Project Management Chapter 1 - MCQ
Project Management Chapter 1 - MCQ
Project Management Chapter 1 - MCQ
Which of the following types of activities is more closely associated with projects rather than
A) an activity that is ongoing
B) an activity that is day-to-day
C) an activity that uses existing systems
D) an activity that establishes its own work rules
Answer: D
4. The Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide definition of a project indicates that a project is:
A) multifunctional.
B) temporary.
C) designed to consume human resources.
D) limited by a budget
Answer: B
7. A project that results in "doing the wrong things well" has ignored the:
A) budgetary goal.
B) technical goal.
C) customer satisfaction goal.
D) scheduling goal
Answer: C
10. Projects differ from classic organizational processes because projects are:
A) discrete activities.
B) part of line organization.
C) well established systems in place to integrate efforts.
D) multi-objective
Answer: A
15. Which of these countries is NOT identified in the text as having a developing economy with a
substantial market?
A) Russia
B) China
C) India
D) Europe
Answer: D
16. Low inflation is a trigger for improved project management skills because:
A) rampant cost increases must be passed along to the consumer.
B) internal process improvement is accomplished via project management.
C) lower inflation means narrower product launch windows.
D) global markets are a prerequisite for low inflation
Answer: B
20. The man-hours requirement is typically at a peak during the ________ phase of the project life cycle.
A) planning
B) conceptualization
C) execution
D) termination
Answer: C
21. Individual activities and their durations are developed during the ________ phase of the project life
A) planning
B) conceptualization
C) execution
D) termination
Answer: A
22. Keith Monroe nails hundreds of pieces of culled lumber in the blazing July sun to form a parquet deck
for his barn roof. He and his assistant are clearly in:
A) the termination stage of the project life cycle.
B) the planning stage of the project life cycle.
C) the execution stage of the project life cycle.
D) way over their heads
Answer: C
23. The MBA redesign committee presents the results of their five-year project to their bemused Dean.
They hope it is not just wishful thinking that they are in the:
A) planning phase.
B) conceptualization phase.
C) execution phase.
D) termination phase.
Answer: D
25. The degree of innovation and creativity is typically at its highest during the:
A) conceptualization phase.
B) planning phase.
C) execution phase.
D) termination phase
Answer: C
27. Which of these factors are essentially complete opposites from an intensity perspective across the
project life cycle?
A) Client Interest and Uncertainty
B) Creativity and Resources
C) Uncertainty and Project Stake
D) Project Stake and Client Interest
Answer: C
28. Which of these factors are highly similar from an intensity perspective across the project life cycle?
A) Client Interest and Creativity
B) Creativity and Resources
C) Resources and Project Stake
D) Project Stake and Uncertainty
Answer: B
31. The degree of risk associated with the project is typically at its highest during the:
A) conceptualization phase.
B) planning phase.
C) execution phase.
D) termination phase
Answer: A
32. The technical challenges that the project has to face are typically at their lowest during the:
A) conceptualization phase.
B) planning phase.
C) execution phase.
D) termination phase.
Answer: D
33. The commitment of financial, human, and technical resources is highest during the:
A) conceptualization phase.
B) planning phase.
C) execution phase.
D) termination phase.
Answer: C
34. The most recent addition to the four criteria of project success is:
A) time.
B) cost.
C) performance.
D) client acceptance.
Answer: D
35. The project success criteria that functions as a quality check is:
A) time.
B) cost.
C) performance.
D) client acceptance
Answer: C
36. Which of the following statements about project success criteria is best?
A) Project cost is an external performance measure.
B) Completion time is an internal performance measure.
C) Client acceptance is an internal performance measure.
D) Client acceptance is often referred to as conducting a "quality" check.
Answer: B
37. A design project is completed on time, under budget, to the customer's satisfaction, and in adherence
to the technical specifications agreed. The new product takes the market by storm and everyone
associated with the project receives a coveted gold star. Under the four dimensions of project success
model, the project still needs to show:
A) future potential.
B) business success.
C) impact on the customer.
D) efficiency.
Answer: A
38. The dimension of project success that is realized first (chronologically) is:
A) future potential.
B) business success.
C) impact on the customer.
D) efficiency
Answer: D
39. The dimension of project success that is realized last (chronologically) is:
A) future potential.
B) business success.
C) impact on the customer.
D) efficiency.
Answer: A
40. The dimension of project success that is measured by both an internal and external criterion is:
A) future potential.
B) business success.
C) impact on the customer.
D) efficiency.
Answer: C
41. In the Atkinson model of project success, a project's impact to the surrounding community would be
classified as:
A) an element of the iron triangle.
B) a stakeholder benefit.
C) an organizational benefit.
D) a strategic goal.
Answer: B
42. In the Atkinson model of project success, stakeholder benefits not accrued by the organization might
A) improved effectiveness.
B) improved efficiency.
C) social and environmental impact.
D) increased profits
Answer: C
43. All groups that are affected by a project are known by this name:
A) Ombudsmen
B) Team members
C) Minions
D) Stakeholders
Answer: C
44. An information system project might be assessed by which of the following criteria?
A) Maintainability
B) Reduced waste
C) Time
D) Personal development
Answer: A
45. ABC company compares the way they manage projects with the way rival NBC company manages
projects. ABC company is engaged in:
A) corporate espionage
B) ring level 0.
C) competitive benchmarking.
D) cutting edge practices
Answer: C
48. The project maturity model developed by the Center for Business Practices would have ________
rings if a spider-web diagram were used.
A) three
B) four
C) five
D) six
Answer: C
49. The most basic level in Kerzner's project management maturity model is:
A) common language.
B) common processes.
C) initial process.
D) ad hoc.
Answer: A
50. Carnegie Mellon's SEI model, ESI International's project framework, and the Center for Business
Practices all call their highest level of maturity:
A) continuous improvement.
B) optimizing.
C) ganbei.
D) comprehensive.
Answer: B
51. The author's synthesis of all well-known maturity models states that moderate project management
maturity is characterized by:
A) ad hoc processes.
B) little support from upper management.
C) project management training programs.
D) active exploration of ways to improve project management.
Answer: C
52. Which statement regarding the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBoK) is best?
A) The PMBoK consists of seven knowledge areas of project management skills and activities.
B) Each element of the iron triangle is represented by its own area.
C) Project risk management is part of the integration section.
D) The institute's position that a properly planned project will not require any changes precludes the need
for change control in the model.
Answer: B