An Overview of Block-Chain Technology and Related Security Attacks: Systematic Literature Review
An Overview of Block-Chain Technology and Related Security Attacks: Systematic Literature Review
An Overview of Block-Chain Technology and Related Security Attacks: Systematic Literature Review
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, World Peace University, Nicosia, TRNC.
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Information Systems, Near East University, Nicosia, North Cyprus.
Computer Information Systems Research and Technology Center (Cisrtc), Near East University, Nicosia, North
Cyprus. *Corresponding Author Email:, ORCID:
Blockchain technology, a transformative innovation with diverse applications, raises concerns about the security
and integrity of its networks. This article provides a comprehensive review, introducing blockchain concepts such
as consensus algorithms, distributed ledgers, and cryptographic methods. Understanding these fundamentals is
crucial for grasping the operational and security aspects of blockchain systems. The research delves into real-
world applications across industries like energy, supply chain, healthcare, and banking, examining both benefits
and challenges. Additionally, this study addresses cyberattacks on blockchain networks, identifying and analyzing
prevalent types like double spending, Sybil attacks, 51% assaults, and smart contract vulnerabilities. The findings
enable the design of robust security measures to safeguard blockchain networks.
Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Security Attacks, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, Cryptographic Techniques,
Privacy in Blockchain.
There is no denying that blockchain technology is becoming more and more popular. It has had
a significant impact on the world beyond just gaining popularity. Blockchain is a distributed,
decentralized system for logging and tracking online activity (Khalil et al., 2022). In addition
to facilitating bitcoin transactions, the blockchain has the potential to empower the
development of decentralized applications without intermediaries and serve as the foundation
for integral components of internet security infrastructures (Taylor et al., 2020). There are three
distinct types of blockchain: public, private, and consortium, as identified in studies by
Mohanta et al. (2019) and Islam (2023). The blockchain exhibits essential characteristics,
including decentralization, immutability, traceability, and autonomy, as noted by Chen et al.
(2022). The blockchain technology comprises of consensus algorithm, smart contract,
cryptography for blockchain (Guo, and Yu, 2022). Internet of Things (IoT), data storage and
sharing, network security, protection of private user data, and improving the usability and
dependability of the World Wide Web are just a few examples of domains where blockchain
applications with a security focus can be found (Taylor et al., 2020). Blockchain technology
are susceptible to various risks and attacks, which includes double spending, privacy breaches,
vulnerabilities in private key security, mining attacks, and balanced attacks, 51% vulnerability
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attack, transaction privacy leakage, DAO attack, BGP hijacking attack, Sybil attack ((Mohanta
et al., 2019; Singh et al., 2021). By conducting a systematic literature, this study aim to provide
a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles, applications, and security
challenges associated with blockchain technology. In order to carry out this function 3 research
questions has been formulated. To address these research questions, the systematic literature
review explores relevant research papers, published within 2018-2023. This ensures that the
results of this study is based on the most recent advancements and insights in the field of
blockchain technology and security.
By combining current research, detecting developing patterns, and pointing out potential
research areas, the results of this review will add to the body of existing knowledge. In the end,
this research intends to improve our comprehension of blockchain technology and enable the
creation of future blockchain systems that are more reliable and secure.In this context, we
proposed three research questions as follow:
RQ1: What are the fundamental principles and components of blockchain technology?
RQ2: What are the applications of blockchain?
RQ3: What are the most common types of cyber-attacks targeting blockchain networks?
After comparing different types of blockchain, it is further elucidated that blockchain possesses
certain characteristics such as the ability to grant read permissions, efficiency, immutability,
consensus determination, and process that ultimately leads to decentralization (Vivekanadam,
2020). According to Idrees et al., (2021), blockchain may consist of various additional
elements, but the fundamental and essential components that need to be comprehended for
gaining a deeper understanding of the technology are block, hash pointer, markle tree, digital
signature, transactions, and consensus mechanism.
Puneeth and Parthasarathy (2021) provided an overview of diverse scalability solutions and
security-privacy techniques aimed at enhancing the efficiency of blockchain technology. These
security-privacy techniques encompass various approaches such as mixing, group signature,
homomorphic encryption, attribute-based encryption, secure multi-party encryption, and
trusted execution environment.
Abed and Manaa (2020) suggest a blockchain-based secure file approach to safeguard sensitive
and personal data from unauthorized access. By utilizing immutable and secure log files, this
approach offers evidence of log manipulation and non-repudiation. To assess its efficacy, the
researchers conducted experiments by comparing server attacks with and without the
implementation of blockchain technology. The findings demonstrate that the adoption of
blockchain technology can effectively prevent log file manipulation and enhance the security
of sensitive information.
ElMamy et al., (2020) perform a comparative evaluation of the most relevant studies focusing
on the utilization of blockchain technology in Industry 4.0. This assessment is based on various
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This study was carried out using Kitchenham's (2007) suggested methods for a systematic
literature review. A systematic review is a method for locating, assessing, and interpreting all
research studies that are relevant to a certain research question or area of interest (Kitchenham,
2007). Three steps of the review process with associated activities are:
a. Making the review plan: To determine whether a review is necessary, the review protocol
must be specified, including the search keywords and resources to be used, the inclusion
and exclusion criteria, the study selection process, the data extraction plan, and the data
synthesis process.
b. Carrying out the review: Locate a sizable number of primary studies that are relevant to the
study issue, and learn about the primary studies' caliber, data extraction, discussion, and
c. Reporting the evaluation: To construct the report document and write up the review's
3.1 Search Logic
The following keywords are considered during searching the databases. “blockchain” OR
“blockchain technology” OR “block chain technology” OR “block chain” OR “block chain
security” OR “distributed ledger” AND “Cyber security” OR “security” OR “network security”
AND “Attacks” OR “risks” OR “cyber-attacks” OR “security attacks” OR “vulnerabilities”
OR “threats”
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4.1 RQ1: what are the fundamental principles and components of blockchain technology
Blockchain is an innovative method of handling and securing transactions through a
decentralized database system. It ensures that transactions are validated and protected against
unauthorized changes while maintaining consistency among a large group of participants
referred to as nodes (Ali et al., 2021). Blockchain is a comprehensive technical system that
consists of several different components rather than simply one technology. Distributed data
storage, point-to-point communication, consensus techniques, and encryption algorithms are
some of these elements. Blockchain builds a comprehensive foundation for safe and
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source is unknown, there exists a potential for intentional dissemination of incorrect data
by a node. Such actions can give rise to security vulnerabilities like Sybil Attacks and
Double-Spending Attacks (Huo et al., 2022). Therefore, the layer of consensus
incorporates a range of consensus mechanisms that determine the selection of the entity
authorized to assemble the subsequent block (Wen et al., 2021).
F. Control layer: The control layer serves as the central hub where different applications and
the ledger interact. It encompasses components such as the processing model, control
contract, and execution environment (Huo et al., 2022).
G. Applicattion layer: The application layer encompasses a wide range of application
scenarios, including programmable currency, programmable finance, and programmable
society (Wen et al., 2021). Users can access various applications defined within the
application layer by utilizing the standard interface offered by the application layer (Li et
al., 2021).
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et al., 2021), healthcare, integrity verification (provenance and counterfeit, insurance, and
intellectual property), governance, privacy and management, business and industrial
applications (supply chain management), education, data management (Casino et al., 2019),
manufacturing sector (Ali et al., 2021), power grid, transport system, commercial world, cloud
computing, reputation (Mohanta et al., 2019). An overview of the blockchain applications are
represented in Figure 4.
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C. 51% vulnerability attack: Li et al., (2020) stated that the distributed consensus mechanism
plays a vital role in establishing trust within the blockchain. However, this mechanism is
susceptible to a 51% vulnerability, which attackers can exploit to gain control over the entire
blockchain. Particularly in PoW-based blockchains, if a single miner's hashing power
exceeds 50% of the total hashing power, a 51% attack becomes possible. Consequently,
concerns arise when mining power becomes concentrated in a few mining pools, leading to
the potential scenario where a single pool controls more than half of the computing power.
This vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to execute several types of attacks,
including: -Reversing transactions and initiating double spending attacks (spending the
same coins multiple times), -Manipulating the order and exclusion of transactions, -
Disrupting the normal mining operations of other miners, -Obstructing the confirmation
process of regular transactions. The 51% vulnerability attack is shown in Figure 5.
The discussion section of this article presents a comprehensive analysis of the research
questions posed in this systematic literature review on blockchain technology and related
security attacks.
5.1 Fundamental Principles and Components of Blockchain Technology
The findings reveal that blockchain technology is built on several fundamental principles and
components. The distributed ledger, which ensures data transparency and immutability, is a key
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component. Consensus algorithms are essential for building participant confidence and
preserving the blockchain's integrity. Digital signatures and hashing are two examples of
cryptographic algorithms that offer data protection and authentication. Self-executing and
programmable transactions are made possible by smart contracts. Together, these tenets and
elements support blockchain technology's decentralized and secure structure.
5.2 Applications of Blockchain
The report demonstrates how blockchain technology can be applied in a multitude of industries.
Blockchain has the power to completely transform identity verification, cross-border
transactions, and payment systems in the financial industry. Blockchain technology can help
supply chain management by offering transparent, traceable records that guarantee product
authenticity and lower fraud. Voting systems, decentralized energy grids, healthcare data
management, and intellectual property rights management are a few other noteworthy
applications. According to studies, there is continuous investigation into a wide range of fields
on the possible applications of blockchain technology.
5.3 Common Types of Cyber Attacks Targeting Blockchain Networks
Several frequent categories of cyberattacks that target blockchain networks are identified by
this systematic review. These include 51% attacks, in which a single entity gains majority
control of the network's computational power; Sybil attacks, in which an attacker creates
multiple fake identities to control the network; double spending, in which a user tries to spend
the same digital asset more than once; and vulnerabilities in smart contracts, which can be used
to carry out malicious or unauthorized actions. These attacks emphasize how critical it is to
comprehend and manage the security concerns related to blockchain technology.
Finally, a thorough overview of blockchain technology and associated security threats is given
by this systematic literature study. The decentralized, transparent, and safe nature of blockchain
technology is revealed through an examination of its core ideas and constituent parts. The paper
also looks at the various uses of blockchain technology, showing how it can revolutionize
several sectors, including supply chain management, healthcare, and banking. In addition, the
recognition and analysis of prevalent forms of cyberattacks directed at blockchain networks
illuminated the susceptibilities and hazards linked to this technology. To counter these risks
and safeguard the integrity of blockchain networks, it highlights the necessity of implementing
strong security measures.
This comprehensive analysis of the literature adds to the body of knowledge already in
existence by compiling and interpreting research results on blockchain technology and
associated security threats. For scholars, professionals, and decision-makers looking for a
thorough grasp of blockchain technology and the related security environment, it offers
insightful information. This analysis lays the groundwork for future investigations and
developments in blockchain security by answering the research questions and providing an
overview of the major discoveries.
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Disclosure Statement: The authors report there are no competing interests to declare.
Data Availability Statement: there is no data set associated with this paper.
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