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Mits Smartcheck 6pg Bro

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for Preventive Maintenance

• Reliable online machine monitoring

• Easy installation with intuitive operation
• Flexible and expandable system
• Ideal for monitoring motors, gearboxes,
pumps and fans

Smart Condition
Manufacturers need to respond to global competition and sourcing. Therefore, there is a need to look for solutions based
on reducing cost, eliminating risks, improving system design and helping to manage maintenance to maximise reliable
production. Condition monitoring offers a predictive approach to plant maintenance ensuring optimum asset performance,
whilst keeping downtime to a minimum.

To optimise maintenance activities it is Mitsubishi Electric, in conjunction with vibrate to one degree or another and
crucial to have up to date visibility of the Schaeffler, can provide an integrated using sophisticated analysis techniques
status of machinery including primary approach to monitor the condition of the the sensor can locally detect abnormal
assets and services such as motors, asset. Information can be automatically operation. Further advanced methods of
fans, pumps and gearboxes. transferred over Ethernet networks vibration analysis are also possible using
via the iQ, iQF and L-series MELSEC software tools.
Mitsubishi Electric offers this capability SmartControllers to multiple information
through its integrated solutions collecting levels. The ability to link multiple SCM sensors
live data from advanced measurement back to a single controller leads to a
sensors for analysis by multiple levels of SCM combines smart sensor intelligence better understanding of the complete
management systems. with online monitoring and control. The area to be monitored. This information
ability to passively detect variations in can be networked to higher level systems
STANDARD MONITORING machine condition whilst linking to the in many ways including wired and
control system leads to early warning wireless methods.
Standard monitoring concepts often
signals and the ability to prevent costly
focus on only classic machine and A pre-programmed controller and
downtime and loss of production.
process parameters such as temperature, operator display is used to make the
pressure or hours of operation. SCM sensors work by detecting the system extremely easy to install and
normal vibrations of a machine and look configure, sensors can simply be
ADVANCED APPROACH for patterns outside the norm, this leads plugged in and enabled using the touch
SmartConditionMonitoring (SCM) to a series of alarm conditions that are screen display, within minutes the system
with FAG SmartCheck sensors is an used to alert the maintenance crew that is active and monitoring the plant. Real-
independently operating, compact, attention is needed. time alarms give the operator textural
modular measurement system for the graphical information about the type of
A teach function allows the SCM sensor condition that the alarm relates to. The
permanent monitoring of machines.
to learn the machine in its normal clear text information includes advice for
The system can monitor both classic
operating state, it creates a memory map service and maintenance staff.
parameters and vibration-based
of the vibration readings, all machines
Monitoring can cover products such as:

 Electric motors
 Geared motors
 Vacuum and fluid pumps
 Ventilators and fans
 Spindles and machine tools
 Separators and decanters

Easy mounting of the SmartCheck unit with a screw on top of the motor or gear box


SCM provides and supports the  Reliable online monitoring on
following functions: the machine
Innovative vibration sensor with
 Bearing defect detection patented diagnosis technology
 Imbalance detection  Intelligent process monitoring The status of the SmartCheck is
 Misalignment Recording of different process displayed like traffic light signs in green,
parameters and correlation with yellow and red for easy recognition.
 Temperature measurement vibration signals The information will also be sent to
the controller and viewed as clear text
 Cavitation detection1  Easy installation message offering advice for service and
Less wiring and easy integration maintenance.
 Phase failure recognition1
due to the device’s compact size
 Resonance frequency detection1
 Intuitive operation
 Data transfer (Bidirectional) via
Automatic adjustment of alarm
Ethernet to the to the iQ Automation
thresholds thanks to self learning
Platform and connected IT
mode (plug and play option), LED
Enterprise database applications
error indicator
 Database web-server integrated
 Long term storage of history data
with status display as traffic light
Information is available over a
symbol and detailed information
long term. An intelligent thinning-
 Clear text information of status algorithm provides historical data
change with advice for maintenance for several years
and service
 Flexible, expandable system
Individually adaptable stand-
alone system for new and existing
 Full service around machine
diagnosis and rolling bearings
Consulting, commissioning, remote
service, maintenance contracts,
training courses, rolling bearing
solutions etc.
1. Advanced analysis needed

Intelligent condition monitoring keeps thermal

paper production running
A condition monitoring system installed on a paper coating machine has enabled the Mitsubishi HiTec Paper plant in Bielefeld,
Germany to switch from time-based to condition-based monitoring, helping to avoid unnecessary machine shutdowns. Enabling
the new system is a Mitsubishi Electric L-series PLC that operates as a bidirectional gateway between the controller and sensors.

“We wanted to be able to detect

imbalances or damage to roller
bearings early before they became
apparent through noise or an increase
in temperature – by the time the
temperature rises in the bearing, it
is usually too late for a scheduled
component replacement. Replacement
parts are often not immediately available,
meaning that the failure of the fan goes
on for even longer.”

To counteract this problem, 26

SmartCheck sensors from Schaeffler
Thermal paper gets its characteristics The fans have a diameter of just over now monitor those fans by carrying
from a special coating. It is typically used 1m and weigh around 100kg, while out vibration measurements. A
for sales receipts and tickets. At the the exhaust air fans are slightly smaller SmartController - based on a Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi HiTec Paper plant in Bielefeld, and lighter. With the fan also rotating Electric PLC from the MELSEC L-series
Germany (MPEB), around 300 tonnes of at a speed of 1500rpm, there can be - operates as a bidirectional gateway
thermal paper goes through one of the a slight imbalance, which over time can between the controller and sensors. As a
coating machines every day. prematurely wear the bearings. If that result, unscheduled machine shutdowns
imbalance is not detected and rectified can be avoided.
The four-storey machine has a maximum in time, the result will be a production
operating speed of up to 1730m/ Condition monitoring aims to indicate
shortfall. If one of the first four hot air
min. Coating Machine 3 has 26 fan in good time when limit values will be
drying hoods is affected, production will
units, each consisting of a supply fan exceeded. SmartCheck systems have
come to a standstill.
and an exhaust air fan. These ensure a status indicator based on a traffic
contactless drying of the coated paper.  Early warning of bearing outer light system: if the status changes
The air supply fans blow hot air at up ring issue from green to yellow (preliminary-alarm
to 250°C into the drying hoods. In the status), a predefined limit value has
 Easy installation been exceeded. However, the machine
process, the surface of the thermal
paper must not be heated above 68°C,  Flexible system expansion can still continue to operate for the time
otherwise the paper will react and an being. A red alarm indicates an urgent
Three years ago, when an imbalance in need for action.
undesirable discolouration will occur.
Coating Machine 3 was not detected in
Jürgen Heitland, Head of Electronics and time, it resulted in the complete failure of The operator can access each individual
Measurement and Control Technology a fan. Besides the bearing, attachment sensor via an integrated web server
(EMSR) at MPEB, explains: “On Coating parts were also heavily damaged. This and display detailed information. As the
Machine 3, we finish the raw paper with resulted in a short system shutdown system can issue an initial warning via
a pre-coat and a top coat to give it which led to a reduction in the rate of the yellow preliminary alarm up to three
its thermal characteristics. In order to production. months in advance, that leaves sufficient
guarantee the perfect coating, the paper time to schedule a system shutdown and
“That fan failure was the catalyst for order replacement parts, thus avoiding
which can be up to 2.9 metres wide
our decision to look for a way to switch bearing damage in the process. As a
must be dried without contact. That
from time-based to condition-oriented result, machine availability and process
critical task is carried out by a total of 13
maintenance,” says Heitland. reliability have improved.
hot air drying hoods, each with two large
radial fans for supply and exhaust air.”

Waste Water Plant
 Three Archimedes-Screw pumps  Overhaul of gear box: £800
with gear box, redundant, SCM
 New gear box: £4400
with FAG SmartCheck sensors, iQ
Automation Platform, analog values,  Saving £3600
telemetric access and access point
 SCM solution cost:
 Hardware: £3760
 Break down of the gear box in a
time frame of 1-3 years  Installation: £800


 Four months after installation gear  By Mitsubishi automation partner
wheel defect detected

Sugar Factory
 Four gear boxes at a sugar beet  1 hour stoppage £48000
washing machine, SCM Kit-1 (During normal operation)
COMPACT with four SmartCheck
 1 hour stoppage £800
(Scheduled maintenance)
 Buffer time during stop is 10
 SCM solution cost:
 Hardware: £4000
 Installation: £2400

 By System Integrator supported by
Mitsubishi automation partner

Theme Park
 Passenger elevator in a theme park.  Image damage and money back
High temperature and many people. refunds: Immeasurable
Two stations with SmartController
 SCM solution cost:
and total 18 SCM sensors to
control the two idler pulleys and  Hardware: £12000
the rope
 Installation: £4000
 Min. 2.5 hours stop to evacuate
the people during failure
 By System Integrator supported by
Mitsubishi automation partner
The Smart Condition
Monitoring Kit-1 COMPACT

Simple decision. The SCM Kit-1

COMPACT offers outstanding value SCM Kit-1 COMPACT Part no.
and reduces costly downtime. It is a
Compact control cabinet H × W × D: 30 × 30 × 21 cm
completely preconfigured condition
1 × SmartCheck sensor with 10 m Ethernet connecting cable, expandable
monitoring solution with a vibration with up to six sensors. Mounting with M6 screw connection
sensor and is optionally expandable with Integral programmable SmartCheck sensor controller for data processing 290578
and external signal handling
up to six sensors.
Integral 4.3“ operating display for visualisation and parameter adjustment
PoE switch for data signals and sensor power supply

Optional for expansion:

SmartConditionMonitoring Kit-Extension-10 m consisting of

1 × Ethernet cable, 10 m, and one SmartCheck sensor

SmartCheck- Kit pre-configured sensor #2 298547

SmartCheck- Kit pre-configured sensor #3 298548

SmartCheck- Kit pre-configured sensor #4 298549

SmartCheck- Kit pre-configured sensor #5 298550

SmartCheck- Kit pre-configured sensor #6 298551

Ethernet cable 10 Metre for SCM Kit sensor 271188

Ethernet cable 20 Metre for SCM Kit sensor 271189

Ethernet cable 30 Metre for SCM Kit sensor 298545

Ethernet cable 50 Metre for SCM Kit sensor 297286

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.

Travellers Lane
Hatfield Herts. AL10 8XB
Tel: +44 (0) 1707 288 780 Fax: +44 (0) 1707 278 695

Specifications subject to change / All trademarks and copyrights acknowledged. Printed August 2016

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