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Catch-Up Friday English 8

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Catch-up Subject: ENGLISH Grade Level: 8

Quarterly Theme: National Reading Program Date: February 16, 2024

Sub-theme: Duration: 60 mins (time allotment

as per DO 21, s. 2019)

Session Title: Activate learners’ interest and Subject and ENGLISH 10:50 –11:50
motivate students to read and Time: AM & 2:00-3:00 PM
retell the story in their own words. (schedule as per existing
Class Program)

Session At the end of the session, the students will be able to:
 understand the message of the reading material;
 reflect the message of the reading material to the social issue of the
 retell the story in their own words.
References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Quarter 3 – Module 4: Determine Various Social Issues in a Text (First Edition,

Materials: PowerPoint Presentation

Reading Passage

Components Duration Activities

A. Pre-Reading Activities

Singing a song related to the story. Students will sing

“Laging Handa” song

Ask: What are the calamities usually experienced in

the Philippines?
- Teacher will show pictures about typhoon.
15 mins

Concept 25 mins B. During Reading

- Teacher will present the story “After the Flood”.
Pupils will take turn in reading aloud. Let the
pupils predict what will happen next and ask
questions while reading the story.

C. Post reading Activity

Answer the following questions:

Exploration 1. How did Vicky’s understanding of a flood change?

2. Why did Vicky’s parents put a note on the refrigerator
telling her not to open it?
3. What other items besides clothes might Vicky and her
family be able to donate to victims of the flood?
4. What would you do for an entire day without power?
Activity: Group Reading
Directions: Each group will read aloud the reading passage.

Activity: Retell a Story

Directions: Every group will retell the story in their own
Valuing/Wrap-up 10 mins words. Then, using bond paper, pupils will illustrate part of
the story that they like.

Individual Activity
Directions: Answer the following questions:
Reflective/ 1. How did Vicky’s understanding of a flood change?
10 mins
Journal Writing 2. Why did Vicky’s parents put a note on the refrigerator
telling her not to open it?
3. What other items besides clothes might Vicky and her
family be able to donate to victims of the flood?
4. What would you do for an entire day without power?

Prepared By: Approved:


Teacher I School Principal IV

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