WSC2024 TD59 en
WSC2024 TD59 en
WSC2024 TD59 en
Industrial Design
WorldSkills International, by a resolution of the Competitions Committee and in accordance with the
Constitution, the Standing Orders, and the Competition Rules, has adopted the following minimum
requirements for this skill for the WorldSkills Competition.
The Technical Description consists of the following:
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2 The WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS) ...................................................................... 5
3 The Assessment Strategy and Specification ............................................................................. 12
4 The Marking Scheme .................................................................................................................... 13
5 The Test Project ............................................................................................................................ 16
6 Skill management and communication ...................................................................................... 20
7 Skill-specific safety requirements .............................................................................................. 22
8 Materials and equipment ............................................................................................................. 23
9 Skill-specific rules ........................................................................................................................ 25
10 Visitor and media engagement.................................................................................................... 27
11 Sustainability ................................................................................................................................ 28
12 References for industry consultation ......................................................................................... 29
13 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 30
7 Implementation 10
◦ Production efficiency
◦ Distribution
◦ Use
◦ Maintenance
Total 100
4.4 Aspects
Each Aspect defines, in detail, a single item to be assessed and marked, together with the marks,
and detailed descriptors or instructions as a guide to marking. Each Aspect is assessed either by
Measurement or by Judgement.
The marking form lists, in detail, every Aspect to be marked together with the mark allocated to it.
The sum of the marks allocated to each Aspect must fall within the range of marks specified for that
section of the Standards. This will be displayed in the Mark Allocation Table of the CIS, in the
following format, when the Marking Scheme is reviewed from C-8 weeks. (Section 4.1 refers.)
• benchmarks (criteria) for detailed guidance for each Aspect (in words, images, artefacts, or
separate guidance notes). This is documented in the Standards and Assessment Guide.
• the 0-3 scale to indicate:
◦ 0: performance below industry standard
◦ 1: performance meets industry standard
◦ 2: performance meets and, in specific respects, exceeds industry standard
◦ 3: performance wholly exceeds industry standard and is judged as excellent
Three Experts will judge each Aspect, normally simultaneously, and record their scores. A fourth
Expert coordinates and supervises the scoring, and checks their validity. They also act as a judge
when required to prevent compatriot marking.
• Sketch an exploded diagram and define the materials and manufacturing of components
C8: Save all files in the correct format and path specified in the task
Module 4: Prototyping
D1: Polish 3D printing components
D2: Paint the components with the selected color scheme
D3: Assemble all components into finished prototype
Module 5: Design Proposal
E1: Edit 3D animation video with background music to make a final demo
E2: Collect each module material to make the final design proposal
Time Action
Ten (10) months prior to the The ITPD is identified and a Confidentiality Agreement
Competition between WSI and the ITPD is organized.
One (1) month prior to the The Test Project documents are sent to the WorldSkills
Competition International Skills Competitions Administration Manager.
At the Competition every The full Test Project/modules are presented to the
morning of each Competition Competitors and Experts.
• Competition Rules
• Technical Descriptions
• Mark Summary Form (where applicable)
• Test Projects (where applicable)
• Infrastructure List
• WorldSkills Health, Safety, and Environment Policy and Regulations
• Other Competition-related information
Use of technology • From C1-C4 Competitors are allowed to use the local software,
– local software according to the Infrastructure List, to translate the signs/labels on the
for translation sketches and any text in the presentation according to the instructions
in the Test Project.
Use of technology • Competitors are allowed to leave the 3D printing in the prototyping
– 3D printing process during the lunchtime however they will take full responsibility
process and have to deal with any after effects. If the process goes wrong, the
Workshop Manager is allowed to stop the 3D printer, but the
Competitor’s time is not extended.
Competitor workstations √
Furthermore, Competitors are required to supply their own Personal Protective Equipment as
specified in section 7 skill-specific safety requirements.
Use of technology – • From C-4 to C1 Chief Expert, Experts and Interpreters are
personal laptops, tablets, allowed to use personal laptops, tablets, and mobile phones
and mobile phones in the Expert room only. Exceptions are possible with the
Skill Competition Manager approval.
• The Skill Competition Manager is allowed to use his laptop,
tablet and mobile phone at all times.
• Competitors are not allowed to bring personal laptops,
mobile phones, and tablets into the workshop. If these items
are brought into the workshop, then they must be locked in
the personal locker and only removed at the end of the day.
• Wireless headphones and smartwatches are not allowed for
the Competitors. If these items are brought into the
workshop, then they must be locked in the personal locker
and only removed at the end of the day.
Use of technology – • The use of personal photo and video taking devices is
personal photo and video forbidden in the workshop until the last break of each
taking devices Competition day.
• Offer to try oneself in the profession: a site where visitors and representatives of the press can try
themselves in computer modelling;
• The displays showing the process of work and the information about the competitors which
advertise the career prospects;
• Test project text description: public display of Test Projects;
• Demonstration of completed modules: The result of each module can be published after the
assessment is finished.
• Recycling;
• Use of environmentally friendly materials;
• Use of completed projects in practice;
• Minimization of printing;
• Use of pdf-files and electronic documents in the maximum number of cases;
• Reduce the number of programs that need to be installed on computers of Competitors.
• ISCO-08: (
• ESCO: ( )
• O*NET OnLine (
12.2 References
This WSOS is a junior version of the role of industrial designer:
and industrial and commercial designers:
These links can be used to explore adjacent occupations.
ILO 2163.
The following table indicates which organizations were approached and provided valuable
feedback for the Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards in
place for WorldSkills Lyon 2024.
There were no responses to the requests for feedback this cycle.