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Arm Programming Using Assembly Language: Microcontroller and Embedded Systems

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This section gives examples showing how to write basic assembly code. Also, this section uses the ARM
macro assembler armasm for examples.
Example 1:
Let’s see how to replace square by an assembly
This example shows how to convert a C
function that performs the same action. Remove the C
function to an assembly function—usually the
definition of square, but not the declaration (the
first stage of assembly optimization. Consider
second line) to produce a new C file main1.c. Next add
the simple C program main.c following that
an armasm assembler file square.s with the following
prints the squares of the integers from 0 to 9:

 The AREA directive names the area or code section that the code lives in. If you use non-
alphanumeric characters in a symbol or area name, then enclose the name in vertical bars. Many
non-alphanumeric characters have special meanings otherwise. In the previous code we define a
read-only code area called .text.
 The EXPORT directive makes the symbol square available for external linking. At line six we
define the symbol square as a code label. Note that armasm treats non-indented text as a label
 When square is called, the parameter passing is defined by the ARM-Thumb procedure call
standard (ATPCS). The input argument is passed in register r0, and the return value is returned in
register r0. The multiply instruction has a restriction that the destination register must not be the
same as the first argument register. Therefore we place the multiply result into r1 and move this
to r0.
 The END directive marks the end of the assembly file. Comments follow a semicolon.

The following script illustrates how to build this example using command line tools.

Example 1 only works if you are compiling your C as ARM code. If you compile your C as Thumb code,
then the assembly routine must return using a BX instruction.

Example 2: When calling ARM code from C compiled as Thumb, the only change required to the
assembly in Example 1 is to change the return instruction to a BX. BX will return to ARM or Thumb state
according to bit 0 of lr. Therefore this routine can be called from ARM or Thumb. Use BX lr instead of
MOV pc, lr whenever your processor supports BX (ARMv4T and above). Create a new assembly file
square2.s as follows:

With this example we build the C file using the Thumb C compiler tcc. We assemble the assembly file
with the interworking flag enabled so that the linker will allow the Thumb C code to call the ARM
assembly code. You can use the following commands to build this example:

Example 3: This example shows how to call a subroutine from an assembly routine. We will take
Example 1 and convert the whole program (including main) into assembly. We will call the C library
routine printf as a subroutine. Create a new assembly file main3.s with the following contents:


 The IMPORT directive is used to declare symbols that are defined in other files.
 The imported symbol Lib$$Request$$armlib makes a request that the linker links with the
standard ARM C library.
o The WEAK specifier prevents the linker from giving an error if the symbol is not found at
link time. If the symbol is not found, it will take the value zero.
 The second imported symbol main is the start of the C library initialization code.
You only need to import these symbols if you are defining your own main; a main defined in C code will
import these automatically for you. Importing printf allows us to call that C library function.
 The RN directive allows us to use names for registers. In this case we define i as an alternate
name for register r4.

o Using register names makes the code more readable. It is also easier to change the
allocation of variables to registers at a later date. Recall that ATPCS states that a function
must preserve registers r4 to r11 and sp. We corrupt i (r4), and calling printf will corrupt
lr. Therefore we stack these two registers at the start of the function using an STMFD
instruction. The LDMFD instruction pulls these registers from the stack and returns by
writing the return address to pc.
 The DCB directive defines byte data described as a string or a comma-separated list of bytes.
To build this example you can use the following command line script:

Note that Example 3 also assumes that the code is called from ARM code. If the code can be called from
Thumb code as in Example 2 then we must be capable of returning to Thumb code. For architectures
before ARMv5 we must use a BX to return. Change the last instruction to the two instructions:

Example 4: This example defines a function sumof that can sum any number of integers. The arguments
are the number of integers to sum followed by a list of the integers. The sumof function is written in
assembly and can accept any number of arguments. Put the C part of the example in a file main4.c:

Next define the sumof function in an assembly file sumof.s:


The code keeps count of the number of remaining values to sum, N. The first three values are in registers
r1, r2, r3. The remaining values are on the stack (Recall that ATPCS places the first four arguments in
registers r0 to r3. Subsequent arguments are placed on the stack). You can build this example using the
commands –


 The first stage of any optimization process is to identify the critical routines and measure their
current performance. A profiler is a tool that measures the proportion of time or processing cycles
spent in each subroutine. You use a profiler to identify the most critical routines.

 A cycle counter measures the number of cycles taken by a specific routine. You can measure
your success by using a cycle counter to benchmark a given subroutine before and after an
 The ARM simulator used by the ADS1.1 debugger is called the ARMulator and provides profiling
and cycle counting features.
o The ARMulator profiler works by sampling the program counter pc at regular intervals.
The profiler identifies the function the pc points to and updates a hit counter for each
function it encounters. Another approach is to use the trace output of a simulator as a
source for analysis.
o The accuracy of a pc-sampled profiler is limited, as it can produce meaningless results if
it records too few samples.
 ARM implementations do not normally contain cycle-counting hardware; so to easily measure
cycle counts you should use an ARM debugger with ARM simulator.
o You can configure the ARMulator to simulate a range of different ARM cores and obtain
cycle count benchmarks for a number of platforms.

The time taken to execute instructions depends on the implementation pipeline. For this section, we
assume ARM9TDMI pipeline timings. The following rules summarize the cycle timings for common
instruction classes on the ARM9TDMI.
Instructions that are conditional on the value of the ARM condition codes in the cpsr take one cycle if the
condition is not met. If the condition is met, then the following rules apply:
 ALU operations such as addition, subtraction, and logical operations take one cycle.
 This includes a shift by an immediate value. If you use a register-specified shift, then add one
cycle. If the instruction writes to the pc, then add two cycles.
 Load instructions that load N 32-bit words of memory such as LDR and LDM take N cycles to
issue, but the result of the last word loaded is not available on the following cycle.
o The updated load address is available on the next cycle. This assumes zero-wait-state
memory for an un-cached system, or a cache hit for a cached system. An LDM of a single
value is exceptional, taking two cycles. If the instruction loads pc, then add two cycles.
o Load instructions that load 16-bit or 8-bit data such as LDRB, LDRSB, LDRH, and
LDRSH take one cycle to issue. The load result is not available on the following two
cycles. The updated load address is available on the next cycle. This assumes zero-wait-
state memory for an un-cached system, or a cache hit for a cached system.
 Branch instructions take three cycles.

 Store instructions that store N values take N cycles. This assumes zero-wait-state memory for an
un-cached system, or a cache hit or a write buffer with N free entries for a cached system. An
STM of a single value is exceptional, taking two cycles.
 Multiply instructions take a varying number of cycles depending on the value of the second
operand in the product.

To understand how to schedule code efficiently on the ARM, we need to understand the ARM pipeline
and dependencies. The ARM9TDMI processor performs five operations in parallel:
 Fetch: Fetch from memory the instruction at address pc. The instruction is loaded into the core
and then processes down the core pipeline.
 Decode: Decode the instruction that was fetched in the previous cycle. The processor also reads
the input operands from the register bank if they are not available via one of the forwarding paths.
 ALU: Executes the instruction that was decoded in the previous cycle. Note this instruction was
originally fetched from address pc − 8 (ARM state) or pc − 4 (Thumb state).
o Normally this involves calculating the answer for a data processing operation, or the
address for a load, store, or branch operation.
o Some instructions may spend several cycles in this stage. For example, multiply and
register-controlled shift operations take several ALU cycles.
 LS1: Load or store the data specified by a load or store instruction. If the instruction is not a load
or store, then this stage has no effect.
 LS2: Extract and zero- or sign-extend the data loaded by a byte or half-word load instruction. If
the instruction is not a load of an 8-bit byte or 16-bit half-word item, then this stage has no effect.

The following Figure shows a simplified functional view of the five-stage ARM9TDMI pipeline.

Note that multiply and register shift operations are not shown in the figure.
After an instruction has completed the five stages of the pipeline, the core writes the result to the register
file. Note that pc points to the address of the instruction being fetched. The ALU is executing the
instruction that was originally fetched from address pc − 8 in parallel with fetching the instruction at
address pc.

How does the pipeline affect the timing of instructions? Consider the following examples. These
examples show how the cycle timings change because an earlier instruction must complete a stage before
the current instruction can progress down the pipeline.
If an instruction requires the result of a previous instruction that is not available, then the processor stalls.
This is called a pipeline hazard or pipeline interlock.

Example 5: This example shows the case where there is no interlock.

This instruction pair takes two cycles. The ALU calculates r0 + r1 in one cycle. Therefore this result is
available for the ALU to calculate r0 + r2 in the second cycle.

Example 6: This example shows a one-cycle interlock caused by load use.

This instruction pair takes three cycles. The ALU calculates the address r2 + 4 in the first cycle while
decoding the ADD instruction in parallel. However, the ADD cannot proceed on the second cycle because
the load instruction has not yet loaded the value of r1. Therefore the pipeline stalls for one cycle while the
load instruction completes the LS1 stage. Now that r1 is ready, the processor executes the ADD in the
ALU on the third cycle.
The following Figure illustrates how this interlock affects the pipeline.

The processor stalls the ADD instruction for one cycle in the ALU stage of the pipeline while the load
instruction completes the LS1 stage. Figure denotes this stall by italic ADD. Since the LDR instruction
proceeds down the pipeline, but the ADD instruction is stalled, a gap opens up between them. This gap is
sometimes called a pipeline bubble. We’ve marked the bubble with a dash.

Example 7: This example shows a one-cycle interlock caused by delayed load use.

This instruction triplet takes four cycles. Although the ADD proceeds on the cycle following the load
byte, the EOR instruction cannot start on the third cycle. The r1 value is not ready until the load
instruction completes the LS2 stage of the pipeline. The processor stalls the EOR instruction for one cycle.
Note that the ADD instruction does not affect the timing at all. The sequence takes four cycles whether it
is there or not! The following Figure shows how this sequence progresses through the processor pipeline.
The ADD doesn’t cause any stalls since the ADD does not use r1, the result of the load.

Example 8: This example shows why a branch instruction takes three cycles. The processor must flush
the pipeline when jumping to a new address.

The three executed instructions take a total of five cycles. The MOV instruction executes on the first
cycle. On the second cycle, the branch instruction calculates the destination address. This causes the core
to flush the pipeline and refill it using this new pc value. The refill takes two cycles. Finally, the SUB
instruction executes normally. The following Figure illustrates the pipeline state on each cycle. The
pipeline drops the two instructions following the branch when the branch takes place.

Scheduling of Load Instructions:
Load instructions occur frequently in compiled code, accounting for approximately one-third of all
instructions. Careful scheduling of load instructions so that pipeline stalls don’t occur can improve
performance. The compiler attempts to schedule the code as best it can, but the aliasing problem of C
limits the available optimizations. The compiler cannot move a load instruction before a store instruction
unless it is certain that the two pointers used do not point to the same address.
Consider an example of a memory-intensive task. The following function, str_tolower, copies a zero-
terminated string of characters from in to out. It converts the string to lowercase in the process.

The compiler generates the above compiled output. Notice that the compiler optimizes the condition (c
>= ‘A’ && c <= ‘Z’) to the check that 0 <= c-‘A’ <= ‘Z’-‘A’. The compiler can perform this check
using a single unsigned comparison.
Unfortunately, the SUB instruction uses the value of c directly after the LDRB instruction that loads c.
Consequently, the ARM9TDMI pipeline will stall for two cycles. The compiler can’t do any better since
everything following the load of c depends on its value.
However, there are two ways you can alter the structure of the algorithm to avoid the cycles by using
assembly. We call these methods load scheduling by preloading and unrolling.

» Load Scheduling by Preloading & Load Scheduling by Unrolling – Self Study.

You can use 14 of the 16 visible ARM registers to hold general-purpose data. The other two registers are
the stack pointer, r13, and the program counter, r15. For a function to be ATPCS compliant it must
preserve the callee values of registers r4 to r11. ATPCS also specifies that the stack should be eight-byte
aligned; therefore you must preserve this alignment if calling subroutines. Use the following template for
optimized assembly routines requiring many registers:


The only purpose in stacking r12 is to keep the stack eight-byte aligned. You need not stack r12 if your
routine doesn’t call other ATPCS routines. For ARMv5 and above you can use the preceding template
even when being called from Thumb code. If your routine may be called from Thumb code on an
ARMv4T processor, then modify the template as follows:

Allocating Variables to Register Numbers:

When you write an assembly routine, it is best to start by using names for the variables, rather than
explicit register numbers. This allows you to change the allocation of variables to register numbers easily.
You can even use different register names for the same physical register number when their use doesn’t
overlap. Register names increase the clarity and readability of optimized code.
For the most part ARM operations are orthogonal with respect to register number. In other words, specific
register numbers do not have specific roles. If you swap all occurrences of two registers Ra and Rb in a
routine, the function of the routine does not change.
However, there are several cases where the physical number of the register is important:
 Argument registers: The ATPCS convention defines that the first four arguments to a function are
placed in registers r0 to r3. Further arguments are placed on the stack.
o The return value must be placed in r0.
 Registers used in a load or store multiple: Load and store multiple instructions LDM and STM
operate on a list of registers in order of ascending register number. If r0 and r1 appear in the
register list, then the processor will always load or store r0 using a lower address than r1 and so
 Load and store double word: The LDRD and STRD instructions introduced in ARMv5E operate
on a pair of registers with sequential register numbers, Rd and Rd + 1. Furthermore, Rd must be
an even register number.

Using More Than 14 Local Variables:
If you need more than 14 local 32-bit variables in a routine, then you must store some variables on the
stack. The standard procedure is to work outwards from the innermost loop of the algorithm, since the
innermost loop has the greatest performance impact.

Making the Most of Available Registers:

On load-store architecture such as the ARM, it is more efficient to access values held in registers than
values held in memory. There are several tricks you can use to fit several sub-32-bit length variables into
a single 32-bit register and thus can reduce code size and increase performance.

The processor core can conditionally execute most ARM instructions. This conditional execution is based
on one of 15 condition codes. If you don’t specify a condition, the assembler defaults to execute always
condition (AL). The other 14 conditions split into seven pairs of complements. The conditions depend on
the four condition code flags N, Z, C, V stored in the cpsr register.
By default, ARM instructions do not update the N, Z, C, V flags in the ARM cpsr. For most instructions,
to update these flags you append an S suffix to the instruction mnemonic.
Exceptions to this are comparison instructions that do not write to a destination register. Their sole
purpose is to update the flags and so they don’t require the S suffix.
By combining conditional execution and conditional setting of the flags, you can implement simple if
statements without any need for branches. This improves efficiency since branches can take many cycles
and also reduces code size.

Example 17: The following C code converts an unsigned integer 0 ≤ i ≤ 15 to a hexadecimal character c:

We can write this in assembly

using conditional execution
rather than conditional

The sequence works since the first ADD does not change the condition codes. The second ADD is still
conditional on the result of the compare.
Conditional execution is even more powerful for cascading conditions.


xample 18: The following C code identifies if c is a vowel:

In assembly you can write this using conditional comparison:

As soon as one of the TEQ comparisons detects a match, the Z flag is set in the cpsr. The following
TEQNE instructions have no effect as they are conditional on Z = 0. The next instruction to have effect is
the ADDEQ that increments vowel. You can use this method whenever all the comparisons in the if
statement are of the same type.

Example 19: Consider the following code that detects if c is a letter:

To implement this efficiently, we can use an addition or subtraction to move each range to the form 0 ≤ c
≤ limit. Then we use unsigned comparisons to detect this range and conditional comparisons to chain
together ranges. The following assembly implements this efficiently:

Note that the logical operations AND and OR are related by the standard logical relations as shown in the
following Table. You can invert logical expressions involving OR to get an expression involving AND,
which can often be useful in simplifying or rearranging logical expressions.


Most routines critical to performance will contain a loop. Note that, ARM loops are fastest when they
count down towards zero. This section describes how to implement these loops efficiently in assembly.
We also look at examples of how to unroll loops for maximum performance.

Decremented Counted Loops:

For a decrementing loop of N iterations, the loop counter i counts down from N to 1 inclusive. The loop
terminates with i = 0. An efficient implementation is

The loop overhead consists of a subtraction setting the condition codes followed by a conditional branch.
On ARM7 and ARM9 this overhead costs four cycles per loop. If i is an array index, then you may want to
count down from N−1 to 0 inclusive instead so that you can access array element zero. You can
implement this in the same way by using a different conditional branch:

In this arrangement the Z flag is set on the last iteration of the loop and cleared for other iterations. If
there is anything different about the last loop, then we can achieve this using the EQ and NE conditions.
For example, if you preload data for the next loop, then you want to avoid the preload on the last loop.
You can make all preload operations conditional on NE.
There is no reason why we must decrement by one on each loop. Suppose we require N/3 loops; rather
than attempting to divide N by three, it is far more efficient to subtract three from the loop counter on
each iteration:


Unrolled Counted Loops:

Loop unrolling reduces the loop overhead by executing the loop body multiple times. However, there are
problems to overcome.

Multiple Nested Loops:

How many loop counters does it take to maintain multiple nested loops? Actually, one will suffice—or
more accurately, one provided the sum of the bits needed for each loop count does not exceed 32. We can
combine the loop counts within a single register, placing the innermost loop count at the highest bit

Other Counted Loops:

You may want to use the value of a loop counter as an input to calculations in the loop. It’s not always
desirable to count down from N to 1 or N −1 to 0. For example, you may want to select bits out of a data
register one at a time; in this case you may want a power-of-two mask that doubles on each iteration.
The following subsections show useful looping structures that count in different patterns. They use only a
single instruction combined with a branch to implement the loop.

Negative Indexing: This loop structure counts from −N to 0 (inclusive or exclusive) in steps of size

Logarithmic Indexing: This loop structure counts down from 2N to 1 in powers of two. For example, if N
= 4, then it counts 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.


The following loop structure counts down from an N-bit mask to a one-bit mask. For example, if N = 4,
then it counts 15, 7, 3, 1.


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