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AbdelrahmanShaker Resume

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Personal Info

Name: Abdelrahman Shaker

Date of birth: 01/10/1994
Nationality: Egyptian
Residence: Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Golden Visa Holder)
Phone number: (+971) 52-7096639
Email address: abdelrahman.m.shaker@gmail.com
GitHub website: https://amshaker.github.io/
LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/abdel-rahman-shaker-74274b9b

Profile Summary
Have a mixed experience between conducting pure academic research and contributing to international
products in the industry. My research interest is Computer Vision, specially designing accurate, lightweight,
and memory-efficient 2D and 3D architectures for edge devices. Seeking for research internship or a
graduate fellowship program related to the field of Computer Vision/AI during my Ph.D. journey.

Ph.D. in Computer Vision
MBZUAI 08/2021 – Present
- CGPA is 3.95/4.00 (A).

Ain-shams University Master degree in Computer Sciences 03/2018 – 08/2020

- Master Courses (2017 / 2018).
- CGPA is 3.71/4.00 (A-).
Ain-shams University Bachelor degree in Computer Sciences 09/2012 – 08/2016
- Excellent with honors grade.
- Dept Rank: 1st (out of 149 students).

Work Experience
Valeo Egypt Machine Learning / SW Engineer 11/2019 – 7/2021

Ain-shams University Teaching / Lecturer Assistant 03/2018 – 7/2021

Valeo Egypt Deep Learning Researcher 01/2019 – 04/2019

Internship at CDV-R&D Excellence team

Mercedes Benz-GAS Software Engineer 09/2016 – 01/2017

ABB Software Engineer 08/2016 – 09/2016


Selected Publications
• SwiftFormer: Efficient Additive Attention for Transformer-based Real-time Mobile Vision
Applications, Accepted in ICCV conference, 2023.
• UNETR++: Delving into Efficient and Accurate 3D Medical Image Segmentation, Submitted
• EdgeNeXt: Efficiently Amalgamated CNN-Transformer Architecture for Mobile Vision
Applications, Published in ECCVW, 2022.
• Generalization of Convolutional Neural Networks for ECG Classification Using Generative
Adversarial Networks, Published in IEEE Access Journal, 2020.

• XrayGPT: Conversational medical vision-language model, capable of analyzing chest radiographs

and providing insightful answers to open-ended questions based on the given x-ray [project].
• Driver Monitoring System (DMS): Integral contributor to DMS Daimler project, focusing on driver
recognition and alertness within an integrity OS framework. I focused on integrating components from
ECP, Vision, and Algorithms teams, aligning with customer requirements (SRS). Demonstrated
proficiency in cross-functional collaboration, intricate integration, and advanced hardware utilization.
• Insta-YOLO: A novel one-stage end-to-end DL model for real-time instance segmentation, the box
regression of YOLOv3 is replaced by a polygon regression in the localization head in addition to
proposing new localization loss. The model is 1.75x faster than YOLACT with comparable accuracy.
• Seat Occupancy Detection: Detect & classify the car seats in order to know how to open the airbag
for more safety. I increased the Average Precision (AP) by 4.0% for different versions of YOLO and
CenterNet by proposing a different data augmentation method that is based on mixing image
normalization techniques.
• Object Recognition using Radar: Using TI radar sensors interior of the car, I introduced a
prototype of classifying the objects from the heatmaps.
• Occupancy Grid Mapping: Autonomous driving requires detailed knowledge about the
environment. A common approach to accomplish this task is to use occupancy grid maps (OGM). We
built our own OGM based on LIDAR data. I reduced the time from 3.18 MS to 1.28 MS by updating
only the polygon of the affected points instead of updating the whole convex hull.
• Arrhythmia Classification: In my master thesis, I proposed a generalization method using GANs
based on different deep learning architectures (CNN, LSTM, and CNN+LSTM) that improved the overall
accuracy and precision of the public MIT-BIH benchmark.

Teaching History
• Teaching courses: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision.
• Mentor in Kaggle competitions for deep learning projects at Ain Shams University.
• Supervisor for several Machine Learning & Computer Vision graduation projects.

Technical Skills
Programming Languages: Python and C++. Frameworks: PyTorch and Tensorflow.
Concepts: OOP, Data structures, Analysis and design algorithms, and agile methodologies.
Awards & Honor Certificates
• Ranked 1st in Deep Learning course during Ph.D. at MBZUAI.
• First place in Ibtiecar competition 2017 (Hold by the Egyptian Ministry of Communications)
o Ibtiecar is a competition held every year for excellent graduation projects for all engineering and
computer sciences colleges in Egypt. We had achieved first place in the Data Science track.
• Coursera certificate for completing the following specializations: -
o TensorFlow in Practice specialization from deeplearning.ai
o Deep Learning specialization from deeplearning.ai
o Machine Learning specialization from the University of Washington
• Ranked in the top 3 in the Algorithms and Operating System courses.

Academic Supervisor
• Prof. Dr. Fahad Khan (fahad.khan@mbzuai.ac.ae)

• Arabic: Native or bilingual proficiency.
• English: Professional working proficiency.

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