Walsh App 21-22
Walsh App 21-22
Walsh App 21-22
Home Phone (w/area code): Cell Phone (w/area code): Current Mailing Address: (you must update changes with the Office of the Registrar)
Are you a(n): _____ Incoming Student _____ Returning Student
Program Type: _____ Main Campus Undergraduate _____ Digital Campus Undergraduate _____Graduate
_____ Fast Track BSN _____ LEAD (Teacher Licensure) _____Non-degree Seeking
Where will you live during the school year? ____ Residence Hall ____With parents/relatives ____Off campus
ENROLLMENT HOURS Check all that apply: ____Walsh Alumni (student only)
List the number of expected enrollment hours below for each semester.
Do not leave this blank. Doing so will delay your financial aid award! ____Choir Member ____ Honors
____ I have completed the 2021-2022 FAFSA. Date FAFSA filed: _____________
_____ I will complete the 2021-2022 FAFSA. Date you will file FAFSA: ____________
! Remember the priority
deadline is December 1, 2020!
_____ I have NOT and will NOT apply for any federal aid or state need-based aid for the 2021-2022 award year.
Are you receiving tuition reimbursement from your employer? __No __Yes* Amount: _________Employer:_____________
(*If YES, a completed Employer Reimbursement Form is required (available on walsh.edu). Your financial aid will not be awarded without this form.)
Have you/will you receive any outside scholarships or other tuition assistance? If so, please list source and amount:
Do you have any special circumstances you would like to tell us about?
Certification: I certify that the information provided by me in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. I also authorize
the Financial Aid Office to discuss information on this application or other financial aid documents with other offices and
personnel within the University.