Abstract, Data, Detail
Abstract, Data, Detail
Abstract, Data, Detail
Page 1
9 2 Nos Supplying and fixcing of Meter 53.00 1 No 106
Boards of Size 0.2 mX0.3 M of TW
( 10"/12") made including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc complete .
10 60 Nos Supplying and fixcing of 16 AMPS 45.00 1 No 2,700
Fuges links of Ceramic made
including cost and conveyance of al
meterials and labour charges etc.
11 72 Nos Supplying and fixcing of 6 AMPS 34.00 1 No 2,448
Swithces (Single) including wiring
cost and conveyance of all meterials
and labour charges etc. complete
12 44 Nos Supplying and fixcing of 6" X 8" TW 22.50 1 No 990
switch board with lamination top
including cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charbges etc.
13 44 Nos Supplying and fixcing of 6" X 4" TW 11.20 1No 493
switch board with lamination top
including cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charbges etc.
14 30 Nos Supplying and fixcing of 6 AMPS 2 in 54.25 1No 1,628
one socket and switch including
wiring and cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour chares
15 36 Nos Supplying and fixcing of PVC battern 32.00 1No 1,152
Holders including wiring and cost and
convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc.complete.
16 69 Nos Supplying and fixing of Bulk Heads 500.00 1No 34,500
along with wiring including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc.complete
Page 2
21 230 Nos Supplying and fixing of 5mm thick 46.00 1No 10,580
Tinted Glass of sixe o.1 m/ 0.45m
including cutting and fixing in grove
and cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charges etc.
22 58 complete.
Nos supplying and fixing of 4" Dia A/C 550.00 1No 31,900
pipe of 3 m length for rain water down
fall pipe including fixing of "T" at top
and shoe at bottomand fixing with G.I
4" clamps with nails and finished the
gaps with cement mortar 1:5
including cost and convyance of all
meterials and labour charges etc.
23 48 Nos complete.
Repars to country wood door and 500.00 1No 24,000
window includign cost of nails country
wood and labour charges complete
for finished item of work.
24 234 RMT Suppplying and fixing of Swg 4"Dia 154.00 1Rmt 36,036
pipe including cost of earth work and
refilling charges etc and jointing with
C:M 1:5 including cost and
convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc.complete.
25 50 Nos Supplying and fixing of 3" Dia PVC 11.00 1No 550
round blocks including screw etc
complete for finished item of work.
26 14 Nos Supplying and fixing of ALL Drops of 167.00 1No 2,338
300 mm long ieron including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc.complete.
27 140 RMT Suppplying and fixing of Swg 6"Dia 260.00 1Rmt 36,400
pipe including cost of earth work and
refilling charges etc and jointing with
C:M 1:5 including cost and
convyance of all materials and labour
charges etc.complete.
Page 3
28 24 Nos Construction of 904.0mm (3feet) Dia
Brick masanary inspection chamber
as per I S- 4011; Part-1; 1996 with
Cement mortar 1:6 Prop. Using
second class clay Bricks of 225mm
thick from approved scorces having a
minimum crushing strength of 5n
/Sqm including plastaring with
cement mortar 1:3 prop. 1/2" thick
both inside and out side fitted with
20" Dia RCC man hole covers and
frames including excavating pits up to
a depth of 904.0mm (3feet) in all
sorts soils (exculding rock) and laying 4,411.00 1No 105,864.00
cement concret 1:4:8 150mm thick
using 40mm HBG metel and PCC
1:2:4 Benching and Channel 100
mmm thick as per standared
specefication and including cost and
convyance of all meterials like
cement sand bricks water,etc, to site
cost of cenarage charges on all
meterals and all incidetal and
operational labour charges like
mixing cement mortar construction
masanary lift charges quring etc.
complete for finished item of work as
29 21 Nos Suppluing and fixing of 12.7 mm N P 262.00 1No 5,502
BIB TAPs including cost of Coupling
etc. complete.
30 2400 Rmt Supplying and fixing of Run of mains 9.05 1Rmt 21,720
with 320 cuppor wire of best quality
including cost and convyance of all
metereals and labour charges
31 4 Nos Supplying and fixing of 15 AMPS 2 in 272.00 1No 1,088
one socket including cost and
conveyance of all metereals and
labour charges etc.complete.
Page 4
Page 5
Improment works to 'A' Type Quarters From Quarter No:1 To 36 (i.e for 18 Blocks) and
Name 'DEE'type Quarters 10Nos in T.G.P Camp colony @ K.R.Dam
Sl.No. Discription of Item Nos. L B D Contents
1 White washing with best shell lime (or) snow
ceam or equelent ceam one after racking of old
white washing including cost and vonveyance of
Brushes gangee powder Or Gum watering the wall
before white washing etc.complete as directed by
the department
Page 6
Total 59.21
Or Say 60.00 Cum
Page 7
9 Supplying and fixcing of Meter Boards of Size 0.2
mX0.3 M of TW ( 10"/12") made including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and labour charges etc
complete .
Quantity as per statement enclosed 1X2 2.00
10 Supplying and fixcing of 16 AMPS Fuges links of
Ceramic made including cost and conveyance of al
meterials and labour charges etc. complete
Quantity as per statement enclosed 48+12 60.00
11 Supplying and fixcing of 6 AMPS Swithces (Single)
including wiring cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charges etc. complete
Quantity as per statement enclosed 27+45 72.00
12 Supplying and fixcing of 6" X 8" TW switch board
with lamination top including cost and conveyance
of all meterials and labour charbges etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 27+17 44.00
13 Supplying and fixcing of 6" X 4" TW switch board
with lamination top including cost and conveyance
of all meterials and labour charbges etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 38+6 44.00
14 Supplying and fixcing of 6 AMPS 2 in one socket
and switch including wiring and cost and
conveyance of all meterials and labour chares
Quantity as per statement enclosed 19+11 30.00
15 Supplying and fixcing of PVC battern Holders
including wiring and cost and convyance of all
meterials and labour charges etc.complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 22+14 36.00
16 Supplying and fixing of Bulk Heads along with wiring
including cost and conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc.complete
Quantity as per statement enclosed 55+14 69.00
17 Supplying and fixing of 40 W - 4' Feet long Tube
light Set along with copar ballase and starter of
standard company including wring and cost and
convyeance of all meterials and labour charges etc.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 16+9 25.00
18 Repars to Celing fans of 48" Dia including
replaceing of Coil, capasitor etc,complete and
painting with best enamil paint in two coats including
cost and convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 18+12 30.00
19 Supplying and fixing of Ceiling rose including wiring
and cost and convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 31+12 43.00
20 Supplying and fixing of 3/4 " PVC condect pipe of
gage 2 mm including cost of clamps,screws and all
other all meterials and etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 1X180+150 330Rmt
21 Supplying and fixing of 5mm thick Tinted Glass of
sixe o.1 m/ 0.45m including cutting and fixing in
grove and cost and conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 177+53 230.00
Page 8
22 supplying and fixing of 4" Dia A/C pipe of 3 m length
for rain water down fall pipe including fixing of "T" at
top and shoe at bottomand fixing with G.I 4" clamps
with nails and finished the gaps with cement mortar
1:5 including cost and convyance of all meterials
and labour charges etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 41+17 58.00
23 Repars to country wood door and window includign
cost of nails country wood and labour charges
complete for finished item of work.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 26+22 48.00
24 Suppplying and fixing of Swg 4"Dia pipe including
cost of earth work and refilling charges etc and
jointing with C:M 1:5 including cost and convyance
of all meterials and labour charges etc.complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 134+100Rmt 234 Rmt
25 Supplying and fixing of 3" Dia PVC round blocks
including screw etc complete for finished item of
Quantity as per statement enclosed 30+20 50.00
26 Supplying and fixing of ALL Drops of 300 mm long
ieron including cost and conveyance of all meterials
and labour charges etc.complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 6+8 14.00
27 Suppplying and fixing of Swg 6"Dia pipe including
cost of earth work and refilling charges etc and
jointing with C:M 1:5 including cost and convyance
of all materials and labour charges etc.complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 80+60Rmt 140 rmt
28 Construction of 904.0mm (3feet) Dia Brick
masanary inspection chamber as per I S- 4011;
Part-1; 1996 with Cement mortar 1:6 Prop. Using
second class clay Bricks of 225mm thick from
approved scorces having a minimum crushing
strength of 5n /Sqm including plastaring with
cement mortar 1:3 prop. 1/2" thick both inside and
out side fitted with 20" Dia RCC man hole covers
and frames including excavating pits up to a depth
of 904.0mm (3feet) in all sorts soils (exculding rock) 18+6 24.00
and laying cement concret 1:4:8 150mm thick using
40mm HBG metel and PCC 1:2:4 Benching and
Channel 100 mmm thick as per standared
specefication and including cost and convyance of
all meterials like cement sand bricks water,etc, to
site cost of cenarage charges on all meterals and
all incidetal and operational labour charges like
mixing cement mortar construction masanary lift
charges quring etc. complete for finished item of
29 Suppluing and fixing of 12.7 mm N P BIB TAPs
including cost of Coupling etc. complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 13+8 21.00
30 Supplying and fixing of Run of mains with 320
cuppor wire of best quality including cost and
convyance of all metereals and labour charges
For 36 Nos of A" Type Quarters 1X36X2X26 1,872.00
For 10 Nos of DEE " Type Quarters 1X10X2X26 520.00
TOTAL Err:522
OR Say 2400 Rmt
Page 9
31 Supplying and fixing of 15 AMPS 2 in one socket
including cost and conveyance of all metereals and
labour charges etc.complete.
Quantity as per statement enclosed 1X4 4.00
32 Labour Charges for removing of vegitabule debress
all around the quarters including removing and
depositing them with a lead of 1 Km. conveayance
For A" Type Quarters 1X36 36.00
For DEE" Type Quarters 1X10 10.00
TOTAL 46.00
Page 10
36.16 Sqm
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
Name of Work :
Improment works to 'A' Type Quarters From Quarter No:1 To 36 (i.e for 18
Blocks) and 'DEE'type Quarters 10Nos in T.G.P Camp colony @ K.R.Dam
0.70 lts Cost of synthatic enamil paint 155.00 1.00 LTS 108.50
Itm No 312/ Page 19
0.70 Nos Cost of painter 180.00 1.00 No 126.00
LS towards breshes white lead linced Ls Ls 6.50
oil etc.
TOTAL 241.00
For 1 Sqm - 241/10=24.1 1 Sqm
3 Brick masanary in CM 1:5 using with
country bricks including cost and
conveyance of all metereials and
labour charges etc complete.
600.00 Nos Cost of Country Bricks 2,600.20 1,000 Nos 1,560.12
0.32 Cum Cost of Sand 439.30 1.00 Cum 140.58
92.16 Kgs Cost of Cement 4,300.00 1.00 Mt 396.29
0.42 Nos Brick layer Ist Class 180.00 1.00 No 75.60
0.98 Nos Brick layer IIst Class 160.00 1.00 No 156.80
0.70 Nos man Mozdoor 130.00 1.00 No 91.00
2.10 Nos Women Mazdoor 130.00 1.00 No 273.00
0.32 Cum Cost of Mixing Charges of mortar
Itm No 184/ Page 16 22.50 1.00 Cum 7.20
TOTAL Cost 2,700.59
OR Say 2,701.00
Page 16
4 Plastaring with CM 1:4,12mm thick to 15.00 1.00 RM 15.00
the exposed faces of brick masonary
including cost and conveyance of all
materials and labour charges
0.15 Cum Cost of Sand 439.30 1.00 Cum 65.9
54.00 Kgs Cost of Cement 4,300.00 1.00 Mt 232.2
0.33 Nos Brick Layear Ist Class 180.00 1.00 No 59.4
0.77 Nos Brick Layear IIst Class 160.00 1.00 No 123.2
0.50 Nos man Mozdoor 130.00 1.00 No 65
1.10 Nos Women Mazdoor 130.00 1.00 No 143
0.15 Cum Cost of Mixing Charges of mortar 22.50 1.00 Cum 3.37
Total 692.07
For 1 Sqm 692.07/10 Sqm=69.21 Or Say 69
5 celing plastaring with CM 1:2,20 mm
thick including scaffolding charges
etc including cost and coveyance of
all materials and labour charges etc.
complete for finished item of work.
0.21 Cum Cost of Sand 439.30 1.00 Cum 92.25
144.00 Kgs Cost of Cement 4,300.00 1.00 Mt 619.2
0.66 Nos Brick Layear Ist Class 180.00 1.00 No 118.8
1.54 Nos Brick Layear IIst Class 160.00 1.00 No 246.4
0.50 Nos man Mozdoor 130.00 1.00 No 65
3.20 Nos Women Mazdoor 130.00 1.00 No 416
0.21 Cum Cost of Mixing Charges of mortar 22.50 1.00 No 4.72
0.21 Cum Scaffolding Charges wide item no 36.00 1.00 No 7.56
974/ pageNO 60 1569.93
For 1 Sqm 1569.96/10=156.993 /1 SQm 157
6 Supplying and fixing of 7/18 143.00 157.3
Alluminimum service wire
(double)along with plastic cleats at
0.3m C/C and ceramic egg insulators
3 nos and supporting G.I wire
including cost and converyance of all
materials and labour charges etc
10Rm+10 Rm Cost of wire 7/18 wide item 111.00 10.00 RM 222
no:221/page no 103
34.00 Nos plastic cleats @0.30Mc/cfor 10 M 3.00 1.00 No 102
length wide item no 755/ p:no126
6.00 Nos Ceramic Egg isulators local reate 3.00 1.00 No 18
1.00 Kgs G.I Wire wide item No: 757/P:126 40.00 1.00 40
1.00 Role Labour Charges for fixing of service 10.00 1.00 Rm 10
wire including providing leads G.I
wire and fixed to pole to house
connections,local rate
Total Cost 392
Fro 1 Rm 392/10=39.20/1Rm
7 1.00 sqm Supplying and fixcing of Main Switch 25.00 1.00 Sqm
board of TW of size 12" x 10" (0.3M
X0.2 m) including cost and
conveyance of all materials and
labour charges etc complete.
1.00 Nos 12"X10" T.W Board Item No 28.10 1.00 No 28.1
Page 17
1.00 Nos Labour Charges for fixing of board 25.00 1.00 No 25
with nails including conveyance of
board etc.complete.
Total Cost 53.10
Supplying and fixing of main Switchs
of CI/MS of 32 AMPS including cost
and conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc complete for
finished item of work
1.00 Nos Cost of 32 AMPS GI/Ms Main switchs 1192.5 1.00 No 1192.5
wide item No:103 Page No:98
1.00 Nos Fixing Charges of 32 AMPS main 100 1.00 No 100
switch with Screw including wireing
and cost of wire labour charges
Total Cost 1,292.50
Or Say 1,293.00
Supplying and fixcing of Meter
Boards of Size 0.2 mX0.3 M of TW
( 10"/12") made including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc complete .
Cost of Mater Board of 12"X10" Local
1.00 No rate 28.10 1.00 No 28.10
Labour Charges for fixing of Meter
board of repalceing of Damaged old
one and fixing the meter on new
board with scrows and wiring the
1.00 No same etc. complete. 25.00 1.00 No 25.00
Total Cost 53.10
Or Say 53 1 No
10 Supplying and fixcing of 16 AMPS
Fuges links of Ceramic made
including cost and conveyance of al
meterials and labour charges etc.
Cost of 16 Ams fuge links item
1.00 No no:114/Page No101 25.00 1.00 No 25.00
Labour charges for removing of old
one and fixing with new one with
scrows and wire connecations
1.00 No etc.complete. 20.00 1.00 No 20.00
Total Cost 45.00
11 Supplying and fixcing of 6 AMPS
Swithces (Single) including wiring
cost and conveyance of all meterials
and labour charges etc. complete
Cost of 16 Ams switch(single) wide
1.00 No item no 24/ Page No:95 19.10 1.00 No 19.10
Labour charges for removing of old
one and fixing with new one with
scrows and giveing wire
1.00 No connecations etc.complete. 15.00 1.00 No 15.00
Total Cost 34.10
Or Say 34.00
Page 18
Supplying and fixcing of 6" X 8" TW
switch board with lamination top
including cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charbges etc.
Cost of 6"X8" TW Board wide item
1.00 No No:711/Page No:125 12.50 1.00 No 12.50
Labour charges for fixing of board
after removing of old one including
1.00 No cost of scrows etc complete. 10.00 1.00 No 10.00
Total Cost 22.50
Or Say 23.00
13 Supplying and fixcing of 6" X 4" TW
switch board with lamination top
including cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charbges etc.
Cost of 6"X4" TW Switch board wide
1.00 No item no 710 Page no:125 6.20 1.00 No 6.20
Labour charges for fixing of board
after removing of old one including
1.00 No cost of scrows etc complete. 5.00 1.00 No 5.00
Total Cost 11.20
Or Say 11.00
14 Supplying and fixcing of 6 AMPS 2 in
one socket and switch including
wiring and cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour chares
1.00 No Rate as per SSR itme No: 27 P:95 29.25 1.00 No 29.25
Labour charges for fixing of board
after removing of old one including
1.00 No cost of scrows etc complete. 25.00 1.00 No 25.00
Total Cost 54.25
Or Say 54.00
15 Supplying and fixcing of PVC battern
Holders including wiring and cost and
convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc.complete.
1.00 No Rate as per SSR itme No: 48 P:95 17.00 1.00 No 17.00
Labour charges for fixing of board
after removing of old one including
1.00 No cost of scrows etc complete. 15.00 1.00 No 15.00
Total Cost 32.00
16 Supplying and fixing of Bulk Heads
along with wiring including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc.complete
1.00 No Rate as per SSR itme No: 318 P:108 360.00 1.00 No 360.00
Labour charges for fixing of bulk
heads including wireing,conveyance
scrows etc complete.
1.00 No 140.00 1.00 No 140.00
Total Cost 500.00
Page 19
17 Supplying and fixing of 40 W - 4'
Feet long Tube light Set along with
copar ballase and starter of standard
company including wring and cost
and convyeance of all meterials and
labour charges etc. complete.
1.00 No Rate
per SSRfor
itme No:of322
fixing P:108
Tube 320.00 1.00 No 320.00
light with scrows and wireing
connection including cost of wire
1.00 etc.complete. 200.00 1.00 No 200.00
Total Cost 520.00
18 Repars to Celing fans of 48" Dia
including replaceing of Coil, capasitor
etc,complete and painting with best
enamil paint in two coats including
cost and convyance of all meterials
and labour charges etc. complete.
1.00 No Rate as per locaal Qotation 500.00 1.00 No 500.00
Total Cost 500.00
19 Supplying and fixing of Ceiling rose
including wiring and cost and
convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc. complete.
1.00 No Rate as per SSR itme No: 68 P:96 22.00 1.00 No 22.00
Labour charges for fixing of Celing
1.00 rose and wing 15.00 1.00 No 15.00
Total Cost 37.00
Supplying and fixing of 3/4 " PVC
condect pipe of gage 2 mm including
cost of clamps,screws and all other
all meterials and etc. complete.
1.00 Rm Rate as per SSR itme No: 8 P:94 19.75 1.00 Rm 19.75
Labour Charges for fixing of pipe with
2 nos of clamps scrows, etc
1.00 Rm complete. 15.25 1.00 Rm 15.25
Total Cost 35.00
21 Supplying and fixing of 5mm thick
Tinted Glass of sixe o.1 m/ 0.45m
including cutting and fixing in grove
and cost and conveyance of all
meterials and labour charges etc.
Cost of 5mm thick tinted Glass wide
1/0.045 Sqm ssr item no:283 Page no:18 570.00 1.00 Sqm 25.65
Labour charges for Cutting
conveyance and fitting to wentelated
1.00 No etc complete as per local quotations 20.35 1.00 No 20.35
Total Cost 46.00
22 supplying and fixing of 4" Dia A/C
pipe of 3 m length for rain water
down fall pipe including fixing of "T"
at top and shoe at bottomand fixing
with G.I 4" clamps with nails and
finished the gaps with cement mortar
1:5 including cost and convyance of
all meterials and labour charges etc.
Page 20
Cost of 4" Dia A/C Pipe as per local
1/3 Rm Quotation 150.00 1.00 No 150.00
Cost of 4" Dia A/C "T" as per local
1.00 NO Quotation 75.00 1.00 No 75.00
Cost of 4" Dia A/C "T" shoe as per
1.00 NO local Quotation 75.00 1.00 No 75.00
Cost of 4" Dia width clamps as per
4.00 Nos local Quotation 25.00 1.00 No 100.00
labour charges for fixing of A/C pipe
and specials and clamping with nails
and finished the gaps with CM 1:5
1.00 No mortor etc.complete,. 150.00 1.00 No 150.00
Total Cost 550.00
23 Repars to country wood door and
window includign cost of nails country
wood and labour charges complete
for finished item of work.
1.00 No Rate as per locaal Qotation 500.00 1.00 No 500
Total Cost 500.00
24 Suppplying and fixing of Swg 4"Dia
pipe including cost of earth work and
refilling charges etc and jointing with
C:M 1:5 including cost and
convyance of all meterials and labour
charges etc.complete.
1.00 Rm Rate as per SSR itme No:2 Page: 65 149.00 1.00 Rm 149
Conveyance Charges from Nellore
1.00 To Dam Site. 5.00 1.00 RM 5.00
Total Cost 154.00
25 Supplying and fixing of 3" Dia PVC
round blocks including screw etc
complete for finished item of work.
Cost of 3"Dia PVC round blocks item
1.00 No no:771 Page No:126 6.00 1.00 No 6.00
labour charges for fixing of round
blocks including cost of nails
1.00 No transportatin etc.complete. 5.00 1.00 No 5.00
Total Cost 11.00
26 Supplying and fixing of ALL Drops of
300 mm long ieron including cost and
conveyance of all meterials and
labour charges etc.complete.
Cost of ieron 300 mm dia long ALL
1.00 No Drops wide itme no: 162 P:13 92.00 1.00 No 92.00
labour charges for fixing of all drops
1.00 No including bolts and nuts 75.00 1.00 no 75.00
Total Cost 167.00
27 Suppplying and fixing of Swg 6"Dia
pipe including cost of earth work and
refilling charges etc and jointing with
C:M 1:5 including cost and
convyance of all materials and labour
charges etc.complete.
Cost of 6"Dia Swg pipes wide item
1.00 Rm no "3 Page No:65 254.00 1.00 RM 254.00
Conveyance Charges from Nellore
1.00 Rm To Dam Site. 6.00 1.00 Rm 6.00
Page 21
Total Cost 260.00
28 Construction of 904.0mm (3feet) Dia
Brick masanary inspection chamber
as per I S- 4011; Part-1; 1996 with
Cement mortar 1:6 Prop. Using
second class clay Bricks of 225mm
thick from approved scorces having a
minimum crushing strength of 5n
/Sqm including plastaring with
cement mortar 1:3 prop. 1/2" thick
both inside and out side fitted with
20" Dia RCC man hole covers and
frames including excavating pits up
to a depth of 904.0mm (3feet) in all
sorts soils (exculding rock) and laying
cement concret 1:4:8 150mm thick
using 40mm HBG metel and PCC
1:2:4 Benching and Channel 100
mmm thick as per standared
specefication and including cost and
convyance of all meterials like
cement sand bricks water,etc, to site
cost of cenarage charges on all
meterals and all incidetal and
operational labour charges like
mixing cement mortar construction
masanary lift charges quring etc.
complete for finished item of work as
per standared specificatiion.
1.00 No Rate as per SSR Item No:58 P:67 4,411.00 1.00 No 4411
Total Cost 4,411.00
29 Suppluing and fixing of 12.7 mm N P
BIB TAPs including cost of Coupling
etc. complete.
1.00 No Rate as per SSR Item No:157 P:72 162.00 1.00 No 162.00
Labour charges for fixing of Tap with
cupplying white lead thread
1.00 No etc.complete as per local reate. 100.00 1.00 No 100.00
Total Cost 262.00
30 Supplying and fixing of Run of mains
with 320 cuppor wire of best quality
including cost and convyance of all
metereals and labour charges
Cost of 3/20 Cuppor wire wide item
1.00 Rm no 220 p:103 5.05 1.00 Rm 5.05
labour charges for fixing the main
wire along with G.I wire in PVC
1.00 Rm conduct pipe which was already fixed 4.00 1.00 Rm 4.00
Total Cost 9.05
31 Supplying and fixing of 15 AMPS 2 in
one socket including cost and
conveyance of all metereals and
labour charges etc.complete.
1.00 No Rate as per SSR item No:66/P:96 147.00 1.00 No 147.00
Page 22
Fixing Charges with Screwes
including wireing and cost of wire
1.00 No labour charges etc.complete 125.00 1.00 No 125.00
Total Cost 272.00
32 Labour Charges for removing of
vegitabule debress all around the
quarters including removing and
depositing them with a lead of 1 Km.
conveayance charges
1.00 Quartras per local rate obtain 2,000.00 1.00 Quarter 2000.00
Total Cost 2,000.00
Page 23
Page 24
Page 25
Page 26
Page 27
Page 28
Page 29
Page 30
Page 31
Name of Work : Improment works to 'A' Type Quarters From Quarter No:1 To 36 (i.e for 18 Blocks) and 'DEE'type Quarters 10Nos in T.G.P
Camp colony @ K.R.Dam
LEAD Conveyan Deduct senari Add Total Remarks
Sl. Source of
Description of Item Unit Initial Cost ce Stocking age Blasteri Net Rate
No. Materials Charges charge
Charges ng
CT MR Total
Vide Item
1 Cement At Site 1 MT - - - 4,300.00 - - - - 4300/MT
of Common
2 Bricks 1000 Nos - 60.00 60.00 2,000.00 607.00 (-) 6.80 - - 2600.2/MT /1000 P8/ I
4 Sand Sangam 1 Cum 3.00 50.00 54.00 89.00 318.90 (-) 4.60 36 - 439.30/Cum P15/179
Item No.
5 Shell Lime Nellore 1 Cum - 55.00 50.00 671.00 346.80 (-) 4.50 - 1013.00/Cum
CERTIFIED THAT : 1. The leads provided in the lead statement are correct to my knowledge.
2. The seinarage Charges are payable at Quarries
3. There are sufficient material are available in the Quarries
4. Blasting Charges are requested for Blastering the materials