Fpsyg 11 613244
Fpsyg 11 613244
Fpsyg 11 613244
Background: The sustained rise in negative mental health reports among university
students is a source of continued global concern, and investigation continues into
potential contributors to this rise. This includes the increased prevalence of risky sexual
behaviors. Related is the increased prevalence of pornography use. Our study sought to
Edited by: explore the potential relationship between compulsive use of pornography and mental
Changiz Mohiyeddini, health in university students.
Oakland University William Beaumont
School of Medicine, United States Methods: Our sample consisted of university students (N = 1031; 34% male, 66%
Reviewed by: female) from Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio. An anonymous
Hatta Sidi,
National University of Malaysia,
survey was sent to all students at the university over the age of 18. The survey was
Malaysia comprised of the following: (1) demographic questions, (2) questions on pornography
David Tomasi,
use and perception, (3) a modified version of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (mCIUS)
University of Vermont, United States
assessing various factors associated with compulsive internet pornography use, (4)
Stephen Sammut questions assessing emotional and sexual states relative to pornography use (EmSS),
ssammut@franciscan.edu and (5) the 21-question version of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21).
Specialty section: Results: Our results indicate that 56.6% of those surveyed reported lifetime
This article was submitted to pornography use, with a significantly higher proportion of males than females reporting
Health Psychology,
a section of the journal such use. The majority of students reported accessing pornography through internet-
Frontiers in Psychology related technologies. Additionally, 17.0, 20.4, and 13.5% of students reported severe or
Received: 01 October 2020 extremely severe levels of depression, anxiety and stress, respectively, with compulsive
Accepted: 14 December 2020
Published: 12 January 2021
pornography use significantly affecting all three mental health parameters in both
sexes. Exploratory Factor Analysis identified three factors suggesting emotional coping,
Camilleri C, Perry JT and dependence and preoccupation for the mCIUS items and three factors reflecting
Sammut S (2021) Compulsive Internet interoceptive, impotent, and extrinsic characteristics for the EmSS items. Regression
Pornography Use and Mental Health:
A Cross-Sectional Study in a Sample analysis indicated that various demographics, items pertaining to reduced control and
of University Students social impairment, and other variables pertaining to pornography use predicted mental
in the United States.
Front. Psychol. 11:613244.
health outcomes. Faith, morals and personal motivation were the primary variables
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.613244 reported to help reduce pornography use.
Conclusion: Our analyses indicate a significant relationship between mental health and
pornography use, including behaviors reflecting behavioral addictions, highlighting the
necessity for a better understanding and consideration of the potential contribution of
internet pornography to negative mental health among university students.
Keywords: depression, anxiety, stress, mental health, addictive behavior, compulsivity, pornography, COVID-19
behaviors, such as an increased number of sexual partners, sexual of Extramural Research. Certification is kept on file for
permissiveness, engaging in extramarital sex, and in paying for documentation purposes. Prior to administration of the survey,
sex (Maddox et al., 2011; Gwinn et al., 2013; Poulsen et al., 2013; Franciscan University of Steubenville Institutional Review Board
Wright, 2013a,b; Maas and Dewey, 2018). Additionally, although (IRB) approval was obtained (#2019-07). Our study consisted of
pornography depicts acts that are relational in nature, research a convenience sample of university/college (undergraduate and
also suggests that viewing pornography has a negative effect on graduate) students from Franciscan University of Steubenville,
relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and intimacy within a small private Catholic university located in Steubenville, OH,
heterosexual relationships, both dating and marital, particularly United States. An anonymous survey was sent via the university
when the man is the pornography user (Maddox et al., 2011; student email address, to all students taking classes at Franciscan
Morgan, 2011; Poulsen et al., 2013; Resch and Alderson, 2013; University, who were over the age of 18. Over the course of
Minarcik et al., 2016; Perry and Hayward, 2017). Moreover, 2 weeks (October 15th – October 28th, 2019), the survey was
pornography use has not only been associated with negative administered through the online survey engine SurveyMonkey . R
sexual behaviors, but also with binge drinking behaviors and drug Prior to completing the survey, participants were directed to a
use (Carroll et al., 2008; Padilla-Walker et al., 2010; Harper and consent form, which detailed the confidentiality and the nature
Hodgins, 2016). of the study and results, and explained that participation in
Specifically among younger populations, research has the study implied consent to analyze and publish the overall
indicated a relationship between pornography use and both results. Participants who did not provide consent were directed
decreased friendship quality and higher levels of body monitoring to the Disqualification Page. The projected time of administration
in young women (Padilla-Walker et al., 2010; Maas and Dewey, and completion of the survey was approximately 10 min. The
2018). Additionally, pornography use has been associated with instructions indicated to students that they should give their
decreased relationship quality with parents and more negative honest response and not spend too much time on any question.
perceptions of social acceptance in both young men and women The final page of the survey also included various resources for
(Padilla-Walker et al., 2010). Moreover, previous literature the participants if they desired to seek assistance in regards to
has indicated a potential link between mental well-being and their pornography use.
pornography use, including relative to perceived addiction to
pornography (Grubbs et al., 2015b,c; Dalby et al., 2018). Exclusion Criteria
However, while previous research has sought to investigate Exclusion criteria included any individual: (1) who was younger
the relationship between pornography use, mental health and than 18 years of age (n = 2), (2) was not a student at Franciscan
perceived addiction to pornography as indicated above, research University of Steubenville (n = 4), (3) responded “No” (n = 15)
specifically addressing the role of various behaviors associated or did not complete the question regarding consent (n = 73), (4)
with compulsivity rather than personal perception on the who did not complete the survey question regarding their age
relationship between pornography use and mental health is (n = 23), and (5) who did not provide a response for the last
lacking. Additionally, given the increasing reports of mental time they viewed pornography (n = 24). The final number of
health concerns among university students, as well as the participants whose responses met inclusion criteria was 1031 (out
prevalence of pornography use reported among young adults of the original 1172 total respondents, i.e., 88%).
and its potential to influence mental well-being, the goal of
our study was to directly explore the potential relationship
between behaviors reflecting compulsive use of pornography and Survey Structure
mental health, specifically in university students. Additionally, Demographic Questions
given the consistent differences between males and females Demographic questions included: age, sex, class, number of
relative to sexual behaviors, including pornography use, our study semesters completed at Franciscan University, major, housing
also sought to investigate whether such differences persisted in during the school year at the time of survey, and relationship
the putative relationship between pornography use, compulsive status. Participants were also asked to indicate whether they were
behavior and mental health in university students, especially an online-only and/or a transfer student and whether they shared
given the significant changes in method and ease of access a room with someone during the school year.
of pornography that have occurred over the years and the
uniqueness in response to stimuli, even at the neurobiological Questions on Pornography Use and Perception
level, between the sexes. Participants were asked to indicate the last time they viewed
internet pornography, their frequency of use during their period
of most frequent use, the time of day during which they
MATERIALS AND METHODS most often viewed pornography and what form of pornography
they most often accessed/viewed. Questions were also asked
In compliance with Federal Law indicating that all researchers pertaining to how and what form of pornography they were
conducting testing on human participants must complete first exposed to, as well as their age of first exposure. Moreover,
training on the protection of research subjects, all survey participants were asked to select all of the aspects that have
administrators completed the Protecting Human Research helped them decrease their pornography use. Only participants
Participants Training Module provided by the NIH Office indicating some level of lifetime use of pornography were
directed to the sections of the survey associated with personal SigmaPlot version 14.0, to analyze differences in mental
pornography use. health parameters based on pornography use, across the sexes.
Additionally, the survey inquired about what percentage of Tukey post hoc analysis was conducted where appropriate.
both males and females at Franciscan University they thought Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was utilized in our study
struggled with pornography. The participants were also asked as we sought to explore the relationship between various
to rate, on a four-point scale (from Not at all pornographic variables, and uncover specific potential factors pertaining to
to Extremely pornographic), how pornographic they considered compulsive behavior (mCIUS), emotional and sexual states
various materials (e.g., Nude pictures, Cinematic sex scenes, (EmSS) and pornography use, rather than attempting to confirm
Nude art, etc.) to be. a specific hypothesis in relation to the various factors and
pornography use. Using Jamovi 1.1.7, Bartlett’s test of sphericity
Modified Compulsive Internet Use Scale (mCIUS) and the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure of sampling adequacy
The survey also included the 13 questions of the mCIUS were utilized to determine the factorability of the data from
(Downing et al., 2014) in order to assess various factors associated both the mCIUS and EmSS items. Based on the results from
with compulsive use of internet pornography. Participants were the previous two tests, EFA, also conducted using Jamovi
instructed to answer the questions based upon their period of 1.1.7, was utilized to analyze response patterns within the
most frequent use of pornography. Each mCIUS question was mCIUS items and EmSS items, separately. Backward stepwise
rated on a five-point Likert scale (from Never to Very often). In elimination regression was utilized to determine the relationship
this scale, greater average scores indicate a higher compulsive use between various demographics, various aspects of pornography
of internet pornography (Downing et al., 2014). use, and mental health parameters (D, A, S). Two separate
models were utilized: model 1 included the mCIUS items as
Emotional and Sexual States Questionnaire (EmSS) predictor variables, while model 2 addressed the EmSS items
Questions pertaining to emotional and sexual states (Downing as predictor variables. For both models, various demographics
et al., 2014) were also asked in order to assess when individuals measured, as well as aspects related to pornography use,
were more likely to view internet pornography (e.g., with a were also included as additional predictor variables, and
sexual partner, bored, etc.). Two modifications were made to the the depression, anxiety and stress scores were considered
original questions, the first being that alone was split into two dependent variables.
separate questions: by myself and lonely, given the distinction
between the two states (Algren et al., 2020). The word Horny
was also modified to feeling sexually aroused. Additionally, while RESULTS
Downing et al. (2014) used a four-point Likert scale, our survey
utilized a five-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Demographics
Neither Agree or Disagree, Agree, and Strongly Agree) in order to Consistent with national trends (e.g., Fry, 2019), the distribution
provide the possibility of an individual answering neither agree of the participants in the survey was 34% male and 66%
nor disagree. female, which resembled the sex distribution of the student
body at Franciscan University. The data for the demographic
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) questions pertaining to age, class, number of semesters completed
The 21-question version of the DASS (Lovibond and Lovibond, (Semesters completed), living status and relationship status are
2004) was also included in the survey, which measures various included in Table 1 shown across sex. Students were additionally
core symptoms associated with depression (D), anxiety (A), and asked to indicate whether or not they were an online-only student
stress (S). Subjects were instructed to indicate how much each (Online-only), a transfer student (Transfer), and whether or not
statement applied to them over the past week on a four-point they shared a room with someone during the school year (Share
Likert scale (from 0 = Did not apply to me at all to 3 = Applied room). This data is also included in Table 1.
to me very much, or most of the time). The DASS-21 is not
intended to diagnose disorders related to depression, anxiety or Current Pornography Use
stress. The participants’ total scores in the three criteria (D, A, Given that the proportion of participants reporting lifetime
and S) were categorized by severity as either “normal,” “mild,” pornography use was not significantly different relative
“moderate,” “severe,” or “extremely severe,” as previously defined to those reporting having never used pornography [χ2 (1,
(Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995). N = 1031) = 0.0, p > 0.05 and χ2 (1, N = 1031) = 0.7, p > 0.05,
respectively] in online-only versus residential (i.e., not online-
Statistical Analysis only) students, as well as those who transferred into the university
Analyses were conducted on all data (n = 1031). Using relative to those who did not, the data analysis presented below
R version 3.6.2, Chi squared or Fisher’s exact test were does not make a distinction based on these two variables.
conducted, as appropriate, to analyze differences in proportions For questions containing an “Other (please specify)” answer
across various factors associated with pornography use, as choice, due to the small number of participants selecting this
well as mental health parameters, across and between the option, and the variety and ambiguity of the responses given,
sexes. Additionally, independent measures t-tests and two- which could potentially confound interpretation, these responses
way independent measures ANOVAs were conducted, using were excluded from analyses and percentages shown.
TABLE 1 | Summary of demographic variables. (>1 Year, 20.1%), Within the past year (Past Year, 12.6%), Within
the past month (Past Month, 9.4%), Within the past week (Past
Male (M) Female (F)
Variable (n = 347; 34%) (n = 684; 66%) Week, 12.3%), and Today (2.2%). A more detailed breakdown of
n (%) n (%) pornography use across the sexes is provided in Figure 1A [χ2 (1,
N = 1031) = 202.3 (Never), 0.1 (>1 Year), 17.0 (Past Year), 34.1
(Past Month), 84.2 (Past Week), 23.1 (Today)].
18 57 (16.4) 120 (17.5)
19 63 (18.2) 137 (20.0) Within Males, relative to those who reported having never
20 50 (14.4) 114 (16.7) viewed pornography (12.4%), a significantly higher proportion
21 49 (14.1) 103 (15.1) reported their most recent pornography use as being More than
22 24 (6.9) 44 (6.4) a year ago (20.7%, p < 0.05) and Within the past week (25.6%,
23 13 (3.7) 15 (2.2)
24+ 91 (26.2) 151 (22.1)
p < 0.001), while a significantly lower percentage reported having
viewed pornography Today (5.5%, p < 0.05). The percentage
Freshman 82 (23.6) 152 (22.2) of those reporting use in the past year or past month was
Sophomore 61 (17.6) 144 (21.1) not significantly different (p > 0.05) from those reporting
Junior 46 (13.3) 117 (17.1) having never viewed pornography [χ2 (5, N = 347) = 61.3,
Senior 66 (19.0) 123 (18.0)
p < 0.001].
Graduate 92 (26.5) 148 (21.6)
In contrast, a significantly higher proportion [χ2 (5,
Yes 81 (23.3) 134 (19.6)
N = 684) = 1164.1, p < 0.001] of females reported never
No 266 (76.7) 550 (80.4) having viewed pornography relative to all other options for
Transfer having viewed pornography (all p < 0.001).
Yes 44 (12.7) 109 (15.9)
No 303 (87.3) 575 (84.1) Frequency of Pornography Use
Semesters completed Of the 584 respondents confirming having previously used
<1 110 (31.7) 215 (31.4)
pornography, 488 completed the question pertaining to
1–2 89 (25.6) 188 (27.5)
3–4 72 (20.7) 130 (19.0) frequency of use during the period of most frequent use. The
5–6 47 (13.5) 101 (14.8) frequency of use reported was distributed as follows: Less than
7–8 16 (4.6) 26 (3.8) monthly (<Monthly, 23.4%), Monthly (6.6%), Weekly (24.8%),
9+ 13 (3.7) 24 (3.5) Daily (26.8%), and Multiple times daily (>Daily, 18.4%). Further
Living status details pertaining to frequency of use across the sexes are shown
Main Campus – M/F only Dorms 116 (33.4) 235 (34.4)
Main Campus – Co-ed Dorms 38 (11.0) 103 (15.1)
in Figure 1B [χ2 (1, N = 488) = 33.0 (<Monthly), 2.3 (Monthly),
Main Campus – Assisi Heights 26 (7.5) 73 (10.7) 0.0 (Weekly), 8.6 (Daily), 17.0 (>Daily)].
Lower Campus 16 (4.6) 9 (1.3) The proportion of males reporting Less than monthly (12.6%)
Off Campus 145 (41.8) 242 (35.4) and Monthly (4.7%) use was significantly lower (all p < 0.01)
Gaming, Austria 6 (1.7) 22 (3.2) than Weekly (24.4%), Daily (32.7%), and Multiple times daily
Share room
(25.6%). Additionally, the proportion reporting Monthly use was
Yes 230 (66.3) 475 (69.4)
No 117 (33.7) 209 (30.6)
significantly lower (p < 0.05) than those reporting Less than
Relationship status
monthly use [χ2 (4, N = 254) = 79.3, p < 0.001].
Single 175 (50.4) 433 (63.3) Relative to females, the proportion of those reporting Less
In a relationship 81 (23.3) 123 (18.0) than monthly (35.0%) use was significantly higher than Monthly
Married 63 (18.2) 84 (12.3) (8.5%, p < 0.001), Daily (20.5%, p < 0.01), and Multiple times
Discerning religious life/Priesthood 22 (6.3) 22 (3.2)
daily (10.7%, p < 0.001), while the proportion of those reporting
Priest or other religious 4 (1.2) 10 (1.5)
Divorced/Separated 2 (0.6) 9 (1.3) Weekly (25.2%) use showed a tendency toward significance
Widow(er) 0 (0.0) 3 (0.4) (p = 0.08). Monthly use was significantly lower than both Weekly
(p < 0.001) and Daily (p < 0.01), but was not significantly
different from Multiple times daily (p > 0.05). Additionally,
Last Reported Pornography Use Weekly and Daily use were both significantly higher than
From the 1031 respondents, a significantly higher percentage Multiple times daily (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively).
[χ2 (1, N = 1031) = 35.9, p < 0.001] indicated lifetime use of However, Weekly use was not significantly different from Daily
pornography (56.6%) relative to those who reported never using use (p > 0.05) [χ2 (4, N = 234) = 69.0, p < 0.001].
pornography (43.4%).
Also consistent with current trends (Carroll et al., 2008; Time of Day of Most Frequent Pornography Use
Regnerus et al., 2016; Dwulit and Rzymski, 2019), the proportion The question inquiring about the time of day that pornography
of males (87.6%) reporting having used pornography was was most often viewed was answered by 488 respondents. Given
significantly higher [χ2 (1, N = 1031) = 202.3, p < 0.001] than that there was no significant difference between the male and
that of females (40.9%). The distribution of respondents who female responses [χ2 (1, N = 488) = 2.3, 0.1, and 1.0 for Before
reported last viewing pornography was distributed as follows: I’ve the start of your day, During your day and End of your day,
never viewed pornography (Never, 43.4%), More than a year ago respectively, all p > 0.05], the combined data for the sexes was
FIGURE 1 | Reported pornography use across the sexes. (A) Comparison of last viewing of internet pornography reported across the sexes (N = 1031; Male:
n = 347; Female: n = 684). Abbreviations for the last reported pornography use: Never, never having viewed pornography; >1 Year, more than a year ago; Past
Year, within the past year; Past Month, within the past month; Past Week, within the past week; Today, today. (B) Reported frequency of pornography use during
period of most frequent use in both males and females (N = 488; Male: n = 254; Female: n = 234). Abbreviations for reported frequency of pornography use:
<Monthly, less than monthly; Monthly, monthly; Weekly, weekly; Daily, daily; >Daily, multiple times daily. Data is expressed as percentage of participants responding
to specific options. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
analyzed. The largest proportion of respondents reported most day (24.2%, p < 0.001) and before the beginning of their day
often viewing pornography at the end of their day (71.1%), (4.7%, p < 0.001). The percentage of those reporting viewing
which was significantly higher than both viewing during their pornography during their day was also significantly higher
than those reporting viewing before the beginning of their day etc. (p < 0.05). Pornography access through Sexting/phone
(p < 0.001). sex/hotlines/Snapchat was significantly higher than both
pornographic magazines (p < 0.01) and adult video games
How Pornography Was Accessed (p < 0.001). Finally, access through internet advertisements was
Pertaining to how pornography was most often accessed, there significantly higher than adult video games (p < 0.01). All other
was no significant difference between the responses of males comparisons were not significant (all p > 0.05).
and females (χ2 or Fisher’s Test, all p > 0.05). Thus, the Pertaining to the question inquiring into the form of
combined data for males and females was analyzed (Figure 2A). pornography most often accessed, 41 participants responded
The primary methods of access for pornography reported to Other (please specify), making up 8.4% of the total respondents
be utilized by a majority of respondents were internet-related to this question.
technologies (Cell phone, laptop and desktop computers, and
tablets; 98.2%). Specifically, access through the Cell phone First Exposure to Pornography
(69.4%) was significantly higher than all other options (all As above, for questions containing an “Other (please specify)”
p < 0.001). The next highest method of access reported was answer choice, these responses were excluded from analyses and
Laptop computer (15.2%), which was significantly higher than percentages shown.
Tablets (e.g., Kindle, iPad, etc.) (6.3%), Desktop computer (7.3%),
Television (0.6%), Magazines (0.8%), and Physical (paper) books Age of First Exposure to Pornography
(0.4%), all p < 0.001. Additionally, those reporting the use of Analysis revealed significant differences between males and
both tablets and desktop computer were significantly higher than females relative to the reported age of first exposure to
Television, Magazines, and Physical (paper) books (all p < 0.001). pornography [Figure 3A, χ2 (1, N = 470) = 2.5 (8 or younger),
All other comparisons were not significant (all p > 0.05). In the 27.3 (9–13), 5.3 (14–17), 16.1 (18 or older)].
context of this question, 8 participants responded Other, making A majority of males (63.7%) reported 9–13 as the age of first
up 1.6% of total respondents to this question. exposure to pornography, which was significantly higher than
all other options [8 or younger (8.9%), 14–17 (25.8%), 18 or
Form of Pornography Accessed older (1.6%), all p < 0.001]. All other comparisons of age of
In relation to the form of pornography that was predominantly first exposure for males were significant (all p < 0.001) [χ2 (3,
accessed by the individual sexes, significant differences were N = 248) = 305.0, p < 0.001].
present between the sexes {Figure 2B, χ2 (1, N = 447) = 0.0 Relative to females, similar to males, the mode age of first
(Advertisements on the Internet), 10.6 (TV/Movies), 61.6 exposure was also 9–13 (39.2%). While this was not significantly
[Adult websites (e.g., pornography websites)], 39.1 (Adult/Erotic higher than those reporting 14–17 (36.0%, p > 0.05), it was
literature), 9.5 (Sexting/phone sex/hotlines/Snapchat)}. significantly higher than both 8 or younger (14.0%) and 18 or
Pertaining to males, a majority of respondents (83.5%) older (10.8%), both p < 0.001. Additionally, the proportion of
indicated that they most often accessed Adult websites (e.g., females reporting 14–17 was also significantly higher than both
pornography websites), which was significantly higher than 8 or younger and 18 or older, both p < 0.001. There was no
all other options [Advertisements on the Internet (4.2%), significant difference (p > 0.05) between females who reported
TV/Movies (5.5%), Adult/Erotic literature (3.0%), Pornographic 8 or younger relative to 18 or older as the age in which they
Magazines (2.1%), Sexting/phone sex/hotlines/Snapchat (1.3%), were first exposed to pornography [χ2 (3, N = 222) = 76.5,
Adult video games (0.4%); all p < 0.001]. The percentage of p < 0.001].
those reporting access through TV/Movies was significantly
higher than both sexting, etc. (p < 0.05) and adult video How Pornography Exposure Occurred
games (p < 0.01). Additionally, access through Advertisements Regarding how the first exposure to pornography took place,
on the Internet was significantly higher than Adult video significant differences were present between the sexes [Figure 3B,
games (p < 0.05). All other comparisons were not significant χ2 (1, N = 458) = 0.0 (Through family), 0.2 (Through Friends), 4.5
(p > 0.05). (Personal Curiosity), 6.8 (Unintentional Exposure)].
Like males, a majority of females (48.1%) reported most In both males and females, Personal curiosity (Male: 45.1%;
often accessing pornography through adult websites. This was Female: 34.9%) and Unintentional exposure (Male: 32.9%;
significantly higher than all other options [Advertisements Female: 45.3%) were the primary methods through which first
on the Internet (4.8%), TV/Movies (15.2%), Adult/Erotic exposure occurred. However, in males, personal curiosity was
literature (22.9%), Pornographic Magazines (1.4%), Sexting/phone significantly higher than unintentional exposure (p < 0.01),
sex/hotlines/Snapchat (7.6%), Adult video games (0.0%); all while in females, unintentional exposure was significantly higher
p < 0.001]. This was followed by adult literature, which was than personal curiosity (p < 0.05). Both of these methods of
significantly higher than internet advertisements, pornographic exposure were significantly higher, in both sexes, than Through
magazines, sexting, etc. and adult video games (all p < 0.001). family (Male: 5.3%; Females: 5.2%) and Through friends (Male:
The proportion of females reporting access through TV/Movies, 16.7%; Female: 14.6%), all p < 0.001. Additionally, in both sexes,
the third highest form most often accessed, was significantly exposure through friends was significantly higher than exposure
higher than advertisements on the internet, pornographic through family (Males: p < 0.001; Females: p < 0.01). Pertaining
magazines, and adult video games (p < 0.001), as well as sexting, to this question, 12 participants (2.6% of the total respondents
FIGURE 2 | Details of pornography use during period of most frequent use. (A) Distribution of methods of pornography use. Given that no significant differences
were observed between the sexes, data is shown as a percentage of males and females combined indicating specific method of access. Cell, cell phone; Books,
physical (paper) books; Magazines, magazines; Television, television; Desktop, desktop computer; Laptop, laptop computer; Tablet, tablets (e.g., Kindle, iPad, etc.)
(N = 488). (B) Comparison of the primary form of pornography accessed during period of most frequent use across the sexes (N = 488; Male: n = 254; Female:
n = 234). Ads, advertisements on the internet; TV, TV/Movies; Websites, adult websites (e.g., pornography websites); Literature, Adult/Erotic literature; Magazines,
pornographic magazines, Sexting, sexting/phone sex/hotlines/Snapchat, Games, adult video games. Data is expressed as percentage of participants responding to
a specific answer choice. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
FIGURE 3 | First exposure to pornography across the sexes. (A) Age of first exposure to pornography across the sexes. <8, 8 years or younger; 9–13, 9–13 years
of age; 14–17, 14–17 years of age; >18, 18 years or older. (B) Distribution of how exposure to pornography occurred in males and females. Family, through family;
Friends, through friends; Curiosity, personal curiosity; Unintentional, unintentional exposure. (C) Form of pornography to which first exposure occurred across the
sexes. Ads, pop-ups/advertisements on the Internet; TV, television/movies; Websites, adult websites (e.g., pornography websites); Literature, adult/erotic literature;
Magazines, pornography magazines; Sexting, etc., sexting/phone sex/hotlines/Snapchat; Video Games, adult video games. Data is expressed as percentage of
respondents indicating specific answer choices (N = 470; Male: n = 248; Female: n = 222). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
to this question) selected Other [Male: χ2 (3, N = 246) = 121.5, on the Internet), 1.7 (TV/Movies), 11.3 (Adult websites (e.g.,
Female: χ2 (3, N = 212) = 114.2, both p < 0.001]. pornography websites), 22.8 (Adult/Erotic literature), 6.2
(Pornographic Magazines)].
First Exposure: Form of Pornography Pertaining to males, 44.2% reported Adult websites (e.g.,
Relative to the form of pornography to which the respondents pornography websites) as the form of pornography to which they
were first exposed, analysis revealed significant differences were first exposed. This was significantly higher than all other
between males and females within the various forms of exposure forms: Pop-ups/advertisements on the Internet, 15.2%; Television/
[Figure 3C, χ2 (1, N = 437) = 0.9 (Pop-ups/Advertisements Movies, 17.7%; Adult/erotic literature, 3.0%; Pornographic
FIGURE 4 | (A) Percentage of males and females responding “Often” or “Very Often” to items of the modified Compulsive Internet Use Scale related to pornography
use. DiffStop, difficulty to stop accessing pornography websites; AccessStop, access despite intention to stop; TimeOthers, access pornography over spending
time with others; ShortSleep, short of sleep due to pornography use; ThinkSites, think about websites when not online; LookFwd, look forward to next session of
use; SpendLess, think it is necessary to spend less time; Unsuccess, unsuccessful at spending less time; RushWork, rush work to view pornography; NglctOb,
neglect obligations due to pornography; FeelDown, use pornography when feeling down; EscpSor, use pornography to escape negative feelings; Restless,
restless/frustrated/irritated when unable to view pornography. Data is expressed as percentage of respondents indicating “Often” or “Very Often” (N = 488; Male:
n = 254; Female: n = 234). (B) Distribution of participants responding “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” to the items related to emotional and sexual states relative to
pornography use across the sexes, indicating that they were more likely to view Internet pornography when by themselves (Alone), feeling lonely (Lonely), with a
sexual partner (Sexpart), feeling bored (Bored), peer pressured (Peerpres), not having had sex in a while (Nosex), feeling sexually aroused (Aroused), drunk or under
effects of drugs (Drunk), and unable to find someone to have sex with (Noonesex). Data is expressed as percentage of respondents indicating “Agree” or “Strongly
Agree” (N = 476; Male: n = 250; Female: n = 226). **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
magazines, 17.3%; Sexting/phone sex/hotlines/Snapchat, 0.9% Pop-ups/advertisements on the Internet was significantly higher
and Adult video games, 1.7%, all p < 0.001. The percentage of (all p < 0.001) than adult literature, sexting, etc., and adult video
males reporting Television/Movies, Pornographic magazines and games. All other comparisons were not significant (p > 0.05).
Similar to males, adult websites was the highest reported Exploratory Factor Analysis for the mCIUS
form of pornography to which females were first exposed An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using a principal-axis
(28.2%), which was significantly higher than all other forms factor extraction (Costello and Osborne, 2005; Baglin, 2014) was
[Pop-ups, etc. (18.9%) and adult literature (17.0%), both utilized to investigate the factor structure of the mCIUS survey
p < 0.05; Magazines (8.7%), sexting, etc. (3.4%) and adult items. Parallel analysis (Costello and Osborne, 2005; Baglin, 2014)
video games (0.5%), all p < 0.001], except TV/movies (23.3%, recommended a three-factor solution (Table 2). Given the high
p > 0.05). Pop-ups, etc., TV/movies and adult literature correlation of the items, a ‘promax’ (oblique) rotation (Costello
were all significantly higher than sexting, etc. and adult video and Osborne, 2005; Baglin, 2014) was utilized for interpretation
games, all p < 0.001, as well as pornographic magazines of the three factors. This rotation had sums of squared loadings
(relative to Pop-ups, etc. p < 0.01, TV/movies, p < 0.001 ranging from 1.81 to 4.16. The correlation coefficients between
and adult literature, p < 0.05). Additionally, the proportion factors ranged from 0.699 – 0.755.
of those reporting pornographic magazines was significantly The first factor, identified as “Preoccupation,” included
higher than both sexting, etc., p < 0.05, and adult video preferring to access the websites instead of spending time with
game, p < 0.001. All other comparisons were not significant others (TimeOthers), being short of sleep due to being up
(p > 0.05). Of the total respondents, 33 (7.0%) selected Other viewing the websites (ShortSleep), thinking about the websites
(please specify) in regards to the form of pornography to which even when not online (ThinkSites), looking forward to the
they were first exposed. next internet session accessing the websites (LookFwd), rushing
work in order to access the websites (RushWork), preferring
mCIUS Questionnaire to access the websites while neglecting daily obligations
In general, the trend of the proportion of participants responding (NglctOb), and feeling restless, frustrated or irritated when
“Often” or “Very Often” for the questions relating to compulsive unable to access the websites (Restless). The second factor was
pornography use was similar for both sexes. Participants in identified as “Dependence,” and included DiffStop, AccessStop,
both sexes most prominently selected “Often” or “Very Often” SpendLess, and Unsuccess. Finally, the third factor, identified
for the questions indicating that they: (1) thought they should as “Emotional Coping,” consisted of FeelDown and EscpSor.
spend less time on pornography websites (SpendLess, Sexes The identification of the factors will be further addressed in
combined: 70.5%; Male: 77.6%, Female: 62.8%), (2) accessed the Discussion.
the websites when feeling down (FeelDown, Sexes combined:
49.0%; Male: 55.9%, Female: 41.5%), (3) continued to access
the websites despite their intention to stop (AccessStop, Sexes
TABLE 2 | Summary of Exploratory Factor Analysis results pertaining to items of
combined: 45.3%; Male: 52.0%, Female: 38.0%), (4) accessed the
the modified Compulsive Internet Use Scale using the principal axis factoring
websites to escape/get relief from negative feelings (EscpSor, extraction method in combination with a promax rotation (n = 488).
Sexes combined: 42.0%; Male: 48.4%, Female: 35.0%), (5) found
it difficult to stop accessing the websites when online (DiffStop, Factor Loadings
Sexes combined: 41.4%; Male: 48.4%, Female: 33.8%), and Factor
(6) unsuccessfully tried to spend less time on the websites
(Unsuccess, Sexes combined: 40.6%; Male: 48.0%, Female: Preoccupation Dependence Emotional coping Uniqueness
32.5%). Statistically significant differences were also present
DiffStop 0.522 0.4728
between the greater proportion of males than females reporting
AccessStop 0.730 0.2993
“Often” or “Very Often” for these specific items in the mCIUS
TimeOthers 0.865 0.2996
[χ2 (1, N = 488) = 10.2 (DiffStop), 9.0 (AccessStop), 9.6
ShortSleep 0.637 0.4824
(FeelDown), 8.4 (EscpSor), p < 0.01; 12.0 (Spendless), 11.6
ThinkSites 0.662 0.4390
(Unsuccess), p < 0.001]. All other comparisons were not
LookFwd 0.776 0.4652
significant (p > 0.05). These differences and the results of
SpendLess 0.732 0.5598
the remaining questions not addressed above are described in
Unsuccess 0.880 0.2927
Figure 4A and Supplementary Table 1.
RushWork 0.877 0.3778
Based on previous literature pertaining to internet use
NglctOb 0.795 0.3844
(Guertler et al., 2014; Yong et al., 2017; Fuchs et al., 2018) and
FeelDown 0.878 0.1453
taking into consideration the fact that the mCIUS consists of
EscpSor 0.976 0.0968
13 questions (Downing et al., 2014), in contrast to the original
Restless 0.584 0.4302
14-item survey (Meerkerk et al., 2009), categorization of severity
was set at a cut-off point of 26 points (greater than or equal DiffStop, difficulty to stop accessing pornography websites; AccessStop, access
despite intention to stop; TimeOthers, access pornography over spending time
to 26; based on the response of at least sometimes for every with others; ShortSleep, short of sleep due to pornography use; ThinkSites, think
item of the mCIUS) identifying addictive pornography use, 20–25 about websites when not online; LookFwd, look forward to next session of use;
as problematic pornography use, and <20 as normal. Under SpendLess, think it is necessary to spend less time; Unsuccess, unsuccessful
at spending less time; RushWork, rush work to view pornography; NglctOb,
this categorization, 57.0% of the respondents to the mCIUS
neglect obligations due to pornography; FeelDown, use pornography when
displayed problematic and addictive pornography use (16.6 and feeling down; EscpSor, use pornography to escape negative feelings; Restless,
40.4%, respectively). restless/frustrated/irritated when unable to view pornography.
EmSS Questionnaire from 0.923 to 1.498. The correlation coefficients between factors
Overall, the general trend of the proportion of participants ranged from 0.240 to 0.679.
responding “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” for the questions The first factor was identified as “Interoceptive,” reflecting
regarding emotional and sexual states relative to pornography items related to circumstances that primarily involve the
use was similar between males and females. Participants in individuals themselves and stemming from internal feelings.
both sexes most predominately reported “Agree” or “Strongly These included Alone, Lonely, Bored, and Aroused. The second
Agree” for the questions indicating that they were more factor, identified as “Impotent,” reflected the increased likelihood
likely to view Internet pornography when: (1) they were by of pornography use associated with the absence of possibilities to
themselves (Alone, Sexes combined: 94.3%; Male: 97.2%, Female: engage in sexual intercourse, specifically, not having sex in a while
91.2%), (2) they were feeling sexually aroused (Aroused, 80.9%), (Nosex) and not finding someone to engage in sexual intercourse
(3) they were bored (Bored, Sexes combined: 73.5%; Male: with (Noonesex). Finally, the third factor, “Extrinsic,” appeared
80.0%, Female: 66.4%), and (4) they felt lonely (Lonely, to reflect situations that involved external influences, including
71.2%). There were, however, statistically significant differences being with a sexual partner (Sexpart), being peer pressured
between the proportion of males and females reporting (Peerpres) and being drunk or feeling the effects of drugs/illicit
“Agree” or “Strongly Agree” for specific items in the EmSS. substances (Drunk).
Specifically, more males than females were likely to utilize
pornography when alone [χ2 (1, N = 476) = 7.0] or feeling DASS-21
bored [χ2 (1, N = 476) = 10.6], both p < 0.01, while a Based on the scoring of the DASS-21 (Lovibond and Lovibond,
significantly higher proportion of females than males [χ2 (1, 2004), from the participants who completed this section of the
N = 476) = 6.9, p < 0.01] reported using pornography survey (n = 872), 55.4, 56.0, and 63.5% of all participants
when with a sexual partner (Male: 6.8%, Female: 14.6%). fell under the “normal” category of depression, anxiety and
All other comparisons were not significant (p > 0.05). stress, respectively. Additionally, a considerable percentage of
These differences and the results of the remaining items not participants reported symptoms of “severe” or “extremely severe”
addressed above are described in Figure 4B and Supplementary levels of depression (17.0%), anxiety (20.4%), and stress (13.5%)
Table 2. (see Supplementary Figure 1).
Analysis revealed no significant differences (all p > 0.05)
Exploratory Factor Analysis for the EmSS between males and females across the various levels (“normal,”
Once again, EFA using a principal-axis factor extraction was “mild,” etc.) of depression. However, a significantly higher
utilized to investigate the factor structure of the items pertaining proportion of males reported “normal” levels of both anxiety
to emotional and sexual states. The parallel analysis indicated the (62.2%) and stress (69.1%) relative to females (A: 53.0%; S:
presence of three factors (Table 3). Given that various dimensions 60.9%), χ2 (1, N = 872) = 6.1 and 5.0, respectively, both
of the data were non-orthogonal, an oblique (‘promax’) rotation p < 0.05. Additionally, a significantly higher proportion [χ2 (1,
was utilized. This rotation had sums of squared loadings ranging N = 872) = 4.1, p < 0.05] of females (22.4%) than males
(16.2%) reported either “severe” or “extremely severe” anxiety.
A significantly higher percentage [χ2 (1, N = 872) = 4.2, p < 0.05]
TABLE 3 | Summary of Exploratory Factor Analysis results pertaining to items of
of females (15.5%) indicated a “moderate” level of stress relative
the Emotional and Sexual State Scale using the principal axis factoring extraction to that of males (10.1%). All other comparisons were not
method in combination with a promax rotation (n = 476). significantly different (all p > 0.05).
Factor Loadings
Mental Health (D, A, S) and Pornography
Interoceptive Impotent Extrinsic Uniqueness Last Reported Pornography Use and Mental Health
Analysis was conducted to assess the influence of last reported
Alone 0.667 0.542
pornography use on mental health, as measured by the DASS-21.
Lonely 0.681 0.598
The average D, A, S scores for students reporting pornography
Sexpart 0.467 0.703
use were significantly higher [t(870) = −5.55 and −3.81 for
Bored 0.554 0.676
D and A, respectively, both p < 0.001; t(870) = −3.14 for S,
Peerpres 0.586 0.739
p < 0.01] than those reporting never viewing pornography.
Nosex 1.043 0.182
Furthermore, the results indicated a significant effect in
Aroused 0.461 0.674
all three mental health parameters (D, A, S) across sex [D:
Drunk 0.490 0.621
F(1,866) = 7.80, p < 0.01; A: F(1,866) = 18.73, p < 0.001;
Noonesex 0.511 0.460
S: F(1,866) = 13.35, p < 0.001] and the last reported
Abbreviations pertaining to using internet pornography when Alone, by themselves; pornography use [D: F(2,866) = 22.04; A: F(2,866) = 11.97; S:
Lonely, feeling lonely; Sexpart, with a sexual partner; Bored, feeling bored;
F(2,866) = 12.15; all p < 0.001], but not in the interaction of sex
Peerpres, peer pressured; Nosex, not having had sex in a while; Aroused, feeling
sexually aroused; Drunk, drunk or under effects of drugs; and Noonesex, unable to and last reported use [D: F(2,866) = 1.48; A: F(2,866) = 0.39;
find someone to have sex with. S: F(2,866) = 0.88; all p > 0.05]. Depression, anxiety and
stress scores (mean and SEM), for both males and females, Within both males and females, there was a significant
across times of last reported pornography use are shown in difference in depression (both p < 0.001), anxiety (Males:
Figures 5A–C. p < 0.001; Females: p < 0.01) and stress (Males: p < 0.01;
Pertaining to males, significantly higher scores were observed Females: p < 0.001) scores between those who used (Used) and
in depression and anxiety (both p < 0.05) in those reporting using did not use (Not Used).
pornography in the previous year (Today, Within the past week, When comparing males and females, analysis revealed that
Within the past month, Within the past year) than those reporting within those who used pornography (Used), females reported
having never used pornography. The same comparison, in significantly higher stress scores (p < 0.05) than males; however,
relation to stress scores, indicated a tendency toward significance there was no significant difference between the sexes in
(p = 0.06). All other comparisons were not significant (p > 0.05). depression and anxiety scores (both p > 0.05) within Used.
In relation to females, significantly higher scores in all three In participants who reported never using pornography, females
mental health measures (all p < 0.001) were reported in those scored significantly higher in anxiety (p < 0.05), but not
reporting pornography use in the previous year relative to those depression (p > 0.05). There was also a tendency toward
reporting never having used. The scores for depression and significance between males and females in stress scores within
stress were also significantly higher (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, Not Used (p = 0.05).
respectively) in those reporting using pornography in the
previous year relative to those reporting using pornography More Multiple Regression Analysis
than a year ago. While a similar trend was observed in the Regression analysis indicated various relationships between the
anxiety scores, statistically, this difference was a tendency toward various demographics (age, sex, number of semesters completed
significance (p = 0.08). Additionally, the anxiety scores for those at Franciscan University, and whether or not the participant
reporting having used pornography More than a year ago was shared a room) analyzed, various aspects of pornography use
also significantly higher than those who reported having never (the last time the participant viewed pornography, the frequency
used pornography (p < 0.05). All other comparisons were not of pornography use, the time of day at which they most often
significant (p > 0.05). viewed pornography, and age of first exposure to pornography),
In relation to last reported pornography use, when comparing including the aspects measured by the mCIUS and EmSS, and
the sexes, females reported higher scores than males in all mental depression, anxiety and stress. Detailed effect sizes (β-values)
health parameters. Post hoc analysis indicated significantly higher with their p-values are shown in the Tables 4, 5.
depression, anxiety and stress scores (all p < 0.001) in females Both model 1 (that including mCIUS items) and model 2 (that
than males who viewed pornography in the previous year. including EmSS items) indicated that the participant’s age, sex,
Additionally, females reporting having never used pornography and the last time they viewed pornography significantly predicted
also scored higher in anxiety levels than males in the same depression scores (model 1: R2 = 0.163, model 2: R2 = 0.157). Sex
category (p < 0.05), while the scores for stress only showed a and age of first exposure to pornography predicted both anxiety
tendency toward significance (p = 0.06). Finally, there was a (model 1: R2 = 0.109, model 2: R2 = 0.091) and stress (model 1:
tendency toward significance (p = 0.07) in the difference between R2 = 0.149, model 2: R2 = 0.144) scores. Additionally, the last
females and males in the anxiety scores for those reporting using time the participant viewed pornography was also a significant
pornography More than a year ago. predictor for stress.
Pertaining to the specific items within the mCIUS (model 1),
Mental Health and Recent Pornography Use NglctOb and EscpSor significantly predicted depression scores,
Given that the DASS-21 asks participants to consider the while DiffStop, ShortSleep, and Restless significantly predicted
applicability of a specific statement over the past week, D, A, S anxiety, and NglctOb and Restless were significant predictors
scores were analyzed from participants responding that the last of stress scores.
time they viewed pornography was Within the past week or Today, In relation to the EmSS items (model 2), Lonely significantly
and that they viewed pornography at least weekly (Multiple times predicted all three mental health parameters measured (D, A, S).
daily, Daily, or Weekly) (Used) relative to those who never used Additionally, Aroused was a significant predictor of both anxiety
pornography (Not Used). and stress, but not depression scores.
Analysis indicated a significant effect of pornography use
in all three mental health parameters [D: F(1,527) = 45.98; Additional Information
A: F(1,527) = 21.08; S: F(1,527) = 21.96; all p < 0.001]. What Helped Decrease Pornography Use
There was also a significant difference across sex for anxiety In relation to the question regarding what helped the
[F(1,527) = 5.37, p < 0.05] and stress [F(1,527) = 7.59, p < 0.01], participant decrease their pornography use, the “Other
but not depression [F(1,527) = 3.40, p > 0.05]. Additionally, (please specify)” answer choice (n = 66) was excluded from
none of the interactions pertaining to sex and pornography analyses and percentages shown, due to the variety and
use were significant [D: F(1,527) = 0.23; A: F(1,527) = 0.38; ambiguity of responses given, which could potentially confound
S: F(1,527) = 0.13; all p > 0.05]. Depression, anxiety, and interpretation.
stress scores (mean and SEM), for both males and females, The overall distribution of responses in regards to aspects
who used and did not use pornography are shown in the that helped decrease pornography use was as follows: Internet
Figures 5D–F. resources (i.e. CovenantEyes.com) (18.2%), Accountability
FIGURE 5 | Mental health parameters in males and females relative to reported pornography use. (A–C) Depression (A), anxiety (B), and stress (C) scores across
various times of last reported pornography use across the sexes (N = 872; Male: n = 278; Female: n = 594). Not Used, never having viewed pornography; >1 Year,
more than a year ago; <1 Year, within the past year (i.e., Today, Within the past week, Within the past month, Within the past year). Relative to Not Used: *p < 0.05,
***p < 0.001, † 0.05 < p < 0.1. Relative to >1 Year: ## p < 0.01, ### p < 0.001, ‡ 0.05 < p < 0.1. (D–F) Depression (D), anxiety (E), and stress (F) scores in
participants reporting at least weekly pornography use, within the past week, relative to non-users (N = 531; Male: n = 124; Female: n = 407). Not Used, never
having viewed pornography; Used, viewed pornography in the past week, at least weekly. Data is expressed as mean ± SEM. Relative to Not Used: **p < 0.01,
***p < 0.001.
TABLE 4 | Influence of various demographics, including in relation to pornography use, and the modified Compulsive Internet Use Scale (mCIUS) variables on
depression, anxiety and stress scores, measured using the DASS-21.
Effect sizes (β values) were obtained through backward stepwise regression analyses, as detailed in section “Materials and Methods.” Table shows the β value of each
variable at the step in which it was eliminated from the model and the overall R2 for each model.
TABLE 5 | Influence of various demographics, including those associated with pornography use, and the emotional and sexual state variables on depression, anxiety
and stress scores, measured using the DASS-21.
Effect sizes (β values) were obtained through backward stepwise regression analyses, as detailed in section “Materials and Methods.” Table shows the β value of each
variable at the step in which it was eliminated from the model and the overall R2 for each model.
Partner/Group – on campus (10.9%), Accountability 0–24, 25–49, and 75–100% of males on campus struggled
Partner/Group – off campus (14.7%), Faith life (80.1%), Moral with pornography, respectively. Moreover, in relation to the
principles (76.6%), Personal motivation (81.2%), Counseling percentage of females believed to struggle with pornography on
services (8.3%), Nothing has helped (3.9%), and Not interested in our campus, 0–24% was the second most selected answer choice
decreasing use (5.5%). (39.6%), followed by 50–74% (16.9%) and 75–100% (1.7%).
Both males and females reported Faith life (Males: 83.5%; A detailed breakdown of male and female perception of struggle
Females: 76.2%), Moral principles (Males: 77.4%; Females: with pornography on campus, in both sexes, is outlined in the
75.7%), and Personal motivation (Males: 82.3%; Females: 79.9%) Supplementary Table 3.
as the most helpful aspects in decreasing pornography use. These
three options were not significantly different (all p > 0.05) from Perception of Level of Pornographic Content
each other in both males [χ2 (8, N = 243) = 1017.4, p < 0.001] Pertaining to the question regarding how pornographic
and females [χ2 (8, N = 214) = 1000.9, p < 0.001]. However, the respondents considered various materials, Moderately
in both sexes, the proportions of participants reporting these pornographic (Mod) and Extremely pornographic (Ext) were the
options as sources of help were significantly higher than all two highest answer choices for Nude pictures (e.g., Playboy)
other answer choices (all p < 0.001). Interestingly, 63.9% of (Mod: 37.3%, Ext: 50.4%), Erotic literature (Mod: 44.0%, Ext:
respondents to this question included the combination of all 31.3%), Sexually explicit videos (Mod: 10.6%, Ext: 86.8%), and
three of these options (Faith Life, Moral principles, and Personal Cinematic sex scenes (Mod: 40.2%, Ext: 37.4%). In regards to Nude
motivation) as sources that helped decrease pornography use. art (e.g., Statue of David, Sistine Chapel), Not at all pornographic
In males, the proportions reporting internet resources (23.5%) (73.4%) and Mildly pornographic (21.4%) were the most selected
and accountability partner both on- (16.5%) and off-campus answer choices. Additionally, 49.4 and 29.3% of participants
(20.2%) were significantly higher than both those reporting that reported Seductive advertisements (e.g., Victoria’s Secret) as Mildly
nothing had helped (4.9%) and those indicating that they were pornographic and Moderately pornographic, respectively. The
not interested in decreasing their use of pornography (4.1%; full details of how pornographic the participants considered the
all p < 0.001). Additionally, the percentage of males reporting various materials to be, as well as sex differences in perception,
that counseling services (9.1%) helped in decreasing their use are provided in the Supplementary Table 4.
was significantly lower than both internet resources (p < 0.001)
and accountability partner off-campus (p < 0.01). All other
comparisons for males were not significant (all p > 0.05). Like DISCUSSION
males, a significantly higher proportion of females reported that
internet resources (12.1%) helped reduce pornography use than The relationship between pornography use, compulsivity and
those reporting that nothing helped decrease their pornography mental health is complex and potentially multidirectional in
use (2.8%, p < 0.01). All other comparisons for females were not terms of causality and the various subcomponents that constitute
significant [Accountability Partner/Group – on campus (4.7%), each individual variable. As indicated in the Introduction, one
Accountability Partner/Group – off campus (8.4%), Counseling important variable is the increased use and accessibility of the
services (7.5%), Not interested in decreasing use (7.0%); all internet for sexually related activities, which has become the
p > 0.05]. major form of pornography consumed, most especially among
There were no significant differences in the proportion younger individuals (Döring, 2009; Döring et al., 2017; Solano
of males and females reporting moral principles [χ2 (1, et al., 2020). Our study sought to investigate these variables
N = 457) = 0.1, p > 0.05] and personal motivation [χ2 (1, in a sample of university students, in the hope of providing a
N = 457) = 0.3, p > 0.05] as sources of help in decreasing better understanding of the dynamics of this relationship. In
pornography use. However, there was a tendency toward general, the results appear to indicate distinct and significant sex
significance in faith life [χ2 (1, N = 457) = 3.4, p = 0.06]. differences relative to both pornography use and the effect of
The percentages of males reporting internet resources [χ2 (1, such use on mental health. Moreover, the analysis also appears to
N = 457) = 9.0, p < 0.01] and accountability partner on- and highlight certain traits that seem to bear significant similarities to
off-campus [χ2 (1, N = 457) = 15.0 and 11.6, respectively, both aspects of behavioral addictions, which also impact mental well-
p < 0.001] were significantly higher than females. All other being.
comparisons were not significant [χ2 (1, N = 457) = 0.2, 0.9, and As per previous reports (Carroll et al., 2008; Willoughby
1.3 for Counseling services, Nothing has helped, and Not interested et al., 2014), our study appears to indicate a significant number
in decreasing use, respectively, all p > 0.05]. of university students who reported lifetime pornography
use. Significantly more males than females reported using
Perception of Struggle With Pornography on Campus pornography, more recently and more frequently, with the pre-
Regarding the questions inquiring into the percentage of male teen (9–13) years being the primary period of first exposure to
and female students the participants thought struggled with pornography in males. While this time-period of first exposure
pornography on our campus, the most frequently selected choice was also significant in females, in contrast to males, it extended
was 50–74% in relation to the percentage of males (41.4%) into the adolescent (14–17) years. Another distinction between
and 25–49% in relation to the percentage of females (41.8%). males and females is that while, in both cases, the majority of
11.6, 31.4, and 15.7% of participants indicated that they thought participants were exposed to pornography prior to the age of 18,
the percentage of males in this category was significantly higher substance use addiction as they reflect pathological patterns of
than that of females. While both sexes reported the same two a specific behavior rather than the use of a specific substance to
primary methods of first exposure, they were distinct in that more achieve the desired outcome/feeling (Grant et al., 2010; Potenza,
females were exposed unintentionally, while more males were 2014; Pinna et al., 2015). The adaptation of the original CIUS,
exposed through personal curiosity. Additionally, both sexes by Downing et al. (2014), allowed for the use of the scale for
reported the cell phone as the primary method of access and assessment of compulsive use of internet pornography. While
adult websites as the primary form of pornography they were first excessive pornography use is characterized under the category of
exposed to and continued to access most often. behavioral addictions, but is not a diagnostic criterion within the
In relation to compulsive internet pornography use and Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
emotional and sexual states associated with such use, the Disorders (DSM-V; American Psychiatric Association, 2013),
proportion of males was consistently higher in the items that various behaviors related to compulsive use of pornography are
displayed significant sex differences with the exception of the described by the International Classification of Disease manual
item pertaining to viewing pornography when with a sexual (ICD-11; World Health Organization, 2018) classification for
partner, where the proportion of females was higher. Our findings Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.
also appear to indicate that the items addressing compulsive
pornography use and the emotional and sexual states involved in Preoccupation
such use that were most predominantly reported by both sexes, In substance use disorders, relating to compulsive use,
pertained to components associated with dependence, emotional preoccupation or the anticipation/craving of the substance
coping and interoception. However, the items pertaining to is described under Criterion 4, in the section pertaining to
preoccupation and interoception were the items that most Substance Use Disorders in the DSM-V (American Psychiatric
predicted mental health outcomes. Association, 2013), as well as in the scientific literature (Koob and
Volkow, 2009). Our analyses appear to corroborate the presence
Mental Health of a factor that reflects the preoccupation aspect, represented by
Similar to our previous work (Beiter et al., 2015), a considerable behaviors such as rushing work in order to access pornography
number of students in this study reported symptoms indicative websites, thinking about the websites when not online and the
of severe and extremely severe depression, anxiety and stress, anticipation of the next internet pornography session.
with percentages increasing from previous years. As evident in
the scientific literature, efforts have never ceased to investigate
potential contributors to the increasing number of reports of Dependence
psychopathologies among university students, as well as potential Additional aspects reflecting impaired control are the mCIUS
ways to curtail the problem. The goal of our study was to items pertaining to finding it difficult to stop using pornography
contribute further to the body of literature by investigating the websites, continuing to access the websites despite the intention
relationship of pornography use, as well as specific elements of to stop, thinking that less time should be spent on the
the associated behavior in relation to compulsive use, and its pornography websites and unsuccessfully trying to spend less
potential to influence university student mental health. time on the websites, which appear to reflect a level of dependence
Our results contribute to the current literature which indicates on or attachment to pornography. These behaviors are also
a potential link between pornography use and decreased reflective of those observed in substance use disorders (American
mental well-being in female adolescents (Dalby et al., 2018), Psychiatric Association, 2013), specifically, behaviors involving
as well as lower psychosocial functioning in university students repeated efforts to minimize or discontinue use and an excessive
who reported higher levels of internet pornography addiction time spent using.
behaviors (Harper and Hodgins, 2016). Additionally, while
previous research has also indicated a relationship between Risky Behaviors
mental health and perceived addiction to pornography, as well As previously mentioned, pornography use has also been
as the influence of moral and religious/spiritual beliefs (Grubbs associated with an increased involvement in high-risk sexual
et al., 2015a,b,c, 2018, 2019; Bradley et al., 2016; Wilt et al., 2016), behaviors, including an association with an increased number
our study sought to establish a foundation for the investigation of hook up partners, oral sex and sexual intercourse during
of the potential relationship between pornography use and a hookup, sexual permissiveness, anal intercourse, number of
addiction, through the measurement of actual behaviors reported sexual partners, engaging in extramarital sex, and in paying for
to reflect compulsivity, which is a component of addiction sex (Baggaley et al., 2010; Weinberg et al., 2010; Brody and
(Meerkerk et al., 2009). Weiss, 2011; Morgan, 2011; Poulsen et al., 2013; Wright, 2013a,b;
Braithwaite et al., 2015; Stannah et al., 2020). While it was beyond
Impaired Control the scope of our study to directly address the prevalence of
The original development of the CIUS (Meerkerk et al., 2009) was such risky behaviors in our sample, the aspects pertaining to
specifically based on addiction literature and the similarity that the Extrinsic factor, including being more likely to view internet
exists between compulsive internet use and addictive behaviors. pornography when under the influence of alcohol or drugs and
While similar at various levels (Grant et al., 2006; Potenza, being with a sexual partner or peer-pressured appear to reflect
2009; Kim and Hodgins, 2018), behavioral addictions differ from circumstances with a potential to predispose the individual to
vulnerable situations involving sexually risky behaviors (Lane university campuses. As previously mentioned, our results
et al., 2004; Camchong et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2019). appear to corroborate previous literature indicating the
presence/influence of sex differences in both mental health and
Social Impairment and Isolation various factors related to pornography consumption.
The DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) considers Early life factors impact the expression of and capacity to
social impairment relative to substance abuse as consisting of address depression, anxiety and stress. However, our results
a failure in the fulfillment of various essential life obligations appear to indicate a distinction between depression, which was
(e.g., work, school, home), as well as a reduction in various predicted by the current age of the participants, and anxiety
important social, occupational or recreational activities. Our and stress, which were predicted by age of first exposure to
findings indicated similar behaviors among students reporting pornography, but not the current age of the participants. Relative
some level of lifetime pornography use, including preference to depression, it is possible that this may reflect research
toward accessing pornography over spending time with indicating the conglomeration of various factors that culminate
others, neglecting daily obligations due to preferring to access in expression toward the end of the teen years, followed by
pornography, and rushing through work in order to access a decline in subsequent years (Hankin, 2015; Kwong et al.,
the websites. These behaviors, related to a preoccupation with 2019). It is possible that the distinction that exists in relation to
pornography use, indicate a negative influence of such use on the anxiety and stress, being predicted by the age of first exposure
individual’s normal daily functioning, including social behavior, to pornography, may be related to a certain specificity and
revealing a similarity of compulsive use of internet pornography longitudinal relationship to specific stressful events that are
and behaviors associated with addiction. potentially indicative of an altered anxiety sensitivity. Anxiety
Additionally, compulsive internet pornography use has also sensitivity has been reported to be a significant mediator for
been shown to be associated with an increased level of the development of anxiety symptoms, but not depression
isolation (Green et al., 2012). This is evident in the responses (McLaughlin and Hatzenbuehler, 2009). A potentially similar
to the EmSS items inquiring about when the pornography mechanism may be taking place in regards to the relationship
was more likely to be viewed, specifically, the number of between age of first exposure and stress (Grasso et al., 2013;
respondents who indicated that they were more likely to view Tyborowska et al., 2018).
pornography when alone or feeling lonely. The relationship More directly related to pornography use, our study indicated
between pornography and addiction, however, is complex. that the last time pornography was viewed predicted both
Butler et al. (2018) reports that the relationship between depression and stress, but not anxiety. Additionally, our results
pornography consumption and loneliness is bidirectional. It indicated that the primary items within the mCIUS that
is possible that relationship distress due to pornography use predicted all three mental health parameters (D, A, S) were
increases loneliness, while loneliness encourages pornography related to some aspect of preoccupation with pornography
consumption due to its potential use as a coping mechanism. use. Specifically, neglecting of obligations in order to view
This is reflected in the findings of Popovic (2011) indicating pornography significantly predicted both depression and stress,
that those who consume greater amounts of pornography which appears to indicate the presence of significant distress or
demonstrate a higher craving for intimate relationships. Related functional impairment, pertaining to the diagnosis of depression
to this are the EmSS items grouped under the factor labeled (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
as Impotent, which reflect pornography use in situations Additionally, similar to the clinical expression of anxiety
associated with reduced possibilities of being able to engage in (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), feelings of
sexual intercourse. restlessness/frustration/irritation when unable to access
Additionally, our analyses appear to highlight an emotional pornography websites significantly predicted both anxiety
coping component of pornography use through the factor and stress. Furthermore, an additional predictor of anxiety,
incorporating the mCIUS items relating to the access of associated with an aspect of preoccupation, was the shortness
pornography websites when feeling down or to escape/get relief of sleep due to watching pornography, corroborating previous
from negative feelings. Moreover, the isolation experienced, research relating insufficient sleep with increased expression
resulting from pornography use, is not simply at the interoceptive of anxiety (Silva et al., 2004; Sagaspe et al., 2006; Ben Simon
level, but extends externally to also negatively influence and Walker, 2019). In addition to the items that related to
relationships. As a result, it is unsurprising that pornography preoccupation, the use of pornography to alleviate negative
consumption is associated with loneliness (Yoder et al., 2005; feelings, bearing a similarity to reports of substance use to self-
Butler et al., 2018; Tian et al., 2018). medicate in efforts to relieve negative affective symptoms (Bolton
et al., 2009; Torres and Papini, 2016), also predicted depression
scores. Moreover, similarities to substance use disorders also
Life Factors, Pornography Use, and appear to be present in relation to finding it difficult to stop
Mental Health using pornography when online, potentially reflecting a level of
The primary goal of this study was to address the relationship dependence-related anxiety (Smith and Book, 2008).
between pornography use and mental health, seeking to Both items within the EmSS predicting mental health
investigate whether compulsive pornography use is a potential scores were related to the interoceptive factor. Specifically,
contributor to the reduced mental well-being observed on viewing pornography when lonely predicted depression, anxiety
and stress. Previous research has indicated that loneliness is worldwide peak increase of 24.4% being reported on March 25th
associated with a physiological decline and involves interoceptive (US peak: 41.5%; European peak: 18.0%) (Pornhub, 2020), as well
dysregulation (Arnold et al., 2019), which in turn, appears to as the efforts made to encourage engagement in sexual behaviors
be a significant component of various mental health conditions that minimize personal contact (Turban et al., 2020). This
(for review see Khalsa et al., 2018). Additionally, the observed increase, potentially stress-related (e.g., as a result of isolation),
relationship between viewing pornography when feeling lonely is also particularly relevant in possibly contributing to negative
and anxiety and depression may also be potentially mediated coping mechanisms associated with problematic/pathological
by some level of self-disgust (Ypsilanti et al., 2020), which reinforcement patterns through the usage of internet-related
may contribute to the expression of a desire to stop viewing technologies (Kiraly et al., 2020; Mestre-Bach et al., 2020).
pornography. An aspect of self-disgust may also be related to Pertaining specifically to university students, the potential impact
pornography’s relationship to a negative self-image (Stewart and of the lockdowns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic on the
Szymanski, 2012; Sun et al., 2014; Tylka, 2015), which in itself has concepts investigated and discussed in our study are of very direct
been related to negative mental health outcomes (Gillen, 2015; relevance, not only from the perspective of an increased potential
Duchesne et al., 2016). pathological coping due to the increased stress associated with the
While interoceptive awareness has been positively correlated changes necessary, but also from the perspective of the increased
with sexual arousal (Nobre et al., 2004; Berenguer et al., 2019), time spent on the computer and online, necessitated by the need
the relationship between viewing pornography when feeling to continue with classes.
sexually aroused and negative mental health symptoms, such
as anxiety and stress, appears to imply that, in pornography
use, the arousal is potentially associated with an aspect of LIMITATIONS
dysregulated interoception.
As with all human studies, given the complexity of human
Factors Assisting With Reducing behavior and the potential uniqueness of our sample, as well
as the fact that our study involved participants from a single
Pornography Use
location, caution is necessary in relation to generalizability and
Given the previously reported negative effects of pornography,
various limitations exist that require consideration for both
our study also sought to investigate potential resources that those
the interpretation of the results, as well as the direction of
using/having used pornography utilize/utilized and perceived to
future studies. This, however, needs to be taken in the context
assist them in reducing pornography use.
of the consistency that exists between our results and those
Our results appear to suggest an influence of faith, morality
reported in both national and international studies. As with all
and personal motivation on efforts to decrease pornography
surveys utilizing self-reporting, there is potential for recall bias.
use. Previous research has indicated that factors such as self-
While efforts were made in some analyses to focus on specific
motivation, mindfulness, religiosity and spirituality positively
very recent time points, the potential for recall bias cannot be
influence mental health (Yonker et al., 2012; Vitorino et al.,
dismissed and should also be taken into consideration in the
2018; Fountoulakis and Gonda, 2019; O’Driscoll et al., 2019).
interpretation of the results. Given that previous research (Fisher
Additionally, higher levels of religiosity have been shown to be
and Barak, 2001; Salmon and Diamond, 2012; Bishop, 2015; Chet
associated with a lower frequency of pornography consumption
et al., 2018; Lung et al., 2018) appears to indicate some distinction
(Poulsen et al., 2013; Perry and Hayward, 2017). However,
in the impact of various genres of pornography (e.g., violent
pertaining to the spiritual/religious aspect, previous work has
vs. non-violent, paraphiliac vs. non-paraphiliac, heterosexual vs.
also indicated the importance of a genuine application of
homosexual theme etc.) on the user, among the limitations of
the spiritual/religious life in order to avoid “spiritual bypass”
this study is the fact that no distinction was made to separate the
(Welwood, 1984), which can be detrimental to recovery
nature of the pornography used. While our study investigated the
(Cashwell et al., 2007, 2009). Thus, given these observed
frequency of an individual’s pornography use, we did not address
relationships and the negative impact of pornography on the
or distinguish between durations of the individual sessions (e.g.,
mental health parameters measured in our study, it appears
1 h once a month vs. 5 h once a month). Additional aspects that
that efforts directed at assisting persons affected by pornography
were not addressed include (1) the potential financial burden
should consider the potential incorporation of a genuine faith
associated with the use of pornography, (2) the potential role
life and a moral foundation, as well as efforts to enhance
of the level of a person’s current faith and morals impacting
traits associated with a healthy personal motivation in any
an individual’s perception of pornography, and (3) specifics
treatment offered.
pertaining to behaviors associated with pornography use. In
relation to the potential resources reported to have helped
Pornography Use and Coronavirus decrease pornography use, our results appear to highlight the
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) necessity for a more detailed breakdown of specific factors
While this study was conducted prior to the COVID-19 within the specific resources listed in this study (e.g., Faith
pandemic, it is important to also consider the relevance of our life: attending religious services, increased spiritual reading,
findings in relation to the reported increase in pornography use etc.). Additional investigation is necessary to ensure a better
that took place from early March through mid-April 2020, with a understanding of the role of various resources, including faith,
that can potentially assist in promoting positive mental health, We believe that future studies should consider these findings,
through both quantitative and qualitative (including through seeking to enhance the focus of attention and providing
the use of in-depth interviews) studies. Additionally, the additional clarity on the impact of pornography on mental health
results of this research indicate that future studies should and its similarity to addictive behaviors.
potentially take into consideration the necessity of giving the
opportunity to address, at the clinical level, any concerns
pertaining to potential mental health consequences associated DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
with pornography use.
The datasets are available upon request. The raw data supporting
the conclusions of this article will be made available by the
CONCLUSION authors, without undue reservation, to any qualified researcher.
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