By: Raymund Riegl
By: Raymund Riegl
By: Raymund Riegl
Characteristics of Annelids
Annelida means “little rings.”
There are about 15,00 annelid species, ranging from
less than 1 mm to the 3-m length. (giant Australian
All members of the group are to some extent
segmented. (a.k.a metamerism) This increases the
efficiency of body movement by allowing the effect of
muscle contraction to be extremely localized, and it
makes possible the development of greater complexity
in general body organization.
Annelids are schizocoelous.
Hydrostatic pressure is maintained across segments
and helps maintain body rigidity, allowing muscle
contractions to bend the body without collapsing it.
The internal organs of annelids are well developed.
They include a closed, segmentally-arranged
circulatory system, and digestive system. Gases are
exchanged through the skin. Each segment typically
contains a pair of nephridia.
Annelids may be monoecious or dioecious. Larva may
or may not be present; if present they are of the
trochophore type. Some forms also reproduce
Annelids have some combination of tactile organs,
chemoreceptors, balance receptors, and
The nervous system includes a pair of cephalic ganglia
attached to double nerve cords that run the length of
the animal along the ventral body wall.
Biochemical Evidence
Classifications of the Phylum
Oligochaeta (terrestrial and freshwater segmented
worms; e.g., earthworms)