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BIOZONE IB Biology 2nd Edition Sample Packet

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Student Workbook




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the same page.
Topic 1
Cell Biology

Key terms 1.1 Introduction to cells Activity

active transport Understandings, applications, skills
c 1 Outline the cell theory and the evidence supporting it. Use examples to show 1
binary fission that the cell theory is a generalization that applies to most but not all organisms.
cell cycle
TOK How do we distinguish living from non-living environments?
cell differentiation
c 2 
Describe the criteria for life as demonstrated by unicellular organisms. 1 2
cell theory Investigate life functions using Paramecium and Scenedesmus.
c 3 Explain the significance of surface area to volume ratio to cell size. 3
c 4  alculate the magnification of drawings and the size of cell structures in light
C 4 5
electron microscope and electron micrographs and in drawings.
endocytosis c 5 Explain how multicellularity results in the emergence of new properties. Explain 6 7
endosymbiotic theory how specialized tissues develop by cell differentiation during development.
eukaryotic cell c 6 Describe the properties of stem cells and explain their role in embryonic 8 9
exocytosis development. Explain how stem cells can be used to treat disease.
Discuss the ethics of producing and using stem cells for therapeutic use.
facilitated diffusion
fluid mosaic model
ion pump
light microscope two
lines look like this
mitotic index
mutagen 1.2 Ultrastructure of cells Activity
oncogene Understandings, applications, skills

organelle c 1 Describe the structure and function of a prokaryotic cell, e.g. E. coli. Draw the 10 12
osmosis ultrastructure of a prokaryotic cell based on electron micrographs.
phospholipid c 2 Describe the process and purpose of binary fission in prokaryotes. 13
plasma membrane c 3  escribe the structure and function of a eukaryotic cell, e.g. liver cell. Compare
D 10 14 15
and contrast the structure of typical plant and animal cells.
prokaryotic cell
specialized cell
c 4  xplain the higher resolution of electron microscopes relative to light
E 11 16 17
microscopes and relate this to the greater cellular detail that can be seen.
stem cell Draw the ultrastructure of a eukaryotic cell based on electron micrographs. Use
tumour electron micrographs to identify cellular structures and deduce the function of
specialized cells.

TOK Are knowledge claims based on observations made using technology as

valid as those made without technological assistance?

1.3 Membrane structure Activity

Understandings, applications, skills

c 1 Describe the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane, explaining why the 18
phospholipids form a bilayer. Draw a diagram to illustrate the fluid mosaic model
including cholesterol and embedded proteins.
c 2 Describe the diversity and roles of proteins in the plasma membrane. 18
c 3 Describe how cholesterol regulates membrane fluidity and permeability 18
c 4 Analyze evidence from electron microscopy supporting the current fluid mosaic 19
model of membrane structure (and falsification of previous models).

TOK The models for plasma membrane structure have changed as a result of
new evidence and ways of analysis. Why learn about discredited models?

1.4 Membrane transport Activity

Understandings, applications, skills

c 1 Describe and explain how particles move across membranes by diffusion, 20 21 23

facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.
c 2 
Explain why tissues used in medical procedures must be bathed in solutions 21
with the same osmolarity as the cytoplasm.
c 3 Demonstrate the effect of osmosis using hypertonic and hypotonic solutions. 22
c 4  escribe active transport using the sodium-potassium pump and facilitated
D 20 24 26
diffusion using potassium channels in axons.
c 5  escribe how endocytosis and exocytosis are possible because of the fluid
D 25 26
nature of the plasma membrane. Describe how vesicles move material around
within the cell.

1.5 Origins of cells Activity

Understandings, applications, skills

c 1 Understand that cells can only form by division of pre-existing cells. Explain how 1 27
Pasteur’s experiments dispelled the idea of spontaneous generation
c 2 
Explain how the first cells might have originated and describe any supporting 28
c 3  xplain the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of eukaryotic cells and the
E 29 30
evidence for it. Know that almost universal nature of the genetic code indicates a
common origin of life.

1.6 Cell division Activity

Understandings, applications, skills

c 1 Describe the outcome of mitotic division and explain its role in eukaryotes. 31
c 2 
Describe mitosis as a continuous process, with distinct stages. Recognize and 32
describe the events in the following stages in mitosis: prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, telophase.
c 3  ecognize stages in the eukaryotic cell cycle: interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis.
R 32
Describe the events occurring during interphase stages: G1, S, and G2.
c 4 Identify phases of mitosis from micrographs. Determine the miotic index of a cell 33
from micrographs.
c 5 Explain the regulation of the cell cycle by cyclins. 34

TOK Cyclins were discovered by ‘accident’ when researchers were studying

development in marine invertebrates. To what extent are new discoveries
the result of intuition rather than luck?
c 6  xplain how mutagens, oncogenes, and metastasis are involved in tumor
E 35
development. Discuss the correlation between smoking and the incidence of

Student Review Series
Cell Biology

2 Unicellular Eukaryotes
Key Idea: Unicellular organisms are able to perform all life eukaryotic cells, as well as specialized features, which
functions, although there is a large amount of diversity in the may be specific to one genus. Paramecium (below left) is
way they do so. heterotrophic, ingesting food particles. Scenedesmus (below
Unicellular (single-celled) eukaryotes comprise the majority right) is autotrophic. The typical mode of reproduction in most
of the diverse kingdom, Protista. They are found almost of the major protistan taxa is asexual binary fission. Most
anywhere there is water, including within larger organisms can also reproduce sexually, most commonly by syngamy
(as parasites or symbionts). The protists are a very diverse (fusion of gametes to produce a zygote).
group, exhibiting some features typical of generalized

Paramecium Scenedesmus
Paramecium is a common protozoan in freshwater and marine Scendesmus is a freshwater algae that forms colonies of 4, 8, or
environments. It feeds on bacteria, algae, and yeasts, sweeping sometimes 16 cells. Its colonial existence and the outer spines give it
them into the oral grove with its cilia. There are numerous species of protection from predators (e.g. Daphnia). Spines normally only grow
Paramecium which range in size from 50 µm to 300 µm long. from the outer most cells in the colony.

Size: 240 x 80 µm Size: 12.5 x 5 µm

Habitat: Freshwater, sea water Habitat: Freshwater

Cilia: Hair like Contractile vacuoles: Starch grain Cell wall: Composed
structures, which beat to Two of these regulate mainly of cellulose.
assist the cell in moving. water balance.

Food vacuoles:
Contain ingested food. Chloroplast: Takes
up most of the
Oral groove: Beating internal cell space.
cilia help move food
to the base of the Vacuole
oral groove where
food vacuoles form.

Food: Consists
of bacteria and
small protists. Nucleus

Nuclei: Two types which Protective

carry out different functions. spines
Anal pore: Undigested Pyrenoid: Region of
contents of food vacuoles are starch fixation.
released when they fuse with a
region of the cell membrane.

1. Identify two ways Scenedesmus defends against predators:

2. Suggest why Scenedesmus colonies commonly consists of 4, 8 or 16 cells:

3. Explain how the life function of nutrition is carried out by:

(a) Paramecium:

(b) Scenedesmus:

4. Suggest why Paramecium needs to be particularly mobile:

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ISBN: 978-1-927173-93-0
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5 Calculating Linear Magnification
Key Idea: Magnification is how much larger an object a ratio of the image height to the object's actual height. If
appears compared to its actual size. It can be calculated from this ratio is greater than one, the image is enlarged, if it is
the ratio of image height to object height. less than one, it is reduced. To calculate magnification, all
Microscopes produce an enlarged (magnified) image of an measurements should be converted to the same units. Most
object allowing it to be observed in greater detail than is often, you will be asked to calculate an object's actual size,
possible with the naked eye. Magnification refers to the in which case you will be told the size of the object and given
number of times larger an object appears compared to its the magnification.
actual size. Linear magnification is calculated by taking

Calculating Linear Magnification:

A Worked Example

Measure the body length of the bed bug image (right). Your
measurement should be 40 mm (not including the body
hairs and antennae).
1.0 mm
Measure the length of the scale line marked 1.0 mm. You will
find it is 10 mm long. The magnification of the scale line can
be calculated using equation 1 (below right).

The magnification of the scale line is 10 (10 mm / 1 mm)

Microscopy Equations
*NB: The magnification of the bed bug image will also be
10x because the scale line and image are magnified to the
size of the image
same degree. 1. Magnification =
actual size of object
Calculate the actual (real) size of the bed bug using
equation 2 (right):
size of the image
The actual size of the bed bug is 4 mm 2. Actual object size =
(40 mm / 10 x magnification)

1. The bright field microscopy image on the left is of onion epidermal cells.
The measured length of the onion cell in the centre of the photograph is
52,000 µm (52 mm). The image has been magnified 140 x. Calculate the
actual size of the cell:

x 140

2. The image of the flea (left) has been captured using light microscopy.

(a) Calculate the magnification using the scale line on the image:

(b) The body length of the flea is indicated by a line. Measure along the
0.5 mm line and calculate the actual length of the flea:

3. The image size of the E.coli cell (left) is 43 mm, and its actual size is
2 µm. Using this information, calculate the magnification of the image:

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ISBN: 978-1-927173-93-0
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6 Multicellularity
Key Idea: Specialized cells and tissues arise through cell differentiation. Those with related functions associate to form
differentiation, which is regulated through differential gene tissues and tissues are organized into organs. With each step
expression. The complex interactions of cells in multicellular in this hierarchy of biological order, new properties emerge
organisms results in the emergence of new properties. that were not present at simpler levels of organization. Life
The cell is the site of life. It is the functioning unit structure from is an emergent property of billions of chemical reactions that
which living organisms are made. In multicellular organisms, are driven by the input of energy that produces work and
specialized cells with specific functions are produced by cell results in decreased entropy (disorder) within the system.

How can it be that all of an organism's cells have

the same genetic material, but the cells have a wide 230 Different Cell Types
variety of shapes and functions? The answer is
through cell differentiation.
The cells that produce the Sperm
During development, the unspecialized stem cells gametes are set aside Ovum
of the zygote develop along germline, endoderm, early in development.
mesoderm, or ectoderm lines to form specialized
cells. Although each cell has the same genetic
material (genes), differences in gene expression mlin
Ger Leukocyte
determine which type of cell forms. Once the
developmental pathway of a cell is determined, it
cannot then change into another cell type.

Meso Skeletal muscle cell
Bone cell

Pancreatic exocrine cell


The zygote (fertilized egg)

has all the information stored Ect
in the chromosomes to make rm
Nerve cell
a complete new individual

At certain stages in the sequence of cell

divisions, some genes are switched on,
Pigment cell
while others are switched off, depending
on the destined role of the cell.

Epidermal cell

The continuous biochemical Muscle tissue displays the Muscle and other tissues associate Organs work together as organ
reactions in all cells produce the emergent properties of forceful to form organs. The heart shows systems. The circulatory system
emergent property of metabolism. contraction and elasticity (recovery properties of contraction and show the emergent properties of
to original shape). relaxation and control of blood flow. circulation and exchange.

1. Using examples, explain the concept of emergent properties:

2. Explain how cellular differentiation allows a multicellular organism to carry out complex functions:

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8 Types of Stem Cells
Key Idea: The potency of stem cells depends on their origin. cells for studies of human development and gene regulation,
Both embryonic and adult stem cells can be used to replace for tests of new drugs and vaccines, for monoclonal antibody
diseased and damaged tissue. production, and for treating any type of diseased or damaged
The properties of self renewal and potency make stem cells tissue. Adult stem cells from bone marrow or umbilical cord
suitable for a wide range of applications. Stem cells from early blood can give rise to a more limited number of cell types.
stage embryos (embryonic stem cells) are pluripotent and Although their potential use is more restricted, there are
can potentially be cultured to provide a renewable source of fewer ethical issues associated with their use.

Totipotent Pluripotent Multipotent

4 cell 3 cell
divisions divisions

The zygote and its first few divisions The inner cell mass of the Bone marrow or
into the morula (~ 16 cell stage) blastocyst (~128 cells) umbilical cord blood

Embryonic Stem Cells Adult Stem Cells

becomes the
Blastocyst cavity

Inner cell mass or Harvested

embryoblast becomes bone marrow
the embryo

Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are derived from the inner cell
mass of blastocysts (above). Blastocysts are embryos that Adult stem cells (ASC) are undifferentiated cells found in
are about five days old and consist of a hollow ball of 50-150 several types of tissues (e.g. brain, bone marrow, fat, and
cells. Cells derived from the inner cell mass are pluripotent. liver) in adults, children, and umbilical cord blood. Unlike
They can become any cells of the body, with the exception ESCs, they are multipotent and can only differentiate
of placental cells. When cultured without any stimulation to into a limited number of cell types, usually related to the
differentiate, ESC retain their potency through multiple cell tissue of origin. There are fewer ethical issues associated
divisions. This means they have great potential for therapeutic with using ASC for therapeutic purposes, because no
use in regenerative medicine and tissue replacement. However, embryos are destroyed. For this reason, ASC are already
the use of ESC involves the deliberate creation and destruction widely used to treat a number of diseases including
of embryos and is therefore unacceptable to many. leukemia and other blood disorders.

1. (a) Distinguish between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells with respect to their potency:

(b) What is the significance of this difference to their use in the treatment of disease:

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16 Identifying Structures in an Animal Cell

Key Idea: The position of the organelles in an electron electron microscopy is the most frequently used technique for
micrograph can result in variations in their appearance. viewing cellular organelles. When viewing TEMs, the cellular
Our current knowledge of cell ultrastructure has been made organelles may appear to be quite different depending on
possible by the advent of electron microscopy. Transmission whether they are in transverse or longitudinal section.









1. Identify and label the structures in the cell above using the following list of terms: cytoplasm, plasma membrane, rough
endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, nucleus, centriole, Golgi apparatus, lysosome

2. Which of the organelles in the EM above are clearly obvious in both transverse and longitudinal section?

3. Why do plants lack any of the mobile phagocytic cells typical of animals?

4. The animal pictured above is a lymphocyte. Describe the features that suggest to you that:

(a) It has a role in producing and secreting proteins:

(b) It is metabolically very active:

5. What features of the lymphocyte cell above identify it as eukaryotic?

6. Draw a generalized animal cell to include the features noted above. Staple it into your workbook.

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33 Recognizing Stages in Mitosis
Key Idea: The stages of mitosis can be recognized by the stages (prophase, anaphase, metaphase, and telophase) to
organization of the cell and chromosomes. more easily describe the processes occurring throughout
Although mitosis is a continuous process it is divided into four mitosis.

The Mitotic Index 14

The mitotic index measures the ratio of cells in mitosis to the The growing tip if a root has a high mitotic
12 index. Further from the root cell division is
number of cells counted. It is a measure of cell proliferation
reduced and the mitotic index is reduced.
and can be used to diagnose cancer. In areas of high cell 10

Mitotic index
growth the mitotic index is high such as in plant apical
meristems or the growing tips of plant roots. The mitotic index 8
can be calculated using the formula:

Number of cells in mitosis
Mitotic index =
Total number of cells 2

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Distance from root camp (mm)

1. Use the information on page 40 to identify which stages of mitosis is shown in each of the photographs below:

Photos: RCN
(a) (b) (c) (d)

2. (a) The light micrograph (right) shows a section of cells Onion root tip cells
in an onion root tip. These cells have a cell cycle of
approximately 24 hours. The cells can be seen to be in
various stages of the cell cycle. By counting the number
of cells in the various stages it is possible to calculate
how long the cell spends in each stage of the cycle.
Count and record the number of cells in the image
which are undergoing mitosis and those that are in
interphase. Estimate the amount of time a cell spends
in each phase.

Stage No. of cells % of total Estimated

cells time in stage


Total 100

(b) Use your counts from 2(a) to calculate the mitotic index
for this section of cells.

3. What would you expect to happen to the mitotic index of a

populations of cells that loses the ability to divide as they

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32 33
ISBN: 978-1-927173-93-0
Photocopying Prohibited
BIOZONE’s IB BIOLOGY Student Workbook has been completely redesigned
and revised to address the new IB Diploma Program for Biology. It incorporates
both SL and HL content in a single, easily navigated volume, with clear
indicators to specific components of the IB Biology program.
Targeted learning objectives summarize the required understandings,
applications, and skills, prefacing each of the 11 comprehensive chapters and
providing the necessary framework for delivering the program content.

Understandings, Applications, and Skills Group 4 Experimental Skills and Mathematical
The understandings, applications, and skills required Requirements
for each topic are summarized in clear learning These components of the syllabus are addressed
objectives that provide the IB learner with specific in two complementary ways. Data handling and
performance expectations. interpretation activities are integrated throughout
the workbook, providing real-world scenarios in
TOK and International-Mindedness context. A comprehensive concluding chapter
Specific indicators to these components of the supports this, developing skills in basic planning,
IB program are made in the introduction to each computation, graphing, and data analysis.
chapter and throughout the workbook. Students are
encouraged through questions and visual material Weblinks
to address them in context as appropriate. These support activities where relevant and
appropriate, extending learning beyond the
Literacy and comprehension workbook and to assist students in visualizing
A literacy and comprehension activity concludes complex processes.
each chapter, testing knowledge of important terms,
synthesis of information, and understanding of basic Write-On Activities
concepts. A perfect synoptic self-test for students. A wide variety of over 320 engaging activities
facilitate effective differential instruction. Introduce,
Links consolidate, extend, and test using the same
BIOZONE’s unique tab system identifies specific workbook.
utilizations and makes connections to related
concepts across the entire IB Biology syllabus.

Get more This product has been developed independently of the International
Baccalaureate Organization. It is not endorsed.
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