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UNIT-4&5 Grammar and Summaries

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Unit 4 Art and Literature


Avoiding Clichés in Communication

A. 1. Bed of roses

2. Make one’s blood boil

3. Go the extra mile

4. Toe the line

5. One for the books, a slam dunk, step up to the plate, play hardball, dark horse, pull one’s

Punches, on the other hand, keep one’s eye on the ball, bite the dust, and knock it out of the

Avoiding Redundancies in Communication

C. 1. She summarised the report briefly.

2. The announcer was inaudible at the back of the hall and could not be heard.

3. The committee is in the process of reviewing our recommendations.

4. Go and fetch my belongings, please.

5. We must encourage new innovation.

6. The police chased after the thief

7. They should learn to cooperate together.

8. He ordered for two plates of biryani.

9. The person who is responsible for this mess should be fired.

10. The money we have is sufficient enough.

D. Note that the passages may be re-written in many different ways. The answers below
are merely suggestions to guide you.

1. The planning committee meets every week. The committee's decisions must be unanimous.

2. I have just one question. When will the meeting begin?

3. The CEO of Sai Food Products, Mr Venkat Aluri, said that he was not bothered by the
news report because his company has a good track record when it came to safety.



Art and Literature was written by Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabhudin Addul Kalam (1931-2015). He
was the twelfth President of India and the father of India’s missile techonology. After
graduating from the Madras Institute of Technology, Kalam played a leading role in the
development of India’s missile and nuclear weapons programs. He planned a program that
produced a number of successful missiles, helping earn him the nickname “Missile Man.”
Beginning in the early 1990s, he also served as scientific adviser to the government, and his
prominent role in India’s 1998 nuclear weapons tests established Kalam as a national hero.He
launched three missiles such as Trishul, Agni, Prithvi etc., he was awarded Padma Bhushan in
1981, Padma Vibhushan in 1990 and India’s highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna in 1997.In
2002 the Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) National Democratic Alliance nominated Kalam, a
Muslim, to succeed outgoing President K.R. Narayanan. Kalam easily won the elections in
2002, and in the largely ceremonial post he sought to use science and technology to transform
India into a developed country.



The civilizations which had the capacity to see the future and the ability to adopt to the
dynamics of changed managed to survive. Our Indian civilizations absorbed the dynamics
changes and we saw the tradition producing epics for the continuance to survive and flourish
over the countries.


A good book becomes a permanent companion; they guide us during over life journey and
continued to do for many generations.


Dr. Kalam read many books. He says that they fought him many aspects of life and helped him
to balance in at different emotional situations. They also provided him with excellent code of
conduct for life and extended him to think beyond the narrow concepts, thus elevates the human


A good book from an author is a source of great knowledge and wealth for many generations.
A country is rich because of the natural wealth, but the growing glory of the nation is its
thinkers, who can facilitate the creation of enlightened leaders amongst our youth.


Music unites all the people. They help in pressing, propagating and developing our age old
cultural traditions. Music and dance can be one of the important tools for propagating peace
and happinesss and thus end terrorism. Drama had been a great form of entertainment and
medium for conveying the messages to people.


Actors had the ability to make audience laugh, cry and create an impression in their mind
temporarily or for a long period. Such is the power of a film.


M.F.Hussain said painting is the output of the society. It means if the society is a mediocre
society, you will get mediocre painting. The artists should have partnership with the known,
the unknown will express itself.


Art is a pleasant expression of the innate beauty in nature. An art elevates the beautiful spirit
of life for everyone to see and enjoy such spirit silently. But eloquently conveys the message
of love, humour etc. Art helps to bring out the beauty of life in its noblest forms.


The lesson emphasizes on our countries age old art and literature. Art may be music, dance,
painting or drama. Each one had their own signigicance and contribution for the development
of a country. Sculptures and literatures use the real wealth of our country. They are very
eminent to us and we should strive for their edifrication. Art and literature play an important
role in moulding one’s life. Art is a gift of god. It reflects the innate beauty in nature. It has the
power to shower joy in our minds and souls.

Unit 5 Values and Ethics


Common Errors in English

A. 1. (a)

2. (b)

3. (b)

4. (a)

5. (a)
6. (b)

7. (a)

8. (a)

B. 1. Scarves, scarfs

2. Axes

3. Fungi, funguses

4. Valleys

5. Babies

6. Antennas, antennae

7. Pianos

8. Nuclei, (less commonly) nucleuses

C. 1. Sincere apology

2. Speak fluent English

3. Fulfil a promise

4. Chair a meeting

5. Make a mistake

6. Play a part

7. Have a conversation

8. make conversation with

D. 1. She said that she likes maths.

2. She does not listen to me.

3. Tell me why you are late.

4. My cell phone, which rang all night long, was under the sofa.

5. My feet began to hurt because I had been working in the lab for hours. [Note: There is more
than one correct way to re-write this sentence. The key change is to introduce ‘I’ into the sentence
to correct the dangling modifier.]

6. I tell my students all the time not to talk.

7. Hydrogen is known for [optional its properties of] being colourless, odourless and
8. Please explain this problem to me.

E. 1. (b) built

2. (c) developed

3. (b) sit

4. (a) had tried

5. (a) failed

6. (c) does

F. Abida This dish is lovely! What’s in it?

Sanaz I don’t really know. Father made it. But I do know that it’s a very simple dish.

Abida I guess there’s sugar, maybe a dash of lemon juice, and vanilla essence.

Sanaz I did see him adding a small cup of honey, too.

Abida You must ask him about the ingredients.

Sanaz Sure. I will ask him and give you the recipe.


Reading Comprehension Practice

B. 1. false

2. true

3. false

4. false

5. true

6. false

7. true

8. false

9. false

10. false



Go Kiss the World

Describe the morning ritual in Bagchi’s house and bring out its importance?


Go Kiss the World is an extract taken from the Welcome Address by Chief Operating Officer,
MindTree Consulting, Mr.Subroto Bagchi. The address was delivered on 2nd July 2004 at
the Indian Institute of Management, Banglore. Being a successful entrepreneur, Subroto
Bagchi has become a business author and has written a book of the same name, directing his
teachings to the whole world.The speech delivered by Subroto Bagchi tells us his words of
wisdom and the lessons taught to him by his parents. The lessons are directed at lighting the
meaning of success and are related to the events from Bagchi’s life.

Subroto’s father was a District Employment Officer in Koraput, Orissa, and Subroto was their
fifth and the last child. Koraput was a district without electricity and water did not use to run
through taps. There were no primary schools due to which Subroto’s schooling was done at
home only. Subroto’s mother had come as a refugee from East Bengal and was raised by a

Subroto’s father used to get transferred every year. Therefore they had to move frequently and
travel in the government provided jeep. There was no garage in his father’s office due to which
the jeep used to stay at home always. His father never used the jeep to commute to the office
and taught the same lesson to Subroto, telling him that it is an expensive resource given by the
government. From this came Subroto’s first lesson, the lesson to never misuse public
Subroto and his brothers were also not allowed to call the jeep’s driver by his name and were
always told to add the suffix “Dada” before his name. When Subroto grew up, he taught the
same lesson to his daughters and they were supposed to call their driver “uncle“. Subroto used
to cringe every time he used to hear other people disrespecting their drivers. This made up
their second lesson, telling them always to respect their subordinates more than their
seniors as it is more important to respect small people.
Subroto’s father had put the habit of reading the newspaper daily in Subroto. He and his
brothers were supposed to read the newspaper aloud with the morning tea. Although Subroto
did not understand much of what was written in the newspaper, he still contributes his good
English to that habit. After reading the newspaper, he was taught to fold it correctly. Another
lesson which his father taught him and his brothers was “You should leave your newspaper
and your toilet the way you expect to find it.*”
In their childhood, Subroto and his brothers were always attracted by various property and
radio advertisements in the newspaper, but their father always refused to buy them, telling them
that they don’t need a radio because their family already have five (referring to the
children). This made up another lesson, “not to measure personal success and sense of
wellbeing through material possessions.”
What creates in Bagchi’s a sense of interconnectedness with a larger world?

The houses which the government gave to the Bagchi family rarely had fences. Subroto along
with his mother used to to make the fences with twigs and decorate the house with little plant
seedlings. When other people asked Subroto’s mother that what’s the need to beautify a
government house, she replied them that she has to create a bloom in a dessert and for that,
she has to leave every place given to her more beautiful than what she had inherited. Subroto
calls this his first lesson in success, “It is not what you create for yourself, it is what you
leave behind that defines success.*.”
Subroto’s mother started developing cataract in her eyes when he was very small. That time
his eldest brother has got a teaching job in Bhubaneswar University and was also preparing for
civil services examination. It was decided that Subroto’s mother and he will move to
Bhubaneswar too for the eldest brother’s cooking purposes. This was the first time that Subroto
saw electricity in houses and water coming from taps. Subroto’s daily job there was to read the
Oriya script newspaper from head-to-toe for his mother. While reading the
newspaper, Subroto used to feel a sense of larger connectedness with the world that made
up another lesson for him which meant to be connected with a larger world.
During that time, India was at war with Pakistan and Lal Bahadur Shastri’s words “Jai Jawan
Jai Kissan“ sparked the country into untidiness. Subroto Bagchi felt the need to become a hero
and dreamt of catching a terrorist to read his news on the newspaper’s first page. He decided
to spend hours guarding the university’s water tank, imagining that a terrorist would come to
poison it and he would be the one to catch him. His imagination became another lesson for
him, a lesson that taught him that if he can imagine a future, he can create it and if he
can create it, others will live it.
In the next few years, Subroto’s mother’s eyesight deteriorated. Therefore she went under
operation and saw Subroto’s face for the first time. Subroto still pleases every time he
remembers his mother’s words that praised him. Within few weeks of getting her vision back,
Subroto’s mother developed corneal ulcer and became blind in both eyes. She lived 32 years
with her blindness but never even complained once. When Subroto asked her what she saw
with those blind eyes, his mother replied that she do not see darkness but only sees the light.
Till 80 years of age, Subroto’s mother performed her morning yoga every day, cleaned her
room and washed her clothes own too even after being blind. This way Subroto’s mother
taught him another lesson – Success is not to see the word but about seeing the light.

Describe the last days of Bagchi’s father in the hospital?

As Subroto grew up, he got a job as a clerk in a government office, became a management
trainee and finally settled with a job in IT industry for which he moved to the USA in 1992.
During this time his father was living a retired life with his brother when he suffered third-
degree burns and was admitted to the Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi. Safdarjung Hospital was a
poorly maintained place with untidiness and overworked nurses. Subroto had returned to see
his father, one morning he realised that the blood bottle is empty and air could have entered his
body. Therefore, Subroto asked the nurse to replace it but got the reply to do it himself by the
tired, overworked nurse. When the nurse finally agreed to change it, Subroto was surprised to
see the man who himself was on his deathbed was asking his nurse that why she hadn’t gone
home yet. That day Subroto learned that there’s no limit to how much a person can concern for
another person and the limit of inclusion he can create. Subroto’s father died the following day
but left his principles behind.

According to Subroto’s father, success is the person’s ability to rise above his discomforts and
not about creating material comforts.

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