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Final Testament-Chemistry

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a) Fill in the blanks:

(i) The unit of rate constant and rate for a 1st order reaction is sec
inverse and M L inverse sec inverse.

(ii) The CFSE for d^5 high spin octahedral complex is 0 dq and has 5
unpaired electrons.


(ii) Low Spin---→ dq = -2 and 3 unpaired electrons.

(iii) The reaction b/w Phenol and alkaline chloroform gives

salicylaldehyde and the reaction is known as Reimer Tiemann reaction.

(iv) any one- (a) Phenol is acidic because of resonance stabilization of its
conjugate base. (phenoxide ion)

(b) The product formed when Sodium phenoxide is treated with CO2 at
400K under high pressure is salicylic acid and is known as kolbe’s
schmitt’s reaction.

(c) Mixture of conc HCl and anhydrous ZnCl is called Lucas reagent
which shows maximum reactivity with 3 degree alcohols.
b) MCQ

1) Electrochemistry: Which element has the highest OS

Ans) Mn

2) d and f block: KMnO4 acting as an oxidizing agent, how many

electrons it will give to form the following compound

Ans) OS of Mn in KMnO4 - OS of Mn in the given compound = no. of

electrons it will give.

3) Coordination compounds: Which compound will have the same

value of i(ions) as given compound in the question.

Ans) Calculate the ions of all and match with compound in ques.

4) Compounds containing N2: not given

5) Solutions: not given

6) Assertion and Reason: H2 gas is liberated because given element is

above H2 gas in E.C series.

Ans) Both statements are true

7) Assertion and Reason (Compound having N2):

A) Aliphatic amines are more basic than aromatic amines

R) Basic tendency of a compound is measured by the is by which 8

caves loan pair of electrons in aliphatic amines alkyl group causes + I
effect as a result loan pair of electrons of nitrogen is easily given out

ii) in aromatic amines benzene ring is electron attractive hence due to

the Plus m effect the loan pair of electrons of nitrogen are attractive
towards benzene ring due to resonance and are not easily given out
making it less basic.

A) 1° Amine has higher boiling point than 3° Amine

R) in 1 degree Amine electronegative nitrogen has two hydrogen which

form extensive intermolecular hydrogen bond and gets associated and
their molecular weight also increases hence they're boiling point
increases in 3° Amine nitrogen atom does not have hydrogen which
cannot form hydrogen bond hence no association of molecule takes
place and have lower boiling point.

c) Passage: Solutions--→ Why is food not cooked properly at high

altitudes in water. She asked to put salt, why?

Ans) i) Because the place is situated at a higher altitude and

atmosphere pressure is less and thus the boiling point of water
decreases which in result does not let the food get enough heat to be
cooked properly as water boils at a lower temperature. Because salt is a
non-volatile substance and it will dissociate into Na+ and Cl- ions.
Elevation in bp(▲Tb is directly proportional to no. of ions). Salt
dissociates into two ions therefore bp will increase and proper cooking
will take place.

ii) Henry's Law is used.

iii) Numerical: how much salt is to be added.

1) Solutions:

i) Numerical on % association of either Acetic acid or Benzoic acid(n=2)

ii) Refer to images

iii) Direct numerical or Case Study on “The osmotic pressure of blood at 37

degree is 8.21. How much glucose should be used per liter for an

intravenous injection so that it is isotonic with blood? (R=0.082) [Q9]

2) Electrochemistry
i) Direct numerical on w=zit W=(atomic weight/valency*96500)*it. (answer in
seconds or unit acc to ques)

ii) Numerical- Cell numerical (Cu and Ag) (answer in volt) In the formula of emf of
cell, log [A]/[B]^2 because of the concentration

iii) DRY CELL OF CU and AG

iv) Conductivity and molar conductivity numerical

4) Chemical Kinetics

i) Half-life numerical (after 15 years or something)

ii) Box numerical [Q12]

iii) Direct numerical on log k2/k1= (Ea/2.303*R) {1/T1-1/T2) Value of R= 8.314

3) d and f block:

i) Reason- Mn shows highest oxidation state.

ii) Reason- Transition metal form alloys.

iii) Cu+ is not stable in aqueous solution.

iv) Fe, Co and Ni are attracted to magnetic field.

iii) Reactions-

(a) KMNO4 with C2H2O4

(b) " with H2S

(c) K2Cr2O7 with H2S

(d) " with ferric sulphate

5) Coordinate Chemistry

i) VBT of a) K3[Fe(CN)6] b) K4[Fe(CN)6] (c)CO[(NH3)6]+3 --→ Hybridisation,

shape, magnetic behavior and unpaired electron.

ii) Chemical Test- Ques) AgCl and AgBr reacts with AgNO3

→ AgCl gives white color and AgBr gives yellow color

iii) Linkage Isomerism:

a) Identify the type of isomerism - Linkage Isomerism

Ques) Two compounds X and Y are given, they react with alkali. X forms tertiary
Butanol and Y forms Methanol

Answer- X is any tertiary (gives SN1) alkyl halide and Y is primary alcohol (gives
SN2). → (Halo and halo)

i) Reason- Alcohols and ethers are isomers but have diff boiling point. Because
alcohols form intermolecular hydrogen bond with water. While ethers cannot
form intermolecular bonds. (diagram)

ii) Reason- Ethanol gives iodoform test while Methanol does not. Ethanol has
alpha Hydrogen and ethanol does not have. Iodoform test is given by compounds
having methyl carbonyl group which ethanol has and methanol does not have.

iii) Aldol Condensation

iv) Phenol to para-hydroxy azobenzene(Coupling rn)

v) Chlorobenzene to Phenol

vi) Riemer-tiemann

a) CHCL3→Salicyaldehyde

b) CCL4→ Salicylic acid

vi) Ethanol with Iodine and aq Alkali on heating gives yellow ppt which Acetic acid
does not. Acetic acid with neutral ferric chloride gives wine red color.

vii) Ethanol and DI-ethyl Ether → Ethanol gives Iodoform, other does not.

viii) Lucas Reagent→(anhydrous ZnCl2 + Conc HCl)

ix) Dow's Process

x) Clemmensen's Reduction

xi) What happens when: Ethyl Alcohol is treated with Methyl MgBr


i) Reason- Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones or ethanal is more reactive
than propanone or acetaldehyde is more reactive than acetone.

ii) IMPORTANT REACTION (will be asked 2 times in the paper)

a) CHCOOH + SOCl2→ X + Pd/BaSo4→ Y + dil. NaOH→ Z

(this is aldol condensation and rosenmunds reduction)

b) and how will u convert ethanal to 3 hydroxy butanal. (this is Aldol


c) Rosamund's reduction.

iii) Why chloroacetic acid is stronger than acetic acid

i) NitroBenzene to Aniline to Benzene diazonium chloride.

ii) Chlorobenzene to Aniline


i) Why vitamin c should be included in our regular diet

ii) Why insulin is not taken directly

iii) Reaction of glucose. (bromine water etc.)

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