Industry 4.0
WorldSkills International, by a resolution of the Competitions Committee and in accordance with the
Constitution, the Standing Orders, and the Competition Rules, has adopted the following minimum
requirements for this skill for the WorldSkills Competition.
The Technical Description consists of the following:
1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2 The WorldSkills Occupational Standards (WSOS) ...................................................................... 5
3 The Assessment Strategy and Specification ............................................................................. 13
4 The Marking Scheme .................................................................................................................... 14
5 The Test Project ............................................................................................................................ 18
6 Skill management and communication ...................................................................................... 22
7 Skill-specific safety requirements .............................................................................................. 24
8 Materials and equipment ............................................................................................................. 25
9 Skill-specific rules ........................................................................................................................ 28
10 Visitor and media engagement.................................................................................................... 30
11 Sustainability ................................................................................................................................ 31
12 References for industry consultation ......................................................................................... 32
13 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 33
For the Digital Production Systems Technician, implementing Industry 4.0 requires contextual
awareness, including the business case as it affects their responsibilities. In the short term at least,
the Technician may lack sufficient knowledge, skills and attributes to be able to grasp an
assignment as a whole, since their initial and continuing training may have been in production
technologies, or ICT. They may also not have gained the wider perspectives and understanding
that are less crucial in more static environments. Therefore initially, and perhaps permanently in
larger organizations, the required expertise and perspectives may need to come together in two or
more personnel.
The role of the Digital Production Systems Technician is to understand the business case for
enhancement, and to design and implement technical responses accordingly. Assembled and
commissioned hardware in virtual and real context using various digital tools and technology
provide the basis for programming, and the design and implementation of cyber security measures
on real and virtual production processes. Responding to the business need, smart maintenance
may be a universal enhancement. Optimization may be more business specific and take several
paths, especially in relation to the role of hardware, connectivity, the location of data points, and the
purposes and types of information and intelligence.
A flexible and open approach, combined with strong technical expertise, alertness to risk and
security needs, and a recognition of the endless possibilities for optimization, are the hallmark of
the outstanding and successful Digital Production Systems Technician.
1.1.3 Number of Competitors per team
This skill competition is a team skill with two Competitors per team.
Total 100
4.4 Aspects
Each Aspect defines, in detail, a single item to be assessed and marked, together with the marks,
and detailed descriptors or instructions as a guide to marking. Each Aspect is assessed either by
Measurement or by Judgement.
The marking form lists, in detail, every Aspect to be marked together with the mark allocated to it.
The sum of the marks allocated to each Aspect must fall within the range of marks specified for that
section of the Standards. This will be displayed in the Mark Allocation Table of the CIS, in the
following format, when the Marking Scheme is reviewed from C-8 weeks. (Section 4.1 refers.)
• benchmarks (criteria) for detailed guidance for each Aspect (in words, images, artefacts, or
separate guidance notes). This is documented in the Standards and Assessment Guide.
• the 0-3 scale to indicate:
◦ 0: performance below industry standard
◦ 1: performance meets industry standard
◦ 2: performance meets and, in specific respects, exceeds industry standard
◦ 3: performance wholly exceeds industry standard and is judged as excellent
Three Experts will judge each Aspect, normally simultaneously, and record their scores. A fourth
Expert coordinates and supervises the scoring, and checks their validity. They also act as a judge
when required to prevent compatriot marking.
• Mechanical assembly of all components (assembly must ensure correct functioning of the
• Ethernet communication between the communication components is established
• Output variables of the PLC application may be forced, some of them controlled via HMI
• Implementation of secured communication between MES 4 software and the HW application:
◦ Creation of a VLAN
◦ Data encryption
◦ Redundant network
• Application Start-up procedure
• Smart/Preventive Maintenance
• Integration of an Energy monitoring system
• Work with MES software
• Analysis, evaluation, optimization, reporting
• Competitors will get a USB stick from the Chief Expert with the module description, all PLC
project(s) and documents needed for the module execution.
• The system has to be prepared by the Competitors for the Assessment as given in the specific
module description.
• If applicable, additional equipment may be used by the assessment team during the assessment
procedure (e.g. tablets, additional computers, software tools…). The Experts will be informed at
the meeting on C-3.
• The server computer is used for the assessment of the module specific demands. Competitor
devices (computers, tablets) have to be disconnected from the system network, described in the
specific module.
• The assessment team is not allowed to modify neither HW nor SW solution(s) of the Competitors
during the assessment of the specific module.
• In case of uncertainty, the Competitors will be called to prove the evidence.
• The Competitors are allowed to enter the workplace:
◦ Only on an invitation of the assessment team to show a solution/a way how the team came to
the solution
◦ The Experts give clear and direct instructions to the Competitors;
◦ Competitors are not allowed to discuss the assessment with the Experts;
◦ As soon as the evidence is shown, the competition team member(s) will be asked to get back to
the briefing area, in front of the workplace.
The WorldSkills Standards and Assessment Guide will be available on the WorldSkills website for
every Expert to get guidance on Assessment.
C4 Cloud Computing 1, 2, 3, 4
Analysis, evaluation, and reporting
Information on the modules are distributed strictly on a need-to-know basis: Information will only be
given to those involved in development who need to know, and they will only get the information
they need to make their contribution. Each person involved in the development process must sign a
confidentiality agreement prior to receiving any competition-sensitive information.
Time Activity
Ten (10) months prior to the The ITPD is identified and a Confidentiality Agreement
Competition between WSI and the ITPD is organized.
Six (6) months prior to the The known stations are announced in the Worldskills
Competition Discussion Forum.
The Skill Competition Manager and the Independent Test
Project Designer check the concept of the eight (8)
No later than one (1) month The Test Project documents are sent to the WorldSkills
prior to the Competition International Skills Competitions Administration Manager.
At the Competition on C-2 The Test Project/modules are presented to the Experts.
At the Competition on the The Test Project/modules are presented to the Competitors.
beginning of each module
• A document called “Software requirements” as well as all necessary Apps for the Server PC and
tablets are specified and circulated six (6) months prior to the Competition via the WorldSkills
Discussion Forum;
• The Competitors are responsible for the provision of power supply connectors, adaptors, plugs,
and interfaces suitable for the Host Country and for the PLC to any station;
• Competitors are allowed to prepare air infrastructure during Familiarization Day on C-2;#
• When some special tools are needed, then this is announced in the WorldSkills Discussion
• Any commercially available tools may be used. This is subject to approval by the Workshop
Manager from a safety perspective, but must not take away from commonly used "tools of the
trade" as used by the Competitors in their everyday job.
• A server computer will be provided by the Competitor Organizer;
• Competition Rules
• Technical Descriptions
• Mark Summary Form (where applicable)
• Test Projects (where applicable)
• Infrastructure List
• WorldSkills Health, Safety, and Environment Policy and Regulations
• Other Competition-related information
Equipment failure • Sponsor’s Technical Support Team provides spare and replacement
parts by Competitors only during competition time. Exceptions are
announced by the Chief Expert.
Health, Safety, and • The Team of Experts will ensure the working place for all
Environment Competition Teams fulfil healthy and safety requirements prior to the
Competition start.
Infrastructure • Working places are equipped with sufficient electrical and air supply
• Competitors are allowed to check/prepare air infrastructure during
Familiarization Day;
During working/ √ √ √
time in the
During drilling, √ √ √
cutting, and using
During Modules √
execution, if the
environment is too
Torx 1 set
Competitors are required to supply their own Personal Protective Equipment as specified in the
Section 7 “Skill-Specific Safety Requirements” of this document.
• In case Experts have to supply something, this is announced on the WorldSkills Discussion
Forum at least one (1) month prior to the Competition.
Organization of work • Competitors may freely organize their own working place
Technical failure at • The task time will be stopped for that team
workshop/Competition • The technical issue will be evaluated by a technical support
team area team member, with the presence of the Chief Expert as well as
the compatriot Expert
• If the technical issue is approved not to be caused by the
Competitors, the Competitors will be granted extension of time
• If the technical issue is approved to be caused by the
Competitors, they won’t be granted with an extension of time
• Display screens: Some web cameras could be dispatched on the Competition area and show
details of the module to the public and on a website;
• Test Project descriptions;
• Competitors:
◦ Enhanced understanding of activity;
◦ Profiles
◦ Status Daily Report.
• Recycling;
• Use of “green” materials;
• Use of completed Test Projects after Competition;
• Transmission of the Test Project digitally to the Competitor’s computer immediately before starting
the module.
• ISCO-08: (
• ESCO: ( )
• O*NET OnLine (
12.2 References
These two roles relate most closely to Mechatronic Technician:
and a technician version of Mechatronics Engineers:
And to IT System Developer:
and Software Developers, Systems Developers: .
ILO 3115 and 2511
The following table indicates which organizations were approached and provided valuable
feedback for the Description of the Associated Role and WorldSkills Occupational Standards in
place for WorldSkills Lyon 2024.