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Traditional medicines that formed the basis of health care throughout the world since the earliest days of mankind are
still widely used and have considerable importance in international trade. Recognition of their clinical, pharmaceutical, and
economic value is still growing, although this varies widely between countries and therefore regulation of exploitation and
exportation is essential, together with international cooperation and coordination for their conservation so as to ensure
their availability for the future. World Health Organization and European Union issued the guidelines defined the basic
criteria for the evaluation of quality, safety, and efficacy of herbal medicines with the goal of assisting national regulatory
authorities, scientific organizations, and manufacturers in assessing documentation, submissions, and dossiers in respect
of such products. Legislative controls in respect of medicinal plants have not evolved around a structured control model.
There are different ways in which countries define medicinal plants or herbs or products derived from them. The present
review highlights the status of different countries adopted various approaches to licensing, dispensing, manufacturing,
and trading to ensure their safety, quality, and efficacy.
Key words: Efficacy, legislation, quality, safety, traditional medicines
INTRODUCTION hit US$ 5 trillion by 2050. The market is growing at 7% per annum
(The Times of India, 7-4-2000).
During the past decade, complementary and alternative medicines
A common feature of most systems of traditional medicine
have become a topic of global importance. Current estimates
(TM)/complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is
suggest that in many developing countries, a large proportion
that they take a holistic approach to promote health, prevent
of the population relies heavily on traditional practitioners and
disease, and help the individual treat disturbances by regulating
medicinal plants to meet primary healthcare needs. Although
his/her physical, emotional, and mental aspects and living
modern medicine may be available in these countries, herbal
environment. According to its characteristics and concepts,
medicines (phytomedicines) have often maintained popularity
TM/CAM can be used not only for curing disease and relieving
for historical and cultural reasons. Concurrently, many people
symptoms but also for the regulation, improvement, and
in developed countries have begun to turn to alternative or
promotion of the function of the human body. Few plant
complementary therapies, including medicinal herbs. World Health
species that provide medicinal herbs have been scientifically
Organization (WHO) estimated that the world market for herbal
evaluated for their possible medical application. Safety and
medicines and herbal products is worth US$ 62 billion and would
efficacy data are available for even fewer plants, their extracts
and active ingredients, and the preparations containing them.
Address for correspondence: Furthermore, in most countries the herbal medicines’ market
Mr. Ajazuddin,
University Institute of Pharmacy, Pt. RSU, Raipur, Chhattisgarh,
is poorly regulated, and herbal products are often neither
India.E-mail: registered nor controlled. Assurance of the safety, quality,
and efficacy of medicinal plants and herbal products has now
become a key issue in industrialized and in developing countries.
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Both the general consumer and healthcare professionals need
Quick Response Code: Website: up-to-date, authoritative information on the safety and efficacy
of medicinal plants. With the widespread use of TM as well as
CAM and the rapid expansion of international herbal medicine
markets, the development of national policies and regulations
on TM/CAM has become an important concern for both
health authorities and the public. Providers of TM/CAM,
The role of herbal medicines in traditional healing WHO GUIDELINES FOR HERBAL MEDICINES
The pharmacological treatment of disease began long ago with
the use of herbs.[3] Methods of folk healing throughout the These guidelines recognized the importance of herbal
world commonly used herbs as part of their tradition. Some medicines to the health of many people throughout the world,
of these traditions are briefly described below, providing some stating: “A few herbal medicines have withstood scientific
examples of the array of important healing practices around testing, but others are used simply for traditional reasons to
the world that used herbs for this purpose.[4] protect, restore, or improve health.” Most herbal medicines
Table 1: Different WHO guidelines with their major resolutions and year of establishment
WHO guidelines Major resolutions taken Year Ref
Quality control methods for medicinal plant Emphasized the need to ensure the quality of medicinal plant products 1998 [7]
materials by using modern control techniques and include suitable standards and
limits for contaminants are included.
WHO guidelines on safety monitoring of Provide technical guidance on the principles of good pharmacovigilance 2004 [8]
herbal medicines in pharmacovigilance and the inclusion of herbal medicines in existing national drug safety
systems monitoring systems.
Guidelines for the Regulation of Herbal This guideline aims to facilitate the registration and regulation of herbal 2003 [9]
Medicines in the South-East Asia Region medicines by establishing the foundation for a harmonized regulatory
standard to meet the common demands of the region.
General Guidelines for Methodologies on Harmonize the use of certain accepted and important terms in TM, 2000 [10]
Research and Evaluation of Traditional summarize key issues for developing methodologies for research and
Medicine evaluation of TM, improve the quality and value of research in TM, and
provide appropriate evaluation methods to facilitate the regulation and
registration of TMs.
National policy on TM and regulation of herbal Main objectives of this report are framing policy for safety, efficacy, and 2005 [11,12]
medicines Report of a WHO global survey quality of herbal medicines and its promoting rational use.
WHO guidelines on good agricultural and Quality assurance of medicinal plant materials used as the source 2003 [13]
collection practices for medicinal plants for herbal medicines, and encourage and support the sustainable
cultivation and collection of medicinal plants of good quality.
Table 2 Contd.
still need to be studied scientifically, although the experience The below mentioned WHO guidelines [Table 1] stressed the
obtained from their traditional use over the years should not need for assessment of efficacy including the determination of
be ignored. As there is not enough evidence produced by pharmacological and clinical effects of the active ingredients,
common scientific approaches to answer questions of safety cultivation and collection of the medicinal plants, and labeling
and efficacy about most of the herbal medicines now in use, which includes a quantitative list of active ingredient, dosage,
and contraindications.
the rational use and further development of herbal medicines
will be supported by further appropriate scientific studies of
these products, and thus the development of criteria for such THE EUROPEAN UNION
studies. In this regard, WHO has issued guidelines for the
The European Pharmacopoeia was created in 1964; its efforts
assessment of herbal medicines. These guidelines defined the
have resulted in the creation of 83 monographs on herbal drugs
basic criteria for the evaluation of quality, safety, and efficacy of that are used either in their natural state after desiccation or
herbal medicines with the goal of assisting national regulatory concentration or for the isolation of natural active ingredients.
authorities, scientific organizations, and manufacturers in The Association of the European Self-Medication Industry
assessing documentation, submissions, and dossiers in respect has carried out a study for the European Commission on
of such products. herbal medicinal products in the European Union (EU). The
following summary is taken from this report.[14] The importance medicinal plants themselves and the products derived from
of herbal medicinal products varies from one country to them. Regulations in countries for the assessment of the quality,
another. These products are not a homogeneous group. In safety, and efficacy of medicinal plants, and the work of WHO
general, they are either fully licensed medicinal products and EU in supporting the preparation of model guidelines
with efficacy proven by clinical studies or by references to in this field, have been helpful in strengthening recognition
published scientific literature (in accordance with Article 4.8 of their role in health care. It is hoped that assessment of
a (ii) of Council Directive 65/65/EEC)[15] or are available these traditional remedies could become the basis for a future
as products with a more or less simplified proof of efficacy classification of herbal medicines, as well as for evaluative
according to their national use. Many Member States have studies on their efficacy and safety, and their potential use in
these two categories, but there are major discrepancies between national healthcare systems in different parts of the world.
the Member States in the classification of individual herbal
drug preparations and products into one of these categories
as well as in the requirements for obtaining a marketing AKNOWLEDGEMENT
authorization. According to Council Directive 65/65/EEC,[15]
The authors acknowledge the University Grant Commission
which has been implemented in national law in all Member [F. No. 34-131/2008 (SR)], New Delhi, India, for financial support.
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