EM 1110-2-2107 Design of Hydraulic Steel Structures
EM 1110-2-2107 Design of Hydraulic Steel Structures
EM 1110-2-2107 Design of Hydraulic Steel Structures
No. EM l 110-2-2107 I August 2022
I. Purpose. This manual prescribes guidance for the design of Hydraulic Steel Structures (HSS)
by load and resistance factor design (LRFD). This includes design of new structures,
replacement, rehabilitation, and repair. Mechanical and electrical design considerations are
addressed in EM l l l0-2-2610. Commentary is provided in Appendix B. Due to the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers' (USACE) unique structures and their associated risks, criteria in this manual
may exceed industry requirements. The criteria in this manual are minimum USACE
requirements, These criteria may be exceeded by the designer to enhance resiliency as risk and
economics dictate.
6 Appendixes
(See Table of Contents)
Chief of Staff
No. EM 1110-2-2107 1 August 2022
Table of Contents
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1 Introduction
Purpose.............................................................................................. 1.1 ..................1
Applicability...................................................................................... 1.2 ..................1
Distribution Statement ....................................................................... 1.3 ..................1
References ......................................................................................... 1.4 ..................1
Records Management (Recordkeeping) Requirements ....................... 1.5 ..................1
Delegated USACE Design Approval for Dam and Levee Projects...... 1.6 ..................1
Background ....................................................................................... 1.7 ..................2
Design Policy .................................................................................... 1.8 ..................2
Requirement Criterion ....................................................................... 1.9 ..................2
Reuse of Existing Designs ................................................................ 1.10 .................2
Design Guidance................................................................................1.11.................2
Chapter 4 Design
Design Basis ...................................................................................... 4.1 ................17
Loads ............................................................................................... 4.2 ................18
Load Factors and Load Combinations ................................................ 4.3 ................23
Earthquake......................................................................................... 4.4 ................28
Chapter 8 Fabrication
Fabrication Responsibilities ............................................................... 8.1 ................47
Use of Guide Specifications............................................................... 8.2 ................47
Fabrication Shop Certification ........................................................... 8.3 ................48
Welding............................................................................................. 8.4 ................49
Installation of Bolted Structural Connections ..................................... 8.5 ................50
Fabrication Shop Quality Assurance .................................................. 8.6 ................51
A. References.........................................................................................................................286
B. Commentary......................................................................................................................294
C. Miter Gate Diagonal Design ..............................................................................................321
D. Simplified Ground Motion Amplification Estimate for Concrete Gravity Dams.................389
E. Load Combination Examples .............................................................................................403
F. Tainter Gate Load Determination .......................................................................................419
Table List
Figure List
. This manual prescribes guidance for the design of Hydraulic Steel Structures
(HSS) by load and resistance factor design (LRFD). This includes design of new structures,
replacement, rehabilitation, and repair. Mechanical and electrical design considerations are
addressed in EM 1110-2-2610. Commentary is provided in Appendix B. Due to the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) unique structures and their associated risks, criteria in this manual
may exceed industry requirements. The criteria in this manual are minimum USACE
requirements. These criteria may be exceeded by the designer to enhance resiliency as risk and
economics dictate.
. For non-carbon HSS, use the loads, load factors, and load combinations
in this manual. Use AISC Design Guide 27 for design of stainless steel structures. For design of
aluminum structures, the current Aluminum Association Aluminum Design Manual is used. For
aluminum use LRFD of building structures in the referenced manual.
. USACE designs, constructs, and operates many types of projects that control or
regulate water. The primary project purposes are flood storage (reservoirs), navigation, and
flood risk management. USACE projects sometimes include hydropower and water supply as
secondary purposes. Each project uses HSS (gates) to control the flow of water in various ways.
This chapter provides a brief overview of the types and uses of various HSS. See the detailed
design requirements for each HSS type in the HSS type specific chapter.
. Miter gates are commonly used as lock gates and are also used in levee
closures. A miter gate consists of two individual leaves. When closed and retaining pool, the
miter leaves form a shallow three-hinged arch, with the arch pointing in the upstream direction.
When open, the leaves rotate into recesses in the lock walls. The arch action is an efficient way
to span the opening and a relatively small force is required for operation. See Chapter 9 for
miter gate design requirements. Figure 2.1 shows a typical lock miter gate.
. Tainter gates are primarily used as spillway crest gates and to a lesser
extent, as lock gates. Pool is typically applied to upstream side of the skin plate toward the
trunnion pin. The shape of a Tainter gate is shaped as a sector of a cylinder with a horizontal
axis. The advantage of Tainter gates is that they can be opened and closed under large
differential heads. The curved shape of the gate provides favorable hydraulic discharge
characteristics and hydraulic operating load. See Chapter 10 for Tainter gate spillway and
Chapter 11 for lock gate design requirements. Figure 2.4 shows a typical Tainter gate.
. Tainter valves are used for lock emptying and filling. Tainter valves
behave similarly to Tainter gates but water is typically placed rib side of the skin plate. See
Chapter 12 for Tainter valve design requirements.
. Lift gate types are submersible or overhead and can be single or multiple
leaf. Submersible gates are lowered to pass navigation or debris over the top of the gate.
Overhead gates are raised to pass navigation or debris below the bottom of the gate. Multiple
leaf gates can be configured to lower the upper section to pass navigation or debris or to pass
flows between sections. Figure 2.2 shows a lock submersible lift gate. See Chapter 13 for lift
gate design requirements.
. Swing gates are mounted on hinges and swung open and closed like
a door. For wider openings, there can be dual swing gates that close against a removable post
located at the center of the opening.
. Miter gates for flood closures are similar to miter gates for locks but
usually much shallower. They provide an efficient arch action to span wider closures.
. Rolling gates have wheels so they can be rolled open and closed.
This requires a track for the wheels across the opening.
. Sector gates are used for very low lift navigation gates, such as those
encountered in coastal areas. These gates consist of two leaves joined at the center of the lock
that rotate into recesses in the lock wall when opened. Each leaf is shaped as a sector of a
cylinder with a vertical axis. The advantage of sector gates is that they can be opened and closed
under small differential heads or with flow through the lock. This can eliminate the need for a
separate filling and emptying system for the lock, providing a major cost savings. Figure 2.3
shows a typical sector gate.
. The types of HSS described above are the most common types
used in USACE projects, and they are further discussed in Chapters 9–16. However, this list is
not comprehensive. There are many other types of HSS.
. Dam crest gates come in many shapes. Only Tainter and lift
gates are discussed in detail in this manual.
. Roller gates are used on some older, low head navigation dams.
These are shaped like a hollow tube and are operated by rolling up a toothed track that is
mounted on the dam pier.
. This chapter identifies the general considerations for the design of HSS. Specific
requirements are described in other chapters.
. HSS will be designed for the specified limit states to achieve the
objectives of constructability, safety, and serviceability—with consideration for inspectability
and economy—throughout the service life of the structure. The guidance in this manual is
intended to provide ductile structures and to prevent brittle behavior. Redundant structures
should be used when practical and economical.
. HSS must be designed to satisfy all applicable limit states. A limit state
is a controlling condition in which a structural system or component becomes unfit for its
intended purpose. Limit States applicable to HSS are listed and described below.
. The Serviceability Limit State ensures that the HSS will meet all
operational requirements by imposing limits on stress, deformation, and cracking.
. The Fatigue Limit State avoids crack initiation due to repeated stress
cycles so that serviceability of the HSS is maintained and fracture is prevented.
. The Fracture Limit State ensures that fracture will not occur under given
design conditions.
. The requirements of this manual are based on an HSS service life of 100
years. HSS service life is the length of time a project will remain in use to provide its intended
Table 3.1
Target Reliability for 100-Year Service Life, β
Normal Critical
Redundant Load Path 3.0 3.5
Permanent loads
are usual loads.
. Materials are selected to provide the required strength, ductility, and other
properties such that the design may be constructed to meet all applicable limit states and
performance requirements. Specified material properties may include yield and tensile strengths,
ductility, fracture toughness, and corrosion resistance. Material certification reports will be
reviewed to ensure material requirements are met.
. HSS are comprised of various member types, each with specific functions
and performance requirements.
Specify additional testing to assure the required performance is achieved and improved
reliability of connections is obtained.
. Individual HSS members are sized to meet the performance requirements under
all applicable limit states for the specified load combinations. The load effects in each member
are determined through an understanding of the distribution of loads throughout the structure and
application of proper analysis techniques. Proper analysis techniques account for the overall
response of the HSS as a system and not just individual members or components.
. This chapter provides the basis for design of HSS and rules for assigning load
factors and developing load cases. General guidance for selection of nominal loads is provided.
General load factors and load combinations are defined in section 4.3. Loads and load cases for
specific structure types are described in Chapters 9–16. All HSS members and connections must
satisfy Equation 4.1 for each limit state, unless otherwise specified. The basic safety check in
LRFD may be expressed mathematically as:
γi = load factors that account for variability in loads to which they are assigned
α = performance factor
φ = resistance factor that reflects the uncertainty in the resistance for the particular limit
state and, in a relative sense, the consequence of attaining the limit state. These are
provided in AISC, except the resistance factor for forged and cast materials, which is
. Apply loads as specified in this section and in combination with other loads as
prescribed in section 4.3.
. Dead load includes the total weight of an HSS and its permanent
attachments and equipment. Dead load is computed based on the nominal cross-section of the
members and weight of all attachments and appurtenances, all fasteners and welds, and any
coating system. Weight of the coating system is based on the specified thickness of the coating
system used. Dead load is treated as a usual load.
. Mud (M) loads are based on site conditions and past experience, except that a
minimum 1 in. thick layer of mud must be assumed in all areas where silt can accumulate.
The maximum hydrostatic loading may occur at water levels that are not necessarily the
largest possible differential head.
Usually, the maximum hydrostatic load is limited by the height of the structure and other
factors. But the maximum hydrostatic load may be from water levels that exceed the top of a
In some cases, hydrostatic loading may be experienced from differential head across a
structure in either direction.
. Load factors for each load and loading condition are defined for each
HSS type in Chapters 9–16. The load combinations defined in paragraph 4.3.2 must be used to
satisfy Equation 4.1.
. Specific design equations are provided for HSS types in Chapters 9–16.
The general equation for combining loads for the strength limit state is:
Lp = Permanent Loads
Lpr = Principal Load. The principal loads are normally extreme, X, but may be unusual,
N, or usual, U, if the maximum loads meet the definitions of those load categories in
paragraph 3.3.4.
Ld = Dynamic Loads
γpr = 1.2
γpr = 1.4
γpr = 1.5
γpr = 1.3
L, γpr = 1.6
W, γpr = 1.0
Return Period – Critical < 750 < 10 < 10 10–750 > 750
Return Period – Normal < 300 < 10 < 10 10–300 > 300
Permanent Loads, LP γp
Dead D 1.0 1.21, 0.92 1.4 NA NA
Gravity (Mud/Ice) G 1.0 1.61, 02 NA NA NA
Temporary Loads, LT γc
Hydrostatic Hs 1.0 1.0 1.53 1.43 1.37
Ice, Thermal Expansion IX 1.0 1.0 NA NA 1.37
Operating Equipment Q 1.0 1.0 1.53 1.43 1.37
Live Load L 1.0 1.04 NA 1.64 NA
Self-Straining T 1.0 1.04 1.24
Gate Operation Friction F 1.0 1.4 NA NA NA
Dynamic Loads, LD γc
Hydrodynamic Hd 1.0 1.0 NA NA 1.37
Wave Hw 1.0 1.0 NA NA 1.27
Debris/Floating Ice IM 1.0 1.0 NA NA 1.37
Barge Impact BI 1.0 1.0 NA NA 1.3
Wind W 1.0 0.54 NA NA 1.04
1.0 or
EQ NA NA NA 1.5 1.256
1. Applied when loads add to the predominant load effect.
2. Applied when loads subtract from the predominant load effect.
3. Usual or unusual loads used as principal loads for strength design when they are the maximum possible loads.
4. From ASCE 7-22. Where other standards are referenced, load cases and load factors from those standards will be
used for design when those loads are primary loads. See load descriptions for details.
5. Load factors for finite fatigue life are shown. Load factors for infinite fatigue life are 2.0 for all loads. See
section 5.1.1.
6. For site specific earthquake the load factor is 1.0. Otherwise, the higher load factor is used. See section 4.4.
7. Typical design load factors shown. See paragraph 4.3.4 for selection of principal load factors.
. If no ground motions have been developed specifically for the project site, the
OBE and MDE can be obtained from published USGS spectral acceleration maps and USGS
web-based seismic hazard analysis tools (latest version). In some geographic areas, ground
motions may only be available for site class B/C (shear wave velocity of 760 m/s). If this is not
appropriate for the project site, adjustments to the ground motion values can be made using the
adjustment factors in ASCE 7-22.
SA(T1, ζ) = Spectral acceleration at the period and damping of the structural system
Γ� = Parameter calculated from the geometry of the structure supporting the HSS;
depends on the distribution of the mass within the structure as well as the mode
φ(z) = Normalized mode shape of the structure supporting the HSS associated with the
period T1, where z is the location of the HSS within the structure measured vertically
from the base
Table 4.2
ac vs Height to Width
Height to Width Ratio ac
>1h:1.5w Equation 4.7 using Γ� = 2.8
1h:1.5w–1h:3w Equation 4.7 using Γ� = 1.5
<1h:3w PGA
ac = �SA (T1 , ζ)Γ� − PGA�23.41sin2 � + 0.0122� + PGA (Equation 4.6)
z = the height of the HSS above the dam foundation and Hs is the full dam height
. All cyclically loaded HSS must be designed for the fatigue limit state.
. The stress life procedures, as defined in AISC 360 and AASHTO, must
be used to design for fatigue. Either reference is acceptable for design. Two fatigue stress limits
will be considered, finite life and infinite life (infinite life is called indefinite life in AISC 360
but they are the same). These two stress range limits are represented by the S-N (Stress Range-
Number of Stress Cycles) curves in Figure 5.1. The sloping curves represent finite life, and the
horizontal curve represents infinite life.
. Stress ranges are calculated for live load stresses only and
are the difference in minimum and maximum values over one stress cycle. Where compression
and tension exist within one cycle, the absolute values of compression and tension stresses are
added to compute the total stress cycle. Details are fatigue prone only when subjected to a net
tension stress. If the live load tension stress is less than half of the dead load compressive stress
occurring simultaneously with the tension stress, then a fatigue life check is not necessary
(considering a factor of safety equal to 2.0).
. Fully tensioned high-strength bolts must be used for all HSS structural
applications. For corrosion protection, it is recommended to prime coat the faying surfaces of
the bolted connection. Slip-critical connections must be used where slip of the connection may
inhibit the operability of the HSS and for cyclically loaded HSS. If using slip critical
connections with a vinyl paint system, faying surfaces primed with vinyl primer do not qualify as
a slip critical faying surface. If a qualified primer is used, be aware that vinyl paint does not
adhere to the primer since it is inorganic zinc paint.
. Bolts must be proportioned for the sum of the external load and
tension resulting from prying action produced by deformation of the connected parts.
. Plain bolts are uncoated bolts. Uncoated bolts will corrode in a submerged
environment. For typical HSS applications, all bolts should be painted or coated. Bolts are
painted after assembly.
Normally Submerged Conditions. Unpainted galvanized bolts are not recommended for
normally submerged conditions because unprotected galvanized steel will rapidly sacrifice the
zinc coating in submerged environments. Galvanized bolts may be used in infrequently
submerged conditions or in noncritical locations, such as seals and fenders that can be accessed
for replacement. The Engineer may consider a nonstandard coating system that has shown
acceptable performance over a limited time for noncritical connections.
Other Coated Bolts. Other types of proprietary coatings are available including those for
use on high-strength bolts that cannot be galvanized due to hydrogen embrittlement.
. Design limit states are the shear strength of the bolts and the bearing
strength of the connected materials. Bearing connections rely on bearing between the bolt and
joining plate material to transfer load. Bearing connections may either be made with snug-
tightened bolts or with fully pretensioned bolts.
Connections that use slotted holes, except those with applied load approximately normal
(within 80 to 100 degrees) to the direction of the long dimension of the slot, and
Connections in which slip at the faying surfaces would be detrimental to the performance
of the structure.
. The Engineer should ensure that properly sized and located drain holes
are provided. Minimum size welds that comply with AISC and AWS criteria are required for
seal welds. Sufficient room should be provided through copes and access holes to accommodate
wrapping of welds.
. The Engineer should review the contractor’s transport plan for all
components fabricated at a shop and delivered to the work site. The Engineer should review the
pick plan, the shipping plan, and should inspect the delivered product after transport. The
contractor should address transport and handling of the structure in the FCP as referenced above.
. This chapter provides guidance for the structural design of miter gates used at
navigation projects.1 Miter gates are the most frequently chosen type of gate for navigation locks
throughout the world. The structural system of miter gates has a long history dating back to the
late 15th century with engineers Leonardo Da Vinci and Bertola da Novate utilizing them on the
Navigilio Grande canal in Italy.
. The two leaves of a miter gate form a shallow three-hinged arch with the
apex facing upstream. When the gate is in the closed position and loaded by hydrostatic head,
each leaf is supported by the lock wall on one end and by the other leaf at the center of the lock.
Usually, the angle of each leaf in the closed position is 1:3 as would be described in a plan view.
This arch shape is very efficient for spanning larger distances between lock walls.
For additional in-depth information on miter gates, see PIANC Report No. 154 “Mitre Gate Design and Operation”
and “Lock Gates and Other Closures in Hydraulic Projects” by Daniel & Paulus.
. With the simple support conditions, vertically framed miter gates can
be properly installed in-the-wet while horizontally framed gates cannot since quoin blocks
should be reset with each installation, which requires dewatering. The vertically framed gate is
easier support adjustment since only one short quoin block at the top of the gate has to be
adjusted and it is usually above the waterline. For these reasons, when gate and lock geometry
allow for vertically framed gates, this gate type is usually selected.
. Loads that are applicable to miter gate design include dead load, gravity loads,
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads, operating loads, barge and other impact loads, ice loads,
and earthquake loads. Wave loads are possible, but miter gates are normally installed in
locations on water bodies where wave load is not significant. If significant wave loads may be
present, see wave load guidance in Chapter 4.
. Gravity loads include mud weight (M) and ice weight (C)
determined based on site-specific conditions. This load is applied with a load factor of 1.6 when
it adds to load effects. When it reduces load effects it is not applied.
. Miter gates usually have access ways on top of the gate to cross the
lock when the gates are closed. Live loads are defined in Chapter 4.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 Hwc (Equation 9.1)
The maximum machinery load should be considered an extreme load (Qpr) with unknown return
period (γpr = 1.3).
. Loads
consist of barge impact loads, BIpr, and companion hydrostatic load, Hsc:
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + 1.3 BIpr + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 9.6)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr IXX + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 9.7)
Unless site information is available, the extreme ice load has unknown return period and γpr =
. Loads consist
of live load, L, as the principal load, plus dead, gravity, and companion hydrostatic, Hs c :
. Loads consist of
earthquake, EQ, plus companion hydrostatic loading, Hsc, dead load and gravity loads.
. See Appendix C.
. There are three main framing types for miter gates: horizontally framed,
arch type, and vertically framed, which are discussed in general in section 9.2. Most of the
typical miter gate features are discussed with the horizontally framed miter gates in paragraph
9.4.1, while features specific to arch type and vertically framed are discussed in paragraphs 9.4.2
and 9.4.3, respectively.
Figure 9.3. Geometrical Relations for Determining the Miter Gate Axis of Rotation
(with a showing a simple method that gives one location, and b showing a more complex method
that gives an area of possible locations)
Draw the desired heel post geometry in both the open and closed position of the gate.
Draw the line connecting the outer edge of the heel support in both positions (B – Bʹ).
Draw perpendicular lines in the middle points of both line sections A – Aʹ and B – Bʹ.
The intersection of these perpendicular lines gives one sole point: the center of rotation.
Assume the required gate clearance r during motion and in the open position. A practical
condition that gives good water discharge and resistance to debris is:
0.2 ⋅ R
50 mm (Equation 9.16)
Draw lines perpendicular to contact surfaces in all characteristic points of heel post contact
(B, C, and E). The gate will open if the center of rotation lies on the left sides.
Set the R+r distance on the perpendicular line drawn from point E. Connect the received
point N with the M center of heel post rounding. Draw a perpendicular line in the middle of MN
and determine the intersection P with the EN line.
Reach from P the farthest point D of the rounding and check if it remains outside r in E
when the gate opens. If not, rearrange the position of EF contact.
To avoid the highest point A of the rounding hitting B during gate opening, divide the
angle AMB in half and find the intersection of its middle line with the rounding.
The above steps enable gate opening but do not prevent rubbing against support surfaces.
To prevent that, draw the lines a, c, d, and e at angle µ to the lines drawn before, on their left
sides. Calculate an assumed value for µ by the following equation:
This equation was developed for timber gates with lock crown (monolith) lining of natural
stone. It can be modified slightly if other materials are used. However, it has proven to work
well in many material combinations. Deviation is not recommended.
The gate’s center of rotation S must be inside the polygon drawn by the lines a, b, c, d, and
e (the latter outside the polygon in Figure 9.3). Select the most convenient location of S and
draw the gate in the open position accordingly.
P2 = the corresponding force on the end of each girder, determined from the horizontal
loads acting on the surface extending from the contact point to the skin plate’s
upstream side
The corresponding length of the leaf for a gate angle can be 1:3 and is 0.527 times the
distance between contact points of the gate at each wall.
Set the distance from the downstream girder flange face to the work line at 4 in.
. The skin plate is typically located on the upstream face of the girders,
but the skin plate can also be on the downstream face of the girders. A disadvantage of the
downstream face configuration is that debris is more likely to get caught in between girders from
the upstream side. An advantage of a downstream skin plate is that the skin plate protects girders
and diagonals from damage due to impact of barges in the recessed position. This may be a
consideration at locks where barges must approach at an angle into the lock wall where the gate
leaf is recessed.
Figure 9.5. Nomenclature and Assumed Load Area for Intercostal Design
(with 2a equal to the intercostal spacing, G the spacing between centerlines of the
girder webs, and S the spacing between edges of girder flanges)
For shear forces resulting from differential deflections between adjacent horizontal girders
due to variation of hydrostatic and impact loads; and
To resist operating machinery, jacking support, lifting loads, and diagonal tension-related
Figure 9.7. Preferred Detailing Options for Diaphragm Flange to Girder Flange Connection
. The quoin post transfers all gravity loads into the pintle. Bending
stresses are also present due to eccentricity of the pintle and gudgeon pin with respect to the
centroid of the quoin post. The quoin post is a column formed by the end plate, a portion of the
thrust diaphragm, the thrust diaphragm stiffeners, and portions of the girder flanges. See Plate
9.7 for geometry. The maximum combined stress may occur at the center of the lower edge of
the thrust diaphragm panel or at any of the extreme corners of the quoin post cross-section
(points A-E shown on Plate 9.7).
Swinging Swinging
Caused by
Quoin Gap
Swinging Swinging
Swinging Swinging
Cracking in the pintle region of the gate or pintle caused by the hydrostatic load path going
through the pintle instead of the quoin block due to loss of quoin block contact (wear,
degradation, or misalignment).
Excessive bushing wear which can cause the pintle to shift toward the quoin and cause
quoin block wear or interference. Bushing wear can be caused by lack of lubrication or higher
than allowable bearing stresses.
Pintle galling or seizing. Typically, due to lack of lubrication, the gate can start “jumping”
or shuddering during swinging instead of a smooth steady rotation.
. The pintle ball usually has a diameter of 10 to 22 in., with the top
bearing surface in the shape of a half sphere and a cylindrical shaped bottom shaft. For salt or
brackish water, pintles are typically cladded with corrosion-resisting steel. The pintle ball and
bushing are typically finished to a 16-microinch (μin) finish where the two come in contact.
Often the pintle ball is fitted to the bushing by scraping or lapping in the shop until uniform
contact is attained over the entire bearing surface. For more information including materials
used for pintles, see EM 1110-2-2610.
The pintle fits into the pintle shoe, which is bolted to the embedded pintle base. The
degree of fixity of the pintle depends on the shear capacity of the pintle shoe bolts. The pintle
should be designed so that after relieving the load on the pintle by jacking, the pintle assembly is
easily removable.
The pintle base, made of cast steel, is embedded in concrete, with the shoe fitting into a
curved section of the upper segment of the base. The curved section of the same radius as the
pintle shoe is formed so that under normal operation the reaction between the shoe and base is
always perpendicular to the curve of both shoe and base at the point of reaction.
The movement can consist of the shoe sliding on the base during leaf operation from either
the mitered or recessed position until the leaf reaches approximately the mid-position, at which
time the shoe slides back against the flange on the base. This type of movement is generally
visually detectable and causes serious wear.
An alternative to the floating circular shoe is to make the shoe three sided with one corner
having the same radius as the circular shoe and attaching a steel keeper bar to the embedded base
in front of the shoe. This would prevent the shoe from rotating on the embedded base and
prevent the pintle from moving out of pocket. Again, the degree of fixity would depend on the
shear capacity of the bolts in the keeper bar. This alternative will meet the requirements of the
fixed pintle as well as the capacity to minimize damage in case of emergency.
For floating pintles, a calculation must be performed to show that when the pintle has been
dislodged due to debris that it can reseat itself as the gate swings (i.e., the horizontal reaction at
the pintle base due to gate weight must be greater than the static frictional force between the
pintle shoe and pintle base).
. The free pintle allows for movement between the pintle ball and
the bushing or socket but no movement between the pintle, pintle base, or lock floor. This
allows for movements due to wear or misalignment so the horizontal loads are transferred to the
quoin blocks instead of the pintle. This type of pintle has been widely used on European
waterways which typically have narrower locks; however, it has not been used in the USACE
lock inventory. Research is ongoing within USACE to investigate future implementation.
Concave wall block with convex gate block: same radius into same radius or different
For quoin blocks, the most common type is concave wall block with convex gate block.
For miter blocks, the most common types are concave gate block with convex gate block (same
radius) and flat gate block with flat gate block. The blocks are usually about 8 in. wide. The
radius for the convex and concave blocks are usually 1.5 ft or greater. Sometimes the convex
block has a slightly smaller radius than the concave block that it mates with.
Discontinuous contact blocks are contact blocks located intermittently along the height of
the gate at the horizontal girder locations. This type of contact block system has the advantage
of being easier to adjust and readjust. Continuous contact blocks are difficult to adjust for
continuous bearing along the full height of the gate and often in reality do not continuously bear.
Also, the current systems of adjusting continuous blocks do not lend themselves to easy
. The quoin block on the lock wall is essentially the same as the
miter block with the wall quoin having the concave surface and the quoin block on each leaf
having a convex surface. There are two recommended types of wall quoin systems:
The first, an adjustable type, consists of a 10 x 3½-in. bar welded to a 1¼ x 1 ft, 5-in. base
plate (Plate 9.24, Plans 1 and 2). The base plate is attached to a vertical beam with jacking and
holding bolts to facilitate adjustment and replacement. The vertical beam is embedded in
second-pour concrete and transmits the quoin reaction forces into the wall. The space between
the base plate and the embedded beam is filled with epoxy filler after final adjustments have
been made. Zinc has also been used as a backing material, but the high temperatures involved
may damage the concrete.
The second, a fixed type, consists of a 10 x 3½ in. bar welded to a vertical beam as
described previously (Plate 9.24, Plan 3). Proper detailing of the first and second concrete
placements are important for installation and successful alignment of the wall quoin. Concrete
consolidation behind the wall quoin blocks during construction should also be considered.
Values of quoin gap settings in USACE currently vary from zero to 0.030 in. with most at
approximately 0.010 in. but varies dependent on temperature during installation. Mechanically
adjustable contact blocks can be used instead of push and pull bolts. Adjustments are made by
moving wedge sections that allow the bearing surface to move in and out. However, adjustable
contact blocks are very expensive, may see increased leakage through the block, and may not be
adjustable over time with exposure to a submerged environment.
− Carbon steel,
− Alloy steel,
− Forged steel,
− Corrosion-resisting clad steel,
− Solid corrosion-resisting steel, and
− Glass fiber reinforced polymer.
The corrosive conditions of the lock site and bearing stresses must be considered in
selecting the best performing material. Corrosion-resisting steel blocks can be very expensive.
Hardened corrosion-resisting steel can also be difficult to machine due to warping. In addition,
galvanic corrosion and isolation must be considered when using corrosion-resisting steels. When
carbon steel contact blocks are used, the sides of the blocks should be painted.
After final adjustments have been made to the miter and quoin blocks, a gap of about 1/2
in. between the backing plate and the blocks is filled with zinc or epoxy. The filler layer assures
a uniform transfer of the loads from the leaf into the blocks. Epoxy is typically easier and safer
to install. Zinc can be dangerous to work with since it is a molten metal, exhausts fumes, and
splashes when in contact with water or moisture. A disadvantage of epoxy is that it requires
warm temperatures and surfaces for placement and takes longer to cure in cold temperatures.
Precautions should be taken to prevent leakage of the filler and to prevent air entrapment.
See Foltz, Trovillion, and Ryan (2015) for evaluation and techniques for sealing materials. A
bond-breaking material should be applied to jacking bolts, holding bolts, and contact surfaces.
Where zinc is used, a seal weld is needed at the end joints of the blocks after cooling. Welds
should be ground smooth to prevent interference with bearing surfaces.
Measured Strain Method Using Tensioning Mechanisms. There are several different types
of tensioning mechanisms used to tension individual diagonal bars:
− Turnbuckles,
− Single Nut,
− Multiple Nut,
− Multi-Bolt Jacking Device, and
− Jack and Shim.
Turnbuckles. Historically, turnbuckles were the most common, however, they were hard
to tension without twisting the diagonals and often seized over time due to corrosion. If re-
tensioning is required later in the gate’s life, the turnbuckles often had to be cut out of the
diagonal and replaced with a new turnbuckle. As such, turnbuckles are no longer recommended.
Single Nut. A hollow, cylindrical hydraulic jack is threaded onto the threaded end of the
diagonal as shown in Figure 9.13. The diagonal is stressed to the design value and the nut below
the jack is tightened. This mechanism is popular due to its simple set up and procedure. After
tensioning, the threads are protected with grease, plastic wrap, and a polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
cover in an effort to prevent corrosion of the threads. This mechanism is the preferred
mechanism on the Upper Mississippi River.
Multiple Nut. Similar to the single nut, the multiple nut has more than one threaded stud
per diagonal. These smaller diameter threaded studs are tensioned at the same time using
multiple small stud tensioners (Figure 9.14). This tensioning mechanism is common on the
Lower Ohio River.
Multi-Bolt Jacking Mechanism. The multi-bolt jacking mechanism is similar to the nut
tensioning mechanism except that instead of using a hydraulic jack to pull on the threaded end,
several jack bolts are turned to jack the single nut (Figure 9.15). The advantage of this
mechanism is that no special equipment is needed such as a hydraulic tensioner or jack.
However, with more threaded pieces, it may be more susceptible to corrosion. This mechanism
is the preferred tensioning mechanism on the Upper Ohio River.
Figure 9.14. Multiple Nut Tensioning Mechanism Using Multiple Stud Tensioners
Jack and Shim Mechanism. A new tensioning system using shims has been engineered
and used by The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) (Roby, P., 2016).
The design objectives were to remove threaded parts that can corrode over time and avoid torque
reaction when pretensioning by using a linear force. The system does not rely on threads. This
was achieved using hydraulic force and plate work, rendering it low maintenance and easy to
fabricate. No costly or longer lead time parts, such as forgings, are needed.
− As shown in Figure 9.16, a removable hydraulic jack is inserted in the “eye” of the
diagonal and jacks the diagonal tight against a reaction gusset plate. When the proper tension is
reached, shims are inserted in the gaps between the diagonal and reaction gusset plate.
− For maintenance purposes, the SLSMC (Roby, P., 2016) built a chart correlating the
tension in the diagonal to the hydraulic pressure allowing mechanics to adjust it without using
strain gauges. As an inspection tool, a second chart correlating the natural frequency with the
tension increase in the diagonal allows for a quick check with few impulses.
Elastic polymers (rubber) bearing on metal or concrete contact. The stiffness and
pliability of the rubber depends on the situation. This is the most common and recommended
Metal bearing on metal contact. Special attention must be given to ensure proper sealing
is made. There is no forgiveness for misalignment due to installation or damage.
Wood bearing on metal contact or concrete lock wall. Wood is not as durable as elastic
materials for comparing wearing, rubbing, or rotting.
Damaged bottom seals are a common source of gate vibration problems, which is
especially noticeable during the lock filling process. As the hydraulic pressure head increases, a
damaged or improperly seated bottom seal will allow water to rush through the opening. This
high-velocity flow can induce resonant physical and audible vibrations in the gate leaf.
Therefore, the round seal, J-bulb seal, and the “porkchop” seal are not recommended for new
miter gate construction.
Bottom Block Seal in the Pintle Region. In the pintle region where the pintle socket
rotates against the sill, a rubber block seal has been used successfully as shown in Figure 9.19.
The block seal is a rectangular piece of rubber that is anchored to the concrete surrounding the
miter gate pintle as shown below. The pintle socket/casting bears against the block seal when
the miter gate is in the mitered position. The rubber hardness is typically a Shore Type A
durometer value of 60. This block seal is robust and is anticipated to have a long service life.
One disadvantage is that it is attached to the concrete instead of the gate where it would be easier
to replace.
Figure 9.20. Plan View of Transition Between Round Seal and Block Seal (Kentucky Lock)
Figure 9.21. Sections of Transition Between Round Seal and Block Seal (Kentucky Lock)
Figure 9.23. J-Bulb Bottom Seal Near Pintle Where Seal is at Bottom
Girder Height (Troy Lock)
. Miter gates should be equipped with a walkway across the top of the
gate. Walkways and handrails must be designed according to EM 385-1-1. A minimum width
of 4 ft is recommended, with the top of the walkway flush with the top of the lock wall.
Walkway widths vary with the intended purpose of use. Depending on the relative elevations of
the lock wall and the top girder, the walkway can rest directly on the top girder or be elevated
and supported off the top girder as it is in most cases. The walkway beams are usually
constructed of structural angles which act as a toe board to prevent objects from falling off.
Figure 9.26. Bottom Girder with Upstream Flange Held Below Girder Web
. Vertical beams also span between the top and bottom girders and
are located between the vertical girders. Spacing of the beams is determined largely by support
requirements for the skin plate system, with a normal spacing being at the quarter points between
vertical girders. The beams are assumed to be simply supported top and bottom, with simple
moment and shear dictating beam size.
. This chapter provides guidance for the design, fabrication, and inspection of
spillway Tainter gates, and associated trunnion girders and trunnion-girder anchorages for
navigation, hydropower, and flood risk management projects. Design requirements using LRFD
are provided in Chapters 3 and 4. This section provides information specific to design of
spillway Tainter Gates for strength and serviceability.
𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 = 𝜇𝜇𝑠𝑠 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 + 𝜇𝜇𝑠𝑠 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 𝑑𝑑�2 �𝑆𝑆1 ℎ�2 + ℎ𝑆𝑆2 � (Equation 10.1)
l2 = length of the side seal from the tailwater elevation to the bottom of the seal (equals
zero if there is no tailwater on the gate)
S = force per unit length induced by presetting the seal and can be approximated as
S = 3δEI/d3, where δ is the seal preset distance
h = vertical distance taken from the headwater surface to the tail water surface or the
bottom of the seal if there is no tailwater on the gate
. The main environmental load considered for Tainter gate design is wind.
See Chapter 4. Wind loads are small when compared to hydrostatic loads and only affect gate
reactions when the gate is out of the water.
. Tainter gates will be designed for the strength limit states for each of
the following load combinations. Principal load factors, γpr, and companion loads are defined in
Chapter 4. Where maximum and minimum load factors are shown such as for dead and gravity
loads, the factors must be applied for greatest effect. The serviceability limit state is addressed in
paragraph The following load combinations are required but other load
combinations may be needed for specific applications. Loads are combined according to
Equation 4.2.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr Hspr + (1.0 or 0) QDc + 1.0 (Hwc or IMc) (Equation 10.2)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr (IXX or IMX or BIX or HwX) + 1.0 Hsc + (1.0 or 0) QDc
(Equation 10.3)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 (Hwc or IMc) (Equation 10.5)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr (IXX or IMX or BIx or HwX) + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 10.6)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + 1.4 HsN + 1.4 Fs + 1.4 Fb + 1.4 Ft (Equation 10.8)
. The type and position of the gate-lifting equipment can have a significant
effect on gate forces as the gate is moved through its range of motion. The wire rope system
incorporates wire ropes that wrap around the upstream side of the skin plate assembly (Figure
10.6) and attach near the bottom of the skin plate. The hydraulic hoist system incorporates
hydraulic cylinders that attach to the downstream gate framing, usually at the end frames (Figure
. The face of the gate and the stop log slots should
be located far enough apart to permit the installation of maintenance scaffolding. Spillway
bridge clearance and any crane operations are factors in determining the gate radius and trunnion
location. Operating clearances from the bridge and the location of the hoist will usually require
that the sill be placed downstream from the crest, but this distance should be as small as possible
to economize on height of gate and size of pier.
. Girders provide support for the skin plate assembly and transfer
all loads from the skin plate assembly to the end frames. Horizontal girders typically consist of
rolled wide flange beams.
. The horizontal girders are supported by the end frames. End frames
include the struts and associated bracing, and the strut-to-trunnion hub transition. The strut-to-
trunnion hub transition consists of a built-up section of flange and web plates that connect the
struts to the trunnion hub. The end frames may be parallel to the face of the pier (supporting the
horizontal girders at the ends) or inclined to the face of the pier (supporting the horizontal girders
at some distance away from the end). The trunnion is the hinge on which the gate rotates. The
trunnion is supported by the trunnion girder.
. By inclining the end frames from the pier face, girder and
strut flexural forces are reduced. The component of the end frame loads perpendicular to the pier
is transmitted either directly to the pier or is resisted by a trunnion tie. While inclined end
frames are usually desirable for flood storage projects, they are often not feasible for navigation
dam projects where floating debris is a concern. Struts are typically oriented such that the
horizontal girder end of each strut is an equal horizontal distance from the pier face. This results
in the struts projecting on a conical surface with the apex at the trunnion.
. Lateral bracing carries significant vertical forces from the skin plate
assembly to the end frame. It is often considered a part of the end frame (Figure 10.10).
. Figure 10.12 and Figure 10.13 show bracing provided for the
end frame struts. The end frame bracing members are ordinarily designed to brace the struts
about the weak axis to achieve adequate slenderness ratios. As such, these members are
considered secondary members. However, depending on their configuration and connection
details, these bracing members may carry significant forces and act as primary members.
. The gate twisting forces occurring from the one side lifted case are
resisted by the vertical truss and horizontal girder assembly with girders acting as chords and
truss members acting as bracing. The entire assembly can be idealized as a truss or frame
depending on connection stiffness and eccentricities. Two-dimensional models are adequate for
computing reaction forces applied to the bumpers and internal forces in girder and brace
. Where ice may accumulate and inhibit gate operation, heaters must be
considered in the design.
. For 2-D analysis, the skin plate and ribs are assumed to
have zero curvature. The skin plate deflects in two directions: one in a direction transverse to the
ribs, and the other parallel to the ribs. The resulting stresses can be determined using the
following two simplified models.
. Girder loading consists of rib reaction forces from the rib analysis
described previously plus operating machinery loads. It is assumed that girder lateral bracing
resists girder torsional forces that are caused by gravity loads, or that torsional forces are
inconsequential where girder lateral bracing is not necessary, and thus torsional effects are not
considered. Since the rib reaction forces are the result of factored loads, no additional load
factors are required. All reactions from this analysis should be considered when calculating
effects of friction at the trunnion.
. End frame loads consist of trunnion reactions from the girder frame
analysis, gravity loads, and operating equipment forces. For gate operating load cases, the initial
forces obtained from the end frame analysis are used to calculate trunnion reaction and the
trunnion reaction is used to calculate the initial trunnion friction moment. Addition of this
moment will increase the operating equipment reactions which in turn increases the trunnion
reactions. The recalculation of reaction forces is iterated until the trunnion friction forces
. Applied loads will include only dead and gravity loads for all load
cases except the gate jammed case where the machinery load will be applied. This should result
in conservative member forces as the skin plate assembly will not contribute to the resistance.
. Strut bracing are usually wide flange sections, with the same depth as
the struts, to simplify connections.
. Since the struts do not lie in the same plane (i.e., they are
rotated with respect to one another), the trunnion hub must be fabricated to accommodate this
rotation. This can be done by forming the strut-to-trunnion hub transition flanges with plates
welded together at the rotation angle or by bending the plate to match the rotation angle. The
struts can also be placed in a single plane (not rotated with respect to each other). For gates with
more than two girders, this results in differing support locations for the horizontal girders.
However, fabrication of the strut-to-trunnion hub flange connection is simplified since all struts
fall in a single plane.
. Failure critical bracing members subject to flexural tension are FCM and
should be designed and fabricated accordingly. Struts are primarily compression members
subjected to biaxial bending and under some design load cases may see a small net tension stress.
For gates where tension stresses are sufficiently low, the struts should not be considered fracture
critical. Trunnion hub flanges are proportioned to resist the strut flexural, shear, and axial loads.
. The seals used in Tainter gates follow standard details. However, there will
be some differences based on operational requirements and the degree of water tightness
required for the specific project. Devices for preventing the formation of ice, or for thawing ice
adhering to the gates and seals, will be necessary for the gate to function during subfreezing
weather. Operation in winter will be facilitated by the use of deicing systems and (as in all
seasons) by clearing trash.
. The seal attachment plate must have slotted bolt holes to allow for
field adjustment of the seals. The seals are normally installed with a pre-compression against the
side-seal plate, which allows for construction irregularities and creates a tighter seal under low
heads. The standard side-seal configuration provides for an increase in the sealing force in
proportion to increased head. Seals usually tend to leak under low heads rather than high heads.
. The lip of the Tainter gate should form a sharp edge and the
downstream side of the lip should be perpendicular to the sill (Figure 10.23). For most gates, the
preferred seal configuration is provided by direct contact between the skin plate edge and the sill
plate. The rubber seal may be eliminated where leakage can be tolerated. If leakage cannot be
tolerated, a narrow rubber bar seal attached rigidly to the back side of the gate lip should be used,
or a rubber seal can be embedded in the gate sill plate.
. The trunnion pin transfers the gate loads from the hub to the yoke
side plates. A retainer plate, welded to the trunnion pin, is fitted with shear pins to prevent the
trunnion pin from rotating. The retainer plate and pin are connected to the yoke with a keeper
plate. The trunnion pin is designed as a beam with simple supports at the centerlines of the yoke
plates. The retainer plate and shear pins are designed to carry frictional loads produced when the
Tainter gate is raised or lowered. The weld connecting the retainer plate to the trunnion pin
(Figure 10.33) must be sized to prevent rotation.
. Couplers are used to splice tendons. However, these are not usually
required since anchors are produced in sufficient lengths to make the use of couplers
unnecessary. The embedded ends of the tendons are supported by a positive means rather than
by gripping devices, which are vulnerable to slippage if grout penetrates into the anchorage
. Steel trunnion girders will be proportioned and designed using loads and
load combinations of paragraph 10.2. Include an additional load combination of the full post
tension anchor load only using a load factor of 1.2 applied to the anchorage force.
. Chapter 4 describes loads for all gates. General descriptions of loads applied
to Tainter gates are provided in Chapter 10. Fatigue loads are described in Chapter 9.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 (Hwc or IMc) (Equation 11.2)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr (IXX or IMX or BIX or HwX) + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 11.3)
. Loads consist of unusual hydrostatic loading, HsN, as a principal load with gate subjected
to dead load, gravity loads, side seal and trunnion friction, and sidesway friction load, Fb, (if
present). Operating forces are reactions.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + 1.4 HsN + 1.4 Fs + 1.4 Fb + 1.4 Ft (Equation 11.5)
. Gate Supported
by Two Hoists. Loads consist of dead load and gravity loads plus wind where wind is the
principal load.
. Loads consist of
earthquake, EQ, plus companion hydrostatic loading, Hsc, dead load and gravity loads. The gate
may be closed or open.
Figure 11.1. The Dalles Lock and Dam Navigation Lock Tainter Gate
. Tainter valves are typically used to fill and empty lock chambers.
Tainter valves will be designed according to the guidance of Chapter 10 for Tainter Gates, with
the exceptions to guidance on framing practice, loads, and load combinations provided in this
chapter. Additional information is provided in EM 1110-2-1610.
. Tainter valves have been widely used in locks in North America since
the 1930s. Initially, Tainter valves were oriented in the conventional manner, with the trunnions
downstream of the skin plate. It was determined through model testing that for high-head
applications or those instances where air can be drawn into the culvert, orientating the valve in
the reverse manner proves beneficial. The type of valve to be used for filling and emptying lock
chambers is determined by hydraulic considerations. See EM 1110-2-1610 for information on
hydraulic performance of Tainter valves.
. Loads consist of
maximum differential hydrostatic head, Hspr. The hydrostatic principal load factors are selected
according to paragraph 4.3.3 based on the return period of the load.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr Hspr + (1.5 or 0) Hdpr + 1.4 Fs + 1.4 Ft (Equation 12.2)
. Loads consist of
earthquake, EQ, plus companion hydrostatic loading, Hsc, dead load and gravity loads. The gate
may be closed or open.
Figure 12.2. Tainter Valve Configurations – Vertically Framed (Left) and Double Skin
(Horizontally Framed) (Right)
. This chapter presents criteria for the design of vertical lift gates used for
water retention for routine or emergency operation in navigation projects, powerhouses,
spillways, outlet works, and coastal hurricane protection or tide gates. For other types of gates
such as sluice gates, bonnet type gates, and slide gates, specific load combinations have not been
developed. Loads and load combinations of this chapter can be used on these gates if dynamic
loading is equivalent. Otherwise, model studies should be conducted to determine hydrodynamic
. Vertical lift gates are used for navigation lock chamber gates, emergency
closure gates for powerhouse intakes and outlet works, and spillway crest gates. For each gate
usage type, the gate is designed to accommodate special requirements for closure and retention
of hydraulic head.
. Diaphragms are used to transfer vertical loads from the hoists. The
hoisting system uses either hydraulic cylinder or wire ropes. The type of hoisting system will be
based on economics and governing criteria for closure times under emergency conditions. The
hoisting system for wire ropes may be deck mounted or placed in recesses above the high pool
elevation. Cylinders for the hydraulic system are mounted below the deck in the intake gate slot.
. Slide gates use metal-to-metal contact for end support. A machined surface
that is mounted to the front face of the gate bears directly against a machined guide surface in the
gate slot. The two bearing surfaces also serve as the gate seal. Materials for the gate seal surface
may include aluminum, bronze, or stainless steel.
. Horizontal plate girders are the main force-resisting members of the gate.
They consist of built-up plate elements forming the stiffened webs and flanges of the girder. The
spacing of the girders will depend on the head requirements, the height of the gate, and the clear
span. Varying of girder spacing is economical for taller gates but may not be for intermediate to
shorter height gates. Varying spacing is more economical than varying member sizes due to the
economy in fabrication of multiple identical members. The girders frame into end posts that
transfer end shear from the girders to bearing, either on the gate guides or through the end
supports. Intercostals are used to support the skin plate. Diaphragms are used to distribute
horizontal and vertical loads. Plate 13.6, Plate 13.7, Plate 13.8, and Plate 13.9 show examples of
horizontal girder framing.
. Truss spacing and member sizing considerations are identical to those for
girders. Plate 13.5 shows a typical use of horizontal trusses for navigation lock framing.
Common members used for the trusses are wide flanges and structural Ts. It may be economical
to construct trusses from all plate material. The main trusses frame into end posts supported by
an end-bearing similar to girders. Special framing requirements need to be considered for the
roller guides in the upstream-downstream and lateral directions. As with girders, other framing
members include intercostals, diaphragms, end posts, stiffeners, and skin plates.
. Outlet gates require a sloping bottom or flat bottom with lip extension
on the downstream side to reduce downpull forces while operating with high-velocity water
. Gravity loads include mud weight (M), and ice weight (C), and
will be determined based on site-specific conditions.
Figure 13.5. Submersible Lift Gate, Hydrostatic Figure 13.6. Overhead Lift Gate with Crossover
Loading Diagram, Upstream Leaf, Seals Gallery, Hydrostatic Loading
Figure 13.11. Multiple-Section Spillway Crest Gate, Hydrostatic Loading Diagram, Top and
Bottom Sections Split
Figure 13.14. Outlet Gate with Downstream Seal with an Upstream Skin Plate
Figure 13.15. Outlet Gate, Hydrostatic Loading, Downstream Seal with an Upstream Skin Plate
Figure 13.17. Outlet Gate, Hydrostatic Loading, Upstream Seal with an Upstream Skin Plate
. Barge impact load for lock lift gates is specified as a point load
and is applied to main framing members exposed to barge impact at locations that produce the
maximum effects in the primary members of the gate. For gates in navigable waterways, the
minimum design barge impact load is equal to 5 kips/ft multiplied by the width of the gate
opening. Gates at locations in which failure may result in loss of life from uncontrolled release
of water or high economic or environmental consequences may require higher design loads. See
section for additional guidance on selection of barge impact loads.
. Lift gates occasionally have access ways on the gate designed for
live loads. Live loads are defined in Chapter 4.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr (HwX or IMX or IXX or BIX) + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 13.3)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 Hdc (Equation 13.4)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G γpr Qpr + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 13.7)
. Loads consist
of live load as the principal load, dead, gravity, and companion hydrostatic, Hs c .
. The clearance in the upstream direction is usually from 1/4 to 3/8 in.
Side clearance between the edge of the gate and the slot should allow for thermal expansion and
contraction of the gate body, fabrication clearance in the lifting or latching mechanism,
permissible deviation of centerline of wheels or rollers from centerline of track, and deflection of
the seal, if mounted with sealing surface parallel to the pier. Accurate installation of the guides
is accomplished by leaving blockouts in the structural concrete. Double-nutted anchor bolts are
installed in the piers to allow for guide adjustment in two directions.
. This chapter provides guidance for selection and design of levee system
closure gates for roads, railroads, and pedestrians. It discusses advantages of various gate
configurations, provides some typical details, and identifies design requirements. See EM 1110-
2-2502 for design of the foundation that supports the closure gates.
. The design of closures must include safety provisions for the public and
the operations personnel. Local sponsors are responsible for the safe operation of closure
structures. Therefore, designers must coordinate with sponsors so the appropriate design
provisions are incorporated to ensure safe operation. General safety provisions include
providing railings on the top of the gates and adjacent walls for public protection and ladders for
access by operations personnel. Other safety features could include warning signs and barriers
that prevent access by unauthorized persons. Compliance with appropriate traffic safety
standards is also necessary.
. Miter gates consist of two leaves that form a three-hinged arch when
the gates are in the closed position. Each gate leaf is composed of horizontal girders, vertical
intercostals, vertical end diaphragms, a skin plate, and adjustable diagonal tension rods. The gate
leaves are attached to support piers by top and bottom hinges (Figure 14.4). The diagonal
tensioning rods are required to prevent twisting of the gate leaves due to their dead load and must
be properly tensioned after the gates are installed so that the gates hang plumb and miter
. Ice and mud are determined on a site-specific basis, but generally can
be neglected unless the Engineer has reason to believe they will exist.
. Closure gates will be designed for the strength limit states for
each of the following load combinations. Principal load factors, γpr, and companion loads are
defined in Chapter 4. Where maximum and minimum load factors are shown such as for dead
and gravity loads, the factors must be applied for greatest effect. The serviceability limit state is
addressed in paragraph The following load combinations are required but other load
combinations may be needed for specific applications. Loads are combined according to
Equation 4.2.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 (IMc or BIc) (Equation 14.3)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr (IXX or IMX or BIx or HwX) + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 14.4)
. Closure gate
subjected to dead load, friction forces, and wind load. Operating load is treated as a reaction:
. Skin plates must be sized such that the maximum calculated stress is
less than the yield limit state of αφFy. Skin plates will be designed for hydrostatic loading only.
More than one thickness of plate may be desirable for taller gates. The minimum plate thickness
should be 5/16 in. Chapter 9 provides additional guidance on intercostal design.
. See Chapter 7.
. This appendix provides guidance for the design of bulkheads, stoplogs, and
lifting beams. There is no specific number of stoplogs or bulkheads required for any project; that
depends on the type of project, the number of gates, and the maintenance plan for the project.
One or a few stoplogs or bulkheads might be used for maintenance in a large number of gate
bays. If sizes are compatible, multiple sites can be serviced by one set of stoplogs and
bulkheads. Chapter 2 includes examples of bulkheads and stoplogs. For the purposes of design,
bulkheads and stoplogs are considered the same in this chapter.
. Poiree dams contain several FCM including frame tension members and
the embedded anchors. This configuration is highly unreliable because of the presence of FCM.
The embedded anchorage is continually submerged and the above concrete portion of the
anchorage is only visible after dewatering or by conducting diving operations. The below
concrete portions of the anchorage can only be inspected by using NDT methods. Because of
these issue, many projects have replaced this system with one that is more reliable.
. Bulkheads can be designed for use with the skin plate toward or away
from the dewatered area. When attached to the compression side or watered side of the
bulkhead, skin plate provides continuous vertical bracing along the compression chord and the
lateral torsional buckling limit state is avoided. However, this causes the bulkhead to protrude
into the dewatered space and sufficient gate clearance or working room must be provided. When
the skin plate is attached to tension or the unwatered side of the bulkhead, workspace is
maximized while minimizing the amount of water to remove and the amount of uplift on the
dewatered floor. However, the skin plate becomes an FCM and all requirements associated with
FCM must be implemented.
. Bulkheads are usually stored out of the water and are used
infrequently. Thus, they are less subject to wear, damage, and corrosion than most other types of
gates, and require less maintenance. Bulkheads require a good paint system to prevent long-term
corrosion damage. Any moving parts might need periodic lubrication, or at a minimum
inspections, to ensure that they are still functioning properly.
. Bulkheads represent a life safety risk since maintenance workers occupy the
dewatered area. A bulkhead failure would endanger the workers. The same inspection
requirements applicable to other gates also apply to bulkheads. Many bulkhead components can
be classified as FCM (e.g., truss tension chords on stackable units) and these members must be
inspected according to ER 1110-2-8157.
. Bulkheads will be designed for the strength limit states for each
of the following load combinations. Principal load factors, γpr, and companion loads are defined
in Chapter 4. The hydrostatic principal load factor is selected according to paragraph 4.3.3 based
on the return period of the maximum hydrostatic loading. The following load combinations are
required but other load combinations may be needed for specific applications. Loads are
combined according to Equation 4.2.
. Hydrostatic, wave, and wind loads are correlated. Peak design wind
gusts are unlikely to coincide with peak wave. A companion wind load is applied to the structure
above the top of the wave pressure diagram.
. The load category and corresponding load factor of the maximum hydrostatic
loading is dependent on the characteristics of the project.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 (IMc or BIc) (Equation 15.3)
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0) G + γpr (IXX or IMX or BIx or HwX) + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 15.4)
. Sector gates are similar in shape to Tainter gates except they are oriented to rotate
about a vertical axis and are supported at the top and bottom with a hinge and pintle, in a manner
similar to a miter gate. Sector gates are used as lock gates and as waterway closure gates,
usually in coastal areas because of their structural ability to withstand reverse head water
loadings caused by tidal, inland flooding, or storm surge fluctuations. Like miter gates, sector
gates are most often used in pairs, meeting at the center of the channel in the closed position and
swinging into recesses in the walls for the open position. The trunnions are located in the walls
and the skin plate face in the direction of the normally higher pool level.
. Sector gates are used at both ends of locks that are located in tidal
reaches of rivers or canals where the lifts are low and where the gates may be subjected to
reversal of heads. Since these gates can be opened and closed under head, they can also be used
to close off flow in an emergency. The gates swing apart and water flows into or out of the lock
through the center opening between the gates. In some cases, flow is admitted through filling
and emptying culverts to improve filling characteristics or where ice or debris may not permit
adequate flow between the gates.
. Because the turbulence area at the upper end of a lock filled by a sector
gate is not effective for lockage of vessels, the length of the lock chambers must be increased
proportionately. Model tests indicate that about 100 ft of additional length is required. Like
other end-filling systems, sector gates cannot be used for filling and emptying high-lift locks
unless the filling and emptying rates are greatly reduced. The practical lift limitation is usually
about 10 ft, although gates with higher lifts have been built. Sector gates have high construction
costs, long opening and closing times, and larger wall recesses.
. The hinge bracket and the hinge bracket support are made of cast
steel or welded plates. The hinge bracket support is connected to the lock wall with bolts
prestressed to slightly more than the maximum tension load obtained from dead load and the
maximum reverse head. It is recommended to provide the prestressing force on the contract
documents. See Plate 16.2 for hinge assembly details. See EM 1110-2-2610 for hinge design
. The spherical pintle has proved to be the most satisfactory type for sector
gates. This type of pintle has the advantage of allowing the gate leaf to tilt slightly without
binding and also facilitates the replacement of the gate leaf after it has been removed for
maintenance or repair. The pintle is designed for the maximum reaction, consisting of the
combined water, boat, and gate dead loads. For the bolts that connect the pintle socket to the
gate, it is recommended to provide bolt tensioning requirements. See EM 1110-2-2610 for pintle
design details. A means of pressurizing the pintle and pintle base may aid maintenance removal
of the gate.
. The vertical seals on sector gates usually consist of a pair of J-bulb seals
for the gate closure at the center of the lock and a single J-bulb seal attached to the corner of the
gate recess. The seals at the gate closure, with one seal on each leaf, are preset for 1/8 in. of
interference at each seal, for a total of 1/4 in. to assure a minimum amount of leakage when the
gate is closed. The recess seal is also set so as to have 1/4 in. compression when the gate is
. The seal beam for the bottom seal normally is made up of a rolled
beam with a corrosion-resisting plate attached to the top flange. The top of the corrosion
resisting plate is flush with the floor of the lock. The beam should be placed in second
placement concrete with anchor bolts, also used for adjustment first placement concrete. The
anchor bolts are used for seal adjustment.
. Chapter 4 describes loads for all gates. Loads that are applicable to sector
gate design include dead load, gravity loads, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads, operating
loads, barge and other impact loads, ice loads, wave loads, and earthquake loads.
A coefficient of friction of 0.3 will be used. This is a reasonable value that applies for any
bushing material that may be slightly worn or improperly maintained.
. Sector gates usually have access ways on top of the gate to cross
the structure when the gates are closed. Live loads are defined in Chapter 4.
. Sector gates will be designed for the strength and fatigue limit
states for each of the following load combinations. Principal load factors, γpr, and companion
loads are defined in Chapter 4. The serviceability limit state is addressed in Chapter 4. The
following load combinations are required but other load combinations may be needed for
specific applications. Loads are combined according to Equation 4.2.
. Loads consist of dead, gravity, maximum hydrostatic loading, Hspr, (apply in both
directions for gates that can be loaded by both direct and reverse head) and wave. The
hydrostatic principal load factor is selected according to paragraph 4.3.3 based on the return
period of the maximum hydrostatic loading. Where maximum and minimum load factors are
shown such as for dead and gravity loads, the factors must be applied for greatest effect. For
gates with independence of water level and wind event, the waves are calculated as companion
loads, Hwc.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr Hspr + 1.0 Hwc (Equation 16.1)
. For coastal sites where water levels, waves, and wind are correlated, the
correlated hydrostatic and wave load is used. Wind is unlikely to be at a maximum design gust
pressure simultaneous with maximum wave loading. A companion wind load is applied to
portions of the structure that extend above the wave pressure diagram.
. Loads consist of dead, gravity, maximum hydrostatic loading, Hspr, (apply in both
directions for gates that can be loaded by both direct and reverse head) and companion impact
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr (BIX or IMX or IXX or HwX) + 1.0 Hsc (Equation 16.4)
. Either leaf subjected to dead, gravity, or maximum differential hydrostatic, Hspr, during
gate opening, corresponding companion hydrodynamic load, Hdc, pintle and hinge friction, and
bottom seal friction. Hydrostatic and operation load is considered a reaction.
(1.2 or 0.9) D + (1.6 or 0.0) G + γpr (Hspr) + 1.5 Hdc + 1.4 Ft + 1.4 Fs (Equation 16.5)
. Loads
consist of live load as the principal load, dead, gravity, and companion hydrostatic, Hs c :
. Loads consist of
earthquake, EQ, plus companion hydrostatic loading, Hsc, dead load and gravity loads.
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Commentary to paragraph 3.1, Purpose. Chapter 3 lays the foundation for the remaining chapters and
presents the basis for HSS design.
The result is a set of load and resistance factors for various load combinations for various limit
states where:
• The Load Factor is a statistically based multiplier applied to force effects accounting
primarily for the variability of loads, the lack of accuracy in analysis, and the probability
of simultaneous occurrence of different loads.
• The Resistance Factor is a statistically based multiplier applied to nominal resistance that
accounts primarily for variability of material properties, structural dimensions and
workmanship, and uncertainty in the prediction of resistance.
Load and resistance factors are also related statistically through the calibration process.
• Inspection accessibility;
• Maintenance and repair or replacement (may require dewatering or submerged work by
• Possibility of corrosion (water may be fresh, polluted, brackish, or saline); and
• Possibility of severe vibrations or repeated stress reversals (hydraulic flow may cause
vibrations and operating procedures may cause stress reversals).
For these reasons, performance factors are applied to the resistance factors specified by AISC.
Seals and the members to which they are attached should provide proper flow characteristic and
have adequate stiffness to limit vibrations.
Limiting values of structural behavior (maximum deflections, vibrations) are chosen to ensure
serviceability with regard to the intended function of the structure.
The machinery load limit is one that is determined through design, in consultation with the
project Mechanical and Electrical Engineer.
A fatigue design is acceptable when the combined stress range and number of stress cycles
exceeds the fatigue strength (plots below the sloping line) for the detail category selected (see
Figure B.1).
Details subjected to stress ranges below the CAFL, the dashed horizontal line in Figure B.1, are
considered to have infinite fatigue life; i.e., fatigue cracks will not occur. If the CAFL is
exceeded more than about 0.01% of the time, damage will occur and the detail reverts to finite
life. A load factor must be applied to ensure damage does not occur and infinite life is
maintained. A load factor of 2.0 should ensure the CAFL is rarely exceeded. This factor may be
overly conservative in many cases; thus, the alternate values are allowed. In the case of
hydrodynamic loading, multiple stress ranges of varying magnitudes may be encountered within
one operating cycle. The highest stress range that exceeds the CAFL more than 0.01% of the
time should be used for evaluating infinite life.
The Fatigue Detail Categories presented in AISC and AASHTO were developed specifically for
connection details encountered in the industries (buildings and bridges) subject to these
specifications. Therefore, HSS specific details may not be addressed and some judgment may be
necessary in selecting the proper detail category.
The AASHTO/AISC fatigue provisions are based on a constant amplitude loading to better
facilitate laboratory testing, where in reality, stresses are variable. To apply the fatigue
provisions, a constant amplitude loading representing an equivalent stress range for all stress
cycles must be assumed. Both stress range and stress cycles impact fatigue behavior with stress
range predominating (stress has a cubic relationship whereas as number of cycles is linear). A
reasonably assumed value is based on loads that occur normally (the mean value). A
conservative value is greater than normal, say one or two standard deviations above the mean
value (HsN or HsU). Any coincident operating of hydrodynamic load, such as wave, pulldown, or
flow induced vibration, should be included when computing stress ranges. Variable amplitude
stress ranges can be converted to constant amplitude through use of stress histograms and
summing techniques, like Miner’s Rule.
n = the number of stress cycles per operating cycle, recognizing that each operating
cycle may have multiple stress ranges
HSS with multiple members will be analyzed to determine extent or lack of load path
redundancy. Simple analytical methods, like simple beam or plate theory, can be employed. For
example, a single piece bulkhead constructed of a skin plate welded to multiple beams can be
analyzed by assuming one beam has failed and evaluating the stress in the remaining beams.
Each applicable load case of Chapter 15 is evaluated using load factors of 1.0 applied to each
load. The loads are then redistributed in a reasonable fashion to adjacent beams. If any of the
bending stresses in the adjacent beams exceed 90% of yield in tension, then the failed member
will be labeled FCM. If the skin plate in this example is located on the tension side, then
consideration must be given for damage to propagate along the skin plate and adjacent beams by
fracture, ductile tearing, or other mechanisms.
A Fitness for Service evaluation may be conducted to identify the potential for these failure
mechanisms or the extent of damage. All remaining intact members will be evaluated under the
applicable limit states and if limits are exceeded, the member is identified as an FCM. If
serviceability is a consideration, the deformations (or other limits) resulting from the failed
member(s) and impacts on operability should be evaluated. If the HSS is unable to function as
needed, then the member(s) is (are) labeled FCM.
As another example, strut arms of a Tainter gate are evaluated under load case 6 with wind to the
back of the gate creating tension in the strut arms. The resulting stresses are significantly under
yield and the strength limit state is adequately addressed. Because the members are in tension,
fracture is a potential failure mode and the fracture limit state must be addressed. If it is
determined that member stresses are sufficiently low and stress concentrations are minimized
due to presence of fatigue resistant details and good fabrication quality, the Engineer may judge
that fracture potential is sufficiently low to avoid the FCM label.
For design purposes, labeling a member FCM does not appreciably increase the overall cost of
the HSS. There may be slight increases in material and fabrication costs, but with small impact
on total cost. However, once labeled FCM, that label will likely be carried through the life of the
HSS and with that, associated increased costs in operation and maintenance. These costs,
including increased inspection frequencies and inspection access, can be significant. Therefore,
the application of the FCM label must be used judiciously.
The AASHTO Guide Specifications for Analysis and Identification of Fracture Critical Members
and System Redundant Members provides analysis guidelines for identifying FCM in bridges.
These guidelines may provide useful information that can be applied to the determination of
Bolting Advantages:
• In bolted connections, a crack rarely propagates through the connection due to the
circular bolt-hole crack-arresting geometry;
• Ease of maintenance – structural elements can be unbolted, repaired and reinstalled;
• Internally redundant connection – if one or more bolts fails, the connection may continue
to perform (the failure mechanism is not sudden and catastrophic); and
• The quality control of bolted connections is generally less complex to implement.
Bolting Disadvantages:
• Provides a sealed connection that prevents water from migrating into mating surfaces of
connecting elements; and
• Facilitates simpler splicing and fit up of elements can achieve the full strength of the
structural element.
Welding Disadvantages:
• Provides for a Fracture Control Plan or FCP (required for fabrication of FCM);
For those HSS where fatigue or fracture are not design considerations, cracking can lead to
serviceability issues and reduced service life; therefore, AWS D1.5 is still preferred, because
welding to this code minimizes the potential for cracking.
Hybrid bolted HSS structures composed of welded primary members have been used on HSS
subjected to vessel impact and to facilitate shipping. For fatigue design, bolts that are not
installed to slip critical requirements are classified as fatigue detail category D. If bolts are
installed to slip critical requirements the connection is classified as category B. Testing of
pretensioned connections with vinyl primed faying surfaces showed the loss of 30% or more of
the bolt tension within three weeks due to paint creep with little loss between three and six
The use of bolted connections in vinyl coated HSS requires additional detailing. One possible
solution to ensure bolts remain fully tensioned after installation is to re-tension the connection
three weeks after the initial pretensioning by turning the nuts an additional 1/6 turn.
References that should be consulted for design of bolted connections include: the RCSC
Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts, the AISC 350 Steel Construction
Manual, the AISC Guide to Design Criteria for Bolted and Riveted Joints, and the AISC Steel
Design Guide 17, High-Strength Bolts, A Primer for Structural Engineers.
As pretensioning is applied to a connection, the bolt elongates, the plates compress (plates
become thinner) and equilibrium exists; the bolt tension equals the compressive stress between
the plates times the area compressed. When a tension load is applied to the connection, the
plates decompress decreasing the stress in the plates and the bolt elongates, increasing the stress
in the bolt. The amount of elongation in the bolt and decompression in the plates is a function of
the stiffness of the connection, bolt and plates. Since the modulus of elasticity of structural bolts
and plates are about the same, the stiffness is the function of bolt area and area of plate in
Multiple welds in an isolated area can produce residual stresses that can exceed the yield strength
of the parent material due to constraint. Intersecting welds, intersecting members, and thick
weldments can result in highly restrained and highly constrained conditions and increases the
potential for constraint-induced fracture.
Residual stresses can increase with an increase in volume of weld material; thus, a complete joint
penetration weld (CJP) may have a higher degree of residual stress compared to a fillet weld in
the same application. Welds placed on a member directly opposite each other have the potential
to create time delayed through-thickness laminar tearing in the parent material between the welds
due to residual stress resulting from weld shrinkage during the cooling process. Ways to manage
residual stress include proper selection of weld joint geometry, weld process, weld sequencing,
weld peening, and post-weld stress relieving.
Heat straightening guidance has been developed by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
that can be used to help shape steel both in the fabrication shop or in the field during erection.
See FHWA document Guide for Heat-Straightening of Damaged Steel Bridge Members for
guidance on heat straightening.
Radiographic testing requires access to both sides of the weld. The weld must be in straight
alignment so the radiographic film can be in complete contact with the weld. Any type of kink
or bend will not allow for full contact. Radiographic testing may be used on a large radius, but
the image will be distorted. The weld area must be clean with no weld spatter.
Sidesway and binding can be limited by incorporating bumpers, guides, rollers, and other
Excessive deflections are the result of inadequate stiffness and can result in poor seal
performance and excessive gate vibration.
Some USACE Divisions design HSS and HSS components to a common regional standard as a
way to benefit from interchangeability and to improve system-wide operability.
Having the Engineer actively participating in the initial development of the HSS Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) Manual during the design process better assures integration between the
design and operation phases. Important design information includes, for example: dead weight
assumptions, lifting design and process, location of details more vulnerable to cracking, location
of FCM, potential failure modes, estimated projection of scope, and cost anticipated for future
budgeting of HSS rehab and repair.
Instrumentation and remote sensing are useful tools in monitoring performance and identifying
operational and structural problems that can eventually lead to operational or structural failures.
The Engineer should discuss with O&M Product Development Team (PDT) if there are any
unique O&M components, details, and/or features that they prefer to be included with the design
of the HSS.
The HYD certification was created in a joint effort between AISC and USACE to ensure a
sufficient pool of certified fabricators with the quality procedures required to fabricate hydraulic
steel structures with fracture critical components was available. In the future only the HYD
certification will be permitted as the industry transitions to a single mandatory certification
program to ensure fabricators with the skills and quality control procedures are available for
fabrication of HSS.
It should be noted that the AWS codes are minimum standards for workmanship. The codes
have proven through time to produce quality welds that perform adequately for the applications
associated with each code (Buildings and Bridges). Additional requirements for testing are at the
discretion of the Engineer and should be considered where applicable for fracture critical
structures or structures that have shown performance issues. The Engineer must be familiar with
the advantages and disadvantages of the various testing methods.
HSS are more appropriately compared to bridges in terms of the criticality of connections. HSS
are typically designed to minimize weight and size. As a result, the redundancy of bolted
connections is often limited by space requirements. The critical nature of bolted connections and
therefore the need to verify the proper installation and performance of these connections is
increased over that of a building. Therefore, the Engineer must ensure that structural bolted
connections in HSS are adequately tested and verified before placing the structure in service.
C.1. Introduction.
USACE miter gate diagonal design has been essentially the same as that presented in “Torsional
Deflection of Miter-Type Lock Gates and Design of the Diagonals” (USAED, Chicago, 1960)
with only minor modifications. This was based on a PhD dissertation by Shermer (1951), a
Master’s thesis by Hoffman (1944), and a USACE technical report by Shermer (1942) that all are
similar. Recently, investigation by Eick and Smith (2020) at USACE ERDC has provided
further insight and understanding into miter gate diagonal behavior using numerical modeling
and field tensioning data. The main change is using an empirical 𝛼𝛼 factor of 250 when
calculating Q0 instead of the value of 4.0 previously used. In addition, errors and typos in the
previous ETL 1110-584 have been corrected. Overall, the method provided here is not exact, but
experience has shown that the results obtained from this method have been very close to the
values needed in the field to achieve gate plumbness and minimum diagonal pretension.
This appendix is organized into in three parts. The first is Diagonal Design, which is a
simplified, user-friendly approach to diagonal design using the revised Q0 value. The second is a
Diagonal Design Example using the approach presented in the first part. Finally, the third part is
the Historical and Theoretical Basis provided for reference. It is a corrected version of the
previous diagonal design guidance.
Table C.1
Variable Descriptions
Variable Description
e Distance from skin plate to shear center
h Height of the diagonal panel
H Height of the miter gate (centerline to centerline of girders)
L Length of the diagonal (pin to pin)
P Load that creates torsion
t Depth of miter gate (distance from center of skin plate to centerline of
v Width of miter gate (taken as the distance from the center of the pintle to
the miter block)
w Width of the diagonal panel
y Moment arm of a torsional load
z Horizontal distance from centerline of pintle to torsional load
𝝍𝝍 Angle of a diagonal with respect to the horizon. For diagonals on the
upstream side of the gate, this angle is measured from the bottom girder
towards the miter. For diagonals on the downstream side of a gate, this
angle is measured from the bottom girder toward the quoin. See Figure
Where 𝐺𝐺 is the shear modulus of the material (taken as 11,200 ksi for steel) of the miter gate and
𝛼𝛼 is an empirical factor that can be conservatively taken as 250 for modern welded miter gates.
For older, riveted miter gates, the historically used value of 4.0 should be used.
In the unlikely event that a miter gate has diagonal panels with different dimensions, 𝛾𝛾 must be
calculated for each panel individually.
Where P is a load that creates torsion in the miter gate, y is the torsional moment arm, and z is
the horizontal distance from the point of load application to an axis passing through the center of
the pintle.
Where 𝜎𝜎𝑦𝑦 is the yield stress of the material used in the diagonals and 𝜙𝜙 is the appropriate LRFD
capacity reduction factor. Utilizing σy will effectively establish a lower bound estimate for the
required area of the diagonals. 𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 are any torsional loads considered in a load combination. The
minimum negative value of the sum of 𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 should be used to size the primary diagonals, and the
maximum positive value of the sum of 𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 should be used to size the secondary diagonals.
A′ EAi
K diagi = A′ +A γ cos (ψi ) (Equation C.6)
i Li
A′ = Ap (Equation C.7)
This step is performed for each of the i diagonals on the gate. For definition of miter gate angles,
see Figure C.2. Primary diagonals will generally have an angle between 90 and 180 degrees,
while secondary diagonals will generally have an angle between 0 and 90 degrees. Therefore,
𝐾𝐾𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑔𝑔 will be negative for primary diagonals and positive for secondary diagonals. Note that
cos(𝜓𝜓) is present in both the definition of Q and 𝐾𝐾𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑔𝑔 , and so it is effectively squared in the
evaluation of Q; therefore, Q will always be positive.
𝐴𝐴𝑝𝑝 is defined as the sum of the average cross-sectional area of the girders bounding a diagonal
panel. On a horizontally framed miter gate with one diagonal panel, this would be the sum of the
cross-sectional area of the top and bottom girders, and the cross-sectional area of the vertical
diaphragms closest to the quoin and miter (4 total girders).
Calculate the change in stress in each of the i diagonals due to each unfactored combination of
torsional loads other than the gate’s self-weight. The self-weight of the gate will be taken into
consideration during the calculation to make the gate hang plumb:
𝑲𝑲𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒊 (∑𝑻𝑻𝒛𝒛 )𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋
(𝚫𝚫𝝈𝝈𝒊𝒊 )𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳 = (𝑸𝑸 𝑛𝑛 ) (Equation C.8)
𝑨𝑨𝒊𝒊 𝟎𝟎 +∑𝑗𝑗=1 𝑸𝑸𝒋𝒋
LC refers to any “load combination” of unfactored service loads that is considered for
diagonal design and SW is self-weight. For example, consider the following typical load
Calculating the change in stress in the diagonals using Equation C.8 based on the above load
combination, the following should be used for the applied torsional loads:
The initial post-tension in each diagonal, 𝜎𝜎0 , must be selected to satisfy two criteria. The post-
tension should be applied such that the gate will hang plumb under its own weight and the
diagonals should not go slack when subjected to the expected loads during operation of the gate.
Formally, for each diagonal, 𝜎𝜎0 should be selected such that:
Both positive and negative changes in stress need to be considered. Equation C.13 must be
satisfied for all appropriate combinations of ∆𝜎𝜎 found in Equation C.8. Then, for the gate to
hang plumb, the following equation must be satisfied:
𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 refers to the torsion induced by dead load of the gate. 𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 is taken as the weight of the
gate times the horizontal distance between the center of gravity of the gate and the shear
center, times the horizontal distance from the pintle to the center of gravity. Note that, for
plumbing the gate, self-weight should be taken as unfactored, service-level loads. That is:
The exact location of 𝑧𝑧𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 and 𝑦𝑦𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 would require an extensive numerical model of the individual
gate. In as much as this method of calculating required stress is already imperfect, simply
utilizing the distance from the shear center to the centerline of the girders is sufficiently accurate
for the location 𝑦𝑦𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 , and the distance from the pintle to the centerline of the gate is sufficiently
accurate to use for 𝑧𝑧𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 . The diagonals meet their intended function when Equation C.13 and
Equation C.14 are satisfied simultaneously.
The designer should take note that there are infinite combinations of diagonal stresses that will
satisfy these equations. Accordingly, the designer should choose an appropriate value for 𝜎𝜎0 for
one set of diagonals that satisfies Equation C.13, then solve for the other 𝜎𝜎0 using Equation C.14,
and iterate until both equations are simultaneously satisfied. To minimize fatigue issues, the
designer should target a minimum value of required prestress.
For LRFD steel design of miter gate components, it is advantageous to know the maximum
expected forced that will develop in a diagonal.
Calculating the force for steel design is done by summing the required initial prestress, 𝜎𝜎0 𝑖𝑖 ,
found considering the unfactored service-level self-weight of the gate with the load factored
change in stress due to a load combination considering only live loads. The force in a diagonal
due to a live load (LL) load combination (LC) is thus:
The Pdiagonal must be calculated for each diagonal and each load factored load combination
considered in design, and the critical values should be used.
The load factored change in stress due to a load combination can be calculated as follows:
𝑲𝑲𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒈𝒈 (∑𝑻𝑻𝒛𝒛)𝐋𝐋𝐋𝐋
(𝚫𝚫𝝈𝝈𝒊𝒊 )𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳 = (𝑸𝑸 𝒏𝒏 ) (Equation C.8, Repeated)
𝑨𝑨𝒊𝒊 𝟎𝟎 +∑𝒋𝒋=𝟏𝟏 𝑸𝑸𝒋𝒋
This change in stress is calculated for each ith diagonal. In the denominator of this equation, the
sum of Q over j is performed for all n diagonals on the gate. The important note in this equation
is that the torsional load combinations of factored loads must neglect the service-level self-
weight (if that is included in the load combination). Explicitly,
LC refers to any “load combination” of factored loads that is considered for diagonal design
and SW is self-weight. For example, consider the following typical load combination:
Calculating the change in stress in the diagonals using Equation C.8 based on the above load
combination, the following should be used for the applied torsional loads:
Equation C.1 is taken directly from Equation C.96 in section C.4, which is in turn taken directly
from Appendix B in Shermer’s thesis. Design engineers have known for some time that this
equation greatly underestimates the torsional stiffness of modern miter gates, and this was
definitively shown by Eick and Smith in their investigation into the torsional behavior of modern
miter gates. Equation C.96 in section C.4 is corrected by an empirical factor K of 4.0, derived
from dated experiments that may not adequately represent modern fabrication practices.
Using data from modern miter gate deflections, Eick and Smith found that a conservative value
of K = 250 can be used to more accurately capture the torsional stiffness of modern miter gates.
Equation C.1 abandons the use of 𝐽𝐽𝑣𝑣 , because there is no physical reasoning to include this. 𝐽𝐽𝑣𝑣
would be a quantity used for twist of the gate if it is (for example) supported continuously about
the bottom girder and twisting about a vertical axis that passes through the center of the gate.
Equation C.2 is derived from Equation 8 in Shermer’s thesis, which is similar to Equation C.81
in section C.4. In Shermer’s thesis, Equation 3.11 states:
R0 = ± (Equation C.21)
As seen, Shermer has an additional ratio of h/H, where h is the height of the diagonal panel and
H is the height of the entire miter gate. For the vast majority of miter gates, this ratio is basically
equal to 1.0, and so it is assumed that the historical calculations provided in section C.4 simply
remove that ratio. However, for very tall miter gates (e.g., the downstream miter gate at The
Dalles) there may be several diagonal panels oriented vertically, and so h/H cannot be assumed
to be 1.0. This is addressed later in section C.4 Equation C.81’ (section C.4.7).
There is no reason to have two separate equations, since including the ratio h/H is appropriate for
all miter gates. A further adjustment is made in this update in order to define the positive and
negative sign of 𝑅𝑅0 . The sign of 𝑅𝑅0 was defined based on the definition of the diagonal. This
leads to potential confusion of which diagonal should have a positive and a negative 𝑅𝑅0 . To
eliminate potential confusion, positive and negative signs are determined based on the cosine of
the angle, and so the term w/m simply becomes cos 𝜓𝜓, so that:
Using this updated definition, along with the definition of the miter gate angles, will form a
mathematical basis for which constants are positive and which are negative. In this update, the
constants R and 𝑅𝑅0 are abandoned because an R already has a well-established scientific use (i.e.,
the universal gas constant), and explicitly including the cos 𝜓𝜓, coupled with studious definition
of the angle of miter gate diagonals, will provide the appropriate sign (positive or negative) for
calculated values.
Equation C.4 is taken from section C.4 Equation C.95. Section C.4 states that Equation C.95 is
found by equating Equation C.85a and Equation C.87, substituting sA for S, and summing for
diagonals in a set. Taking the stated steps, the following equation is found:
1 1
∑ sAR 0 (Δ − D) = ∑ T (Δ − D) (Equation C.24)
2 2hv z
∑A = R (Equation C.25)
0 hvs
In this update, continue with substituting 𝑅𝑅0 with 𝜸𝜸 cos 𝜓𝜓, and substitute the variable s with the
standard variable used for stress: σ. Thus,
∑A = γhv σ (Equation C.26)
y cos ψ
Explicitly writing out all the values in this equation, it is found that:
A′ 2wht 2 EA
Q = A′ +A � Hvm � Hv (Equation C.28)
2wht 2
� � = γ2 cos 2 ψ (Equation C.29)
Q = A′ +A γ2 Hv cos2 ψ (Equation C.30)
Here, some variables directly related to the stiffness of the diagonals are consolidated, as they
will be used for additional calculations. The grouping of these variables together assists in
intuitive understanding of the behavior of the diagonals, as the value has units of stiffness. Thus,
let the stiffness of the diagonals, 𝐾𝐾𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑔𝑔 , be defined as:
K diag = γ cos ψ (Equation C.33)
A′ +A L
or equivalently,
𝑘𝑘 = (Equation C.35)
Equation C.93 is a manipulation of Hooke’s law to relate the torsional deflection of the miter end
of a miter gate to the applied torsion on the gate. Using the notation of Hooke’s law shown
above for Equation C.93, the force F is the applied live load torsions from a particular load
𝑘𝑘 = Δ (Equation C.37)
and the stiffness, k, is the torsional stiffness of the gate itself, plus the stiffness added to the gate
by each of the n pretensioned diagonals:
Plugging Equations (3), (4), and (5) into Equation (2), Equation C.93 is found as:
(∑𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 )𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳
Δ= (Equation C.93, Shown Early Here)
𝑄𝑄0 +∑𝑄𝑄
Equation C.85 is also an implementation of Hooke’s law for the axial extension of a beam, where
the beam in this case is the miter gate diagonal. It is important to note that this equation relates
the force in a particular diagonal to the torsional deflection of the entire gate, and so it must be
calculated diagonal-by-diagonal. Using the notation for Hooke’s law, the force F is the axial
force in the diagonal:
𝐹𝐹 = 𝑆𝑆 (Equation C.39)
The displacement, u, is the axial displacement of the diagonal. While not explicitly true, it is
helpful to consider the unique quantity of the diagonal R as a conversion factor relating the
torsional deflection of the gate delta to the axial extension of the diagonal, such that u in Hooke’s
Law takes the form:
D is the deflection of the gate required to cause a diagonal to go slack and lose its pretension
and is unique to each diagonal. Plugging the relevant values into Hooke’s Law, Equation
C.85 is found (adding in subscript i as appropriate, to highlight that this equation is for an
individual diagonal):
𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖 = (Δ − 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 ) (Equation C.42)
The value of D for each diagonal was a historically important quantity to determine, as this was
the deflection required to impart on the gate to obtain the necessary pretension in the diagonals
using the so-called “twist of the leaf” method of tensioning. This method of tensioning is rarely,
if ever, used to tension diagonals anymore. Instead, a force or stress quantity is specified, and
tension is applied to the diagonals via direct mechanical means such as turnbuckles or jack-bolt-
style tensioning nuts. Thus, it is more advantageous to design engineers to eliminate the need to
calculate D and keep everything in force or stress units. This is performed by finding the change
in force in the diagonals due to a change in torsional deflection by simply differencing Equation
𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖 2 − 𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖 1 = ((Δ2 − 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 ) − (Δ1 − 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 )) (Equation C.43)
Thus, the change in force in a diagonal due to a change in torsional deflection of the gate is:
Δ𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖 = (Δ2 − Δ1 ) (Equation C.44)
Note, this equation is valid for any change in deflection on the gate such that the behavior of the
material of the gate and diagonals remains in the linear elastic regime. In Step 5 of the design
phase, it is of particular interest to find the change in force (or stress) in a diagonal due
deflections of the gate caused by live loads applied to the gate after the pretensioning procedure
when the gate is hanging plumb. In this case, when the gate is hanging plumb, Δ1 = 0 (that is,
there is no torsional deflection on the gate). And so, Δ2 is found via Equation C.93 above, and
plugged into Equation C.44 such that:
𝑅𝑅𝑖𝑖 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝑖𝑖 (∑𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 )𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳
Δ𝑆𝑆𝑖𝑖 = � 𝑄𝑄 � (Equation C.45)
𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖 0 +∑𝑄𝑄
In this update, in order to highlight the relationship to Hooke’s law, the stiffness terms are
grouped together and designated as a variable using the standard notation for stiffness, K:
𝐾𝐾𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑔𝑔𝑖𝑖 = (Equation C.46)
Often time, it is more advantageous for a design engineer to work in terms of stress, and so,
Equation C.47 is divided by the area of the diagonal to obtain the change in stress due to the
application of live loads to the gate:
𝐾𝐾𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 (∑𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 )𝑳𝑳𝑳𝑳
(Δσi )𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 𝑖𝑖
� 𝑄𝑄 � (Equation C.8, Repeated)
𝐸𝐸𝑖𝑖 0 +∑𝑄𝑄
Equation C.14 is taken from Equation C.85 and Equation C.92 in Section C.4, which are the
same as Equation 23 and Equation 30 in Shermer’s thesis. Equation C.92 states:
For the gate to hang plumb, ∆ = 0. Thus, when the gate hangs plumb, the force in the diagonal is
found as:
or, rewriting:
=D (Equation C.51)
Substituting this into C.52, and rewriting S in terms of stress (i.e., S = σA):
∑TDL − ∑2htK diag cos (ψ) =0 (Equation C.54)
Horizontally Framed Miter Gate at Lock and Dam 27, Mississippi River.
The miter gate at Lock and Dam 27 is a horizontally framed gate with 13 girders. Each girder
has 2 longitudinal stiffeners welded to the web. The cross section used for determining
geometric properties of the gate is shown in Figure C.3.
Table C.2.
Diagonal Variables for Lock 27 Miter Gate
Variable* Value
h 834 in
H 834 in
L 911.625 in
t 60.25 in
v 716 in
w 603 in
𝝍𝝍 primary diagonal 125.868 degrees
𝝍𝝍 secondary diagonal 54.132 degrees
Weight 460 kips
*See Figure C.1 for variable definitions
To find an estimate of the distance from the centerline of the skin plate to the center of gravity, a
typical horizontal girder cross-section is used (including the longitudinal stiffeners and the cross
section of the diagonals in their appropriate place) and is shown in Figure C.4. Where
dimensions differ across horizontal girders (e.g., the flange widths and thicknesses), the
dimensions are averaged across all girders. X-bar is found using C.55 and the values shown in
Table C.1 and Figure C.1. Note, the values for the area of the diagonals are taken as a first guess
based on other similar miter gates.
∑𝐧𝐧 𝐀𝐀 𝐢𝐢 𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢
𝐱𝐱� = ∑𝐢𝐢𝐧𝐧 (Equation C.55)
𝐢𝐢=𝟏𝟏 𝐀𝐀 𝐢𝐢
Table C.3.
Values Used to Find X-Bar
Component Average area Average x
Skin Plate (skin) 32.1 0
Upstream Flange (𝒇𝒇𝒇𝒇) 10.69 0.5
Web (w) 27.5 28.5
Downstream Flange (fd) 9 56.375
Stiffener A (stiffA) 4.0625 20.5
Stiffener B (stiffB) 4.0625 39
Primary Diagonal (prim) 24.5 60.25
Secondary Diagonal (Sec) 24.5 60.25
The moment of inertia about the horizontal axis in Figure C.3 is found by first principles using
the dimensions of the components of the cross section, as listed in Table C.4.
First the vertical distance to the geometric centroid is found, using the centerline of girder 13 as
the datum. Equation C.55 is again utilized with the values in:
Table C.5.
Dimensions Used to Find Vertical Position of Centroid
Girder no 𝑨𝑨 𝒅𝒅𝒄𝒄𝒈𝒈
1 54.375 834
2 53.375 762
3 53.375 690
4 53.375 618
5 53.375 546
6 53.375 474
7 53.375 402
8 53.375 330
9 53.375 258
10 59.375 189
11 59.375 126
12 59.375 63
13 56.375 0
Skin 417 417
Table C.6.
Calculating the Moment of Inertia for Lock 27
Girder 𝑰𝑰𝒘𝒘𝒘𝒘𝒅𝒅𝒌𝒌 𝑨𝑨 𝒅𝒅 𝑨𝑨𝒅𝒅𝟐𝟐
1 306.33 54.625 428.43 9981008
2 283.75 53.625 356.43 6781174
3 283.75 53.625 284.43 4318291
4 283.75 53.625 212.43 2408799
5 283.75 53.625 140.43 1052700
6 283.75 53.625 68.43 249992
7 283.75 53.625 -3.566 677
8 283.75 53.625 -75.56 304753
9 283.75 53.625 -147.56 1162222
10 504.25 59.625 -216.56 2784644
11 504.25 59.625 -279.56 4640461
12 504.25 59.625 -342.56 6967596
13 367 56.625 -405.56 9272608
Skin 24170571 417 -11.43 54510
Sum 24175027.08 49979482
Ixx 74154509.32 in4
The location of the shear center is also found using first principles. For horizontally framed
miter gates, an acceptable estimation of the location of the shear center from the centerline of the
skin plate can be found by utilizing the following:
1 n 1 1 1 1
e= ∑i=1( Awi + AstiffAi + AstiffBi + AstiffMi + Afdi )hwi di2 (Equation C.56)
Ixx 2 2 2 2
Where n in the summation refers to the number of girders on the gate, ℎ𝑤𝑤 is the depth of the
girder web (inside-to-inside distance between girder flanges). M longitudinal stiffeners are
shown in Equation C.56 to accommodate the possibility of any number of stiffeners, but for
Lock 27, there are only two. Note, Equation C.56 employs a great deal of simplifications but
provides an adequate representation of the location of the shear center for initial hand
calculations. Employing the dimensions shown in Table C.2, the shear center for Lock 27 is
found to be 17.56 in. upstream from the skin plate.
J, the torsion constant of the cross-section, is found by first principles. The cross-section of the
miter gate is comprised of narrow rectangles, and so, J can be found by the following equation:
𝑱𝑱 = ∑𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒊=𝟏𝟏 𝒃𝒃𝒊𝒊 𝒕𝒕𝟑𝟑𝒊𝒊 (Equation C.57)
Where n here refers to every rectangular member of the miter gate cross section (e.g., the cross
section of the skin plate, all girder flanges, webs, stiffeners, etc.), b is always the longer
dimension of the rectangle, and t is always the shorter dimension.
This is best performed in tabular form. For self-weight, the moment arm is equal to the distance
from the center of gravity to the shear center. For z of the dead load, it is sufficiently accurate to
simplify the calculation by assuming the center of gravity is ½ v. For strut arm loads, the critical
moment arm occurs when an obstruction is considered at the bottom corner at the miter end of
the gate, and so, the moment arm is the vertical distance from the bottom of the gate to the strut
arm. To find z, the structural drawings must be consulted. The loads below are shown for
demonstration purposes only.
Combine loads using load combinations in Chapter 9 for the gate in the open position with the
load factors removed:
From Equation C.4, using the max negative torsion for the primary diagonal design:
∑A = γhv σ (Equation C.60)
y cos ψ
∑A = kip = 19.77in2 (Equation C.61)
0.1683∗834in∗716in∗�0.6∗50 2 �∗cos 125.87
For this example, we chose to use the same area for the primary and secondary diagonal
(19.8 in2).
Table C.10.
Calculation of A' for Lock 27
𝑨𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒇𝒇 𝑨𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒅𝒅 𝑨𝑨𝒘𝒘 𝑨𝑨𝒌𝒌𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒇𝒇 𝑨𝑨𝒌𝒌𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒇𝒇 ∑𝑨𝑨
𝑨𝑨 𝒔𝒔
Girder 1 10 9 27.25 4.0625 4.0625 54.375
Girder 13 12 9 27.25 4.0625 4.0625 56.375
Diaphragm Right 0 6 34.6875 0 0 40.6875
Diaphragm Left 0 6 34.6875 0 0 40.6875
Sum, Ap 192.125
A' 24.01
K diag = ′
γ cos (ψ)
A +A L
For primary diagonals:
24 29000 ∗ 19.8
K diag = 0.1682 cos (125.868)
24 + 19.8 911.625
K diag = −34.016
For secondary diagonals:
24 29000 ∗ 19.8
K diag = 0.1682 cos (54.132)
24 + 19.8 911.625
K diag = 34.016
Then, from Equation C.5:
Q = 2 × 834in × 60.25in × 34.016 cos(54.132)
𝑄𝑄 = 2,002,950 𝑘𝑘𝑠𝑠𝑘𝑘𝐹𝐹 ∙ 𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛
From Equation C.8, the change in stress due to the unfactored loads in the diagonals is found as:
𝐾𝐾𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 Δ𝑃𝑃𝑥𝑥𝑦𝑦
∆𝜎𝜎𝑖𝑖 = (𝑄𝑄 ) (Equation C.64)
𝐸𝐸 0 +∑ 𝑄𝑄
Here, only the loads other than the self-weight of the gate are considered. The maximum
negative load occurs with the following combinations:
The maximum positive load occurs when ice and mud are not considered as:
As an example, the increase in stress in the secondary diagonals due to the maximum positive
load is found as:
34.02 22,461,300
∆𝜎𝜎𝑖𝑖 = ( )
19.8 491158 + 2(2,002,950)
Calculating the max increase and decrease in stress for all diagonals and all loads, the maximum
expected change in stress is listed in Table C.11.
Table C.11.
Change in Stress for Both Diagonals
Max Increase in Stress Max Decrease in Stress
Primary Diagonal 9.98 ksi 8.59 ksi
Secondary Diagonal 8.59 ksi 9.98 ksi
For the gate to hang plumb, Equation C.13 and Equation C.14 must be satisfied simultaneously
for all diagonals. This is performed by arbitrarily selecting an appropriate value for σ0 for one
set of diagonals, and then solving for σ0 for the other set of diagonals. This process is iterated,
changing the initially selected σ0 until the design requirements for the diagonals are satisfied.
When the diagonals are initially tensioned for the gate to hang plumb, no mud or ice will be
present on the structure. Accordingly, only the self-weight of the gate is considered. Here,
unfactored service-loads are used. The torsion induced by the self-weight of the gate is found as:
Then, Equation (C.14) is solved for the required tension in the secondary diagonal:
𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 − 𝑇𝑇𝑝𝑝𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑖𝑝𝑝
𝜎𝜎0_𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑑𝑑𝑛𝑛𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑠𝑠𝑦𝑦 =
Now, Equation C.13 is checked to ensure that the diagonals never go slack and the stress never
exceeds yield. The initial stress values are combined with the maximum expected change in
stress from Table C.12 such that:
Table C.12.
Stress Configuration for Diagonals of Lock 27
Diagonal Initial stress Initial + max decrease Initial + max increase
Primary 19.0 ksi 10.4 ksi 29.0 ksi
Secondary 11.0 ksi 1.0 ksi 19.6 ksi
Note, if (from a fatigue perspective) the stresses in the diagonal are deemed too high for life-
cycle considerations of the gate, the cross-sectional area of the diagonals can be increased. For
example, it may be studious for the designer to keep stresses in the diagonals below a theoretical
endurance limit of steel. If the cross-sectional area of the diagonals is increased, the design
should be iterated over again to ensure appropriate results are maintained. For comparison, using
section C.4, the as-built miter gate at Lock 27 was designed to have diagonals with a cross-
sectional area of 24.5 in2, with 17.8 ksi stress in the primary diagonal and 12.1 ksi stress in the
negative diagonal. Converting stresses in the diagonal to forces, the values calculated in this
example are of similar magnitude to the values on the as-built miter gate.
For miter gate fabrication or installation contracts, the designer may want to allow a range of
initial pretension values such that the two main contract acceptance criteria can be achieved in
the field: plumbness and keeping pretension during gate operation above 1.0 ksi.
Table C.13.
Unfactored Loads Considered for Diagonal Design
Description P y z Pyz
Self-weight (D) -490 kips 50.46 in 358 in -8,851,693 kip*in2
Ice (C) -100 kips 50.46 in 358 in -1,806,468 kip*in2
Mud (M) -100 kips 50.46 in 358 in -1,806,468 kip*in2
Gravity (G = C + M) -200 kips 50.46 in 358 in -3,612,936 kip*in2
Machinery Opening (Q) 150 kips 846 in 177 in 22,461,300 kip*in2
Machinery Closing (Q) -150 kips 846 in 177 in -22,461,300 kip*in2
Calculate the live load factored torsions (i.e., self-weight subtracted) using factored load
combinations in Chapter 9 for the gate in the open position:
Load Combination 2c: (1.2D – 1.0D) + 1.6G + 1.3Q (closing) = -36,750,726 kip-in2
Load Combination 2c: (1.2D – 1.0D) + 1.6G + 1.3Q (opening) = 21,648,654 kip-in2
Load Combination 2c: (0.9D – 1.0D) + 0.0G + 1.3Q (opening) = 30,084,859 kip-in2
Primary diagonal:
Secondary diagonal:
Primary diagonal:
Secondary diagonal:
Perform Steel Design Checks for the Various Cross-Sections of the Diagonal. Example of
checking gross cross-section of the diagonal:
φtPn = 0.9 (50 ksi) (19.8 in2) = 891 kips (Equation C.70)
Perform fatigue design of diagonal and diagonal components using unfactored service
loads/stresses from Table C.12 and following Chapters 5 and 9. While designing the diagonals
for a 100-year fatigue life is ideal, it may not be practically feasible to size the components as
such due to structural clearance limitations. If 100-year fatigue life is not feasible, the diagonals
may be designed for a minimum 50-year fatigue life with the realization that maintenance and/or
replacement of the diagonals will be needed during the miter gate’s 100-year service life.
∆ = Total torsional deflection of the leaf measured, at the miter end, by the movement of the
top girder relative to the bottom girder (see Figure C.5). The deflection is positive if
the top of the miter end is moved upstream relative to the bottom.
Positive diagonal: A diagonal that decreased in length with a positive deflection of the leaf
(see Figure C.8).
a = The cross-sectional area of that part of a horizontal girder that lies outside the midpoint
between the skin and the flange (see Figure C.10).
A' = Stiffness of the leaf in deforming the diagonal. Until more test data are available, it is
suggested that A' be taken as the sum of the average cross-sectional areas of the two
vertical and two horizontal girders that bound a panel times:
1/8 for welded horizontally framed leaves with skin of flat plates, and 1/20 for
riveted vertically framed leaves with skin of buckle plate (see paragraph C.
b = Distance from the centerline of the skin plate to the flange of a horizontal girder (see
Figure C.10).
D = Prestress deflection for a diagonal D is the deflection of the leaf required to reduce the
stress in a diagonal to zero. D is always positive for positive diagonals and negative
for negative diagonals.
H = Vertical height over which H is measured, usually the distance between top and bottom
Ix = Moment of inertia, about the horizontal centroidal axis, of a vertical section through a
leaf (see Figure C.9)
J = Modified polar moment of inertia of the horizontal and vertical members of the leaf.
R = Ratio of actual change in length of diagonal to deflection of leaf (refer to Equation C.83).
R is positive for positive diagonals and negative for negative diagonals.
t = Distance from centerline of skin plate to centerline of diagonal (for curved skin plate, see
paragraph C.4.4.8).
Tz = Torque-area. Product of the torque T of an applied load and the distance z to the load
from the pintle. z is measured horizontally along the leaf. T is positive if the load
produces a positive deflection.
y = Distance to any horizontal girder from the horizontal centroidal axis of a vertical section
through a leaf.
yn = Distance to any horizontal girder from the horizontal shear center axis of a vertical
section through a leaf.
Y = Distance to horizontal shear center axis from the horizontal centroidal axis of a vertical
section through a leaf (refer to Equation C.97).
z = Distance longitudinally along the gate leaf between the load and pintle.
A lock gate leaf is a very deep cantilever girder with a relatively short span. The skin plate is the
web of this girder. If the ordinary equations for the deflection of a cantilever under shearing and
bending stresses are applied, the vertical deflection of the average leaf will be found to be only a
few hundredths of an inch. Because the skin plate imparts such a great vertical stiffness to the
leaf, the stresses in the diagonals are a function of only the torsional (twisting) forces acting on
the leaf. These forces produce a considerable torsional deflection when the gate is being opened
or closed. It is this torsional deflection and the accompanying stresses in the diagonals with
which this chapter is concerned.
The shape of the twisted leaf is determined geometrically. Then the work done by the loads is
equated to the internal work of the structure. From this, the resistance that each diagonal offers
to twisting of the leaf is computed as a function of the torsional deflection of the leaf and the
dimensions of the structure. Equations for torsional deflection of the leaf and stresses in the
diagonals are derived.
Experiments were made on a model of the proposed gates for the MacArthur Lock at Sault Ste.
Marie, MI. Tests were also conducted in the field on the lower gates of the auxiliary lock at
Louisville, KY. Both experiments indicate that the behavior of a gate leaf is accurately
described by the torsional deflection theory.
Examples of the application of the theory are presented together with alternate methods for
prestressing the diagonals of a leaf.
In the following information, a decrease in any diagonal length, either positive or negative
diagonal, is designated as a positive change in length. Let r0 be defined as follows:
(Equation C.73)
r0 is positive for positive diagonals and negative for negative diagonals. Figure C.8 illustrates
the positive and negative diagonals of a typical leaf.
Up to this point, the restraint offered by the diagonal members has not been considered.
Equation C.71 gives the change in length of a diagonal if the diagonal offers no resistance.
However, unless a diagonal is slack, it does offer resistance to change in length. Therefore,
when a deflection d is imposed on the panel, the length of the diagonal does not change an
amount δ0. The actual deformation is δ, which is less than δ0 by some amount δ':
(Equation C.74)
It is evident that δ is inversely proportional to the resistance of the diagonal and that δ' is
inversely proportional to the ability of the panel to elongate the diagonal. Let the resistance of
the diagonal be measured by its cross-sectional area A. Then:
(Equation C.75)
In which A' is a measure of the stiffness of the panel in deforming the diagonal. The significance
of A' and the method of determining its magnitude will be discussed later. Let it be assumed for
the present, however, that A' is known.
Solving Equation C.74 for δ' and substituting its value in Equation C.75:
(Equation C.76)
(Equation C.77)
(Equation C.78)
Note, when the diagonal offers no restraint (that is to say that A = o), r = r0.
Let ∆ be defined as the torsional deflection of the whole leaf (see Figure C.5). It is evident that
the relative deflection d from one end of a panel to the other is proportional to the width of the
(Equation C.79)
(Equation C.80)
Substituting the values of δ0 and ∆ from Equations C.72 and C.79, respectively:
𝑠𝑠 𝑑𝑑 𝑤𝑤𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑜
𝑅𝑅𝑑𝑑 = (𝑣𝑣⁄𝑜𝑜 =
𝑤𝑤 )𝑑𝑑 𝑣𝑣
(Equation C.81)
(Equation C.82)
(Equation C.83)
In general, the diagonals of any lock gate leaf will have, as a result of adjustments, an initial
tension that is here called a prestress. The prestress in all diagonals is not the same. However,
for any diagonal the leaf can be deflected by some amount ∆, such that the stress in that diagonal
is reduced to zero. The magnitude of this deflection is a measure of the initial tension in the
diagonal and will be called the prestress deflection D for that diagonal. By selecting the value of
D, the designer can establish a definite prestress in any diagonal (see examples in sections C.4.5
and C.4.6). It can be seen from the definition of a positive diagonal that D is positive for positive
diagonals and negative for negative diagonals.
Referring to Equation C.82, it is seen that the prestress in any diagonal results from a change in
length equal to R (-D). If an additional deflection ∆ is imposed on the leaf, the total change in
length will be:
(Equation C.84)
And similarly:
(Equation C.84a)
Since a positive value of δ represents a decrease in length, the elongation of a diagonal is (-δ)
and the total force is:
(Equation C.85)
(Equation C.85a)
(Equation C.86)
The force S in the diagonal is produced by some external torque T. The work done is:
It is evident from Figure C.5 that the angle of rotation θ of any section of the leaf is proportional
to the distance z from the pintle. If the leaf is twisted an amount (∆ – D), the angle of rotation at
the end is (∆ – D)/h. Therefore, at any section:
(Equation C.87)
The term Tz is the area of the torque diagram for the torque T. Tz will hereinafter be called
“torque-area” (see definitions).
Equating the sum of WD and WT, as given by Equations 86 and 87, respectively, to zero and
(Equation C.88)
(Equation C.89)
Since Tz is the torque-area of the external load, the quantity Q(D – ∆) may be called the resisting
torque-area of the diagonal. All factors of Q are constant for any diagonal. Q, therefore, is an
elasticity constant of the diagonal. Even if there were no diagonals on a leaf, the structure would
have some resistance to twisting. Let the resisting torque-area of the leaf without diagonals be
defined as Q0(∆). A prestress deflection D is not included in this definition since the leaf does
not exert any torsional resistance when it is plumb. In other words, D for the leaf is zero. Qo
will be evaluated later. For the present, let it be assumed that Qo is known.
The total torque-area of all external loads plus the torque-area of all resisting members must
equal zero. Therefore, Equation C.89 may be written as follows:
(Equation C.90)
Since ∆ is a constant for any condition of loading, Equation C.90 may be solved for ∆:
(Equation C.91)
If the leaf is to hang plumb (∆ = 0) under dead load, the numerator of the right-hand member of
Equation C.91 must equal zero:
(Equation C.92)
Equation C.92 represents the necessary and sufficient condition that a leaf hang plumb under
dead load.
(Equation C.93)
which is the fundamental equation for deflection of a leaf with all diagonals prestressed.
Equation C.93 shows that the live load deflection of a leaf is independent of the prestress
deflection D for any diagonal.
Stress in Diagonals. The unit stress in a diagonal is obtained by dividing Equation C.85 by A:
(Equation C.94)
If the maximum allowable unit stress is substituted for s in Equation C.94, the maximum
allowable numerical value of (D – ∆) will be obtained. Since the maximum values of ∆ are
known from Equation C.93, the maximum numerical value of D for any diagonal can be
The diagonals of a gate leaf should be prestressed so that all of them are always in tension. If
this is to be so, the quantity (D – ∆) must always represent an elongation of the diagonal.
Therefore, for positive diagonals, D must be positive and greater than the maximum positive
value of ∆. For negative diagonals, D must be negative and numerically greater than the
maximum negative deflection. These then are the minimum numerical values of D.
Values of D must be selected such that they satisfy Equation C.92 and lie within the limits
specified above. If this is done, the leaf will hang plumb under dead load, and none of the
diagonals will ever become overstressed or slack. In addition, the deflection of the leaf will be
held to a minimum since a prestressed tension diagonal is in effect a compression diagonal as
Treating Ro as equal for all diagonals, substituting sA for S, and taking Σ for all diagonals in a
∑ 𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧
∑ 𝐴𝐴 = − (Equation C.95)
𝑠𝑠𝑅𝑅𝑜𝑜 ℎ𝑣𝑣
With the above, the maximum positive ΣTz will give the total area required in the set of negative
diagonals and the maximum negative ΣTz, the area for the positive diagonals.
By differentiating Q with respect to h, it has been found that the most effective slope for a
diagonal exists with h = w(2)1/2. If h approaches 2.5 w, it will be desirable to subdivide the panel
vertically to reduce the area of the diagonals or, possibly, to reduce their total cost. The example
in paragraph C.4.7 shows the slight modification necessary to apply this method of design to
panels subdivided vertically. In general, diagonals are most effective in panels having the ratio
Except for the constants A' and Qo, all properties of the gate leaf are known, and the deflection of
the leaf and the stresses in the diagonals can be determined. A' appears in the equations for both
R and Q as follows:
Measurements were made on the 1/32-size celluloid model of the gates for the MacArthur Lock
at Sault Ste. Marie (Soo). Field measurements were also made on the lower gate at Louisville,
KY, and 29 gate leaves in the Rock Island District on the Mississippi River. The Soo and
Louisville gates are horizontally framed and have flat skin plates, and the Mississippi gates are
vertically framed and have buckle skin plates. In all cases, δ was determined from strain gage
readings on the diagonal and ∆ was measured directly as the leaf was twisted. Equation C.82
gave the value of R. A' was then calculated from Equation C.82 in which the theoretical value of
Ro obtained from Equation C.81 was substituted. 2 Values of A' obtained are:
It seems reasonable to suppose that the size of the horizontal and vertical girders to which the
diagonal is attached can be used as a measure of A'. At Sault Ste. Marie, A' is 0.14 of the sum of
the cross-sectional areas of the girders that bound the diagonal. At Louisville, the factor is 0.07
and for the Mississippi River gates, 0.045. Additional experiments are desirable. However, until
more data are obtained, it is believed that a conservative value of A' for the average diagonal is
the sum of the average cross-sectional areas of the girders that bound the diagonals times 1/8 for
the heavier, welded, horizontally framed leaves with flat skin plate and 1/20 for the lighter,
riveted, vertically framed leaves with buckle plates.
It is believed that for any gate leaf diagonal, A' will usually be as large or larger than A.
Therefore, a large error in A' will result in a much smaller error in the fraction A'/(A+A'). Hence,
it is necessary to know the approximate value of A' in order to apply the foregoing theory. This
is especially true of the diagonal stress, as can be seen from Equation C.94 where an error in A'
produces an error R, which is opposite to that produced in (D – ∆). Thus, stress is nearly
independent of A'.
Qo is an elasticity constant that is a measure of the torsional stiffness of a leaf without diagonals.
Qo is a function of many properties of the leaf. However, it seems reasonable that the torsional
work done on the typical main members of the leaf, as the leaf twists, might be used as a
measure of Qo.
In the model test, the experimental value of Ro was also determined and was found to agree with the theoretical value
within 1 percent.
In this case, the value of D in Equation C.87 is zero since the members are not supplying a
resisting torque when the deflection is zero. Equating WT to W and solving Tz:
(Equation C.96)
where the value of K as determined experimentally for the Sault Ste. Marie model and the
Louisville prototype is approximately 4. Until additional measurements can be made, this value
should be used.
Nearly all members of a leaf subject to torsion are made up of narrow rectangles. For these, the
value of J is:
𝐽𝐽 ≈ � 𝑏𝑏𝑡𝑡 3
where b is the long dimension and t is the thin dimension of rectangular elements.
Where plates are riveted or welded together, with their surfaces in contact, they are considered to
act as a unit with c equal to their combined thickness.
By definition, a load applied through the shear center of a section will cause no twisting of the
section. In computing dead load torque-area, the moment arm of the dead load is, therefore, the
distance from the vertical plane through the shear center to the center of gravity of the leaf. The
method of locating the shear center of a lock gate leaf is given in paragraph C. The water
offers resistance against the submerged portion of the leaf as it is swung. There is also an inertial
resistance to stopping and starting. Since the resultant of these resistances is located near or
below the center height of leaf and the operating force is near the top of the leaf, a live load
torsion results. From tests performed to determine operating machinery design loads, the
maximum value of the above-mentioned resistances was found to be equivalent to a resistance of
30 psf on the submerged portion of the leaf.
Until additional data become available, it is recommended that this value be generally used in
computing the live load torque-area. However, in the case of locks accommodating deep-draft
vessels, water surges are created during lockages that appear to exceed the above-mentioned
equivalent load. Until more data are obtained, it is recommended that for these cases, 45 psf or
higher be used.3 The diagonals will also be checked for obstruction loads and temporal
hydraulic loads and the governing loading condition will be used for diagonal design. For
definition of obstruction and temporal hydraulic loads, refer to paragraph C.4.8.
The theoretical basis for diagonal design assumes that the skin plate remains rectangular at all
times. If the skin consists entirely of buckle plates and if the shear in the skin is large, this
assumption may be in error. However, if the diagonals extending downward toward the miter
end are made larger or prestressed higher than the others, the prestress in them can be made to
carry a large part, if not all, of the dead load shear. Although the action of buckle plates in shear
is not understood, it is recommended that they be treated as flat plates. As a precaution,
however, the diagonals should be prestressed to carry as much of the dead load as possible
The operating strut mechanism should also then be designed for these larger forces.
The shear center of a gate leaf is the point through which loads must be applied if the leaf is not
to twist.
Consider the leaf restrained against rotation about the hinge. To prevent twisting of the leaf due
to horizontal forces, the resultant of these forces must be located so that the load to each
horizontal girder is proportional to their relative stiffnesses. This is equivalent to saying that the
resultant must be located along the horizontal gravity axis of the girder stiffnesses. This gravity
axis is then the horizontal shear center axis and is located a distance from the centroidal axis
equal to:
(Equation C.97)
in which In is the moment of inertia of any horizontal girder about its vertical centroidal axis.
A lock gate leaf is a cantilever beam supported by the pintle gudgeon. A vertical load on the leaf
causes tension above and compression below the centroidal axis. Therefore, longitudinal
shearing stresses exist in the structure and shearing stresses of equal magnitude and at right
angles to the longitudinal shearing stresses exist in the plane of any vertical cross section.
A shear diagram with arrows to indicate the direction of the shear is shown in Figure C.9. Since
the shears of the flanges of the top and bottom girders are small and since the shear on one side
of a flange is usually equal and opposite to the shear on the other side of the same flange, these
shears will be neglected. The horizontal shears in the webs of the top and bottom girders
produce a torsional moment on the section, which must be balanced by the torsional moment VX
of the vertical forces if the leaf is not to twist.
The shear diagram for the web of the right-hand part of the top girder is redrawn to a larger scale
in Figure C.10. The trapezoidal shape of this diagram is based on the assumption that the
thickness of the web is constant within the limits of the diagram. The ordinate of the diagram at
any point is VQ/I. The area of the shear diagram is the total horizontal shear S on this part of the
girder. This area is (VQ/I)b in which VQ/I is the ordinate at the center of the diagram.
Therefore, Q is the statical moment, about the centroidal axis of the whole section, of that part of
the section lying within the circle of Figure C.10. If a is the area of this part of the section, then
Q = ay, and:
(Equation C.98)
If the leaf is not to twist, the sum of the moments of the vertical and horizontal forces must equal
(Equation C.99)
and solving:
(Equation C.100)
which is the horizontal distance from the centerline of the skin to the shear center of the section.
In this equation, a is always positive and b and X are positive when measured to the right of the
skin and negative when measured to the left.
Equation C.97 and Equation C.100 are general expressions, independent of the number of
horizontal girders, and as such apply equally well to horizontally framed gates.
Lower operating gates, MacArthur Lock, Sault Ste. Marie (see Figure C.11).
The bottom and top girders and the vertical end girders are W36X150 with a cross-sectional area
of 44.16 in2. Therefore, A' is (see paragraph C.
Y = 310 in
The forces that produce twisting of the leaf are shown in Figure C.12. Table C.17 lists
computation of the torque-area. Computations for the location of the center of gravity and
deadweight of the leaf are not given. Because this lock handles deep-draft vessels, a water
resistance of 45 psf is used.
(Equation C.101)
For diagonal LoU1, the dead load torque is no longer included since diagonal UoL1 will be
prestressed to support this load. The following diagonal sizes will be used throughout the
remainder of the design and revised later, if necessary:
Table C.16
Computation of Distance X
Girder a(in2) y(in) yn (in) ayyn (in4 x 106)
G-1 22.1 +374.0 +384.0 3.17
G-2 22.1 +272.0 +282.0 1.69
G-3 33.9 +200.0 +210.0 1.42
G-4 33.9 +128.0 +138.0 0.60
G-5 33.9 +73.3 +83.3 0.21
G-6 33.9 +18.5 +28.5 0.02
G-7 33.9 -36.3 -26.3 0.03
G-8 33.9 -91.0 -81.0 0.25
G-9 33.9 -145.8 -135.8 0.67
G-10 33.9 -200.5 -190.5 1.29
G-11 33.9 -255.3 -245.3 2.13
G-12 22.1 -310.0 -300.0 2.06
Σ 13.54
Table C.17
Computation of Torque-Area
Load Force (lb) Arm (in) z (in) Tz(in.2lb x 106)
Dead load 290,000 27.5a 253 -2,020
Ice & mud 50,000 27.5 253 -350
Water 74,500 465.0 265 ±9,200b
From determinations of shear center and center of gravity for various
horizontally framed gates, this arm is approximately 3/4t
Plus value for gate opening
Gate closing ∆ = = −4.6
Table C.19 lists prestress deflections. The minimum numerical values of D (line 3) are the
maximum deflections of the leaf. Maximum numerical values of (D – ∆) are found by solving
Equation C.94.
(Equation C.102)
Having the maximum numerical values of (D – ∆), the maximum values of D are determined and
placed in line 5. Values of D (line 6) are then selected between the above limits such that
Equation C.92 is satisfied, that is Σ(QD) must equal +2,030 x 106 in2-lb. Further, to ensure that
the diagonals will always be in tension, D should be such that the minimum stress is more than 1
kip per in2. Stresses that occur during normal operation of the gate are computed from:
From Table C.19, it is seen that the diagonal sizes chosen are quite satisfactory.
With the completion of this operation, the leaf will nearly always hang plumb. If it does not, the
corrected prestress deflection for this diagonal can be found from Equation C.91 with ∆ equal
and opposite to the out-of-plumb deflection. This prestress deflection can then be substituted in
Equation C.91 to obtain the corrected number of turns required to make the leaf hang plumb.
For instance, for a final out-of-plumb deflection of +1/2 inch, the corrected prestress deflections
would be found from ΣQD = (∆Qo + ΣQ) – (TZ)D.L. to be 980 in2-lb x 106. With D for diagonal
LoU1 maintained at -5.5 inches, the D then required for diagonal UoL1 would be +5.7 inches. The
remainder of the computations would be repeated.
The cross-sectional area of the bottom girder (see Figure C.14) is 36.7 in2, the cross-sectional
area of any vertical girder is 37.0 in2 (see Figure C.13), and the cross-sectional area of the top
girder is 112.5 in2. Therefore, the value of A' (see definition) for all diagonals is:
Because all the skin in the end panels is not in the same plane, t (in the end panels) is measured
from the mean skin shown in Figure C.13 (see paragraph C.4.4.8 for the determination of t for
skin not in a plane).
This example provides a good illustration of the inefficiency of past designs. The upstream
diagonals are quite ineffective because they are so close to the skin plate. If all the upstream
diagonals were omitted (in other words, the number of diagonals cut in hail) and the skin plate
placed in their location instead, the leaf would be stiffer and the stresses in the remaining
diagonals would be lower. Further, with a flat skin plate, all positive diagonals could have been
made the same size and all negative diagonals another size (for simplification of details and
reduction in cost).
Table C.21
Computation of Modified Polar Moment of Inertia J
No. of Horizontal Vertical
Elements Elements 1 (in) c (in) Elements Members
Top Horizontal Girder
U/S flange 1 18.0 2.38 240
Web 1 72.0 0.50 10
D/S Flange 2 14.0 0.88 20
Bottom Horizontal Girder
U/S flange 1 12.0 0.50 0
Web 1 48.0 0.38 0
D/S flange 1 8.0 1.13 10
Skin plate 1 535.0 0.38 30
Vertical Girders
U/S flange 8 10.0 0.50 10
Intermed. 6 7.0 0.38 0
Web 4 48.0 0.38 10
U/S flange 8 10.0 0.50 10
Vertical Beams
U/S flange 9 11.5 1.73 540
Web 9 31.4 0.58 60
D/S flange 9 11.5 0.86 70
Total = 310 700
y = 325 in
I = 14.3 x 106 in4
Table C.22
Computation of Distance X for Vertically Framed Gate
Girder a (in2) b (in) y (in) yn (in) aybyn (in5 x 106)
Top girder – U/S 62.8 +37.4 +210 +68 +33.5
Top girder – D/S 31.8 -35.1 +210 +68 -15.9
Bottom girder – U/S 8.2 +13.1 -325 -467 +16.3
Bottom girder – D/S 19.5 -35.1 -325 -467 -103.8
Σ= -69.9
The forces that produce twisting of the leaf are shown in Figure C.15. Again, computations for
locating the center of gravity and deadweight of the leaf are not shown. Since this is a 9-ft
channel handling only shallow-draft vessels, a water resistance of 30 psf is used.
Deflection of leaf:
∑ 𝑇𝑇𝑧𝑧 ±4,530×106
∆= 𝑄𝑄 = (25+895)×106 = ±4.9 in (from Equation C.93)
𝑜𝑜 +∑ 𝑄𝑄
Having the maximum numerical values of (D – ∆), the maximum numerical values of D are
determined and placed in column 6. Values of D (column 7) are then selected such that
Equation C.92 is satisfied; that is, ΣQD must equal +1,300 x 106 in2-lb. Because all but the top
10 ft of the skin consists of buckle plates (see paragraph C., an attempt is made to have
the diagonals carry as much of the vertical dead load shear as possible. Therefore, values of D
are made as large as possible for the diagonals extending downward toward the miter end, and as
small as possible for the other diagonals. Further, to ensure that the diagonals are always in
tension, D should also be such that the minimum stress is more than 1,000 psi. The unit stresses
in the diagonals are found from:
Before computing normal stresses (columns 10, 11, and 12), the stresses that occur during the
prestressing operation are computed (column 9) as a check on the value of D. The twist-of-the-
leaf method for prestressing is used. Because of the large value of D for some of the negative
diagonals, it is best to prestress all negative diagonals first.
Prestressing of many gates in the Rock Island District has proved that buckle plates can support
the shear imposed on them during and after the prestressing operation without any apparent
distress. However, it is still considered desirable to have the diagonals carry as much of the
vertical dead load shear as possible. If the skin had been flat plate, this consideration would have
been omitted. Table C.24 lists the dead load shear remaining in the skin (buckle plates).
The maximum force will be required when the leaf is deflected +10.0 inches against the action of
the negative diagonals (which are prestressed, in this case, first):
In this example, for a final out-of-plumb deflection of +1/2 inch, revised values of D would be
selected to make ΣQD equal to +840 x 106 in2-lb. The leaf would then hang plumb. Repeat
computations, if necessary.
The previous design applies to miter gate leaves that are divided into panels (not necessarily
equal) longitudinally. With a slight modification of the term R0, the design is extended to apply
to leaves that are divided into panels vertically as well as longitudinally. Figure C.16 shows the
most general arrangement of paneling. In practice, an effort would be made to make the panel
heights and widths the same. To design the diagonals use:
𝑅𝑅𝑑𝑑 = ± � 1 � (from Equation C.81’)
𝐻𝐻∙𝑣𝑣∙(𝑤𝑤 2+ℎ 2 )2
This value of R0 replaces that given in Equation C.81, being a more general expression. It is
seen that for a value of h = H (no vertical paneling) the derivative from Equation C.81’ reverts to
Equation C.81. With the above value of R0, all the other expressions and the method of analysis
remain identical to that previously outlined.
The general value of R0 can be found as follows (refer to paragraph C.4.4.4). Let d = deflection
of panel; other symbols are as defined previously. Figure C.17 illustrates the displacements of
points of a vertical divided panel.
The relation between the deflection of the panel and the leaf becomes:
The remainders of the expressions are the same as before, for distance:
In similar manner, it can be shown that the expressions for Q and Q0 (Equation C.88 and
Equation C.96 respectively) still apply with H substituted for h.
D.1. Background.
A brief list of amplification factors measured at various gravity dams is given in Table D.1.
Though a comparison to free-field motion cannot be made, Table D.1 demonstrates that there can
be large increases in the peak acceleration for concrete gravity dams. When designing a
structure located at some height of a concrete gravity dam, such as spillway gates, a reasonable
estimate of this amplification must be made in order to determine the actual loading on the
structure. One method to accomplish this would be to build a finite element model. This may be
the best course of action in many cases where the seismic loads govern the design. However, in
cases where it is unlikely that the seismic loads govern or the designer is unsure, a simple
method can be used to determine if the seismic loads will control the design or not. This paper
proposes a simplified method to estimate the amplification factor for the initial evaluation of
spillway gates located near the top of concrete gravity dams.
Table D.1
Measured Amplification Factors
Height Maximum Acceleration (g) Amplification
Dam Event
(ft) Base Crest Factor
Dworshak 717 Lincoln, MT (2017) 0.00186 0.0168 9.06
Chief Joseph 236 Nisqually (2001) 0.0023 0.011 4.69
Nisqually, WA (2001) 0.010 0.0361 3.58
Wynoochee 175
Satsop, WA (1999) 0.012 0.0343 2.97
Detroit 463 Scotts Mills (1993) 0.021 0.164 7.72
Hakkagawa 171 Honshu (2007) 0.17 0.87 5.12
Gin-Mian 115 Meinong (2016) 0.25 0.31 1.24
Takou 252 Tohoku Aftershock (2011) 0.38 1.79 4.71
Kasho 152 Western Tattori (2000) 0.54 2.09 3.87
D.2. Introduction.
The best method for the simplified analysis of concrete gravity dams is referred to here as the
pseudo-dynamic method (also commonly called Chopra’s method). This method was developed
by Chopra and Tan in 1989. This 1989 report was commissioned by USACE for the purposes of
extending previous work by the authors on non-overflow sections to gated spillways of concrete
gravity dams and is also discussed in EM 1110-2-6053. The method was primarily developed to
evaluate peak seismic stresses in the dam. This is accomplished using equivalent lateral loads on
The following sections will give an overview of the theoretical basis for the pseudo-dynamic
method, compare the results of the method with existing finite element models, and provide two
approaches to estimate a conservative amplification factor in lieu of the pseudo-dynamic
approach for use in screening seismic load cases.
The pseudo-dynamic method is a form of the generalized single degree of freedom method for
evaluating structures with distributed mass and stiffness (Chopra, Dynamics of Structures:
Theory and Applications of Earthquake Engineering, 2007). The basic concept for this method
is to convert a system with distributed mass and stiffness, which would have an infinite number
of vibration modes, to a single degree of freedom system. This is done by determining a
generalized mass and stiffness that is representative of the distributed mass and stiffness in the
system. Additionally, a generalized excitation function must be defined since the inertial loads
are also distributed with the mass. The equation of motion for the single degree of freedom
system defined by Figure D.1 is given in Equation D.1.
� = � m(z)[φ(z)]2 dz
m (Equation D.2)
c� = 2ζ�k� m
� (Equation D.4)
With the distributed mass and stiffness system defined, Equation D.1 can be modified to
Equation D.6. Dividing through by the generalized mass results in Equation D.7, which is the
standard single degree of freedom system equation of motion with the ground motion scaled
linearly by the factor Γ�.
2π �
Where ωn = = �m
Tn �
Γ� =
This method reduces the continuous structure down to a single degree of freedom system by
constraining it to vibrate only in one mode shape. This requires that an appropriate mode shape
for the continuous structure is known ahead of time. The shape can be approximated, but the
accuracy of the method hinges on the accuracy of this approximation. For simple systems the
mode shape, generalized stiffness, and generalized mass can be determined directly from
analysis of the structure. For gravity dams, the stiffness is heavily influenced by interaction with
the foundation and the mass is influenced by the interaction with the reservoir.
To use the generalized single degree of freedom method for concrete gravity dams, Chopra
developed relationships to determine the needed vibration properties for the method. The
relationships are published in tables in Chopra and Tan (1989). This was done by performing
numerous parametric studies using the frequency domain finite element program EAGD84.
Many of the relationships used in the pseudo-dynamic approach are published in tables. These
tables can be used to work through the method and develop the amplification factor.
Figure D.3 shows the idealized model of the dam used by EAGD84. This shows that the
foundation rock is considered to be an infinite half space. The material for the foundation is
idealized as an isotropic visco-elastic material. The reservoir is assumed to extend indefinitely
upstream of the dam. Damping in the reservoir is considered by allowing some energy in the
water to be absorbed in a silt layer upstream of the dam or by the foundation rock. The dam is
modelled using the finite element method. Analyzing the system in this manner also allows for
the ground motion to be applied as the free-field ground motion at the base of the dam.
As noted previously, the accuracy of this method relies on the ability to approximate the mode
shape and other vibration properties accurately. Based on the EAGD84 analyses for standard
shapes and real dam geometries, the mode shape was found to be very similar for gravity dams
of varying heights since as the height of a gravity dam increases, the base width increases as
well. This relative proportionality of gravity dams results in little variation of the mode shape
when the geometry of the dam fits the standard dimensions. The standard shape used in the
study assumed a constant pier height of 60 ft regardless of the height of the dam. Though
Equation D.8 is a general equation, in cases where there is a large variation from the standard
shape, the published mode shape, period, and damping cannot be used. However, these
properties can be calculated for the structure in question and applied in Equation D.8.
The period in the upstream/downstream direction of three different height dams was calculated
using finite element software and compared to the period calculated using the pseudo-dynamic
method using the same material properties and pool elevations. The three finite element models
are shown in Figure D.4. The models for Foster and Dworshak are made of shell elements and
only contain the concrete dam, piers, and foundation; while the Green Peter model is made of
three dimensional elements and has the gates and bridge included in the model.
The comparison of the natural period of the structure calculated with the pseudo-dynamic
method and the three finite element models is shown in Table D.2, where Hs is the structure
height. The table shows general agreement between the methods. The finite element
fundamental period is somewhat longer than the pseudo-dynamic method predicts. However, the
pseudo-dynamic period is reasonable since it must account for all modes of vibration with a
single period. For comparison, the weighted average period from the finite element model (using
the mass participation as the weighting factor) is also shown in the table. The pseudo-dynamic
period is found to fall between the finite element fundamental period and the weighted average
Figure D.4. Finite Element Models: Foster (Left), Green Peter (Middle), and Dworshak (Right)
Only two of the dams (Foster and Green Peter) have time history analysis results for comparison
of the amplification factor. For the mid height dam (Green Peter), the amplification factor was
calculated using Equation D.8, the pseudo-dynamic method, and the uniform hazard spectrum
for a 1/2475 AEP at the site. The effective damping using this method was found to be 15%,
which accounts for added damping from the reservoir and foundation. The damping scale factor
was estimated from Rezaeian et al. (2012) to convert the uniform hazard spectrum at 5% to that
at 15% damping. The amplification factor at the trunnion using this method was found to be 3.3.
This can be compared to the response of the finite element model analyzed with a series of time
histories that, on average, match the 1/2475 AEP uniform hazard spectrum.
The finite element model was run with a constant modal damping of 5% applied to the model.
Figure D.5 shows the mean and extreme values of the response spectrum of a node at the
trunnion for the suite of time histories. Figure D.6 shows the response spectra divided by the
input motion response spectra to determine the amplification relative to the free-field motion.
The vertical lines shown in the figures are the periods of the first six modes of vibration. This
illustrates that the frequency content near the fundamental mode and several higher modes is
being amplified. However, the peak acceleration that the Tainter gate will experience is
represented by the 0.01 second period, which represents the peak acceleration of the trunnion in
the time history.
The amplification chart shows that the 3.3 factor predicted by the pseudo-dynamic approach is
well within the range of amplification seen in the FE model. If the damping in the pseudo-
dynamic method is set to 5%, and time histories are used to assess the variability in the
amplification, the pseudo-dynamic method predicts amplification between 3.1 and 4.8, which is
very close to the range seen in the finite element model.
Figures D.6 and D.7 and Table D.2 illustrate that the pseudo-dynamic method can be used to
estimate reasonable amplification factors for gates located at the top of the dam.
In order to use Equation D.8, the period, damping, mode shape, and scale factor must be
estimated. While the pseudo-dynamic method is not complicated and can be used to determine
these factors, some further simplifications can be made to develop a conservative estimate of the
acceleration of the gates at the top of a dam.
The mode shape was evaluated for several structural heights by Chopra and Tan (1989). For
short structural heights, the pier becomes more significant relative to the height of the structure
and begins to affect the mode shape. Since the mode shape is normalized to 0.0 and 1.0, most of
the variation occurs at mid-height. Chopra created two mode shapes: one for short spillways and
one for tall spillways. These two mode shapes are not significantly different. For the purposes
of determining an amplification factor, there is little gain in using two mode shapes. Therefore, a
single mode shape was found to represent all structures. This is shown in Figure D.8 and the
equation for the mode shape is given in Equation D.9.
For gravity dams, the scale factor can be assumed to be 2.8, which represents an average across a
range of structure heights with a pool high enough to load the spillway gates, as shown in Table
Table D.3
Scale Factor for Three Dam Heights
Dam Hs Γ�
Foster 88 2.75
Green Peter 328 2.97
Dworshak 503 2.77
With the mode shape and scale factor approximated, the spectral acceleration must be
determined. The damping can be assumed to be 5%. The period can be calculated for the
structure or can be conservatively taken as the period that corresponds to the highest spectral
acceleration for the site.
As the structure becomes wider relative to its height with less of a taper, the scale factor will
reduce. For a structure twice as wide as tall, a scale factor of 1.5 is reasonable. For very stiff
structures, the amplification could be set to 1.0 without going through any calculation. The scale
factor can be calculated for any structure, but will likely require finite element to determine the
mode shape.
At the other end of the spectrum, if an infinitely flexible structure is evaluated, S(T, ζ) becomes
zero, and the amplification factor also becomes zero. This is correct, illustrating that the
equation results in continuously decreasing amplification factors as the period shifts to the right
of the peak spectral acceleration.
For the example problem, the acceleration at the trunnion of a gated spillway on a concrete
gravity dam is needed for the design of the Tainter gates. The top of the dam is at elevation 600,
the base of the dam is at elevation 250, the trunnion is at elevation 562, and the pool being
evaluated is at elevation 590. The upstream/downstream width of the dam at the base is 400 ft.
The modulus of elasticity of the concrete is 4x106 psi, which is similar to the modulus of
elasticity of the rock foundation. If the Tainter gates breach, there is the potential for
downstream life loss. This structure is therefore a critical structure and the site specific MCE is
shown in Figure D.9 calculated for 5% damping.
β = 2.49 + 1.56
�Es (Equation D.12)
D.3. Conclusion.
The pseudo-dynamic method (Chopra and Tan, 1989) can be used to determine reasonable
accelerations at the elevation of spillway gates for use in the initial seismic evaluation of the
gates. Using some simplifying assumptions, a conservative estimate can be made with very little
effort to rapidly determine if the seismic load case will be a governing load for the gates. In the
event that seismic loading is a governing load case, finite element modeling of the dam will be
required to perform the design.
E.1. Introduction. This Appendix provides example project load combinations. It demonstrates
how load combinations are determined, but it does not show how loads are calculated. The
examples are a lock miter gate and a spillway crest Tainter gate. The examples are based on
actual sites. The site names are not identified because some of the data used in the examples
were not verified before the examples were published. This does not affect the procedures used
to develop the load combinations for the examples.
. Each vertically framed gate is 61 ft 5 in. wide and 22 ft 7 in. high. The
gate is depicted in Figure E.2. The top of the sill that supports the gate is elevation 621 ft msl.
The top of the gate is elevation 644 ft msl.
1.4 D
1.2 D + 1.6 G
consist of barge impact loads, BIpr, and companion hydrostatic load, Hsc.
Loads consist of
extreme thermally expanding ice force, IXX. Not used for this gate.
consist of live load (L) of 100 psf, as the principal load, plus dead, gravity, and companion
hydrostatic, Hsc. Live load is additive to D and G, and the lower load factors for those loads is
not needed.
Loads consist of
earthquake, EQ, plus companion hydrostatic loading (Hsc), dead load, and gravity loads.
2.0 Hs or 2.0 Hd
1.0 Hs or 1.0 Hd
. The gates are 35 ft wide. The sill elevation is elevation 1,251 ft msl, the
top of the gate in the closed position is elevation 1,271 ft msl. The gate radius is 20 ft to the
inside face of the skin plate. The trunnion is at elevation 1,262.5 ft msl. The gate is shown in
Figure E.6.
. This is a spillway crest gate and the back side is above water at
all times. There will be no silt load, but an ice load will be applied. Ice load will usually not
exist but may be present during spring time gate operation. Gravity load is estimated from ice
from spray or leakage that may accumulate on the gate. The gravity load is a permanent load
with a load factor (γp) of 1.6 or 0, each to be applied for maximum effect according to paragraph
Table E.1.
Return Period Versus Pool Elevation
Return Period (Years) Pool Elevation (ft msl)
2 1,265.4
5 1,266
10 1,266.1
20 1,266.2
50 1,266.8
100 1,267.8
200 1,268.8
500 1,269.6
1,000 1,270.0
10,000 1,271.0
. Values of the coefficient of friction are 0.5 for side seals (Fs) and 0.3
for trunnion friction (Ft) according to paragraph 10.2.11. A load factor of 1.4 is applied to the
friction forces according to paragraph 4.3.5.
. Wind loads are small compared to the hydrostatic loads and will be
𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠 = μ𝑠𝑠 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 + μ𝑠𝑠 γ𝑤𝑤 d�2 (l1 h�2 + hl2 ) (Equation 10.1)
l1 = Length of the side seal from the headwater to the tail water elevations or bottom of the
seal if there is no tail water
l2 = Length of the side seal from the tail water elevation to the bottom of the seal (equals
zero if there is no tail water on the gate)
𝑆𝑆 = Preset force, force per unit length induced by presetting the seal
δ= Preset distance
ℎ = Vertical distance taken from the headwater surface to the tail water surface or the
bottom of the seal if there is no tail water on the gate
The total force from headwater to tailwater is: 𝐹𝐹1 = ∑ 𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑖 = ℎ𝑆𝑆1 𝑑𝑑 (Equation F.2)
The pressure on the side seals below the tailwater is uniform due to the counteracting effects of
tailwater on headwater. The resulting force on the side seal in this area is found in a similar
The total force on the side seal is the sum of the individual forces above and below the tailwater.
The force acting on the pier is the reaction on the pier at the center of the seal contact length.
This can be determined assuming the seal acts as uniformly loaded, simply supported beam of
length d. The reaction is thus equally divided between the point of seal contact and seal
𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 𝑆𝑆
𝐹𝐹 = (𝐹𝐹1 + 𝐹𝐹2 )/2 = 4
ℎ𝑆𝑆1 𝑑𝑑 + 2
ℎ𝑆𝑆2 𝑑𝑑 = 2
ℎ𝑑𝑑( 21 + 𝑆𝑆2 )
3𝛿𝛿𝛿𝛿𝐼𝐼 𝛾𝛾 𝑆𝑆1
𝜇𝜇𝑠𝑠 � � (𝑆𝑆1 + 𝑆𝑆2 ) + 𝜇𝜇𝑠𝑠 � 𝑤𝑤 ℎ𝑑𝑑( + 𝑆𝑆2 )�
𝑑𝑑 3 2 2
Rearranging and substituting gives:
𝑑𝑑 𝑆𝑆
𝜇𝜇𝑠𝑠 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 + 𝜇𝜇𝑠𝑠 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 ℎ ( 1 + 𝑆𝑆2 )
2 2
a. Wire rope not tangent to the skin plate (wire rope is pulling directly on the lifting
attachment bracket).
b. Wire rope is tangent to the skin plate.
c. Wire rope is more than tangent to the skin plate (wire rope deviates from the arc and
is wrapped around the top edge of the skin plate).
. This case is the result of the gate being fully or nearly fully open. The
tension, T, is either a reaction due to other loads (dead, gravity, friction forces) or is the pull of
the machinery on the gate due to a stuck gate or engaged gate stops. In the former case, force is
determined using simple statics. In the latter case, the force is known and may be resolved into
horizontal and vertical components as shown in Figure F.6.
. Case b is shown in Figure F.7. The wire rope is tangent along the arc in
contact with the Tainter gate skin plate at two locations. The first or lower point is where the
wire rope first contacts the skin plate and is a function of the geometry of the lifting attachment
bracket. The second point will vary depending on the location of the gate relative to the lifting
mechanism and the opening height of the gate. A random location is shown.
Figure F.6. Wire Rope Case a, Wire Rope Not Tangent to the Skin Plate
The component parallel to the central angle bisector is: 𝑆𝑆𝑅𝑅∆𝜃𝜃 cos 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖
Summing increments gives: ∑ 𝑆𝑆 cos 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖 𝑅𝑅∆𝜃𝜃
At the limit, Δθ = dθ and summing forces along the bisector,
𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜃
2𝑅𝑅𝑆𝑆 ∫0 2 cos 𝜃𝜃 𝑑𝑑𝜃𝜃 = 2𝑅𝑅𝑆𝑆 sin 2
𝜃𝜃 𝜃𝜃
The sum of the forces along the bisector = 0: 2𝑅𝑅𝑆𝑆 sin 2 = 2𝑇𝑇 sin 2
Solving for W:
W = T/R (Equation F.4)
. The case where the wire rope wraps over the edge of the gate creates a
reaction at the edge, shown as E in Figure F.9. The reaction is due to the components of the wire
rope tension force. One component lies on a line tangent to the skin plate arc at the top of the arc
and is perpendicular to a line, r, formed from the centerline of the trunnion pin to the top of the
arc. The other component lies on the line at the angle of the bend, shown as B in Figure F.9 and
measured from the tangent line extended. The reaction, E, is oriented along a line that bisects the
angle formed by the two vectors, T. The angle between the two vectors is:
(180°-B)/2= 90° − 2
The angle of the reaction, E, measured from r is: 90° − �90° − 2 � = 2
The two vectors, T, can be resolved along the line of the reaction as (Figure F.10): 𝑇𝑇 sin 2
𝛿𝛿 = 2𝑇𝑇 �sin 2 � (Equation F.6)
Figure F.9. Wire Rope Case c. Wire Rope More Than Tangent to the Skin Plate
. Three solutions for calculating the magnitude and direction of the force
for the hydrostatic load are provided and consist of:
In all cases, it is assumed the water surface is at or below the top of the skin plate assembly (i.e.,
no overtopping or no submergence).
. The length of skinplate subjected to hydrostatic force is measured as
the arc length from the sill elevation to the top of water surface. Angles are referenced from a
horizontal line taken at the elevation of the trunnion centerline. Angles are positive below
horizontal and negative above horizontal. The variable associated with the hydrostatic forces are
show in Figure F.11 and described as follows.
Y is the depth from the water surface to the centerline of trunnion pin
yi is the incremental depth (positive below the trunnion centerline and negative above),
And integrating:
𝑃𝑃 = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 [𝑅𝑅(cos 𝜃𝜃1 − cos 𝜃𝜃2 ) − 𝑌𝑌𝜃𝜃1 + 𝑌𝑌𝜃𝜃2 ] (Equation F.9)
The horizontal and vertical components of the incremental force are obtained by multiplying the
cosine and sine of the incremental angle respectively. See Figure F.12.
Horizontal Component: 𝑃𝑃ℎ = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 ∫𝜃𝜃12 (𝑌𝑌 + 𝑅𝑅 sin 𝜃𝜃 ) cos 𝜃𝜃𝑑𝑑𝜃𝜃
𝑃𝑃ℎ = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 �𝑌𝑌(sin 𝜃𝜃1 − sin 𝜃𝜃2 ) − 2 𝑅𝑅(sin 𝜃𝜃2 2 − sin 𝜃𝜃1 2 )� (Equation F.10)
Vertical Component: 𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣 = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 ∫𝜃𝜃12(𝑌𝑌 + 𝑅𝑅 sin 𝜃𝜃) sin 𝜃𝜃 𝑑𝑑𝜃𝜃
𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣 = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 �𝑌𝑌(cos 𝜃𝜃1 − cos 𝜃𝜃2 ) + 4 𝑅𝑅 (2𝜃𝜃2 − 2𝜃𝜃1 + 𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛2𝜃𝜃1 − 𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛2𝜃𝜃2 )� (Equation F.11)
The angle of the radial force from the horizontal is computed by computing the arctangent of the
horizontal component over the vertical component.
𝜃𝜃𝑝𝑝 = tan−1 � ℎ�𝑃𝑃 �
The location of application of the radial load is determined by summing incremental horizontal
or vertical forces (moments) about the centerline of the trunnion pin and dividing by the
corresponding component force.
Sum horizontal components: 𝑀𝑀ℎ = 𝑅𝑅2 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 ∫𝜃𝜃12(𝑌𝑌 + 𝑅𝑅 sin 𝜃𝜃) cos 𝜃𝜃 sin 𝜃𝜃 𝑑𝑑𝜃𝜃
𝑌𝑌 1
𝑀𝑀ℎ = 𝑅𝑅2 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 �2 �sin 𝜃𝜃2 2 − sin 𝜃𝜃1 2 � + 3 𝑅𝑅 (sin 𝜃𝜃2 3 − sin 𝜃𝜃1 3 )� (Equation F.12)
Sum vertical components: 𝑀𝑀𝑣𝑣 = 𝑅𝑅2 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 ∫𝜃𝜃12 (𝑌𝑌 + 𝑅𝑅 sin 𝜃𝜃) sin 𝜃𝜃 cos 𝜃𝜃 𝑑𝑑𝜃𝜃
𝑀𝑀𝑣𝑣 = −𝑅𝑅2 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 �2 (sin 𝜃𝜃1 2 − sin 𝜃𝜃2 2 ) + 3 (sin 𝜃𝜃1 3 − sin 𝜃𝜃2 3 )� (Equation F.13)
Resultant location, horizontal component: 𝑌𝑌𝑝𝑝 = 𝑃𝑃ℎ
(Equation F.14)
Resultant location, vertical component: 𝑋𝑋𝑝𝑝 = 𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣
(Equation F.15)
H /3
The centroid of the force is located one-third the height, H, above the sill and the moment arm is
the elevation of the trunnion pin less the elevation of the centroid.
𝑌𝑌 = (𝛿𝛿𝐿𝐿𝑡𝑡𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑛𝑛 − 𝛿𝛿𝐿𝐿𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 ) −
The area of a segment is 𝑅𝑅 �2 (𝜃𝜃1 − 𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛 𝜃𝜃1 )
The area of water on the gate above the trunnion elevation is:
1 𝑅𝑅 2
𝐴𝐴 = 𝑀𝑀1 − 𝑀𝑀2 = 2 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑏 − (𝜃𝜃1 − sin 𝜃𝜃1 )
The moment arm of body of water is determined in a similar manner with all arms originating
from the centerline of the trunnion pin. The resultant moment for the vertical water areas above
horizontal is the sum of the individual moments. See Figure F.16.
Centroid of the triangle: 𝐴𝐴1 = 𝑅𝑅 − 3
𝜃𝜃 3
4𝑅𝑅 sin� 1�
Centroid of a segment, general: 𝐿𝐿𝑠𝑠 =
3(𝜃𝜃1 −sin 𝜃𝜃1 )
Centroid of the segment, vertical component: 𝐴𝐴2 = 𝐿𝐿𝑠𝑠 cos
The force due to vertical force above horizontal is: 𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣1 = 𝐴𝐴𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤
The moment due to vertical force above horizontal is: 𝑀𝑀𝑣𝑣1 = 𝑀𝑀𝑑𝑑 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤
1 𝑅𝑅 2
𝐴𝐴 = 𝑀𝑀1 + 𝑀𝑀2 + 𝑀𝑀3 = 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑏 + 2 𝑀𝑀𝑡𝑡 + (𝜃𝜃2 − sin 𝜃𝜃2 )
The Force due to vertical force above horizontal is: 𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣2 = 𝐴𝐴𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤
The moment due to vertical force above horizontal is: 𝑀𝑀𝑣𝑣2 = 𝑀𝑀𝑑𝑑 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤
A trapezoidal distribution is demonstrated here. This leads to slightly unconservative results due
to the net loss of load contained within the segment not included in the column shape. Including
the segment should result in loads identical to that obtained from the previous section. It is
convenient to separate the rectangle and triangle for computing moments as shown here.
Compute the force at each location as: 𝑘𝑘𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖1 = 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 ∆𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 𝑘𝑘𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖2 = 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 (𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖+1 − 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 )
Where; ∆𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 = 𝑅𝑅(cos 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖−1 − cos 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖 ) 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 = ℎ − 𝑅𝑅 sin 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖+1 = ℎ − 𝑅𝑅 sin 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖+1
Compute the moment at each location as: 𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖1 = 𝑘𝑘𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖1 𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖1 𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖2 = 𝑘𝑘𝑣𝑣𝑖𝑖2 𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖2
∆𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 2∆𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖
Where, 𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖1 = 𝑅𝑅 cos 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖 + 2
𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑖2 = 𝑅𝑅 cos 𝜃𝜃𝑖𝑖 + 3
Rcos(θi )
yi +
θi +
θi+ 1
R cos( θi)
D = Dead Load
G = Gravity Load
Hs = Hydrostatic Load
Fs = Side Seal Friction Load
Ft = Trunnion Friction Load
Q = Wire Rope Reaction Loads
Mt = Moment caused by pin friction
θp = Orientation of Trunnion Reaction, Rt
r = Pin Radius
μ = Trunnion Friction Coefficient
𝑄𝑄𝑇𝑇 = (1.2𝐴𝐴 𝑥𝑥 𝑋𝑋𝐷𝐷 + 1.6𝐺𝐺 𝑥𝑥 𝑋𝑋𝛼𝛼 + 1.4𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑥𝑥 𝑋𝑋𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠 )⁄𝑅𝑅 (Equation F.17)
𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡𝑥𝑥 = 𝐻𝐻𝐹𝐹 cos 𝜃𝜃𝐻𝐻 + 𝑄𝑄 cos 𝜃𝜃𝑄𝑄 + 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 sin 𝜃𝜃𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠 − 𝑄𝑄𝑇𝑇 sin 𝜃𝜃𝑇𝑇 (Equation F.18)
𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡𝑦𝑦 = 𝐻𝐻𝐹𝐹 sin 𝜃𝜃𝐻𝐻 + 𝑄𝑄 sin 𝜃𝜃𝑄𝑄 − 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 cos 𝜃𝜃𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠 + 𝐴𝐴 + 𝐺𝐺 − 𝑄𝑄𝑇𝑇 cos 𝜃𝜃𝑇𝑇 (Equation F.19)
𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡 = �𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡𝑥𝑥 2 + 𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡𝑦𝑦 2 𝜃𝜃𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡 = tan−1 �𝑅𝑅𝑡𝑡
F.5. Example Calculations. Example calculations are provided for each of the loads described in
this appendix.
12𝑖𝑖𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑥 𝑡𝑡 3
𝐼𝐼𝑗𝑗 = Substituting t, 𝐼𝐼𝑗𝑗 = 1𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛4 per foot of seal length
Table F.1
Example Tainter Gate Loads
Elevations Angles
Location Variable Value Unit Location Variable Value Unit
Trunnion pin to top
Top of Gate ELT 926 ft θ1 ASIN((ELTP-ELT)/R) 0.412 rad
of gate
Trunnion pin to
WSE, headwater ELWSE 926 ft θ2 ASIN((ELTP-ELB)/R) 0.644 rad
bottom of gate
Tailwater to bottom ASIN((ELTW-
WSE, tailwater ELTW 886 ft θTW 0.000 rad
of gate ELB)/R)
CL Trunnion Pin ELTP 910 ft Trunnion pin to WSE θTP-WSE 0.412 rad
Bottom of Gate ELB 886 ft WSE to tailwater θWSE θ2 + θTP-WSE 1.055 rad
Trunnion pin to wire ASIN((ELTP-
Lifting Bracket ELLB 892 ft θLB 0.467 rad
rope attachment ELLB)/R)
Wire rope attachment
Dimensions θLB-B θ2 - θLB 0.177 rad
to bottom of gate
Radius R 40 ft Loads
Gate Length L 40 ft Unit weight of water ϓw Given 62.5 pcf
𝐸𝐸𝐷𝐷𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇 −906𝑓𝑓𝑡𝑡
𝜗𝜗𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑆1 = sin−1 = 0.100 𝑟𝑟𝑀𝑀𝑑𝑑
Table F.2
Data for Computing Side Seal Friction Forces
Description Variable Value Unit
Hydrostatic head
Depth of headwater H ELWSE-ELB 40 ft
Depth of tailwater HT ELTW-ELB 0 ft
Headwater to tailwater h ELWSE-ELTW 40 ft
Length of Side Seal
Headwater to tailwater 𝑆𝑆1 R x θWSE 42.20 ft
Tailwater to bottom of gate 𝑆𝑆2 R x θTW 0 ft
Total seal length 𝑆𝑆 R x (θ1 + θ2) 42.20 ft
Coefficient of friction μ Given 0.5
Preset distance δ Given 0.25 in
Length of seal exposed to preset d1 Given 4.0 in
Length of seal exposed to head d2 Given 6.0 in
Modulus of elasticity, seal EJ Given 600 psi
Seal thickness t Given 1.0 in
𝜗𝜗𝐹𝐹𝑆𝑆2 = sin−1 = 0.270 𝑟𝑟𝑀𝑀𝑑𝑑
Table F.3
Hydrostatic Loads by Integration Per Foot of Gate Length
Variable Value Unit Function Value Vectors (kip, kip-ft, rad)
R 40 ft Cosθ1 0.917 P 53.852
ϓw 62.5 pcf Cosθ2 0.8 Ph 50.0
Y 16 ft Sinθ1 -0.4 Pv 15.081
θ1 -0.412 Rad ↻ Sinθ2 0.6 θp 0.293
θ2 0.644 Rad ↺ Sinθ12 0.160 Mh 533.333
Yθ1 -6.584 ft Sinθ22 0.360 Mv 533.333
Yθ2 10.296 ft Sinθ13 -0.064 Yp 10.667
Sinθ23 0.216 Xp 35.364
Sin(2θ1) -0.733 θp 0.293
Sin(2θ2) 0.960
𝑃𝑃 = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 [𝑅𝑅(cos 𝜃𝜃1 − cos 𝜃𝜃2 ) − 𝑌𝑌𝜃𝜃1 + 𝑌𝑌𝜃𝜃2 ] = 53.85 (Equation F.9)
1 𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑠𝑠
𝑃𝑃ℎ = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 �𝑌𝑌(sin 𝜃𝜃2 − sin 𝜃𝜃1 ) − 2 𝑅𝑅�sin 𝜃𝜃2 2 − sin 𝜃𝜃1 2 �� = 50.0 (Equation F.10)
1 𝑘𝑘𝑠𝑠𝑘𝑘𝐹𝐹
𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣 = 𝑅𝑅𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 �𝑌𝑌(cos 𝜃𝜃1 − cos 𝜃𝜃2 ) + 𝑅𝑅(2𝜃𝜃2 − 2𝜃𝜃1 + 𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛2𝜃𝜃1 − 𝐹𝐹𝑠𝑠𝑛𝑛2𝜃𝜃2 )� = 15.08
4 𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡
(Equation F.11)
𝜃𝜃𝑝𝑝 = tan−1 𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣 = 0.293 𝑟𝑟𝑀𝑀𝑑𝑑
𝑌𝑌 𝑅𝑅 𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖𝑝𝑝−𝑓𝑓𝑡𝑡
𝑀𝑀𝑣𝑣 = −𝑅𝑅2 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 � (sin 𝜃𝜃1 2 − sin 𝜃𝜃2 2 ) + (sin 𝜃𝜃1 3 − sin 𝜃𝜃2 3 )� = 533.33 (Equation F.13)
2 3 𝑓𝑓𝑡𝑡
Moments of each component are identical, which they should be because the moment of the
hydrostatic head about the trunnion pin is zero (the moments act in opposite directions).
𝑌𝑌𝑝𝑝 = = 10.67 𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡
𝑋𝑋𝑝𝑝 = = 35.36 𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡
1 𝑘𝑘𝑖𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑠𝑠
𝑃𝑃ℎ = 𝐻𝐻2 𝛾𝛾𝑤𝑤 = 50.0 (Equation F.13)
2 𝑓𝑓𝑡𝑡
𝐻𝐻 40
𝑦𝑦 = (𝛿𝛿𝐿𝐿 𝑇𝑇𝑃𝑃 − 𝛿𝛿𝐿𝐿𝐵𝐵 ) − = 24 − = 10.67𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡 (Equation F.14)
3 3
𝑘𝑘𝑠𝑠𝑘𝑘 − 𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡
𝑀𝑀ℎ = 𝑃𝑃ℎ 𝑦𝑦 = 50.0 ∗ 10.67 = 533.33
Table F.5
Vertical Hydrostatic Loads by Iteration Per Foot of Gate Length
Trunnion CL No. Radians
Above 10 -0.0412
Below 14 0.0460
Trapezoidal Distribution
incr. θi, rad. yi, ft Δxi, ft pvi, kips mvi, kip-ft
-0.4115 0 36.6606
1 -0.3704 1.5218 37.2878 -0.0298 -1.1059
2 -0.3292 3.0680 37.8519 -0.0809 -3.0422
3 -0.2881 4.6362 38.3519 -0.1204 -4.5885
" " " " " "
9 -0.0412 14.3544 39.9661 -0.0859 -3.4280
10 0.00 16 40 -0.0321 -1.2844
11 0.0460 17.8379 39.9578 0.0447 1.7860
12 0.0919 19.6720 39.8311 0.1485 5.9225
13 0.1379 21.4983 39.6203 0.2712 10.7730
" " " " " "
23 0.5975 38.5043 33.0690 2.3562 79.0856
24 0.6435 40 32 2.6224 85.3106
Totals 15.06 532.69
Table F.7
Comparison of Vertical Hydrostatic Loads by Iteration
% Difference
Distribution Pv Mv Pv Mv
Rectangular 14.940 531.68 99.1% 99.7%
Trapezoidal 15.06 532.69 99.89% 99.88%
Actual 15.081 533.33 -- --
1 1
𝜃𝜃𝑊𝑊𝑇𝑇 = (𝜃𝜃1 + 𝜃𝜃𝐷𝐷𝐵𝐵 ) − 𝜃𝜃1 = (𝜃𝜃𝐷𝐷𝐵𝐵 − 𝜃𝜃1 ) = 0.028 𝑟𝑟𝑀𝑀𝑑𝑑, where the positive sign indicates the
2 2
centroid is above the trunnion pin centerline.
𝑀𝑀 = 1.2 𝑥𝑥 𝐴𝐴 𝑥𝑥 𝑋𝑋 + 1.6 𝑥𝑥 𝐺𝐺 𝑥𝑥 𝑋𝑋 + 1.4 𝑥𝑥 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑥𝑥 𝑅𝑅 = 1,800 + 960 + 377 = 3,128 𝑘𝑘𝑠𝑠𝑘𝑘 − 𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡 ↺
M, FX, FY, QT, QTx, QTy, Q, Qx , Qy , θRt, RtX, RtY, Rt, Ft, Mt, kip-
Iteration kip-ft kips kips kips kips kips kips kips kips radians kips kips kips kips ft
1 3,138 1,302 291 78.44 70.05 -35.30 68.89 68.87 1.903 -0.2653 1,336 363.0 1,384 415.3 207.67
2 3,138 1,302 291 83.63 74.68 -37.63 73.45 73.42 2.029 -0.2682 1,338 367.7 1,388 416.4 208.18
3 3,138 1,302 291 83.64 74.70 -37.64 73.46 73.43 2.029 -0.2682 1,338 367.7 1,388 416.4 208.18