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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final

publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Distributed Robust Model Predictive Control-

Based Energy Management Strategy for
Islanded Multi-Microgrids Considering
Zhuoli Zhao, Member, IEEE, Juntao Guo, Xi Luo, Chun Sing Lai, Senior Member, IEEE, Ping Yang,
Loi Lei Lai, Fellow, IEEE, Peng Li, Josep M. Guerrero, Fellow, IEEE, and Mohammad Shahidehpour,
Life Fellow, IEEE

 The microgrid is regarded as a platform for regional management

Abstract— A microgrid is considered to be a smart power system of these flexible distributed devices to ensure the balance of
that can integrate local renewable energy effectively. However, the power supply and demand. Nevertheless, in the face of the MG
intermittent nature of renewable energy causes operating pressure with high penetration rates of renewable energy, it is still a big
and additional expense in maintaining the stable operation by the problem and worth discussing to ensure the effective operation
energy management system in a microgrid. The structure of multi-
microgrids provides the possibility to construct flexible and various
of energy management strategy because of the volatility and
energy trading framework. In this paper, in order to reduce the uncertainty of natural sources.
adverse effects of uncertain renewable energy output, a distributed In order to minimize the operation cost, the most economical
robust model predictive control (DRMPC)-based energy operation decisions can be made with traditional day-ahead
management strategy is proposed for islanded multi-microgrids. scheduling strategy. However, the accuracy of the strategy is
This strategy balances the robustness and economy of single- constrained by the precision of the forecast output of renewable
microgrid system operation by combining the advantages of robust energy. Operators of MGs often inevitably need to pay more for
optimization and model predictive control, while coping with the
the inaccurate predictions to ensure the stable operation of the
uncertainty of renewable energy sources. Furthermore, a dynamic
energy trading market is formed among microgrids, which can MGs. Therefore, the strategies are designed more inclined to
enhance the overall economy of the multi-microgrids system. prevent the uncertainty of renewable energy in advance, which
Simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed DRMPC are more suitable for the flexible characteristics of MGs.
strategy. The worst scenario is taken into account by the robust
optimization (RO) strategy [2]. Therefore, RO can ensure that
Index Terms—Multi-microgrids, energy management, there is still a feasible solution even when the uncertain variable
distributed robust model predictive control, game theory,
renewable energy
fluctuates within a certain range [3]. But this conservative
solution will inevitably sacrifice a part of the economy [4]-[7].
I. INTRODUCTION In [4], a scenario-based robust energy management method was
developed which the possible testing scenarios are provided by
T he renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic (PV) and
wind turbine (WT) generation are connected to microgrids
(MGs) as distributed generation (DG) units through the
Taguchi’s orthogonal array testing method. In [5], a hybrid
stochastic/robust optimization model was proposed to minimize
the expected net cost considering the uncertainty of real-time
conversion of a series of power-electronic equipment to provide market price. The research gap that cogeneration equipment
power for loads [1]. Compared with the traditional distribution cannot be effectively coordinated with industrial demand
network with centralized power generation, the needs of the response on different time scales is filled with an adaptive robust
rapid expansion of the power grid will be met by the closer approach in [6]. In [7], a short-term scheduling problem of
electrical distance to the user side and the smaller line loss with integrated heat and power MG in the grid-connected mode was
these units. Moreover, the smaller environmental cost also helps solved using RO method with uncertainty set. These studies
the goal to lower carbon of energy transformation in power grid.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou,
China 51907031; Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation 510006, China (e-mail: chunsing.lai@brunel.ac.uk).
(Guangdong-Guangxi Joint Foundation) 2021A1515410009; VILLUM P. Yang is with the Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology,
FONDEN under the VILLUM Investigator Grant (no. 25920): Center for South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China (e-mail:
Research on Microgrids (CROM). (Corresponding authors: Chun Sing Lai; Loi eppyang@scut.edu.cn).
Lei Lai) P. Li is with the Digital Grid Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid,
Z. Zhao, J. Guo, X. Luo, and L. L. Lai are with the Department of Electrical Guangzhou 510663, China (e-mail: lipeng@csg.cn).
Engineering, School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, J. M. Guerrero is with the Villum Center for Research on Microgrids (CROM),
Guangzhou, 510006, China (e-mail: zhuoli.zhao@gdut.edu.cn; AAU Energy, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark (e-mail:
2111904003@mail2.gdut.edu.cn; 2112004004@mail2.gdut.edu.cn; l.l.lai@ieee.org). joz@energy.aau.dk).
C. S. Lai is with Brunel Interdisciplinary Power Systems (BIPS) Research Mohammad Shahidehpour is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Centre, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Brunel University London, Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, 60616, USA. He is
London, UB8 3PH, UK and also with the Department of Electrical Engineering, also a Research Professor in the ECE Department at the King Abdulaziz
University in Saudi Arabia (e-mail: ms@iit.edu).

© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media,
including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to
servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

effectively warn MGs about forecast errors in advance by using management [18]-[20]. In [18], an online DMPC-based charging
different methods, which will increase the safety margin of the strategy for multiple EV charging stations was proposed in
dispatch plan and the robustness of the energy management distribution systems, in which the online optimal charging
system (EMS) of MGs. However, some shortcomings of the RO problem is regarded as an optimal power flow problem that
strategy are exposed, such as larger computational burden and minimizes the total system energy cost. An optimal DMPC
more insufficient flexibility. strategy to coordinate energy management among microgrid
The application of model predictive control (MPC) in EMS is systems was presented in [19]; the renewable energy utilization
based on the idea of closed-loop rolling optimization to predict is improved while maintaining its own systemwide supply and
and respond to the fluctuation of renewable energy in advance demand balance. In [20], an optimal procedure for the economic
[8]-[13]. A multi-time scale optimal scheduling based on MPC schedule was carried out through a control algorithm based on
in a designed three-tier coordinated scheduling system is shown DMPC for networked interconnected microgrids with hybrid
in [9]. In [10], a hierarchical stochastic control scheme based on energy storage system. However, the complete trust in the
MPC was proposed for the coordination of plug-in electric forecast output of renewable energy will make the microgrids
vehicles (PEVs) charging and wind power. A closed-loop tend to make aggressive scheduling schemes in pursuit of
distributed model predictive control (DMPC) was designed in economic which increase the high precision requirements of the
[11] to address the intra-hour economic dispatch problem, which
forecasting method. Moreover, the lack of competition among
can reduce potential variations in the determined generation
microgrids in terms of transaction volume of energy and price
schedules. In [12], the results of multiple uncertainty sampling
makes these cooperative frameworks unattractive in the actual
were used to simulate the future characteristics of the converged
microgrid cluster.
EV, and a two-layer control framework is proposed to optimize
For various microgrids with different ownerships, operators
it. As a real-time strategy with multi-time scale, the flexibility of
MPC provides a framework for combining with multiple more often want to maximize their own profits through deep
methods of optimization. For example, a two-layer optimization cooperation. Therefore, the multi-microgrids tend to find a
model was proposed in [13] based on the robust model predictive transaction agreement that balances fairness and privacy [21]-
control (RMPC) to deal with the uncertainty of renewable energy [28]. In [21], a bi-level power management methodology based
outputs in the distribution system restoration problem. The on approximate Reinforcement Learning was proposed to
RMPC strategy can be regarded as a novel control strategy that respond to the problem about the limited information
combines the advantages of these two optimization methods, cooperative agent can have from the MG asset behind the Point
which can better weigh the robustness and economy in of Common Coupling (PCC). And a supervised multi-agent safe
microgrids. policy learning method for optimal power management was
Furthermore, with the expansion of the number of MGs, presented in [22] for networked microgrids considering AC
operators tend to increase communication and interaction with power flow limits to ensure the safety of the control policy. In
nearby MGs to reduce more own operating costs. The emergence [23], a secure distributed transaction energy management
of multi-microgrids has laid a structural foundation for the scheme was proposed based on the collaborative optimization
cooperative operation of MGs, and also provides the possibility among microgrids with a misbehavior detection mechanism. A
for the formation of free power market transactions among them contribution-based energy trading mechanism among microgrids
[14]-[20]. An RO framework for joint an optimal scheduling of in a competitive market was designed in [24], in which the
energy and reserves for multi-microgrids was proposed in [14], surplus energy will be allocated to consumers based on their
in which the non-anticipativity in reserve scheduling is historical contribution. However, the benefits and behaviors of
considered. A decentralized robust model for optimal operation seller who is the important participant in the power market have
of the distribution company with private MGs was proposed in not been paid attention to. Based on [24], a method for fair and
[15], in which the enforced operational uncertainties are handled stable energy sharing among microgrid clusters with minimum
by adaptive RO and the decentralized algorithm is solved by information overhead was proposed in [25]. In this method,
alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). In [16], buyers will compete for the allocation with each other using
two kinds of decentralized robust economic scheduling priority factor based on a non-cooperative game. However, when
framework were reported based on analytical target cascading the microgrid participates in the power market competition, its
(ATC) method, which represents better information privacy and own energy management behavior is ignored, which cannot
faster convergence rate respectively. The interconnected energy guarantee the maximization of the benefits of its operation and
hubs (EH) concept in networked microgrids was studied in [17], increases the risk of the safe operation of the microgrid. In [26],
which aims to exploit the potential capabilities of microgrids in an agent-based hierarchical power management model was
satisfying various types of energy demands. However, compared proposed, which is divided into a Nash bargaining game among
with intraday scheduling, the day-ahead trading strategy based MGs and an iterative machine learning mechanism on energy
on robust optimization cannot make timely adjustments to the price for utility company. However, the wholesale price is the
uncertainty and trading mentality based on real-time weather necessary reference that cannot be obtained in islanded multi-
changes and the enthusiasm of dealing with transactions for microgrids. In [27], a distributed collaborative energy bargain
microgrid operators. scheduling algorithm was designed based on a stochastic
Similarly, based on the close and rapid information exchanges renewable power forecasting method. The trading behaviors are
in the microgrid cluster, the real-time control strategies based analyzed with the impacts of cooperation and dishonest behavior
MPC can be well applied in multi-microgrids energy on the bargaining outcome. And as discussed in [25], this
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Information A. Dynamic Model for Single Microgrid
Submarine Cable
The research in this paper is based on the islanded operation
of multi-microgrids, so a multi-microgrids system located on a
MG 3
MG m remote island group shown in Fig. 1 is regarded as an example
MG 2 in this paper. Each microgrid is equipped with its own power
generation equipment on its own island, and needs to supply a
certain number of power users for normal life or production.
Generator Loads
Considering the geographical location of island, the microgrids
are not connected to the main grid on land. And the power
MG 1 transmission channels are provided by submarine cables among
these microgrids.
1) Renewable energy generation units
Fig. 1. The studied islanded multi-microgrids system.
The island microgrid is considered to be a typical renewable
energy microgrid with high penetration. Especially for PV and
cooperative method of cost allocation is affected by the selfish WT, the actual output of power is greatly affected by natural
behavior of users driven by the interests, which is inevitable. In resources that change in real time. Therefore, the uncertainty set
[28], the problem of bargaining was decomposed into two of them is described as follows:
sequential problems as minimizing social cost and sharing of
 Pi (k )  Pi (k )   i , k  ( i , k  i , k )  Pi (k )
v vf v vu vd ve
transaction benefits, which an incentive mechanism is designed  w (1)
 Pi (k )  Pi (k )   i , k  ( i , k  i , k )  Pi (k )
wf w wu wd we
to encourage active energy trading and fair benefit sharing based
on dissatisfaction cost. v w
Most of the above research work focuses on the optimization where k is the sampling time; Pi and Pi are the robust
vf wf
of the overall cooperative economy, which requires a high predictive output of PV and WT for MG i ; Pi , Pi are the
degree of trust among microgrids to ensure the fairness of the
day-ahead predictive output; Pi ve , Pi we are the allowable range
strategy. And the main grid is one of the important participants
in the strategy, who is difficult to connect for multi-microgrids of predictive error;  iv and  iw are the adjustment factors;
operating in islanded scenario (i.e., remote island groups, rural
ivu , ivd , iwu , iwd {0,
1}, which are the state factors for
areas, mountainous areas, and grassland.) In addition, under
most competitive frameworks, transactions are only driven by positive and negative error of PV and WT. And the constraints
price to pursue revenue, which there should be more behavioral of these factors are shown as follows:
choices for operators. Therefore, for more complex and 0   iv, k  1
changeable business relationships in the actual islanded multi-  (2)
0   i , k  1

microgrids, it is more suitable to establish a more flexible

framework with interactions of cooperative and non-cooperative M
 ( i , k  i , k )  i
vu vd v
game where the multiple businesses coexist.  k 1
In summary, the main contributions of this paper are as M (3)
 (  wu   wd )   w
 
follows: i,k i,k i
k 1
1) In response to the uncertainty of renewable energy, the
microgrid is modeled based on RMPC with closed-loop   ivu, k   ivd, k  1
feedback mechanism. Operators have more options in real-time  wu (4)
  i , k   i , k  1
to choose the operation plan considering the balance of
where M represents the prediction layer. And i , i are the
v w
robustness and economy.
2) By accounting for the complex business relationship with vf
overall uncertainty factor of prediction during period M . Pi ,
multiple owners in islanded multi-microgrids, a dynamic
alliance transaction framework for multi-microgrids system is Pi wf are taken as the equation constraints of the strategy without
established. And a transaction game mechanism based on considering uncertainty, thus Pro   / M indicates the
individual contribution is proposed to enhance the enthusiasm of
probability of constraint violation [3].
3) Combined with the ATC method, a distributed robust 2) Micro gas turbine generator set
In order to deal with the uncertainty of renewable energy,
model predictive control framework is realized by the necessary
controllable micro-sources like gas turbines are needed to be
information exchanging which respect privacy. On the basis of
equipped to balance the basic balance of supply and demand.
fair trading under the framework, the economy of the entire
Therefore, the dynamic mathematical model of the power
multi-microgrids system is enhanced.
generation units is described as follows:
g g g
Pi (k  1)  Pi (k )  Pi (k ) (5)
Pi g min  Pi g (k  1)  Pi g max (6)
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

¥/kWh Optimization
f  C bc ( SOC ) ꞏꞏꞏ
k k+N k+M Time

k k+N
Prediction Output
f  C bd ( SOC ) correction correction

k k+N k+M
0 0.5 1 SoC(p.u.)
Fig. 2. The cost factor of BESS (SoC: State of Charge). ꞏꞏꞏ
Fig. 3. The framework of RMPC.
g g min
where Pi is the supply amount of generator from MG i . Pi ,
integrated with other control strategies. Therefore, based on the
Pi g max are the lower and upper limit of Pi g . Pi g indicates the renewable energy generation situation of the predicted layer
length, the economic objective problem is transformed into a
adjustment value at time k , which is constrained by the
two-layer robust optimization problem to balance the robustness
ramping rate of the generator as and economy of microgrid operation.
Pi g (k )  Pi gu (k )  Pi gd (k )


 mg   min max min fiT  yi (15)
0  Pi ( k )  X i , k  Pi
gu g max x U 
k 1
 (8) Subject to: (16)-(17)
0  Pi ( k )  Yi , k  Pi
gd g max

 x  { X , Y , Z ,W }
X i , k  Yi , k  1 (9)  v w
U ={P , P } (16)
where Pi gu , Pi gd are the adjustment value of up and down.   { x, U }

Pi g max is the upper limit of adjustment. And X i , k , Yi , k  0,1  f i  [Cbc bd g T
i , Ci , Ci , 0, 0]
are state variables.  (17)
 yi  [ Pi , Pi , Pi , SOCi , Pi ]
bc bd g g T

3) Battery energy storage system

In order to consume renewable energy in time, the battery where f i is the set of cost coefficient. And yi indicates the set
energy storage system (BESS) is regarded as a good choice to be of scheduling plan.
auxiliary power supply equipment, which can balance economy It is worth mentioning that, in order to mobilize the
and stability: enthusiasm of all power generation equipment in MG and also
P bd ( k ) prevent excessive or low power reserves from damaging the
SOCi ( k  1)  SOCi ( k )  (ich Pi bc ( k )  i dis )  T (10) battery, we designed a cost coefficient curve of the charging and
discharging based on the remaining energy in a particular SOC.
bc bd
where SOCi indicates the remaining energy of BESS. Pi , Pi Ci  Ai  ( SOCi (k ) / SOCi )  Ci
bc cap

 bd (18)
Ci  - Ai  ( SOCi (k ) / SOCi )  Bi
are the output of charge and discharge of battery.  i , i are
ch dis

where SOCi is the total capacity of BESS. Ai , Bi and Ci are

the efficiency factor. And T is the running time of BESS. And
the constraints of BESS are shown as follows. the linear coefficient. The cost coefficient is fixed in the
SOCimin  SOC (k  1)  SOCimax optimization within the prediction layer until the next rollover.
And the relationship between the cost coefficient and the state of
0  Pi bc ( k )  Wi , k  Pi b max charge of BESS is shown in Fig. 2.
 (12) Finally, the control amount of length N is inputted to the
0  Pi ( k )  Z i , k  Pi
bd b max
system until the next sampling time k  N .
Wi , k  Zi , k  1 (13)
C. RMPC Feedback Mechanism
Pi (k )  Pi (k )  Pi (k )  Pi (k )  Pi (k  1)  Pi (k )
d bc v w g bd
(14) Although there is an early warning for the forecast error of
min max
where SOCi , SOCi are the energy security limit for storage. renewable energy in the robust optimization stage, the
fluctuation of renewable energy is also very large in the ultra-
Pi b max is the upper limit of output of battery that limited by power short-term time frame. Therefore, the feedback mechanism is
electronics. Wi , k , Zi , k  0,1 are state variables. And Equation used to correct the deviation of smaller time scales that can form
the closed-loop control in MPC. And the feedback mechanism is
(14) indicates the constraint for balance of supply and demand in divided into prediction correction and output correction.
MG i . For the prediction correction, because there will be a certain
B. RMPC Prediction and Rolling Mechanism error between the actual output and the predicted value, feedback
of the actual output obtained in the past to the prediction model
As we mentioned in Section I, the MPC strategy contains the will correct the future predicted output. When the latest actual
idea of rolling optimization, which can be more flexibly
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,


output is obtained, the prediction module in the feedback module  min  LB

will update the forecast change of renewable energy output at the  x

 M
next feedback point. That means the prediction module is
 s.t.  LB   fi T  yi
continuously updated and rolled forward throughout the day.  k 1
This kind of prediction model generally adopts gray model or  (22)
 Eq.(20)
neural network, but the gray forecasting model is more sensitive 
to more regular simulation random fluctuation errors. Therefore, I i yi  uiv*,uiv  U

in order to cope with more complex real conditions, compared to  J i yi  uiw*,uiw  U
our past work [29], this paper selects a convolutional neural v* w*
network forecast model based on wavelet decomposition which where u i and ui indicate the value of the uncertainty set
is widely used in forecasting research. obtained by the sub-problem after the l th iteration.
And these prediction values will be inputted into the output And the form of the sub-problem is shown as
correction. In the ultra-short period of time, if there is no advance M

redistribution strategy, the deviation between the forecast and UB  max min  fiT  yi (23)
U 
k 1
the actual output will be borne by the generator, which poses a
danger to the safe operation of the microgrid. Therefore, in the The strong duality theory is used to linearize constraints,
output correction, compared to pursue economy, the principle of which makes the ‘max-min’ problem in (23) turn to a ‘max’
redistribution is described as the minimal pressure on remaining problem. The transformed dual problem with Lagrange duality
power capacity. variables is shown as follows:
 UB  max  T ( ji  Fi xi )   T gi   T hi   T u v   T u w 
Pi g  Pi b  U
  T
 fi   Ei   Gi   H i   I i   J i   0
Min Pi  g max  T T T T T
 ( Pi  Pi g (k )) ( Pi b max  Pi b (k ) ) (19)
 
 s.t.(5)  (14)   0,  0
where Pi is the predicted deviation of the updated predicted (24)
At the beginning of the solution, the initial value LB   ,
value from the previous predicted point. And  Pi g  ,  Pi b are
UB   and the number of iterations l  1 was set. Then the
the values redistributed to the power generation units and main-problem will be solved to send x to sub-problem while
BESS, respectively.
Finally, the revised scheduling plan will be executed when LB  max(LBl 1, LB ) being updated. And the sub-problem will
the next feedback point arrives, and the feedback module will be solved to find the worst scenario U for updated operating
be executed in a loop until the next rolling layer sampling point variables x and update UB  min(UBl 1 , UB ) .
arrives. The entire RMPC strategy framework based on time
The new uncertain set U with new constraints (20) created by
flow is shown in Fig. 3.
variables yil 1 will be sent back to the main problem to loop
D. RO solution mechanism
iteration until UB  LB   RO is satisfied,where  RO is a very
As shown in Equation (3), PRO can be changed by adjusting
small positive number named the convergence threshold of the
the size of  , which be determined by the operators of the l 1
RO problem. And the final scheduling plan yi will be regarded
microgrid [3]. Therefore, the size of  represents the degree of
as the robust scheduling plan considering the worst scenario of
robustness and this kind of RO is called constraint robustness
renewable energy.
problem [30].
C&CG algorithm is used to solve the RO problem. According
to Equations (1)-(14) and (17), the dynamic model and the
operation constraints of the microgrid can be transformed into
the following standard form:
 Ei yi  ji  Fi xi A. Dynamic Alliance for Energy Trading
 As shown in Fig. 1, each MG has its own information server,
Gi yi  g i (20)
H y  h and the server contains a buyer aggregator (BA) and a seller
 i i i aggregator (SA). The one which is allowed to be called depends
 I i yi  ui ,ui  U
v v on the identity of the microgrid in the electricity market at the
 (21) current time. That means each aggregator represents the
 J i yi  ui ,ui  U
w w
behavior of sellers and buyers in the strategy.
Therefore, by decomposing the ‘max-min-min’ problem of The same aggregator unifies information among MGs. In
Equation (15), the optimization problem can be divided into two order to transmit the minimum necessary information to ensure
stages, which the form of the main problem obtained is the privacy of the operating conditions, only the bidding power
and power prices of the buyers and sellers are allowed to be
transmitted in networks.
In each sampling point in the prediction layer, operators show
their identity to the corresponding aggregator according to their
own needs. The seller and buyer alliances will be formed
dynamically before closing the power market. And each alliance
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Start M
 
 seller   min ktra ( Pkba mg - Pi,sug
k )  max min f i  yi 

 
sug U
Input initial variables and k 1  Pi ,k
where Pk is the purchased energy, which will be discussed
Solve the upper objective
in Section III-C.
BA From the overall point of view of the strategy, uncertain
Pba  mg for each buyer
natural resources are regarded as virtual players to play a non-
Solve the lower Solve the lower Solve the lower
cooperative game with microgrid. On the other hand, sellers also
objective objective ... objective need to game with buyers to make trade-offs between their own
Buyer 1 Buyer 2 Buyer n
profits and accumulated contributions.
every P mg ba to BA C. Strategy for Buyer Aggregator
Inner loop For BA, it is necessary to strive for the minimum cost from
the sellers, but also to maintain the principle of fairness to the
YES   1 internal members. Therefore, a cooperative approach based on
the ATC method is taken into account in the buyer aggregator.
Outer loop Update
 , 
In the process of allocating resources in an alliance based on
the contribution, it is necessary to the priority of the buyer's
harvest considers the current demand ratio and accumulated
contribution value. However, compared with the contribution
Fig. 4 The ATC-based strategy for buyer alliance.
factor for sellers that can be quickly accumulated, a calculation
has its own strategy which forming a flexible power market in method for the contribution factor of buyers of diminishing
which cooperation and non-cooperation coexist. In order to influence over time is used to further ensure the fairness of the
mobilize the enthusiasm of members in the microgrid cluster to transaction and prevent the occurrence of monopoly.

participate in power market, the energy finally sold to the market ( Li  (1/ (k - t  1))
when the microgrid acts as a seller is regarded as the contribution LBi (k )  t
t  1, 2,, k (30)
of itself to the cluster [24].
And the priority factor i of buyers is calculated as follows:
B. Strategy for Seller Aggregator d (k )
For long-term operations in a microgrid cluster based on the i ( k )  i    LBi ( k ) (31)
D(k )
same cooperation agreement, the accumulation of individual
contributions to the group can greatly affect their priority in the where d i and D are power demand of MG i and total demand
power market. For sellers, selling renewable energy to demand of buyer alliance, respectively;  is the contribution coefficient.
users is the only way to accumulate their own contribution. As shown in Fig. 4, the strategy for buyer alliance based on
Therefore, sellers want to maximize their own contribution while ATC method is divided into two stages. On the upper level, the
ensuring their own interests. That is to say, there is a competitive BA needs to consider the maximization of overall expectation of
relationship among sellers. The contribution factor of sellers is all buyers to allocate the purchased energy and minimization of
calculated as follows: cost of purchasing energy from sellers. The objective function is
shown as:
LSi (k )   Li ,t / Lsum (25)
t 1 ba  min( 1   3 )  max  2 (32)
where Li , t is the contribution of MG to the cluster as a seller at 1   k  tra (k )  P s (k )  T

every moment in the past. Lsum is the total contribution value  2   i  k i (k )  log(1  Pi ba  mg
(k ) / Pi ,mg  ba
,  1 ( k ))
accumulated by all MGs. And as a way to increase income and  (33)
 3   i  k [i (k )  ( Pi , (k )  Pi , 1 (k ))
 ba  mg mg  ba
enthusiasm of sellers for selling excess energy, the bidding price
is related to seller contribution factor: 
  i (k ) 2  ( Pi ,ba  mg (k )  Pi ,mg  ba
 1 ( k )) ]

ibid (k )  ibas    LSi (k ) (26)

0  P s ( k )  S (k ) (34)
where i is the basic price to ensure basic income.  is unified
P ( k )   i Pi , ( k )
s ba  mg
to all microgrids which indicates the degree of influence of the
contribution factor on price. And the final bidding price  tra from 1 is the total cost of purchasing electricity from SA.  2
seller alliance is the average price which is calculated by indicates the total utility of the buyers [25], and the purpose is to
 Pi sug (k )  ibid (k )
 tra (k )  m (27)
maximize the total benefits of all buyers based on the
accumulation of contribution.  3 is the area coupling constraint
 m Pi sug (k ) of BA in ATC method, which aims to converge the expected
S (k )   i
Pi sug ( k ) (28) power distribution from buyers and BA. Moreover,  ,  and 
where Pi
indicates the bidding power from MG i . And are penalty coefficients to balance the proportion of each
sug objective. P s (k ) is the expected purchase amount of power from
Pi =0 when it wants to be a buyer. S is total bidding power.
And the objective function of sellers can be rewritten as: SA. Pi bamg and Pi mg ba are optimal allocation to MG from BA
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

BA SA Start

Initial price, S and D

For t=k: k+M
for each time in prediction layer

Update bidding volume Main problem

of power from sellers Settlement of
Temporarily update actual transactions
Sub problem
contribution accumulation
Robust optimal solved Clear the
by C&CG method
temporary storage
Identify the
Update the
accumulation of
Read the latest contributions
information Server
Form the dynamic
Calculate the priority k=k+N alliance Update scheduling
Update bidding price coefficient plan based on
ATC-based cooperation RMPC
Enter the power
strategy market Prediction Layer
S , D, price
Exchange transaction Exchange transaction
information information
Operate the plan
with length of N
Seal the deal?
Time flow YES Forecast output of MPC feedback
Information Flow
renewable energy mechanism
Close the power market

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the alliance-based power market. update Next sample point?
Feedback Layer
and expected demand from MGs. l l is the number of iterations. Control Layer
And  , i are LaGrange multiplier and penalty factor. NO
End of the day?
On the lower level, MGs only need to consider two aspects of Rolling Layer
the goal, its own cost and different opinion from the allocation
of BA. End

buyer  min (4   5)

mg ba
(36) Fig. 6. DMPC-based energy management strategy for multi-microgrids.
Pi ,

 M And finally, when the opinions are unified (convergence is


 4    (k )  ( Pi ,ll
mg ba
(k )  Pi sug (k ))  fiT  yi  complete), P ba  mg will be used as the decision amount for BA
 k 1
 to distribute the purchased energy to buyers.
 5  k [i (k )  ( Pi ,ll
mg ba  mg
  (k )  Piba
,ll 1 ( k )) (37)
 D. Distributed Robust Model Predictive Control-Based
  i (k )  ( Pi,ll (k )  Pi ,ll 1 (k )) ]
2 mg ba ba  mg 2
Energy Management Strategy
After obtaining the optimal scheduling plan calculated by
 4 is the cost of buyer.  5 is the area coupling constraint of RMPC prediction module mentioned in Section II, operators will
MG similar to  3 . And  indicates the degree of compromise show their identity in each sampling point to BA or SA according
to their wishes to be a buyer or seller. And after the formation of
of the buyer to the alliance. And the convergence criterion and
the dynamic trading alliance, power market trading will be
coefficient update are shown in (38) - (40).
ll 1 ll 1
 llba   ba  llbuyer   buyer After exchanging the expected transaction volume ( S and D )
max[ , ]   inner (38)
 ba  1
 buyer  1
ll and broadcast to the corresponding demanders, the two alliances
will act separately according to the strategies we mentioned in

  ( Pi ba  mg
 Pi ,mg  ba
)   outer Sections III-B and C. For BA, only the expected allocation of
 
k ,ll ll

 (39) power ( bu  Pi
ba  mg
,Pi mg ba ) can be exchanged between BA

  k
( P ba  mg
i ,ll  P mg  ba
i , ll  ( P ba  mg
i , ll 1  P mg  ba
i ,ll 1 ))

  outer
and buyers, which will maximize the privacy of microgrid
i (k )  i (k )  2(i (k )  i (k ))  ( ( Pi ,ll  mg  Pi ,mg
ll 1 ll ll ll ba
)) information. The same for SA, se  [ Pi , i ] is the only
sug bid
 ll 1
i (k )    i (k )
circulating bidding information including power ( Pi sug ) and price
(40) ( ibid ). Therefore, the information that each microgrid needs to
Equation (38) is the converged condition of the inner loop and upload to the aggregator can be summarized as
Equation (39) is of the outer loop. And the convergence
 PM img  agg
 [id it , marit ] t  1, 2 k
coefficient  , i will be updated according to Equation (40) if 

bui (41)
the outer loop does not converge.  t
if MG is a buyer
 mari =  t
  sei if MG is a seller
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

MG 1 MG 2 MG 3 MG 4 MG 5 MG 6
PV (kW) 700 800 700 500 600 500
WT (kW) 1200 1000 1300 1300 1200 1200
BESS (kWh) 4000 4000 5000 5500 4500 6000
PG (kW) 800 800 800 800 800 800

MG 1 MG 2 MG 3
g max 500 400 400
P (kW)
SOC max (p.u.) 0.85 0.85 0.85
SOC min (p.u.) 0.15 0.15 0.15
bmax 500 500 500
P (kW)
SOC (0) (kWh) 1600 1600 2000
Fig. 8. Scheduling plan of three MGs controlled by RMPC strategy.
A (¥) 1.66 C (¥) 4.60 

B (¥) 6.26 C g (¥) 5.43  bas (¥) 4.0
 1  0.01 (0) 0.05
 0.4  0.01  (0) 0
 50  10  2

Fig. 9. Changes of SOC with RMPC strategy intraday.

Then the lasted bidding information will be exchanged until

the consensus in the market between BA and SA. The demand
from two alliances is updated as (28) and (44).
The schematic diagram of the alliance-based power market is
shown in Fig. 5.
D(k )  P S (k ) (44)
While all the transactions are finished satisfactorily, it should
be noted that, only the transaction included in the control amount
of length N can be truly implemented. The latest accumulation
of contributions will be updated in the server based on actual
Fig. 7. The forecast curves of renewable energy and loads. transactions.
Finally, the MGs will re-plan the scheduling based on the
In addition, for SA, the sales share will be compulsorily transaction information. And then, the feedback mechanism will
distributed to each seller in proportion as: be operated independently in each microgrid until the next time of
D(k )  Pisex power market opens. The whole DMPC-based energy
Pi sug  (42)
 Pisex management strategy for multi-microgrids is shown in Fig. 6.
where Pi is the initial bidding volume of power from sellers. IV. VERIFICATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Therefore, the response information which the aggregator As mentioned in Section II-B, each MG in the island shown
returns to each microgrid will be sent as in Fig. 1 can be controlled by the RMPC strategy. The forecast
 Pi , k
ba  mg
 mg
from BA to buyer curves of the renewable energy and loads with 30-minute
PM iagg
,t   tra sug t  1, 2 k (43) intervals of six islanded interconnected MGs on island group are
[t , Pi ,t ] from SA to seller
shown in Fig. 7. Each curve of renewable energy is predicted by
a neural network mentioned in Section II-C with 20 days of real
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Fig. 12. The prediction output of renewable energy of MG 1. (a) PV. (b) WT.
Fig. 10. Scheduling plan of three MGs controlled by DRMPC strategy.
MGs are similar. However, because of the different
configurations and load levels, the surplus and deficit levels of
three within a day are different. For example, from 0 A.M. to 8
A.M., MG 1 and MG 3 have some energy storage behavior,
which results in using BESS as much as possible to meet demand
between 8 A.M. and 10 A.M. However, the three microgrids
have different degrees of power shortage from 3 P.M. to 21 P.M.
In addition, the SOC change of BESS is shown in Fig. 9.
Except for the time of extremely abundant renewable energy, the
BESS fluctuates but maintains at a very healthy operating level,
which is what we expect from (18).
B. DRMPC-based Energy Management Strategy
The proposed DRMPC strategy in this paper is adopted in
operation, and the results are shown in Fig. 10. On the whole, the
operating range of the power generation units of each microgrid
is effectively reduced within a day, especially in the morning and
Fig. 11. Transactions in the power market intraday among 3 MGs. noon. This is the benefit brought by the power transaction among
MGs. However, the improvement of the operation of the three
historical data. We set the rolling layer P  48 , the prediction MGs is limited in the evening, since the wind power in the entire
layer M  8 , and the control layer N  1 . This means that the region shows a downward trend and lack of PV power generation
sampling interval for rolling layer is 30-minute and 10-minute when sunlight is insufficient. It is also worth noting that there are
for feedback layer, the time scale of the prediction layer is 4 still many fluctuating spikes in the expected scheduling plan.
hours. This is caused by the feedback mechanism of their own operation.
It should be noted that, in order to facilitate the analysis and Therefore, the adjustment pressure will still be caused on the
explanation, only three microgrids are simulated in Sections IV- equipment in pursuit of economic efficiency. Opening up a free
A to D to show the feasibility of the proposed strategy. The market in a shorter period may be a way to further pursue
extended discussion for more microgrids is presented in Section operational stability and economic efficiency [31].
IV-E. In addition, the construction configuration parameters and As shown in Fig. 11, the flexible transactions and fair
operating parameters of the microgrids are listed in Tables I and distribution are realized among microgrids during the day. The
II, respectively. MG represents the identity of a seller when the power is less than
A. RMPC Strategy Applied in Independent Microgrid zero. Under the strategy based on contribution accumulation,
The scheduling plan of three independent microgrids based on MGs are effectively motivated to invest as much energy trading
the RMPC strategy is shown in Fig. 8, in which the uncertainty as possible in the proposed power market. The contribution
factor   4 and the allowable range of predictive error in accumulation is more important for players who are buyers.
Equation (1) are all 5%. Each microgrid achieves the balance of Because when they become a buyer, they will get a proportion
supply and demand based on its own forecast data, and also can of energy distribution with priority based on contribution
operate independently without connecting with others. The proportion. As we have analyzed in Fig. 10, the negative output
significance of this is that in the complex and changeable of renewable energy from 4 P.M. to 21 P.M. also led to the
environment of the islands, the independent microgrid needs to closure of the electricity market, which will provide a reference
face communication interruption or reduce mutual power for the long-term expansion of personal MG facilities to seize
transmission to ensure power quality at any time. vacancies of the power market. However, it should be noted that
As shown in Figs. 7 and 8, due to the geographical proximity, it does not mean the negativity of the proposed framework of
the daily fluctuation trends of the renewable energy of the three strategy, because of the decision made by operators to ensure the
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Operating Strategies MG 1 MG 2 MG 3
RMPC (   4 ) 2.0492 2.6362 3.9265
Distribution rolling
0.9465 1.3860 1.8240
DMPC 0.8711 1.1620 1.6166
DRMPC (   4 ) 0.9785 1.5123 2.0114

Operating Strategies MG 1 MG 2 MG 3
MPC 2.623 1.815 2.296
RMPC (   4 ) 2.809 2.159 2.370
DMPC 2.531 1.738 2.184
DRMPC (   4 ) 2.660 1.966 2.206

Fig. 13. Scheduling plan under different uncertainty factors for MG 1. (a)   0 .
(b)   4 . (c)   8 .
power generation equipment becomes more stable. That is
because of responding to the worst scenarios in advance by
robust optimization, the pressure on devices that need to be
adjusted quickly in the feedback mechanism will reduce, which
can make the operation of the microgrid more stable.
Moreover, the average relative error of the net load is shown
in Table III [32]. The calculated result of error with the DMPC
strategy is better than the rolling optimization which is fully
pursuing the economy. That is because the prediction curve is
closer to the actual output curve by using the feedback
mechanism. And because of the same predictive model used in
the three MGs, the improvement effect is similar. However,
comparing the DRMPC strategy with the DMPC strategy, this
value has risen slightly. This is because the worst scenario
predicted by the RO is not based on real data but based on the
operating status of the device. Therefore, it does not necessarily
match the real scenario in actual operation, which may cause
Fig. 14. Real operating conditions under different strategies for MG 1. more operational errors. But for operators facing uncertain
factors in the future operation of MG, such errors can be
stable operation of the microgrid by independent operating. With accepted in exchange for preventing the emergence of scenarios
the addition of more microgrids, the market will become more that disrupt the stable operation of the microgrid.
active, which will be discussed in Section IV-E. And the comparison of real operating conditions under
C. Combating to the Uncertainty of Renewable Energy different strategies is shown in Fig. 14. As we have analyzed
before, compared with rolling optimization, the risk in the rolling
For the feedback mechanism in MPC, its ability to deal with RO strategy is allocated to all devices in advance. And as a
the uncertainty of renewable energy depends first on the further improvement strategy, RMPC uses a more accurate
accuracy of its forecast correction. The forecast correction curve forecast curve to allocate risks more reasonably in the ultra-short
of the feedback module is shown in Fig. 12, in which the term. For the same to have been shown in DRMPC strategy, in
prediction curve has been updated in real time according to the which the use of equipment is reduced on the basis of the DMPC
historical and actual sampled data. This rolling prediction strategy.
method based on historical and real-time data makes the
correction curve in ultra-short timescale closer to the actual D. Balance of Economy and Robustness
output situation, so that the output error can be corrected in RO and MPC strategies deal with the uncertainty of renewable
advance in the correction module, which effectively distributes in different time scales, which will correspondingly pay the price
the adjustment pressure on the generator and improves the safety of economic loss for this. The comparison of the cost of intraday
margin of the microgrid operation [29]. operation with different operating strategies is shown in Table IV.
Due to the adjustability of the uncertainty factor, the worst Compared to RMPC strategy, MPC strategy pursues the
scenario for a short period can be considered. Compared to the minimization of cost in the short-term planning stage, so that the
MPC strategy, the RMPC strategy including RO can help the total cost can be controlled to be lower. This is because the
system respond to the uncertainty of renewable energy one step uncertainty set of RO has the probability of violating the
ahead of time. Taking MG 1 with RMPC strategy as an example, constraints. In order to ensure the feasible solution of strategy
the scheduling plans with different uncertainty factors are shown within the uncertainty range of renewable energy, the result of
in Fig. 13. It can be seen from the comparison that with the RO is a conservative solution. It is called ‘The Price of
increase of the uncertainty factor, the transfer of the controllable
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Time 7:30 A.M.
Buyer MG 1 (kW) MG 4 (kW)
Demand 172.46 132.27
Method in [33] 116.84 116.84
Method in [19] 136.93 96.75
Method in [25] 145.7 87.97
This paper 130.42 103.26
Time 8:00 A.M.
MG 1 MG 4 MG 5 MG 6
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
Demand 240.4146 61.0483 71.0326 222.9883
Method in [33] 80.54 80.54 80.54 80.54
Method in [19] 169.65 0 0 152.23
Method in [25] 199.09 0 0 123.065
This paper 105.28 38.51 49.53 119.80

which all are valued most from operators.

Fig. 15. Transactions in the power market intraday among 6 MGs. E. Expansion of the multi-microgrids system
When the multi-microgrids system expands, the number of
microgrids increases, and the performance of the electricity
market will be more active. Taking the expansion to six
microgrids as an example, the results of liquidation in the power
market is shown in Fig. 15, in which all microgrids participate
with the proposed DRMPC strategy. Compared with the small-
scale markets of the three microgrids in Section IV-B, there are
more transactions and transaction options among microgrids. As
shown in Fig. 15, the trading behavior basically covers the whole
day. And compared with Fig. 11, there are fewer market
vacancies. This is because more participants provide more
market uncertainty, which is a necessary condition for the market
to be active.
The result of the contribution calculation method given in
Equation (30) is shown in Fig. 16. The contribution of MGs as a
Fig. 16. Real-time contribution ratio among buyers. seller will increase the allocation priority when becoming a
buyer, but will gradually diminish over time if there is no
Robustness’, which is directly reflected on the changes of
continuous contribution. For example, between 0 A.M. and 2
economic cost [3]. As shown in Table IV, the larger the  , the
A.M., due to the large surplus of renewable energy, the selling
more conservative the robust solution, and the greater the price
behaviors of MG 3 and MG 4 make them basically occupied the
(extra cost) paid. Therefore, robustness and economy are
negatively correlated. That is, when only the uncertainty contribution accumulation. If the contribution rate is only
calculated by accumulation [25], the two microgrids will gain a
parameter  changes, the change in cost reflects the degree of
the conservativeness of the robust solution. However, the great advantage in allocated energy as a buyer when other
proposed free power market framework constructs a trading microgrids are unable to sell in large quantities for a period of
framework and enhances the enthusiasm for interaction among time. However, from the results of the contribution accumulation
MGs, which can reduce the ‘Price’ that operators need to pay method in this paper, due to the lack of continuous contributions
extra. Therefore, based on the objective of RMPC to enhance the from these two microgrids, the time to enjoy the advantages is
robustness of the system, the proposed DRMPC strategy further also limited, which has avoided this kind of monopoly. As shown
reduces the operating cost of each microgrid. Compared with the in Fig. 16, when all microgrids begin to be active in the market
independent operation, the daily operating cost of each MG with as sellers during the day, the contribution rate begins to show a
the DRMPC strategy has been reduced by 5.3%, 8.9% and 6.9%. trend of fair competition.
And if the importance of contribution accumulation in the However, as a simulation of an independent day, it is
strategy is further increased to stimulate transactions among inevitable that the contribution rate shows a common downward
microgrids, the cost may be further reduced. But as we analyzed trend. If the proposed DRMPC strategy is applied to the long-
in Section IV-C, it depends on operators to weigh the balance term operation of the multi-microgrids system, this problem can
between risks and benefits. As a whole, the proposed DRMPC be solved by adjusting the rate of decline of contribution degree
strategy has the ability to be easily adjusted whether it is operated and the proportion of contribution degree in the priority factor in
independently or with networked interaction, which depends on Equations (30) and (31), in which the prerequisite is the consent
the expectations of the operators and the agreement with other of all participants.
members. Therefore, the proposed DRMPC strategy can well In addition, in order to show more details, the allocated energy
balance the robustness and economy of microgrid operation,
results compare with the methods in other references for buyers
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

at 7:30 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. are shown in Table V. For the This is more in line with the complex market environment and
method in [33], each buyer will receive the same allocation. In the psychological game of operators. The proposed distributed
[18], the goal of allocation is to maximize the utilization rate of control strategy with minimum necessary information
renewable energy, that is, to minimize the sum of squares of the interaction effectively guarantees the privacy of microgrid
deviation between the allocation and demand. The objective of operation information.
the method in [25] is to maximize social welfare, and the
calculation method of contribution ratio in buyer priority factor REFERENCES
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market framework based on community contribution in which 2020.
cooperation and non-cooperation coexist with different goals.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,


[22] Q. Zhang, K. Dehghanpour, Z. Wang, F. Qiu, and D. Zhao, “Multi-agent Juntao Guo received the B.E. degree from
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Guangdong University of Technology,
[23] Y. Liu, H. B. Gooi, Y. Li, H. Xin, and J. Ye, “A secure distributed Guangzhou, China, in 2019. He is currently
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no. 6, pp. 5975–5986, Nov. 2019.
[24] S. Park, J. Lee, S. Bae, G. Hwang, and J. K. Choi, “Contribution-based
Automation, Guangdong University of
energy-trading mechanism in microgrids for future smart grid: a game Technology, Guangzhou, China. His
theoretic approach,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 4255– research interests include microgrid control
4265, Jul. 2016. and energy management.
[25] A. M. Jadhav, N. R. Patne, and J. M. Guerrero, “A novel approach to
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[26] K. Dehghanpour and H. Nehrir, “An agent-based hierarchical bargaining Xi Luo received the B.E. degree from
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[27] L. An, J. Duan, M.-Y. Chow, and A. Duel-Hallen, “A distributed and Guangzhou, China, in 2020. He is currently
resilient bargaining game for weather-predictive microgrid energy working toward the master degree in
cooperation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 4721–4730, electrical engineering with the School of
Aug. 2019.
[28] H. Wang and J. Huang, “Incentivizing energy trading for interconnected Automation, Guangdong University of
microgrids,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2647–2657, Jul. 2018. Technology, Guangzhou, China. His
[29] Z. Zhao, J. Guo, C. S. Lai, H. Xiao, K. Zhou, and L. L. Lai, “Distributed research interests include microgrid control
model predictive control strategy for islands multi-microgrids based on and power electronic converters.
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[30] R. A. Gupta and N. K. Gupta, “A robust optimization based approach for
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[31] F. Garcia-Torres, C. Bordons, J. Tobajas, J. J. Marquez, J. Garrido-Zafra, Chun Sing Lai (S’11, M’19, SM’20)
and A. Moreno-Munoz, “Optimal schedule for networked microgrids under
deregulated power market environment using model predictive control,” received the B.Eng. (First Class Hons.) in
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 182–191, Jan. 2021. electrical and electronic engineering from
[32] W. Gu, Z. Wang, Z. Wu, Z. Luo, Y. Tang and J. Wang, "An online optimal Brunel University London, London, UK, in
dispatch schedule for CCHP microgrids based on model predictive
2013, and the D.Phil. degree in engineering
control," IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 5, pp.2332-2342, Sept. 2017.
[33] J. Lee, J. Guo, J. K. Choi, and M. Zukerman, “Distributed energy trading science from the University of Oxford,
in microgrids: a game-theoretic model and its equilibrium analysis,” IEEE Oxford, UK, in 2019.
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 3524–3533, Jun. 2015. He is currently a Lecturer with the
Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, Brunel University London. From 2018 to 2020, he
was an UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Research Fellow with the School of Civil Engineering,
Zhuoli Zhao (S’15–M’18) received the University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. His current research interests
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering are in power system optimization and data analytics. Dr. Lai was
from South China University of the Publications Co-Chair for both 2020 and 2021 IEEE
Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2017. International Smart Cities Conferences. He is the Vice-Chair of
From October 2014 to December 2015, he the IEEE Smart Cities Publications Committee and Associate
was a Joint Ph.D. Student and Sponsored Editor for IET Energy Conversion and Economics. He is the
Researcher with the Control and Power Working Group Chair for IEEE P2814 Standard, and the Chair
Research Group, Department of Electrical of the IEEE SMC Intelligent Power and Energy Systems
and Electronic Engineering, Imperial Technical Committee. He is an IET Member and a Chartered
College London, London, U.K. He was a Research Associate Engineer.
with the Smart Grid Research Laboratory, Electric Power
Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou,
China, from 2017 to 2018.
He is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Ping Yang (M’11) received the Ph.D.
Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, degree in automatic control from South
China. His research interests include microgrid control and China University of Technology,
energy management, renewable power generation control and Guangzhou, China, in 1998. She is currently
grid-connected operation, modeling, analysis and control of a Professor with the School of Electric
power-electronized power systems and smart grids. He is an Power Engineering, South China University
Active Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, the of Technology, Guangzhou, China and the
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, the IEEE Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, the IEEE Transactions on Clean Energy Technology, South China
Power Electronics, and the Applied Energy. University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. Her current
research interests include smart microgrid and electricity market.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final
publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/TSG.2022.3147370,

Loi Lei Lai (M’87, SM’92, F’07, LF’21) Since 2011, he has been a Full Professor with AAU Energy,
received the B.Sc. (First Class Hons.), Aalborg University, Denmark, where he is responsible for the
Ph.D., and D.Sc. degrees in electrical and Microgrid Research Program. From 2019, he became a Villum
electronic engineering from the University Investigator by The Villum Fonden, which supports the Center
of Aston, Birmingham, UK, and City, for Research on Microgrids (CROM) at Aalborg University,
University of London, London, UK, in being Prof. Guerrero the founder and Director of the same center
1980, 1984, and 2005, respectively. (www.crom.et.aau.dk).
Professor Lai is currently a University His research interests is oriented to different microgrid
Distinguished Professor with Guangdong frameworks in applications like microgrid clusters, IoT-based
University of Technology, Guangzhou, and digital twin, maritime microgrids for electrical ships,
China. He was a Pao Yue Kong Chair Professor with Zhejiang vessels, ferries and seaports, and space microgrids applied to
University, Hangzhou, China, and the Professor and Chair of nanosatellites and closed ecological systems. Prof. Guerrero is
Electrical Engineering with City, University of London. His an Associate Editor for a number of IEEE TRANSACTIONS.
current research areas are in smart cities and smart grid. He has published more than 800 journal papers in the fields of
Professor Lai was awarded an IEEE Third Millennium Medal, microgrids and renewable energy systems, which are cited more
the IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE/PES) UKRI Power than 70,000 times. During eight consecutive years, from 2014 to
Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2000, the IEEE/PES 2021, he was awarded by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson
Energy Development and Power Generation Committee Prize Reuters) as Highly Cited Researcher with 50 highly cited papers.
Paper in 2006 and 2009, the IEEE/SMCS Outstanding In 2021, he received the IEEE Bimal Bose Award for Industrial
Contribution Award in 2013 and 2014, the Most Active Electronics Applications in Energy Systems, for his pioneering
Technical Committee Award in 2016, and his research team has contributions to renewable energy based microgrids.
received a Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Smart
Cities Conference in October 2020. Professor Lai is an Associate
Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Mohammad Shahidehpour (Life Fellow,
Cybernetics: Systems, Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Smart Cities IEEE) received the Honorary Doctorate
Newsletter, a member of the IEEE Smart Cities Steering degree from the Polytechnic University of
Committee and the Chair of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. He is a
Cybernetics Society (IEEE/SMCS) Standards Committee. He University Distinguished Professor, the
was a member of the IEEE Smart Grid Steering Committee; the Bodine Chair Professor, and the Director of
Director of Research and Development Center, State Grid the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity
Energy Research Institute, China; a Vice President for Innovation, Illinois Institute of
Membership and Student Activities with IEEE/SMCS; and a Technology. He is also a Research
Fellow Committee Evaluator for the IEEE Industrial Electronics Professor with the Center of Research
Society. He is a Fellow of IET. Excellence in Renewable Energy and Power Systems, King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He was the
recipient of the 2019 IEEE PES Ramakumar Family Renewable
Peng Li received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Energy Excellence Award. He is a member of the U.S. National
Ph.D. degrees from South China Academy of Engineering. He is a Fellow of the American
University of Technology, Guangzhou, Association for the Advancement of Science and the National
China, in 1993, 1995, and 2002, Academy of Inventors.
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from
the Technical University of
Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany,
in 2004, all in electrical engineering. He is
currently a Professor-level Senior Engineer of the Digital Grid
Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou,
China. His current research interests include technology research
and management of smart grid and digital grid.

Josep M. Guerrero (S’01-M’04-SM’08-

FM’15) received the B.Sc. degree in
telecommunications engineering, the
M.Sc. degree in electronics engineering,
and the Ph.D. degree in power electronics
from the Technical University of
Catalonia, Barcelona, in 1997, 2000 and
2003, respectively. Nowadays he is
working towards the M.Sc. Degree in
Psychobiology and Cognitive
Neuroscience at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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