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MSO Citizen - Charter

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MSO is a Central Procurement Agency for supply of Generic Drugs to all CGHS &
Para Military Units e.g. CRPF, BSF, SSB, ITBP etc., Central Prisons & other
government organizations for brevity called “Indenters” and there are around 1100
indenters who depend heavily for regular generic drugs supplies from MSO
through its 07 Government Medical Store Depots (GMSD) located all over India
1. New Delhi
2. Karnal
3. Hyderabad
4. Guwahati
5. Kolkata
6. Mumbai
7. Chennai.
The key Functions of MSO/GMSDs as under:-


(a) Procurement, storage and supply of medicines, surgical equipments,

medical equipments and other medical supplies/stores required by public health
facilities run by the Central Government, State Government and Local Bodies viz.
CGHS Dispensaries, P&T Dispensaries, JIPMER Hospital, Dispensaries and
Veterinary Institutions of Tamil Nadu Government, Pondicherry Government,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and Units of CRPF, BSF and other Para Military
Forces Dispensaries, Primary Health Centres, etc. across the country on no-loss
no-profit basis.

(b) Storage and issue of stores required under various National Programmes
such as National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme (NVBDCP),
Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), Tuberculosis (TB), Leprosy, CSSM and
Family Welfare under taken by MOH&FW, GOI.

(c) Meeting the emergency requirements of life saving drugs and other allied
items in the country, arising out of natural calamities such as floods, cyclones,
drought, etc. The Depots act even at very short notice and employees work on war
footing to cater to such emergency situations.
(d) Receipt, storage and distribution of supplies of drugs and allied stores
including various vaccines received from WHO, UNICEF, USAID, DFID and the
various international bodies under various bilateral agreements entered into by
the Government of India.

(e) Undertaking any such activities as directed by Government of India

relating to procurement, storage and distribution of medicines, surgical items,
medical equipments and related items.

(f) Undertaking supply of medical stores to foreign countries as and when

directed by the Government of India (GOI).


The Medical Store Organization, being the Headquarter, looks after the affairs of
all the 07 GMSDs. All administrative matters of the GMSDs are dealt in MSO
(HQ) which comprises 05 Sections (Stores) and the functions of Stores are as


(a) It deals all administrative matter of MSO (HQ) and 07 GMSDs, viz MACP,
DPC, appointment / extension of consultants/contractual staff.

(b) It also deals with Court Cases, RTI Matters, VIP references & Public
Grievances, Hindi Returns/Reports, Parliament Question/ Assurance,
Compilation of Data of all 7 GMSDs/Coordination.

(c) Re-organization/ Restructuring of MSO/GMSDs, Revision/ Amendment of

RRs, Revival/creation of various posts.

Store II:

(a) E-tendering of Generic and Patented Drugs.

(b) Comparative statement of prices received from various bidders and rates of
other procurement agencies viz ESIC, Railways, Defence, TNMSC.

(c) Holding Integrated Purchase Committee Meetings (IPC).

(d) Finalization of rate contracts.

(e) Procurement of drugs against finalized rate contracts for approx. 1100
registered indenters including Military and Para Military, CGHS & other
civilian institutions PAN India.
(f) Reply to RTI related to MSO (Technical).

(g) Opening of online Procurement Windows for placement of Indents.

(h) Placing of Sanction Orders.

(i) Emergency Procurement of drugs like SIV, QMMV, Anti-malarial &

medicines for use in elimination of Kala Azar disease.

(j) Preparation of various reports to be submitted to the Ministry from time to


Store III & IV:

(a) Handling of various National programs.

(b) Registration and De registration of Manufacturing Units.

(c) Registration of Testing Laboratories.

(d) Emergency Procurement of Drugs.

Store V:

(a) It looks after the budget allocation, all the expenditure sanctions of both MSO
and all the 07 GMSDs.

(b) Replies to Audit Paras and Monthly/quarterly expenditure report.

(c) Salaries, Arrears, Medical reimbursement, LTC claims/Advance, Leave

Encashment, TA/DA, Contingency bills, Contractor bills, telephone bills,
canteen bills, water bills, conveyance bills are processed through PFMS.

(d) Uploading Licence Fees on Directorate Estates e-awas.

(e) BE-RE (MSO), Financial statements for TDS Returns quarterly and yearly.
(f) Reconciliation of TDS and budget head quarterly and yearly.

(g) Calculate Income-taxes and issue the Form 16.

(h) Procurement for MSO (HQ) through GeM Portal is being done.

(i) Preparation of sanction/bills and payment for the utility services.

(j) Preparation of Pension papers, online through Bhavishya Portal.

(k) Maintain records of stationary, Furniture, Equipment and other Stocks and
stock register.

(l) Prepare & Maintain Records all bills, bill registers and expenditure register,

Address and Contact Numbers

1. Prof. (Dr.) Atul Goel, DGHS, Room No. 446-A, A wing, 4th Floor, Nirman
Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 (Tel: 011-23061063, 011-23061463)
Email: dghs@nic.in.

2. Dr. Preeti Wadhawan, DDG(Stores), MSO

Email: msomohfw@nic.in., preeti.wadhawan@cghs.nic.in
Medical Stores Organization, Wing No. 6, 1 st Floor, West Block 1, Sector-1,
R.K. Puram, Delhi-110066 (Tel: 011-26101268).

3. Dr. G.S. Jhankar, CMO (NFSG) and I/c GMSD, New Delhi, C–4, Qutub
Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016 (Tel: 011 – 46064184, Fax: 011 –
41024369) (Email: gmsddelhi-mohfw@gov.in).

4. Dr. Dhiren Engti, Sr. CMO (SAG) and I/c GMSD, Guwahati, A.K. Azad
Road, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati – 781016 (Tel: 0361 -24714214, Fax: 0361
– 2492712) (Email: gmsdguw-mohfw@nic.in).

5. Dr. G.S. Jhankar, CMO (NFSG) and I/c GMSD Karnal, Post box no. 8,
Karnal – 132001, Haryana (Tel: 0184 – 2250233 & 0184 – 4050015, Fax:
0184 – 2252328) (Email: gmsdkarnal-mohfw@nic.in).

6. Dr. Bidyut Paul, CMO(NFSG) and I/c GMSD Kolkata, Clyde Row, Hastings,
Kolkata (Tel: 033 – 22233593, Fax: 033 – 22230838)
(Email: gmsdkol-mohfw@nic.in).

7. Dr. K.M. Srinivisan, DDC(I) and I/c GMSD Chennai, Building no. – 37,
Naval Hospital Road, Chennai – 600003, (Tel: 044 – 25612922, Fax: 044 –
25611459, Email: gmsd.tnchn@nic.in).

8. Dr. Barla Vidya Sagar, MO and I/c GMSD Hyderabad, S.R. Nagar, Behind
ESI Hospital Building, Hyderabad – 600038, (Tel: 040 – 23706430 & 040 –
23700058, Fax: 040 – 23702355) (Email: gmsdhyd-dghs@gov.in).
9. Sh. Jayant Kumar, DDC(I), CDSCO and I/c GMSD Mumbai, Central
Mumbai – 400008, (Tel: 022 – 2307, Fax: 022 – 23074617) (Email:

RTI services:

1. MSO

a. CPIO Technical: Dr. G.S. Jhankar, CMO (NFSG), Medical Stores

Organization, Wing No. 6, 1st Floor, West Block 1, Sector-1, R.K. Puram,
Delhi110066 (Tel: 011-26101268), Email: gauri.jhankaar@cghs.nic.in

b. CPIO Admin.: Sh. J. Barwa, DDA, Medical Stores Organization, Wing No. 6,
1st Floor, West Block 1, Sector-1, R.K. Puram, Delhi-110066 (Tel: 011-
26101268), Email: jbarwa.19@gov.in

c. First Appellate Authority: Dr. Preeti Wadhawan, DDG(Stores), MSO

Medical Stores Organization, Wing No. 6, 1 st Floor, West Block 1, Sector-1,
R.K. Puram, Delhi-110066 (Tel: 011-26101268), Email:
preeti.wadhawan@cghs.nic.in , mso-mohfw@nic.in.

2. GMSD Delhi

a. CPIO Technical & Admin.: Sh. Girdhari Lal, Accounts Officer, C–4, Qutub
Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016 (Tel: 011 – 46064184, Fax: 011 –
41024369) (Email: gmsddelhi-mohfw@gov.in)

b. First Appellate Authority: Dr. G.S. Jhankar, CMO (NFSG) and I/c GMSD,
New Delhi, C–4, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016 (Tel: 011 –
46064184, Fax: 011 – 41024369) (Email: gauri.jhankaar@cghs.nic.in)

3. GMSD Kolkata

a. CPIO Technical & Admin: Sh. Ajay Alok, Accounts Officer, 9 Clyde Row,
Hastings, Kolkata (Tel: 033 – 22233593, Fax: 033 – 22230838) (Email:

b. First Appellate Authority: Dr. Bidyut Paul, CMO(NFSG) and I/c GMSD
Kolkata, Clyde Row, Hastings, Kolkata (Tel: 033 – 22233593, Fax: 033 –
22230838) (Email: gmsdkol-mohfw@nic.in)

4. GMSD Hyderabad
a. CPIO Technical: Sh. R. Shankar, Depot Superintendent, S.R. Nagar,
Behind ESI Hospital Building, Hyderabad – 600038, (Tel: 040 – 23706430 & 040
– 23700058, Fax: 040 – 23702355) (Email: gmsdhyd-dghs@gov.in)

b. CPIO Admin.: Sh. A. Srinivas, Sr. Accounts Officer, S.R. Nagar, Behind ESI
Hospital Building, Hyderabad – 600038, (Tel: 040 – 23706430 & 040 – 23700058,
Fax: 040 – 23702355) (Email: asrinivas.17@gov.in)

c. First Appellate Authority: Dr. Barla Vidya Sagar, MO and I/c GMSD
Hyderabad, S.R. Nagar, Behind ESI Hospital Building, Hyderabad – 600038, (Tel:
040 – 23706430 & 040 – 23700058, Fax: 040 – 23702355) (Email:

5. GMSD Chennai

a. CPIO Technical & Admin: Sh. K. Solairajan, Asst. Depot Manager, Building
no. – 37, Naval Hospital Road, Chennai – 600003, (Tel: 044 – 25612922, Fax: 044
– 25611459, Email: gmsd.tnchn@nic.in).

b. First Appellate Authority: Dr. K.M. Srinivisan, DDC(I) and I/c GMSD
Chennai, Building no. – 37, Naval Hospital Road, Chennai – 600003, (Tel: 044 –
25612922, Fax: 044 – 25611459, Email: gmsd.tnchn@nic.in).

6. GMSD Mumbai

a. CPIO Technical: Sh. Chohan Tudu, Asst. Depot Manager, GMSD Mumbai,
Central Mumbai – 400008, (Tel: 022 – 2307, Fax: 022 – 23074617) (Email:

b. CPIO Admin.: Sh. Santosh V. Potle, Depot Superintendent, GMSD Mumbai,

Central Mumbai – 400008, (Tel: 022 – 2307, Fax: 022 – 23074617) (Email:

c. First Appellate Authority: Sh. Jayant Kumar, DDC(I), CDSCO and I/c
GMSD Mumbai, Central Mumbai – 400008, (Tel: 022 – 2307, Fax: 022 – 23074617)
(Email: gmsdmumbai-mohfw@nic.in, jayant@cdsco.nic.in).

7. GMSD Guwahati

a. CPIO Technical: Sh. D.K. Ravidas, Asst. Depot Manager, A.K. Azad Road,
Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati – 781016 (Tel: 0361 -24714214, Fax: 0361 – 2492712)
(Email: gmsdguw-mohfw@nic.in)
b. CPIO Admin: Sh. Raju Sarkar, Sr. Accounts Officer, A.K. Azad Road,
Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati – 781016 (Tel: 0361 -24714214, Fax: 0361 – 2492712)
(Email: gmsdguw-mohfw@nic.in).

c. First Appellate Authority: Dr. Dhiren Engti, Sr. CMO (SAG) and I/c GMSD,
Guwahati, A.K. Azad Road, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati – 781016 (Tel: 0361
24714214, Fax: 0361 – 2492712) (Email: gmsdguw-mohfw@nic.in).

8. GMSD Karnal

a. CPIO Technical: Smt. Neelam Rani, Depot Superintendent, Post box no. 8,
Karnal – 132001, Haryana (Tel: 0184 – 2250233 & 0184 – 4050015, Fax: 0184 –
2252328) (Email: gmsdkarnal-mohfw@nic.in).

b. CPIO Admin.: Sh. Sumer Chander, Depot Superintendent, Post box no. 8,
Karnal – 132001, Haryana (Tel: 0184 – 2250233 & 0184 – 4050015, Fax: 0184 –
2252328) (Email: gmsdkarnal-mohfw@nic.in).

c. First Appellate Authority: Dr. G.S. Jhankar, CMO (NFSG) and I/c GMSD
Karnal, Post box no. 8, Karnal – 132001, Haryana (Tel: 0184 – 2250233 & 0184 –
4050015, Fax: 0184 – 2252328) (Email: gmsdkarnal-mohfw@nic.in).

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