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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and
Clinical Research 2023; 3(1):19-36


Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

Mohammed Aadil Mansoori*
Department of Pharmacy, B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur 458001, Madhya
Pradesh, India

Received: 15-12-2022 Revised: 25-01-2023 Accepted: 17-02-2023

Herbal medicine has suddenly come into vogue with the notion of and quot; wellness and quot; becoming
integral to the health-care business. However, here’s the catch. Although India is the birthplace of Ayurveda,
one of the most popular forms of herbal medication, the domestic market looks positively anemic when
compared with its healthy presence in the West. This review article describes that there are benefits and
drawbacks to using herbal medications as over-the-counter (OTC) items. For many mild illnesses, they can
be a safe and effective alternative to prescription medications, but the absence of control and standardization
can be dangerous for consumer safety. To maintain the safe and efficient use of herbal medications as OTC
products, it is crucial to encourage education and knowledge of their right usage.
Keywords: Herbal drugs, Over-the-counter products, Safe and effective

INTRODUCTION According to Durga Prasad of Dabur, “Only those

prescription medicines are succeeding that are
Herbal medicine has suddenly come into vogue
promoted and supported by standardization and
with the notion of “wellness” becoming integral to
clinical research.”
the health-care business. However, here’s the catch.
However, he continues, “There is not a lot of data
Although India is the birthplace of Ayurveda, one
available on a lot of prescription drugs, so this
of the most popular forms of herbal medication,
segment is taking a back seat.”
the domestic market looks positively anemic when
However, the OTC market has been expanding
compared with its healthy presence in the West.
consistently. Medicines, including analgesics
For instance, the use of prescription herbal
and cough, cold, and allergy medications, are
medication hasn’t really taken off in India.
the key factors driving this development. Even
In fact, only 30% of the $1 billion market for
herbal nutritional supplements are quickly gaining
herbal medicines is made up of prescription
pharmaceuticals, with over 70% being over-
the-counter (OTC) items. India is among the top According to Philippe Haydon, COO
producers of medicinal plants, yet there is a dearth (Pharmaceutical Division), Himalaya Drug
of clinical research, standardization, and regulation Company, “there are many reasons for the growth
in the market.[1] of the OTC market, including increasing awareness
of alternative and complementary medicine and the
shift from curative to preventive health care.”
*Corresponding Author: With the promotion of the wellness concept, the
Mohammed Aadil Mansoori, Indian market for herbal medicines is poised to
E-mail: mohammedaadilmansooi10@gmail.com rise and experience growth of between 12% and

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Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

15% annually. Future medical towns that claim these agents because little information is available
to give patients the choice of receiving herbal about their mode of action, potential adverse
and ayurvedic treatments will also contribute to responses, contraindications, and interactions
the rise.[2] with already available orthodox medications and
Due to its enormous potential, many pharmaceutical functional foods.
corporations are now entering the herbal health- Since safety is still a major concern when using
care industry. Naturally, there is a desire for herbal remedies, it is crucial that the proper
herbal medicines that have undergone rigorous regulatory agencies put in place the necessary
investigation and validation, according to Haydon. safeguards to protect public health by ensuring
The majority of significant ayurvedic pharmaceutical that all herbal medications are secure and of high
businesses claim to regularly invest in research and enough quality.[4]
to be expanding. Anil Patel, brand manager for
the business, asserts that “Zandu Pharmaceutical
Works Limited has seen an upward trend in sales
with a y-o-y profit increase of 10–12%.”
Through ayurvedic colleges, direct consumer The exception of allopathic medicine, all of India’s
engagement, and the assistance of famous officially recognized health systems, including
practitioners, Dabur is also marketing ayurvedic Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, and
pharmaceuticals.[3] Naturopathy, heavily relies on herbal remedies.
For its sales and product promotion, Himalaya, The 1.1 billion people in India still rely on these
on the other hand, largely relies on doctor’s non-allopathic medical systems. According to
prescriptions. It was among the first businesses the Indian drugs act, there is currently no distinct
to introduce its exclusive outlets for increased category for herbal medications or nutritional
consumer reach on the distribution side. supplements.
It is further explained by Haydon that “the outlets For many natural medications, there is a
are positioned as information kiosks and are an sizable body of experiential evidence. Reverse
extension of the emerging concept of experimental pharmacology and observational therapeutics stand
marketing.” The stores have given the corporation to benefit greatly from this. Evidence-based herbals
more opportunities for improved customer are produced in accordance with pharmacopeial
relationship management in addition to acting as a principles and used widely in a variety of systems.
billboard for the brand. Numerous institutes/universities have conducted
Therefore, even while innovative marketing and extensive basic and clinical research using cutting-
raising awareness may be the solution to India’s edge techniques on medicinal plants and their
sluggish herbal medicine market, the majority of formulations.[5]
pharmaceutical businesses are not having any issues There are a few excellent examples. Antioxidants
with their export figures, which are increasing at a that are known to stop or postpone many disease
rate of 15–18% annually. states are also abundant in Indian medicinal herbs.
Over the past 3 decades, the usage of herbal Different amounts of antioxidant protection are
medicines and supplements has grown significantly, seen. The therapeutic plants also include other
with at least 80% of people turning to them for advantageous substances, like components for
some aspect of primary health care. Although the functional foods.
efficacy of many herbal products has been proven, Therefore, information on the scientific basis of
therapies utilizing these compounds have shown these plants will hopefully contribute to a greater
promising potential. However, many of these understanding of Ayurveda and Indian herbal
drugs remain untested, and their usage is either remedies worldwide. Rich dividends will result
inadequately or not at all regulated. As a result, it from this in the upcoming years. Ayurveda, Yoga,
is difficult to advocate the safe and sensible use of Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy are

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some of the legally recognized alternative medical manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines that must
systems that have been practiced in India for a very be followed for the production of herbal medicines
long time in a safe and continuous manner. These are outlined in schedule “T” of the act.[8]
systems have legitimately coexisted with allopathic For the purpose of ensuring that medications meet
medicine and are not, as Venkat Subramanian put quality standards, authoritative pharmacopeias and
it, in “the domain of obscurity.”[6] formularies are provided. The D and C Act’s first
Millions of Indians daily use herbal medicines schedule contains a list of authorized texts that
as spices, home remedies, health foods, OTC must be followed to license any herbal product
medications for self-medication, and medications falling into any of the two categories:
supplied by non-allopathic medical systems. • ASU medications
The more than 500,000 non-allopathic practitioners • Patented or branded medications.[9]
are licensed by the official councils that oversee For millennia, people have relied on herbal
professionalism and receive their training in the remedies for their security, potency, cultural
medical colleges (>400) of their distinct systems acceptance, and less adverse effects. Throughout
of medicine. Therefore, these methods are not history, people have used plants and plant products
based on folklore or customary herbal remedies. to treat and prevent diseases, with varied degrees of
These systems’ fundamental premises lead to a effectiveness. In the Indian market, herbal products
logical and systematic framework of etiology are becoming more and more popular because of
and diagnosis, which also determines the course the negative consequences of synthetic items. We
of treatment. In India, herbal pharmaceuticals are talk about scenarios and how people view herbal
governed by the Drug and Cosmetic Act (D and C) medicine.
1940 and Rules 1945, which explicitly lays out the Pharmacopeia of the World states that 91 kinds of
regulatory requirements for Ayurveda, Unani, and plants serve as the source of at least 119 different
Siddha medicine[7] Figure 1. chemical substances that are major medications
Any manufacturing or marketing of herbal used today across 62 therapeutic categories.
pharmaceuticals must be done after acquiring The current state of herbal medicine in India is
a manufacturing license, as appropriate. The the subject of this essay. As old as humanity, itself
department of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and are herbal products. As opposed to synthetic ones,
homeopathy (AYUSH) is the regulating authority. herbal preparations have a number of advantages.[10]
The license, formulation composition, manufacture, In the Indian market, herbal formulations are
labeling, packing, quality, and export control are becoming more and more popular. Traditional
all expanded under the D and C Acts. The good and contemporary pharmaceutical industries
both produce nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and
biopesticides. This review provides information
on the neutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and
biopesticides that are now popular herbal products
on the Indian market.[11]
Long ago, the advantages of herbal medicines
were well known. They have been applied in
illness circumstances and for medical and health
promotion purposes. It is a common misconception
that herbal medications have no adverse effects,
are less expensive, and are accessible locally.[12]
In Indian medical systems, the use of herbs and
herbal mixtures is more prevalent. To get the
Figure 1: Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, maximum therapeutic benefit and to broaden the
Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy market reach, quality monitoring of the marketed

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herbs and herbal formulations is crucial. Standards Herbal medicine: A growing field with a long
for natural drugs are crucial. duration
For the purpose of comparing the quality of herbal
Traditional medicine is defined as “the knowledge,
medications, reference standards—specifically the
skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs,
botanical and phytochemical reference substances
and experiences native to various cultures, used
from the Indian Pharmacopeia are necessary.[13]
in the maintenance of health and the prevention,
diagnosis, improvement, or treatment of physical
HERBAL PRODUCTS/DRUGS and mental illness.”
Traditional medical practices come in a variety
Medicines made from plants are known as herbal of systems, and each system’s philosophy and
products. They might be utilized for different practices are influenced by the local culture,
therapeutic purposes in addition to being taken environment, and historical context in which they
as supplements to enhance health and well-being. were developed the World Health Organization
The various forms of herbal goods include tablets, (WHO, 2005). Despite this, a holistic outlook on
capsules, powders, extracts, teas, and more. life and the harmony of the mind, body, and spirit
Thought to be safe since they are natural, herbal are common ideologies.
medicines can actually have major side effects and The use of herbs is a crucial component of all
combine with other medications and supplements. traditional medical systems, and the focus is typically
An herb is a plant or plant component that is on the patient’s general health rather than the specific
utilized for its flavor, aroma, or medicinal qualities. illness or sickness they are experiencing.[15]
A particular kind of food supplement is an herbal
medication. As tablets, capsules, powders, teas,
extracts, and fresh or dried plants, they are also List of herbal drugs[16]
sold. • Acai
Herbal remedies are used by people to try to • Aloe
preserve or enhance their health. Many people • Asian ginseng
think that anything with the word “natural” in the • Bitter orange
name is always safe and healthy. This is not always • Butterbur
the case Figure 2. • Chamomile
Herbal medications are exempt from the testing • Cinnamon
that is required for pharmaceuticals. Some herbs, • Dandelion
including ephedra and comfrey, can be extremely • Ephedra
harmful. Some herbs may interact negatively with • European mistletoe
OTC or prescription medications.[14] • Fenugreek
• Feverfew
• Garlic
• Ginger
• Ginkgo
• Green tea
• Hoodia
• Mugwort
• Noni
• Peppermint oil
• Red clover
• Sage
• Soy
Figure 2: Herbal products/drugs • Tea tree oil.

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HERBAL MEDICINE: A REVIEW Traditional medicines are also widely regarded

as being natural, harmless, and non-toxic. This is
The study of pharmacognosy and the application not always the case, especially since it is highly
of medicinal plants, which form the basis of
typical to take herbs along with prescription
conventional medicine, is known as herbal
pharmaceuticals, OTC treatments, or other herbs.[20]
medicine. The safety and effectiveness of plants
Whether or whether people have physical or
used in 21st-century herbalism, which typically
financial access to allopathic medicine, traditional
does not set standards for purity or dosage, are
medicine is a thriving global commercial industry
only partially supported by scientific research.
that offers a crucial health-care service.[21]
Minerals, shells, certain animal parts, as well as
Currently, herbal remedies are used to treat both
fungi and bee secretions, are frequently used in
acute and chronic illnesses, as well as a wide range
herbal therapy. Phytomedicine or phytotherapy are
of disorders, including inflammation, depression,
additional names for herbal medicine.[17]
prostate issues, cardiovascular disease, and prostate
There are various herbal products, such as
• Teas
At most industrialized nations, one can find
• Liquid extracts
essential oils, herbal extracts, or herbal teas being
• Tablets and capsules
sold at pharmacies alongside conventional drugs.
• Bath salts
Essential oils, herbal extracts, and herbal teas are
• Ointments
also quite popular in Europe, with Germany and
• Oils.
France leading the continent in OTC sales.[22]
Herbal medications fall into one of two categories:
prescription or OTC. The Australian Parliament
established the working party on natural and HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS
nutritional supplements to assess the efficacy,
Herbal products, botanical products, or
quality, safety, and labeling of herbal products.
phytomedicines are derived from plants or
(Therapeutic Good Act, 1990)[18]
botanicals and are used to treat illnesses or preserve
A particular kind of food supplement is an herbal
health. An herbal supplement is a product made
medication. Tablets, capsules, powders, teas,
from plants that is only intended for internal use.
extracts, and fresh or dried plants are all available
Numerous prescription treatments and OTC
for purchase.
medications are also created from plant materials,
Herbal remedies are used by people to try to
but they are Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-
preserve or enhance their health. Many people
regulated and only include purified chemicals.
think that anything with the word “natural” in the
name is always safe and healthy. Whole plants or plant components may be found in
The most frequent justifications for choosing herbal supplements.[23]
traditional medicine are that it is more cost- Herbal supplements are available in a variety of
effective, more in line with the patient’s philosophy, forms, including dried, chopped, powdered, liquid,
allays worries about the side effects of chemical capsules, and more.
(synthetic) medicines, satisfies a desire for more • Swallowed as pills, powders, or tinctures
individualized health care, and makes health • Brewed as tea
information more widely available to the general • Applied to the skin as gels, lotions, or creams
public.[19] • Added to bath water.
Herbal remedies are primarily used for chronic, Utilizing herbal supplements has been done for
as opposed to life-threatening, diseases and for thousands of years. Today, Indian consumers
health promotion. However, the use of traditional frequently take herbal supplements. They are
treatments rises when modern medicine fails not suitable for everyone, though. The usage of
to effectively treat an illness, as is the case with herbal supplements is still debatable because they
advanced cancer and emerging infectious diseases. are not closely regulated by the FDA or other

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governing bodies. It is best to discuss using herbal Soy

supplements with your doctor while discussing any It is used to treat excessive cholesterol, memory
symptoms or illnesses you may be experiencing.[24] issues, and menopausal symptoms. Soy supplements
and processed foods like soy hot dogs are to be
avoided in favor of organic, whole soy foods.
Common herbal supplements and their
applications include
St. John’s Wort
There are many herbal supplements with numerous Used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and depressive
applications. Some of the most typical include the symptoms. Note: This herb interacts with many
following: different medications. Before beginning this
supplement, speak with your health-care physician.
Aloe vera
It is applied topically for osteoarthritis, psoriasis, Tea tree oil
and burns. It is used orally to treat digestive Acne, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, wounds, infections,
problems like constipation or gastritis. lice, oral yeast infection (thrush), cold sores, and
dandruff can all be treated topically using tea tree oil.
Black cohosh black The whole herb, teas, syrup, essential oils,
It is used to treat menopausal symptoms such vaginal ointments, salves, rubs, capsules, and tablets that
dryness, vaginal hot flashes, and night sweats. include a pulverized or powdered form of a raw herb
or its dried extract are just a few of the processed
and consumed forms of herbs and plants.[25]
Chamomile Alcoholic extracts (tinctures), vinegars (acetic
It is used to cure gas, diarrhea, upset stomach, acid extracts), hot water extracts (tisanes), long-
nervousness, and lack of sleep. In addition, it is term boiled extracts, typically of roots or bark
applied topically for skin issues. Use caution if you (decoctions), and cold infusions of plants are
have ragweed allergies. among the different ways that plants and herbs
are extracted (Macerates). The components of
an herbal extract or product may differ greatly
across batches and producers because there is no
To treat cold and flu symptoms.
standardization in place.[26]
A wide range of chemicals are abundant in plants.
Flaxseed The majority of them are phenols or their oxygen-
Used to decrease cholesterol. Good source of substituted derivatives, such as tannins, and many
omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. of them are secondary metabolites. Numerous
of these substances have antioxidant qualities.
Ethnobotanicals are significant for pharmacological
research and drug development since they can be
Used to cure tinnitus and memory issues (ringing
utilized as starting materials for the manufacture of
in the ears). It can be combined with SSRIs, an
pharmaceuticals or as models for pharmacologically
antidepressant, to improve sex desire and sexual
active substances, as well as when plant elements
function in patients who experience negative side
are used directly as therapeutic agents.
effects from antidepressants. People on blood
The “traditional” procedures of identifying and
thinners should use caution.
preparing herbs need to be replaced with more
precise and repeatable techniques in light of the
Peppermint oil rising popularity of herbal medicine to guarantee
It is used to treat intestinal disorders, nausea, the product’s quality, safety, and consistency. The
indigestion, and other digestive issues. regulation of the production and marketing of herbal

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supplements and medications needs to be given compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20% and
attention given their market worth, possible toxicity, 25%, respectively (Assocham).
and growing consumer demand, particularly among According to “Herbal Industry Biz,” India exports
the sick and elderly parts of our communities.[27] more than 3600 crore worth of herbal raw materials
Depending on the location where it is employed, and medicines each year. The Indian herbal market
herbal medicine is thought from various angles, is currently estimated to be around 7000 crore.
but all definitions have the same basic idea: using The government’s unanticipated expansion of
plants or plant parts to treat illness and promote its herbal farm was done to boost exports and
health and wellness. The term “herbal medicines” improve the quality of its pharmaceutical products.
refers to substances such as herbs, plant parts, plant Greater economic growth, which is vital for the
materials, herbal preparations, and completed herbal advancement of new research. Ayurveda generates
products that include one or more active ingredients. $300 million in annual revenue in India, while
Due to its presumed effectiveness, accessibility, and Unani generates 27.5 million.[30]
widespread acceptability, the use of herbal medicine Things to carefully consider before including herbs
has grown worldwide. For primary health care, into medicine.
almost 80% of the general population, particularly • Standardization of herbs
in underdeveloped nations, uses medicinal herbs.[28] • Procurement from the correct source
• Identify of common adulterants by microscopy
• Quality of the herbal
INDUSTRY • Herbal and drug interaction.
The global trend has recently shifted from synthetic
to herbal treatment, or what we can call a “Return World market
to Nature.” The world has long known and highly
• Over the past few years, the worldwide herbal
regarded medicinal plants as a rich source of
market has experienced steady growth
therapeutic ingredients.
• The size of the global herbal market is anticipated
Due to the abundance of plants in our nation, India is
to reach USD 86.74 billion by 2022, at a CAGR
referred to as the “Medicinal Garden of the World.”
of roughly 6.8% from 2016 to 2022. The industry
Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy, Yoga, and
has been gradually expanding in recent years
Naturopathy are examples of the medical systems
• The main element driving this market is the rising
used in India.
need for preventive health-care practices.[31]
The assumption that all-natural goods are safe,
non-toxic, have few negative effects, and can be
purchased easily is the reason for their appeal. Significance factor
The market for herbal drugs is currently expanding 1. Preference of consumer for natural therapy
extremely quickly on a global scale. India has not 2. Concern regarding undesirable side effects of
fared well in the global market for herbal items. modern disease
Eight thousand medicinal plants exist in India. 3. Economic Figure 3.
Twenty-five are produced on a huge basis.[29] The size of the global market for herbal medicines,
which was estimated at USD 84.5 billion in 2019,
Scope of the herbal drug industry is projected to increase at a CAGR of 20.5% over
the forecast period.
Herbal market
According to the Associated Chambers of Indian herbal scenario
Commerce and Industry of India, the fastest
growing market may reach 14,500 crore by India’s domestic herbal industry is represented
2012 and exports may reach 9000 crore, with a by 8610 licensed herbal units. In partnership

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with ICFRE, Dehradun, NMPB conducted a Dabur, Zandu, Himalaya, Shree Baidyanath, Arya
thorough analysis of the Indian herbal market. It VaidyaShala, Vyas Pharmaceuticals, Hamdard,
has been anticipated that there will be a combined Patanjali, and others are well-known industrial
commercial demand for 5,12,000 MT of herbal companies with yearly sales of more than 50 crores.
raw pharmaceuticals in the 2014–2015 fiscal year. Even though there are fewer industrial
In 2014–2015, an estimated 1,34,500 MT of facilities with a higher turnover, these facilities
herbal raw drugs, including extracts, were nevertheless require around 35% of all the raw
exported. 1,95,000 MT of domestic herbal industry materials.[35]
consumption was predicted for the years 2014–2015.
Rural households consume an estimated 1,67,500 Exim scenario
MT of herbal raw drugs annually. There are 1178
different species of medicinal plants included in For the years 2005–2006, it was predicted that the
trade practices. Two-hundred and forty-two plant nation would require about 320 MT of botanical
species out of those are used annually in amounts raw medicines annually. The AYUSH sector
of more than 100 MT. accounts for about 70% of India’s exports, which
About 80% of the rural population in India employs are thought to be in the neighborhood of Rs. 1000
herbal remedies or traditional medical practices. crore annually and are mostly made up of raw
The Indian herbal sector is thought to utilize close materials. Finished goods, such as herbal extracts,
make up the remaining portion Figure 4.
to 1100 plant species, and it generates more than
Rs. 80 billion in annual revenue. AYUSH products
are among the medicines of herbal exports, Export
accounting for 3% of all Indian pharmaceutical
exports. An estimated Rs. 10 billion worth of raw The total quantity of exported medicinal plants
materials make up 70% of the exports from the including plant extracts was 57880 MT. Psyllium
herbal business each year.[32,33]
Herbal production facilities have suddenly increased
as a result of the recent growth in the usage of herbal
medications. Over Rs. 8800 crore is thought to be
the AYUSH industry’s expected annual revenue.
The domestic market for Indian systems of medicine
and homeopathy is estimated to be worth around
Rs. 4000 crore, and it consumes 177,000 MT of all
botanicals annually, with daily growth. Figure 3: World Market
The manufacturing of Ayurvedic drugs is thought
to generate a total annual revenue of about Rs. 3500
crore. In addition to this, there is a rising need for
natural medicines, food supplements, cosmetics,
and products with medicinal value are all included
in both domestic and international markets.[34]

Manufacturing unit
A complex of numerous manufacturing facilities
that use herbal material for various purposes
exists. There are 9493 manufacturing facilities in
total, 8000 of which are small-scale facilities with
annual sales of under $1 billion. Figure 4: Manufacturing unit

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exports constituted 35.6% of total exports of Policy-makers, health-care professionals, and even
medicinal plants followed by Senna (18.9%). the general public should support the use of herbal
A total of 56,500 MT worth of plant raw medicines medicines because of their important concerns
were exported for a total value of Rs. 354.8 crores and needs. However, just like with allopathic
(excluding extracts). medicines, the production, sale, and use of herbal
According to data from the Directorate General of medicines should be formally and legally governed
Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, the annual by established laws and regulations to guarantee its
export of India’s herbal sector totaled Rs. 807 quality and safety.
crores. The proper application of herbal medications of
This includes exports of plant raw medications “assured quality” will undoubtedly have positive
worth Rs. 354.80 crores, plant extracts worth Rs. therapeutic effects on the users and lessen the hazards
161 crores, and AUS and H medicines for Rs. involved. In addition, the use of contaminated
291 crores. It demonstrates that only about 36% herbal materials and improper formulation must be
of India’s overall exports of herbal products are prohibited because they might lead to the creation of
finished goods, with the remaining 64% being raw inferior and potentially deadly herbal medications.
materials and extracts. As a result, stringent adherence to GMP guidelines
When the export data is compared to the previous is required while producing herbal medications.[39]
year (2007), it reveals a significant increase of Rs.
With this warning in mind, it is reasonable to say
185 crores, or roughly 30%.[36]
that herbal medicines have a bright future and
could 1 day replace or at least be a better option to
Import synthetic chemical-based allopathic medications.[40]
Herbal treatments have bright future potential.
There were 40 (total) commodities listed for import.
Herbal remedies are becoming more and more
The total amount of these imports was 37,483 MT
popular due to the rising demand for natural products
($173 crores), with gum arabic accounting for the
and the growing knowledge of the potential side
majority by volume (12,731 MT; 34%).[37]
effects of synthetic drugs. New herbal products
are being created that are more efficient and have
Future prospect of herbal medicines fewer adverse effects as a result of technological
and scientific advancements. The market for
Policy-makers, health-care professionals, and the
herbal medicines is expanding as a result of the
general public are increasingly voicing concerns
global trend toward the use of traditional medicine,
about the safety, efficacy, quality, availability,
which includes herbal remedies. The likelihood
preservation, and future development issues of
of finding new medical plants and their active
these herbal products in light of the expanding use
ingredients is high with increased expenditure in
and rapidly expanding market of herbal medicines
and other herbal health-care products in both research and development. To assure the safety and
developing and developed countries of the world. effectiveness of herbal products, however, issues
Evidence on the quality, safety, and efficacy of such as standardization and quality control must be
herbal items and TM/CAM practices are also addressed[41] Figure 5.
in higher demand among the general public. It
is imperative to do in-depth research on herbal HERBAL BRAND IN INDIA
medicines because of both their enormous medical
worth and their potential for commercial success. There are several herbal items that are produced in
To prove the usefulness and safety of phytochemical India and sold there. One of the key drivers of our
and pharmacological researches, attempts are being country’s economic development is the Ayurvedic
made to extract and identify their active chemical industry. The market is seeing a steady increase in
constituents.[38] demand for Ayurvedic remedies.

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Ayurvedic/herbal companies India Furthermore, Patanjali is giving tough competition to

the other Ayurvedic brands in the market.[42]
Dabur India limited Dabur Figure 6
Dabur India Limited was set up in 1884, and this
brand is considered one of the best herbal range Baidyanath Figure 8
brands in India. The Dabur Chyawanprash is the Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Limited was
most popular and demanding Ayurvedic product formed in 1917. Moreover, since then Baidyanath has
in the marketplace. This brand offers products for been serving excellent qualityAyurvedic products in the
diseases, skincare, and personal care and for other marketplace which are highly reliable. Consequently,
health concerns too. they are very popular for preparing the finest remedial
formulations made from herbs, and that could help
boost better nutrients for a healthy body.
Patanjali Ayurveda Figure 7
Patanjali Ayurveda is also an ayurvedic company by the
popular yoga guru of India Baba Ramdev. This brand Hamdard laboratories Figure 9
is not a newcomer in the ayurvedic segment. Well, it In 1906, the Hamdard Company was established in
offers an affordable and excellent range of ayurvedic India. This brand is one of the admired and trusted
medicine and ayurvedic products in the market. Ayurvedic companies that offer an excellent range
of herbal care medicines for faster healing with
Hamdard’s ultimate results.

Figure 5: Global medicine market 2022–2026

Figure 8: Baidyanath

Figure 6: Dabur

Figure 7: Patanjali Figure 9: Hamdard

IJPSCR/Jan-Mar-2023/Vol 3/Issue 1 28
Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

Furthermore, this company delivers an excellent Vicco laboratories Figure 12

and wide range of Ayurvedic products in the market Vicco is one of the topmost herbal companies in
to meet people’s requirements.[43] the Indian market that serves an excellent range
of dental and skincare products. Similarly, in
the present, they are one of the most developing
Zandu Ayurveda Figure 10 VICCO and trusted Ayurvedic brands in the herbal
Zandu Ayurveda is one ayurvedic brand in the care market of India.[46]
country. Further, this brand offers an excellent
remedial solution for diseases and cancer issues.
Charak pharma private limited Figure 13
Moreover, in the present, they are one of the richest
This is one of the major Ayurvedic brands in the Indian
Ayurvedic brands in India.[44]
market that offers top-quality Ayurvedic products.
Furthermore, they are best at selling their high-quality
Himayala welleness Figure 11 Ayurvedic range in the foreign markets too.
Himalaya Wellness offers the finest range of
personal care products, hair care products, and Sandu pharmaceuticals limited Figure 14
natural skincare products in the market. Moreover, Sandu Pharmaceuticals is one of the major
D truly they are really effective and best for regular Ayurvedic companies in India. They are serving
usage. Furthermore, they Dimalaya Offers more excellent pediatric and women’s care products.
than 100 ranges of Ayurvedic remedial solutions Thus, this brand assures to deliver the top quality
for SINCE 1930 curing health issues.[45]

Figure 10: Zandu Ayurveda

Figure 12: Vicco

Figure 11: Himayala Figure 13: Charak pharma

IJPSCR/Jan-Mar-2023/Vol 3/Issue 1 29
Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

herbal trusted in Ayurveda range in the market for facilities and ensure their international recognition,
curing serious diseases. the Indian government has made GMP necessary.
The production of safe and effective medications
Shree dhootapapeshwar limites Figure 15 may result from the implementation of GMPs in
Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited is a 73 years Ayurvedic pharmaceutical plants. The methods
10 months old public company incorporated used in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics are also validated
on October 21, 1948 based out of Mumbai, by GMP, which also makes it easier for the regularity
Maharashtra, India. authority to work and finally ensures the safety of
Pure, certified, safe, and effective medicine Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Unani medications.
manufactured by Dhootpapeshwar are recognized as Schedule T is referred to as the schedule of
the benchmark of quality in the Ayurvedic medicine medications and cosmetic act and rules, which
manufacturing sector and among consumers.[47] represents excellent manufacturing practice for
ASU (Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Unani) medicines
along with the amount of space needed for the
premises, the requirements for the specifications,
To create high-quality formulations for Ayurvedic, the qualifications needed, the suggested machinery
Siddha, and Unani medication manufacturing and equipment, etc.[48]


The study “Herbal medicine: A survey of use,
awareness, and attitudes among the population in
northern Portugal” to determine the population’s
use, knowledge, and attitudes toward herbal
medicine in Portugal, this study performed a
survey. The findings indicated that there is growing
awareness of and interest in using herbal medicine,
particularly among women and those with higher
levels of education.[49]
Figure 14: Sandu pharma The review article “Global Trends in Herbal
Medicine” examines the usage and public
knowledge of herbal medicine worldwide.
The article emphasizes how herbal medicine
is becoming increasingly popular and used in
many nations worldwide, particularly in Asia,
Africa, and South America. The necessity for
standardization and regulation of herbal products
is one of the difficulties and opportunities related
to the use of herbal medicine that is covered in the
Higher costs for locally produced or imported
conventional medications, as well as difficulty
accessing facilities for seeking care in the
Figure 15: Dhootapapeshwar
West. On the other hand, herbal drugs used
Brand: Dabur in traditional medicine are less expensive and
Product: Honitus Herbal Cough Remedy hence more widely available. Rural residents

IJPSCR/Jan-Mar-2023/Vol 3/Issue 1 30
Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

can easily access them as well. Cultural was particularly crucial to prevent chronic or acute
forces had a significant role in that revival as disease with herbal therapy.[53]
well. Even when access to western medical Herbal medicines are a synthesis of traditional
facilities is available, traditional medicine practices from various indigenous medical systems
is regarded from a cultural standpoint as and numerous therapeutic experiences from many
an efficient and honorable practice. Thanks earlier generations. According to reports, plant-
to recent developments in environmental based medications have been used successfully
science, immunology, medicinal botany, and to treat skin conditions, AIDS, cancer, diabetes,
pharmacognosy, researchers now have a fresh jaundice, hypertension, tuberculosis, and many
understanding of the precise efficacy of many other infectious diseases.
herbal medicines.[51] Many plant-based medicines are still used
Furthermore, it is now known that the mechanisms in ancient civilizations such as Egypt, South
through which herbal medications function are not America, China, and India to cure these
significantly different from those of conventional illnesses. The WHO estimates that 60% of the
drugs. This fact makes it possible for herbal world’s population uses herbal medicine and
treatments to be, in theory, just as effective as that 80% of those in underdeveloped nations
traditional ones. rely nearly entirely on it for their basic medical
We discovered that the most often mentioned requirements. Numerous therapeutically
goal for utilizing herbal medicine across all age beneficial medications for the treatment of acute
categories was treating ailments. Overall, there and chronic disorders have been produced by
were fewer mentions of illness prevention and phytocompounds and their chemical analogs.
health promotion, although these topics were Research is continually being done to find newer
crucial for the elderly. Herbal treatments were therapeutic compounds derived from medicinal
either discussed in relation to treating mild-to- plants.[54]
moderate illnesses or as a first line of treatment The global herbal market is estimated to be over
before turning to mainstream medication.[52] $100 billion and has reasonable development
Participants emphasized the limitations of potential. According to the WHO, the commerce
herbal treatment for serious disorders in this in medicinal plants, herbal raw materials, and
context. The most often cited reasons why herbal herbal pharmaceuticals is expanding at a pace of
therapy was favored as a form of treatment were roughly 15% each year. The assumption that all-
dissatisfaction with conventional treatment, natural products are secure, affordable, and widely
prior positive experiences, positive elements accessible has contributed to the rising acceptance
associated with herbal medicine, as well as and popularity of herbal therapy.
family traditions. However, there are certain issues with herbal
Independent reading and family traditions were medicine’s pharmacognosy and standardization
shown to be just as important as or even more when compared to conventional medications. In
significant information sources than speaking with the past 20 years, research activities have increased
medical professionals. It was discovered that the in both industrialized and developing nations to
three main purposes of using herbal medicine were test and validate herbal medicines using scientific
to treat, which was the most significant purpose, as methods.
well as to improve health. We therefore made an effort to analyze the current
By age group, there were specific differences: situation of using herbal medicines to treat various
Elderly individuals, who highlighted this feature diseases and any related pharmacological concerns,
4 times, felt that promoting health using herbal taking into account the bigger future prospects for
medication was only important to them. herbal medicines. Future research is needed to turn
Emitted from the other group. For middle-aged and herbal drugs into contemporary therapeutic agents,
elderly individuals, but not for younger ones, it and this is addressed.[55]

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Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

Accessibility and affordability
Pros: Nature medications are, well, nature
The use of medicinal plants in treating a wide
Dr. Roller explains why it may be worthwhile to
range of illnesses has been documented extensively
consider herbal substitutes. He claims that there
throughout many cultures, even while these plants’ aren’t as many differences between “natural
precise chemical compositions and intended uses medicine” and “pharmaceuticals” as you may
were unknown. Given that plant medicines have assume. Many different chemicals found in plants
been used for ages, the widespread use of herbal have been utilized as medicines for thousands of
medicine is a result of cultural acceptance. There years. For modern medicine, naturally occurring
are between 1:200 and 1:400 herbal medicine molecules are a fantastic source of healing, from
practitioners per 100,000 people in nations such phenols to antibiotics to novel cancer treatments
as Zambia, Tanzania, and Uganda. However, there in development. Worldwide, active compounds
are no more than 1:20,000 practitioners of western derived from plants are used in close to 25% of
medicine.[56,57] medications that are prescribed. In reality, 177
According to a 1991 survey, there are 100 to 1 cancer treatments have been approved, and 70% of
more sub-Saharan African traditional practitioners them are based on natural ingredients.[63]
than western practitioners. Comparing, the low
cost of herbal medication versus expensive western
medicine. The rural population in overpopulated Cons: Herbal medicines are not FDA approved
nations, like India, has almost no access to
It is not always guaranteed that a drug is secure or
modern treatment; as a result, they are forced to
efficient just because it contains natural ingredients.
rely on herbal medicine for their essential medical
According to Dr. Roller, “herbal supplements are
requirements.[58] not FDA approved, which means they have not
undergone any safety, efficacy, or human clinical
An alternative approach to health care trials.” Researching potential advantages or side
effects is even more crucial for some health conditions
People believe that plants are healthier than because these natural medicines are not subject to the
traditional synthesized medications. When same scrutiny as FDA-approved medicines.[64]
compared to reports of herbal toxicity, reports of While the FDA does mandate that herbal
the negative effects of conventional medications supplements adhere to GMP s that guarantee a
have been found to be far more common.[59] certain level of quality, this in no way guarantees
Additional justifications for using herbal that they are safe for use by everyone. Any dietary
medicine include: (i) a number of assertions supplement may have side effects, and when used
regarding the efficacy and safety of plant-based with other OTC or prescription drugs, these adverse
remedies; (ii) improvements in the quality of effects may worsen. Make careful to discuss any
herbal remedies due to scientific evaluation; prescriptions you are taking with your doctor or
(iii) the need to treat symptoms of chronic or chemist in addition to the herbal supplement you
terminal illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, are thinking about taking.[65]
diabetes, and sickle-cell anemia. According to
a survey done in the USA, 78% of HIV/AIDS EXAMPLES OF SOME HERBAL OTC
patients utilize some sort of herbal remedy. PRODUCTS[66,67] FIGURES 16-19
Western medicine is thought to have let the
public down in focusing on major breakthroughs Examples of common herbal health products and
of disease.[60-62] supplements HONITUS, SAFI, Kesh king, Leeford.

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Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

Figure 19: Examples of herbal over-the-counter products

Figure 16: Examples of herbal over-the-counter products
Brand: Hamdard While the FDA does mandate that herbal
Product: Safi natural blood purifier supplements adhere to GMPs that guarantee a
certain level of quality, this in no way guarantees
that they are safe for use by everyone. Any dietary
supplement may have side effects, and when used
with other OTC or prescription drugs, these adverse
effects may worsen. Make careful to discuss any
prescriptions you are taking with your doctor or
chemist in addition to the herbal supplement you
are thinking about taking.
The words “safety” and “natural” are not
interchangeable, in actuality. As a result, there
is a need for worldwide standardization and
strengthening of regulatory policies governing
herbal medicines. The competent regulatory
Figure 17: Examples of herbal over-the-counter product
bodies in various nations worldwide must take
Brand: Kesh king the initiative and keep enforcing the necessary
Product: Kesh king ayurvedic oil safeguards to protect public health by ensuring that
any herbal medications allowed for sale are secure
and of a high enough standard.
Health-care professionals who administer
medications, such as doctors, nurses, and
pharmacists, frequently lack knowledge of how
using herbal remedies will affect their patients’
health. Many of them lack enough knowledge of
these items and their applications.
Since the majority of patients are now almost always
taking various prescription or OTC medications,
adequate training is now crucial. Despite the fact that
orthodox health-care professionals are constantly
encouraged to participate and bear a great deal of
Figure 18: Examples of herbal over-the-counter product responsibility for their invaluable contributions
Brand: Leeford to the safety monitoring of pharmaceuticals, it is
Product: Leeford green tea (aqua slim green tea) crucial that all suppliers of herbal medicines have

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Mansoori, et al.: Recent Growth of Herbal Drug as Over-The-Counter Products

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