order that stresses in one bar can be trans-
bends are provided, BS 8110 states that they should ferred to the other.

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Design in reinforced concrete to BS 8110

Example 3.5 continued

Self weight of beam = 0.6 × 0.3 × 24 = 4.32 kNm−1
Total dead load (gk) = 25 + 4.32 = 29.32 kNm−1

Total imposed load (qk) = 19 kNm−1

Ultimate load
Total ultimate load (W ) = (1.4gk + 1.6qk)span
= (1.4 × 29.32 + 1.6 × 19)6
= 428.7 kN

Design moment
Wb 428.7 × 6
Maximum design moment (M ) = = = 321.5 kN m
8 8


Effective depth, d


Assume diameter of main bars (Φ) = 25 mm

Assume diameter of links (Φ′) = 8 mm
From Table 3.6, cover for exposure class XC1 = 15 + ∆c = 25 mm.
d = h − c − Φ′ − Φ/2
= 600 − 25 − 8 − 25/2 = 554 mm

Ultimate moment
Mu = 0.156fcubd 2 = 0.156 × 30 × 300 × 5542
= 430.9 × 106 Nmm = 430.9 kNm > M
Since Mu > M no compression reinforcement is required.

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List of worked examples

4.14 Encased steel column resisting an 6.6 Timber column resisting an axial
axial load and bending (BS 5950) 195 load and moment (BS 5268) 302
4.15 Design of a steel column baseplate 6.7 Analysis of a stud wall (BS 5268) 304
(BS 5950) 198
4.16 Advantages of composite 8.1 Design actions for simply supported
construction (BS 5950) 200 beam (EN 1990) 321
4.17 Moment capacity of a composite 8.2 Bending reinforcement for a singly
beam (BS 5950) 209 reinforced beam (EC 2) 329
4.18 Moment capacity of a composite 8.3 Bending reinforcement for a doubly
beam (BS 5950) 210 reinforced beam (EC 2) 329
4.19 Design of a composite floor 8.4 Design of shear reinforcement for a
(BS 5950) 212 beam (EC 2) 334
4.20 Design of a composite floor 8.5 Design of shear reinforcement at
incorporating profiled metal decking beam support (EC 2) 335
(BS 5950) 215 8.6 Deflection check for concrete beams
4.21 Beam-to-column connection using (EC 2) 338
web cleats (BS 5950) 224 8.7 Calculation of anchorage lengths
4.22 Analysis of a bracket-to-column (EC 2) 342
connection (BS 5950) 227 8.8 Design of a simply supported
4.23 Analysis of a beam splice connection beam (EC 2) 345
(BS 5950) 228 8.9 Analysis of a singly reinforced
4.24 Analysis of a beam-to-column beam (EC 2) 349
connection using an end plate 8.10 Design of a one-way spanning
(BS 5950) 232 floor (EC 2) 352
4.25 Analysis of a welded beam-to-column 8.11 Analysis of one-way spanning
connection (BS 5950) 235 floor (EC 2) 355
8.12 Design of a pad foundation (EC 2) 359
5.1 Design of a load-bearing brick wall 8.13 Column supporting an axial load
(BS 5628) 254 and uni-axial bending (EC 2) 366
5.2 Design of a brick wall with ‘small’ 8.14 Classification of a column (EC 2) 367
plan area (BS 5628) 255 8.15 Classification of a column (EC 2) 369
5.3 Analysis of brick walls stiffened with 8.16 Column design (i) λ < λ lim;
piers (BS 5628) 256 (ii) λ > λ lim (EC 2) 370
5.4 Design of single leaf brick and block 8.17 Column subjected to combined
walls (BS 5628) 258 axial load and biaxial bending
5.5 Design of a cavity wall (BS 5628) 261 (EC 2) 373
5.6 Analysis of a one-way spanning wall
panel (BS 5628) 271 9.1 Analysis of a laterally restrained
5.7 Analysis of a two-way spanning panel beam (EC 3) 384
wall (BS 5628) 272 9.2 Design of a laterally restrained
5.8 Design of a two-way spanning beam (EC 3) 387
single-leaf panel wall (BS 5628) 273 9.3 Design of a cantilever beam
5.9 Analysis of a two-way spanning (EC 3) 391
cavity panel wall (BS 5628) 274 9.4 Design of a beam with stiffeners
(EC 3) 393
6.1 Design of a timber beam (BS 5268) 291 9.5 Analysis of a beam restrained at the
6.2 Design of timber floor joists supports (EC 3) 401
(BS 5268) 293 9.6 Analysis of a beam restrained at
6.3 Design of a notched floor joist mid-span and supports (EC 3) 402
(BS 5268) 296 9.7 Analysis of a column resisting an
6.4 Analysis of a timber roof (BS 5268) 296 axial load (EC 3) 408
6.5 Timber column resisting an axial 9.8 Analysis of a column with a tie-beam
load (BS 5268) 301 at mid-height (EC 3) 410


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List of worked

2.1 Self-weight of a reinforced concrete 3.16 Design of a cantilever retaining wall

beam 10 (BS 8110) 125
2.2 Design loads on a floor beam 14 3.17 Classification of a concrete column
2.3 Design loads on floor beams and (BS 8110) 131
columns 15 3.18 Sizing a concrete column (BS 8110) 133
2.4 Design moments and shear forces in 3.19 Analysis of a column section
beams using equilibrium equations 18 (BS 8110) 134
2.5 Design moments and shear forces in 3.20 Design of an axially loaded column
beams using formulae 23 (BS 8110) 139
2.6 Elastic and plastic moments of 3.21 Column supporting an approximately
resistance of a beam section 26 symmetrical arrangement of beams
2.7 Analysis of column section 27 (BS 8110) 140
3.22 Columns resisting an axial load and
3.1 Selection of minimum strength class bending (BS 8110) 141
and nominal concrete cover to
reinforcement (BS 8110) 43 4.1 Selection of a beam section in
3.2 Design of bending reinforcement for S275 steel (BS 5950) 156
a singly reinforced beam (BS 8110) 48 4.2 Selection of beam section in
3.3 Design of shear reinforcement for a S460 steel (BS 5950) 158
beam (BS 8110) 52 4.3 Selection of a cantilever beam
3.4 Sizing a concrete beam (BS 8110) 59 section (BS 5950) 159
3.5 Design of a simply supported 4.4 Deflection checks on steel beams
concrete beam (BS 8110) 61 (BS 5950) 161
3.6 Analysis of a singly reinforced 4.5 Checks on web bearing and buckling
concrete beam (BS 8110) 65 for steel beams (BS 5950) 164
3.7 Design of bending reinforcement for 4.6 Design of a steel beam with web
a doubly reinforced beam (BS 8110) 68 stiffeners (BS 5950) 164
3.8 Analysis of a two-span continuous 4.7 Design of a laterally unrestrained steel
beam using moment distribution 72 beam – simple method (BS 5950) 171
3.9 Analysis of a three span continuous 4.8 Design of a laterally unrestrained
beam using moment distribution 76 beam – rigorous method (BS 5950) 174
3.10 Continuous beam design (BS 8110) 78 4.9 Checking for lateral instability in a
3.11 Design of a one-way spanning cantilever steel beam (BS 5950) 176
concrete floor (BS 8110) 100 4.10 Design of an axially loaded column
3.12 Analysis of a one-way spanning (BS 5950) 183
concrete floor (BS 8110) 104 4.11 Column resisting an axial load and
3.13 Continuous one-way spanning slab bending (BS 5950) 185
design (BS 8110) 106 4.12 Design of a steel column in ‘simple’
3.14 Design of a two-way spanning construction (BS 5950) 189
restrained slab (BS 8110) 110 4.13 Encased steel column resisting an axial
3.15 Design of a pad footing (BS8110) 117 load (BS 5950) 193

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I am once again indebted to Tony Threlfall, for- consultant, for reviewing Chapter 11. The contents
merly of the British Cement Association and now of these chapters are greatly improved due to their
an independent consultant, for comprehensively re- comments.
viewing Chapter 8 and the material in Chapter 3 A special thanks to John Aston for reading parts
on durability and fire resistance of the manuscript.
I would also sincerely like to thank Professor I am grateful to The Concrete Centre for per-
R.S. Narayanan of the Clark Smith Partnership mission to use extracts from their publications.
for reviewing Chapter 7, David Brown of the Extracts from British Standards are reproduced with
Steel Construction Institute for reviewing Chap- the permission of BSI under licence number
ter 9, Dr John Morton, an independent consultant, 2008ET0037. Complete standards can be obtained
for reviewing Chapter 10, Dr Ali Arasteh of the from BSI Customer Services, 389 Chiswick High
Brick Development Association for reviewing Chap- Road, London W4 4AL.
ters 5 and 10, and Peter Steer, an independent


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Stud walling 303 Walls

construction 303 cavity 240, 246, 251, 261, 274, 450, 453
design 303 load-bearing 240
Support conditions 13, 60, 130, 168, 182, 250, 251, narrow brick 247, 443
290, 299 non load-bearing 240
Symbols 32, 148, 245, 285, 315, 377, 435, 459 panel 263, 455
piered 246, 251, 256, 443, 447
Tension reinforcement 47, 67, 328 single-leaf 246, 254, 258, 444
Timber small plan area 247, 443
applications 279 Wall ties 240, 241
density 283 Wane 290
design 279, 458 Welded connections 234, 420
species 280, 282, 462 butt welds 234
hardwood 279 correlation factor 421
softwood 279, 282 design resistance 420
strength classes 280, 282–283, 462 design strength 234
stiffness 281, 283, 462 effective length 235
strengths 462 effective throat size 234, 420
fillet weld 234, 421
Ultimate moment of resistance 46, 327 leg length 234
shear strength 420
Vibration 465, 472
damping coefficient 466 Yield strength (see also design strength) 379
fundamental frequency 465 Yield stress 24
Visual grading 280 Young’s modulus (see modulus of elasticity)


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Table 3.18 Anchorage lengths as multiples of
Φ +r bar size (based on Table 3.27, BS 8110)

4Φ fcu = 25 30 35 40
or more
Φ + Plain (250)
(b) Tension 43 39 36 34
Compression 34 32 29 27
For mild steel bars minimum r = 2Φ Deformed Type 1 (500)
For high yield bars minimum r = 3Φ or Tension 55 50 47 44
4Φ for sizes 25 mm and above Compression 44 40 38 35
Deformed Type 2 (500)
Fig. 3.29 Anchorage lengths for hooks and bends
Tension 44 40 38 35
(a) anchorage length for 90° bend = 4r but not greater
than 12φ; (b) anchorage length for hook = 8r but not Compression 35 32 30 28
greater than 24φ.

tension anchorage length, but will often need to

be increased as outlined in clause of
BS 8110. The anchorage length (L) is calculated

Starter bars
L = LA × Φ (3.17)
Φ is the diameter of the (smaller) bar
LA is obtained from Table 3.18 and depends
Fig. 3.30 Lap lengths. upon the stress type, grade of concrete and
reinforcement type.
The minimum lap length should not be less For compression laps the lap length should
than 15 times the bar diameter or 300 mm. For be at least 1.25 times the compression anchorage
tension laps it should normally be equal to the length.

Example 3.5 Design of a simply supported concrete beam (BS 8110)

A reinforced concrete beam which is 300 mm wide and 600 mm deep is required to span 6.0 m between the centres
of supporting piers 300 mm wide (Fig. 3.31). The beam carries dead and imposed loads of 25 kNm−1 and 19 kNm−1
respectively. Assuming fcu = 30 Nmm−2, fy = fyv = 500 Nmm−2 and the exposure class is XC1, design the beam.

q k = 19 kN m−1
A h = 600
g k = 25 kN m−1
300 A 300
b = 300
Section A–A

Fig. 3.31


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Example 3.5 continued

M 321.5 × 106
K = = = 0.116
fcubd 2 30 × 300 × 5542
z = d [0.5 + (0.25 − K /0.9)] = 554[0.5 + (0.25 − 0.116/0.9)] = 470 mm
M 321.5 × 106
As = = = 1573 mm2
0.87f y z 0.87 × 500 × 470
Hence from Table 3.10, provide 4H25 (A s = 1960 mm2).



Ultimate design load, W = 428.7 kN

Shear stress, υ
Since beam is symmetrically loaded
RA = RB = W/2 = 214.4 kN
Ultimate shear force (V ) = 214.4 kN and design shear stress, υ, is
V 214.4 × 103
υ= = = 1.29 Nmm−2 < permissible = 0.8 30 = 4.38 Nmm−2
bd 300 × 554

Design concrete shear stress, υc

100 A s 100 × 1960
= = 1.18
bd 300 × 554
From Table 3.11,
υc = (30/25)1/3 × 0.66 = 0.70 Nmm−2

Diameter and spacing of links

Where υ < (υc + 0.4) = 0.7 + 0.4 = 1.1 Nmm−2, nominal links are required according to
A sn 0.4b 0.4 × 300
= = = 0.276
sn 0.87f yn 0.87 × 500
Hence from Table 3.13, provide H8 links at 300 mm centres where υ < 1.10 Nmm−2, i.e. 2.558 m either side of the
mid-span of beam.
v = 1.29 N mm−2

x 3
3m 3m = = 2.558 m
1.10 1.29

1.10 N mm−2


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