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STS Course Syllabus

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(Course Code)
(Descriptive Title)
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Department/Area : BSBA
Curriculum : All programs
No. of Hours/Sem. : 54 Hours
Credit Unit(s) : 3
Prerequisite(s) : NONE

Vision : The Vision of Kolehiyo ng Pantukan which is fundamental motivation of the institution is: An institution of holistic higher learning
committed to provide knowledge, attitudes, values and skills essential to personal and professional development of graduates who are
catalysts of progress to provide leadership in improving the quality of human life and to respond effectively to changing society for both local and global communities.

Mission : Kolehiyo ng Pantukan exists to develop highly competent professionals committed to the total development of morally responsible
individuals for life adjustment and uplift the economically deprived but deserving students through industry-oriented, quality
instruction, research- based extension and value-based curricula in response to the needs of times.
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Program Outcomes : Common to all Programs

PO1To produce graduates who will become effective synthesizer of organized knowledge to allow critical and analytical thinking;
PO2To provide avenues for education students to upgrade their classroom learning by encouraging attendance in
symposia, seminars, fora, lecture series to better equip them as future educators;
PO3Demonstrate understanding and mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills required for effective
professional practice in the field of specialization.

Course Description : The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape
and are shaped by them.

This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such realities
pervade the personal, the public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and
technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at
play. This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making
in the face of scientific and technological advancement.

This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental awareness.

Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the students would be able to:

CLO1Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society

CLO2 Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the development of the Filipino nation
CLO3 Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and creative solutions to contemporary issues
guided by ethical standards
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Course Content :
Within the semester the learners Create a video Interactive Lecture- I. Orientation Student Manual
are expected to: presentation Discussion www.ctu.edu.ph

demonstrating 1. KNP’s Vision, Mission,

explain the relevance of the vision, their Video Presentation of KNP and Goals Course Syllabus
mission, and goals of KNP in meeting understanding of milestones
lifelong challenges of the society how to apply the 2. School Policies KNP history and promotional
(CLO’s 2 and 3), (3 hours) KNP's VMGO to Readings from the Student videos
their student Manual and Course 3. Course Outline and
journey. Syllabus Teacher’s slide presentation
articulate ways by which society is Design an e- Video film Watching II. Historical Development Copernican
transformed by science and technology concept map of STS https://tinyurl.com/9x5c8mzk

(CLO !) , (12 hours) highlighting the Group-Individual Oral 1. Historical Background of Darwinian
history and Presentation STS https://tinyurl.com/z6c3mbwj
contributions of a. in the World: Ancient, https://tinyurl.com/4fwtbsdk
each Intellectual Note making from video Middle and Modern Freudian
revolution that materials Ages, and https://tinyurl.com/ezxst6ca
made significant b. in the Philippines Information
impact globally and Discussion Board Chat https://tinyurl.com/u9hvvhf9
present in class 2. Intellectual revolutions that World’s Greatest Inventions
share dynamics defined society https://tinyurl.com/2zx78kmk
Written a. Copernican Philippine Great Inventions
insights/reaction Digital media-based b. Darwinian
from the video assignments c. Freudian European Intellectual
d. Information Movement
-Individual Live Discussion e. Meso-American What Is A Paradigm?
recitation f. Asian https://tinyurl.com/hvr6euz
g. Middle East Mesoamerican
-Quiz h. African https://tinyurl.com/245vd2ps
3. Science and Technology https://tinyurl.com/rd3xhsmy
and Nation Building https://tinyurl.com/z5vye8ab
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Middle East

PRELIM EXAM (1.5 hours)

evaluate the human condition in Presentation of a Content reading III. STS and The Human Videos and reading materials:
pursuit of the good life within the digital collage Condition
context of science and that reflects Interactive Lecture- Film segment: Akiro Kurosawa’s
technology(CLO’s 2 and 3), (9 hour)s student’s view on Discussion 1. Human Flourishing Dreams “Village of the
how technology Watermills”
influences the Viewing video clips for 2. Technology as a Way of https://tinyurl.com/rt9utwa2
attainment of a reflection Revealing The Question Concerning
good life
Technology by Martin Heidegger
Group Activity comparing 3. The Good Life https://tinyurl.com/eha5u4tk
Video ways of doing something https://tinyurl.com/4x5jdchp
presentation (technologically
discussing how The Concept Of The Public Good:
sophisticated vs simple A View From A Filipino
they view “The way) and discuss the
Good Life” Philosopher
consequences. https://tinyurl.com/5dsw2z6f

Unit Quiz Slide presentation

MIDTERM EXAM (1.5 hours)

examine human experiences and Review of local Debate IV. Technology and “Why the Future Does Not Need
government policies involved in and international Humanity Humanity”
the upholding of human rights government Interactive Lecture https://tinyurl.com/4kjpsc9w

amid technological ethical policies (and Discussion 1. When Technology And

The ethical dilemmas of robotics
dilemmas (CLO’s 2 and 3), (9 suggest new ones) Humanity Cross https://tinyurl.com/3zcczdhf
hours) that protect the Reflective essay Word
well being of the 2. Why does the future not Is Google Making Us Stupid? 2008.
person in the face cloud need us? NicholasCarr
of new
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Summary of
concepts using
the word cloud

PRE-FINAL EXAM (1.5 hours)

discuss the ethics and implications of Online quiz Pre-recorded lectures V. Specific Issues in STS Teacher-made or adapted ppt
the different issues in STS and their through google
possible impacts, (CLO’s 1, 2 forms, Video presentations 1. Introduction Adapted video clipping or
and 3)(15 hours) quizziz.com, 2. Biodiversity and The presentations
kahoot, etc. Interactive online Healthy Society
discussion 3. Genetically Modified Learning module or Course
Reaction paper (synchronous) Organisms: Science packs
on the different Health and Society
issues in STS Group dynamics 4. The Nano World Learning activities
through breakout 5. The Aspects of Gene
Making of concept sessions using Therapy
maps on the Zoom/Google Meet 6. Climate Change and the
benefits and Energy Crisis
detriments of 7. Environmental
certain issues Awareness
Oral Other Topics: Alternative
recitation/Online Energy Resources (e.g. O-
quiz proctored by
tech Ocean Thermal
the subject
Energy Conversion)

FINAL EXAM (1.5 hours)

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 Bautista, D. et al. (2018) Science, Technology, and Society, MaxCor Publishing House, Quezon City, Philippines
 Serafica, J. et al. (20180 Science, Technology, and Society, Rex Printing Company, Inc., Quezon City, Philippines
 Starr, C. et al. (2009) Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life 12th ed., Brooks/Cole. USA
 Article: “The politics of Golden Rice” (Dubock, Adrian GM Crops & Food. July – September 2014, Volume 5 Issue 3 page 210-222)
 https://www.mja.com.au/system/files/issues/204_10/10.5694mja15.01128.pdf
 https://www.slidesha re.net/suryasagar16/ nanotechnology- advantages-and- disadvantages
 https://www.as gct.org/education/gene- therapy-basics
 https://www.slides hare.net/anniemirz a14/gene-therapy- 58257727
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU15c9hnftE
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bidWE0qdtlk
 Fiske, Shirley J. et al. Changing the Atmosphere: Anthropology and Climate Change (NCAR)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESW_S8ZHS80

Course Requirements: Term Examinations, Online Quizzes, Online Presentations, Reflection Papers

Evaluation Procedure:
Major Exams 40%

Class Standing 60%

Quizzes 30%
Graded Oral Presentation 20%
Projects/Assignments/Final Reports 10%

TOTAL 100%
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Prepared by: Reviewed/Noted by: Approved by:


Faculty Vice President for Academic Affairs OIC-College President

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