Ae TT10 Test2
Ae TT10 Test2
Ae TT10 Test2
Aprendizagens essenciais
Compreender um discurso fluido e seguir linhas de argumentação dentro das áreas temáticas apresentadas,
integrando a sua experiência e mobilizando conhecimentos adquiridos em outras disciplinas.
Competência linguística:
• competência lexical
• competência gramatical
• competência semântica
Competência pragmática:
• competência discursiva
• competência funcional/
TOTAL 50 pontos
Top Teen 10
You will hear a podcast about Billie Eilish’s career story so far.
1. Listen to the podcast and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). (10 x 3 = 30 points)
a. Billie Eilish grew up in Los Angeles, California. ______
b. Billie's mother has had an important role in the singer-songwriter’s career. ______
c. Billie comes from a family of famous singers. ______
d. Billie’s first track “Ocean Eyes” was released to Soundcloud by her brother. ______
e. Don't Smile At Me, released in 2017, was a flop. ______
f. In 2018 the singer-songwriter started working as a tour guide. ______
g. Billie’s album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? was a success. ______
h. In 2020 Billie won the four major Grammy awards. ______
i. “Perfume” is one of the singles of Billie’s latest album Happier Than Ever. ______
j. Billie has already performed over 450 concerts on tour. ______
Top Teen 10
Ler e compreender diversos tipos de texto, dentro das áreas temáticas apresentadas; descodificar palavras-
chave/ideias presentes no texto, marcas do texto escrito que introduzem mudança de estratégia discursiva, de
assunto e de argumentação; interpretar informação explícita e implícita, pontos de vista e intenções do(a) autor(a).
Planificar e elaborar uma atividade de escrita de acordo com o tipo e função do texto e o seu destinatário, dentro das
áreas temáticas apresentadas. Relacionar vários tipos de informação, sintetizando-a de modo lógico e coerente, com
apresentação de pontos de vista e opiniões.
Relacionar o que lê e produz com o seu conhecimento e vivência pessoal, recorrendo ao pensamento crítico e criativo.
Desenvolver a consciência do seu universo sociocultural e como este se relaciona com os universos culturais dos
outros; relacionar a sua cultura de origem com outras culturas com que contacta, relativizando o seu ponto de vista
e sistema de valores culturais, demonstrando capacidade de questionar atitudes estereotipadas perante outros povos,
sociedades e culturas.
1. Read the magazine article below and decide which answer (1, 2, 3, or 4) fits each gap. Write
only the letters and the numbers. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
c. 1. for 2. at 3. since 4. in
Top Teen 10
Top Teen 10
2. Match the ideas in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B. One of the
paragraphs does not apply. Write only the letters and the paragraph numbers. (4 x 4 = 16
a. Free will Paragraph 2
b. Confidence as an artist Paragraph 4
c. Caring about the world Paragraph 5
d. Developing independence Paragraph 6
Paragraph 8
3. Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to complete the sentences according to the text.
Write only the numbers and the letters. (5 x 6 = 30 points)
3.1. Billie Eilish…
a. played the role of a singer in James Bond latest film.
b. won a Grammy for James Bond theme song “No Time to Die”.
c. was an extra in James Bond film No Time to Die.
d. doesn’t sing the song “No Time to Die” alone; she sings it with her brother.
3.2. Billie…
a. was happier than ever when her fans said she looked like Marilyn Monroe.
b. is afraid of performing live again as she doesn’t know how her fans are going to react .
c. got emotional when she saw her fans singing in a documentary about her early years.
d. used to have green and black hair.
3.3. Billie…
a. called her doctor because she thought she had COVID.
b. wasn’t very enthusiastic about her brother’s solo album.
c. uploaded her first single to SoundCloud when she was 13.
d. was a typical adolescent.
3.4. Billie…
a. had a shooting session for Instagram.
b. felt more confident about herself after shooting for Vogue.
c. became a completely different person after shooting for Vogue.
d. believes you can’t always do what you want.
3.5. Billie…
a. has been fighting for the planet.
b. is a volunteer at a food bank.
c. launched a perfume named Sold Out.
d. hopes for a better justice system.
Top Teen 10
4. Match each word in column A with the word/ expression it refers to in column B. Three of
the options do not apply. Write only the letters and the numbers. (3 x 4 = 12 points)
a. her (l. 12) 1. a day 3. Billie’s 5. Finneas
b. you (l. 25) 2. the singer 4. a new perfume 6. people
c. which (l. 38)
5. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B. Two of the options do not
apply. Write only the letters and the numbers. (4 x 3 = 12 points)
a. standout 1. increased 4. orchestras
b. torch 2. concerts 5. sad and romantic
c. gigs 3. noticeable 6. took part in
d. ramped up
6. Read the following text. Three sentences have been removed from it. From sentences 1 to
5, choose the one which fits each gap a to c. Two of the sentences do not apply. Write only
the letters and the numbers. (3 x 4 = 12 points)
In an interview for Apple music, Billie Eilish said that she and her brother Finneas O’Connell used
to make up songs they thought as possible themes for the James Bond film series, while thinking
they would never get such an opportunity. After a concert in Ireland, Billie and Finneas met Bond
producer Barbara Broccoli, a_____ film No Time to Die, which they promptly accepted. They were
given parts of the script and started to create the theme. The initial attempts, where Finneas tried
to write the song with a guitar, stumbled on mutual “writer’s block” by the siblings. Finneas later
_____ and played a riff which would become the opening of the song. It was described by Billie
as the spark for their composing process. After three days of composition, they recorded a demo
inside their tour bus, which was parked in a Texas arena. Finneas added that after they finished
writing, the two c_____. They wanted to be sure they weren't making something that just felt like
they were copying other great songs.
Top Teen 10
1. You are a huge fan of Billie Eilish. You also have a blog about music, and interviewing
the famous singer-songwriter is one of your biggest dreams. E-mail Billie Eilish, telling
her you are her fan and asking her if she could give you an interview on Zoom, talking
about her career and the importance of music in her life.
Write your text in 60-80 words. (15 points)
2. Read Billie Eilish’s words to British Vogue and write an opinion essay with the following
title: “It’s all about confidence and about what makes you feel good.”
“My thing is that I can do whatever I want. It’s all about confidence and about what makes you
feel good. If you want to get surgery, go get surgery. If you want to wear a dress that somebody
thinks that you look too big wearing, wear it anyway – if you feel like you look good, you look
Read Billie Eilish's Vogue Cover Interview In Full: “It’s All About What Makes You Feel Good” | British Vogue (abridged and adapted)
Top Teen 10
Aprendizagens essenciais
Relacionar vários tipos de informação, sintetizando-a de modo lógico e coerente, com apresentação de pontos de
vista e opiniões.
Participar em atividades de par, interagindo com o outro, pedindo clarificação e/ou repetição, aceitando feedback
construtivo para atingir o objetivo proposto.
Relacionar o que lê e produz com o seu conhecimento e vivência pessoal, recorrendo ao pensamento crítico e criativo.
Desenvolver a consciência do seu universo sociocultural e como este se relaciona com os universos culturais dos
outros; relacionar a sua cultura de origem com outras culturas com que contacta, relativizando o seu ponto de vista
e sistema de valores culturais, demonstrando capacidade de questionar atitudes estereotipadas perante outros povos,
sociedades e culturas.
Intervenientes e Descrição das atividades
Professor e A B
alunos • What are the perks of being a teenager? • What are the highs of being a teen?
• Why can adolescence be a difficult phase? • What are teenagers most worried about?
• Are teenagers encouraged to dream big? • Do you share your dreams and ambitions with
Why (not)? anyone?
• Should teenagers be given more freedom by • Should teenagers be given more freedom by
Total: parents? Give some examples. society? Give some examples.
+/– 4 minutos • How does music affect your mood? • Do you think music is important? Why?
Professor Right, now each of you will have to talk on your own for about two minutes.
Cada aluno 1 You have one minute to prepare. You mustn’t interrupt your partner while he/she is speaking.
minuto Here is some paper and a pen in case you want to make some brief notes.
Please do not write a text.
Cada aluno [O professor entrega o papel e a caneta aos dois alunos. Se o aluno A iniciou o 1.º momento,
+/– 2 minutos será o aluno B a iniciar o 2.º.]
Professor Look at this picture. I’d like you to talk about it. There are some prompts to help you.
Cada aluno 1 You have a minute to prepare and then I’ll ask you to start talking.
minuto [O aluno prepara o seu discurso.]
Cada aluno [Prestação do aluno. Caso o seu discurso seja insuficiente, revele pouco conteúdo ou o aluno
+/– 2 minutos tenha dificuldade em começar a falar, o professor deverá ajudá-lo com as/algumas das
seguintes perguntas:
Picture 1: Picture 2:
• What can you see in the picture? • What can you see in the picture?
• What does it represent? • What does it represent?
• What are the benefits? • What are the benefits?
• Are there any disadvantages? • Are there any disadvantages?
• How can these be tackled? • How can these be tackled?
[O professor pode também ajudar o aluno a expandir o seu discurso, usando, por exemplo:
• Can you give me some (more) examples/details?
• Can you tell me more about that?]
[O professor pode ainda lembrar o aluno da tarefa, dizendo, por exemplo:
• Remember you have to…]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you, A. Thank you, B.
Professor Now I’d like you to talk to each other for about three minutes while I listen.
+/– 30 segundos You have to speak clearly and loud enough so that we can hear you both.
One of you thinks fashion and brands are important and the other disagrees.
Here is a card for you.
[O professor entrega o material aos dois alunos: Card 1 e Card 2]
Alunos [Prestação dos alunos. Os alunos podem usar algum tempo para tomarem conhecimento do
+/– 5 minutos material de suporte.
O professor poderá ainda repetir as instruções ou dizer, por exemplo:
• “Could you start, please?”, caso nenhum dos alunos tome a iniciativa e tenham decorrido mais
de 30 segundos.
• “Remember you have to…” para lembrar os alunos da tarefa, caso se verifique um grande
desvio ao tema.
• “Remember you have to talk to each other.” para lembrar os alunos de que devem interagir um
com o outro.]
+/– 6 minutos Thank you both. That is the end of your test.
Total final:
+/– 16 minutos FIM DA PROVA
Top Teen 10
• Describe the picture
• Explain the message conveyed
• Describe your feelings/emotions towards this picture
• Describe the picture
• Explain the message conveyed
• Describe your feelings/emotions towards this picture
Top Teen 10
You think fashion and brands are important.
• expression of personality and uniqueness
• more fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories
• more self-confidence and self-esteem when wearing designer-label goods
• friends’ acceptance and respect
You don’t think fashion is important at all, and you are not a brand name person.
• importance of your own “brand-free” style
• lower prices of “no-brand name” items
• personality should be more valued than appearance
• too much concern about the way you look