1 s2.0 S2352550922001725 Main
1 s2.0 S2352550922001725 Main
1 s2.0 S2352550922001725 Main
Research article
Energy, economic and environmental (3E) analysis for the renewable jet fuel
production process
Hsin-Wei Hsu a, Emmanuel Binyet b, Yu-Hsuan Chang c, Wei-Cheng Wang c,⁎
Department of Industrial and System Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan City 40704, Taiwan
Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Blending conventional petroleum jet fuel with renewable fuel obtained from hydro-processing of cooking oil
Received 3 May 2022 wastes can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the aviation sector. Renewable jet fuel (RJF) remains for
Received in revised form 27 June 2022 the most part more expensive than conventional jet fuel and the life-cycle emissions reduction depends on the
Accepted 28 June 2022
feedstock. For promoting mass production of used cooking oil (UCO) based jet fuel, a 3E (energy/exergy, environ-
Available online 2 July 2022
mental and economic) analysis of a simulated processing plant is carried out. Hydrogen is the main component in
Editor: Dr. José María Ponce-Ortega the two-step process: hydro-processing and hydro-cracking/isomerization. Hydrogen production and exergy de-
struction in the process significantly influence the life-cycle emissions of the RJF. The low exergy efficiency of the
process units where significant heat transfer occurs generates an increase in the price of the products. Results
Keywords: show a life-cycle carbon dioxide emissions reduction from 41 % to 81 % when combusting the hydro-processed
Hydro-processed renewable jet jet fuel instead of conventional jet fuel. The minimum fuel selling price could be very close to conventional jet
Used cooking oil fuel (about 18 % more expensive) if an effective cooking oil wastes collection system is in place. Moreover,
Biofuels when implementing a carbon tax above $37/tCO2 the price becomes equal to conventional jet fuel. UCO is the
Techno-economic analysis
most sustainable feedstock as there is no competition with the food market and the environmental benefits jus-
tify government spending for promoting mass production.
Aviation emissions reduction
© 2022 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction alcohol to jet (ATJ) (Carter et al., 2011; Elgowainy et al., 2012). HEFA is
the most common method used for producing alternative jet fuel
Global warming is becoming an overwhelming issue that strongly (Stratton, 2010). In general, the HEFA process involves fatty acid con-
relates to the increasing amount of global carbon emissions. The global version into straight-chain alkanes by hydro-treatment process. The
aviation community has set a target of reducing the net aviation carbon HEFA process utilizes various raw materials from biomass, animal fats
emissions by 50 % of the 2005 level by 2025 (Air Transport Action Group and waste oils which allows to produce a sustainable fuel totally inde-
(ATAG), n.d.). This will be done by improving the fleet fuel efficiency by pendent from the petrochemical industry (Rathore et al., 2016). Such
up to 1.5 % per annum and by promoting alternative fuel use. Indeed, RJF is also found to have an equally high heating value compared to tra-
with the current technology, carbon emissions in the aviation sector ditional fuels (Seber et al., 2014). Chen and Wang (2019) have thor-
can only be abated by switching to biofuel blends. Alternative fuels re- oughly described the hydro-processing of waste cooking oil (WCO) to
main for the most part more expensive than petroleum-based fuels obtain straight-chain alkanes. They detailed the influence of the key pa-
which is why it is important to keep striving to bring the production rameters on the alkane composition of the product; parameters such as
costs down while keeping a sustainable and ethical approach. reaction temperature, catalysts, hydrogen feed pressures, volumetric
RJF made from sustainable raw materials (Gutiérrez-Antonio et al., flow rate, hydrogen-to-oil ratio, time of conversion.
2017; Zhang et al., 2016) can achieve a significant reduction in carbon To promote the development of alternative fuel production, techni-
emissions compared to conventional fuel. RJF can be produced using cal feasibility and thermodynamic parameters involved in the produc-
the following techniques: Fischer-Tropsch (FT), hydrothermal liquefac- tion process are the main consideration. Exergy analysis is utilized to
tion (HTL), pyrolysis, hydro-processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) and determine the availability of energy in the system. A comprehensive
study can be performed to evaluate the performance and improve the
⁎ Corresponding author. efficiency of an industrial process by reducing the exergy destruction
E-mail address: wilsonwang@mail.ncku.edu.tw (W.-C. Wang). within the working system (Saidur et al., 2007). Chang et al. (2021)
2352-5509/© 2022 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
compared the well-to-wake GHG emission performance of few RJF con- comprehensive assessment, a research gap still remains in RJF produc-
version pathways, without considering emissions resulting from the tion. This study considers large plant-scale production with a feedstock
land-use change. Lignocellulosic crops derived RJF yield low well-to- recycled from local resources without considering international ship-
wake GHG emissions indifferently of the co-product allocation method; ment. The energetic and exergetic aspects were combined to form a
savings in GHG emissions for the different pathways range from 54 % to 3E: energy-exergy, environmental and economical comprehensive
104 %. Klein et al. (2018) carried out economic and environmental anal- study. The notion of exergetic efficiency is more meaningful than ener-
yses on RJF from Brazilian sugarcane bio-refineries for three ASTM inter- getic efficiency as it provides useful information on the system's ineffi-
national approved RJF production technologies (HEFA, F-T, and ATJ). ciencies, energy degradation and thermodynamic losses. Indeed,
Results indicated that at least a 70 % carbon reduction was achieved exergy is usually not conserved but consumed or destroyed. Exergy is
compared with petroleum jet fuels. Baral et al. (2019) performed a used in the results instead of energy as it describes the value of the
TEA with life-cycle GHG mitigation costs for five routes to produce RJF fuel for producing work. The research framework is showed in Fig. 1.
blendstocks from lignocellulosic biomass. They showed that the By simulating a plant producing biofuel from recycled cooking oil; the
lignin-derived coproducts should be sold at least $1.9/kg in order to objectives of this study are threefold: pinpointing the energy losses in
reach the target selling price of $0.66/l of Jet A. Moreover, because of the process for further optimization, estimating the life cycle emission
the higher energy density of the blendstocks, commercial airlines savings of renewable fuel compared to conventional fuel and finding
might be willing to pay an extra 4–14 cents/l for RJF. an adequate carbon tax to reach similar minimum fuel selling prices.
UCO is the most sustainable feedstock to produce RJF. Indeed, there Biofuels are crucial for carbon abatement in the transport sector, yet be-
is no land-use change induced by the production of the feedstock and cause of their higher cost; their adoption depends on incentives such as
there is no competition with the food market. The annual production carbon pricing. The literature counts too few studies depicting in a holis-
of UCO in Taiwan ranges from 6 to 8 million tons (Chen and Wang, tic fashion the exergetic, environmental and economic aspects of biofuel
2019) which makes a serious case for mass production of alternative production from UCO; although related studies can be found for differ-
jet fuel. The only concern is the price compared to conventional petro- ent feedstocks. Precisely, the present work tends to fill this gap.
jet fuel (which is below $0.5/l). Compared to other alternative fuels,
conversion from UCO is the cheapest pathway but it still yields mini- 2. Methods
mum prices of around $1/l (Pavlenko et al., 2019). Hsu et al. (2021) con-
ducted an economic analysis on simulated plants of different capacities 2.1. Process simulation
and deduced that in Taiwan a plant processing 300 tons of UCO per day
with a three-step conversion process could yield a minimum fuel selling The simulation was conducted using the software ASPEN Plus® V10
price of $0.31/l after selling the by-products (glycerol and free fatty (AspenTech, n.d.); the general schematic diagram of the process is dem-
acids). However, their results lie on the assumption that an effective onstrated in Fig. 3. As mentioned by Hsu et al. (2021), the conversion
and inexpensive UCO recovery system is implemented. Collection of from UCO to jet fuel can be done using a one-step (hydroconversion),
UCO is indeed a challenging enterprise which relies on a circular econ- two-step (hydroprocessing + isomerization) or three-step (hydrolysis
omy. Partnership with the food industry and incentives promoting + hydroprocessing + isomerization) conversion process. The one-
recycling are needed. The government should offer rewards or use a car- step conversion process is more straightforward and the mass yield of
bon tax to incentivize the airlines to opt for RJF blends as it represents a HRJ is maximized, therefore it is more advantageous than the two-
significant raise in the operating costs. step process. The three-step process is more economically sound
Being aware of environmental sustainability, some business plan- owing to the high yield of byproducts (Hsu et al., 2021). In spite of
ners are taking steps to adopt eco-friendly methods of production. How- this, the two-step process is broadly used in the industry with leading
ever, most companies and energy departments wonder whether these companies such as: Neste Oil and Honeywell-UOP (ecofining process)
changes are worth doing and this is precisely why multifaceted analyses making millions of liters of RJF each year. Hsu et al. argue that the
are important. The combination of 3E analyses is a novel and two-step process is preferred due to a more stable and diverse
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
distribution of the products. Since the two-step process is the most the refinery process difficult because it contains complex triglycerides.
common for commercial production, the biorefinery model presented Therefore, a pre-treatment unit is set prior to the reactor in order to pu-
in this work is based on it although other processes could lead to better rify the oil fluid. The pre-treatment step is mostly filtration and heating
economic performance. Because the present study was carried out where food matter and water are removed from the oil. Impurities can
solely using a simulation, therefore the accuracy can become a concern. be collected and sent to undergo anaerobic digestion for biogas genera-
Actually, when the suitable thermodynamic model is chosen in ASPEN tion; the resulting biogas could be used in the process for heating pur-
Plus, the results often come in close agreement with the measurements. poses. After pre-treatment, UCO is pre-heated to 80 °C and pumped
For instance, Basso et al. (2013) carried out an experimental study as into the reactor using a centrifugal pump with an efficiency estimated
well as a simulation using the NRTL model to study the liquid-liquid at around 70 %. The pressure and temperature in the reactor are of
equilibrium of glycerol, ethanol and ethyl biodiesel related to biodiesel 5.5 MPa and 643.15 K where UCO reacts with hydrogen through the
production from macauba pulp oil. The results from the NRTL model NiMo-γAl2O3 catalyst. Hydrogen is brought to a pressure of 6.21 MPa
showed outstanding agreement with the experimental data with only by a centrifugal compressor (hydrogen supercharger) with an
0.44 % deviation. Moreover, Puig-Gamero et al. (2021) used ASPEN isentropic efficiency assumed to be around 75 % and then fed to the
Plus to carry out a simulation of biomass gasification in a bubbling fluid- reactor. The simulation solves an approximate motion equation
ized bed reactor and compared the simulation results with their mea- instead of the isentropic compressor equations. To simulate the
surements in the reactor; the hydrogen yield in the simulation was reactors, the Rstoic and Ryield models were chosen because the
only overpredicted by 4.4 %. In the present case study, the simulation re- stoichiometry and yield were known while reaction kinetics were
lies mostly on the non-random two-liquid model (NRTL). Indeed, it is unknown. Thus the material and heat balance are determined using
considered to be the best vapor-liquid equilibrium model; referring to the chemical reaction equations. Chen and Wang (2019) reported the
the work from Chu et al. (2017) and Tzanetis et al. (2017), which H2-to-oil ratio to be of 750 or 950. Consequently, for the
pointed out that the NRTL model describes more accurately the vapor hydroprocessing and hydrocracking of 300 tons of UCO per day, a hy-
liquid equilibrium (gas-liquid balance) of the non-ideal system. The drogen mass flow rate up to 420 kg/h is necessary. As schematized in
thermodynamic calculation is based on the activity coefficient property Fig. 2, the triglycerides are hydrogenated to saturate the double bonds
method. The Redlich-Kwong equations are used to solve the gas phase; (hydrogenation of unsaturated glycerides). This means that more hy-
the simulation parameters are listed in Table 2. drogen is needed when the unsaturated fatty acid content is higher.
The feedstock chosen for this study consists in UCO which is col- Then the glycerol backbone is separated from the triglycerides to obtain
lected from edible oil wastes, being mostly vegetable oil blended with 1 mol of propane and 3 mol of free fatty acids for each mole of triglycer-
small amounts of animal fat and greases. Because of the repeated frying ides (hydrogenolysis). In the next step, oxygen is removed from the free
of food, even more free fatty acids are formed. Consequently, it is as- fatty acids in the form of CO (decarbonylation DCO), CO2
sumed that the feedstock free fatty acid profile contains mostly C16 (decarboxylation DCO2) and H2O (hydrodeoxygenation HDO) to yield
and C18. Among them there are around 8.8 % palmitic acid (C16:0), straight-chain alkanes, water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
around 4.2 % stearic acid (C18:0), about 45.2 % oleic acid (C18:1) and (Ameen et al., 2019) with a conversion efficiency of around 99.6 % (ac-
about 39.7 % linoleic acid (C18:2) (Wang, 2019; Bautista et al., 2009). cording to Chang et al., 2021).
The free fatty acids profile relates to the quality of the feedstock as it di- The liquid product is cooled down and brought to atmospheric pres-
rectly affects the products yield distribution (propane, jet fuel, diesel, sure before going through a gas-liquid separator. The gas is vented out
naphta and residues). Because jet fuel is made of alkanes of 8 to 16 car- and the liquid phase is heated again and goes through a second centrif-
bon atoms per molecule, free fatty acids having slightly higher molecule ugal pump (same characteristics as the first pump). It is then fed to the
lengths are ideal feedstock. The free fatty acids undergo decarboxyl- next hydrocracking/isomerization reactor containing a NiAg-SAPO-11
ation, decarbonylation and hydrodeoxygenation in the first reactor to catalyst, through which the component chains are broken and more iso-
form straight-chain alkanes which are then sent to the second reactor mers are produced. The pressure and temperature in the reactor are of
to undergo hydrocracking and isomerization. The oil mixture makes 5.52 MPa and 728.32 K. Next, the product is cooled through a condenser
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
also acting as a separator where the gas phase exhausts through the gas 2.2. Energy/exergy and economics (thermoeconomic analysis)
pipe at the top of the condenser and the liquid phase is sent to undergo
distillation. The gas phase is a mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, car- Thermoeconomic (exergoeconomic) analysis is a combination of a
bon monoxide and an amount of flammable gas (LPG or propane) ac- thermodynamic analysis with an economic analysis in order to strike a
counting for around 18 % of the final products. Some of the liquid compromise between thermodynamic performance and cost minimiza-
phase is water and is sent to the water treatment unit to be purified tion. The concept of economic cost is applied to exergy in order to ac-
and then fed to the condenser as a coolant. The water treatment consists count for system efficiency and energy dissipation. The aim of such
in filtering and cleaning the water with sodium hypochlorite and chlo- analysis is to minimize production costs by considering both capital
rine powder in order to remove contaminants. The two distillation col- costs and exergy costs.
umns in sequence separate the hydrocarbons into three different liquid Thermodynamic parameters such as mass flow, heat flow, power
products classified based on the lengths of their carbon chains as fol- generation, thermal efficiency, heat transfer rate and fuel consumption
lows: C5-C7 for the light oil, C8-C15 for the jet fuel, and C16-C18 for are considered. The exergy analysis is used to determine the amount
the diesel. The first column separates the diesel range hydrocarbons of available energy to do work and the amount of useless energy result-
out of the product and the second column separates the jet fuel and ligh- ing from irreversibilities occurring in the system. Exergy is only con-
ter range hydrocarbons. The distillation curves are described by served for reversible processes and always destroyed when there is a
Rademaker et al. (1975). The process is schematized in Fig. 3 with a temperature change. Carneiro and Gomes (2019) divided into internal
list of the components in Table 1; it has been thoroughly detailed in ear- and external components the factors influencing the exergy losses.
lier publications (Chen and Wang, 2019; Hsu et al., 2021; Lin et al., The friction energy and heat transfer were defined as internal factors
2020). and the external factor represent the heat transfer from the system to
the surroundings. According to the second law of Thermodynamics,
the amount of exergy in a substance depends on the entropy relative
to the surroundings. The total exergy input is the sum of the total exergy
of the species entering EXi and the exergy associated to heat transfer:
Table 1
Process components according to Chang et al. (2021). Z
EX in ¼ EX i þ 1 dQ ð1Þ
Equipment Specifications T
Feedstock heater Heater model, 643.15 K, 0.10 MPa.
Hydrogen Compr model, 6.21 MPa, isentropic using ASME method (75 %
compressor isentropic efficiency)
The dead state temperature is assumed for simplicity to be at To = 25
Pump-1 Pump model, 6.06 MPa, centrifugal pump (70 % efficiency) °C. One has to bear in mind that the accuracy of the exergy destruction
Hydro-processing RStoic model, 643.15 K, 5.50 MPa, H2/oil ratio of 800 values calculated hereafter depends on the applicability of this
reactor assumption. The total exergy output is the sum of the irreversible
Product cooler-1 Heater model, temperature 333.15 K, 0.38 MPa,
work Wirrev and the total exergy EXj of the species exiting the subsystem.
Heater-2 Heater model, 723.15 K, 0.10 MPa.
Pump-2 Pump model, 5.58 MPa, centrifugal pump (70 % efficiency) EX out ¼ EX j þ W irrev ð2Þ
Hydro-cracking RYield model, 728.32 K, 5.52 MPa, H2/alkane ratio of 1000
Cooler-2 Heater model, 313.15 K, 5.52 MPa, counter-current. :
Cooler-3 Heater model, 298.15 K with discharge pressure from The total rate of exergy entering the system E X in is balanced by the
: :
5.52 MPa to 0.10 MPa, counter-current. total rate of exergy output E X out , the rate of exergy destruction E X des ,
Distillation-1 RadFrac model, reflux ratio 0.1, bottom rate 9523 (kg/h), total :
stage 25 and feed stream in 12th stage. the rate of exergy done by the work transfer W and the exergy rate of
Distillation-2 RadFrac model, reflux ratio 0.1, bottom rate 79,685 (kg/h), heat loss E X heat . Hence, the exergy balance equations are expressed as
total stage 20 and feed stream in 15th stage.
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
: : : : : Table 3
E X in E X out þ E X heat þ W E X des ¼ 0 ð3Þ Chemical exergy rates (MW) from feedstock to product.
efficiencies are more meaningful because they relate to the maximum Output
amount of work which can be produced. There is an alternative HRJ 81.15 5697.33 19.50 0.59
expression for the exergetic efficiency, involving exergy destruction HRD 12.33 993.11 22.37 0.87
Light oil 7.33 1708.119 64.74 2.32
according to Bandyopadhyay et al. (2019):
LPG 30.16 1680.35 15.47 0.41
Emissions 9.5
In correspondence with the exergy balance (Eq. (3)); a cost balance there is work involved and also for the cooling units. If the potential
equation can be written for the system as: exergy and kinetic exergy are neglected, the total exergy is the sum of
the physical exergy (EXphys) and the chemical exergy (EXchem):
ΣC_ in − ΣC_ out − C_ w þ C_ q þ Z_ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
EX tot ¼ EX phys þ EX chem ð8Þ
where C_ in and C_ out are the cost flow per unit exergy for the input and
The physical exergy is the amount of work that could be obtained by
output components ($/GJ). C_ w and C_ q represent the costs related to work taking the substance from the specific state to the dead state by consec-
and heat consumption in the system and Z is referred to the sum of cap- utive reversible processes. It can be expressed as:
ital costs, operating and maintenance costs. In the case of a two-step
EX phys ¼ ðH H o Þ T o ðS So Þ ð9Þ
plant processing 300 tons of feedstock per day over 30 years; the oper-
ating and equipment costs can be estimated (in million USD) as 77.23
where H and Ho represent the enthalpy of the specific state and the dead
and 4.27 respectively (Hsu et al., 2021).
state. To = 25 °C and Po=1 atm are the dead state temperature and
According to Tsatsaronis (1993), the average costs of fuel necessary
pressure; S and So represent the entropy of the specific and dead
to produce the process energy is CF and the cost of the product is CP
states. The values can be obtained from thermodynamic tables for a
(exergy cost rate). These are expressed as:
given substance. The chemical exergy (EXchem) represents the
maximum amount of work that can be extracted from the thermal
C_ F C_ P energy liberated during the oxidation of the fuel and it is calculated
CF ≡ ; CP ≡ ð6Þ
E_ F E_ P based on the change in standard free-energy of formation for the spe-
cific chemical reaction. For hydrocarbon fuels, as stated by Szargut
where the fuel and product cost rates are C_ F and C_ P ($/h). The exergy et al. (1988), the specific chemical exergy can be approximated by the
rate (GJ/h) related to the input and output components are represented correlation factor β in Table S1 and the lower heating value of the fuel
(LHV in MJ/kg) in Table S3. Thus, the chemical exergy of the substance
by E_ F and E_ P . The exergy destruction during the process significantly af-
in the feedstock oil is approximated as:
fects the thermoeconomic performance because the cost must be sup-
plied by the fuel. Hence, for each component of the process, the cost of EX chem ¼ β ∗ LHV ð10Þ
exergy destruction can be estimated as:
Table 2 0:5
Aspen settings according to Chang et al. (2021). ε ¼ ½0:204 η ln ð135 PI Þ=ðη þ PIÞ ð11Þ
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
Table 4
Physical exergy in each process unit.
: :
Equipment Mass flow rate (tons/h) E (MW) E (MW) Work (MW) Qheat (MW) ηexergy (%) Exdestruction (MW) Cost of exergy destruction ($/h)
in out
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
Table 6
Carbon emissions along the HRJ supply chain.
Items Value Carbon emissions factor Carbon emissions (tons CO2 e/TJ)
Diesel trucking (km) 150 0.65 (kg CO2/tkm) 4.469
Pre-heating (kW) 582.48 0.69 (kg CO2/MJ) 1.473
Hydro-processing (kW) 7422.20 0.69 (kg CO2/MJ) 18.771
Hydro-cracking/isomerization (kW) 9230.40 0.69 (kg CO2/MJ) 23.344
Distillation column: reboiler and cooler (kW) 11,341.60. 0.69 (kg CO2/MJ) 28.683
Input materials
Hydrogen (kg/h) 420 6.97 (kg CO2/kg) 10.733
Catalyst (kg/year) 25,000 Appendix S2 0.081
Total 87.554
End use
HRJ (kg/h) 7753.60 0.0715 (kg CO2/MJ) 72.109
HRD (kg/h) 948.00 0.0741 (kg CO2/MJ) 11.457
LPG (kg/h) 2090.34 0.0561 (kg CO2/MJ) 20.591
Light oil (kg/h) 545.91 0.0733 (kg CO2/MJ) 6.623
Petro-jet kerosene 71.5 (IPCC 2006)
Total 110.809
sum of all output exergy rate is about 140.5 MW. This shows that the million to 1 billion USD for a plant processing 1000 tons of feedstock
exergy of the input substance is almost preserved; although the exergy per day while in the present work it was only estimated at 77 million
within the emissions can hardly be recovered. Consequently, the con- USD for 300 tons per day. In Europe however, the price of waste cooking
version efficiency from UCO to fuel products is of around 92 %. The dis- oil in 2020 was traded as high as 870 USD/ton. As a matter of facts, be-
tribution of the chemical exergy rate of the products is shown in Fig. 5. fore biofuel production became significant, restaurant owners and in-
Obviously, HRJ accounts for the major part followed by a significant frac- dustrials had to pay for the collection and disposal of oil wastes. With
tion of LPG. Table 4 displays the physical exergy flow: the lowest exergy the growth of the biofuel market, UCO has become a much valuable
efficiency occurs in heaters and condensers as they have the highest commodity.
exergy destructions; followed by the distillation units consisting in a To summarize, significant exergy destruction occurs in the heat ex-
boiling tower and a condensation tower. The exergy efficiency of the changers and because the exergy destruction is to be compensated by
heat exchanger (heater and cooler) is less than 40 % and the exergy de- more fuel consumption: therefore, heat integration or heat recovery
struction is about 3–4 MW precisely because heat conversion results in and improved design are important for lowering the costs. The mini-
exergy destruction. The exergy efficiency of both pumps reaches 99 % mum fuel selling price of the RJF is here estimated as 0.59$/l.
considering the pump's energy consumption loss. Table 3 shows the re-
sults of the thermoeconomic analysis: the minimum fuel selling price of 3.2. Energy/exergy vs environment
RJF is thus 0.59$/l. This result lies on several assumptions in terms of
capital and operating costs and in terms of the unit cost of exergy. It is After having established the mass-energy balance through the
important to mention that there is a tradeoff between equipment exergy analysis, the carbon emissions in the process can be estimated
costs and exergy efficiency as optimized units would be more expensive knowing the mass flow rate and heating value. Table 6 summarizes all
and at the same time lead to less exergy destruction. Those results are the carbon emissions involved in the entire HRJ supply chain. The sys-
promising as the price estimation is close to the minimum fuel selling tem boundary shown in Fig. 4 encompasses five distinct units for envi-
price of petroleum-based fuel. However, it is important to mention ronmental inventory: transportation, pre-treatment, hydro-conversion,
that the minimum fuel selling price concluded in the present study is distillation and end-use. Taking into consideration the distance between
lower than in most of the literature. For instance, Pavlenko et al. the processing plant and local vendors which would range from 50 to
(2019) concluded in minimum fuel selling prices close to 1 USD/l. This 200 km; the emissions of transportation were estimated for a trucking
is firstly because the capital costs they reported were between 248 distance of 150 km. Pre-treatment consists in filtering out impurities
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
Fig. 6. Carbon dioxide emissions of each process unit in the HRJ supply chain.
and pre-heating the UCO which consumes relatively low energy and
therefore the related total carbon emissions are low. The hydro- main emission sources are the diesel fuel for agriculture machinery,
conversion and distillation units consumed 16.65 and 11.34 MW of nitrogen fertilizers, oil mill and refinery. As mentioned by Khanali
power to yield the final products, which represents emissions of 42.11 et al. (2021) optimization of fossil fuel and chemical fertilizer use is
and 28.68 tons of carbon dioxide for every TJ of HRJ. The hydrogen is critical in order to reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture.
the principal material consumed in both reaction processes; according For instance, Saber et al. (2020) included in their impact study for rice
to the Ecoinvent 3.5 databank, every kg of hydrogen supplied in the re- cultivation the heavy metals leaking into the soil owing to fertilizer
action is correlated with 6.97 kg of carbon dioxide emitted during its and pesticide use. According to Alcock et al. (n.d.), for each kg of
production. Timmerberg et al. (2020) reported life cycle GHG emissions packaged sunflower oil, the total amount of GHG emissions ranges
of 6.1 kg CO2/kg of hydrogen produced. Thus, the emission factor chosen from 1.08 to 4.19 kg CO2e (25 to 105 CO2e/MJ); this when omitting
in the present work is more conservative. In the meantime, this land-use change. The lower emission range results from cold pressing,
represents a total in carbon emissions of 10.73 tons necessary for each reduced need for irrigation, limited use of fertilizer and fuel. They men-
TJ obtained when combusting the HRJ. On the other hand, if hydrogen tioned that 62 % of the emissions occur during the cultivation.
is extracted via electrolysis from solar or wind power, the carbon foot- Engelmann et al. (n.d.) analyzed the life cycle of rapeseed oil production
print could be then significantly reduced. Indeed, green hydrogen pro- and concluded a range from 28.0 to 46.3 g CO2 e/MJ where emissions are
duction is key for decarbonization of the transport sector. In addition, highly dependent on site and production conditions. As a result, the
the carbon footprint of the local electricity mix also influences the pro- carbon footprint of the cooking oil before being processed can be
cess emissions and so countries with greener electricity could achieve gCO2 e
assumed to be about EmðoilÞprocess ¼ 37 MJ . The carbon emissions of
even more GHG savings from HRJ use. The catalyst used in this process
is mainly composed of molecular sieves, specific metals and acids. The UCO when incinerated as general waste would produce 128.69 tons of
related carbon emissions are calculated taking into account the fraction carbon dioxide for every TJ of heat generated: EmðUCOÞincineration ¼ 129
of each compound and the results are detailed in Table S2. The results in gCO2 e
MJ . It is generally admitted that the amount of carbon emitted during
Table 3 show that the distillation unit and the hydro-conversion units
combustion of the oil is equal to the amount sequestered by the crop to
are responsible for most of the process emissions due to the significant
make the oil; which makes it a renewable resource. Therefore, there is a
exergy destruction occurring. In terms of ecological efficiency, Table 5
carbon credit equal to the difference between the emissions resulting
shows that the units were there is predominantly heat exchange per-
from incineration and oil manufacturing. For this reason, when the oil
form the poorest. This means that heat recovery in the distillation
is recycled and reused instead of simply being burnt as waste, the actual
units and reactor, heat integration, better design of the heat exchangers
life cycle emissions of the resulting HRJ can be seen as the sum of the
could all increase the ecological efficiency and reduce the process costs
process emissions and the fuel use minus the hypothetical incineration
by reducing the exergy destruction.
In summary, the total process emissions are estimated to reach 87.55
tons CO2 e/TJ which is very high compared to the well-to-pump emis- EmðHRJÞ ¼ EmðHRJÞuse þ EmðHRJÞprocess þ EmðoilÞprocess EmðUCOÞincineration ð17Þ
sions of petroleum jet fuel (around 14 tons CO2 e/TJ (Rademaker et al.,
1975)). The hydro-conversion and other units with prominent heat ex-
The GHG emissions from the process and fuel use are determined
change are mainly responsible for the high emissions. Supply chain
from Table 6. The emission reduction when comparing to conventional
emissions could be significantly lowered if green hydrogen is used and
fuel is calculated according to:
also if the exergy destruction is reduced through implementation of
heat integration or heat recovery.
EmðpetroÞ EmðHRJ Þ
EmðsavingsÞ ¼ ð18Þ
3.3. Environment vs economics
Petroleum jet fuel life cycle emissions Em(petro) are about 87 g CO2 e/
Fig. 6 shows the carbon emissions of all processes, of the by-products
MJ (De Jong et al., 2017). If one neglects the oil manufacturing emissions
and HRJ when burnt. The by-products represent 38.70 tons CO2 e/TJ of
Em(oil) process → 0 and considers UCO as a readily available resource then
carbon dioxide emissions and the HRJ which is the main product ac-
counts for 72.11 tons CO2 e/TJ. The LPG (propane) can be used in the the life cycle emissions are EmðHRJ Þ ¼ 0:58 kgCO
and the GHG savings
process as combustible for the heating source and for this reason: its compared to fossil fuel are Em(savings) = 81%. If one considers the
emissions (20.59 tons CO2 e/TJ) can be subtracted to the overall manufacturing of vegetable oil in the carbon footprint of UCO then the
process emissions. The only real concern is the life cycle carbon life cycle emissions are EmðHRJÞ ¼ 1:76 kgCO
and the GHG savings com-
emissions (well-to-wake emissions) and the costs owing to the pared to fossil jet fuel are Em(savings) = 41%. The latter approach is
process. When considering cooking oil (vegetable oil) production, the mostly used for biodiesel sustainability assessments where the crops
H.-W. Hsu, E. Binyet, Y.-H. Chang et al. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33 (2022) 146–157
are used for fuel and not for food. In conclusion, according to the RED, veg- by applying a carbon tax on both the RJF and the petroleum jet fuel
etable oil might barely be a sustainable feedstock while UCO is an out- based on their respective emissions, the minimum fuel selling prices be-
standingly sustainable one. De Jong et al. (2017) reported that using RJF come equal at carbon prices of $75/tCO2 and $37/tCO2 when
from UCO instead of petroleum jet fuel on a life cycle basis (well-to- considering the life cycle emissions with and without cooking oil
wake) could save around 68 % of CO2 emissions. The present results can manufacturing. Besides, a tax amount of 75$/ton of carbon dioxide
be averaged to Em(savings) = 61% in a more conservative fashion. emissions is in line with the literature (O'Mahony, 2020). In
To summarize, hydroprocessing of cooking oil wastes is very emission conclusion, an adequate carbon tax can give the incentive to invest in
intensive when compared to conventional crude oil refining; although RJF production.
using green hydrogen and a greener electricity mix could significantly In summary, UCO is the most sustainable feedstock to produce RJF
lower the emissions. Also, LPG which is a by-product, can be used to because it provides significant emission reductions at a competitive
fuel the heaters and thus saving a bit less than a quarter of the process cost. Indeed, according to the present results, when a carbon tax
emissions. Moreover, food particles filtered out in the pre-treatment above $37/tCO2 is implemented on all fuels, the price per liter of
step could be collected and digested to produce biogas which in turn renewable fuel matches that of petroleum-based fuel.
could also be used to fuel the heaters. Most importantly, because vegeta-
ble oil wastes are recycled instead of being burnt in a waste treatment 4. Conclusion
plant: there is a carbon credit equal to the emissions that would release
the combustion of the used vegetable oil. The carbon footprint of the To lower the carbon footprint of the aviation sector, conventional jet
cooking oil itself can also be taken into account to provide a more conser- fuel can be blended with biofuel produced from different feedstock. Not
vative approach. Finally, HRJ can lead to at least 41 % GHG savings. all the biofuels offer significant life cycle emissions reductions and it is
very challenging to offer fuel prices close to conventional petroleum
3.4. Energy/exergy vs environment vs economics jet fuel. Moreover, crops-based feedstocks bring societal and ethical
considerations. Sustainability can only be achieved when respect of
Waste cooking oil is transformed into RJF undergoing a two-step the environment coincides with economic feasibility and societal
conversion process (hydroprocessing and hydrocracking) as detailed acceptance. The present work describes a combined thermoeconomic
by Hsu et al. (2021). Supposing that there is an efficient waste cooking analysis and an environmental analysis on a plant producing
oil recycling system supplying for a plant processing 300 tons of feed- hydroprocessed jet fuel from UCO. The plant processes 300 tons of
stock per day; the equipment costs (facility life of 30 years) and operat- UCO per day which could continuously supply the main local airline
ing costs would be approximately 77 million USD and 4.3 million USD company at a blend rate of more than 3 %. The investment cost neces-
per year respectively. Consequently, the minimum fuel selling price sary for building such a plant was estimated at 77 million USD. Dozens
would be of approximately $0.59/l of HRJ while conventional petroleum of similar plants could be operated across Taiwan to increase the blend-
jet fuel prices are around 0.5$/l. Substituting conventional jet fuel with ing rate significantly. Waste cooking oil is the most sustainable feed-
the UCO RJF saves 41 % to 81 % of CO2 emissions. HRJ based on recycled stock available as it does not compete with the food market and has
cooking oil is not only the most sustainable fuel available; it is also one low life cycle carbon emissions. When considering the UCO as an avail-
of the cheapest alternative jet fuels. Conventional jet fuel can be blended able resource, the emission reductions compared to fossil fuel is of
with alternative jet fuel at any ratio from 80:20 to 50:50 without requir- around 80 %. However, straight conversion of vegetable oil into fuel
ing engine modifications. According to the data reported by China (crops to fuel) is difficult to justify as the emission reduction compared
Airlines (https://calec.china-airlines.com/csr/en/environment/green. to fossil fuel is then only around 40 %. The exergy analysis shows that
html, 2022), which is the leading airline company in Taiwan, its yearly the conversion process is emission intensive because of the significant
consumption of jet fuel goes beyond 2 million tons. While consequently, amount of exergy destruction occurring in the heat exchanging units.
one plant processing 300 tons of UCO per day can only provide a contin- The monetary costs and emission costs of the exergy destruction are sig-
uous blending rate of around 3 %. Nevertheless, dozens of similar plants nificant and fully justify optimization studies or cogeneration scenarios.
could be built across Taiwan since ideally 6 to 8 million tons of UCO Indeed, the heaters, coolers and distillation units have a tremendous
could be locally available yearly (Chen and Wang, 2019). In this case, a cost of exergy destruction and the distillation columns account for the
continuous blending rate with petroleum jet fuel of 50 % is possible. biggest share of the process emissions. There is room for improvement
The extra cost from blending HRJ should be financed by the government in terms of heat recovery or integration. Because the conversion process
as a subvention in the form of a carbon tax/reward. As shown in Fig. 7, relies on hydrogen, it is important to keep the carbon footprint of the
hydrogen production to a minimum. Hydrogen produced from electrol-
ysis using surplus wind and solar power would be ideal. The results
show that when an effective and inexpensive oil recovery system is in
place, the minimum renewable fuel selling price of around 0.6 USD/l is
close to that of petroleum jet fuel which is around 0.5 USD/l. Moreover,
when applying an adequate carbon tax, the prices become equal thus
creating the incentive for RJF use. While the technology is ready, global
carbon taxes amount above 50 USD/ton can trigger the changes and in-
vestments needed to meet the global warming mitigation objectives.
The last obstacle remaining is the implementation of an inexpensive
and effective low carbon cooking oil wastes collection system that can
continuously supply enough feedstock. Indeed, only a well-established
circular economy where wastes hold value as a feedstock can ensure
continuous and smooth operation of UCO derived RJF manufacturing
plants. Transition to a circular economy is a key milestone to achieve cli-
mate neutrality and carbon pricing policies can motivate that transition.
The present work concluded that a blending rate of 50 % of the fuel con-
sumed by the leading local airline company can be achieved with locally
produced UCO derived RJF. The resulting incurring fuel costs increase of
Fig. 7. Minimum fuel selling price evolution with the applied carbon tax. about 9 % (50:50 petro-jet and RJF mixture) at the expense of the airline
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