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Fuel ECU

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(A) - Purpose
(B) - Operation
(C) - “Also known as"

(M) - Maintenance Item

(service per manufacturers'

1974-1977 Standard Beetle & 1974-1979 Super Beetle

1600cc Engine Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
A) To maintain the high degree of fuel cleanliness A) The auxiliary air valve opens a cross-sectional air bypass
critical to proper fuel injection operation and component around the closed throttle blades to maintain an acceptable
longevity. idle during cold engine operation.
B) Fuel must pass through a paper element, a fibrous B) A precisely calibrated bi-metallic strip governs the cross
“fluff trap”, and finally through a mesh strainer - when sectional area of an internal gate which meters the amount of
replaced at proper intervals as specified by the vehicle extra air admitted to the engine during the warm-up period.
manufacturer, the fuel filter will allow no particles larger The bi-metallic strip has its regulating time governed by the
than 10 microns to pass through it. use of a ceramic heating element
C) Auxiliary Air Device, Auxiliary Air Regulator
A) Creates continual pressurized fuel supply of specific Diagram “D” AIR FLOW SENSOR / METER
volume to central fuel metering area. A) The air flow sensor provides the ECU with a continuous
B) The electric fuel pump is usually a roller cell design voltage signal as a measure of inducted air volume (engine
driven by a permanent magnet electric motor. Fuel is load). This signal is a major contributor to the injector
scavenged from the vehicle fuel tank and pressurized duration signal from the ECU.
within cavities formed between the individual pump B) Incoming air volume, as controlled by engine load, deflects
rollers. The pressurized fuel exists, the outlet check valve a spring loaded flap, which at one end of its pivot shaft has
as a direct result of the centrifugal sealing action created a potentiometer contact. An inversely proportionate voltage
in the roller chamber during rotation. signal (along with an air temperature signal in some cases)
C) High Pressure Pump, Supply Pump are sent to the ECU to help govern duration of injection.
C) Air Flow Meter, Vane Meter, VAF (Vane Air Flow)
A) The thermo time switch completes the electrical circuit for, A) These flexible rings prevent unmetered air from entering
and limits the duration of operation for the cold start valve. the engine, position the injection valve, and prevent fuel
B) An internal bi-metallic strip, heated both electrically leakage.
and via engine heat, determines cold start valve on time B) Depending upon system design, the injector seal is
by providing a short duration electrical ground. positioned on the injection valve so as to provide a leak
proof seal between the injector and the intake manifold.
Diagram “F” VACUUM LIMITER In many electronic fuel injection systems, an additional
A) This device provides additional air to the engine during seal is fitted between the injector and fuel rail. The pres-
transitional/closed throttle positions to maintain combustion. sure regulator seal is utilized at the junction of the pres-
B) When a specific difference in pressure before and after sure regulator and fuel rail to prevent fuel leakage.
the throttle valve is achieved (as in deceleration) this valve
opens to supply additional air to the engine. Diagram “L” ENGINE TEMPERATURE SENSOR
A) This device measures engine temperature and reports
Diagram “G” DOUBLE RELAY this information to the electronic control units.
A) The relay provides electrical power to the engine man- B) The internal resistor of the temperature sensor decreas-
agement system and provides a safety circuit to prevent es in electrical resistance as the engine warms. Engine
fuel flow when the engine is not running. temperature via this resistance value is reported to the
B) A primary ignition signal is most often used as an input ECU and used as a correction to the output state (injector
to the relay which, when energized, provides power to delivery, etc.).
the fuel pump, ECU, and the heated oxygen sensor if so C) CTS (Coolant Temperature Sensor), Temperature Sensor II
Diagram “M” FUEL INJECTION VALVES (Solenoid Types)
Diagram “H” ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT A) The solenoid type fuel injection valve precisely meter
A) Operating in a central processing capacity, the electronic fuel into the individual engine intake ports.
control unit calculates the engine management control B) Driven by the electronic control unit, the valve needle
parameters based on data received from various sensors. will lift within the solenoid body to deliver the predeter-
B) Responding to measured variables and sensor input, the mined fuel quantity. Replaceable O-ring seals are provided
control unit adjusts fuel delivery through its controlling to limit vibration and leakage problems, and to ensure
output stage. that characteristic good hot start condition.
C) ECA (Electronic Control Assembly), ECU, ECM, Logic Module,
Trigger Box. Diagram “N” COLD START VALVE
A) Used to provide additional fuel needed to overcome fuel
Diagram “I” THROTTLE VALVE SWITCH condensation and additional friction present during cold
A) Communicates idle and full load position to the elec- engine start-up.
tronic control unit to allow for adjustment in engine B) Dependent on, and operating in series with the ther-
‘management control. mo-time switch, this solenoid operated valve creates an
B) Actuated by the throttle shaft, one set of contacts closes atomized “swirl” mixture, which is injected directly into
at idle with another signaling full-load electronically; all the intake manifold plenum.
dependent on throttle position. Normally, the idle contact C) The “5th” injector, Cold Start Injector, Cold Start Device.
assists overrun fuel cutoff and idle speed actuator con-
trolling functions, while the full-load contact acts to signal Diagram “O” FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR
need for additional fuel under wide open throttle. A) The (EFI-multi port type) fuel pressure regulator main-
C) Throttle switch, load switch tains required system specific fuel pressure in a differential
relationship between fuel pressure and manifold vacuum.
Diagram “J” RESISTOR UNIT This device directs excess fuel back to the fuel tank.
A) The resistor unit reduces the voltage supplied to the port B) A spring loaded diaphragm (assisted by a vacuum
fuel injectors. chamber opposite the fuel side) exerts a preset pressure on
B) Battery voltage, supplied to the port injectors continuously the incoming fuel flow, and by deflecting slightly to allow
when the vehicle is running, is reduced by the resistor unit through flow, assures precise fuel rail pressure. The vac-
prior to reaching the injection valves. Only certain L-Jetronic uum chamber receives and responds quickly to the signal
port injectors are designed to operate on this reduced voltage. from the intake manifold.
C) Dropping Resistors, Ballast Pack, Resistor Pack.
special emphasis given to breaker point condition and
correct dwell. All fuel injection system components and
wiring whould be tested.

When troubleshooting the fuel injection system, you need
to test a component that connects to the control unit. Never
attempt to make tests at the terminals of the control unit
itself. Always disconnect the battery ground strap before you
remove the plug from the electronic control unit.

If for any reason you must install a replacement control
unit, make sure that the new control unit has the same
part number as the original control unit. A number of
changes were made since the first fuel injection models
were introduced in 1975.
Before replacing the electronic control unit, the follow-
ing procedures should be observed. The engine compres-
sion should be measured and found within specifications.
The ignition system should be thoroughly checked, with
special emphasis given to breaker point condition and
correct dwell. All fuel injection system components and
wiring should be tested.
Fuel Injected
1600cc Engine Electronic
When troubleshooting the fuel injection system, you need
Control Unit (ECU). Item #317-921 to test a component that connects to the control unit. Never
attempt to make tests at the terminals of the control unit
itself. Always disconnect the battery ground strap before you
Keep All of your Volkswagen’s Electronic System remove the plug from the electronic control unit.
functions running smoothly with this technical tip. If for any reason you must install a replacement control
Before replacing the electronic control unit, the follow- unit, make sure that the new control unit has the same
ing procedures should be observed. The engine compres- part number as the original control unit. A number of
sion should be measured and found within specifications. changes were made since the first fuel injection models
The ignition system should be thoroughly checked, with were introduced in 1975. MAM

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