Exercises Chapter 3
Exercises Chapter 3
Exercises Chapter 3
The following times until mechanical failure (no asterisk) or replacement whilst working
in order (asterisk) were observed (measured in days of use): 17, 13, 15*,7*,21, 18*,
5, 18, 6*, 22, 19*, 15, 4, 11, 14*, 18, 10, 10, 8*, 17.
(i) State the values of n,m,k, tj, dj, and nj for these data, assuming the censoring
occurs just after the failures were observed.
(ii) Calculate the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the Whiskmatic survival function
(iii) Using Greenwood’s formula, estimate var[ 𝑆 (16)].
(iv) Calculate the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the cumulative hazard function using
the given data values.
(v) Use the given data values to estimate Var[ Λ 16].
2. A clinical trial is being carried out to test the effectiveness of a new drug. Sixty patients
were involved in the trial, which followed them for 2 years from the start of their
treatment. The following data show the period in complete months from the start of
treatment to the end of observation for those patients who died or withdrew from the
trial before the end of the 2-year period.
Deaths : 8,10,10,16,20
Withdrawals : 2,6,9,16,18,22,22
(i) Calculate the Kaplen-Meier and Nelson Aalen estimates of the survival function
of the processed food for 10 days.
(ii) Compare the graph for each survival function and give your comment.