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AaltoBoliviaENSO Nature
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a potent electrocatalyst for the oxidation of carbohydrates, amino electrodes. Sov. Electrochem. 16, 1445–1447 (1980).
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detergents30. Chiral recognition by CuO has not, to our knowledge,
22. Bohannan, E. W., Shumsky, M. G. & Switzer, J. A. Epitaxial electrodeposition of copper(I) oxide on
been demonstrated previously. Linear sweep voltammograms are single-crystal Au(100). Chem. Mater. 11, 2289–2291 (1999).
shown in Fig. 4 for the oxidation of (S,S)- and (R,R)-tartrate on CuO 23. Sorenson, T. A., Morton, S. A., Waddill, G. D. & Switzer, J. A. Epitaxial electrodeposition of Fe3O4 thin
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tartrate is more active for the oxidation of the (S,S)-tartrate, and the 25. Switzer, J. A., Liu, R., Bohannan, E. W. & Ernst, F. Epitaxial electrodeposition of a crystalline metal
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of the (R,R)-tartrate. A control film shown in Fig. 4c (which was 26. Poizot, P., Hung, C.-J., Nikiforov, M. P., Bohannan, E. W. & Switzer, J. A. An electrochemical method
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post-chromatographic chiral electrochemical sensors, which would oxide and carbon paste. Anal. Chem. 63, 1714–1719 (1991).
X-ray diffraction
X-ray diffraction measurements were done on a high-resolution Philips X’Pert MRD ..............................................................
diffractometer. For the Bragg-Brentano scan, the primary optics module was a
combination Göbel mirror and a two-crystal Ge(220) two-bounce hybrid
monochromator, and the secondary optics module was a 0.188 parallel plate collimator.
Episodic sediment accumulation on
The hybrid monochromator produces pure CuKa1 radiation (l ¼ 0.1540562 nm) with a
divergence of 25 arcsec. Pole figures were obtained in point-focus mode using a crossed-
Amazonian flood plains influenced
slit collimator as the primary optics, and a 0.278 parallel plate collimator and flat graphite
monochromator as the secondary optics. A 2v value of 38.7428 was used to probe the (111) by El Niño/Southern Oscillation
reflection of CuO. Enantiomeric excesses were determined from CuO(111) azimuthal
scans at 2v ¼ 38.7428 and x ¼ 638 by integrating the area under the (111) and (1̄1̄1̄) peaks Rolf Aalto1,2, Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin3, Thomas Dunne4,
due to the R and S forms of CuO, respectively.
David R. Montgomery1,2, Charles A. Nittrouer2 & Jean-Loup Guyot5
Received 7 May; accepted 11 August 2003; doi:10.1038/nature01990.
1. Stinson, S. C. Chiral pharmaceuticals. Chem. Eng. News 79, 79–97 (2001). Quaternary Research Center and 2Department of Earth and Space Sciences,
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9. Horvath, J. D. & Gellman, A. J. Enantiospecific desorption of chiral compounds from chiral Cu(643) flood-plain accumulation has been determined at decadal time-
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scales3–5, but it has not been possible to identify discrete events or
15, 2420–2424 (1999). to resolve deposition on near-annual timescales. Here we analyse
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Pt{643}S. J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 1381–1385 (1999). Beni and Mamore river basins, which together comprise
12. Attard, G. A. Electrochemical studies of enantioselectivity of chiral metal surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. B
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720,000 km2 of the Amazon basin, to investigate sediment
13. Sholl, D. S., Asthagiri, A. & Power, T. D. Naturally chiral metal surfaces as enantiospecific adsorbents. accumulation patterns in the Andean–Amazonian foreland. We
J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 4771–4782 (2001). find that in most locations, sediment stratigraphy is dominated
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16. Teng, H. H., Dove, P. M., Orme, C. A. & De Yoreo, J. J. Thermodynamics of calcite growth: baseline for of about 8 yr, indicating relatively rare episodic deposition
understanding biomineral formation. Science 282, 724–727 (1998). events. Ocean temperature and stream flow records link these
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18. Paunovic, M. & Schlesinger, M. Fundamentals of Electrochemical Deposition 167–186 (Wiley- events, which debouch extraordinary volumes of sediments from
Interscience, New York, 1998). the Andes. We conclude that transient processes driven by the El
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Niño/Southern Oscillation cycle control the formation of the rapidly eroding Bolivian Andes14 across the flood plains of a large
Bolivian flood plains and modulate downstream delivery of foreland basin15,16. Flood plains and channels are essentially pristine,
sediments as well as associated carbon, nutrients and pollutants without artificial levees, dams, dredging, roads, significant defor-
to the Amazon main stem. estation or cultivation, or other anthropogenic complications. The
Studies of modern flood-plain accumulation have described the Beni drains 70,000 km2 of the northern Bolivian Andes into the
spatial extent and depth of deposits1,2, estimated flood-plain depo- lowland Amazon basin and then through an additional 50,000 km2
sition using numerical models and surveys of grain size6–9, or used a of forested flood plain, depositing approximately 100 Mt yr21 of
variety of mapping, field sampling and computations of the diffuse sediment as it traverses the foreland basin13,17,18. The adjacent
and channelized over-bank advection of turbid water10. Recent Mamore drains a 600,000-km2 basin. These basins are representa-
studies have measured flood-plain accumulation using geochronol- tive of the vast expanse of Andean–Amazonian foreland basins to
ogy sufficient to resolve these rates on decadal timescales3–5,11. the north.
However, no previous study has resolved the spatial and temporal Sampling was conducted at locations representing a variety of
distribution of individual accumulation events across large, dynamic channel–flood-plain geometries, during August and September of
fluvial dispersal systems. It is now possible to identify discrete events 1999 and 2000 (ref. 13). A total of 276 sediment cores 65–160-cm
and measure the accumulation from such processes with near-annual deep were extracted (153 from Beni and 123 from Mamore) from
resolution12,13. Our measurements along two rivers at a variety of surveyed transects at distances of 50–1,200 m from the channel,
distances from the channel reveal previously undocumented spatial predominately from the higher, mature flood plain on the cut-bank
and temporal patterns that reflect the hydraulics of sedimentation side of the river. Such spatial coverage allows resolution of discrete
and the occurrence of flooding and sediment delivery forced by global deposition events across transects traversing hundreds of metres
atmospheric processes. of flood plain, with cores typically spaced every 50 m, as well as
The Beni and Mamore rivers (Fig. 1) transport sediment from the measurement of sedimentation along thousands of kilometres of
Cores were X-rayed to evaluate sedimentary structures and
potential post-deposition disturbance. After imaging, 115 of the
cores (80 from Beni and 35 from Mamore) were cut, processed, and
clay-normalized 210 Pb activity profiles were measured with
methods described and calibrated elsewhere12,19, which allow the
identification of individual sediment packages and their dating
with annual resolution. The CIRCAUS (constant initial reach
clay activity, unknown sedimentation) procedure12 for flood-
plain geochronology accounts for the basin-wide variation in
the 210Pb activity of river-borne sediment and relies on only a few
assumptions, each of which is testable.
More than 95% of the Beni and Mamore cores depict episodic
sediment accumulation best described by the CIRCAUS model12. In
most flood-plain locations, sediment arrives as discrete packages of
uniform age across an observed depth range (Fig. 2). Granulometry
and X-ray radiographs indicate that this sediment is silt-sized and is
deposited as coherent packages in a low-energy environment. Fine
horizontal laminations and other submillimetre-scale structures
show that the flood-plain sediment has not been significantly
disturbed since deposition and that bioturbation is negligible at
most locations. Cross-bedding and other evidence for higher-energy
deposition environments are rare on the cut-bank side of the flood
plain, and are found mainly in point bar deposits close to the edge of
the vegetation. Sediment packages are typically 20–80 cm thick, and
vertical profiles from 6-m-high cut-bank outcrops indicate that the
layers do not exceed 2 m in thickness. Hiatuses of decades occur
between layers in cores with several events. Furthermore, the
sediment at the flood-plain surface (after accounting for the
meteoric cap) is often decades old, and in such cases is not blanketed
by fresh sediment with higher 210Pb activity from recent sedimen-
tation events. Although Beni and Mamore flood-plain sediment
arrives as discrete pulses, any particular flood-plain location
receives sediment infrequently. Hence, episodic sedimentation is
the predominant mechanism for flood-plain accumulation.
Averaged over these events, the accumulation rate varies with
flood-plain distance from the active river channel (Fig. 3). High,
variable rates proximal (,300 m) to the channel represent local
processes that construct natural levees through frequent decanting
Figure 1 The Beni and Mamore river flood plains within the Llanos, northern Bolivia. The of sediment over bank during annual floods—the few cores exhibit-
two rivers are the principal sediment and water sources for the Madeira River17, the ing constant sedimentation were located within this zone. Farther
largest sediment source for the Amazon10. Elevations .300 m are depicted as grey from the channel, lower, spatially uniform, temporally episodic
shaded relief; lower elevations as a rainbow equal-area stretch. Flood-plain transects are rates reflect the extensive processes that convey most sediment onto
denoted with squares whereas in-channel samples are denoted with crosses. the distal flood plain.
Approximate location of the foredeep and forebulge were determined with GPS surveys of When accumulation dates from all cores are compiled (Fig. 4a), a
longitudinal river gradient. One-degree latitude is approximately 110 km. basin-wide pattern emerges: distinct sedimentation pulses are
494 © 2003 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 425 | 2 OCTOBER 2003 | www.nature.com/nature
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separated by years to decades. This century-long geochronological exceptions, 1983 and 1998, are minor cold-phase ENSO years that
record spans the entire foreland, suggesting that floods needed to follow intense warm-phase ENSO years. Sediment accumulation
facilitate widespread accumulation occur approximately every 8 yr correlates well with such transitional cold-phase years (1975 is non-
(11 events in 90 yr). This is a separate phenomenon from the transitional La Niña, and 1977 the only exception).
previous observation that many decades may pass between sedi- The Mamore flood plain spans a transitional region of climate
mentation events at a specific flood-plain location. Because younger response to ENSO22, which seems to have migrated in the early
events bury older ones and most of the cores are about 1-m deep, 1970s: before 1970, rainfall was high during La Niña; after 1970,
our record is biased towards recent events and densely sampled river rainfall was lower during La Niña and higher or unaffected during El
reaches. Therefore, only the dates of the peak centres should be Niño23. However, the rainfall response in the Andean tributaries of
considered, not the relative heights. the Mamore has remained the same; that is, elevated La Niña
To interpret this temporal pattern, we investigated climatic varia- rainfall. After 1970, Mamore flood-plain runoff was no longer
bility. Eastern Bolivia experiences high rainfall in the Andes during synchronous with Andean sources, thus affecting flooding hydrol-
cold-phase El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events (La Niña)20, ogy. For locations spanning the Mamore foredeep, no sediment has
causing the Beni river to flood21. We used a sea temperature index accumulated since 1974. This suggests a hiatus in significant flood-
(STI) appropriate for the Beni river (Fig. 4a). Over the last century, ing following a change in rainfall response to ENSO.
the nine La Niña years match the sediment accumulation record. Two To explore the mechanisms governing flood-plain accumulation,
we examined water discharge at Rurrenabaque (Fig. 4b). Sediment
accumulation consistently occurs whenever discharge rises more
than 8,000 m3 s21 over a few days. These rapid-rise years also
correspond to peak discharges .12,000 m3 s21. However, there
are four slow-rise years with maximum discharges above that
threshold, although these events are not recorded in our cores. As
a result, the record of maximum flooding does not correlate to La
Niña as well as does our flood-plain accumulation record.
Beni flood-plain topographic surveys indicate that flood-plain
inundation begins when discharges exceed 6,000 m3 s21, a value
exceeded annually18. However, distal flood plains do not exhibit
chronic accumulation. Sedimentation is episodic in several specific
ways: (1) events correspond only to large, rapid-rise floods; (2)
neighbouring cores (within 1 km) typically record the same event,
but there is little synchrony between locations tens of kilometres
apart; and (3) at any specific location, sediment accumulates only
during some floods, with a hiatus of decades typically separating
sediment pulses 20–80 cm in thickness. The environment of depo-
sition is low energy and silt rich. Suspended sediment in the Beni
river is dominated by fine silts, whereas the bed is composed of
sand13,24, so source material for flood-plain sedimentation is derived
from high in the water column. Inundation of the entire flood plain
by sediment-laden water slowly decanted over levees during annual
floods—the local mechanism that constructs the levees—would
result in chronic, thin, synchronous sediment accumulation.
Instead, the thick episodic deposits are probably relatively small
crevasse splays; delta-shaped deposits formed during levee failure.
The banks are composed of loamy deposits susceptible to incision of
Figure 2 Unsupported 210Pb activity profiles (circles) and clay abundance (crosses) from
representative flood-plain cores. Accumulation events (denoted with vertical arrows) are
dated with CIRCAUS geochronology12,13. Increases within the top 10 cm represent
meteoric fallout. a, Beni river site located 2,000 m and 2,900 m from the channel when
the sediment was deposited in 1974 (^1.8 yr) and 1951 (^1.9 yr). The meteoric cap is
incomplete. X-radiographs depict fine laminations throughout the upper core, with minor Figure 3 Spatial distribution of Beni flood-plain accumulation rates, averaged for five
cross-bedding below 80 cm depth. b, Mamore river site located 175 m from the river distance ranges, with best exponential fit (r 2 ¼ 0.82). Because many flood-plain cores
when sediment was deposited in 1944 (^2.0 yr). The cap date is 1945. X-radiographs do not resolve the lower bound of accumulation events, rates are conservative. Owing to
depict fine laminations throughout the core. These examples portray typical episodic rapid channel migration across the flood plain, many of the core sites lay farther from the
accumulation events, without chronic sedimentation. Nearby sites along flood-plain river during the most recent recorded deposition—concurrent river distances were
transects record similar events, a characteristic result that suggests that such sediment measured from images (Landsat or aerial) bracketing the recorded date of each
packages blanket regions hundreds to thousands of metres in width and length. dpm, accumulation event. Projected across the flood plains of the Beni foreland basin18, this
disintegrations per minute. relationship provides for an estimated average net sediment loss of about 100 Mt yr21.
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Figure 4 Temporal distribution of fluvial processes. a, Flood-plain accumulation events. Rurrenabaque). The lower threshold shows both the minimum rapid flood rise (about
STI is the average sea surface temperature anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific 8,000 m3 s21) associated with flood-plain accumulation and the mean annual sediment
(150–80 W, 4 N–4 S) from November to February (the early rainy season months for flux (about 250 Mt). The upper threshold represents the minimum discharge associated
Bolivia; temperatures are derived from a standard century-scale oceanographic record30). with flood-plain accumulation (approximately 12,000 m3 s21). Also plotted is total
Marked years exhibit either STI ,218 (La Niña, threshold marked) or the flood-plain sediment discharge (bars) conveyed by transitory bank-full floods (.6,000 m3 s21)18,
accumulation of sediment (CIRCAUS geochronology cannot discriminate events 1 yr which comprise .60% of the average efflux—therefore, floods supply most of the
apart). ENSO, sediment and water years run from October to September. b, Maximum sediment to the fluvial dispersal system and exceptional floods far surpass the mean
(solid curve) and mean annual (dotted curve) water discharge, and rise to flood peak annual flux and also account for much of the sediment exchanged due to channel
(dashed, 2–3-day increase in discharge) discharged from the Andes (Beni river at migration18.
crevasse channels during rapid overtopping13. Floodwater, decanted sediment storage, exchange and geomorphic complexity. Because
from high in the water column, would diverge into the densely sediment supply, transport, deposition and exchange within these
vegetated flood plain, depositing an extensive lens of fine sediment major Andean tributaries are orchestrated by extreme climate, such
within this low-energy environment. Such deposits are similar to an ‘alluvial capacitor’ located between the foreland basins and the
short-lived crevasse splays described in the literature2,25, including main-stem Amazon may further modulate particle transport to
ancestral foredeep deposits preserved in the Andes26. Crevasse provide a more regular supply to Earth’s largest river. A
failure is more likely when the surrounding flood plain is relatively Received 27 March; accepted 15 August 2003; doi:10.1038/nature02002.
low, because of the higher hydraulic head or slope27. Conversely, a
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Acknowledgements This work was supported by an NSF research grant, a NASA Earth Systems
Science Graduate Fellowship to R.A., and by the research collaboration (HYBAM Project)
between IRD, SENAMHI (Bolivia), and the Universidad Mayor de San Andres, Bolivia.
Laboratory assistance was provided by J. Staly, K. Sauers, G. Smith, J. Nittrouer and C. Gardner.
Suggestions from C. Paola and A. Aufdenkampe improved the manuscript.
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
Boundary-layer mantle flow under
the Dead Sea transform fault inferred
from seismic anisotropy Figure 1 Study area and shear-wave splitting parameters. a, Map with topography and
1,2 1 1 the locations of seismic stations for which the shear-wave splitting analysis was
Georg Rümpker , Trond Ryberg , Günter Bock
performed. The Arava fault (black line) strikes at approximately N20E. The bars indicate
& Desert Seismology Group*
measured SKS splitting parameters for the period range of 2–5 s (blue) and 5–7 s (red).
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany The orientation corresponds to the polarization direction of the fast shear wave (fast
* A complete list of authors appears at the end of the paper polarization f) and the length is proportional to the delay time dt–1 s. b, Measured shear-
............................................................................................................................................................................. wave splitting parameters (circles) along the profile (delay times and fast polarization
Lithospheric-scale transform faults play an important role in the directions) for the two period bands (2–5 and 5–7 s). The parameters are obtained by
dynamics of global plate motion. Near-surface deformation fields application of an inverse splitting operator to minimize the energy of the transverse SKS
for such faults are relatively well documented by satellite geodesy, component17. A measure of error has been derived from the 95% confidence region as
strain measurements and earthquake source studies1,2, and determined by the x 2 distribution. For reasons of representation a factor of 0.4 is applied
deeper crustal structure has been imaged by seismic profiling3. to the error scales used in this figure. The lines represent a smoothed version of the
Relatively little is known, however, about deformation taking measurements, calculated by averaging the results within a sliding window.
NATURE | VOL 425 | 2 OCTOBER 2003 | www.nature.com/nature © 2003 Nature Publishing Group 497