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Chapter II

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Chapter II


This chapter provides the overview of prior related literature and studies

studied by the researcher from journals, articles, writings, and studies on “The

Impact of Watching Online Pornography to Students and its Implications to their

Behavioral and Psychological Well-being”. These are employed to strengthen

this study's theoretical and conceptual foundation.


The Effects of Pornography on Children and Young People

In both academia and popular culture, self-perceived pornography

addiction (SPPA) has arisen as a concept. Despite this, "pornography or porn

addiction" is not a recognized mental illness. There is debate among researchers

over its definition, if it really exists. It was decided to perform a systematic review

of peer-reviewed journal papers. Porn, sexually explicit material, SEM, erotic,

non-paraphilic, cyberpornography, addict, problematic, and excess were some of

the terms employed. , obsessive, impulsive, impact, effect, behavior, and cause

are some of the terms used. SPPA is most frequently operationalized as

excessive pornography use and negative consequences. SPPA is reported to

affect users and their partners in similar ways, such as increased feelings of

isolation and relationship breakdown. Limitations include the lack of

representative samples and inadequate measurements of SPPA and its impact.

According to a study of the literature, SPPA differs from self-perceived sex

addiction, however there is no solid evidence to support either stance. The study

concludes with suggestions for further research on the best ways to treat SPPA,

as well as a reminder to clinicians to be aware of their own biases and personal

motivations. Duffy, A., Dawson, D. L., & Nair, R. das. (2016, April 22).

Pornography addiction in adults: A systematic review of definitions and reported

impact. The Journal of Sexual Medicine

Does the addiction in online pornography affect the behavioral pattern of

undergrad private university students in Bangladesh?

According to anecdotal evidence from Bangladesh, some young

individuals are becoming addicted to online pornography in the same way that

they are addicted to gambling, drugs, and alcohol. In this population, such

activities can have social, academic, and behavioral consequences. The

relationship between online pornography usage and socio-behavioral habits

among students at a private institution in Bangladesh was investigated in this


A structured questionnaire was used to survey 299 undergraduate

students (70.6 percent male) from Bangladesh's First Capital University.

Sociodemographic factors, internet pornography consumption habits, and socio-

behavioral characteristics were among the questions asked. The correlations

between online pornography addiction and socio-behavioral factors such as

socializing habits, nature of interactions, university attendance and study focus,

sleeping habits, and consumption of main meals were investigated using the Chi-

square test and binary logistic regression analysis.

Those who hung out with their friends and didn't go to bed on time were

more than twice as likely to watch pornography as students who didn't. Male

students were more likely than girls to use the internet to access pornographic

items. Students who stayed up late to watch online pornography appeared. Such

actions can have negative consequences for educational outcomes as well as

wider social and moral consequences for students and society. With greater

access to the internet in this digital era, technology has pervaded every aspect of

our life.

As a result, providing specially developed pornography addiction education

programs to educate adolescents about the negative impacts of pornography is

crucial. Consequently, a person's pornography addiction can isolate them from

their family, coworkers, and the wider community. This is due to the fact that

pornographic addicts may spend a significant amount of time watching

pornographic. Additionally, those who are addicted to pornography require

specialized treatment programs for sexual addiction, sexual abuse, and

pornography abuse.

Much of the peer-reviewed literature available focused on the association

between pornography and demography, sexual behaviors, violence and

victimization, adult social bond, and sex-related behavior and views toward

women, and the research was conducted in OECD countries.

The research is the first to look at how people consume online

pornography. Male students were more likely than girls to use the internet to

access pornographic items. Students who stayed up late to watch online

pornography appeared. Such actions can have negative consequences for

educational outcomes as well as wider social and moral consequences for

students and society. With greater access to the internet in this digital era,

technology has infected every area of our life. As a result, it's important to

provide students with pornography addiction education programs that are

particularly developed and socially relevant. Md. Razwan Hasan Khan

Chowdhury, Mohammad Rocky Khan Chowdhury, [...], and Manzur Kader (2018)

Effects of Pornography on Relationships

Pornography is not a new problem in relationships; nevertheless, the

growth of the Internet appears to have boosted pornography watching while

exacerbating pre-existing tendencies (Cooper, Boies, Maheu & Greenfield, 1999;

Young, 2008). The simplicity, cost, and anonymity of Internet pornography are

significant factors in this growth (Cooper, 1998; Young, 2008; Young, Cooper,

Griffen-Shelley, O'Mara, & Buchanan, 2000).

Many people do not anticipate or think that watching pornography will have

a negative impact on their life; yet, this frequently has a big impact on the user as

well as his or her family, job, and community. Pornography has the greatest

damaging consequences on couple relationships in particular (Manning, 2006).

This information sheet will go through some of the effects of pornography on

partner relationships and offer suggestions for how to restore a relationship that

has been harmed by pornography. Some of its impact include:

 User faces difficulty becoming sexually aroused without pornography.

 User loses interest and engages in fewer sexual experiences with partner.

 Partner may view pornography use as infidelity and a betrayal to the


 Partner feels sexually inadequate and threatened by pornography use.

 Partner may feel that certain sexual activities desired by user are


 Both user and partner experience a decrease in relationship sexual

satisfaction and emotional closeness.

 Relationship trust decreases due to dishonesty and deception about

pornography use.

 One or both partners may be concerned about children’s exposure to

pornographic materials.


The Effects of Pornography on Filipino Youth

In the understanding of pornography, and as we all have known about it,

pornography presents sexual behavior that has the intent to generate sexual
excitement. Pornography and early sexual experience are the main contributing

factors of sexual problems amongst the young people today. Some of the first

victims of this industry are children who are abused at the hands of others who

have become addicted to the effects of porn. Then, in late childhood, the effects

of porn continue into the formative years of adolescence where their brains and

habits become programmed. Both of these stages are vulnerable and essential.

In the Philippines, pornography has been accessible to the youth that made them

more vulnerable to the effects of watching porn contents. Moreover, Philippines

ranks as #1 in terms of access to porn, and since all people can access those

sites even underage it overcomes and breaks the law. As a result, the

unresolved case and issue of teenage pregnancy, pre-marital sex, rape, sex

violence, sex trafficking and other sexual related cases are increasing (Crye


All over the world, there are 90% of boys and 70% of girls reported

accessing sexually explicit media on at least one occasion. Do not make the

mistake of thinking that porn is just a male issue. Pornography has become a

teen issue, no matter the gender. Guys and girls alike are having an issue with

porn. On average, first exposure to pornography among men was 12 years old.

Some research claims the average age can be as low as 8 years old. It means

the discussion about pornography should not start in youth group, but before the

student enters middle school (Beckley 2019).

From watching porn and accessing explicit contents, the effects as a

consequence will vary from the time of how long a person spent on it. Youth who
struggle with these effects of porn are having to understand themselves in light of

the potentially confusing sexual feelings they are experiencing. In the same way

that drugs and an excessive use of alcohol can create an addiction, damaging

sexual activity and pornography can lead to similar kinds of addictions (Crye


Pornography Consumption Among Teenagers: its Causes, Effects, and

Possible Preventive Measures

Pornography is one example of inappropriate online content. Pornography

is defined as any material (e.g., photos, video files, scholarly articles, etc.)

depicting sexual acts that sexually excites the spectator. As a result, online

pornographic videos are internet clips that depict erotic behaviors. The main

issue with online pornographic movies is that they often include violence, sadism,

a submissive-dominant relationship, as well as various forms of sexual and

physical abuse. This puts internet users, particularly teens, at danger of being

exposed.As a result, an issue with online material has arisen, which is negatively

influencing users, particularly teenagers. Individuals must investigate and

appraise their own sexual identity and sexuality.

"Pornography, on the other hand, is a bad sex educator." Most

pornography is excessively graphic for young children; most pornography depicts

sex in unrealistic ways, ignoring connection and romanticism; and most

pornography is sexist" (Flood, 2009 p. 394). Aside from that, pornography has an

impact on the individuals themselves. "Men who have watched pornography,

especially rape and sadomasochistic pornography, report a higher likelihood of

raping, sexual assault, higher rape myth acceptance, lower desire to intervene in

a sexual assault circumstance, and reduced efficacy to intervene in a sexual

assault situation" (Froubert, Brosi, Bannon, 2011 p. 225). Furthermore, according

to Bernarte, Estella, Nucon, and Villatema (2016), internet pornography watching

contributes to unfaithful relationships between couples. These findings from

several studies point to pornography's harmful effects on humans.

Furthermore, by better understanding the psychological impacts of

watching pornography on adolescents, the current administration will have a

better knowledge of the young they are tasked with protecting. This research will

aid the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the National

Youth Commission (NYC), and the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) in

better guiding teenagers and comprehending how they live in today's modern

world. These institutions will be better prepared to formulate, evaluate, and

implement policies and legislation to safeguard and guide the youth if they have

a clearer understanding of their thinking.

Online pornography, according to Maas (2010) and Martin et al. (2014),

has a harmful impact on students' interpersonal interactions and

communications. Users of online pornography are more hostile than non-

pornography users, with more positive attitudes toward sexual assaults, frequent

partner changes, and negative attitudes toward women. Hassel (2016), on the

other hand, found the opposite in his research. Students that watch non-violent

pornography do not engage in misbehavior, according to her research, and

pornography has no significant hostile effect. Only sadistic pornography,

according to Hassel (2016), causes undesirable conduct.

This outcome is in line with McCormack and Wignall's (2015) findings,

which claim that watching pornography for fun has no negative consequences.

The ability to have sexual feelings toward others is referred to as sexuality. This

component of human nature is vital, and everyone should know how to

appropriately express it. Pornography exposure, which can lead to pornography

addiction, has tainted the way people express their sexuality. Pornography

addiction is defined as a pattern of behavior in which people seek sexual

stimulation and pleasure from pornographic content, to the point where it begins

to alter how they treat themselves and others. Individuals' well-being is harmed

by changes in sexual perspective brought on by pornography addiction,

particularly those who experience growth in their overall well-being

The Effect of Pornographic Exposure of Male on Late Childhood to


The Greek root for pornography is pornē, meaning “female captives.”

Under its original meaning pornography is the use of sex for subjugation,

aggression, degradation, abuse, coercion, violence, dominance, control, sadism

or rape.12 Pornography in contemporary society today is relative and pluralistic

in a sense that it hard to determine because pornography enters in the field of

arts, literature and film (Balswick &Balswick, 1999). Balswick & Balswick made a

study in American context and setting that pornography was developing towards
normalization to be accepted by the society. Some argue that the effect of

viewing pornography is positive. Those advocating this view recently make a

positive view on pornography, emphasize the cathartic effect of pornography,

relieving feelings and desires that can lead to harmful effects if acted out. The

application of this reasoning to pornography normalizes aggressive sexual urges,

arguing that pornography contributes to release of aggressive feelings, thus

preventing inappropriate sexual behavior (Balswick & Balswick, 1999).

There is an assumption that early childhood exposure of watching

pornography or expose to sexual plays, the child may not understand what he or

she see and experience, but the image of sexuality is distorted and twisted. In his

or her adolescent stage, the child may begin to explore out of curiosity and may

begin to experience sexual arousal due to the early exposure of watching

pornography or exposure to sexual activities. sexual arousal increases and

becomes more conscious after pubertal changes occur; very little research has

become conducted on normative processes of sexual arousal among

adolescents. As in many areas of pubertal development, the experiences of girls

and boys likely diverge, with girls reluctant to acknowledge feelings of arousal,

and boys likely discuss these issues only in joke form and not with regard to their

own feelings (Brooks-Gunn & Paikoff, 1993). Sexual desire which arises during

the years of sexual maturity is a physiological law. Since the body is developing

physiologically towards maturity, it also develops the sexual function of the

adolescence where hart consider it as part of the problem. The physiology of sex

only needs for the body to be mature. It ignores the maturity of the mind (Hart,
1994). Male adolescence matures physiologically, but remain emotionally and

mentally immature. In addition, male adolescent is given the equipment for

sexual performance before their brain is mature enough to control it. And that

spell trouble (Hart, 1994)

Youth today at young age can access internet, they can explore things out

of their curiosity. This is a serious concern and a bigger task for the church

especially to the Filipino Christian Community. Love Struck seminars and True

Love Waits are somehow helpful to orient our youth regarding purity, but to go

down to the grass roots of the issues that every male and female youth that they

are struggle with is essential to know their internal conflicts. There is no solution

to the problem without understanding the nature of problem or struggle. The

primary aid for the struggling youth and for their curiosity about sex is to listen

and understand them.

Chapter III



At this moment, face-to-face methods of conducting the methodology of

our study is unlikely due to the still proliferating COVID-19 virus. Consequently,

the researchers will conduct this study online with the help of virtual gateways.

This chapter comprises the methods on how to conduct our study with

the help of online platforms and sites. This chapter contains the Sampling

Technique, Instrument, Locale, and design. Furthermore, the researchers

decided to choose only 10 participants particularly inside the premises of

Arellano University, Juan Sumulong Campus.

Research Design

This research employs and is designed as a phenomenological study,

aiming to establish the phenomenology of the students in Arellano University,

Juan Sumulong Campus with relation to their prior experiences of watching

explicit and mature contents.

Phenomenological study is a qualitative research methodology that

relies on the similar features of a group's lived experience. Rather than just being

driven by an investigator, findings are allowed to emerge. A phenomenological

study explores what people experienced and focuses on their experience of a

phenomena. As phenomenology has a strong foundation in philosophy, it is

recommended that you explore the writings of key thinkers before embarking on

your research (Duquesne University, 2022).

Participants of the Study

The responders will simply be students from Arellano University, Juan

Sumulong Campus, with 10 anonymous volunteers who may use a pseudonym

to conceal their identity. Respondents must also have prior experience accessing

internet pornography, regardless of age or gender, while enrolled at the

aforementioned university.

Sampling Technique

In this qualitative study, the researchers used the convenience sampling

approach, which falls under the category of non-probability sampling. This type of

sampling technique is feasible for the researchers simply because the

researchers will select respondents who are close and convenient to them and

merely because these samples are a handy source of data and information.

Convenience sampling is a practice in which researchers select respondents who

are close to them and merely because they are a handy source of data and

information. The researchers will assess the 10 participants who are using

various pornography sites that is qualify in this study.

Research Instrument

The instrument which the researchers will use in order to collect data

from the respondents is an interview questionnaire. The researchers will conduct

the said instrument through google online form where there will be no time limit in

answering the questions in order to maintain candid and honest answers from

the respondents. They could read and answer the questionnaire with ease and

without hustle. The researchers prepared their own questions to put in the

questionnaire. Questions are based on the approved research questions or

statement of the problem, and also relating to other related and connected

studies. The questionnaire was prepared from the convenience and availability of

the target respondent for them to be able to answer the questions according to

their personal space. In addition, the researchers decided to have open-ended

(semi-structured) questions for the respondents to answer on their own and

honest words and also for them to give unrestrained and free responses.

Research Locale

This study was done specifically at Arellano University, Juan Sumulong

Campus founded by Florentino Cayco Sr. This University consists of a Junior and

Senior High School with several tracks and strands (e.g., STEM, ABM, HUMMS,

and GAS) as well as college courses. It can be found at 2600 Legarda St,

Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines. Furthermore, this is the suggested location to do

the research since it is more effective and feasible for the researchers to conduct

research in this region using internet platforms.

Figure 1:
Chapter IV


This chapter displays the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

gathered data. This chapter also demonstrates how the data collected from the

interview of the participants of the study helped to answer the research questions

asked in this study.

Demographics of the Interviewees

Out of 10 respondents, 3 were females whereas 7 were males. Having

males as participant for this study was easier compared to females since it has

been researched that males view and engage more in online pornography more

than females (Carroll, 2018) hence gathering male participants frequent. The

researchers also ensured rapport between participants for them to be convenient

and comfortable to answer the interview questions.

Table 1. Category of Participants

Participants Frequency Age Grade Level

Male 7 16 - 17 11

Female 3 16 - 18 11
Table 1 provides data on the categories participants interviewed with accord to

their gender, age, and grade level who assure watching online pornography.

1.Reasons Why Students Watch Online Pornography and How Often they

do it

The following states the reasons on why teenagers watch pornography. It both

tackles how teenagers first came contact with pornography and why teenage

students continue to consume online pornography. The answers of the

participants were narrowed down into two (2) themes namely: (1) Stress Reliever

and Pleasure, and (2) Way to Ease Boredom.

1.1 Stress Reliever and Pleasure. Stress refers to a feeling of emotional or

physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel

frustrated, angry, or nervous (ADAM, 2022). Participants reported that watching

online pornography serves as their stress reliever to ease and refresh their

mental health and to also help them sleep comfortably after doing workloads.

For example, when asked why they prefer watching online pornography, Joshua

who usually watch porn twice a week stated that:

“I watch porn because that's the way to relieve my stress and I feel something

when watching porn”

Jhan, who watch porn everyday also stated:

“At first… cause of curiosity, because a lot my friends are watching it… then it

became my stress reliever… and I feel something different, it's like

awesomeness that I can't explain.”

On the other hand, Alfred who watch porn two to three times a week stated:

“I watch porn because I was curious, and after watching porn I just feel relieved.”

1.2 Way to Ease Boredom. According to Wikipedia, boredom is an emotional

and occasionally psychological state experienced when an individual is left

without anything in particular to do, is not interested in their surroundings, or feels

that a day or period is dull or tedious. As what participants reported, they mostly

watch porn to ease their boredom or a past time as a result of the prevailing

pandemic resulting into quarantine, and since they can access porn easily with

the help of their gadgets whenever they feel the urge. Just like what Kevin stated

who spend watching pornography everyday:

“I watch porn because that’s what I want and because I feel bored since

quarantine happened that’s why I feel the urge to do it”

Pauie, who watch porn whenever she feels so also added:

“I watch porn when I want to and when I feel bored especially at night then after

watching, I feel tired and relaxed until I fall asleep.”

Consumption of pornography supplied the participants with a type of

easiness and pleasure without involving them in a sexual activity. This is why
pornography appeals to teens because it allows them to feel sexual pleasure

without committing to an action like sex. This is why internet erotica can cause

such strong addictions in teenagers. Pornography nowadays does not meet the

needs of teenagers; rather, it distorts them (Bulkley, n.d.).

2. The Impact of Watching Porn to Students’ Social Relationship with

People and to their Academics.

Majority of the participants reported that watching porn do not drastically

affect their social relationship with other people but they also reported that

watching porn has impact on their academics. For example, respondents said


“For me, watching porn doesn't affect my social relationship with people but it

affects my academics because I feel less productive after watching such.” –


“I don’t actually feel any impact of watching porn on socializing with other people

but it affects my time management on my studies.” – Ycee

“None, although I watch porn, I still have conscience and clear mind.” - Kevin

However, one participant named Jhan reported that watching porn has a

negative impact to him. He stated that:

“Sometimes after watching porn, I’m getting used to it to the point that I’m

thinking bad happenings and scenarios in my mind especially to my girl

classmates and yes it affects also my time management at school.”

The rest of the participants reported that watching online pornography

does not affect their social relationship with other people nor it affects their

grades or academics at school. For example, when asked about the impact of

watching porn their social relationship with others and on their academics, Alfred


“I feel nothing changes, just casual.”

Michael also added:

“For me, watching porn doesn’t affect my studies”

Pauie simply said:


Whereas Haize stated that:

“Well, it’s alright I still think I am innocent despite watching porn and I do not

think bad towards the people around me sexually. And in my academics, well, I

still have a passing grade.”

Overall, this finding somewhat contradicts with the study of Maas (2010)

where he studied that pornography consumption changes the way pornography

consumers view people of opposite genders, they find attractive as most of the
participants find watching online pornography invariable i.e., do not alter their

social relationship with other people nor their academics.

3. Benefits and Harmful Effects of Watching Porn to the Students’ Mental,

Emotional, and Physical Health

The responses of participants were narrowed down into two (2)

categories of the benefits of watching porn: (1) Reliever/Pleasure provider, (2)

Sex Education. And also (2) categories for its harmful effects: (1) Exhaustion, (2)


3.1 Reliever/Pleasure Provider. According to Merriam Webster, pleasure

pertains to the agreeable feeling that accompanies getting something good or

much wanted. Pleasure is used for a feeling of happiness or satisfaction that may

not be shown openly. Students reported that watching porn gives them benefits

as it provides them pleasure and relieves their mind from their hostile

environment. Although pornographic content existed long before the

contemporary era, internet pornography is vastly different, since ancient

pornography cannot compete with the levels of arousal and pleasure that online

pornography offers its users (Bulkley, n.d.). Furthermore, internet pornography is

widely available, making it a simple answer to some difficulties (e.g., stress,

boredom, etc.). For example, when asked with regards to the benefits of

watching porn, Michel expressed that:

“For me, watching porn gives refreshment for my mental health due to the stress

and pressure the school gives.”

“Watching porn affects my emotional state because it makes me happy and my

curiosity is fed.” Alfred added.

Whereas Bogart responded:

“The beneficial thing is, it helps me to give myself a pleasure.”

Furthermore, Kevin stated that:

“The benefit of watching porn to me is that it gives me pleasure and releases my

negativities after I masturbate although it’s just temporary.”

While Pauie said that watching porn is her routine before going to sleep:

“I think one of the benefits is when you done watching it, it's more getting easier

to sleep.”

Pornography was cited as a source of entertainment and a means of

dealing with stress and boredom by participants. Pornographic sexual fantasies

are attempts by individuals to manage unpleasant feelings such as shame, guilt,

fear, and loneliness, which can last into adulthood (Siegel, 2012). However,

pornography as a form of amusement and stress relief is not the sole benefit of

watching porn with accord to the students’ responses.

3.2 Sex Education. Comprehensive sexuality education is an essential part of a

good quality education that helps prepare young people for a fulfilling life in a

changing world. It improves sexual and reproductive health outcomes, promotes

safe and gender equitable learning environments, and improves education

access and achievement (Giannini, 2019). It has been reported by some

participants that one of the benefits and reasons why they watch porn is due to

their curiosity to sex education.

“I think, one of the reasons I watch porn is because it serves as my source of sex

education since it is not being taught at school.” Kendric reported

“It benefits when it comes to sex education because it prepares my knowledge

about sex but it’s also not good too especially, I'm a minor student only.” -added

by Jhan

As what the participants reported, watching online pornography

becomes beneficial to them not just to provide pleasure and relaxation but it also

benefits them to be sexually educated due to the lack of knowledge about sex

which the school never taught. This finding is consistent with McCormack and

Wignall's research (2015). Their research, as well as our present project, shown

that pornography offers educational benefits connected to sexuality, sexual

desire, and growing sexual identities.

Furthermore, though participants reported that watching online

pornography provides them benefits as enlisted above, it has been also found

out that watching online pornography harms the participants’ well-being.

3.3 Exhaustion. In accordance with Safeopedea 2017, exhaustion is a state in

which a person has a full and utter loss of energy. It is the act of exhausting all

available resources. Exhaustion can be caused by intense physical activity,

which causes an individual to expend all energy supplies for the time being, or by

a lack of rest. Some participants reported that after they engage in watching porn

which leads them to do sexual activities (masturbation) they feel exhausted or

loses they’re energy. Exhaustion is a state in which a person has a full and utter

loss of energy. It is the act of exhausting all available resources. Exhaustion can

be caused by intense physical activity, which causes an individual to expend all

energy supplies for the time being, or by a lack of rest. Exhaustion is defined as a

severe condition of mental and physical exhaustion (Alexander, 2022). For

example, Bogart responded after asking the harmful effect of watching porn:

“Even though watching porn gives me pleasure, it’s still a bit harmful to me

because it affects my health like I feel exhausted and feeling less productive


In addition, Kevin stated:

“Based on my experience, after I release myself from watching porn, my body

feels exhausted because of losing energy.”

3.4 Addiction. Some participants of this study reported that they’ve noticed

changes in their behavior as they become more attached or addicted to watch

porn to the point that they prefer on watching such contents when they have free

time or bored. An addiction is more than just an intense interest in something. It

is a medical condition that changes the brain and the body and causes the

person to feel compelled to continue using a substance or partaking in an

activity, even when doing so may cause harm. (Villines, 2021). Moreover, as
studied by Tennessee, 2016, the idea of pornography addiction and teens

suffering from it seems unlikely, but it happens more often than you think. With

the availability of pornographic material online and peer pressure to check it out,

too many teens fall victim to an obsession that once only plagued some adults. If

you have caught your teen with porn and you chalked it up to youthfulness and

hormones, you might be right not to be too worried. On the other hand, you

should be aware that porn addiction in teens is real and that it can be very

damaging. Students who are exposed to pornography are likely to have their first

sexual encounters in this manner. Instead of learning about sexuality in real life,

they get it through the screen and the fantasy world of porn. It provides these

teenagers a false view of what sex, closeness, and love are like in real-life

relationships. For example, when asked about the harmful effect of watching

porn, Kendric responded:

“To me, I think the detrimental side of watching porn is that it stays in my head or

I’m getting addicted to it... I feel it stamping on my mind that I almost think about

it every day.”

Furthermore, Ycee also stated:

“The harmful effect of it is that watching porn makes me addicted. It's really bad

when you get addicted to pornography because you get a sick that can't control

yourself on continuing doing it again. But I just can’t stop it because just like what

I’ve said, it also makes me relaxed.”

Whereas Joshua responded with:

“Yes, watching porn has benefits to me but in my mental health, it's hard to avoid

watching porn sometimes because you can always think of watching porn but

with my emotions, it's just normal and physically normal as well.”

The responses of the participants are really alarming as it becomes

their addiction. The way in which teens view modern pornography is even more

damaging than in the past because it is available online instantly. It’s more

isolating and can lead more quickly to obsession and addiction. Teens who get

obsessed with online porn may feel lonely, ashamed and confused. The intensity

of most online porn leads to addiction more readily than old-fashioned print or

video materials. While boys are most often the victims of porn addiction, teen

girls can fall prey to it as well. For teens, pornography addiction programs offer a

way to get help and to repair the damage done by pornographic materials

(Tennessee, 2016).

4. How Watching Porn Affect the Students’ Sexual Behavior

Participants reported that after watching online pornography, they’ve

noticed changes in their sexual behavior. For example, Kendric responded that:

“I think, after I watch porn, I always have an urge to relieve myself like

masturbation but there are also times that I can control myself from doing such.”

Kevin also added:

“Since I’ve mentioned earlier, ever since quarantine happened, I became bored

so instead I watch porn which leads me to getting more aggressive sexually that

I want to masturbate.”

While Alfred said that:

“It affects my behavior because i often watch pornography and my body is

always warming up.”

While few participants responded that watching porn do not really affect

their sexual behavior nor them having an urge to be more aggressive. For


Haize stated:

“It’s not affecting that much; I still act normal every day.”

Porn addiction is very likely a behavior disorder, one characterized as

hypersexual. It is similar to other sexual behavior disorders like excessive

masturbation and cybersex. Masturbation is a term that most commonly refers to

a person stimulating their own genitals in order to become sexually aroused, and

often, to achieve orgasm. While the term masturbation is more widely used now

than in the past, one study noted that "it is likely that individuals will differ

substantially in terms of what behaviors they label as masturbation" (Plumptre,

5. Changes the Students Feel After Watching Porn for a Long Period of


Most of the respondents’ responses of what do they feel after watching

such pornographic contents in a long period of time are mostly on the side of

health, emotion, behavior, and the way they think and perceive things, and those

are just some of the common effects of watching such said contents. According

to Marriperdia, 2017, pornography changes the habits of the mind, the inner

private self. Its use can easily become habitual, which in turn leads to

desensitization, boredom, distorted views of reality, and an objectification of


In the aspect of health, behavior, emotion, and perception (or the way the

perceive or think), we can use these responses:

“For me, after watching pornographic contents, I felt that my physical health is

refreshed” -Michael

“I felt boredom after watching such pornographic contents in a long period of

time, because I’m always doing it.” -Joshua

“I felt regret after watching such pornographic contents in a long period of time”-


“After watching, I feel tired and sleepy” -Bogart

“After watching pornographic contents in a long period of time, it changes me in

a lot of ways, such as, the way I think, talk, move, and the way I work.” -Jhan

Besides from these responses that they felt changes in themselves,

some of the respondents responds that they feel no changes in themselves after

watching pornography even in a long period of time. For example, some

participants responded with:

“I felt nothing, and I didn’t notice any changes.” -Pauie

And Alfred added:

“I felt nothing after watching pornography in a long period of time.”

Time and how long you spent on a certain habit can possibly change the

behavior, health, emotion, and perception. It is indeed that having sexual desires,

like, watching pornographic contents can change who you are and how you live.

Bad habits interrupt your life and prevent you from accomplishing your goals, and

they jeopardize your health, both mentally and physically, and they waste your

time and energy (James 2018).

6. Feeling of Regret After Watching Porn

Most of the participant reported that they feel regret after watching

Online Pornography and they have explanation why they had regret after

watching such content.

“Of course, I have regrets because the content I watch is for 18+, but I'm only

16.” Kendric reported

“Yes, because after watching it, I feel like I am the most sinner person.”- Pauie


Haize responded:

“Yes, it's normal. I feel like I'm a failure something like that.”

Furthermore, Bogart stated that:

“Yes, I feel regret because it affects my health but sometimes I don't because I

did it to pleasure myself.”

“Yes, because I think it's a bad habit because I'm too young to watch online

pornography, instead spending my time on important things that I need to do.”-


However, there are also some students who doesn’t feel regret after

watching online pornography. For example, Kevin stated that:

“No, I don't feel any regrets.”

Joshua also added:

“No, because of this you will learn the different positions of sex. you can take it

with you as you grow up and you can use it with your partner.”

Michael said:
“No, I don’t feel any regrets.”

“I have no regrets Because I watch porn out of curiosity.”- Alfred

Based on the participants’ responses, majority of them regret watching

porn after as they feel that they are still young to watch such explicit contents and

because they feel like a sinner doing bad habits.

Through the responses from the participants of the study, the

researchers formulated the effect of watching online pornography and its

implication to their behavioral and psychological well-being. To clear things out,

the said impacts are only suggestions that are based from the responses from

the subjects of the study and still need further study to prove or disprove it.

Chapter V



The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine the impact of

online pornography to students’ behavioral and psychological well-being.

Specifically, this study wanted to answer these following research questions:

1.What are the impact of online pornography to students' psychological health in

terms of:




2.What are the impact of online pornography to students’ behavior in terms of;

2.1 Socializing;

2.2 Academics;

2.3 How they treat other genders;

2.4 Lifestyle;

3.What are the coping strategies, of students to avoid the tendency of sexual

aggressiveness in watching online pornography?

4.What are the factors that cause an individual to crave watching porn?

Furthermore, this study used ten (10) students who are currently

enrolled in Arellano University, Juan Sumulong Campus who engage in watching

online pornography as participants of this study. The researchers used a semi-

structured type of interview to collect the data or responses needed and used a

content analysis as its data analysis method. This is utilized to find the underlying

themes in the replies of the study's participants.


After data collection, analysis and interpretation, the following results

were revealed from the study:

1. Based on the responses from the subjects of the study, the researchers found

two reasons about the cause of pornography consumption of teenagers. These

are as follows: (1) Stress Reliever and Pleasure, and (2) Way to Ease Boredom.

The reason why participants watch porn is they find porn as their stress reliever

due to the pressure associated by their studies. They also find porn as their way

to ease boredom mainly brought by the pandemic resulting to lockdown and to

also help them relax to sleep comfortably.

2. The majority of individuals said that watching porn does not have a significant

influence on their social relationships with other people, but rather has an impact

on their academics. However, one participant, Jhan, stated that seeing

pornography had a detrimental influence on him. The remaining individuals

stated that consuming porn had no impact on their social relationships or their


3. The responses of participants were narrowed down into two (2) categories of

the benefits of watching porn: (1) Reliever/Pleasure provider, (2) Sex Education.

And also (2) categories for its harmful effects: (1) Exhaustion, (2) Addiction.

Majority of the respondents engage in watching porn as it benefits them to help

them relax from stress and to also gain knowledge from the materials they watch;

they think that it is beneficial to watch because school lacks in teaching sex
education. Despite that, participants also find watching porn harmful for them as

it makes them lose energy or exhausted but the predominance responded that

watching porn makes them think about it every time to the point that it became

their addiction which is alarming to find.

4. Participants claimed that they had experienced changes in their sexual

behavior after watching online pornography. Porn makes the

participants sexually aggressive in order to release themselves via masturbation,

and it intensifies their body.

5. The majority of respondents' responses to what they feel after watching such

pornographic contents for an extended period of time are mostly on the side of

health, emotion, behavior, and the way they think and perceive things, and these

are just some of the common effects of watching such said contents. While three

out of ten individuals do not see any changes in themselves after watching

pornography for an extended length of time.

6. When asked whether the participants regret watching porn, most of them

responded with ‘yes’ which the researchers find to be the result of guilt and

shame as majority of them are still minors. They also feel like they are a failure

but they still find it normal since watching porn for them is intolerable.

Furthermore, when asked the coping strategies of participants as they reported

that they regret watching porn, they answered “none” because instead, they just

want to control when to watch porn not to stop from doing so.

Upon analyzing the overall result of the participants’ responses residing

at Arellano University, Juan Sumulong Campus, the researchers found out that

watching online pornography can be both beneficial and harmful to students’

behavioral and psychological well-being. Beneficial because as reported by

many, watching porn is the students’ way of relieving themselves when they feel

stressed by the workloads given by the school. Furthermore, watching porn gives

them pleasure that leads to masturbation which the participants reported,

releases negativities from their body which makes them feel tired resulting to

sleep comfortably. In addition, the benefits of watching porn, doing so make them

gain knowledge about sex education which is said to be not taught at school.

Alongside benefits, is the harmful effect. One of which is found to be

affecting most the students’ behavior. Watching porn is said to be synonymous to

a drug which makes people consuming it, addicted. Students being addicted to

watching porn is said to be making some of them out of control in watching porn

to the point that it is making them always thinking about watching it again and

again. Despite this, participants who are said to be kind of addicted to porn

reported that this do not change how they socialize with people as they said that

they are still in their proper mind and inhibitions to think bad about people or to

their opposite gender.

Pornography usage is prevalent among teens due to its sedative effects

and the capacity of pornography to produce pleasure. Pornography has a broad

range of impacts, some of which are quite harmful, such as changes in teen
pornography users' perceptions of beautiful gender, and an increase in sexual

urge, which may lead to sexual compulsivity.


This study revealed the impact of watching online pornography to students’

behavioral and psychological well-being, thus, the following recommendations

are hereby presented:

1.Since the impact of watching porn to students is found to be both beneficial and

at the same time harmful, the researchers suggest the parents should supervise

and communicate with their teenagers to prevent them from going on to the

wrong path.

2. Sexuality communication should not be regarded as unethical or as a

laughingstock to discuss at home nor school. The researchers recommend that

the Department of Education should accelerate the implementation of sexuality

education in order to educate youth the proper way to handle sexual elements of







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