Article Reprint 621-R70
Article Reprint 621-R70
Article Reprint 621-R70
By Teddy Chettiar
ith multiple options on the market, projects with huge
budgets and tight deadlines looming, it’s easy to make the
mistake of relying on the tried and true of the past. And
why not? You have always specified the same service entrance
switchgear for your projects before, so what’s the problem? Simply
put: not all service entrance switchgear is created equal.
For service entrance switchgear to be deemed safe by an inspector This switchgear, installed outdoors for a Toronto film studio, has been
from Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA), for example, it must customized with tamper-resistant safety and security features—including
padlockable covers over the viewing windows and switch handles—to avoid
meet the criteria of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) C22.2 the need for a protective fence.
Article Reprint 621-R70 1
Service entrance switchgear, on the other hand, is unique in will result in more frequent maintenance needs, whereas equipment
that it must be designed to work equally well with the utility and the built to higher quality standards will reduce the number of outages.
end user—and, of course, each utility has unique requirements, Another factor to consider is customization, since every
based on its own safe operating procedures. service entrance switchgear project comes with its own unique
requirements. Retrofitting switchgear in an existing electrical room
OVERLOOKED AND UNDERAPPRECIATED will experience certain design constraints, such as ceiling height.
While it is clear the selection of service entrance switchgear is an Standard designs typically occupy a larger space, particularly in
important part of a project that needs to be addressed early on, terms of headroom, so a customized solution that is lower profile
it’s surprisingly often overlooked and underappreciated. That lack may be required instead. Having to raise the ceiling in a room to
of foresight can place an entire project in jeopardy. accommodate your service entrance switchgear, after all, would
What frequently happens is standard equipment will arrive on- result in immense costs or may otherwise be unfeasible.
site, but because the specific power grid details were not worked
out ahead of time, the utility could reject the service entrance THE RISKS OF THE WRONG SELECTION
switchgear for not meeting its requirements. For example, the Imagine having equipment you purchased show up on-site
switchgear could be built to CSA standards, but if the wireways that can’t be used. Well, if the service entrance switchgear as
are not sealed properly, as per the utility’s standards, then it delivered does not meet the proper utility standards, then it will not
may be rejected. The resulting delay in energizing the project be allowed to be hooked up. If you’re lucky, modifications to meet
could end up costing the end user significant amounts of money. the utility’s requirements can be made on-site, but otherwise, the
Being overlooked and underappreciated can also come from the equipment will have to be returned to the factory to be completely
mistaken belief that the rules and regulations in one place are rebuilt, thus further delaying the project, which costs everybody
the same across the board. For example, a consultant who has money. Contractors want to get off the job, get paid and move
primarily worked in Saskatchewan, where the main utility for the on. Owners want the building space occupied, particularly with
province is SaskPower, may only be familiar with that specific residential properties that have closings. Delayed closings are
utility’s requirements; whereas in Ontario, there are many smaller very expensive and when funding is involved, banks get nervous.
municipal utilities that each have their own requirements. So, a Service entrance switchgear is a critically important link to the
consultant who works principally in Regina and is knowledgeable grid. If you don’t have a reliable link, the negative implications are
on the corresponding standards, requirements and regulations huge: you’re out of power, you’re out of production and you’ll need
cannot assume the same standards, requirements and regulations backup generators.
will apply for a project in Ottawa. Indeed, the importance of service entrance switchgear cannot
be overstated. Making the right selection at the beginning means
WHAT TO CONSIDER one less thing to worry about on your project later on.
The first thing to acknowledge is how critically important service
entrance switchgear is as a link. If you have trouble with it, your
whole building is out of power. Teddy Chettiar, applications director for power quality products for
Secondly, as mentioned, it must be appreciated that not all S&C Electric Canada, has more than 10 years’ experience in the power
service entrance switchgear is created equal. Some equipment engineering industry.
is built to manufacturing standards that assume the best possible
conditions, like a clean and dry indoor location, which is not
realistic in many cases. You’ll have to deal with electrical rooms
where there are sprinklers and where leaks and minor floods can
occur. Equipment that’s tolerant for these conditions operates
more reliably in the long run.
You’ll also want to consider quality. Well-built service entrance
switchgear incorporates certain design features, such as welded
construction for outer enclosure, power fuses (as opposed to
current-limiting fuses) and copper bus instead of aluminum bus.
Service entrance switchgear that is built to lower quality standards