1 s2.0 S1876107013002034 Main
1 s2.0 S1876107013002034 Main
1 s2.0 S1876107013002034 Main
Article history: Heat and mass transfer analysis in the mixed convective peristaltic flow of fourth-grade fluid under
Received 11 May 2013 viscous dissipation, Dufour and Soret effects is carried out. Mathematical model is formulated by
Received in revised form 13 July 2013 incorporating long wavelength and low Reynolds number assumptions. The resulting coupled nonlinear
Accepted 21 July 2013
boundary value problem (BVP) has been solved numerically by Keller–box method. The computations
Available online 3 September 2013
are validated through the built in routine for solving nonlinear boundary value problems via shooting
method through the software Mathematica. The results indicate an increase in the pumping rate and a
decrease in the temperature and concentration functions with an increase in the elastic parameter
Mixed convection
(Deborah number) for fourth grade fluid. The temperature and concentration are increasing functions of
Fourth grade fluid the buoyancy forces due to temperature and concentration gradients.
Keller–box method ß 2013 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Shooting method
1876-1070/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316 309
by Kothandapani and Srinivas [19]. Mekheimer and elmaboud [20] @U @V @U @V
studied the effects of heat transfer on the hydro-magnetic þSXX þ SYY þ SXY þ ; (6)
@X @Y @Y @X
peristaltic flow in a vertical annulus. Srinivas and Kothandapani
[21] analyzed the effect of wall properties and heat and mass " # " #
transfer on the magneto-hydrodynamics peristaltic flow through a @ @ @ @2 C @2 C 2
DK T @ T @ T
porous space. Muthuraj and Srinivas [22] analyzed the mixed þU þV C¼D 2
þ 2 þ 2
þ 2 ; (7)
@t @X @Y @X @Y T m @X @Y
convective heat and mass transfer in a vertical wavy channel with
travelling waves and porous medium. Srinivas et al. [23] discussed where the constitutive relation for an extra stress tensor in a fourth
the mixed convective peristaltic flow of viscous fluid in an grade fluid is
asymmetric channel. Srinivas and Muthuraj [24] investigated
combined effects of chemical reaction and space porosity on
hydro-magnetic mixed convective peristaltic flow in a vertical
asymmetric channel. Hayat et al. [25] discussed the simultaneous
S ¼ mA1 þ a1 A2 þ a2 A21 þ b1 A3 þ b2 ðA1 A2 þ A2 A1 Þ þ b3 ðtrA21 ÞA1
effects of heat and mass transfer on peristaltic motion of second
g 1 A4 þ g 2 ðA1 A3 þ A3 A1 Þ þ g 3 A22 þ g 4 ðA21 A2 þ A2 A21 Þþ
grade fluid with wall properties. g 5 ðtrA2 ÞA2 þ g 6 ðtrA2 ÞA21 þ ðg 7 trA3 þ g 8 trðA2 A1 ÞÞA1 ;
Energy flux caused by concentration gradient was first
with the Rivlin–Ericksen tensors prescribed as
discovered experimentally by Dufour and is called thermal-
diffusion (Dufour) effect. On the other hand mass flux can also
be developed by temperature gradient and is termed as diffusion-
thermo (Soret) effect. Although the effects of thermal-diffusion and A1 ¼ gradV þ ðgradVÞ ;
diffusion-thermo are considered small order of magnitude in dAn1 T
An ¼ þ An1 ðgradVÞ þ ðgradVÞ An1 for n > 1:
comparison to the effects described by Fourier’s or Fick’s law but dt
there are situations where such effects cannot be ignored. For
instance, the thermal diffusion (Dufour) effect is employed for where T1 and C1, T0 and C0 indicate the temperature and the mass
isotope separation and in mixtures between gases with very light concentration at the upper and lower walls of channel respectively,
molecular weight (H2, He) and of medium molecular weight (N2, u; v the velocities in x- and y-directions, p the pressure, k the
air), the diffusion-thermo (Soret) effect cannot be neglected. It is thermal conductivity, s the electrical conductivity of fluid, Cp the
revealed that mixed convection in the peristaltic flow of fourth specific heat at constant volume, T the temperature of fluid, C the
grade fluid is not yet available in the literature. Thus present work mass concentration, D the coefficient of mass diffusivity, KT the
reports the nonlinear mixed convective peristaltic flow of fourth thermal diffusion ratio, Tm the mean temperature, r the density, a
grade fluid under viscous dissipation, Dufour and Soret effects. The the coefficient of thermal expansion, bc the coefficient of
presence of these effects lead to a coupled nonlinear boundary expansion with concentration, g the acceleration due to gravity,
value problem (BVP) which is solved numerically by an implicit Cs the concentration susceptibility, ai ði ¼ 1; 2Þ; bi ði ¼ 1 3Þ and
finite difference scheme known as Keller–box method [26,27]. g i ði ¼ 1 8Þ are the material constants in the fourth grade fluid
Graphs showing the pressure rise, temperature, concentration and and Sxx, Sxy and Syy are the components of an extra stress tensor S.
heat transfer coefficient for several values of parameters have been Eqs. (3) and (4) yield the following compatibility relation
presented and discussed in detail.
d @U @V @ @SXX @SXY @ @SXY @SYY
¼ þ þ
2. Problem formulation dt @Y @X @Y @X @Y @X @X @Y
@T @C
þ rg a þ rg b c : (8)
Let us consider the flow of an incompressible fourth grade fluid @Y @Y
in a symmetric channel of uniform thickness 2d1. The shape of
propagated waves is of the forms If (x, y) and ðu; vÞ are the coordinates and velocity components in
the wave frame then
Y ¼ hðx; tÞ ¼ d1 þ asin ðX ctÞ ; (1)
l x ¼ X ct; y ¼ Y; u ¼ U c; v ¼ V; pðxÞ ¼ P ð X; t Þ; (9)
in which c is the wave speed and a and l are the wave amplitude c(x, y, t) is the stream function then writing
and wavelength respectively. The relevant equations governing for
the flow analysis under consideration are
@U @V @c @c
þ ¼ 0; (2) u¼ ;v¼
@X @Y @y @x
and employing the definitions of following dimensionless vari-
@ @ @ @P @SXX @SXY
r þU þV U¼ þ þ þ rg aðT T 0 Þ ables
@t @X @Y @X @X @Y
þ rg bc ðC C 0 Þ; (3)
c x y ct h
@ @ @ @P @SXY @SYY c ¼ ; x ¼ ; y ¼ ; t ¼ ; h ¼ ;
r þU þV V ¼ þ þ ; (4) cd1 l d1 l d1
@t @X @Y @Y @X @Y
d21 p dSij
p ¼ ; Sij ¼ ;
" # clm cm
@ @ @ @2 T @2 T rDK T
rC p þU þV T¼k þ þ ai c bi c2 g i c3 T T0
@t @X @Y @X 2 @Y 2 Cs ai ¼ ; bi ¼ ; g i ¼ ; u¼ ;
" 2 # md1 md21 md31 T1 T0
@ C @ C C C0
þ (5) f¼
@X 2 @Y 2 C1 C0
310 M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316
2 2
2 0 0
Sxx ¼ 2dcxy þ a1 ðA2 Þxx þ a2 4 dcxy þ cyy d cxx þ b1 ðA3 Þxx þ 2b2 ðA2 A1 Þxx þ
2 2
2g 4 ðA2 Þxx þ g 6 ðtrA2 Þ 4 dcxy þ cyy d cxx þ g 5 tr ðA2 ÞðA2 Þxx þ 2dcxy
h n o n oi (13)
g 7 ðA3 Þxx þ ðA3 Þyy þ 2g 8 ðA2 Þxy cyy d cxx þ dðA2 Þxx cxy dðA2 Þyy cxy
n o2
0 2
þ2db3 tr ðA2 Þcxy þ g 1 ðA4 Þxx þ 2g 2 ðA3 A1 Þxx þ g 3 ðA2 Þxx þ ðA2 Þxy ;
Sxy ¼ m cyy d2 cxx þ a1 ðA2 Þxy þ b01 ðA3 Þxy þ b02 trðA2 Þ cyy d2 cxx þ b03 trðA2 Þ
2 2
cyy d cxx þ g 1 ðA4 Þxy þ g 2 tr ðA3 Þ cyy d cxx þ g 3 tr ðA2 ÞðA2 Þxy
n o (14)
þðg 4 þ g 5 Þtr ðA2 ÞðA2 Þxy þ g 7 cyy d cxx ðA3 Þxx þ ðA3 Þyy þ
n o
2 2
2g 8 cyy d cxx ðA2 Þxy cyy d cxx þ dðA2 Þxx cxy dðA2 Þyy cxy ;
2 2
2 0 0
Syy ¼ 2dcxy þ a1 ðA2 Þyy þ a2 4 dcxy þ cyy d cxx þ b1 ðA3 Þyy þ 2b2 ðA2 A1 Þyy þ
o 2 2
2g 4 ðA2 Þyy þ g 6 ðtrA2 Þ 4 dcxy þ cyy d cxx þ g 5 tr ðA2 ÞðA2 Þyy 2dcxy
h n o n oi (15)
g 7 ðA3 Þxx þ ðA3 Þyy þ 2g 8 ðA2 Þxy cyy d2 cxx þ dðA2 Þxx cxy dðA2 Þyy cxy
n o2 n o2
2db3 tr ðA2 Þcxy þ g 1 ðA4 Þyy þ 2g 2 ðA3 A1 Þyy þ g 3 ðA2 Þxy þ ðA2 Þyy ;
2 2
tr ðA2 Þ ¼ 8 dcxy þ 2 cyy d cxx ; ðA2 Þxx 2
ðA3 A1 Þxx ¼ 2dðA3 Þxx cxy þ ðA3 Þxy cyy d cxx ;
2 d
¼ 2d cxy þ 4 dcxy 2d2 cxx cyy d2 cxx ;
ðA3 A1 Þyy ¼ ðA3 Þxy cyy d cxx 2dðA3 Þyy cxy ;
ðA2 Þxy ¼ d cyy d2 cxx þ 2d cxy cyy þ d2 cxy cxx ;
d @ @
¼ cy cx :
dt @x @y
dcxy 2
2 2
ðA2 Þyy ¼ 2d þ 4 dcxy þ 2cyy cyy d cxx ; It is seen that the continuity equation (2) is satisfied identically,
dt e(= a/d1) the amplitude ratio, d(= d1/l) the wave number, Re (= cd1/
y) the Reynolds number, Pr(= mCp/k) the Prandtl number,
Du(= rDKT(T1 T0)/(CsCp(C1 C0))) the Dufour number,
d 2
ðA3 Þxx ¼ d ðA2 Þxx þ 2dðA2 Þxx cxy 2d ðA2 Þxy cxx ; Grð¼ agðT 1 T 0 Þd21 =ðcnÞÞ the thermal buoyancy parameter,
Gcð¼ bc gðC 1 C 0 Þd21 =ðcnÞÞ the concentration buoyancy parameter,
M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316 311
Fig. 1. Pressure rise for different values of parameters when Pr = 1 ; Q = 3 ; Ec = 1 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Sc = 1 ; e = 0.2; (a) Gc = 0.1 ; G = 0.25; (b) Gr = 0.1 ; G = 0.25; and (c)
Gr = 0.1 ; Gc = 0.1.
Table 1
Comparison of numerical values of velocity, temperature and concentration with the NDSolve of the software Mathematica. The values of parameters are G = 0.25, x = 0.1,
e = 0.2, Gr = Gc = 0.1, Du = Sr = 0.5, Pr = Ec = Sc = 1, Q = 3.
y u(x, y) u(x, y) f(x, y)
Keller–box NDSolve Keller–box NDSolve Keller–box NDSolve
h 1 1 0 0 0 0
3h/4 0.178307 0.178308 7.25939 7.25936 3.44220 3.44218
h/2 0.543625 0.543625 10.6030 10.6029 4.92651 4.92647
h/4 1.128610 1.128610 11.6973 11.6973 5.28617 5.28613
+h/2 0.545610 0.545609 11.1151 11.1151 4.43257 4.43253
+3h/4 0.176962 0.176962 8.02479 8.02475 2.69989 2.69988
+h 1 1 1 1 1 1
312 M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316
Fig. 2. Pressure gradient for different values of parameters when Pr = 1 ; Q = 3 ; Ec = 1 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Sc = 1 ; e = 0.2; (a) Gc = 0.1 ; G = 0.25; (b) Gr = 0.1 ; G = 0.25; and
(c): Gr = 0.1 ; Gc = 0.1.
Defining Q and F as the dimensionless mean flows in the Cebeci and Bradshaw [26]. For Keller–box scheme we transform
laboratory and wave frames by the nonlinear system of differential equations into a first order
system using appropriate substitution. This first order system is
Q q then approximated by difference equations using central differ-
Q¼ ; F¼ : (21)
cd1 cd1 ence. The resulting algebraic equations are linearized by Newton’s
Combining Eqs. (15)–(17) we can see method and written in matrix-vector form. At the end the block-
tridiagonal-elimination technique is employed to solve the linear
Q ¼ F þ 2; (22) system.
Z h The obtained results are validated with the solutions obtained
@c by employing the built in routine for solving nonlinear boundary
F¼ dy: (23)
h @ y value problems through the command NDSolve of the software
Mathematica. An excellent agreement is found as can be seen from
The dimensionless boundary conditions in the wave frame are
Table 1. Moreover the present results are in very good agreement
given by
with the previous studies [22,23] in the limiting cases
F @c 1 ðG ¼ Du ¼ 0Þ.
c¼ ; ¼ 1; u¼ 0
2 @y
1 4. Numerical results and discussion
f¼ ; at y ¼ h ¼ ½1 þ esin2px;
The behaviors of embedding parameters i.e the flow rate Q, the
and the expression for pressure rise per wavelength is Grashof numbers Gr and Gc, the Dufour number Du and the Soret
Z 1 number Sr on the pressure rise, temperature and concentration
D pl ¼ dx: (25) have been discussed in this section. Pressure change in wavelength
0 dx
versus the flow rate Q for different values of parameters has been
plotted in Fig. 1. Here the numerical integration has been
3. Numerical method performed to calculate the pressure rise. We observe that
maximum pressure rise against which peristalsis works as a
The Eqs. (12)–(14) subject to the boundary conditions (20) have pump (i.e Dpl for Q = 0) increases with an increase in the
been solved numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme buoyancy force due to temperature differences. Further as the
formally known as Keller box method described in the book by prescribed flow rate increases, the pressure rise increases with an
M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316 313
Fig. 3. Temperature profile for different values of parameters when Pr = 1 ; Q = 3 ; Ec = 1 ; Sc = 1 ; e = 0.2; (a) Gr = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Gc = 0.1; (b) Gc = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ;
Sr = 0.5 ; G = 0.25; (c) G = 0.25 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Gr = 0.1; (d) Gc = 0.1 ; Gr = 0.1 ; Sr = 0.5 ; G = 0.25; and (e) Gc = 0.1 ; Gr = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ; G = 0.25.
increase in Gr. There is an increase in the free-pumping flux (Q for parameter. Fig. 1c elucidates that pumping rate is found to increase
Dpl = 0) when Gr is increased. In the co-pumping region (Dpl < 0, when G is increased in the pumping region (Dpl > 0) (Fig. 1c). The
Q > 0), for arbitrarily chosen Dpl the flow rate Q increases when flow rate Q also increases with an increase in G in the free-
Gr is increased. Physically, it shows that the buoyancy forces due to pumping region (Dpl = 0). However the pumping rate is found to
the temperature gradient increases the pressure rise. Fig. 1b decrease upon increasing G in the co-pumping region (Dpl < 0).
indicates that the behavior of concentration buoyancy parameter Fig. 2 plots the pressure gradient profiles for different values of Gr,
Gc on Dpl is similar to that accounted for the thermal buoyancy Gc and G. We observe that amplitude of dp/dx is a decreasing
314 M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316
Fig. 4. Concentration profile for different values of parameters when Pr = 1 ; Q = 3 ; Ec = 1 ; Sc = 1 ; e = 0.2; (a) Gr = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Gc = 0.1; (b) Gc = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ;
Sr = 0.5 ; G = 0.25; (c) G = 0.25 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Gr = 0.1; and (d) Gc = 0.1 ; Gr = 0.1 ; Sr = 0.5 ; G = 0.25; and (e) Gc = 0.1 ; Gr = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ; G = 0.25.
function of buoyancy force due to temperature difference (see the fluid. This process is partially irreversible and is referred to as
Fig. 2a). However Figs. 2b and 2c show that magnitude of pressure viscous dissipation. The presence of viscous dissipation increases
gradient increases with an increase in Gc and G . Thus it can be the fluid’s temperature in the central part of the channel. It is noted
inferred that much larger pressure gradient is required to maintain from Fig. 3a that the temperature u increases upon increasing G.
the same flux in the fourth grade fluid when compared with the Thus the temperature u in fourth grade fluid is larger than
viscous fluid. Newtonian fluid. We notice that temperature u increases with an
Fig. 3 is plotted to study the behaviors of G, Gr, Gc, Du and Sr on increase in Gr. In other words the larger value of Gr accompany
temperature u. It is quite obvious that in a viscous fluid flow the with the stronger buoyancy force due to temperature gradient
viscosity of the fluid will take kinetic energy from the motion of the which in turn rises the temperature. However Fig. 3c indicates that
fluid and transform it into internal energy of the fluid that heats up the temperature u decreases with an increase in Gc or the buoyancy
M. Mustafa et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 45 (2014) 308–316 315
Fig. 5. Heat transfer coefficient for different values of parameters when Pr = 1 ; Q = 3 ; Ec = 1 ; Sc = 1 ; e = 0.2; (a) Gr = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ; Sr = 0.5 ; Gc = 0.1; (b) Gc = 0.1 ; Gr = 0.1 ;
Sr = 0.5 ; G = 0.25; and (c) Gc = 0.1 ; Gr = 0.1 ; Du = 0.5 ; G = 0.25.
force due to concentration difference. The Dufour number Du, increase in all the embedding parameters. Moreover we found that
which represents the ratio of concentration difference compared to the variation in Z(x) with the buoyance force is negligible. The
the temperature, is bigger for a larger concentration difference and results obtained in this paper express fairly well the flow
sheer gradient. Thus an increase in Du enhances the energy flux characteristics of blood in a capillary.
due to concentration gradient which increases the temperature. On
the other hand an increase in Soret number Sr appreciably
5. Conclusions
generates the mass flux due to large temperature differences
which, therefore, significantly increases the temperature. Fig. 4
Heat and mass transfer for Soret and Dufour effects on the
elucidates the effects of these parameters on the concentration f. It
mixed convective peristaltic flow of fourth grade fluid is
is noticed that behavior of parameters on the absolute concentra-
considered. The present analysis can serve in understanding the
tion f is quite similar to temperature profiles. However the
mechanism of many physiological flows. The developed differen-
temperature distribution is greater near the upper wall whereas
tial system is solved numerically by Keller box method. The
the concentration f is greater near the lower wall when compared
computations are found in excellent agreement with the results
with the rest part of the channel. It is also noted that the absolute
obtained by shooting method using Runge-Kutta algorithm. We
concentration distribution is greater for fourth grade fluid when
observed that pumping rate appreciably increases when there is an
compared with the Newtonian fluid. It is observed that the
increase in the buoyancy forces due to temperature and
concentration of the fluid is greater at the wall than the central part
concentration differences. Moreover there a significant increase
of the channel. Clinically this shows that the nutrients diffuse out
in the temperature and concentration with an increase in the
of the blood vessels to the neighboring tissues.
elastic parameter (Deborah number) for fourth grade fluid. To the
The effects of dimensionless parameters on the heat transfer
best of our knowledge, this study is a fundamental work on the
coefficient Z(x) = hxu0 (h) have been discussed in Fig. 5. It is
mixed convective peristaltic flow of fourth grade fluid combined
visualizeable from the Fig. 5a that profiles become increasingly
with Dufour and Soret effects.
steeper near the wall when G is increased. As a consequence, the
heat transfer coefficient, which is directly proportional to the slope
at the wall, increases with an increase in G . The oscillating References
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